
Openwork house on running. Openwork house. Life in the house

Who lives in Moscow, most likely at least once, and saw this house on Leningradsky Prospect. It has as many as two names in the people - Openwork house or Buur House.

Construction began in pre-war 1936, and ended in the difficult 1940th year. This is a undoubted architectural monument, whose architects are Andrei Burov and B. Blokhin. Andrei Burov dreamed that the Soviet mass building was not only practical, but also beautiful, and every vein had access to a diverse social infrastructure. But it turned out, alas, as always. The openwork house on Leningradsky Prospekt did not go into the series and remained the only one in its kind.

The house is built next to the complex of the Moscow Hippodrome, on the site of one of the economic buildings. On the right side of the house begins a running alley, and it starts not just, but from two sculptures of the appropriate theme, one of which stands right near the house.

Contrary to the then fashion house was built not on the red line, but a little in the depths, so now it is almost lost behind a small twist and stalls. But the openwork house does not contain anything else - the rows of patterned concrete lattices covering the kitchen loggias immediately explain his "folk" name. Patterns vegetable, two types - lattices, by the way, cast on the sketches of the artist Vladimir Favorsky. They not only adorn the house, but also allow you to not spoil it appearance Such household details as underwear raised on balconies.

Walls of a moar, similar to marble shade. And initially, they say, there was nothing in the project. The last one, as usual, the moment the drill is called from the plant and reported that it does not work out to achieve even color blocks. The architect instantly found the output: dye added to the blocks when pouring. From here on the walls of the house unusual divorces.

The building itself is low - only six floors. The house is quite simple in form, deliberately "industrial". The same thing inside: the huge space of the parade with three stairs, spacious corridors. But nowhere has neither stucco, nor mosaic, nor precious chandeliers, habitual in the houses of the Stalinist elite. The boots built a palace for the elected, but a sample of a standard house for Soviet citizens.

Of course, colonels and generals entered the first such house, but if the openwork went to the series, it would be a simple mortal. Apartments originally designed for single-family accommodation, but are not emphasized not elite: with combined bathrooms and microscopic four-meter kitchens. Kitchen, however, made small intentionally. It was assumed that cooking food would be downstairs, in the restaurant, and in the kitchens - just warm up. Yes, in the Typost Soviet House should have been his restaurant, and not only. In 1930, Andrei Burov traveled on a business trip to the United States and brought from there the idea of \u200b\u200bpublic servicing of residents, or what we now call social infrastructure.

The house on Leningradsky Avenue should have a restaurant, a grocery, hairdresser, nursery and kindergarten. And not separately from residential premisesAs it happened completely and near, and with a passage to the store or hairdresser directly from the entrance. In the big hall of the first floor, and now the entrance in the grocery is already visible, and the doors that never, alas, have not enjoyed the appointment, are also visible.

War prevented. The house was completed in a hurry, in 194th. All cellars were converted to bomb shelter. Two-three families were immediately seellected into small-sized apartments. After the war, many conceived social infrastructure facilities in the house appeared, but no one thought about such trifles as the entrance to the store for tenants, no one thought - the country had to restore the country. And when it came to the massage of housekeeping, they stopped on projects simpler and cheaper, without any excesses, like openwork lattices. Yes, and a locking technology has been assembled from the panels.

Openwork house still remained unusual. At least because of its internal planning. The entrance is only one in it, with two spacious stairs in the left and right wing and two elevators. Apartments start from the second floor, 18 apartments each. On the floors, spacious corridors, almost like in school.

"We were played here in childhood on bikes and played in hockey," he recalls the chairman of the jack of Alla Kabanov. Alla Aleksandrovna herself in the house of Starzhil - her father, a colonel of state security, got a room here in the late 40s.

Were in the openwork house and their celebrities - the first apartment here was given to the writer Konstantin Simonov. Here with Valentina Serovoy, they lived until 1949. The tenants assure that it was here that it was written "Wait for me." The figure skater Irina Moiseeva rose in the same house. Hence the future Olympic champion went to engage in the stadium of young pioneers.

In the 90s, due to small apartments, the house was not popular with Nouveuris. But the cinemas loved him, first of all, for an unusual layout and old elevators. Here they filmed a film about Simonov and Serovoy, and then began to shoot a movie about Soviet life regularly.

A notable building at Leningradsky Avenue, 27 received two names in the people - openwork house (for the presence of patterned lattices on the facade) and the Burov house (according to the name of one of the architects).

It was built on the place of one of the economic buildings, at the intersection with a treadmill, the beginning of which is marked by two rectangular pedestals of the former entry gates to the equestrian complex. On the pilons, the sculptural groups "Dioskurs, Taming Horses", which appeared here in 1899 were installed.

Photo 1. Leningrad Prospekt, 27 in the city of Moscow

Contrary to the then the norms of urban planning, the "openwork" house erected not along the red line, but significantly retreating from it. The main feature Structures have become patterned grilles made of concrete and covering kitchen loggias.

Patterned interweaving has two different drawings, the basis of which was the sketches of the famous painter Vladimir Andreevich Favorsky on plant topics. This architectural item was originally designed not only to decorate the house, but also hide from the eye of strangers, for example, the lingerie awesome on the loggias, which would definitely attach the import of the building on one of the central city streets.

The facade part of the Moir-colored building is comparable to a marble tint. It is said that initially such a roller wall was not provided, and everything happened completely by chance: the drill was informed from the construction plant that it would not be able to get a smooth color of concrete coating, after which he ordered to add a dye into concrete during his fill in the form. The divorces still remained, but in the new color scheme they looked more noously - under marble.

Photo 2. Openwork house on Leningradka is sometimes called the house of Burov

The height of the house on Leningradsky Avenue, №27 - six floors. Its volume is made in a simple, several "industrial" form. In a spacious entrance, and the only one, arranged three staircase march leading into the conjugate buildings of the building.

Interior design is made without inherent Stalinist elite houses stucco and mosaic: it is not surprising, because The architect of the boots built a house as a sample of future standard housing for ordinary Soviet people. True, the first tenants became the first residents of the senior army officers and law enforcement agencies, although comfortable and elite local apartments were difficult to call even then: combined bathrooms, 4-meter kitchens, rooms at 14 and 17 squares, the location of the corridor-type apartment.

Interesting was the conceived layout. So, the first floor was assigned under social objects To maintain residents at home, but the apartments themselves were located on the floors, starting with the second, which, along with the third, was considered the most prestigious levels.

Unfortunately, it was not possible to realize everything conceived because of the beginning of the war with the fascists in 1941, and therefore bomb shelters equipped in the basements of the building, the apartments designed for one family were turned into communal, the social infrastructure was not created (it was returned only after wars, and then in a truncated form).

The openwork house at number 27 on the Leningradsky Prospekt never became typical. After the war, the country's restoration of the country was lacked, and therefore there were no longer any ornaments of the facades in the form of patterned lattices and speech - they were built as easier and cheaper, and a panel production technology was replaced by the lap construction.

History and Facts about the house with the facade patterns

In 1930, Andrei Konstantinovich Burov, after his business trip to the United States of America, returned with the idea of \u200b\u200bthe device of residential buildings together with infrastructure objects of public and social destination. That is how he designed his new home.

The restaurant should have been here (this is exactly what the small area of \u200b\u200bkitchens, on which food brought from this catering point, was supposed only to warm up, and not cook), a food shop, hairdresser, and preschool institutions - Garden and Nurserie. You could get into them without leaving the house - there were some doors directly from the access space (in reality, it was never implemented).

20th. XX century marked by the appearance of typical construction.
A new industrial growth begins in Moscow after a pre-revolutionary period, accompanied by the arrival of rural residents to work at Moscow enterprises. Since the overpopulation of the city contributes to the seal housing conditionsWorkers settled in discently in income homes, which because of poverty post-war economy Holded two, or even three floors to increase the area. At the same time, on the outskirts, new houses were built, but from low-quality material. That period is historically known as an experimental one, first of all, this definition has concerned building materials: shelvested, fibrololite and terrazite plasters.
In 1925, Mossovet organizes construction multi-storey houses from typical apartments. "Mossovet sections" - two-, three- and four-room apartments on one staircase. Houses in construction are already more expensive: bricks with scanty roofs. The type of typing during a construction site is performed from reinforced concrete and flat roof slag blocks. At this time, a massive idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a public network is born, mainly the first floor is given under public sectors: kindergartens, laundry, kitchens, etc. The Yarym Propagandist of this idea was the Soviet architect A. Burov, subsequently became the chief architect of Kiev. Idea of \u200b\u200bthe dispensation of public places in residential buildings - This is, including the use of the experience of a trip to America, where the drills saw the connection of the convenient apartment with full public service. He believed that correctly connecting architecture with new social tasks and needs.
"Openwork house" is built drill in 1939-1940. The house is plotted by the architect as a commune house, where the public will prevail over personal, with small apartments and extensive public premises on the first floor: dining room, laundry, nursery, kindergarten.
It is worth noting that closer to the 30th. There is a so-called harmonized constructivism. In that important role Played architect classic school, one of the founders of the Soviet architectural style Stalin Ampire I. Zoltovsky. He returned the "empty" facades of avant-garde buildings an order, which geometrically chlenigille facade. This method was called industrial, he was inherent in the repetition of the same serial elements both horizontally and vertically. An innovative in the "openwork house" was a wall masonry, which consisted of vertical transpless blocks wide from the window to the window and a horizontal row of jumpers.
In fact, this is the last step towards panel construction, as blocks were used in it maximum size (Larger it was impossible to raise). Then it was possible only to reduce the thickness of the block, which leads to the creation of the panel, but this engineering development was not destined to happen: the war was prevented.
Drills during the construction of the house, in fact, made the frame from the blocks and visually facilitated the entire structure of the house.
Of course, the house decor deserves a separate discussion. First of all, the panels are made of marble, and, secondly, decorations in the form of plant ornaments are cut in the panels. These lattices are made according to the sketches of the Soviet teacher and theorist of visual art, professor, academician AH of the USSR, the People's Artist of the USSR and the Laureate of the Lenin Prize V. Favorsky.
The "Openwork House" according to the plans of Burur was to become a fashionable home-competence home, where the food shop was located, a cafe-restaurant, garden-nursery and a service boss, which served for the delivery of products and dinners, cleaning apartments, washing and other services.
However, these plans prevented the beginning of the war. She was the reason that the house did not enter the series, remaining the only instance. Despite the fact that the house of Burov was built for ordinary Soviet citizens, the highest military ranks were in front of him. However, among the well-known residents of the house were the Soviet Prose C. Simonov, and the actress V. Serov. Nevertheless, all apartments in the house were designed to emphasize the "irregularity" of the building: many had combined bathrooms and tiny kitchens. The latter were made intentionally: it was assumed that people would take ready-made food in the restaurant on the first floor and warm up. Also, tenants could go into public zones without undressing: for them, a stamped door was preserved in the house. The member of the apartments was small - 40x55x80 square meters. m, height - 3.20 square meters. m.
The house of the transition type has so far retained the following layout: First floor for public rooms, the remaining five are for residential. Today on the first floor rental areas for commercial companies. In the residential cell of the house stored close ties. Says a resident of the house V. G. Kiselev: "I decorate the corridors with your crafts. Residents in different ways include: the fourth floor is indifferent, the third loves very much, and on the second floor there are many new things, they somehow before the light bulb all this. Many of my crafts take at the exhibition - recently, I was given a TV for participating in them. Also, we have many drawings in the entrance - this is a neighbor Tanya doing. And there are photos, they were given by the tourist bureau, which was previously in the house. For children, I hinder different toys and pictures with animals, they like. "

Modern proficiency houses, stalin's altitude and high-rise buildings of the 1970s - not just residential buildings, but real city characters. In the heading "" The Village talks about the most famous and unusual houses of the two capitals and their inhabitants. In a new release, we learned how the life was arranged in one of the first block buildings of Moscow - the openwork house of architect Andrei Burov on Leningradsky Avenue.


catherine Skyrovalets

Historical reference

The issue of creating mass housing worried about Soviet architects long before the era of Nikita Khrushchev. Even before the war, they were looking for ways to build from typical elements - this would reduce the time and costs of building buildings. One of the first examples of large-scale construction was the openwork house on Leningradsky Avenue in Moscow, built by architects Andrei Burov and Boris Blokhin in 1940.

In fact, the "openwork", or "lace", he was nunted later because of the veil's grids, which decorate the kitchen loggias and at the same time hide what it costs. Thus, the boots and Blokhin unexpectedly decided one of the main problems of the future mass development - littered balconies that could spoil any neat quarter. Openwork reliefs performed at the factory in the drawings of the famous book graphics of Vladimir Favorsky. Because of the alternation of loggia and windows, the house was also often called the "accordion".

In the openwork house just one entrance and six floors. In the building there are two elevators, as well as stairs and spacious halls connected by long corridors - in fact the house has a hotel-type layout. On each floor of 18 apartments, and the housing starts from the second floor, as it was planned to create a complex of public premises: a food store, a cafe-restaurant, kindergarten-nursery and a service bureau that would carry out orders for the delivery of products and dinners, cleaning Apartments, washing and other services. However, these plans prevented the beginning of the war. She was the reason that the house did not enter the series, remaining the only instance.

Despite the fact that the House of Burov was built for ordinary Soviet citizens, the highest military ranks were performed first in it. (However, among the well-known residents of the house were the Soviet Prose Konstantin Simonov, and the actress Valentina Serov.) Nevertheless, all the apartments in the house were designed to emphasize the "irregularity" of the building: many had combined bathrooms and tiny kitchens. The latter were made intentionally: it was assumed that people would take ready-made food in the restaurant on the first floor and warm up. This idea of \u200b\u200bpublic serving of Burov saw during a trip to the United States and wanted to implement in his homeland.

Anya Krylova, interior designer and one of the creators of the brand decorations OSA, 38 years: In the openwork house, and my husband and I live for four years. It so happened that the apartment we was filmed before, sold, and we urgently needed housing. Then our buddy, who has long moved out of town, offered to stay in his empty apartment in an openwork house. I was very happy to live in the first block house. He captivated me: Openwork mesh, big recreation, long corridors - full of full! In addition, this area is close to me. Even before moving, I spent a lot of time here: I worked first on the top street, then on Leningradka, just hanging out.

I heard about this building long before moving, my parents had a book about the Rockovaya area. I learned from her that this house was to become typical. The history of openwork grids is also interesting: they were put on kitchen loggias so that the Soviet life was visible from the avenue with his hopeless horror. About facades also have a story. It is said that the divorces on them turned out by chance: allegedly, when the pouring could not achieve a monophonic shade, and the drills offered to add paint directly into the solution. Personally, I do not believe that it was an accident, and not the initial idea of \u200b\u200bthe architect. Thank God, until no one rises the hand to paint the facades!

In our house there is a large entrance and luxurious corridors that do not leave a single person indifferent. Elegant stairs are located on the sides, near each of them - recreation with glazing from the floor. Therefore, few people guess that this house was built for ordinary people and that there are very small apartments in it. According to architects, a person had to spend the whole day at work, and dinner at the restaurant - the kitchen on the first floor. But, of course, there is no restaurant for a long time. However, as planned exits from the entrance directly to the store, kindergarten and hairdresser.

After the war, when there was not enough housing, many apartments have become municipal. I do not know how people were in such cramped premises - probably they saved in the corridors. Sometimes I imagine how children ran on them. It's a shame that now this space is used only as a smoker. It seems to me that in these recreations, children should play, draw, and pensioners are yoga to do.

We live on the top floor in a small apartment, half a gun - 38 or 40 square meters, I do not remember exactly. But here is pretty spacious thanks to the windows of cosmic sizes and three-meter ceilings. We have no openwork lattices, as they cost only on the facade of the building. All windows in the apartment overlook the sun, so there are always light in the rooms, and in the evenings the sun is straight. Here are big batteries - either they were originally so, or later the tenants acted themselves - therefore in winter it is always very warm, and when there is no wind, they generally suffocate from the stuff. The main disadvantage is that the windows overlook the third transport ring, which is why it is impossible to open the window: immediately fly dust and soot. Now the view from the window is not very pleasant: the cranes, the Dynamo stadium under construction and the VTB arena. But the height of the Stalinist is visible, and it seems to you that you are in the very center of the city. Also from here, a great view of the parades: airplanes fly by, the technique is built up - you can even go anywhere.

Our apartment has a French balcony with a meter width door. Of course, I feel sorry that it is impossible to put a bicycle on it, but I can not say that the lack of a standard balcony is a serious flaw. Anyway, it would be possible to leave only in the early morning, when not much soot rises from the road. As for dust, it all depends on the location of the apartment: tenants, whose windows go to Leningradka, complain about dirt, and those whose windows overlook the alley and into the courtyard, they say that they are very quiet and there are practically no dust.

It seems to me that the most important minus of life in the house of Burov - a terrible audibility. Once a neighbor came to us from below and said that we were tired, since they constantly rolling something hard. And I have from what can ride, only a working chair and vacuum cleaner. There was still a period when the neighbors on both sides did repair. It was cool! I work at home, they call me and say: "Oh, you are on the object, I'll call you back." It happened, the neighbor did not turn off the boiled kettle for a long time, it was so good to hear him that I was periodically shouted: "You have a teapot!" But then the owners changed, made noise insulation, and we completely stopped hearing them, although they live children. But others, on the contrary, dismissed the wall so that we know how much the neighbor came home and how washed in the soul.

When we just saw this apartment, we have already decided that we will not do repair. Under the carpet, an oak toned parquet of dark wood was discovered. I washed him, and he was simply luxurious until he dry: there were paint in places on it, and the layers of varnish were darkened. It would be very expensive to cycle it, and it's not seriously, so we painted it white - so to speak, we couldned. But the floor still looks wonderful. The bathroom generally lies the Metlach tiles, it is, by the way, in the entrance. I do not know what they did with it, but there are dents - maybe something cut into an ax. In the door to the kitchen, a beautiful glass framugue, which, unfortunately, someone partially crushed and even scored plywood. There is still a door-harmonica from one room to another. It can be completely close and use another door, so the small room will not pass. The window sills now, of course, scattered, but, like windows, it would be possible to renovate.

I look at what repairs do other tenants, and often it becomes very insulting. For me to live here - happiness, and the people choose the interiors completely without binding to the place and time, without any respect for the house. Many spit on these elegant windows, parquet, tile, lay the openwork grid and put the clinker brick - they have internal provence in the shower. Everything is killed. When in the corridors I see posters with cats, embroidery, ridiculous photos, I want to say: "What do you do? After all, you almost in the museum live and have to buzz from it, and not destroy, hanging ridiculous pictures and repainting the walls in green. " I even wanted to replace these posters on the reproduction of contemporary art, but will not understand, they will say: "Hooliganism!"

Last year, in the Venetian Biennale, the guys seem to have studied our home from Argentina. Interestingly, for other countries it represents some story, value, and for ours - just a place for cats, icons, gilding and brick. There is no feeling that people live in this house. Yes, they try to do something comfortable, but this "something" is completely torn away from reality. It seems to me that this is happening from universal uncertainty: our ideologists inspire the people that he and from Lenin and from the king. As a result, people in the head porridge, from here aesthetics scoop, Orthodoxy and fasteners.

The house has a certain bones of tenants. Old women remained, half of which the apartments got free after the war, when officers were sitting here. But there are those who recently here or shoots. Despite the fact that I am not the most sociable person, I can say that everyone knows each other, always greet and, if necessary, discuss important issues. When we just moved, the eldest in the house lived on our floor, but after a while she died, and the post went to her son inheritance. Usually, no one wants to engage in everyday issues, and he understands something and does. We still have a concierge, but still some incomprehensible personalities come to us, offer counters to change some kind of candy, and bicycles are regularly disappeared from the entrance. So it turns out that the gigantic hall in which the same strollers could stand, empty.

Previously, in the house there was a very atmospheric shop with aunts at each key. In it, it was possible to buy everything: from rings to milk. Naturally, the whole district drian flowed there - they came to the cocks and often referred to the saleswomen, they had a very subtle relationship. Unfortunately, three years ago the store closed, and in his place there was a network "magnolia", which completely devoid of that crazy aesthetics. It seems to me that residents of the house are sad in the old store, despite the fact that it was not most convenient: in each department there was its own ticket office, and had to pay separately for bread, separately for milk, separately for the sausage. From the shops nearby there is also a "pyaterochka" and "crossroads". But they are a bad choice, so we most often go to Auchan, which is located in the "Parkark".

Unlike St. Petersburg, where full of excursions on various houses and roofs, there is no such house in our house. Although there are often people with cameras around the house, everyone takes off. It seems that Lebedev had a project, in which the urban environment was investigated: went home, lazyli on the roofs. Our house also photographed a lot. We still have a constant movie. You often go out and see lighting devices. I know that some even give apartments for shooting.

Right at the house there is a small playground, and in neighboring courtyards - a few more pretty big. Around the road from us there is a house with a spire, you often pay attention to and wonder that it was just stables. Now the building is transferred to the theater of ballet, but the reconstruction was abandoned. On the other hand, the house of aviators. Also nearby is the hippodrome. I do not go there, but I know that there. From the window you can see cars that cannot find parking spaces, and an elegant public - there are even ladies in the hats. And recently, after the reconstruction, the complex of the former factory "Bolshevik" was opened, and in its territory, thanks to which more pleasant young people began to appear in the area. In general, I hope that thanks to the transformations here will finally have normal establishments with food, because there is nowhere to eat. Running - completely dead street, it is impossible to walk on it, everything is covered with a layer of dust. On Leningradka there is some kind of cafe "Moscow", but there is rather strange.

In general, the location of the house is a big plus, if not to talk about the ecological component and noise from the intersection of highways. From here you can get to the trolleybus where you can take a running street and Leningrad Prospect. Probably, so we do not see the point of buying a car. In addition, we are not so far from the Belorussian station, but at the same time "vocation" here do not hang out. The crime is also not. Of course, like everywhere, there are small bats and a strange youth, but nothing particularly unpleasant.

I like to live in an openwork house, although when we just moved, they did not plan to stay for a long time: with the windows of trouble, and in the summer it is impossible at all. But while it does not work. The husband works on the "barricade", and it is convenient for him. I also calmly drive objects, after which I manage to return home, work and go to other matters. When you live far, it is problematic in this pace.

Price of one-bedroom apartment

19 million rubles

Rent a two-room apartment

60 thousand rubles per month

Valentina Kiselev, pensioner, 80 years old: My deceased husband lived in this house since 1941, and I got here in 1960. We traveled a lot in Germany, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Bulgaria and Romania, so we can say that here I started living only in 1977. Before the pension, I worked as a surgeon doctor, helped children with a holy lip and wolf flush, and the husband was a reinforced concrete engineer, built all sorts of stations and so on.

I live in one-bedroom apartment on the fifth floor. All my windows overlook the courtyard, this is a sunny side. Dust here is not enough, but if I open the windows, it will not only stuff in the rooms, but it's terribly hot, and I will die here. Fortunately, in the evening everything is quickly ventilated, and I can sleep normally. In general, I do not like to live here. I just do not like this house: everything collapses, they will fill, then something else will happen.

I know quite a little about the openwork house, although we even had a book before, but somewhere it was killed. I remember that it was the first block house, he was built by comrade drills. My husband told me that here in reinforced concrete lacks her lumps, so the structure will quickly fall apart. And indeed, now I can not change the windows, because they fall out slowly. In addition, tiles fall off from the facade of the building, one car even struck. I have a pickle tube, and I watched the whole building gets pleasant and collapses, is not a house, and horror! Nobody reuses anything, because our house does not apply to the moszhil program, but to the Ministry of Culture.

I have long been a long time for my husband that there are bomb shelters under the house, from which three exits lead: on the run, to the hotel "Soviet" and somewhere else. I then did not believe him, I thought he was just a fool silent. And then met the comrade, who had a relation to civil defense, and he confirmed everything to me. After that, I myself came down under the house, but there now everything was risened by trash and garbage.

Most likely, this house was built for high-ranking comrades, although the apartments in it fig. For example, in the corners all rooms are passing. The best planning in those that overlook the avenue: all rooms are isolated. But in any case, all the apartments are very small kitchens. I have, for example, only four square meters. I had to lay the balcony so the refrigerator fit in the kitchen. The kitchen is small, because it was a house of communist life. Even when I was a student and we only met my husband, on the first floor there was a dining room, in which you could take food for the fee and warm up. But then an on-site dining room opened the store.

After the war in the openwork house there were very decent people: there were generals, and deserved doctors, and athletes. At the time of my student, Simonov and Serov lived here, they had love. And why did I know that this is Simonov, so our electrician Nikolai Vasilyevich told me - he immediately chinel. Other our neighbor, dressmaker, sewed for gray curtains and clothing. The world champion in figure skating Ira Moiseeva lived here. Her mother was a deserved doctor, and dad seems to be the hero of the Soviet Union. It is not surprising that there were so many films here before.

Now, from the olds, there are six people left: someone has long received an apartment and moved, and someone died. Doctors our house is called the "cancer corps": over the past two years, seven people have not become here from oncology, five more struggle with the disease. I checked the house for radiation, but it is within the limited norm.

Previously, the older house was Allasanna (Alla Alexandrovna. - Ed.)When she died, the position took her son, Anton. Allasanna was a stunning woman. She graduated from the art institute, led all sorts of mugs for us, satisfied holidays, Saturdays. For example, on New YearAfter a homely feast, we all gathered in the lobby, which brought cakes and music for all occasions. Dancing and fun lasted until the morning. Unfortunately, now there is no more such. Only with other grandmothers we are going on the bench, the men have long been silent. But I try to be initiative, I constantly invite other pensioners to go somewhere, for this, shut ads. Sometimes they even ask me: "Valya, and that we do not go anywhere for so long?" For example, we have an international university near our house, where since September to May students spend stunning concerts. Now I have one more dream - to collect everyone and go to the art gallery, which recently opened at the Bolshevik factory. In general, we love art, sometimes we are going with me, brew tea and consider the book about Renaissance.

Eight years ago I put a foot prosthesis. For a while I went to a circle for the disabled, where we were taught with needlework. After that, it began to make various vases from every junk, I really wanted to take myself something. At first, interesting things were collected on the garbage, and now it is periodically for the door to a chandelier, then a lamp is somehow. Sometimes they bring very curious things, such as the chain of the XIX century. I can not say that I do something special, it's just a fool in my head. With my crafts, I decorate the corridors. Residents in different ways include this: the fourth floor is indifferent, the third loves very much, and on the second floor there are many new things, they somehow before the light bulb. Many of my crafts take at the exhibition - recently, I was given a TV for participating in them. Also, we have many drawings in the entrance - this is a neighbor Tanya doing. And there are photos, they were given by the tourist bureau, which was previously in the house. For children, I hang various toys and pictures with animals, they like it.

Bums and drunkards were sleeping in our house. But in 1998, Alla Alexandrovna, I united, made the intercom, survived all the drunks and brought order. For a long time, we had concierges around the clock. Now in the entrance no one leaves anything because they steal. Of course, I do not want to offend a new concierge, it only has only to seven in the evening, and then leaves. Otherwise I would have to collect much more money, and many it is hard.

With the courtyard, we, too, everything is very bad. Each time you will not remember our mayor for unkinding for the fact that he removed the fence. Previously, the grass and flowers grew there, and now everything is pulled out. In general, we do not have a yard, but the most natural garage - in the evening under the windows can stand up to 40 cars. The asphalt is no longer a lift, only the garbage is collected. Whether it was before: the women will come, the bucket will be taken, take the broom - and the whole yard glitters! Recently, one neighbor decided to check the asphalt from our house, eventually found almost all the evil elements of the Mendeleev table: mercury, lead, cadmium, and so on. We try not to sit here and go to the next courtyard, where there is a large playground with a lot of benches.

Now in our house there is a magnolia shop, and before in its place there was another product with which we were very friendly. Its director Alexei Efimovich made pensioners gifts every new year and March 8, gave packages with fruit and candy. We arranged concerts for them, on which our children performed, came to all holidays. For the new year Alla Alexandrovna, even Santa Moroza dressed up! In general, they were very friendly and having fun always. And in "Magnolia" I do not buy products, there is expensive. I prefer to go to the "pyat stroke", in the winter I also brings everything the necessary social worker.

I do not go anywhere, because I can not use public transport Due to the prosthesis. Yes, and it is probably nowhere to go: I walk on the clinic, I rent a pension along with the grandson. Now I am waiting for a daughter, and we will go to the Tretyakov Gallery together for a taxi to the Aivazovsky exhibition. For the sake of such and money is not a pity!

Architectural Style Travel Guide

The walls are closed with panels resembling marble smoke-gray. A dye was added to the concrete at the plant, which made it possible to obtain such an unusual effect. At the same time, the house was finished not completely: on the first floor they planned to open the bureau of orders for cleaning, products, store, cafe, kindergarten and nursery, but prevented war. And in 1949, Burov criticized D.N. Chechulin. Therefore, despite the appeal, the object did not go into the series.

Inside the structure, the huge space of the front entrance with three stairs, spacious corridors, however, architectural excesses are stucco, mosaic, - which is characteristic of the Stalinist period - no. The boots built a palace for the elected, but a sample of a standard house for Soviet citizens. The house was completed in a hurry, in 1941. All cellars were converted to bomb shelter. Two-three families were immediately seellected into small-sized apartments.

The openwork house was built near the complex of the Moscow Hippodrome, on the site of one of the economic buildings. He is adjacent to the running alley, which the arrival from Leningradsky Avenue opens two copies of the equestrian statues of Klodt.

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