
Volume and planning scheme of buildings. Volume-planning solution of the building (ODA) Location (layout) of premises 2 Volno-planning solutions of multi-storey residential buildings

3. Examination of volume-planning decisions of the building

Surgical-based solutions - constructive solutions that are used in designing objects of various purposes, for more appropriate and complete use of premises of various values. These solutions must comply with the requirements of regulatory documents. In the field of internal planning, they should be aimed at limiting the development of a possible fire and creating conditions for its successful extinguishing, ensuring the evacuation of people. This is achieved by the membership of buildings and structures on fire-prevention compartments and sections, requirements and mutual placement of sections or individual premises in terms of both floors of buildings.

The volume-planning element is large parts for which the entire volume of the building can be divided (room, floor, staircase, fire compartment).

The fire prevention compartment is part of the building allocated by firewalls in order to limit the spread of the fire and ensuring the possibility of its extinguishing by the local fire protection. When justifying the required fire-prevention area, it is based on the fact that to reduce to a minimum damage from the fire, the area of \u200b\u200bthe compartment must ensure the extinguishing of the fire before the collapse of the supporting structures.

There are two principles for the rationing of fire prevention compartments: on the permissible compartment area and on a functional basis.

Film compartments in turn are divided into fire-prevention sections or separate rooms in order to prevent the emergence of a fire or restriction of its distribution.

Requirements for planning solutions of public buildings are set out in SNiP 21-01-97 * "Fire safety of buildings and structures" and SNiP 31-06-2009 "Public buildings".

Verification of volume-planning decisions of the building is presented in Table 3.1.

As a result of the examination of the current-planning solutions of the project of the building of the Center for the sale of cars, they were found that they fully comply with the requirements of SNiP 31-06-2009 "Public buildings and structures", SNiP 21-01-97 * "Fire safety of buildings and structures", SNiP 31 -03-2001 "Production buildings".

Table 3.1 Checking compliance of volume-planning solutions with fire safety requirements

What is verified

Provided by the project


Provided 2 floors

It is allowed 3 floors and more

31-03-2001 Table. five

Correspond to

Fire Fighter Compartments

Floor area is 1683 m 2

The floor area between fire walls in the level of fire resistance I should not exceed 5200 m 2

31-03-2001 Table. five

Correspond to

Accommodation of explosion and fire hazardous premises in the basement, basement, upper and other floors

On the first floor, the project provides for: the room of the car, thermal item, vents, autonomous boiler room

Boylars are allowed in the basement and basement floors; pumping water supply and sewage; Ventilation and air conditioning chambers; control nodes and other rooms for installation and management of engineering and technical equipment of buildings; Machine branch of elevators.

The lobby in the device exit from it through the first floor; Wardrobe, restrooms, washbasins, showers; smoking; divisory;

Pantry I. warehouses (except for the premises for storing flammable and combustible liquids of categories A and b); Workshops not related to the storage of combustible materials.

Appendix D.1 p.1.2, 3, 7

Appendix D.2 p.1

SNiP 31-03-2001

Correspond to

Height of the floor or premises with a massive stay of people

Is 4.5 meters

The height of the flooring from the floor to the ceiling of buildings F5.1 should be at least 2.2 meters. If it is necessary to enter the building of the car, the height of the passage should be at least 4.2 m

31-03-2001, p.5.1

Correspond to

Admissibility of placement (lustration) of other destination in the building

Project provided

In the buildings of a certain class of functional fire danger, parts of the building (fire compartments) of other classes of functional fire danger are allowed. At the same time, the building, as a rule, becomes multifunctional. The floor of the building highlighted by fire-fighting overlaps of the 1st type should be considered as a fire compartment. When separating the floor, at least one overlap that is not related to the fire-fighting overlap of the 1st type, the flood should be assigned a class of functional fire hazard as a group of rooms in the fire compartment.

31-06-2009 P.6.14

SNiP 31-03-2001

Correspond to

The admissibility of an extension of premises (buildings) of other purposes to the building

The project is not provided

Correspond to

Design project of entertainment bowling center "Universe"

Registration of the entertainment complex, requires careful attitudes to the peculiarities of this kind of buildings. A large number of people are simultaneously in one limited space ...

The designed 9-storey building is a stage of a stepped configuration. The building has in terms of size: length - 32.85 m Width in the largest part of the building - 16.85 m The height of the building is 31.00 m, the height of the floor is 2.80 m ...

A single-section 9-storey 54-apartment house in Tikhoretsk

Quantitative indicators: Area of \u200b\u200bdevelopment Az \u003d 478.81 m2 Residential area lived. \u003d 1665.72 m2 Total area Society. \u003d 3900,10 m2 Building volumes p. \u003d 14843.11 m3 Qualitative indicators: The coefficient of efficiency of planning solutions K1 \u003d 0 ...

Organization of the construction of a residential microdistrict and building master plan for construction

The nomenclature and series of mobile buildings are determined by the builder's directory. According to the need and capacity of buildings, their required quantity is selected. The results are booked in Table5 ...

Foundations and foundations

The building of the chemical corps of the rectangular outline in terms of 36x24 m. Building 2-section. 1 Section: In the AA axes, the frame is reinforced concrete, the column grid is 6x18 m, 3-storey height of 13.5 m, the columns are reinforced concrete size 300x300 and 450x450 mm ...

Evaluation economic efficiency Sanitation of a 5-storey large-pasted residential building series 1-335

Project of the port elevator

Design of the physical wellness complex

Fire protection of the building of the city house of culture for 1000 seats with brick walls

In public buildings there are rooms representing a significant fire hazard. Therefore, when considering internal planning, it is necessary to consider the premises to be isolated from the premises ...

Calculation and design of construction organization industrial complexconsisting of the main and two auxiliary buildings

Basic building: finishing shop. 1. Building plan circuit number - II. 2. Construction foundations - teams. 3. Building frame - ZBBC. 4. Cutting scheme - B-b. 5. The height of the floor, H1 - 9.6 m. 6. The length of the span, L1 - 18 m. 7. Number of spans, N1 - 5. 8. Pitch of the middle columns, A1 - 12 m ...

Construction on complex relief

In existing literature on the topic of architectural design of residential buildings for the conditions of complex relief (works of S. A. Deterieva and Yu. And ...

Technology of construction of the above-ground part of the monolithic residential building

Features of a constructive building solution: - monolithic inner walls; - Two-layer outer walls made of ceramzite concrete blocks and bricks of facing ...

Surgical-planning solutions of the hotel complex should be taken with regard to their functional structure, capacity, the natural and climatic and regional features of construction ...

Examination of the construction of a hotel complex

The choice of a structural system determines the role of each carrier structural element in the spatial work of the building ...

Energy and resource saving when designing in construction

Changing the ratio of the parties of the building with its unchanged volume can lead to a change in power consumption ...

Technical conclusion based on the results of the inspection of buildings and structures

Based on the accumulated experience, the company "Ecopethrobalt-project" presents to your attention sections that are included in the technical conclusion on the results of the survey of the building or structure.

It should be noted that the composition of the examination is determined depending on the goals and tasks set. In each case, the composition of the work is selected individually.

Technical conclusion is developed in accordance with

    GOST 31937-2011 "Buildings and structures. Rules of examination and monitoring of the technical condition. "

    SP13-102-2003 "The rules of examination of the supporting structures of buildings and structures".

    TSN 50-302-2004 "Designing buildings and structures in St. Petersburg".

    VNC 57-88 (p) "Regulations on the technical inspection of residential buildings."

    VNC 53-86 (p) "Rules for assessing the physical wear of residential buildings."

Composition of technical conclusion

1. Title List Contact information of the organization that has developed a technical conclusion.

2. Composition of technical documentation (When developing documentation in several volumes).

3. List of performers indicating F.I.O., posts.

4. Content.

5. Introduction. The "Introduction" section includes:

    The designation of the survey object is separate building structures or the building (construction) as a whole.

    Temporary framework when performing a complex of work on a visual-instrumental examination.

    Causes of the survey - carrying out work on reconstruction, overhaul, etc.

    The purpose of the survey is an assessment of the actual technical condition of building structures of the building (structures) with the issuance of a technical examination.

    Survey tasks - referred to the types of work necessary to achieve these goals and solve the tasks of the tasks during the implementation of a complex of work on a visual-instrumental examination of the building (structures).

    The list of provided and considered documentation for the building (construction). The request and systematization of the initial data on the technical condition of the object (BTI, municipalities, managers, etc.) are studied by the previously obtained prescriptions and control bodies (housing, fire inspections, etc.). Designed design and estimate documentation, journals of hidden and performed works, certificates, technical passports, etc.

6. General. The "General Information" section includes:

    Location and characteristics of the survey object. Situation plan for the location of the object.

    Architectural and volume planning solutions. The construction of the building. The year of the last major repairs, the reconstruction of the building. A description of the surround-planning and architectural solutions of the building. Historical reference. The size of the building (height, width, length). General types of facades and a plan of the first floor of the building.

    Constructive decisions. Description of the structural circuit, spatial stiffness of the building. Brief description of building structures and engineering networks.

    Information about the engineering and geological conditions of the site. Performed on the basis of archival geology, geological Exquisites, laboratory analysis of soil, etc.

    Program for the production of works (examination methodology). It is developed in accordance with the terms of reference, local conditions, goals and timing of a visual-instrumental examination of the building (facilities).

Fig.1 Information about the engineering and geological conditions of the site (archival geology)

7. Results of the survey.The "Examination Results" section includes:

    Survey of foundations and groundwater.

    Survey of the framework of the building (columns, beams, farms, etc.)

    Survey of walls and partitions.

    Examination of overlapping and coating.

    Survey of the roof and roof.

    Survey of window and door fillings.

    Examination of stair marches and sites.

    Survey of engineering networks and equipment.

8. Conclusions and recommendations based on the results of building surveys and structures. The determination of the physical wear of individual building structures and the building as a whole on the basis of the examination (drawing up a physical wear table in accordance with the VSN 53-86 (p) "Rules for assessing the physical wear of residential buildings"). Assignment of the category of technical condition in accordance with GOST 31937-2011 "Buildings and structures. Rules of examination and monitoring of the technical condition. " Filling a table for the examination of the technical condition of the building (survey act) according to the application "B" GOST 31937-2011. Compilation of the passport of the building according to the application "D" GOST 31937-2011.

9. List of regulatory and methodological documentation. References used during the development of technical conclusion based on the results of a building or structure.

10. Applications.

    Technical task. Download

    Certificate of admission to work. Download

    Photographic materials. Photographing of defects and common types of facades, premises, openings, shruffs. Download

    Graphic materials. Conduction of drawings. The results of the measurement work required for the development of technical conclusion. Floor plans of the building, facades, longitudinal and transverse cut. Cuts on openings, shurts, and the like. Tests of structures and building materials. Protocols for testing materials by non-destructive methods. Laboratory analysis of soil. Dynamic suggesting of the soil. Laboratory tests of bricks, concrete, etc. Micheological wood research. Certificate of verification of devices. Certification, laboratory accreditation. Download

    Test calculations. Caliling calculations of beams of overlapping, farms, brick simpleness, foundations, etc. Heat engineering calculation of walls, overlap, roof, etc. Download

    Archival materials. Expanding documents, materials of technical conclusions of past years, technical passport of the building, archival materials of engineering and geological surveys, etc. Download

Examination of volume-planning solutions of the building.

All fire-war requirements of the norms to the volume and planning solutions of the building should be included in the list of solutions to be verified, which is compiled after writing a brief description of the planning solutions of the building.

Expertise is convenient to perform using Table 2.2.

Verification methodology and the process of filling the table are similar to checking fire barriers.

In general, the examination is subject to solutions:


    building capacity (if required);

    fire compartment area;

    membership compartment for fire sections and premises;

    room area;

    placement of explosion and fire-hazardous premises in the basement, base, upper and other floors;

    the height of the floor or premises with a massive stay of people;

    admissibility of placement (lustration) of other purposes in the building;

    admissibility of the extension of premises (buildings) of another destination to the building;

    the admissibility of adjacent (above, under, nearby) the placement of premises of various purposes and fire danger;

    placing technological operations or functional processes in terms of and in the height of the building;

    height of the floor;

    isolation of basement and basement floors, staircases and attic in the building.

In column 3 tab. 2.2 Enters the technical decisions made by the project corresponding to each issue.

The requirements of the relevant regulatory framework for fire safety for each issue are recorded in Count 5, and in Count 6 - reference to items, tables, notes of regulatory documents.

When comparing the technical solutions adopted in the project and the technical solutions required, it is concerned about their compliance with fire safety requirements, which is reflected in column 7.

After the examination of the volume-planning decisions of the building, it is necessary to conclude a conclusion in which detected violations are listed.

2.6. Examination of evacuation paths and outputs.

The examination of evacuation paths and outputs should be started after studying the relevant sections, paragraphs and tables of specialized and sectoral norms.

In front of the examination table, it is necessary to give a brief description of the availability and quantities of evacuation paths and exits in this building, as well as the routes of movement of people in the fire. If there are several functional processes in the building, then the description must be made for each of them. For example, during the examination of the project of the House of Culture, it is necessary to describe evacuation paths and exits for the stage part of the building, for the auditorium and foyer (in case of operation as a cinema, for theatrical productions and meetings). To this end, the trainee must mentally go through the entire path of the visitor on the building.

All this will help more clearly imagine the presence of evacuation exits from each part of the building, the length of evacuation paths, routes of movement evacuating, the correctness of the arrangement of evacuation outputs, etc.

This expertise is convenient to perform in the form of Table. 2.1, entitled "Expertise evacuation paths and outputs."

The methodology of the examination and the procedure for filling the table are similar to the examination of the building solutions.

The length of evacuation paths must comply with fire safety requirements:

L F ≤ L Tr (2.6.1),

where L F and L Tr - respectively, the actual and required length

ways evacuation.

Fire safety requirements in the width of evacuation paths are performed if:

Σ Tr. min ≤ σ Φ ≤ Σ Tr. Max, (2.6.2)

Σ F '≥ Σ Tr. ', (2.6.3)

where σ f - the actual width of the evacuation exit;

Σ Tr. Min, Σ Tr. Max - respectively, the minimum and maximum allowable values \u200b\u200bof the width of the evacuation exit;

Σ F ', Σ TR. '- Accordingly, the actual and required value of the total width of the evacuation outputs.

Examination of evacuation paths and outputs should include the following questions:

    The presence and amount of evacuation exits from the building, floors and individual rooms.

    Disposition of evacuation outputs.

    The length of the equipment of evacuation outputs:

    on the first floor;

    on the second and subsequent floors (from the door of the most remote room to the nearest exit outside of the building).

    Width of evacuation paths and outputs:


    on the floors;

    in staircases;

    outputs out from buildings.

    Constructive planning solutions of evacuation paths:

    the height of the passages, outputs;

    direction of door opening;

    bias of passages;

    bias of corridors;

    the presence of protruding parts, essences or local

extensions, thresholds;

    availability of lighting:




    fire hazard of materials finishing enclosing structures;


    Constructive design of stairs:

    the presence and number of evacuation stairs;

    fire resistance of staircases, stair marches (cosomov), as well as the class of their fire danger;

    the presence and permissibility of the device of open staircases;


    the number of steps in march and their size;

    the presence in the staircase of the protruding parts is less than 2 m;

    the presence and size of the gap between the marches of the stairs;

    the presence in the design of the stairs:

    running steps;

    local narrowings and extensions;

    split areas;

    railings and fences.

    Moving stairwell protection:

    protection of openings in the interior walls of stair cells;

    the presence of mechanisms of self-blocking doors;

    the presence of seals in the door of doors;

    the presence of natural lighting of the staircase;

    the presence of emergency lighting in the staircase;

    the presence of the combustible finishing of the walls of the staircase, sites and stairs;

    the presence and area of \u200b\u200bopening window bakes in the outer walls of the staircase;

    the presence of direct exit outside or through the lobby;

    isolation of the lobby from adjacent premises, from corridors;

    isolation of stairs from attic and basements;

    availability of a system of air under the staircase.

    External evacuation stairs:

    the presence and admissibility of the device of external evacuation stairs;

    the width of the stairs and their bias;

    the presence and height of the ladder fence;

    placement of evacuation stairs in the deaf simpleness of the building;

    fire resistance of deaf simpleness of the building in places of passage of evacuation stairs, as well as their fire hazard classes.

The above-mentioned issues are checked at each stage of evacuation: indoors, corridors and staircases.

Upon completion of the examination of evacuation paths and outputs, it is necessary to conclude the discovered violations of fire safety requirements.

2.7. Examination of copper protection.

The modern protection of the buildings is designed to remove smoke from the burning room in the desired direction, ensuring the unfairness of adjacent rooms and the evacuation paths, adjustment of the temperature regime and gas exchange in the building where the fire originates. The scene protection of buildings is achieved by volume-planning, constructive and special technical solutions. Opening window bounds and light-inaeration lights, flue hatches, ventilation plants are used as smoke-making devices.

The main regulatory document on the inspection of the protection of buildings is SNiP 23. Some reform requirements are laid in specialized and sectoral regulatory documents.

The area of \u200b\u200bsmoke-making devices will comply with fire safety requirements, if the condition is observed:

S F ≥ S Tr (2.7.1),

where S. f. and S. tr. , accordingly, the actual and required area of \u200b\u200bsmoke removal devices.

This expertise is performed similarly to the above using Table. 2, entitled "Examination of copper protection".

During the examination of the scene protection, you should check the following questions:

    protection of basement and basement floors;

    protection of stair cells, corridors from smoke;

    protection of elevator halls and mines from smoke;

    protection of rooms from smoke penetration;

    tightness of doors, their number and design;

    tightness of overlapping and garbage disposal;

    the need for the device and the presence of smoke outlets in the premises, as well as their total area;

    place of placement and constructive design of smoke-making devices;

    combustion of materials used in the manufacture of mines;

    opening method and limit of flap of valves;

    cross section of smoke mines;

    availability of installations for airfield in elevator mines, staircases and tambour gateways;

    emissions of smoke into the atmosphere;

    choosing the place of air intake and its submission site under the sub-standard;

    the presence of installations for forced disposal of smoke;

    the number of smoke mines and fire safety requirements for them;

    performance and type of fan, the presence on the drying path of the shut-off-control devices, the cross-section of the valves and mines;

    including copyright devices;

    placement of ventilation systems of smoke removal systems and air support.

For buildings of high floors:

    the number and type of unseasonable stairwells with floor entrances through the outer air zone on balconies, loggiam, open gallery;

    constructive execution of unseasonable 1-th type staircases:

    fire resistance of enclosing structures, the presence and protection of internal openings;

    distance between the air zone doors;

    height of the air zone fence;

    output from the staircase directly outward;

    ensuring non-permeability of the staircase cells of the 2nd and 3rd type;

    ensuring non-informability of elevator mines;

    device and efficiency of smoke removal systems on the floors;

    ways to incorporate smoke removal and air support systems.

Upon completion of the anti-refinery examination, it is necessary to conclude that the identified violations of fire safety requirements are listed.

2.8. Examination of ventilation systems.

Ventilation systems are a reliable technical solution that ensures the capture of explosion and fire-hazardous aerosols, dust, fibers and other combustible materials and removing them outside the premises and buildings. However, with an incorrect device, ventilation systems may cause fire (explosion) and its rapid spread of the building.

Examination of ventilation systems is usually recommended for industrial and agricultural categories A, B.and IN, And sometimes for multi-storey public and residential buildings. Working drawings of ventilation systems, as a rule, are placed in the albums of the project, called "Sanitary and Technical Devices", "Heating and Ventilation", " Engineering systems and equipment. "

Control over the execution of fire requirements in the working drawings of ventilation systems must be carried out after studying the technological, electrical and construction parts of the project. When studying the technological part of the project, the fire hazardous properties of the substances used, the category of premises and buildings on the explosion hazard, the presence of technological equipment with local suction and placement of it within the building are found. When studying the electrical part of the project, there are categories of premises and groups of all explosive mixtures to be removed by general, local and emergency ventilation systems; class of explosive zones serviced by ventilation systems; Availability in buildings categories BUTand B. Rooms for distribution devices, substations and other electrical premises, electric motors and control panels in a purified version. When considering the construction part of the project, it is determined by appointment, floors and the desired degree of fire resistance of the building; Limits of fire resistance of intergenerational floors, walls, partitions, the presence of fire walls, gasproof enclosing structures, tambour-gateways, technological openings in overlaps and walls.

After studying the technological, electrical and construction part of the project, we begin to consider the drawings of the ventilation systems. The working drawings of ventilation includes general data (plans, cuts, schemes) and drawings of systems installations. Each system has a designation consisting of a brand and sequence number of the system (for example, B1, P2). Forced ventilation systems are usually referred to as follows: P - supply systems; In - exhaust systems; U - air curtains; A - Heating units.

Natural ventilation systems are indicated: ne - supply systems; Ve-exhaust systems.

Ventilation drawings include a plan and incision of the vent. Systems (shown at the contour of the building), as well as the schemes of ventilation systems (made in the axonometric front isometric projection). Characteristics of ventilation systems (ducts of air ducts, type, execution and technical data of fans, electric motors, filters, etc.) are depicted in the schemes of systems, as well as in the tables of ventilation specification. Below is an exemplary list of questions to verify compliance with fire and air conditioning systems.

        Mechanical ventilation systems and air conditioning systems.

    The presence of exhaust consumer ventilation systems with mechanical motivation to remove explosive gases and vapors.

    The presence of local suction systems to remove fire and explosive substances from their selection places.

    The presence of emergency ventilation systems and industrial premises, where there is a sudden arrival of large quantities of explosive gases or vapors.

    The need for device and the presence of separate ventilation systems, air conditioning for each room and local systems for technological equipment.

    Compliance of the adopted consumption of the supply air. Calculated consumption ensuring fire safety in the room of categories. BUT and B.

    The possibility of using general ventilation systems and air conditioning for rooms of rooms and diagram of ducts of general systems for production, auxiliary, residential and public buildings.

    Availability of centralized disconnection of ventilation systems and air conditioning during fire in public buildings and indoors of categories A B C.

    The procedure for inclusion of emergency ventilation.

    The presence of instruments of control and alarm for the action of ventilation ventilation systems with mechanical motivation serving categories room BUTand B. and the premises of public buildings.

    Availability of air supply systems in tambour gateways categories BUT and B..

2.8.2. Air devices for outdoor air.

    The placement of receiving devices for outdoor air in places where the possibility of combustible gas and vapors is excluded.

    The presence of separate receiving devices for air-conditioning ventilation and air conditioning systems intended for categories BUT and B., and individual devices for systems serving categories B, G. and D..

2.8.3. Premises for ventilation equipment.

    Place of placement of Ventcamer.

    The height of the premises for ventilation.

    Width of the passengers in the indoor room.

    Presence of ventilation in rooms for equipment of exhaust and supply systems serving room categories BUT and B..

    Laying pipes with flammable and combustible liquids and gases, as well as sewer pipes through ventilation rooms.

2.8.4. Ventilation service.

    Place the placement of ventilation systems of supply and exhaust ventilation and air conditioning, serving room categories A B C D or D., as well as ventilation systems of residential and public buildings.

    The choice of fans, dust collectors, filters, shut-off-regulating reinforcement, taking into account the nature of the moving explosive medium.

    The presence of a central equipment intended for the premises of categories A and B, as well as equipment of local suns to remove explosive substances.

    The need for backup fans automatically enabled when stopping the basic ventilation and air conditioning systems and exhaust systems of secrets and local ventilation.

2.8.5. Air ducts and collectors.

    The limit of fire resistance of air ducts and collectors of mechanical and natural ventilation systems.

    Fire proliferation limit on air ducts and manifolds.

    The presence of flame retardant valves in air ducts when crossing fire barriers.

    The place of placement of collectors of common supply or exhaust ventilation systems.

    Accommodation of air ducts with vertical and horizontal collectors, as well as with light-adjusting and check valves of general systems for rooms of rooms.

    The order of laying air ducts of ventilation systems serving the room of categories A, B, or B, as well as air ducts of systems of local explosions of explosive substances.

    The presence of devices for cleaning air ducts.

2.8.6. Air ducts.

    The placement of air-powered devices of systems of general and local ventilation, taking into account the density of incoming explosive gases or vapors.

    The distance from the places of emission to the atmosphere of explosive substances to the receiving devices for the exterior air of the supply ventilation systems.

    The presence of individual pipes or mines for exhaust ventilation systems, if they are possible to deposition of combustible substances or the formation of explosive mixtures when mixing emissions.

2.9. Examination of anti-explosive protection of the building.

In all production buildings, as well as the premises of public buildings, where the formation of an explosive concentration of combustible dust, gases and vapors of liquids with air is possible, it is necessary to design the easily gravily accurate structures. The glazing of window openings and lights (with appropriate structural design) are used as light-graded structures (with appropriate design), light-aligned panels of walls and coatings of buildings. The light-graduated enclosing structures in the explosion in the building should be collapsed primarily and blew through the formed holes excess volume of combustion products of the explosive mixture. The location of these openings should be such that the combustion products emerging through them could not cause destruction and fire in the neighboring rooms.

According to fire safety requirements, the following condition should be performed for anti-break protection:

S F ≥ S Tr (2.9.1),

where S F and S Tr is the actual and required area of \u200b\u200blight-grade structures, respectively.

Required calculations for checking should be reflected in the table in the text.

This expertise is performed, as well as the previous ones, by calling the table "Examination of anti-explosive protection of the building".

Questions subject to verification in the examination of anti-sensor protection of the building, the following:

    the need for device and the presence of lightly graded structures;

    the type of light gratened structures and their area;

    place of placement of lightly graded structures;

    constructive performance of lightly graded structures:

    size of glazing elements;

    load from the mass of light-grade coating structures;

    the presence and device of split seams;

    coating area bounded by cut seams;

    area and room size.

Upon completion of anti-explosive protection examination, it is necessary to conclude that the discovered violations of fire safety requirements are listed.

2.10. Check master plan object.

The general planning of the city or the industrial enterprise should contribute to the successful maneuvering of fire units when steaming a fire and prevent the spread of fire from one building to another, from one object to adjacent.

Before conducting an examination of the objective plan of the object, it is necessary to explore the fire requirements 33, 34, as well as relevant departmental regulatory documents.

Private methodology Examination of the Object General Plan is carried out similarly to previous checks using Table. 2, but by calling it "checking the master plan of the object."

The list of questions when checking the following:

    membership of the territory of the object on zones or functional territories;

    accounting of terrain;

    accounting for the dominant direction of the wind;

    availability of entry, entrances, roads;

    the number of entry into the territory of the object and the distance between them, the width of the gate to enter the vehicle;

    potions to buildings, distance from roads to buildings;

    the presence of entrances to fire ponds;

    distance to fire hydrants from roads and buildings;

    fire Depot: availability, service radius;

    fire breaks between buildings and structures.

Upon completion of the Expertise of the Object General Plan, it should be concluded that the discovered violations of fire safety requirements are listed.

2.11. Conducting verification of technical solutions that ensure the successful operation of firefighters

One of the directions of fire-fighting measures envisaged in the projects of buildings is to create conditions for the successful operation of firefighters. Here we should consider constructive, planning and special technical solutions that contribute to successful fire extinguishing in the event of its occurrence that were not considered in previous examination tables.

Check the projected solutions of this area should include the following questions:

    the need for the device of external stairs, their presence and execution;

    the presence and necessity of the elevator device for lifting fire units and their number;

    protection of basement and basement floors of buildings;

    protection of technical floors;

    protection of attic;

    technical solutions that contribute to fire extinguishing in the building on coatings and attic;

    other technical solutions (Installation of dryheads with heads for connecting fire hoses, the presence of selector communication, etc.);

    the presence of root fence;

    the presence of outputs to the coating.

According to the results of the verification, it is concluded on the compliance with the requirements of the norms.

3. Conducting engineering calculation.

After the examination of design materials it is necessary to carry out an engineering calculation. This uses the data given after the table in Appendix 6 in the form of an educational project selected according to the penultimate digit of the test book.

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The article discusses the requirements and recommendations for the selection of a surround-planning solution in the design of an individual residential building. The article also describes the importance of the designer process, both for an individual customer and for the architectural plan and the common view of the settlement as a whole.

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  • Non-stationary movement of the plate on the surface of the Nengeton fluid
  • Prospects for the use of non-traditional sealing devices in the nodes of fire equipment
  • On the study of the strength characteristics of wooden structures in solving tasks of applied mechanics
  • New technical solutions in restoring the working capacity of the sleeve systems on the fire

The construction of individual low-rise buildings is developing dynamically and is a promising construction sector in Russian Federation. 65-75% of the residential foundation of low-rise buildings consists of wooden houses that distinguish high environmental characteristics and price.

Low-rise wooden individual residential buildings are characterized by very wide typology, which takes into account national and regional features, the possibility of doing business at the site, as well as the need or, on the contrary, the necessity of a large area for accommodation.

The surround-planning solution in the design of a residential building allows at the project stage to essentially individualize the future housing in accordance with the tasks of the customer, in addition, it allows you to more rationally design the house in order to reduce the cost of construction, and correctly compose the premises in accordance with the functional processes in the house.

The process of selecting a surround-planning solution itself consists of several stages.

  1. Architectural or design offers from the customer. At this stage, it is, based on proposals and requirements of the customer, the general nature of the future at home will be determined. Often this stage is reduced to several drawings made by hand.
  2. Wheel down the whole building into several parts, sketching project. Usually, the composition of this stage includes: a package of the house, a roof plan, facades, color solutions, orientation on the sides of the light, the size of the premises, the breakdown of the area, the location of the doors, stairs, sanitary premises and the premises for engineering equipment, and in addition, the main building materials are designated. Also at this stage it is determined how the interior will be decorated.
  3. Project. At this stage, work is carried out on the development of a more detailed project of an individual residential building with the coordination of all parts with the customer: the project of the foundation, the design options for exterior and interior walls, and solutions for engineering equipment (heating, gas, electric, water supply, sewage). Additionally, non-standard products are being studied: elements of facades, roofs, joinery.

The number of stages, as well as their filling, may differ depending on the requirements and needs of the customer.

When designing any house, individual zones are distinguished in advance:

  1. Public. This is a zone, access to which has not only a living family, but also visitors. This category includes: living room, dining room, bathroom, guest bedroom (if there is a place to be).
  2. Rest zone. This is a zone hidden from visitors, the bedrooms of the owners, bathrooms, dressing rooms are included.
  3. Economic. The allocation of this zone depends on whether economic activity is maintained. This zone includes economic and technical premises: storerooms, boiler, facilities for livestock and birds and them like. A distinctive feature of this zone is that it should be a separate exit, leading directly to the loft.

When designing individual housing it is worth taking care of rational connections between these zones. The optimal layout reduces the transit between the premises. So, for example, a kitchen and dining room must have an adjacent wall, or should be combined into one room. If the house has two floors, the bathroom should be on each floor, and both must be located strictly over each other and relative to the kitchen, as this reduces communication costs and reduces the risk of damage to the main premises in the event of leaks.

Residential rooms are the main part of the house. They have a different purpose and are divided into anterior (hallway), common (living room) and bedrooms. The most comfortable living rooms have a ratio of width and depth of 1: 1 to 1: 1.5. The depth (length from the window) of residential rooms must be made at least 3 m and not more than 6 m, the width is at least 2.4 m.

The front room should ensure the comfort of the entrance assembly and the connection with the rooms at home. The width of the front should be at least 1.4 m, the minimum area is 3 m 2. Outdoor corridors connecting the front with residential premises of the house take a width of at least 1.1 m, with auxiliary - 0.85 m, the height in the presence of the antlesole - 2 m. Communication of the hallway with residential rooms is possible directly, as well as through the hall.

The common room is the largest in the area and serves as a place of recreation and various activities of family members, guests receiving. The size of the common room is prescribed at least 16 m 2, the width of at least 3 m. The common room is usually desirable to arrange next to the front or kitchen. The common room can spatially unite doors with wide opening or sliding partitions with a hall, dining room or kitchen.

  • communication and recreation (listening to music, watching video, reading books and magazines);
  • economic work and placement of things of domestic use of common use (vacuum cleaner, etc.);
  • episodic meal (small coffee table or a small table for 4-5 people).

The area of \u200b\u200bthe overall room (living room) is determined taking into account the possibility of placeing the zones listed above, as well as the arrangement of the minimum necessary furniture and the passage device.

The bedroom is designed for sleep, classes, clothing storage, books, for children games. The area of \u200b\u200bthe bedroom is prescribed 10-12 m 2 for two people and 8 m 2 - for one. It is desirable that the rooms for the bedrooms are unfinished. At the same time, the input of these premises is allowed:

  • in a storage room or wardrobe;
  • in the kitchen and restroom in homes in which people with disabilities live;
  • sleep, clothing storage and linen, domestic things;
  • individual, professional and amateur occupations of family members.

For each family member, there is a sleeping place with dimensions of at least 2x0.8 m. In bedrooms, except for the marital, no more than two bedrooms can be placed. The bedroom of the spouses is allowed to provide a sleeping place for a child under the age of three.

The kitchen is designed for cooking and eating. One of the popular types of kitchens for an individual house is a dining room.

In the kitchen-dining room, except for the work of the kitchen, accommodated dining table and chairs (dining area). The area of \u200b\u200bsuch a kitchen is accepted depending on the size of the house and the number of family members within 8-20 m 2.

The bathroom includes rooms where there is a bath, shower, washbasin and toilet. IN modern houses It is recommended to use a separate bathroom, while organizing the bathrooms on each of the floors of the house.

The entrance to the room, equipped with a toilet, directly from the kitchen and residential premises (except for residential premises intended for families with disabled families) is not allowed.

It is not allowed to place a restroom and bathroom (or shower) directly above the residential rooms and kitchens. It is not allowed to fasten the devices and pipelines directly to partitions that enclosing residential rooms.

On the instructions for the design of additional equipment of sanitary and hygienic premises, it is allowed to include the installation of the bidet, drying machines, hydromassage baths, shower cabins and other equipment, as well as provide a shower equipped with a shower pallet or shower.

In addition, the mandatory equipment of the sanitary and hygienic premises of the house, in the bathroom it is recommended to provide a place to accommodate a washing machine.

It is allowed to open the doors inside the bathroom, if the depth of the room or the distance from the doorway to the sanitary equipment, which is opposite, is at least 1.2 m (clean). In all other cases, it is necessary to install the door with the opening out of the bathroom.

The right choice of floors of residential buildings and their volume-planning structure has important, both in economic, construction and architectural relations, and to solve social significant problems, ensuring the necessary favorable living conditions and the life of the population.


  1. SNiP 2.07.01-89 *.
  2. SNiP 2.08.01-89 residential buildings.
  3. SP 30-102-99 Planning and building construction.
  4. M.O. Barsh, M.V. Lisician, S.P. Turgenev. Architectural design of residential buildings. - M.: Architecture-C, 2006. - 488 p.

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