
We compile a project for the water supply of a private house - a scheme, stages, coordination. Engineering system design Procedure for coordinating the design of closed waterways

For strip engineering communications in vacation home Or a private house within the city, standard procedures and rules are largely applicable, from the selection household appliances and plumbing devices, but at the same time there are features that can make their own adjustments in plans and construction terms. One of these issues is the creation of a private household project. And although the project documentation itself developed for laying water supply systems does not submit anything difficult, to develop and coordinate all the project nuances should be approached as much as possible.

  • Water supply from the central water supply system;
  • Autonomous Water Supplies System of Manor.

The fundamental difference between the two these systems is the source of water supply - for the first version of the centralized water supply system, it is a bondage in existing pipes, laid underground pipes of the central water supply. The second option is the use of a well or well as a source of water supply or well on the site and, accordingly, the installation in the house of all equipment necessary for the operation of the water supply system.

Connection diagram from central water supply in obligatory Requires a project to connect a water supply to a central water supply network. With this connection scheme, it is necessary to obtain permissions for the insertion, project development, the installation of the necessary water metering devices and coordination with organizations that have underground communications on the track.

For the autonomous system, the creation of a project implies the calculation of the necessary equipment and materials, taking into account the characteristics of the soil, quality and amount of water and the miscalculation of work.

To connect to central water supply, the consumer receives:

  • Constant and stable water pressure in the water supply;
  • High-quality tap water that meets sanitary quality standards;
  • The possibility of installing only plumbing devices and pipe gaskets;

At the same time, the connection to the central water supply requires the passage of a number of bureaucratic procedures and spending a large number of time to obtain permission and coordinate the project in instances. However, as practice shows when connecting in the central water supply system, the project compilation and all bureaucratic red tape can be successfully implemented by project bureaus that are engaged in the design of engineering systems.

Creating a system of autonomous water supply allow:

  • Provide a house with water regardless of the availability of centralized water supply;
  • Significantly save in the future on the board for water;
  • To protect yourself from bureaucratic red tape, since the autonomous water supply can not require the coordination of the project with water voltage and other organizations.

Procedure for the preparation of the Water Supply Project with a Connection to the Central Waterproof

Preparations for the beginning of the design of the water supply system with a connection from the centralized system involves bringing all documents to all documents that enshrine ownership of the house and land plot. At the first stage, it is necessary to obtain a plan for the 1: 500 section in the geocadastra department, on which all available underground communications must be noted, passing through the area and the pipe gasket track from the central pipe of the water pipeline.

Further, to obtain technical specifications, you must contact the local water voltage. In addition, this procedure in separate regions is paid, it is necessary to be ready that the technical conditions of the connection will be ready for 30 days. Drawing up a project After receiving the technical conditions, the also paid procedure and it is mandatory ordered in the Design Bureau or the project group of the Vodokanal itself. Coordination of the connection from the sanitary and epidemiological service is obtained in the presence of technical conditions, and the term for obtaining approval is also determined by 30 days. And although the design organization most often itself conducts the coordination of the project with the rest of urban communal services - energy, gas company, communication companies rationally obtain permission to lay the pipe from these companies by the applicant themselves, because the response to the appeal to these bodies is also equal to 30 days.

And after the preparation of the project with all the approvals, the entire package of documents must be registered in the SES to obtain permission.

It should be noted that in most cases in the most design organization Offer standard schema Water pipes in a house with multiple plumbing points and household appliances. The internal wiring of the water supply in the house will not be done by the dogma, but rather the rational principle to the continuous improvement of the system. Such an approach design organizations is related to the fact that in the process of building a house, minor or even significant adjustments and internal wiring can be changed in accordance with new realities. But the question of installing the water meter still in most cases will be solved uniquely - it will be installed in accordance with the project in the place where it is indicated in the project.

During the design, if this is done by the responsible bureau directly at the site of shooting the object will be taken into account the wishes of the owner on the placement of instruments and the procedure for laying communications. But in the case of building a standard house typical project at home the project of the water supply will also be performed by typical sample For this series of houses.

Design of the water supply system of the private house from an individual source

For the design of the autonomous water supply system, it is necessary to obtain data not only about the performance of pumping equipment, but also about the possibilities of the source to provide the house with the necessary amount of water.

At the initial design stage, measurements are measured by the depth of the horizon of surface waters and the horizon of the main aquifer. The daily flow rate of the well or well is calculated. The maximum and minimum water consumption in the house is carried out.

After receiving the initial data, it is determined (if it was not defined earlier) the place in which the water supply is equipped and the place is equipped in parallel, where the septic tank or the wastewater reservoir will be located.

It calculates the distance from the source of the water intake to the extreme point of installation of the tap of the water supply and the power calculations of the pumping equipment are carried out.

In the process of determining the type of pumping equipment, the option of its installation is selected - for the deep pumps, the caisson equipment over the well, for surface pumping stations, the place where its installation is planned - in the caisson or in one of the premises of the house.

  • Internal layout of pipes in the house;
  • The track laying pipes from the caisson to the house;
  • The type of pumping equipment is selected, the method of its installation and connection, the power scheme;
  • Places of installation of sanitary devices and the way they are connected to the water supply;
  • Method of insulation of external water supply and caisson;
  • The number of necessary filters of mechanical water purification and the ability to connect equipment for deep water purification is calculated;
  • The estimates of the materials and the necessary works are compiled;
  • A phased plan of work is drawn up.

In the preparation of the project of autonomous water supply, the distance between the water supply and septic is also calculated, the distance from the septicity to the boundary of the site and the source of water intake in the adjacent areas.

And although the coordination of such a project in local utilities and SES is not required, most likely, it will be necessary to coordinate it with neighbors, because quite often it happens that the communications of neighboring sites are not consistent with the minimally permissible sanitary standards of location, which can lead not only to conflicts, But also more severe consequences - pollution by drains of water sources.

Engineering systems are in any house. There is not a single modern building to which water pipes, electricity, sewage would be summed up. All engineering networks are in demand and often complex, and accordingly requires an appeal to designer engineers who can qualitatively, reliably and with a guarantee to design engineering systems.

Design internal engineering networks includes:

  1. Water supply and sewage project
  2. Draft ventilation and air conditioning
  3. Draft heating
  4. Project ITP or Boiler
  5. Power supply and lighting project
  6. Projects of low-current systems (security and fire alarms, video surveillance systems, telephonization, radio, hourfill, access control, LAN, automation and dispatching engineering systems, smart home systems)

Design of external engineering networks

Competent design of external engineering networks is carried out taking into account all external factors that may affect the quality of the work performed. The location of these networks depends on the needs of the building and conditions such as the availability of current communications, neighboring houses, etc. The design of external engineering networks, which is of particular importance for the future object, ultimately predetermines the efficiency of using all external communication communications.

Engineering projects are very important for construction, however, the process of designing external engineering networks and internal accounts are only part of the overall work.

Usually, to exclude design errors, project documentation is developed in several stages:

  1. stage "Sketch Project"
  2. stage "Project"
  3. stage "Working Documentation"

A sketch project is a preliminary design stage. This stage is formally not subject to coordination with the authorities. state SupervisionBut it performs no less important functions.

The "sketch project" is performed with the goal:

  • town planning justification of a new construction site,
  • presentations of facades and layouts of the building,
  • definitions of the attractiveness of the project in terms of investment,
  • definitions of the very possibility of new construction or reconstruction of a building or in this area, taking into account environmental, social, economic and urban planning requirements.

Project documentation at the stage of the "sketch project" includes:

  1. Explanatory note
  2. Situation plan with surrounding territories
  3. General plan
  4. Transport scheme
  5. Foot plans with the explications of the premises
  6. Facades and cuts of buildings
  7. Photomontage at an existing position
  8. 3D Rendering Building

Project documentation At the stage of the "sketch project" is being developed for the initial and permits (IRD).

Stage "Project" - an approved stage of designing construction and reconstruction facilities. Developed in strict accordance with the current state regulations, standards and regulations.

Partition composition project documentation Specified in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 87 of 16.02.2008. "On the composition of the section of project documentation and requirements for their content."

Project documentation at the Project Stage includes:

  1. Explanatory note
  2. Architectural solutions
  3. Power supply system
  4. Water supply system
  5. System of drainage
  6. Heating system
  7. Gas supply system
  8. Communication networks (Television, Telephoneization and Radio, Computer Network)
  9. Technological solutions
  10. Environmental protection measures
  11. Fire Safety Activities
  12. Disabled access activities
  13. Events to ensure compliance with the requirements of the energy efficiency and requirements of the equipment of buildings, buildings and structures to the instruments of accounting of energy resources used
  14. Additional sections:
    • cCTV
    • security alarm
    • fire extinguishing system

Project documentation at the Project Stage is the basis for the development of "working documentation".

Project documentation at the project "Project" undergo coordination in state supervisory instances.

Stage "Working Documentation" is such a set of documents that are necessary for the production of construction and installation work.

Project documentation at the "Working Documentation" stage includes:

  1. Explanatory note
  2. Scheme planning organization Land plot
  3. Architectural solutions
  4. Constructive and volume planning solutions
  5. Power supply system
  6. Water supply system
  7. System of drainage
  8. Heating system
  9. Ventilation and air conditioning system
  10. Gas supply system
  11. Communication networks (Television, Computer Network, Telephoneization and Radio,)
  12. Technological solutions
  13. Project organization of construction
  14. Project of the organization of work on demolition or dismantling of capital construction facilities
  15. Draft automatic fire alarm and alerts of people about fire
  16. Additional sections:
    • cCTV
    • control and access control
    • automation (dispatch) engineering systems
    • security alarm
    • fire extinguishing system
    • vertical transport (elevator)
  17. Technical examination of the state building structures existing building (with reconstructive work)
  18. Project of intracable engineering networks
  19. Draft extra-site engineering networks

Based on the ground design solutions Building construction and installation of engineering networks are developed at the work documentation.

Contact the company of the Hosphere, in all the questions that arise for free Consult by phone: +7 499 6772176 or by e-mail: [Email Protected]

I wrote very messy, I will try to help figure out:

Those. Designers caused the project position of Inzh.seti for the project which you performed research?
Yes, that is how the projected networks caused!

What does it have to do with sophisticated Use and geodes. exactly subsoil uses, can land users? Or did you also have geology?
The fact is that the projects are projected under license areas of several oil companies. With the words of the Gipa, when executing the Inzh.-ecology section, it is necessary to submit a certificate of the Vyslavdr. Or how it is right I do not know. So supposedly they referred to these licensed sites, i.e. Companies developing one or another deposits, and these in turn made alleged comments just on future sites through which the designers put project networks. I hope outlined it is clear)

Did you have a task for IGI? Sit. Land with a specified shooting boundary, or the axis of the designed route from which you yourself are postponing the bandwidth. Or do you choose the track yourself? It is very important for answering your question.
We had TK with the act of choosing the track where the axis of the designed communications was specifically applied. Well, we have stuck out the axis with the bandwidth of 100-150 meters. Although during the coordination of existing underground communications, some companies were notified in advance about their promising sites and gave coordinates. And one of them, for some reason, decided to notify us after 3-4 months, after the project was commissioned for examination and fully implemented a project of intertarization. ((

Not very clear phrase "with all".
But in general, your problem is understandable. Designers want to shift their work on your shoulders by agreement: project documentation (project position), or border schemes for obtaining permission to place an object, on your shoulders. To understand what it is so, you need to read your terms of the contract (namely the TK), and in general you are in the right to refuse any "add-ons in those."
In the Standane TK for Igi, you must match the topoplanes only with owners or Balancers of Ing. Networks, on the subject of their availability and completeness and correctness of application and all, approvals of the project position with either land users, not with networks should not have.
Will write questions, I will answer.

Click to reveal ...

So we think so too. Only Hypper 3.14Daras so and with all the truths and untrue wants to shove this case on us. In the task, such works are not specified, in mandatory applications to the report, there is also no joint venture. Refers to the fact that if the customer writes the love you will perform. Although I think this is their duty to coordinate the project position of these networks. And in principle, how to know the topographic geodesist, all planned, projected areas and communication of third-party organizations, it is just that not to take into account. My opinion in the project planning project This information was supposed to be indicated. And the fact that we supposedly cross the promising area of \u200b\u200bdrilling is just the Wishlist of the oil workers without any substantiation.

--- messages combined Jan 9, 2018.Original posts: Jan 9, 2018. ---

Designers want to shift their work on your shoulders by agreement: project documentation (project position), or border schemes for obtaining permission to place an object, on your shoulders.

The beginning of activities on the construction of facilities and communications is preceded by the collection of certifying references and necessary for the construction of justification. The layout permit can be obtained in the following federal and municipal executive authorities:

  • "Honey", JSC "MOESK", "OEK" - accession to electricity;
  • GUP "MOSZHROVKANAL" and GUP "MOSTRINESTOKTOK" - Connecting to water supply;
  • GUP "MOSGAZ" - Summing out the gas to the premises;
  • Department of underground facilities GUP "Mosgorgeotrest";
  • Management of urban regulation;
  • Leader;
  • GUP Moscow Metro.

Also, when coordinating engineering communications, it should be consistent with expert and operating urban or local companies. If during the registration of documents in the constituent bodies, there is a deviation from the plan and the inconsistency of legal papers, the company Genpro will be able to resolve this issue. The company has a technical customer service in its structure, whose duties are committed to settling the rights and interests of investors regarding the design, obtaining permits and construction of buildings.

Why is the coordination of the engineering project?

The design and development of a complex of life systems includes water supply permit, which consists of water intake components and wells, accumulating tanks, built-in stations of transmission and cleaning of water, main and distribution networks, wells.

A complex of drain devices, sewage designed for the lead of all sorts of household, biological, chemical waste and rainwater. It is also possible to carry out drainage networks that are used to destroy an excess amount of precipitation.

Cable lines are design and fed to structures to use the transmission of certain electrotock pulses. They are most often used in the territory where it is impossible to create airways. The heating of the building and the provision of warm water is impossible without special networks operating at the expense of pipelines. They are trunk, centralized, decentralized and distribution. Gas supply and power supply, as well as coordination of the consolidated plan of engineering networks, contributes to comfort and comfort in the future building or a newly renovated facility.

Engineering networks are coordinated only in a single receiving department of underground facilities GUP "Mosgorgeotrest" at the address: Moscow, Leningrad Avenue, d.11. Documents are submitted by B. in electronic format Through the portal of the state service of the city hall of Moscow.

The negotiation of networks is a blue stamp of large size (technical conclusion) in which the address of the object is specified, the nature of the work performed by the contractor, as well as the signatures of the contractor and the head of the department of underground structures.

One of the main documents is submitted by the application of the established sample. Note special attention To fill on the portal, because if you are mistaken in filling it, then your entire package of documents is not subject to consideration. In this application, you need to enter full bank details, as well as sign the general director and the chief accountant.

ATTENTION! If a cEO It is the chief accountant, it is also necessary to provide a certified copy of the order for the appointment of the chief accountant.

ATTENTION! If the head of your organization carries out its activities by proxy, it is necessary to provide a certified copy of this power of attorney.

There are a number of requirements for the provided documentation:
  1. To the package of documents, it is necessary to attach a situational plan on the scale M 1: 2000.
  1. The project should be performed on the current engineering and topographic plan (geopodovna not older than 3 years) MGGT on scale: 1: 200, 1: 500 with MGGT stamp, red lines, geodesic grid. If the design takes place on several geopodovs, then after the unification in electronic form it is necessary to output the stamps of all orders on the main sheet, as well as their borders.
  1. The following entry should be attended by geopodynasna: "This topographic-geodesic plan is mounted in electronic form from the order fragments (s) №№ ____, issued by the State Unitary Enterprise" Mosgorgeotrest "and is their exact copy." This entry is assigned to print and signature responsible persons.
  1. For instances that are surrendered, directly, to apply the coordination stamp, the engineering and topographic plan is discolored (made in black and white).
  1. Each sheet should present a stamp of the design organization of the established sample with the names and signatures of responsible persons.
  1. At the construction plan should be present explanatory note, as well as copies of all the approvals received, certified by the organization and the surname and the signature of the responsible person, should be made.
  1. In addition to the general general plan, the following documents regarding engineering communications must be provided:

Sewerage - longitudinal profile.

Gas - longitudinal profile.

The drainage is a longitudinal profile.

Electrocabels 110 and 220 - longitudinal profile.

Water pipe - longitudinal profile with detail.

Heat slot - longitudinal profile with detail.

Phone - longitudinal profile and sweep of wells.

Electrocabel - electrical circuit on which the number of cables is indicated.

Pay your attention to the fact that the longitudinal profile is performed in a horizontal scale M 1: 500, and if you use closed method, then on the scale of M 1: 100.

  1. POS (project organization project) on the laying of engineering networks in which cross-sections must be present.
  1. On the construction of the network, which are subject to coordination must be raised in color:

Gas is yellow.

Heatwork - green.

Electric cable - red.

Water pipe - blue.

Livnevka - orange.

Telephone sewage - green.

Sewerage - brown.

  1. It is necessary to have the coordination of operational services or record the balance sheet accessories of departmental networks, as well as the coordination of engineering communications owners.
The basic requirements for the delivery of the construction plan on the main period also refers to obtaining mandatory project harmonies. To give documents to the OPS GBU "Mosgorgeotrest" you may need to get the following coordination (the need for approvals is determined by the Mosgorgotrest):
  1. ISS branch of OAO MOESK.
In addition to the basic requirements for the package of documents, there are also additional ones that are executed, usually, at the design stage:
  1. Upon information of several orders, a common geodesic grid must be present.
  1. At the construction site, there should be a free space of A4 to apply the technical conclusion of the department of underground facilities with GBU "Mosgorgeotrest".
  1. You must specify a new position of the networks that are taken out of the building stain.

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