
How faster selling a country house. We sell a house competently - the rules for those who decided to sell a country cottage. Do not forget about the season

House for sale is a complex process that requires accounting for a number of nuances. To speed up the process, experts advise to appeal to professionals. However, the use of their services will result in additional spending. If a person is thinking about how to quickly sell the house, he must familiarize himself in advance with the peculiarities of the procedure.

When is it better to sell?

Statistics show that selling your home is more difficult than implementing an apartment. Most people believe that life in apartmentualized real estate is more comfortable. However, the judgment is often erroneous. Today there are comfortable private houses in which all modern amenities are present. Life in such a room is no different from living in a city apartment, and finding real estate in an environmentally friendly zone outside the city will increase its convenience.

Statistics show that selling a private house in a village with a land plot from May to September is much easier. At this time, many people wake up a craving for land and nature. In addition, this period of time allows you to show real estate from the best side.

However, the sale in the summer will lead to the need to bring the courtyard in order. To increase the attractiveness of real estate for a potential buyer, it is necessary:

  • align the tracks and arrange them;
  • remove all garbage from the courtyard and unnecessary things that spoil the overall picture;
  • overcoat the earth;
  • cut comfort.

The windows in the country house should be kept open. This will reduce the likelihood that, during a visit, the buyer will be stuffy in the room. On the window it is worth pulling mosquito nets.

Staed to home - important factorcapable of providing a significant impact on the speed of its sale. If an asphalt road leads to the housing, this fact should be specified in the ad. Before inviting buyers, it is worth inspecting the fence. The owner of the real estate should be ready for the fact that the fence will have to sneak or correct.

The main question that worries many sellers of housing: where to start? It is not necessary to try global repairs. However, small disadvantages that will definitely be thrown into the eye to the buyer, it is worth fixing. Start training stands from the entrance. The territory near the house should be a caught. The bushes are standing, and dry branches are removed. Similarly, it is necessary to do with mud and mold on the facade of the house.

It is necessary to give attention and furniture located in the room. It is worth noting, even if the property is sold empty. If the wallpaper managed to pollute or break, they should be thrown away. Optional to buy expensive material. Simple paper wallpapers are suitable. They will improve appearance premises.

Attention is worth paying and small things. Experts advise:

  • repair the plumbing that was broken;
  • tighten the cranes if they dug;
  • remove rust with bathroom;
  • replace broken light bulbs;
  • remove unnecessary things.

To assess the impression of the house, his owner can invite a familiar or realtor. A soup from the side will help to identify small problems that have already become familiar to the owner of the premises, can push the buyer.

Definition of value

By setting the price of the house, it is not necessary to overestimate it, wanting to reduce it in the subsequent. Studying the market, the buyer focuses on the average cost of housing. Having found 2 suitable houses, he will choose the price of which is lower. If there is a need for fast sale at home, experts advise to establish a price slightly below the market. This will attract more buyers.

To calculate the exact cost of real estate, you can resort to the appraiser services. It will help to appoint an adequate price for a plot and structure. However, for its services will have to pay. If a person has decided to establish the cost of a private house independently, he must take into account the following features:

  1. Communications. Setting the price, it is necessary to pay attention to the presence in the house of electricity, sewage, gas and water supply. If communication is present in full, it will significantly increase the cost of the housing and will make it profitable to sell it. If they are missing, the influence on the price may be able to hold them.
  2. Buildings located on the site and their condition. Good house will significantly increase the final value.
  3. Plot area and its borders. A smooth plot will be more attractive for the buyer. Big squareThe surrounding house will be another plus in real estate. It should be remembered that buyers are more likely to acquire areas with even boundaries.
  4. Landscape. Before selling, experts advise to equip the territory adjacent to home. This will not require additional investments, but will significantly increase the final value of the site.
  5. Location at home. Buyers are more likely acquire the property, which is in comfortable, calm areas with a developed infrastructure. This fact is also able to affect the cost of real estate.

Taking into account each item and taking into account the average market value Housing of the same class, the owner of the real estate will be able to determine its approximate price.

Preparation of documentation

Most transactions are committed in order to quickly move in housing. For this reason, choosing a house in the village for purchase, customers pay special attention on his readiness for sale. For this reason, experts advise in advance to assemble the documentation package, which is necessary for the renewal of housing. According to established rulesThe owner of the housing should have the following papers:

  • a certificate of the owner of a private house;
  • contract of sale, compiled in accordance with the requirements of current legislation;
  • documentation confirming property ownership;
  • receipt confirming the introduction of state duty;
  • certificate O. state registration property rights;
  • help from BTI;
  • statement of the spouse if the property owner is legal marriage;
  • documents confirming the lack of debt on utility payments;
  • certificate of family composition;
  • help from the guardianship authorities, if the owner of the property has children who have not achieved adulthood.

In some cases, additional documents may be required. So, if the deal is only part of the house, to the standard set of papers you need to make a notice sent to owners, and documentation confirming that other real estate owners refuse to acquire it.


Find buyers without an advertising company will not work. If a person decided to sell housing independently, he will have to take advantage of a number of methods that allow you to disseminate information. To find people who want to buy a private house, his owner must post ads:

  • in local media;
  • in local groups on social networks;
  • on online ads;
  • on the building itself.

If a person can not sell a residential building, he must find out how much it is spent by a promotional company. It is not enough to post an advertisement only 1 time. If the distribution of information is carried out via the Internet, you must periodically "raise" the message. The fact is that the information on the bulletin boards will be gradually shifted down by other messages. Potential buyer may simply not see the announcement of the sale of the house. Announcement is better to accompany the colorful photos that are presented with real estate with a profitable perspective. This will attract more customers and will accelerate the sale.

Videos: Tor 5 tips How to quickly and profitably sell a house, cottage, townhouse

  • appoint fair price;
  • competently make an ad;
  • put in order documents;
  • choose a professional intermediary.

The success of the transaction depends on these major stages.

Sale and buying houses - common and common cause. Despite the same goals - to gain maximum benefit for yourself - the interests of the seller and the buyer in this transaction are opposite. Therefore, in order to find out how to quickly sell the house, you need to collect certain information, given some aspects. First, analyze the market value of your home in several Internet resources that publish private announcements to objectively assess the prices of real estate and get a decent amount of money without requesting unreal numbers. Otherwise, the sales process can delay. Browse all ads for the sale of houses in your region for the last quarter with about the same conditions - the area of \u200b\u200bthe house, the number of rooms, engineering communications. Finding out mid-price on the similar houses In his city, it will have to reduce it for a quick sale by 15-20%. Perhaps you will need to use the services of an independent appraiser, especially if buyers dream of buying your housing on credit or you have any doubts about the price adequacy.


Do not initially overestimate the price bar, hoping to reduce it later. Miscellaneous kind of note type "Torg is appropriate", "possible discounts" most often do not work - the main landmark for the buyer is the initial price (although there are lovers to bargain). Know that your house is exactly as much as the market is ready for it, and not as much as you want to sell it. From here it follows that for a while you need to spend on studying real estate prices in your region and the area. Obviously, the house of the same area located in the resort area will cost much more expensive than in the house in some. On average, it takes about 6 months for sale at home, but if you need to sell the house quickly, a proven way to solve the issue is the purpose of value below the market for such proposals. How to sell the house fast and expensive? Much depends on the season. For rural houses Summer summer holiday season and vacations will be favorable. Real estate liquidity (probability to sell it quickly) increase the availability of communications.

Preparation of the house for sale

Look critically at your home: to make a renovation in the selling house is meaningless, but maybe it needs a small cosmetic repair - replacing cranes or wallpaper? With relatively small expenditures, such changes will significantly affect the appearance of the house, and, of course, on its value. To bring the house in order, you need to release it and a plot from garbage and unnecessary things.

The spacious courtyard and rooms without outsiders and smell look much more attractive. By the way, flavors of fresh baking, coffee, cinnamon, vases with fresh fruits and flowers create a special home atmosphere. It is not worth removing all the furniture - if the rooms look non-residential, at the subconscious level the buyer has discomfort.

Valuable things should not be in sight. It is also necessary to remove personal things, photos - everything that really reminded of the former tenants and prevented fantasies on the topic "And here we will put the sofa." Many still use an advertising poster or a sign "sold" with an indication of the area of \u200b\u200bthe house, phone numbers, sometimes - and prices.

Photoomments, or better to see once

Nobody wants to buy a cat in the bag - for the dry phrase "selling a house" there may be a wooden post-war building, and a modern luxurious mansion, and just a concrete box without overlaps and communications. The buyer's opportunity to see the property offered to him is a big plus that increases the number of views at times. It is necessary to make a series of photographs, choosing the most attractive view and background, fixing all the advantages of the object. Such a visual representation is very effective.

How to present a house with a profitable side

Information about the number of rooms and square meters is definitely important. But to attract the attention of the buyer, it is not enough. Feel free to emphasize all the features of your home, and they have every building. If the question is how to sell a house in the village, then a picturesque description of rural landscapes will only add to you. Near the protected forest or a pure beautiful river or lake? Great place for picnics! Good room location - sunny, isolated. And maybe you boast landscape design? In any case, describing the favorable sides of your real estate, be honest with your customers, embelling reality within reasonable limits, as you start acquaintance with deception - a bad tone.

An important point is the possibility of connecting communications - plumbing, gas pipeline, electricity. If the house is not landscaped, but next to, for example, a gas pipeline, this fact must be noted necessarily. After all, the buyer primarily takes into account the cost of exploitation of the future acquisition.

Select Intermediary

If the sale of houses for you is the usual thing, you can try to sell the house yourself. Place ads on all sorts of promotional boards - "From hand to hand", Avito, Dmir and others. Get ready for a dialogue with a potential buyer. It may require a detailed photo report: the flood of the house, from which material is made, insulation, type of heating, rooms, kitchen, hozblock, boiler room, photo of the whole site, access options, distance from the city, infrastructure.

  • When meeting with the buyer, prepare the answers to standard questions in advance.
  • Why did you decide to sell this house?
  • And what are the neighbors?
  • Are documents for the house prepared?

Make a psychological portrait of his buyer with whom they communicated by phone. If this is a lonely old woman, you can remember the clinic, a quiet area, views from the windows. A young family will be interested in the withdrawal premises, kindergarten, transport.

In order for an inconclusive deal, you have another disappointment, in turn you have the right to ask, in fact the buyer intends to buy your home, whether he has financial opportunities for this.

Try to "suck" the house with the land plot of neighbors. It is possible that they will want to increase the area of \u200b\u200btheir estate.

How to find a realtor?

For those who do not sell at home every day or does not have enough experience in this important case, you can choose an intermediary. Decent and professional real estate at first glance do not define. In the choice of agency, you can focus on the opinions of friends or acquaintances if they recently come across the same problem. If there are no such advisers, it is better to choose a large company with solid experience and reputation - our experience, skills, tools and sales technologies have been developed.

You can start the search for intermediaries from the Internet. If the same announcements on the sale of houses hang on the company for a long time on the company's website, the search for uncomfortable options, and the mechanism of purchase and sale itself, it is worth searching for other options. And not only on their own sites - many interesting reviews can be seen on independent thematic forums and spent.

Documents - in perfect order

If you sell real estate, all the guidelines and dual-configuration documents on the house and the land must be in order. Many buyers are in a hurry to make a deal and move to your home as soon as possible, so wait until you dare your legal formalities, no one wants. This moment concerns and register - deposits of tenants.

  1. The right-ending document may be a purchase and sale, certificate of inheritance or another document, where the foundations of the transition to the owner are indicated. land plot and buildings.
  2. The corresponding document is a certificate of state registration of the established sample.
  3. For the sale of the house you still need a certificate from BTI or an extract from the cadastral passport.
  4. If the property owner is married, for the sale of the house, the statement of the spouse is certified by the notary.
  5. In special cases (when the seller has a family with minor children) it may be necessary to resolve the guardianship authority.
  6. If the house is decorated on bail when issuing a loan, you need a bank permission.
  7. Other documents related to a specific situation (for example, if the house is sold by proxy, a notarized document is needed).

The land plot is a separate topic. For sale it is necessary to prepare an extract from the cadastral passport of the participant. If the home owner does not belong to the house (perpetual use, lifelong inheritance), some difficulties may arise. The simplest thing is to translate your plot to personal property: a rare buyer wants to take over and this is a troublesome business. A detailed consultation on documents can be obtained from the lawyer of the real estate agency (the first consultation is usually free) or in the notary.

Pointing to the ad phone, take care so that it is always turned on. On buying offers, you must answer immediately not to miss the deal. Periodically remind you of a real estate, specifically interested in the course of sale - where they placed ads how many people were interested, called. When you meet with the Buyer, ask what preferences he has, requirements for housing, if they correspond to your conditions at least partially, boldly demonstrate them to the buyer. Describe all the advantages of your home, perhaps in detail the potential buyer will see what will make the final decision in your favor.

How to sell the house quickly and profitable without magical rituals and conspiracy? If you sell a house with a plot, it is not enough to specify in the announcement of its area. Effective territory or is still virgin, which there are trees and shrubs, which form of a plot, is close to the reservoir, and is there a fence. If the buyer is interested in creating a subsidiary farm, the land factor is of great importance for him.

However, if you believe in magic, put a plot under the rug at the entrance - he promises to bring good luck! After filing the announcement of the sale of the house, you can spend a small ritual. Wooden hammer (like at auctions) two or three times a day, knock on the walls, "coding" by their words "sold for ... thousand dollars!". Magic claims that the house for this price will be sold.

When we agreed about the price, specify how and where you will draw up a deal and for what time you have to finally free the house. The sale of the house is not a single day, but if we evaluate the situation soberly, then on every product your merchant will definitely find: Many Domishko in emergency in the suburbs Many are ready to buy only for registration in the Moscow region.

Sale of their own home without the mediation of the agent will help you to save a very impressive amount. However, there is a reason why most people when selling their homes prefer to seek help to professionals - the sale of real estate requires a lot of labor, technical knowledge and special patience. Do you sell a house for the first time or just want to avoid your past mistakes, you need to start with the preparation of a good action plan.


The first steps

    Remove in the house. As soon as you decide to sell the house, clean everything to the smallest detail in it, from the basement to the attic. Do not forget about those places that, as a rule, wash and clean rarely - plinths, blinds, window sills, roof drainage. A clean house will allow the appraisers to see it in the best light and deserve to evaluate. And, of course, clean house More attractive for potential buyers.

    • Knowing your home is too good, you can not give the values \u200b\u200bof the need to clean some areas. But potential buyers will definitely pay attention to. If you want to make the best impression on them, take advantage of the services of a cleaning company, at least for initial general cleaning. Do not underestimate the power of flawless purity.
    • During cleaning, throw away all trash from the house. Getting rid of garbage and unnecessary things, you will make your dwelling look lighter and spacious, after all, buyers want to see him. You will notice a big difference in what your wardrobes, bathroom, garage and veranda look like. If you are hard to part with some things, think about their temporary movement into some kind of storage.
  1. Rate your property. Of course, you would like to sell your home more expensive, but should be a realist. Many house sales fail only because their owners often exhibit the price that significantly exceeds the market value. Some homeowners simply want to get a certain amount of money and do not want to bargain. Professional assessment of the value of your property to a third party will help you decide on the price range. In addition, the presence of a conclusion of an uninterested party ensures that you will not make a claim for the input of the cost of the house.

    • Do not rely solely on the tax assessment of your property. Many tax evaluations It has long been outdated and do not reflect the real picture in the real estate market.
    • Look at the cost of comparable real estate. Analyzing the prices by which similar houses sell at your area, you can define the price range for your home. Always use comparative data to obtain a realistic estimate of your property value.
    • Use the appraiser services. The certified appraiser will measure the area of \u200b\u200byour home and the adjusted land plot will make photos, collect data on the cost of other houses sold next door and on the basis of all of these data will determine the average cost of your home. The appraiser services will cost you much cheaper than real estate agent services, and the cost of the house will be more adequate. Many banks collect information about good appraisers with whom they contact refinancing or mortgage lending. Contact your local bank branch manager with a request to recommend you a qualified specialist. Having received an expert opinion on the hands, make a copy of the document and keep it in a safe place. The original is kept at hand to show it to potential buyers if necessary.
  2. Spend the inspection of the house. Many standard real estate sales contracts give the buyer the right to inspect the property, so be prepared. Spend your home inspection before applying for its sale. With filing general Inspection You can make the repair of water supply and sewage, heating and power supply systems and so on. Perhaps, within the framework of the general inspection, the roof and the foundation of the building will be checked. Follow the recommendations and do the whole required repair. Additional checks at the request of the buyer are usually carried out at its expense.

    Prepare your home to the entrance of new owners before putting on sale. Buyers are lazy by their nature. If they understand that before starting to live in a new home for their own pleasure, they will have to carry out additional landscaping, conduct some plumbing and electrical work, they will likely refuse to buy, even if everything else is quite arranged. So decide this problem - prepare a house to the settlement of new owners in advance.

Attracting buyers and demonstration at home

    Think about the benefits of your home. Before starting selling, make a list of the benefits of your home, which, most likely, will attract buyers. It can be good area, staying near school, recent repairs, plastic windowsNew appliances etc. Stress these advantages in the announcement of the sale. Do not forget to mention them in a conversation with potential buyers.

    Correctly select time for sale. Remember that the surge in the real estate market is happening in the summer - first, people prefer to move when warmly, secondly, their children will not have to change school in the middle of the school year. Start selling in April or May and continue this process throughout the summer. If by the end of the autumn the house will not be sold, roll up its efforts and try to try the next spring.

    • Pay attention to what is happening with the real estate market in your area. If your area is experiencing a housing sales splash, the cost of your home may increase. And vice versa, if the demand for real estate in the area fell, help out good money For your home you can hardly succeed. In order not to incur damages, try to successfully choose the time of delivery of the sale announcement. Perhaps you should wait a few months to sell your home at a more favorable price.
  1. Prepare your house to show customers. This is a very important stage in the process of selling housing. During viewing, potential buyers begin to mentally represent their lives in this house. If they fail to use their fantasy, because the house is too clumsy and dirty or looks too bright and buggy, consider that you have lost your chance. Preparing home to the demonstration, remember that it should look spacious, clean and ... typical, as far as possible.

    • Try to cut the number of furniture in your home to the required minimum. If you did not use some kind of furniture for three months, sell it or throw it away. It will help the room look spacious.
    • Inspect each room and make small cosmetic repairs where it is necessary. Check the carpets and windows in each room and clean them.
    • Pay attention to the appearance of the facade of the house. Out up the trees that darken a significant part of the house, spend weeds on the adjacent area. Check the condition of painting facade. Put yourself in the place of the buyer!
  2. Distribute information about the sale of your home. The easiest way is to install the "Sold" sign next to the house. But this is not enough.

    • Place ads on thematic sites. If you are using social networksYou can mention the sale and there. Give an advertisement to the local newspaper.
    • Distribute leaflets with the ad. If this allows local authorities, stick them to the pillars.
    • Learn potential buyers everywhere where possible. Contact the managers of local banks and school directors - perhaps, they know the family that plans to buy a house. If nearby is a company that often buys accommodation for its employees, contact the personnel department and let you have a house that you are willing to sell. Do our best.
    • Use the "Sarafan Radio". Tell us about selling at home your friends, relatives, colleagues. Promise them a reward (for example, a bottle of expensive wine or dinner in the restaurant) if they help you quickly find the buyer.
  3. Speak present your home. When potential buyers or their realtors want to see the house, try to be affordable. Perhaps some buyers can express the desire to see the house during the day when you are at work. If you can not attend the meeting, ask your friend or family member to do this for you.

    • Before the arrival of potential buyers, hover the marafet in the house. Spread things in its place, post dirty underwear, wash the dishes. Light a flavored candle, turn on light classic music in the background. If the weather is good, open the windows, if not - desets the fireplace or turn on the heater. These measures will allow you to make your home cozy and hospitable.
    • Show hospitality. It seems obvious, but some are so worried when meeting with buyers, that forget the elementary rules of behavior. Greet your guests with strong handshake. Imagine yourself and ask them to introduce them. As soon as they enter the house, offer them a glass of water or a small treat. Unobtrusively ask their lives (do they have children? Do they love animals?) And continue talking about the house, relying on the information received. Drive them out of the room in the room without a rush. At the very end, ask whether they have some questions and what they want to see. Leave your contact information or give a business card. Be polite and well prepared.
    • Try to perceive this event in a positive way. Be honest, telling about the house, but do not dwell on the disadvantages. If the reason for the sale of the house has become a divorce, loss of work or some other personal tragedy, do not discuss your problems with buyers. Let your conversation bearing solely positive character, because you want your guests to leave the house with happy and happy opportunities that have appeared.
    • Take care of safety. Hide all values \u200b\u200bout of an inaccessible place before you bring unfamiliar people. Do not leave them unattended, if they want to stay a little alone, let it be in the kitchen or in the yard.

Fast receipt offer

  1. Set the period after which you will reduce the requested price if you do not get any serious offers. Many sellers offer their homes for transcendent prices, and then hold them for too long. Determine the time when you start lowering the price, for example: "If I do not receive proposals within two months, I will reduce the price of 200,000 rubles. If for the next 6 months, I still fail to sell the house, I will reduce the cost of another 500,0000. " The presence of a specific price reduction plan in the absence of applications will help calmly make a decision and eventually allow you to sell the house much faster.

    Put yourself in the place of buyers. If you have not received any sentences for a long time, walk around the surroundings, look around and ask yourself: "And I wanted to buy my or some other house at such a price?" Remember that you need to be honest with yourself, as far as possible. If you came to the conclusion that other houses in your area are best optionsIt's time to reduce the requested price to make your home more attractive.

  2. The broker must evaluate the cost of registration of the sale transaction and give you strategic advice on choosing an embodiment of calculations (cash payment, mortgage credit lending, state programs financing). Broker can help both sell at home and financial issues.
  3. Be prepared to discuss the conditions. If the buyer says that he likes your home, but does not know whether he is ready to buy it, go to a small trick. Have you noticed that the buyer with admiration looks at the new brand? Include it in the price of the house. Buyer do not like the state of your courtyard? Make a discount of 20,000 rubles with the comment that this money will go to the arrangement outdoor territory. Adding a new household electrical appliance to the homemade house will cost you cheaper than to continue to pay mortgageWhat do you certainly do not want.

  4. Many brokers will tell you what you want to hear, if only you agreed to work with them. Best found good broker On the recommendation of the real estate agency.
  5. Most buyers know that you do not pay commission deductions to the realtor, and will try to offer you the price without taking into account commissions, which will not have all your savings.

The country question is connected not only with the preparation for the summer season or with the arrangement of his house. Often, the owners of country sites arise the need to sell them. Sale of any object of real estate is the process of troublesome and long. But to speed it up as much as possible, preparation is necessary. Read further tips on how to quickly sell the cottage.

There are many factors when evaluating cottages. The price affects the remoteness from the house, the presence pricework, close location of stores, air purity, availability of communications, home size, etc.
It is very profitable to sell a cottage not as a house with a garden, but a year-round place for recreation and restoration of health.

The proven fact that buyers first do not pay attention to the appearance of the object.

So, how to prepare a cottage for sale:

  • Make a small cosmetic repairs;
  • Spend general cleaning;
  • Give a plot in order;
  • Repair the utility premises if they are;
  • Put in order fences;
  • Get rid of old furniture and garbage;
  • Check the wiring and water supply if they are;
  • Pay attention to the roof;

All this can take a lot of time, but after these actions, the chances of selling a cottage quickly and profitably will increase.

How to apply for the sale of cottages on RegionalRealty.ru

  1. To sell your cottage with the help of our site, you need to go to the declaration section (click on the link above);
  2. Pass authorization (if you are already registered on the site) or register;
  3. To register, fill in the fields: name and address email;
  4. After registering, you will receive an email with reference to confirm registration;
  5. After you pass on the link, you need to fill out a few more fields: the type of account and password.
  6. After passing the registration, you can apply for your cottage.

How to make photos of cottages for sale

Photos are playing great importance when selling cottages. You can fill in all fields in the ad with the detailed description, but the photo is perceived by a potential buyer best. To successfully sell the cottage, consider the following nuances when you take a photo:

  • It is advisable to take pictures in summer when there are many greens and light around;
  • Try to choose sunny weather for photographing;
  • Pay attention not only to the house itself, but also the site;
  • Accent attention on the brightest features of your home;
  • Spend cleaning in the house and on the plot, remove everything too much;
  • It is better that there are no people and animals in the frame;
  • Do shots from all angles;

And do not forget about the fact that the photos should be as informative, bright and alive as possible.


Although legislation and allows you to make a transaction to buy real estate selling in simple writing, for a better and safe of its commission, it is desirable to make a deal of sale selling cottages to resort to the services of a notary, which will act as a guarantor of the legality of making a transaction.

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