
Industry Mongolia. Agricultural Military Mongolia Geography of the main industrial complexes and industries of Mongolia

Mongolia refers to the number of countries of the former Eastern block with economies in transition. Economy Mongolia is mostly agrarian.

After a long stagnation (from 1990 to 2002, the growth of the economy was from +3 to -3% per year) Nowadays, the country is experiencing economic growth, the indicators of which range from 5.3% to 10% per year; At the same time, the main growth falls on the services sector, whose share has increased almost to 40% of GDP, and on the sphere of copper and gold mining due to an increase in world market prices on them. True, the rise in recent years did not affect the poor part of the population: about 40% of Mongolia's population lives below the poverty line, as in 1990. Heavier years of reforms, though led to an increase in the share of the private sector of the economy to 80%, but even more exacerbated social differences and the difference in living level between the city and the village.

According to the UN Second Nail Policy, the proportion of chronically undernourished population in Mongolia averages 43%. Very high child mortality. 58 newborns out of a thousand dying at the breast. In the cold season, many children and adolescents are in tunnels of heating pipelines under Ulan Bator. The bottom of these tunnels is covered with excrement and inhabited by rats. According to representatives of humanitarian organizations, the number of people living in tunnels is approximately 4,000 to 10,000 people.

Due to very non-fermentation lands, a long winter, a small amount of precipitation, the nomadic tradition of the population and the short growing season (only 95-100 days a year), agriculture in Mongolia is very weak. However, on his background, highly specialized livestock appeared. At the same time, 5 types of livestock are bred. Animal husbandry and the use of physical strength of farm animals are an integral part nomadic lifestyle of the local population. So, sheep is bred to obtain wool, milk, meat, goats - to produce skins and milk, yaks - for the production of milk, leather, meat, and horses and camels are used as a vehicle, for the carriage of goods and to produce milk.

Mongolia's traditional agriculture products are meat, milk, sheep wool and cashmere, as well as a small amount of grain, potatoes and vegetables.

Modern agriculture developed in this country slowly. The era of socialism was marked by collectivization started in the 1930s. By 1959, 100% agriculture was collectivized. In 1960, his share in national income was reduced to 22.9%, but 60.8% of the working population of Mongolia was still occupied. After the country's entry in 1962 to the Council of Economic Communications, the amount of assistance to its agriculture from the USSR and other CEV members, primarily Czechoslovakia and Hungary, increased.

In the late 1980s, agriculture continued to be a significant part of the economy of the Mongolian People's Republic. In 1985, 33.8% of the working population was employed in it, but it brought only 18.3% national income. The country's industry mainly processed food and wood for domestic needs, as well as animal products, such as skin and skins, for export. In 1986, almost 60% of Mongolia exports amounted to agricultural products.

After the cessation of the existence of socialist economic System There were deep changes regarding the ownership structure agriculture countries. However, its economic orientation remains dependent on natural conditions and traditions. So, in 2006, 80% of revenues from agriculture accounted for livestock. But now 97% of animal husbandry focused already in private hands. In the future, the share of agriculture and animal husbandry continued to decline and in 2011 amounted to less than 20% of the gross national product (in 1995 it was 38%). However, a third population of the country is still busy in the agricultural sector.

Mongolia applies to the number of 10 countries of the world with the largest mineral reserves, but by now only a third of them is fully explored, and these are nearly 6,000 deposits of various minerals, including stone angle, copper, uranium (about 2% of world stocks) , oil, gold, silver, fluorite, molybdenum, zinc and diamonds.

The copper and coal deposits are still developed mainly in the open way. This leads to large-scale changes in the landscape and the corresponding consequences for the country's flora and fauna.

The official unemployment rate in the country is 2.8%, although, most likely, it is strongly understated. High inflation managed to successfully hold back after 1996, since then its level is about 4%. The foreign debt of Mongolia is about 1.86 billion US dollars.

In 2007, the volume of exports of goods in monetary terms amounted to 1.95 billion US dollars, of which 41.6% had to be copper concentrate, 12.1% on gold, 9% on zinc concentrate, 9% per cashmere and 6% on stone coal. Imported mainly petroleum products, machines and machines, various installations, cars, electronics and food. In 2007, 72% of all exports went to China, in second place was Canada, which accounted for 9% of the export of Mongolia.

The largest suppliers of the country in the same year were Russia (34%), China (31%), Japan (6%) and South Korea (5.5%). To reduce the dependence on the two direct neighbors, Mongolia carries out the so-called relationship policy with the "third neighbor".

Thus, trade with Germany reached 82 million euros in 2008, while there is a clear trend towards its growth. The volume of exports to Germany amounted to 15.4 million euros, and the volume of imports from this Western European country is 66.6 million euros.

There are also several EU agreements on trade policies, customs and textile goods. In addition, Mongolia is a member of important international organizations, such as the WTO, the World Bank, and the Asian Development Bank.

Costs state budget Countries amounted to 1.6 billion US dollars in 2009, and incomes are 1.4 billion US dollars. Thus, we can talk about a budget deficit in the amount of 4.6% of GDP.

State Debt of Mongolia amounted to 1.6 billion US dollars in 2008, or 33.1% of GDP.

Economy Mongolia.

Economy - Overview:

Economic activity in Mongolia is traditionally based on cattle breeding and agriculture.

Mongolia extensive mineral deposits.

The country conducts copper, gold, coal, molybdenum, spat, uranium, tin, tungsten, the share of the mining and processing industry accounts for much part of foreign direct investment and government revenues.

Severe winters and summer droughts in 2000-2002 led to a massive case of livestock and zero or negative growth of GDP.

In 2004-2008, GDP growth was about 9%, largely due to the high prices for copper and the opening of new gold.

In 2008, inflation was recorded almost 30% - the highest inflation rate for a decade.

In early 2009, the International Monetary Fund allocated $ 236 million under the Stand-Bai program, and the country began to emerge from the crisis, although some instability remains in the banking sector.

In October 2009, the Government adopted the long-awaited legislation on the development of OY Toghoy - one of the world's largest deposits.

The economy of Mongolia is still highly dependent on their neighbors. Mongolia buys 95% of oil and a significant amount of electricity in Russia, which leaves its dependent prices. Trade with China is more than half of the total volume of Mongolia's foreign trade - China receives about two thirds of the export of Mongolia.

Money transfers from working abroad Mongols are significant, but fell due to the economic crisis; Money laundering causes growing concern.

Mongolia joined the World Trade Organization in 1997 and seeks to expand its participation in regional economic and trade regimes.

$ 3100 (2009)

4030 million kWh (2009)

5100 barrels / day (2009)

5300 barrels / day (2009)

- $ 228 700 000 (2009)

Place of the country in the world: 93

- $ 710 million (2008)


$ 1902 million (2009)

Place of the country in the world: 130

$ 2539 million (2008)

Export - Goods:

copper, Clothing, Domestic Cattle, Animal Products, Cashmere, Wool, Skins, Plum, Colored Metals, Coal

Export - partners:

China 78.52%, Canada 9.46%, Russia 3.02% (2009)


$ 2131 million (2009)

Place of the country in the world: 150

$ 3224 million (2008)

Import - Goods:

machinery and Equipment, Fuel, Cars, Food, Industrial Consumer Goods, Chemical, Building Materials, Sugar, Tea

UDC 338 (571.3) Boldbaartar Bazaar

BBK 65 (5mo) Candidate of Economic Sciences,

senior Referent Presidential Administration Mongolia, Ulan-Bator E-Mail: [Email Protected]

Features of the socio-economic development of Mongolia in the transition period

The features of the socio-economic development of Mongolia in the post-socialist period, as well as the trend of the development of the country's economy in the new millennium are considered. Characterized by socio-demographic problems facing Mongolian society.

Keywords: social economic development, Economic growth, economy structure, standard of living, mortality rate, birth rate.

Characteristic feature Mongolia, which should always be taken into account is the geographical location between Russia and China - two great powers that have historically relevant to the development of economic and political processes in our country.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe country is almost 1.560 million km2, and according to its size, Mongolia occupies the 17th place in the world. The population of the country is more

2.6 million people.

Insufficient development of infrastructure; relatively large territory in combination with low population density; harsh sharply continental climate adversely affecting the development of agricultural production; The dependence of the state of one of the key sectors of the economy - animal husbandry - from natural phenomena; The technological lag of processing industries - all these factors had a negative impact on the general course of market reforms, reinforcing stress in the national economy. The specifics of market reforms are associated with a narrow specialization of the economy and exports, quite high energy intensity and material intensity of production, relatively low competitiveness. finished products on the world market.

In the implementation of market reforms of the country's government for stab

the economic lubrication of the economy applied such measures of macroeconomic regulation as privatization, liberalization of foreign trade, the devaluation of the national currency - Tugric - and the promotion of foreign investment.

The level of economic development is determined by the production of GDP per capita. In order to be able to produce comparative analysis The level of development of different countries, this indicator is calculated in US dollars. The translation of the national currency in US dollars is carried out in view of both the current exchange rate and parity purchasing power monetary unit This country. Using a purchasing power parity indicator allows you to obtain comparable characteristics achieved economic levelWhile the comparison obtained with the currency course is also reflected also the influence of market factors on the value of the exchange rate. At the same time, as a rule, the currency is less developed countries It is weaker in relation to the US dollar.

Although in the past five years, the average growth in real GDP production amounted to 7.3%, Mongolia, according to World Bank1, which conducted a comparison of the level of economic development of 209 countries, is located 150th place. For 2006, the volume of GDP production per capita of Mongolia under

© Bazar Boldbaatar, 2008

Boldbaatar Bazaar.

there was about 1 thousand dollars in the currency rate. USA, and ICR - 0.6912, and our country is in the last indicator at 117th place among 175 countries. On the competitiveness index of Mongolia gains

3.6 points3 out of 7 possible and takes the 92nd place among 125 countries.

In the early 1990s Significantly reduced gross domestic product. The dynamics of GDP in the new millennium is characterized in the table.

During the transformation period, the transition from the centralized planned economy to the market economy of Mongolia, as well as other post-socialist countries, was experiencing a serious decline. But, unlike the CIS countries, this decline continued only four years - from 1990 to 1993, the gross domestic product of Mongolia decreased by about 25%, while in the CIS countries by 40-60%. In Russia, for example, the period during which a decrease in the production of GDP has continued, nine years have continued - from 1990 to 1998

Since 1994, economic growth has begun in Mongolia, and by 2002 the pre-crisis level of GDP production was restored. To date, it is exceeded by more than 30%. From this point of view of economic

the development of Mongolia in the last decade can be considered quite satisfactory. The average annual rate of economic growth, which occurs for 14 years, is more than 4%, and in 2003-2007. This indicator reached 7%. If such a tendency continues, Mongolia will somewhat improve their economic and social position compared to other poor and developing countries, the average economic growth rate in which is 3.5-4.5% per year.

In industry for the first time in 2001 was achieved real growth production by 15.5%. The reasons for this were an increase in the production of non-ferrous metals due to the successful activity of the Mongol-Russian joint venture "Erdenet" and favorable weather conditions that did not cause mass drop in cattle, as happened in 2000-2002.

The structure of the economy leaves much to be desired. For example, agriculture produces about 20% of GDP, although more than 40% employed in agriculture. In the gross domestic product, the proportion of industry and agriculture products is approximately the same, and the proportion of trade and services is constantly increasing and averages 49-54%.

Dynamics of Mongolia GDP in 2000-2005

Indicator year

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

GDP (in prices of this year), billion Tug. 1 018.9 1 115.6 1 240.8 1 461.2 1 910.9 2 266.5

Height,% 10.1 9.5 11.2 17.8 30.8 18.6

GDP (in prices 2000), billion Tug. 1 018.9 1 029.5 1 070.7 1 130.3 1 251,4 1 329.5

Real Economic Growth,% 1.1 1.0 4.0 5.6 10.7 6.2

Agriculture -15,9 -18,3 -12,4 +4.9 +17,7 +7.7

Industry +0.3 +15,5 +3.8 +4.8 +15.0 -0.9

Trade and services 15.3 6.1 11.6 6.1 6.3 9.1

GDP (in prices of this year), million dollars. United States 946.6 1 016,3 1 117,5 1 274.5 1 612, 1 880.4

Defator GDP 9.0 8.4 6.9 11.6 18.1 11.6

GDP per capita, thousand Tugs. 462.2 460,1 504.6 586.9 758.7 888.4

GDP per capita, dol. USA 396,0 419,1 454,5 511,9 640,7,737.0

The structure of GDP,% 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0

Agriculture 37.0 29.1 24,90,7 20,1 20.9

Industry 20.7 21,9 22.0 22.5 25.3 29.9

Trade and services 42.3 49.0 53.1 56.8 54.6 49.2

Source: Mongolian Economy and Society in 2006: Statistic Office of Mongolia. Ulaanbaatar, 2007.

News IGEA. 2008. № 3 (59)

It is necessary to state the fact that economic growth was largely achieved by extensive factors. In connection with the increase in the population, almost a quarter increased by the number of people employed from 800 to 900 thousand people, although the share of employed in the total working capacity-bodied population decreased from 71% in 1989 to 60% at present. So productivity public labor Over the past years almost did not increase. If we consider changes in the structure of production, it can be seen that economic growth was largely due to an increase in the production of raw materials in industry.

Another source of economic development was a forced expansion of trade and services, whose contribution to GDP over the past years from 1,38 billion tugres to 169. In this case, the share of trade and services in GDP Countries increased from 19% in 1989 to about 49% at present.

B. last years Economic growth is accompanied low level Real income per capita, characterizing consumption by the population of goods and services. the main social problem Mongolia is the poverty of the population. According to many experts, with increasing middle size income of the population B. lately The number of poor is not reduced. The poorest segments include families with a low salary (income) of the breadwinner, pensioners and unemployed. The most numerous group of poor - large families. To some extent, poverty is generated by low employment. Of the 1.5 million people in working age only 900 thousand, although it is officially registered 40 with a small thousand unemployed, there is a big hidden unemployment, as well as many are busy in the unofficial sector.

The problem of reducing the living standards of the population is aggravated and under the influence of the effects of the demographic explosion of the 60-80s. Xx in. Taking into account the preserving growth rate of the population in 2006. Real

the production of GDP per capita in Mongolia compared to 2001 increased by 2 times.

Another important indicator of the standard of living is the average life expectancy. This indicator is relatively low and is 65 years, mainly due to extremely high child mortality. Of 1 thousand born, living children in Mongolia under the age of year dies 29, i.e. 4-5 times more than in developed countries.

The negative trend in the dynamics of mortality in Mongolia applies attention. The mortality rate is reduced only in the children's age group - up to 14 years. In a youth group - from 15 to 24 years old - over the past decade, it has not changed basically. At the same time, in the group of persons working age - from 25 to 50 years - this figure has grown. Especially increased mortality of persons retirement age.

In Mongolia, there is a relatively high birth rate, and therefore in the population population the proportion of the youth group with lower mortality, besides decreasing. By virtue of this, the overall mortality of the population is reduced. The number of dead per 1,000 inhabitants of the country decreased from 8.2 in 1989 to 6.4 people now. The birth rate decreased more substantially: from 35.5 to 19.1 people per 1 thousand population. But, as can be seen, the birth rate is threefoldly ahead of mortality, and due to this, the population of Mongolia increases annually by 30 and more than thousands of people at their own expense. If in 1989 the population of the country was 2.1 million people, then it currently exceeded 2.6 million people.


1 http: / /worldbank.org/website/external/ datastatistics /.

2 UN Development Program. Man Development Report for 2006

3 Competitiveness Report for 20052006. International agency United States of Development.

ISEA ISEA 2008. № 3 (59)

Information tourists

Economy Mongolia

Mongolia is an agrarian-industrial country. Mongolia today leads trade with more than 80 countries of the world. The turnover is more than 2 billion US dollars. If, until the 90s, 90% in the foreign trade of Mongolia occupied the trade with the USSR, today more than 40% is trading with the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China, and the remaining part occupies trading with such highly developed countries, like Japan, USA, South Korea, Switzerland.

According to the results of the III quarter of 2005, the total trade turnover of Mongolia's foreign trade is 1.27 billion US dollars, which is 11.6% more than in the same period of 2004, imports increased by 150.6 million US dollars.
Mongolia exports goods and raw materials in 60 countries of the world, of which 50.8% of them - in the PRC, 13.8% - Canada, 10.1% in the United States. 45.2% of all exports occupy the minerals and products of the mining industry, 21.5% are sewing and knitwear, 25.6% - precious and semi-precious metals, 3.7% - leather and products from it.
Mongolia imports more than 90% of petroleum products from Russia, and the rest is from China and Kazakhstan.

Mongolia as a member of the World Trade Organization in March 2005 presented its trade policy to the members of this organization, which is rather liberal. In 2002, the Government of Mongolia established uniform five percent customs rates on most imported goods. For the further development of the foreign trade, Mongolia is important to the decision of the European Union on the inclusion of Mongolia, as developing country With a vulnerable economy and as a country that does not go to the sea in the GSP + program. Thus, from July 1, 2005, Mongol products began to be imported into the European market without customs duties.

General characteristics of the economy of Mongolia

The economic activity of Mongolia has traditionally been based on agriculture and animal husbandry. In Mongolia, there are also extensive mineral raw materials deposits - production of copper, coal, molybdenum, tin, tungsten and gold is a significant part industrial production. Soviet assistance previously established to a third of GDP ceased after the collapse of the USSR. In the Mongolian economy, a long recession was aggravated by the reluctance of the Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party (MNRP) to carry out fundamental economic reforms. The government of the Democratic Coalition fell on the path of the market economy, weakened control over prices, carried out liberalization of internal and foreign trade and attempts to restructure the banking system in the energy sector. Large privatization programs have been made, stimulating foreign investment measures (international tenders for the sale of companies in the sale of petroleum products, the largest company for Cashmere and banks). The reform course was slowed down as a result of the resistance of the former communist MNRP and politically instability generated by frequent change of the governments of the democratic coalition (four governments changed). For the crisis in 1996, caused by a number of natural disasters and a decrease in world prices for copper and cashmere, in 1997-99. followed economic growth. In August and September 1999, Mongolia's economy suffered from a temporary prohibition of Russia for exports of oil and petroleum products. In 1997, Mongolia joined the World Trade Organization (WTO). At the last meeting of the Advisory Group in Ulan Bator in June 1999, foreign donors decided to allocate Mongolia $ 300 million per year.

Meanwhile, Renaissance Capital experts called Mongolia's economy the most fast-growing in the world. Thanks to the huge reserves of mineral raw materials, the development of which only begins, and development banking system. GDP Mongolia in dollar terms will double by 2014, analysts believe. They noted that Mongolia is preparing to become a new Asian tiger, and not the next source of raw materials in Central Asia, "information agency SA News writes this. (12/22/2009)

Natural resources of Mongolia. Despite the abundance of mineral deposits, their development is still limited. In Mongolia, there are 4 deposits of brown coal (Nalyaha, Charengol, Darhan, Baganur). In the south of the country, stone coal was found in the area of \u200b\u200bthe mountain range, the geological reserves of which are calculated billions of tons. It has long been known and medium in the reserves of the Tungsten and Platical Ploves deposit are developed. Copper-molybdenum ore, found in Mount Treasure (Erdeentine Ovoo) led to the creation of a mining and processing plant, around which the city of Erdenet was built around. Oil in Mongolia was discovered in 1951, after which it was built in Sayn-Chanda to southeast from Ulan Bator, near the border with China, an oil refinery was built (in the 1970s, oil production stopped). Hubantic deposits of phosphorites were found near Lake Houbsguil and their mining began, but soon, due to the consideration of ecology, all the works were minimized. Even before the start of reforms in Mongolia, with the help of the USSR, the search for zeolites - minerals of an aluminosilicate group, which find use in animal husbandry and agriculture as adsorbents and biostimulants.

Mongolia labor resources. The working-age population in 2003 - 1.488 million people. Employment Structure: Agriculture / Livestock - 42%, mining - 4%, production - 6%, trade - 14%, services - 29%, private sector - 5%, other -3.7%.

By November 2009, about 40 thousand unemployed were registered in Mongolia. It is 10 thousand more than last year. And record digit for the last 5 years. These data voiced employees of the management of employment and social services of Mongolia. According to the management, more than 50 thousand jobs were exhibited on the employers' labor exchange, more than 50 percent, vacancies that do not require specialization are mainly auxiliary.

Market transformations in the economy in the 1990-2000s

The economic system of Mongolia on the eve of the beginning of market reforms. Choosing a "shock" model of reform. The main directions of economic transformation. Liberalization of economic activities, price release. Institutional transformations; Privatization of state and cooperative property. Financial stabilization. The role of the state in the economy of modern Mongolia. The first results of reforms, their impact on the economy and the social sphere. Prospects for deepening market reforms.

Mongolia agriculture

Agriculture has always been the basis of the Mongolian economy. Under the transition to the market, its value has increased. It employs 50% of the country's population (in 1950 - about 80%), it gives more than 40% of GDP. According to the population of the population, we occupy the 3rd place in the world, yielding only Australia and New Zealand.

Until the early 40s, when the industry was formed in an independent sphere, agriculture was the only industry in the country. Back in 1950, it produced 60% of national income. Further, his share was reduced: in 1970 - up to 25%, in 1975 - to 22.4%. It is currently somewhat grew - almost up to 30%. At the same time, over 50% of export products accounted for agricultural raw materials, and taking into account products from it - over 70%.

The level and pace of agricultural development largely determine the most important national economic proportions. The traditional industries such as light and food industry are completely dependent on its condition, since the costs of agricultural raw materials constitute the bulk of their production costs.

Pasture animal husbandry remains the main type of economic activity. Today, Mongolia is among the leading countries of the world on the population of livestock in terms of per capita (approximately 12 heads per person).

In the economic life of Mongolia, agriculture plays a minor role. To correct the established position, the government has developed and start the implementation of the programs for the revival of agricultural production "(Tsina-3) and the Green Revolution.

Industry Mongolia

General characteristic industry. Specific features of the industrialization of Mongolia. Stages of industry development. Frames industry. The ratio of mining and manufacturing industry. Dynamics of the main indicators of industry development. Efficiency of industrial production.
Industry industry structure. The current state and trends in the development of the main industries.
The impact of market reforms on the industry of Mongolia. The role of external assistance in the development of industry. Prospects for the development of industry.

Industrial growth - 4.1% in 2002.

Electricity production in 2005 - 3.24 billion kWh.
Electricity consumption - 3.37 billion kWh.
Electricity exports - 18 million kWh.
Import of electricity - 130 million kWh.

A significant number of manufacturing enterprises is concentrated in Ulan Bator, and in the city of Darhan north of the capital is a coal, cast-iron and steel-smelting complex. Initially, the local industry was at the heart of the local industry, and the main types of products were woolen fabrics, felt, leather goods, food products. Many new industrial enterprises It appeared in Mongolia after the end of the Second World War - especially in the 1950s and early 1960s, when the country received significant financial assistance from the Soviet Union and China. In the 1980s, the local industry provided approximately 1/3 of the National Product of Mongolia, whereas in 1940 are only 17%. After the end of World War II, the total industry has increased significantly in the total volume of industrial production. Cities with enterprises of nationwide significance there are over two tens: in addition to the already named Ulan-Batar and Darkhan, the largest - Erdenet, Suke Batar, Bahagan, Choibalsan. Mongolia produces more than a thousand items of industrial and agricultural products, most of which are consumed within the country, for exports are fur, wool, leather, leather and fur products, livestock and animal husbandry products, phosphorites, fluorites, molybdenum ore.

Capital construction

Dynamics of investment in the economy of Mongolia. The structure of investments in the sectors of the economy. Material base and construction frames. The role of external assistance in the development of capital construction. Basic forms of help.

Transport and communication

In 1915, the Mongolian Emperor Bogd VIII Zavzandamba for the first time issued a decree, addressed the Minister of the Great Huhura and Khural Members, about the development of the mining industry and the construction of the railway.

The creation of modern modes of transport after the revolution of 1921. Dynamics of cargo turnover and passenger transport of transport. The state and trends in the development of the main types of transport (railway, automotive, air, water). Prospects for the development of transport. "Millennium Road." Main types of communication in modern Mongolia (postal, telephone, telegraph, radio and television communication). Development of mobile communications and internet.

Financial System Mongolia

The main links of the financial system of modern Mongolia and its role in the development of the housekeeping. State budget, the ratio of central and local budgets. Structure of income and budget expenditures.
Currency system. National currency - Tugrik - and its course towards other currencies. Currency regulation.
Credit system. The formation and development of the two-level banking system. Role and functions Central Bank. The development of a network of commercial banks. Credit and deposit operations of banks. Formation of the insurance system. Problems and difficulties in the development of the credit system during the period of market reforms.


Basic forms of domestic trade. State, cooperative and private trade, their ratio. Wholesale I. retail. Internal Trade Prices, Inflation Problem. Dynamics and structure of internal turnover.

Territorial structure of economics

A variety of approaches K. economic Ryonation Mongolia. Concept of the zonal development of Mongolia (2002). Maintenance economic zones And their production specialization. The relationship of the sectoral and territorial structure of the economy.

Life level of the population

Life level I. social Security In Socialist Mongolia. A sharp drop in the life level in the initial period of market reforms. Dynamics of real incomes of the population in recent years. Social Differentiation of the Population. The problem of poverty and attempts to solve it. Employment problem; Dynamics and unemployment structure. The role of the state in solving social problems.


Common trade in foreign trade in the first half of 2008 amounted to $ 2,971.3 million, including exports 1,276.3 million dollars, imports - 1,695.0 million dollars. The deficit amounted to 418.7 million US dollars, which, compared to the same period last year, more than 386.5 million USDLARES. The total trade in comparison with the same period of 2007 increased by 74.3%, exports - by 52.6%, import - by 95.2%. The negative balance of foreign trade significantly affected the growth of imports, which is more than 42.6 points from the volume of exports.

Main import. Imports mainly make up petroleum products, equipment and spare parts, vehicles, metals, chemicals, building materials, food and consumption.

In 2004, imports amounted to $ 1 billion.
In 2005 imported goods Compared from: Russia - 34.5%, China - 27.4%, Japan - 7.1%, South Korea - 5.3%.

In the total import volume, mineral products increased by 196.4 million dollars, cellulose, paper, cardboard and products from them - by 189.2 million dollars, vehicles - at 133.7 million dollars, cars, electrical equipment, televisions, spare parts - by 92.3 million. Dollars, metallurgical products - by 68.1 million dollars, food products - by 37.2 million dollars.

Main export. The main Mongolian exports are: minerals (copper, molybdenum, tin, plump concentrate), raw materials of animal origin (wool, cashmere, leather, fur), consumption goods (leather, sheepskin, leather products, carpets, cashmere, camel knitwear, blankets wool and cashmere). The country's subsoil is rich in mineral resources, including extensive coal deposits, iron ore, tin, copper, uranium, oil, zinc, molybdenum, phosphorus, tungsten, gold, fluorite and semi-precious stones.

In 2004, exports amounted to $ 853 million.
In 2005, exports were sent to: China - 48.1%, USA - 14.2%, Canada - 11.6%, United Kingdom - 8.3%, South Korea - 6.2%.

The export of mineral raw materials that makes up the main export article, compared to the same period of 2007 increased by $ 245.9 million, precious and semi-precious stones, metals and decorations - at 175.4 million dollars, products of chemical enterprises - by 22.1 million USDOLLARES USA, Raw materials, recycled skin, flies and products from them - by 1.9 million dollars. However, the exports of knitted products decreased by 7.8 million dollars, metallurgical products - by 3.4 million dollars.

The actual volume of the export of copper concentrate compared with 2007 decreased by 0.6 percent or 8.2 thousand tons, and in prices increased by 27.1%.

The main forms of foreign economic relations of modern Mongolia. Dynamics, structure and geography of foreign trade. Export and import of individual goods. Organization of foreign trade.

Credit and gratuitous assistance to the external world of Mongolia. Distribution of external assistance by industry. Organization of donor countries of Mongolia and its activities. The role of external assistance in the development of the economy and the social sphere.

Mongolia's cooperation with major foreign economic partners. The most important directions of Mongol-Russian economic cooperation And his role in the development of the Mongolian economy. Mongolia's participation in international economic organizations (IMF, World Bank, Azbr, etc.).

  • Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, / Monzame / In 11 months from the beginning of 2010, Mongolia implemented foreign trade operations with 130 countries of the world. The total turnover amounted to 5,421.8 million am. Dollars, from this export volume is $ 2,550.6 million, imports - 2,871.1 million dollars.
    Compared to the same period last year, the volume of foreign trade turnover increased by 1,831.4 million dollars, or by 51.0%, from this volume exports increased by 872.3 million dollars, or 52.0%, and the volume of imports - by 959.0 million dollars, That is, 50.2%.
    The negative balance of foreign trade balance in January-November 2010 reached $ 320.5 million, which there is an increase of 86.8 million dollars against the same period of last year, or by 37.1%.
    94.8 percent of all types of export products make up minseurs, knitwear and knitwear, precious and semi-precious metals and jewelry.

By parity of the purchasing power of $ 5.781 billion in 2006. GDP increase 7.5%.

Agriculture - 20.6%.
Industry - 21.4%.
Services - 58%.
Inflation - 9.5% (2005).

Budget 2010.

The budget of Mongolia for 2010 is adopted. Budget revenues will be 2 trillion 426.8 billion Tugrykov. Costs - 2 trillion 785.4 billion Tugrykov. The deficit of the country's chief financial document is more than 385 billion tugry. Losses failed to avoid despite the reduction of social costs. (11/27/2009)

In the past 2009, the Gross National Product of Mongolia decreased by 1.6%

As the Monzame, according to preliminary data of 2009, was transferred, the gross national product of the country amounted to 6055.8 billion tugres (47-50 tugrikov \u003d 1 ruble) on an annualized or 3564.3 billion tugres in 2005 prices. Compared to last year, this indicator decreased in comparable prices by 1.6%.

The official consumer goods and services index in the late 2009 increased compared to end of 2008 - by 4.2%.

In 2009, during 255 trading sessions on the Mongolia Stock Exchange Trade turnover securities amounted to 23.2 billion tugrikov. Compared with the previous 2008, the volume of trade decreased by 62.8% or by 39.2 billion tugres, the message is noted.

UDC 339.9 (517.3)

A.P. Sukhodolov, Yu.V. Kuzmin

Mongolia's economy in the system of Big Eurasia

The article presents the characteristics. modern economy Mongolia, its problems and difficulties. The focus is on the analysis of Mongolia's foreign economic relations in East Asia with main partners in the region. Considered issues of foreign investment in the Mongolian economy, especially the commodity sector of the country, as well as the formation of China-Mongolia-Russia transport corridors.

Keywords: Mongolia economy; commodity resources; foreign investment; Russia; China; "Third neighbor"; transport corridors; National interests.

AP. Sukhodolov, Yu.V. Kuzmin.

Economy of Mongolia In The System of Greater Eurasia

The Article Presents The Characteristics of the Current Economy of Mongolia, Its Problems and DiffiCulties. The Focus Is On The Analysis of Foreign Economic Relations of Mongolia with its Key Partners in East Asia. The Authors Consider The Issues of Foreign Investments INTO MONGOLIAN ECONOMY, Namely The Country "S Commodities Sector and Formation of the Transport Corridor China-Mongolia-Russia.

Keywords: Mongolia "S Economy; Natural Resources; Foreign Investments; Russia; China; The" Third Neighbor "; Transport Corridors; National Interests.

Modern global economy entered the area of \u200b\u200beconomic instability and reformatting. Economic data

processes and trends accepted an explicit form and showed themselves after 2014. Previously, they had a hidden character and showed themselves in a very veiled form. Long-term globalization seemed unshakable and eternal. Globalization processes were universal and seized the economic, political, scientific, information and cultural sphere. But it turned out that this was not so much began to change.

In the world there is a serious structural reformation, a multipolar economic order is formed; The US attempt was failed after the collapse of the USSR to create a single-polar world, oriented over one country, one currency, one liberal economy model. The countries of the world did not accept this system, obviously and rightly resisted it. Attempts by "color revolutions" to plant American order in Western Asia countries also came across hard resistance and confrontation. The countries of Islamic civilization have their own values, more ancient and deep, than a young American model, which is one of the Western economy models, and it is not the best part of it. A more attractive in the global economy can be a socio-market model, which is especially successful in France, Germany, Sweden. Unfortunately, it is necessary to state that it also exhausts its economic opportunities, needs serious socio-economic adjustment and, apparently, in the coming years it will happen. In the last decade, the economic experience of Finland, Norway, Denmark, where the interests of the elite and the population are harmoniously combined. Of course, these are very small countries where successful education systems, social assistance systems and support are possible in small countries and square countries.

The economy of Mongolia over the past 25 years has passed the complex path of transformation of the national economy from the state-planned market. Conducted phased mass privatization state ownedNow the share of the private sector is 80%. On this path there were not only achievements, but also losses. The share of industrial production was reduced. In 1990-2003 Gross industry has decreased

approximately 20%, the lower point accounted for 1993 -40%. Doubled the volume mining industry And 2.5 times the volume of manufacturing products (Gravoronsky, 2007, pp. 25) decreased. A rapid pace is growing non-ferrous metals (copper), gold, coal, oil.

The economy of modern Mongolia is experiencing a difficult period of its development. The crisis of the global economy and the fall in demand and prices for commodity resources of Mongolia (copper, coal, oil, etc.) led to a sharp reduction in the profits of companies, employment and income of the state budget. The lack of competition for commodities of Mongolia and the purchase only by China led to a sharp decline in price of copper, coal, agricultural raw materials.

Mongolia GDP growth in 2014 amounted to 7.9%, in 2015 -2.3%. Previously, there were years when GDP growth reached 14% per year, when commodity prices were stable and high.

As you know, Mongolia has large coal deposits (Tabantolag), copper (Outwall, Erdenet) world-class, which are designed and are already exploited. Exports of raw materials resources - the leading budget income article, more than 60% of the budget income. Therefore, the fall in world prices for commodities immediately affects the economic situation of the country, the income of the population and its employment. This is a weak place of the modern Mongolian economy. This circumstance is also aggravated by the fact that the main buyer of this raw material is one buyer - China, which enjoys a monopoly position and dictates a pricing policy on the Mongolian market. Under these conditions, the diversification of the Mongolian economy (and above all the rapid development of processing and high-tech sectors of the economy) and the search for new foreign economic partners in the global market is the urgent need for the stable development of modern Mongolia.

Mongolia does not have access to the sea and it complicates its foreign economic relations. Its location between Russia and China, dependence on economic and political relations with neighboring countries seriously affect economic situation nomadic country. Currently (beginning of September 2017) Mongolia is looking for options for transporting Mongolian

coal through the sea port of Vladivostok. This will avoid the lowest price that Chinese buyers offer, as it will allow for alternative markets of East Asia (South Korea, Japan, etc.). It should also be noted that Mongolia has a fleet that floats under the Mongol flag (more than 200 ships different countries). Mongolia within the framework of the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok decided to prepare the Mongolian sessions. The most difficult problem is railway tariffs for transportation of goods, in this case, preferential tariffs are necessary.

Mongolia was already part of the Qing Empire and as part of the Soviet bloc, so she wanted to preserve economic and political independence. Statements on the policy of neutrality of Mongolia and the implementation in the practice of this provision are little consistent. Currently, Mongolia's economy is under significant economic influence of powerful China (investment, foreign trade). During the last presidential company, all presidential candidates emphasized the high dependence of the Mongolian economy from the southern neighbor and considered it necessary to expand Russian-Mongolian economic cooperation to balance the relations in the Russia-Mongolia-China triangle.

High hopes in Mongolia pinned and lay on the so-called. Mongolia's Third neighbor in the face of the United States, Japan, South Korea, Western European countries. Unfortunately, the scale of economic cooperation and investment is insignificant and does not compensate the scale of cooperation in the triangle. Modern Mongolia is actively expanding economic cooperation with countries that have not previously been its active partners: Iran, UAE, Israel, Turkey, etc. There are significant opportunities to expand economic and scientific cooperation. For example, in Turkey, more than 400 Mongolian students are studying today; In the distant Australia - more than 200 students and undergraduates.

The most ambitious and close economic and political relations are associated with Mongolia with Japan and South Korea. The greatest number of Mongol migrants works and learns

in South Korea, significant scientific connections between Mongolia and Japan, Mongolia's investment support are also from Japan and South Korea, which are considered as close and related Asian peoples. Mongolia's youth is also to youth Korean culture. Both countries are perceived in Mongolia as Asian countries that have achieved outstanding results.

Maintenance economic problems: lack of investment, a small population (3 million people) and its uneven accommodation in the center of the city of Ulan-Batar (1.4 million people), political instability and frequent change of Mongolian governments (for 10 years 15 governments), corruption and capital export .

A frequent change of governments, a change in legislation in the field of mining and taxation in this area leads to an outflow foreign investors, frequent judicial processes. The corruption component led to the enormous social stratification of the Mongolian society, social instability. Investment Forum in Ulan Bator in early September 2017 noted the need to develop concrete and stable rules for attracting foreign capital, reducing administrative obstacles.

The active mining of minerals leads to the oss of Mongolian nomads with traditional accommodation and destroying ecology. Also, desertification processes took threatening sizes for Mongolia. Desertification processes in Mongolia have a natural basis associated with the warming of the world climate and the influence of the development of cattle breeders, due to the mass breeding of livestock (80 million heads), especially Mongolian goats.

The Mongolian government and the scientific elite of the country are interested in the development of the processing industry and high-tech production. Mongolian scientists and inventors offer various high-tech technologies that find business support and state Structures. Mongolian youth talented and dynamic, he is actively educated in the best foreign universities, participates in scientific projects and wins in intellectual competitions. So, in August

step 2017 In the Asian Games, Mongols won 73 medals from 90 possible awards. Over time, it can go to quality. True, it also has a reverse side - the migration of talented Mongolian scientists abroad.

The special position of Mongolia between the two major powers: Russia and China in recent years acquires its economic benefits. China's transformation into a global economic power, which is interested in stable transport corridors China - Europe, the formation of transport corridors "one belt is one way", the new Schedule includes Mongolia as one of the important links of these projects. The inclusion of Mongolia into the system of international railway, aviation and automotive corridors will increase the economic position of the country in the international economy, especially in Internal Asia. Mongolia is considered as one of the six variants of transport corridors China - Western Europe. Currently, the transport corridor from China through the countries of Central Asia is actively functioning, which allows the Chinese side to shift successfully with other options and partners. In August 2017, the working meeting of representatives of the transport structures of Russia, Mongolia and China was held in Ulan-Ude and decided to form a Tian-Jin-Jin's transport corridor - Ulan-Ulan-Ude in two versions: railway and automotive. The implementation of this project is scheduled for the beginning of 2018. It is about the modernization of existing roads and the improvement of border crossings, as well as to create a modern infrastructure in transit countries.

Mongolia is engaged in improving the quality of railway and roads of the country, an increase in traffic rates, an increase in the number of border points of passenger and goods. This will improve or create anew modern road, international airports, to increase the number of modern jobs in the field of service and tourism. The discussions continue in Mongolia: which railways are built in Mongolia: Russian or Chinese standards?

The construction of a new railway from Erdenta to the border with Tõli began, it is assumed in the future, its connection with an expensive on a tying, which is only built. This will allow dramatically to reduce the path to Europe and enter the developed regions of South Siberia.

As you know, at present, China is actively creating a system of transport corridors to Europe through the countries of Central Asia, partially affecting Russia. This corridor is shorter in time than the Russian Transsiber, therefore indirectly sharpening competition. China is actively creating hubs in the countries of the world, that is, the warehouses of Chinese products, roads, bridges and other transport corridors, the necessary rapid delivery of Chinese goods or producing them in this area. For example, the world's longest cargo railway corridor Harbin Hamburg is launched. Also, for example, in Belarus, about Minsk is created by the so-called industrial park "Great Stone", on an area of \u200b\u200b80 km2. This project is estimated at about $ 80 billion.

High rates of economic growth in the PRC, the yield of a number of industrial production sectors for the leading position in the world, the formation of a new transport system and logistics in Northeast Asia, including the so-called "new silk way", will create significant significant perspectives problems and difficulties for the Russian economy, which loses its economic positions in the modern international economy, due to economic sanctions, outflow of domestic and foreign capital from the country and inadequate time requirements economic model Development of Russia. The serious strengthening of the geopolitical and military status of Russia is compensated for by the economic block, but in the future it will manifest itself in an increasingly negative light.

The strategic partnership with the PRC also has its limits, so the very concept of a strategic partnership for modern China is generally unacceptable. The Juno State (Middle State or Middle Empire) did not consider and considers neighboring countries and the peoples of strategic partners, but only by temporary allies, and not always equal

. We consider it a political, economic and military partnership tactical, by China, until he strengthens its position to the level of the US military-geopolitical potential or close, for direct competition and confrontation (highlighted by the author). The Russian side, it is necessary to specifically calculate not only the positive prospects, but also difficulties, the problems that will arise in the implementation of projects initiated and promoted by the Chinese side.

The economic superiority of the PRC in the near future is supplemented by military geopolitical superiority and a higher scientific level of world leadership. The expenses for the science and education of China, superior to Russian, are already given their first fruits, and, in the near future, will show the world's real scientific advances in the world.

Russia declares economic, political and scientific interest in Russian-Mongolian cooperation, but so far it is incomparable with the size of Chinese-Mongolian economic cooperation, Chinese investments and opportunities. The economy of Mongolia is increasingly increasing dependent on China. The obtained loans will have to give in the near future, finding other buyers of Mongol raw materials can not yet succeed and prices are held at a low level. The Chinese leadership reacted pretty hard on the visit of the Dalai Lama in Mongolia, and the main thing was not allocated a promised loan of $ 4 billion.

In general, the situation of Russia and Mongolia in the triangle of Russia-Mongolia-China in a sense is quite similar, although not identical and. According to the structure of its exports to China, they are raw materials suppliers for the fast-growing economy of China, peculiar appendages of the economy or periphery chinese economywhich is a rapid pace to world leadership. This cooperation is more responsible to the national and economic interests of China, not Russia and Mongolia. Further development in this direction will have negative consequences for the economies of Russia and Mongolia, especially the Mongolian economy, seriously dependent on the PRC.

The Mongolian economy needs to sharply increase the manufacturing industry, modern technologies in agriculture, energy, communications. It is necessary to create and develop another major city to unload the overpopulation and the ecological disadvantage of the Mongolian capital. Investing breakthrough Mongolian technologies in individual areas (medicine, alternative energy, electronics, etc.) will allow the accumulated accumulated intellectual potential Mongolian scientists. The intensive development of the regional economic relations of Mongolia with Buryatia, Tõga, the Irkutsk Region and the Trans-Baikal Territory will allow joint efforts to intensify the national economy and to preserve independence, improve the quality of life of the Mongolian population.

Sukhodov Alexander Petrovich - Doctor of Economics, Professor, Rector, Baikal State University, 664003, Russian Federation, Irkutsk, ul. Lenina, 11, e-mail: [Email Protected]

Kuzmin Yuri Vasilyevich - Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Department of World Economy and International Business, Baikal State University, 664003, Irkutsk, ul. Lenina, 11, e-mail: [Email Protected]


Yuri V. Kuzmin - DSC in History, Professor, Department of World Economy and International Business, Baikal State University, 11 Lenin St., 664003, Irkutsk, Russian Federation, E-mail: [Email Protected]

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