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One of the most frequently repeated and famous Ayatov final revelation of the Most High is "Ayatul-Kursi" (or Ayat Al-Kursi - "Ayat Throne"). It is given in the second Sura of the book of Allah - Al-Bakar ("Cow") at number 255.

Abu Khruire (R.A.) is transmitted that the Messenger of the Lord Muhammad (S.G.V.) informed His Umma: "Truly, there is a vertex, and Sura" Bakara "- the top of the Quran. And in this Sura, there are Ayat, who is Mr. All Ayatov Koran - Ayatul Kursi (transferred to the collections of Khakim and At-Tirmisi).

In Arabic text "Ayata Tron"looks like that:

اللّهُ لاَ إِلَهَ إِلاَّ هُوَ الْحَيُّ الْقَيُّومُ لاَ تَأْخُذُهُ سِنَةٌ وَلاَ نَوْمٌ لَّهُ مَا فِي السَّمَاوَاتِ وَمَا فِي الأَرْضِ مَن ذَا الَّذِي يَشْفَعُ عِنْدَهُ إِلاَّ بِإِذْنِهِ يَعْلَمُ مَا بَيْنَ أَيْدِيهِمْ وَمَا خَلْفَهُمْ وَلاَ يُحِيطُونَ بِشَيْءٍ مِّنْ عِلْمِهِ إِلاَّ بِمَا شَاء وَسِعَ كُرْسِيُّهُ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالأَرْضَ وَلاَ يَؤُودُهُ حِفْظُهُمَا وَهُوَ الْعَلِيُّ الْعَظِيمُ

Transcription:Allahu la ielyah Illyahu, al-Heyoul-Kaium. La Ta-Huzuha Sina-Tuu-Ua La Naum. Lyakhua Ma Fis-Samauta UA Ma Ma Flower Ard. Manzals Yashfa-'u 'Induha Illy Bi-Eastern? Ya'lyama Ma Bayna Iidihim Ua Ma Halfahum. Wa La Yu-Hitoon Bi-Shayim-min 'Il-Miha Illya Bim Sha! UA-C-'a Kursijahus-Samaua-Tool-ARD; Wa La Ya-Uduh Hu Hifu-Huma Ua Hual-'Najyoul-'Asem.

Translation of the meaning:

Allah - There is no deity, except for him, and only we should worship. Allah - alive, judge and keeps the existence of all people. Its not the volume of neither a nail nor sleep; He one owns the fact that in heaven and on earth; And there is no equal to him. Who will stand at the other before him without his permission? Allah - Glory to him Almighty! - He knows everything that was and what will happen. No one can comprehend any of his wisdom and knowledge, except that he will dial. The throne of Allah, his knowledge and his power is extensive than heaven and the earth, and does not make it the security of them. Truly, he is the Most High, the United and Great!

Many Hadiths are dedicated to the importance and greatness of this Ayat. Some of them are reliable, but there are weak (in other words, there are loss in the chain of transmitters or dubious transmitters).

For example, it is transmitted that if the believer spoke to himself "Al-Kursi" after the completion of mandatory magazines before the pronouncement of Tasbych (33 times "Subhanallah", Alhamdullyl and "Allah Akbar!"), Then he will not hurt him after death to heaven.

It is also known that the fourth righteous Caliph Ali (R.A.) said: "I do not understand those who go to bed, does not read" Ayat Throne. " According to him, if a person realized the degree of greatness of this Ayat, he would never neglect his reading, because this fragment of the noble Koran was sent to the final God's Messenger (S.G.V.) from Arsha himself.

It is believed that reading the "Ayat Al-Kursi" helps to overcome the Shaitan and save him a housing. You can learn this Doua, repeating the Koran-Hafiz on our video, which also provides transcription by Russian letters:

Doubt and disagreements in the importance of the permanent citation of "Ayatul-Kursi" does not occur. The reason is simple: here is very often mentioned And the highest qualities inherent in him: Heyu. (Always alive, one who has no beginning, no end); Kayum (Judicial, independent of anyone and anything that does not need anyone else); Aliya (Highest, high); Azyma (Greatest).

In addition, the Al-Kursy are given such signs of the Creator as:

  • Varkhand (unity): "Allah - there is no deity, except for him ...";
  • Goylm (possession of knowledge): "... knows everything that happened and what will happen. No one can comprehend any of his wisdom and knowledge, except that he will stay ";
  • Malik (dominion): "He one owns the fact that in heaven and on earth; And there is no equal ... ";
  • Svadrat (power): "Throne of Allah, his knowledge and its power is extensive than heaven and land, and not to protect them,";
  • Irada (Will): "It's not a volume of neither a nor sleep," no one can comprehend any of his wisdom and knowledge, except that he will donate "(2: 255).

This passage from Sura "Bakara" has such a name due to the words mentioned in it. Theologians gave him various interpretation. Hassan Basry believed that there is a member of the Lord worlds here here. Ibn Kasir assured - "Kursi" does not indicate the Arsh, and this is something more than the throne. Abdullah Ibn Abbas (R.A.), in turn, emphasized: "Kursi" means Goylm (knowledge) of our creator.

Mountain cashew is considered to be Brazil. There this tree still grows in a wild form, as well as wild walnut cashews and in the Islands of the Caribbean Sea. For the first time began to cultivate him in Brazil, and today more than 30 countries are the main suppliers of raw materials into the world market. Export its countries with a warm climate like India, Vietnam, Brazil, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, etc. This species Nut is not growing in Russia, and from countries former USSR It is grown only in the south of Azerbaijan.

In the shell of the walnut cashew contains a caustic balsam with poisonous substances (cardol), which causes skin irritation.

The cutting of nuts is done manually, and this process is very dangerous: even among the experienced "separators of nuts", there are often cases of burns of Cardol. Because of this, nuts are harvested in gloves and digested in a special fluid before use, after which the shell is made harmless and fragile

If you go to some tropical country, and you will have the opportunity to clean the cashew yourself, do not even try, as it is very harmful to health!

Use of cashew nuts

Stable use in food nutritional nuts improves brain activity, increases memory and concentration.

Cashew brings special benefits to people with elevated cholesterol, as well as suffering atherosclerosis and a bad state of vessels (the presence of atherosclerotic plaques, thrombosis and heart disease).

Walnut is very useful and has an anti-skileotic effect. It effectively affects the work of the cardiovascular system: strengthens the walls of the vessels, makes them elastic, and further improves blood circulation. High content in potassium, healing effects: Hemoglobin's generation is normalized, the composition of the blood is improved.

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Cashew in moderate quantity is able to normalize blood sugar levels.

One of the most famous poems of the Quran is Ayatulkursi - 255 verse of the head of the cow. Ayatul Kursy in Russian means "ayat throne, ayat throne." He got his name thanks to the mention of the throne of the Most High. There are several versions of its causes of nice, but none of them is reliable. "PREFURE YOU! We only know what you taught us. Truly, you know, wise "(Sura Al-bakara, verse 32).

For a complete understanding of Ayat, it is recommended to study his taffsire, which can be found in the collections of Islamic scientists. One of these personalities is AD AD AR-Rahman Bin Nasir As-Saadi (yes he raves his Allah) - the author of the collection "relief from generous and gracious".

Now every Muslim, regardless of its place of residence, is able to listen to the Quran at any time. This can be done free. Anyone can enjoy the wonderful reading of such a famous Crano reader as Mishari Rashid using the Internet.

Advantages of Ayat Alcurcy

The peculiarity of this verse in his wonderful strength, which he has due to the testimony of the monotheism and the greatness of Allah. In this Ayat, the creator talks about himself his slaves simple languageUsing metaphors that understand the descendants of Adam. And constantly thinking about the true meaning of this Ayata, the believer fills his soul to faith, knowledge and protects against the goat Shaitanov and Ginnov.

Truly, this Ayat is the greatest and valuable in the whole of the Quran. The noble Messenger of Allah in response to the question of what Ayat Holy Scripture, he considers the greatest and significant, answered: "Ayat Alcurcy." There are many other statements of the Messenger of Allah, in which he emphasizes the advantages and value of this Ayata. The Prophet recommended for his associates to read Ayat Alcurcy as a DUA to solve many problems, for example, to cure from diseases, protection and cleansing from the goat Shaitan, getting rid of fear for the forgiveness of sins. Ayat Yal-Kursy can be read after the mandatory and additional prayers, before eating, before leaving the house, when returning home, when visiting the patient, as well as with any difficult life situations.

In the Hadith, transmitted by Abu Khrayroy says: "Truly, there is a vertex, and Sura Al-bakara is the top of the Quran, and in this Sura, there are Ayat, who is Mr. All Ayatov Koran - Ayatul Kursi. Also, the Prophet recommended to pronounce the throllery verse after Namaz in order to protect himself from Schitan's tracks. This is evidenced by the Hadith, transmitted by Al-Hasan: "Who will read the al-Kursi Ayat after prayer, he will be protected by God until the next prayer" (is given in the Collection of Hadith AT-Tabrani).

Ayat Alcurcy has the deepest spiritual meaning and helps everyone to realize the greatness of the Divine beginning and approach spiritual perfection. But in order to take advantage of all the benefits of Ayat, you need to learn how to correctly read it in Arabic and explore the tafsir. Nowadays, even for Muslim, who does not own Arabic, it does not represent any difficulty. Enough to enter the Internet and in the search bar, to type the text "Ayat Alcurcy" and the worldwide network will immediately give a selection of sites where it is possible to explore the transcription of this majestic ayata. Everyone can do it online. You can also download the necessary materials to your computer or smartphone. And having mastered the right reading, Muslim can constantly repeat it, reflect on its meaning and comprehend the meaning. As a result, the heart of the believer will become softer and kinder, and Iman is more perfect. And a person will be able to fulfill the Testament of the Prophet: "The one who read the Ayat Al-Kursi after prayer, [if he dies] nothing will prevent fall into paradise." This Hadith was transferred to Abu Uma, he is given in the collection of AS-SUYUTY J. "Al-Jami 'AS-Sagyr" as the Hadith "Sahih".

Ayat al-Kursi

Allaah Lyaya Ilyayya Ilyaja Huyul-Kaiyuum, Lyaya Ta'huzu-Hu Sinatow-Valyaa Naum, Lyakhau Maa Fis-Samaavataa Va Maa Fili Ard, Meng Liazia Yashfia'u 'Indakhi Ilajaya Biyannaya, i'llim Maa Bayna Idihim Va Maa Halfachum Vaia Yuhiitune bi Sheiim-min 'Ilmihi Illya Biaa Shaa'a, Vasya Kurizyuhu Sumaaavata Val Ard, Vaia Yauduha Hifzukhamaa Va Huz Val-' Nijul-'AZim.


Allah. There is no God, except for him, forever living, existing. He will not be comprehended not a dream nor a denm. His

it belongs to everything in heaven and on earth. Who will stand before him

otherwise, how about his will? He knows what was, and what will happen. None

able to comprehend knowledge of it, except for his will. Heaven and Earth Volume of the throne, and does not bother his concern about them. It. Most High, Great!.

1. Ayat al-Kursy is the most great Ayat in the Holy Quran. It contains "ISMA "AZAM", i.e. The greatest name of the Most High.

2. The reading Ayat Al-Kursse will be protected from the dangers of jinn from morning to evening, and from evening to morning.

3. Ayat al-Kursy is equal to the quarter of the Holy Quran.

4. Who reads Ayat Al Kursi after compulsory namaz, will be protected until the next mandatory prayer.

5. Who reads Ayat Al-Kursy constantly after each compulsory namaz, then only death separates this person from Paradise.

7. Who reads Al-Kursse Ayat at the entrance to the house, then the Shaitan will run away from there.

9. The thief is not suitable close to the reading al-Kursi.

11. Ginn will not be able to open the dishes on which the al-Kursi was read.

12. Who sincerely read the al-Kursse Ayat before bedtime, he will be protected until the morning. 2 angel will be appointed for its safety.

13. If you read the al-Cursse ayat and blow on your belongings, etc., the Shaitan does not fit close.

14. Who will read Al-Kursse Ayat before leaving the house, will be under the protection of Allah before returning.

15. Who reads Ayat Al-Kursy and the beginning of Sura "Gaethir" in the morning, will be safe until the evening, and in the same way, if you read in the evening, then there will be safety until the morning.

16. Kutbubbin Bakhtiyar conveyed: "Who reads Ayat Al-Curse before leaving the house, Allah will save this house from needs."

17. If you sincerely read the al-Kurssey and blow on a sick person, then Allah will alleviate pain.

18. If you sincerely read the al-course and blow into the hospital ward, Allah will facilitate the suffering of people who are there.

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