
Project for the organization of the construction of the settlement sample. Construction organization project Installation of internal engineering systems

High-quality POS projects with approval

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    Depending on the complexity of the object, the conditions of construction work and the socio-economic significance, points can be added, expanded, and have a more detailed structure.

    In the PIC, such aspects of the construction and installation work as logistics must be noted;

  • safety and labor protection;
  • natural and climatic conditions;
  • technical equipment;
  • observance of the norms of nature protection;
  • providing the facility with communications and much more.

Only a deep knowledge of the specifics of the construction, repair and installation work, accompanying documents and standards, can ensure the preparation of a competent detailed Project for the organization of construction. And already on this basis other documents, permits and approvals will be formed. So, in particular, the Project for the production of works (PPR), is built on the basis of the PIC and contains, in fact, a step-by-step plan for carrying out work at each site of the facility.
Thus, the Construction Management Project is mandatory document, both for the contractor and for the customer, and for organizations that provide the material and technical support of the construction site, requiring the agreement of the parties and the final approval of the state expertise.

We carry out the development of POS for construction work and laying engineering communications:

  • explanatory note
  • construction plan for the preparatory period
  • explanatory note
  • work schedule
  • construction plan for the main period of work

14 years of successful work

More than 140 POS projects in 9 cities throughout Russia

POS development for industrial facilities any complexity

Coordination of PIC projects

POS support in examination and Glavgosexpertiza

Any construction of reliable, harmonious buildings and structures requires careful engineering calculations and professional planning of material, technical and labor costs. In accordance with the requirements of the legislation, the project documentation package includes a construction organization project. The importance of the PIC underlines the fact that this document is subject to state expertise, based on the decision of which a building permit is issued within the time frame fixed in the POS.

Unlike the project for the production of work, developed for individual construction projects, the project for the organization of work covers the entire complex of buildings and structures at the construction site. Based on the master plan, several PPRs are drawn up, in which technological process, rational organization of construction and expenditure of material and technical and labor resources for the construction of a specific object. Projects for the organization of construction are developed, both for entire residential areas with a variety of infrastructure, large industrial complexes, and for individual buildings and structures. POS is also necessary if enlargement or reconstruction of objects is planned. The construction organization project is a mandatory document for the customer, construction contractors, and organizations responsible for financing and material and technical support of construction.

Examples of completed PIC projects

Reconstruction of OJSC "NK" Rosneft "

Moscow, Entuziastov highway, 40

Construction Arrangement Project (POS) as part of the project for Reconstruction of OJSC NK Rosneft - MZ Nefteprodukt with the construction of a Complex for the production of lubricants and special fluids with a total capacity of 31,000 tons / year (second stage).

Housing and hotel complex with built-in kindergarten and underground parking

Moscow, Kozhevnichesky proezd, possession 4, p. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6a, 6b, 7, 8, 9, 10

Construction organization project (POS) of a residential and hotel complex with a built-in kindergarten and underground parking on a land plot with cadastral number 77: 01: 0006018: 93, with an area of ​​16037 sq.m.

Complex reconstruction of objects of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "United Sanatorium" Sochi "

Krasnodar region, Sochi, Vinogradnaya st., 27

Project for the organization of construction for the object "Comprehensive reconstruction of facilities of the Federal State Budgetary Institution" United Sanatorium "Sochi" of the Presidential Administration Russian Federation... Third stage - auxiliary facilities(reconstruction)". Adjustment-2

POS of the first stage of residential development

Moscow region, north-western part of Novogorsk microdistrict (Khimki, settlement "Ivanovskoe")

Construction organization project (POS) of the 1st stage of multi-apartment residential development in the territory of the Khimki district.

Reconstruction of the stadium for 3000 people

Moscow region, Aprelevka

Construction organization project for the reconstruction of the stadium with a tribune for up to 3000 spectators of the municipal autonomous institution sports of the physical culture and recreation complex "Melody"

Construction plan for the main construction period

Moscow, Central Administrative District, B. Kozikhinsky per., 25

Construction plan for the main period of construction of a residential building with built-in non-residential premises and underground parking

Features of POS development

  • residential buildings;
  • in winter;
  • in mountainous areas;

Our design certificates

What do you get by contacting us to develop a construction organization project:

correctly executed project or construction plan

doing work

Attention to detail
and interest

on the development of POS and other documents

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An example of a project that has passed the examination

Positive conclusions of Mosgorexpertiza at the POS of residential development of the Volynskaya TD, as part of the 2nd and 3rd stages of construction (Moscow, CJSC, Minskaya str.)

Positive conclusions of Mosgorexpertiza on the POS of residential buildings with underground parking (buildings 3,4,6, Moscow, SZAO, Volokolamskoe shosse, vl67)

Positive conclusion of the examination of the POS of a high-rise complex with an underground garage (Moscow, North-Eastern Administrative District, Serebryakova pr-d, vl. 11-13)

Positive conclusion of the examination of the POS of a multifunctional residential complex (Moscow, Golyanovo, Amurskaya st., Property 3)

POS (Moscow, Proizvodstvennaya st., Property 6)

Positive conclusion of the POS examination (Moscow, Central Administrative District, Kursovoy lane, vl. 10/1)

Initial materials for the development of POS projects

POS is developed on the basis of the following source materials:

  • Chapter Architectural solutions(AP);
  • Section Constructive solutions (CD);
  • SPOSU;
  • Results of engineering and geological surveys;
  • Technical and economic indicators (TEP) of construction;
  • Decisions on the use of materials, technology and resources;
  • Information about the supply of building materials and equipment;

Features of POS development

The construction organization project provides organizational and technical preparation for construction and justifies the timing and sequence of delivery of facilities.

Based on engineering calculations (during the reconstruction of objects - based on materials technical survey) and the necessary design documentation in the POS, the total volumes are calculated capital investments and construction and installation works, indicating the time of execution, the need for the necessary workforce, taking into account their qualifications and the need for material and technical resources. The PIC should contain information about:

  • solving problems of organizing transport, water supply, sewerage, power supply, communications;
  • places of removal (or delivery) of excess (or missing) soil, removal of construction waste;
  • quality control and safety of construction and installation works, organization of labor protection and the environment;
  • construction in difficult natural and climatic conditions - at low (high temperatures), in mountainous regions, on soils with special properties;
  • measures for performing work on a rotational basis, including work schedules, work and rest hours, composition and technical equipment of brigades;
  • used machines, mechanisms, technological inventory and assembly equipment;
  • schemes of storage and slinging of goods, etc .;

The composition, as well as the content of the POS, may vary depending on the characteristics of a particular object, the specifics of the conditions for carrying out work or delivery of materials, as well as other aspects of construction. When erecting simple objects, an abbreviated version of the PPR can be used.

Objects requiring a special approach to the implementation of construction work are listed below:

  • residential buildings;
  • buildings that will be used to provide household services to the population;
  • main roads or railways, gas and oil pipelines, power transmission and communication lines;
  • water management or hydraulic engineering facilities;
  • enterprises specializing in the extraction of minerals, other objects.

The peculiarity of the conditions under which the construction is carried out also plays a significant role during the development of the POS. Features in the preparation of documentation are determined for objects that are being built:

  • in winter;
  • on soils with special properties;
  • in mountainous areas;
  • in special natural conditions.

The area of ​​construction, its features, the complexity of the work performed are parameters that have a major impact on the content of PPR and POS.
The complexity of the process of developing the design of the organization of construction depends on the specific object, its scale and specifics. POSSTROY specialists offer their services for creating projects of any complexity from a small cottage to a large irrigation and drainage or industrial complex... High qualifications, rich experience and prompt solution of problems are the key to successful cooperation with POSSTROY.

The text part of the PIC should contain:

  • characteristics of the area at the location of the object capital construction and construction conditions;
  • assessment of the development of transport infrastructure;
  • information on the possibility of using local labor in the implementation of construction;
  • a list of measures to attract qualified specialists for construction, including for work on a rotational basis;
  • characteristics of the land plot provided for construction, justification of the need for use for construction land plots outside the land plot provided for the construction of a capital construction facility;
  • description of the features of work in the conditions operating enterprise, at the locations of underground utilities, power transmission lines and communications - for industrial facilities;
  • a description of the features of work in a cramped urban environment, in the locations of underground utilities, power transmission lines and communications - for non-production facilities;
  • substantiation of the adopted organizational and technological scheme, which determines the sequence of the construction of buildings and structures, engineering and transport communications, ensuring compliance with the deadlines for completion of construction (its stages) established in the construction schedule;
  • a list of types of construction and installation work, critical structures, sections of engineering and technical support networks, subject to certification with the preparation of appropriate acceptance certificates before the production of subsequent work and the installation of subsequent structures;
  • the technological sequence of work during the construction of capital construction objects or their individual elements;
  • justification of the need for construction in personnel, basic construction machines, mechanisms, vehicles, in fuel and fuels and lubricants, as well as in electricity, steam, water, temporary buildings and structures;
  • substantiation of the size and equipment of sites for the storage of materials, structures, equipment, enlarged modules and stands for their assembly. Solutions for the movement of heavy oversized equipment, large modules and building structures;
  • proposals for ensuring quality control of construction and installation works, as well as equipment, structures and materials supplied to the site and installed;
  • proposals for the organization of a geodetic and laboratory control service;
  • a list of requirements that must be taken into account in the working documentation developed on the basis of design documentation in connection with the accepted methods of erection of building structures and installation of equipment;
  • justification of the need for housing and social services for the personnel involved in the construction;
  • a list of activities and design solutions to determine the technical means and methods of work that ensure the implementation regulatory requirements labor protection;
  • description of design solutions and measures for environmental protection during the construction period;
  • substantiation of the accepted duration of construction of a capital construction facility and its individual stages;
  • a list of measures for organizing monitoring of the condition of buildings and structures located in the immediate vicinity of the facility under construction, earth, construction, installation and other work on which may affect the technical condition and reliability of such buildings and structures;

The graphic part of the POS should contain:

Thus, a large number of subject SPDs of the most varied kinds are based on information taken from the PIC. Start construction and installation work without having a PIC that has passed the examination in established order prohibited by law. Design documentation will be needed not only for the investor, the construction customer, but also for the contractor construction organizations.

Depending on the complexity of the construction, the development of the POS is carried out in one or two stages - the "Project" stage (P) and the " Working documentation" (R).

Stroygenplan is an essential part of the PIC project. In it you can see how functionally and rationally the storage areas for materials and raw materials are organized, household, administrative, sanitary facilities, and temporary roads are located. Also, on the construction plan, all hazardous zones and methods for their elimination are shown, the locations and operation of the main mechanisms, their interaction and joint work are shown.

Calendar plan
A calendar plan or schedule is a document that clearly defines the duration, priority and combination of work performance, indicating the financial costs of construction by stages, for the PIC in general, for the PPR it is specified. This document is undoubtedly one of the defining ones in the organization of competent and timely financing of objects. Also in the calendar schedule, the dependence of construction on local natural and climatic conditions, when the object is in difficult conditions, is presented.

Explanatory note
An explanatory note is an equally important element of construction management projects. From the explanatory note, you can get a detailed idea of ​​all the features of the conditions of the upcoming construction, as well as its sequence, methods and technology for the production of construction and installation works, quality control and other processes necessary for construction. Also, in the explanatory note, all calculations are made necessary to determine the needs of construction in the provision of labor resources, engineering support, etc.

Regulatory framework for the development of POS

Construction belongs to the area of ​​activity in which the requirements for documentation are especially strict, they are based on numerous norms, joint ventures, SNiPs and rules. One of the main documents, the mandatory presence of which is approved in SP 48.13330.2011, is the PPR - a project for the production of work.

Federal legislation of the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation regulates the need to develop a PIC. According to him, the start of work in the field of capital construction is unacceptable without the availability of design documentation, which includes the construction organization project. The development of the POS section is carried out in accordance with SP48.13330.2011 and with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 87 of February 16, 2008.


The PIC approval process is regulated by the SNiP 1.02.01-85 "Instruction on the composition, procedure for the development, approval and approval of design and estimate documentation for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures" building codes... In accordance with these documents, the customer negotiates the POS with the general contractor for the construction and installation organization.

In addition, a number of examinations and approvals of the PIC with other supervisory authorities are being carried out, complete list which depends on the specifics of the object: architecture management; prefectures of administrative units; Directorate of Glavgosexpertiza; sanitary inspection bodies; Department of Fuel and Energy Facilities; Department of Economic Policy; city ​​transport department and other organizations.

We develop projects:

Design application

The POS construction organization project is a documentation where the issues of effective methods of organizing construction work in a specific situation at a specific facility are discussed in detail. The POS is the main organizational document for the construction of facilities with a production or non-production purpose. The project contains measures for the use of modern technological and informational means, allowing to improve the quality of work, reduce the time for the implementation of the entire project or its parts, and reduce the cost of implementation.

The project is also being developed for the demolition of objects. When performing such operations, the POS must ensure the safety of all operations, correct waste disposal and no harm to the environment. are engaged in design organizations that have SRO membership with admission to certain types of work.

Composition of the construction organization project

The composition of the organization's project and the content of its individual parts are influenced by the complexity and specificity of objects, therefore the composition changes in accordance with a specific situation. Influencing factors include design solutions, the amount of planning work, the degree of uniqueness or use of standard solutions (how unique the object is), the need for the construction of auxiliary structures, the use of special devices, installations and devices, the specifics of performing individual works. The composition of the PIC is influenced by exactly how materials, equipment and various structures will be supplied to the construction site.

The construction organization project includes the following components:

  • explanatory note;
  • a schedule for performing individual operations and the entire volume;
  • master plans for the preparatory and main stages of construction;
  • organizational and technological drawings, diagrams and other graphic data;
  • information on the volume of construction, installation operations, additional work;
  • information about the necessary materials, pre-prepared structures, as well as the equipment used to solve the assigned tasks;
  • plan of the need for devices, machines, construction equipment and transport with specific information on dates;
  • information about the required personnel to perform the work.

The content of the project for the organization of construction of the POS

The most important parts of the project are the work schedule and master plan. If the rest of the components can be present in a truncated form or absent altogether, then these are included in any POS, becoming its basis. All other statements and documents refer to the timetable and master plan as the rationale for their creation.

The timetable becomes the rationale behind the chosen sequence. From the work schedule, it becomes clear why such a sequence is the most effective, and in the organization of construction, this is of primary importance. The timing of each stage of work is clearly indicated.

General plan describes the optimal placement on the entire construction site or its individual parts of mechanisms for lifting loads, places for storing materials (some need special conditions), temporary roads for moving materials, mechanisms and various equipment, as well as other objects needed for construction. The master plan for the POS differs from the similar document for the project for the production of works in a more detailed answer to questions regarding the ways of implementing the tasks.

The explanatory note contains the details of the document on the basis of which the creation of the project begins. This may be a developer's decision, the implementation of a federal target program, a comprehensive program for the development of a municipal formation and other documents. It also contains the initial data for the preparation of documentation, information about the functional purpose of the facility, information about the need for utilities (gas, water, electricity, sewage). The correct implementation of the project allows you not to waste extra time in the future to connect communications that were not taken into account in the original plan. The explanatory note may contain another Additional Information, the volume of which depends on the complexity of the object planned for construction.

Initial data for project development

The organization's project is carried out taking into account the data and documents, the composition of which is present in the methodological recommendations. When creating a POS, the requirements of building codes, the Town Planning Code, and the relevant Federal laws are applied. The provisions of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 16.02.2008 N 87 are observed.

In the development of the organizational project, the initial data are used:

  • scheme of planning and organization of a plot of land;
  • solutions for architecture and urban planning;
  • Constructive decisions;
  • design documentation for the projected external networks for the supply of electricity, communications and other communications;
  • information on engineering and communication networks located in the execution area, and sources of water supply for the site, electrical energy and the necessary types of communication;
  • statement of the number of basic construction, installation and additional types of work;
  • project for the execution of operations for the dismantling of objects (if it is planned to build an existing object on the site or simply demolish and dismantle a production or non-production building).

The initial data is needed to fill in the corresponding sections. Design solutions form the basis of the requirement sheet for specific assembly designs. To describe technological and organizational schemes, a significant amount of information is required; to make the most effective decisions in the process, initial data of several types are used at once. Demolition work is not required for new construction, so the dataset also does not imply the presence of all described items without exception.

The basis for the development of a construction organization project is the customer's assignment with the technical conditions for implementation, which also belongs to the number of initial data.

The main goals of drawing up a PIC

The project of the organization is considered a part of the construction of the facility, in which the solution of all possible organizational issues arising during the execution of work is considered in maximum detail. PIC concerns the entire scope of construction from the very beginning to commissioning.

The purpose of creating a project is the delivery of the object on time. Effective organizational solutions allow you to properly spend the allotted time, eliminate the likelihood of downtime due to problems with the supply of materials, supplying equipment, the inability to install certain mechanisms and structures when necessary. The PIC takes into account the use of modern technologies allowing to shorten construction lead time and achieve the quality required by standards and regulations.

The project allows you to solve the following tasks:

  • the use of optimal organization methods to complete construction in the shortest possible time;
    development of the design capacity by the date set by the contract;
  • the use of modern technologies to meet the requirements of building codes and regulations, to ensure high quality;
  • timely delivery of structures, materials, products to the facility or its individual components (floors of a high-rise building, for example);
  • the use of vehicles for fast assembly of structures;
  • installation of technological equipment in large blocks, if there is such an opportunity to reduce the duration of operations;
  • compliance with safety and environmental protection requirements in order not to exceed the standards from the Technical Regulations.

The creation of the project is carried out taking into account the peculiarities of the natural and climatic conditions in the area of ​​construction. Performing many tasks at certain times of the year is simplified or complicated, the right approach allows you to choose the optimal time for solving the tasks. Sometimes the seasonality affects the delivery of equipment and materials, and territorial features also play a role. For the Northern climatic zone, there are special safety requirements associated with increased risks. Also special conditions characterized by work in mountainous areas.

Requirements for the design and content of the POS

The project includes text and graphic components. The explanatory note contains only text, in the remaining sections, graphics can be applied as needed. The graphic part contains diagrams, drawings, plans and other documents in the form of graphics. The text component contains explanations, descriptions, information about the object, reasons for making specific decisions, calculations, links to technical documents and standards used during the design process. Diagrams, figures, graphs and data in tabular form can also be located here.

Carrying out work in a cramped urban environment requires a description of the reasons for the crampedness and methods for performing construction in a designated situation. Safe execution of construction work in a hazardous area requires correct organizational solutions in the form of limiting the movement area of ​​cranes, arranging shelters and other structures to protect personnel and other people, and the use of screens.

The section on construction in cramped buildings includes the following data:

  • installation conditions and the specifics of working on a crane at a short distance from the pits;
  • the need to close streets at a certain time, restrictions on the movement of cars, changes in public transport routes;
  • organization of construction work near power lines to protect against damage to communication networks.

An important component of the organization of construction work is to meet the need for personnel and resources. For this, the number of required specialists and the period of their employment, a list of required materials and structures with optimal delivery data are clearly described. The construction organization plan is a guarantee of the completion of construction operations on time with proper quality.


Construction of a multi-storey residential building with built-in premises

Volume content:

Explanatory note


Construction schedule

List of volumes of construction and installation works

Statement of the need for building materials and structures

Graphic materials:

Total information


Explanatory note


General Provisions

Characteristics of construction conditions

Organization of the construction site

Construction Methods

Basic design solutions

Geodetic support of construction

Occupational safety measures

Environment preservation conditions

Technical and economic indicators

Justification of the duration of construction

Rationale for resource requirements

Schedule of the need for basic construction machines

Justification of the number of employees and the need for temporary buildings and structures

The scope of work included in the estimate in accordance with the decisions of the PIC

1. General Provisions

1. General Provisions

Initial data for the development of POS:

Working draft.

Materials of engineering-geological surveys carried out by "Gidrokhkhkhkhkhkhkhkhkhkhkhkhkhkh".

The POS is developed in accordance with the current all-Russian and departmental regulatory documents, the most important of which are:

- GOST R 21.1101-2009 System of design documentation for construction. Basic requirements for design and working documentation.

- SNiP 1.04.03-85 * Standards for the duration of construction and groundwork in the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures.

- SNiP 23-01-99 * Construction climatology (with Amendment N 1).

- SP 48.13330.2011 Organization of construction. Updated edition of SNiP 12-01-2004.

- SP 126.13330.2012 Geodetic works in construction. Updated edition of SNiP 3.01.03-84.

- GOST R 51248-99 Crane overhead rail tracks.

- PB 10-383-00 Rules for the construction and safe operation of cranes *.
* PB 10-383-00 are not valid. The Federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety "Safety rules for hazardous production facilities where lifting structures are used", approved by Rostekhnadzor order of 12.11.2013 N 533, are in force.

- SNiP 12-03-2001 Labor safety in construction. Part 1. General requirements.

- SNiP 12-04-2002 Labor safety in construction. Part 2. Construction production.

- Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 25, 2012 N 390 On fire safety.

- SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for the organization of construction production and construction work".

- STO NOSTROY 2.33.52-2011 Organization construction production... Organization of the construction site. New construction.

- STO NOSTROY 2.27.17-2011 Development of underground space. Laying underground utilities using horizontal directional drilling.

- Design standards for drawing up projects for the organization of construction. Part I (2nd edition, revised).

- Design standards for drawing up projects for the organization of construction. Part II.

- Design standards for drawing up projects for the organization of construction. Part VI.

- MDS 12-46.2008 Guidelines for the development and execution of a construction organization project, a demolition (dismantling) work organization project, a work production project.

2. The nature of construction and the conditions for its implementation

2.1. This project documentation provides for the construction of a multi-level residential building with built-in premises.

The projected object is located in the Pushkin administrative district of St. Petersburg, settlement Shushary, street XXXXXXX, d.xx, lit.X, dwelling house NXX.

The land plot planned for development is located in a prospective development area on the intra-quarter territory and belongs to LLC " Construction company"XXXXXXXXXXX".

From the north, south and west, the construction site is bounded by farmland lands, from the east, the site is bounded by the existing construction site. The site is free from buildings and green spaces and is characterized by a flat relief.

On the territory of the building plot there are overhead power lines, which will be cabled prior to the start of construction.

The construction area belongs to the I territorial zone of the II climatic region.

The location of the object within the city limits makes it possible to use city roads and utilities for the period of construction.

The construction of the facility is expected to be carried out by the general contractor with the involvement of specialized subcontractors.

The contractor is determined by the customer.

The construction organization must have the necessary production capacity, a sufficient number of machines and mechanisms, as well as qualified personnel.

2.2. Construction materials, products and structures will be delivered to the facility in a centralized manner by road transport from industrial enterprises and construction industry enterprises in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region according to the following transport scheme:

- Ready-mix concrete - concrete plant LLC "SK" XXXXXXXXXXX ".

- crushed stone - from the warehouse of JSC "Lentekhstrom" by road transport at a distance of up to 10 km.

- sand - from the warehouse of LLC "Stroytrans" by road at a distance of up to 20 km.

Construction waste, under an agreement with a special organization, is transported outside the construction site by road to the city dump at a distance of up to 20 km.

(Volkhonskoe highway 118, KPO landfill)

2.3. Brief climatological information.

The city of St. Petersburg is located on the coast of the Gulf of Finland of the Baltic Sea at the mouth of the Neva River and on the islands of its delta. The nearest suburbs are located on the lowland adjacent to the Neva and its continuation along the bay.

The territory of the city and its environs is under the influence of sea (Atlantic) and continental air masses of temperate latitudes, frequent entry of Arctic air and active cyclonic activity. As a result of the interaction of all climate-forming factors, a climate is formed close to the maritime one, with moderately warm, humid summers and rather long, moderately cold winters. The average annual air temperature is 4.2 ° C, and the period with long-term temperatures is 222 days. On average, there are 31 clear and cloudless days in St. Petersburg, overcast - 172, foggy - 57, semi-clear, with variable clouds - 105. Positive air temperature is established from April 3 to November 11, during this time (222 days) on average there are 126 rainy days (excluding intermittent rains). In the cold period (143) days, on average, 61 days with repeated precipitation (snow, hail, frost). The total amount of precipitation falls relatively little: 650-700 mm per year.

2.4. The engineering-geological and hydrogeological conditions of the construction site are characterized by a complex lithological structure - multilayer vertical stratification of soils, deep bedding of dense (supporting) soil layers. The soils are presented as follows:

- from the surface - bulk soils: plastic sandy loam, brown, mixed with sands of different sizes, wet, with gravel and pebbles, with construction waste (broken brick, glass). The thickness is 0.40-1.70 m;

- Lacustrine-glacial deposits - light silty refractory loams, brown, with interlayers of silty, moist and saturated sands, with rare gravel and pebbles, ferruginous. The thickness is 0.80-3.60 m;

- Glacial deposits - silty plastic sandy loam, gray, with interlayers of silty sands saturated with water, with gravel and pebbles up to 5-10%. The thickness is 0.80-1.50 m;

- light and heavy silty refractory loams, gray, with interlayers of silty sands saturated with water, with gravel and pebbles up to 5%. The thickness is 5.30-8.70 m;

- heavy silty semi-hard loams, bluish-gray, with interlayers of silty sands saturated with water, with gravel and pebbles up to 5%. The thickness is 1.50-3.50 m;

- Cambrian deposits - heavy and light silty hard clays, dislocated, blue, with thin interlayers of silty sands, with sandstone fragments. The thickness is 4.00-8.40 m;

- clays, heavy and light, silty hard, blue, with thin sandstone interlayers. The thickness is 1.60-7.00 m.

The standard depth of seasonal freezing for bulk soils is 1.39 m, for lacustrine-glacial loams, refractory, ferruginous is 1.15 m.

According to the degree of frost heaving, bulk soils belong to medium heaving soils, silty dense sands belong to highly heaving soils, sands are large, medium density and dense and sands of medium size, dense are practically not heaving soils.

The hydrogeological conditions of the drilling site are characterized by the presence of groundwater confined to modern fill soils, to Quaternary deposits: to lenses and sand interlayers in lacustrine-glacial and glacial loams and sandy loams.

During the exploration period groundwater recovered at depths of 0.80-1.60 m. The waters are free-flowing. The levels uncovered during the drilling process can be attributed to the average annual levels.

The maximum long-term amplitude of groundwater level fluctuations is 1.50-1.80 m.

In unfavorable periods of the year (the period of rains and intense snow melting), one can expect the appearance of waters of the "top water" type in the fill soils at the marks of the day surface.

2.5. Residential building NXX is designed as a sectional type. It consists of fifteen sections. In plan it has a complex configuration, with dimensions in the A - K8 axes: 218 m; in axes 1 - К2: 95 m. The projected building of variable number of storeys: 16-24 floors. The residential building is designed with a basement and a technical floor.

The basement is designed for laying engineering networks... The basement also houses technical rooms, including: water metering units, individual heating points for living quarters, individual heating points for built-in rooms, cable entry rooms, pumping station rooms.

On the first floor, built-in premises are designed, the intended purpose of the project is office, in accordance with the requirements for non-residential premises (clause 4.10.17 of SNiP 31-01-2003 Residential apartment buildings). Residential apartments are located on the second to twenty-third floors.

The technical floor is also provided for the laying of engineering networks. Basement height - 3 m; 1st floor height - 4.8 m; height typical floor- 2.85 m; the height of the technical floor is 2 m. The heights are indicated from the level of the finished floor to the level of the finished floor of the overlying floor.

The foundation of the residential building is made of slab-pile; the pile foundation is designed from round bored piles with a diameter of 600 mm and a length of 15 m and prefabricated reinforced concrete (driven) square piles with a size of 350x350 and a length of 15 m. The piles are united by a monolithic reinforced concrete grillage with a height of 700 mm.

The outer walls of the basement are monolithic 200 mm thick. The basement floor slab is monolithic, beamed, 300 mm thick.

There is also a waterproofing coating for the outer walls of the basement and a coating for the foundation slab.

The supporting structures of the building are of the connected type, i.e. all horizontal loads are absorbed by the stiffness core. The spatial rigidity of the building is ensured by the joint work of the vertical load-bearing structures, united by hard disks of the interfloor floors.

Internal load-bearing longitudinal and transverse walls of all floors are made of monolithic reinforced concrete 200 mm thick. Interfloor ceilings and covering are monolithic, bezel, 200 mm thick.

A self-supporting wall made of aerated concrete blocks "AEROC", 200 mm thick, with a density of 400 kg / m2, external insulation with mineral wool slabs "Technofas", 150 mm thick, density 180 kg / m2 and facade plaster 10 mm thick was used as the building envelope. The first floor of the projected building is faced with decorative tiles. The walls are supported by the ceiling. The cladding layer is attached to the pylons with anchors through 3 rows of masonry. In-house silicate partitions with a thickness of 100 mm, a density of 1600 kg / m.

The building is served by built-in smoke-free staircases. The stairs are made of monolithic reinforced concrete platforms and prefabricated reinforced concrete flights produced by JSC "Metrobeton".

Each section of the building provides for the installation of 3 elevators: with a lifting capacity of 400 kg - 2 pcs. and 630 kg - 1 pc. The elevator shafts are made of precast concrete.

Cover elements are made of galvanized steel with a polymer coating.

Painting of facades - weather-resistant facade paints.

Networks to be laid: The utility-drinking water supply network is designed from pipes PE100 SDR17 Ф315, inlets - VChShG DN 100 mm; The water supply of the projected NXX house is sectional and is carried out for:

- sections 1, 2, 3 - with two water inlets from pipes VChShG DN 100 mm from the network of a drinking water supply system with a diameter of 225 mm from pipes PE100 SDR17.

- sections 4, 5, 6 - with two water inlets from pipes VChShG DN 100 mm;

- sections 6, 7, 8, 9 - with two water inlets from pipes VChShG DN 100 mm;

- sections 10, 11, 12 - with two water inlets from pipes VChShG DN 100 mm;

- sections 13, 14, 15 - with two water inlets from pipes VChShG DN 100 mm from the utility-drinking water supply network with a diameter of 315 mm from pipes PE100 SDR17.

Hot water pipes are made of steel water and gas pipes.

Household sewerage system is designed from PP 250 Sn8 pipes of the "Pragma" type. Outlets from the house from ductile iron pipes 100.

The drainage is designed from polyethylene corrugated pipes of the "Melikon Polar" company with a diameter of 160 mm with perforation and protection of holes with geotextile material.

The maximum weight of the lifted load (element of the elevator shaft) is 4.1 tons.

3. Consolidated construction schedule

3.1. The consolidated construction schedule was drawn up on the basis of the consolidated estimate calculation and the construction time of a multi-storey residential building, taking into account the built-in premises.

The duration of the construction of the projected building was determined in accordance with SNiP 1.04.03-85 * part II chapter 3-5 clause 19; 35 by extrapolation:

Calculation of the duration of the construction of a multi-storey residential building with built-in rooms with 119941 mby extrapolation ( SNiP 1.04.03-85 * part I, page 4, appendix ):

The duration of construction is determined on the basis of the duration of the 22-storey residential building and is 14 months, taking into account the arrangement of the pile foundation, the duration is increased by 4 months.

The duration of the construction of the pile foundation is shown on the calendar chart. Taking into account the maximum combination of works and the use of 2 cranes, the total duration of construction will be 33 months, including a preparatory period of 3 months (laying of external networks).

The terms and sequence of the construction of the building and structures, as well as the volume of capital investments and construction and installation works are given in the "Consolidated Construction Schedule".

The consolidated calendar plan was executed without reference to a specific calendar month of commencement of work.

3.2. The volumes of the main construction and installation works are determined for similar objects and are given in Appendix N 1.

Based on the scope of work, the need for construction in structures and materials was determined and is given in Appendix No. 2.

The volume of construction and installation work and the need for building structures will be specified at a further design stage.

4. Brief description of methods of production of construction and installation works

4.1. The construction of the facility is carried out in 2 periods.

The preparatory period includes the following works:

- creation of a geodetic alignment base for construction;

- clearing construction site;

- installation of temporary fencing;

- creation of a general-site storage facility;

- providing travel to the construction site and organizing the movement of construction equipment along it;

- arrangement of the necessary construction equipment;

- connection of builders' utility rooms to existing utilities.

The main period includes: work on the construction of a department of general (family) practice doctors with built-in premises, laying of engineering networks, arrangement of roads and sites, landscaping.

4.2. Before the start of work, the customer must break down and securely secured with signs (benchmarks) a geodetic reference network, from which the general contractor performs work on breaking down the construction grid in accordance with the requirements of the project.

The accuracy of the layout work, the method and procedure for constructing a geodetic base should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of SP 126.13330.2012 Geodetic work in construction. Updated edition of SNiP 3.01.03-84.

4.3. On construction, only inventory devices and fixtures made according to typical projects and drawings of design organizations.

Fire safety is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the "Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 25, 2012 N 390 On fire regime".

During the period of construction and installation work, it is necessary to provide lighting for work places, entrances and storage areas.

Construction site lighting - floodlight from lamps installed on metal masts.

The approach of vehicles to the construction site is from the 10th passage.

Temporary roads are constructed with a pavement of precast concrete road slabs 3.0x1.75 m.

It is envisaged to use the existing concrete fence and the installation of a temporary metal fence as a construction site fence. At the entrances to the construction site, information boards are installed in such a way that they are located with the front side towards the approaching traffic.

When leaving, organize a site for washing the wheels of vehicles entering the highway in order to exclude cases of soil contamination of the roadway by machinery and vehicles working in construction. It is recommended to use the "Moidodyr-2" installation for water purification of car washes.

Materials are stored in open storage areas in compliance with safety requirements and SanPiN

Temporary buildings were taken as inventory: mobile cabins, change houses, type VD-2M. Household premises should be equipped in accordance with SanPiN It is recommended to locate sanitary facilities near the entrances to the construction site.

Household premises are equipped with internal water supply, sewerage and electric heating. Temporary heat supply at the construction site is not provided.

The construction site must be equipped with the necessary safety signs and visual campaigning.

A comprehensive mechanization of construction and installation works was adopted using mechanisms in two shifts. Construction and installation work is carried out from 8 to 23 hours. Work with mechanisms that produce noise (compressor, centrifugal pump, welding transformer) is carried out from 9:00 to 18:00.

All construction workers are provided with good-quality drinking water that meets the requirements of the current sanitary rules and norms set forth in SanPiN Drinking water is delivered in bottles by road.

The average amount of drinking water required for one worker is determined as 1.0-1.5 liters in winter; 3.0-3.5 liters in summer. The temperature of water for drinking purposes should not be lower than 8 ° C and not higher than 20 ° C.

Food for workers at the facility is provided in specially provided household premises. They provide conditions for warming up and taking cold and hot food.

4.4. Before starting excavation work, it is necessary to call representatives of interested services and owners of utilities in order to determine the actual location of the networks and agree on the methods of work. In the presence of a number of operating cables, earthworks should be carried out under the direct supervision and guidance of the engineering and technical staff appointed by the order. If communications are found that are not specified in the project, stop excavation and call the representatives of the customer and the designer to the place.

When carrying out earthworks, be guided by the requirements of SNiP 3.02.01-87.

In the process of performing work " zero cycle"it is necessary to organize constant technical supervision over the condition of the soil and the observance of safety measures during the work.

Excavation work should be started only after taking all measures to exclude damage to underground utilities.

4.5. It is recommended to carry out earthworks on the object with the following machines and mechanisms:

- planning work - with a DZ-101 bulldozer; since the pit is intended to be open, it is necessary to make an entrance for vehicles with a slope of 1:12.

- soil development - with a VOLVO excavator with a bucket capacity of 1 m with further loading into dump trucks and removal of excess soil at a distance of up to 20 km;

- backfilling of the foundation pit and trenches - with a DZ-101 bulldozer.

Backfilling of the pits (trenches) sinuses is carried out with medium-sized sand with layer-by-layer compaction with pneumatic rammers of the TR-1 type.

Before starting work on the construction of the grillage, clean the bottom of the foundation pit (trenches) and reinforce the bottom with a layer of hard rock crushed stone 100 mm thick. Since the pit is supposed to be closed, provide for the device of descents into the pit for workers.

Only after the completion and acceptance of work on the vertical layout, which ensures a reliable rapid drainage of surface waters, proceed to the extraction of pits, trenches and preparation of the base for foundations.

4.6. When developing soil and performing work in pits and trenches, it is necessary to provide measures to prevent soil collapse. To do this, based on the requirements of building codes and regulations, it is necessary in the PPR, taking into account the geological and hydrogeological conditions of the work site and the load from construction machines and stored materials, to determine the steepness of the slopes of the excavation or indicate a project for fixing the walls of the excavation.

Construction of pits and trenches with slopes 1: 0.67 (depth 2.8 m; soils - loam); in this project, the fastening of the slopes is not required.

For the period of work, construction dewatering is envisaged to be carried out by open drainage, with the device of drainage grooves around the perimeter of the pits, the device of sump and pumping of water from the sump by pumps with a capacity of 20 m / h, type C-245, GNOM. The volume of water for the construction sinking is 25 m3 / day.

4.7. All work on the construction of foundations must be performed in accordance with the instructions of SNiP 3.02.01-87.

When constructing foundations, it is necessary to use the recommendations of TSN 50-302-2004 "Designing the foundations of buildings and structures in St. Petersburg".

To supply the necessary materials to the place of work, a pneumatic assembly crane KS 35719-1-02 is used. The pumping and laying of the concrete mix is ​​carried out using a Stetter concrete pump. Delivery of concrete mix is ​​carried out by mixers of the ABS-7DA type.

4.8. Work on the construction of the ground part of the doctors' department is planned to be carried out with tower cranes of the KB-473 type with a 30 m boom and a KB-401 crane installed on a 37.5 m long rail track, parallel to the designed sections.

The connection of tower cranes is shown in the Stroygenplan drawing. The danger zone during the operation of the tower crane was determined in accordance with SNiP 12-02-2001, part I "Labor safety in construction" at a height of the projected building of 74 m and is 11 meters.

The placement of temporary buildings and structures is specified on the spot.

4.9. When erecting monolithic reinforced concrete structures of the projected building, the construction organization project provides for the sequential execution of formwork, reinforcement and concrete work.

Placement of concrete in the structure must be carried out using a concrete hopper.

Delivery of concrete mix is ​​carried out from the concrete unit using concrete trucks. During the period of concrete work, it is necessary to carefully monitor the technology for preparing the concrete mixture, its placement, selection and testing of control samples of concrete, while the control samples must be stored and gain strength under the same conditions as the concrete placed in the case.

Before concreting, the formwork surface must be free of debris, dirt, oil, snow and ice.

Concrete mixtures should be placed in concrete structures in horizontal layers of the same thickness without breaks, with a consistent direction of placement in one direction in all layers.

Laying of all subsequent layers of the concrete mixture is allowed before the beginning of the setting of the concrete of the previous layer.

The upper level of the concrete mix should be 50-70 mm below the top of the formwork panels.

The laid concrete is compacted with surface vibrators of the IV-91A type or deep vibrators of the IV-112 type.

When concreting monolithic floors, it is advisable to use inventory formwork of multiple turnover, such as "Dokaflex" or "Alumasystem".

Reinforcement of structures is envisaged to be carried out with pre-prepared grids and spatial frames.

All installation, reinforcement, formwork and concrete work should be carried out in accordance with the instructions of Section 2 "Concrete work" SNiP 3.03.01-87 "Bearing and enclosing structures", gluing and coating waterproofing of the bottom and walls of the basement should be performed in accordance with the instructions of SNiP 3.04. 03-85 "Protection of building structures and structures from corrosion".

4.10. Roofing works must be carried out in strict accordance with the working drawings, the project of the work, in compliance with the requirements of SNiP 3.04.01-87 "Insulation and finishing coatings", SNiP 12-03-2001, SNiP 12-04-2002 "Labor safety in construction" ... The main work on the roofing is carried out after the completion of a monolithic reinforced concrete coating. The coverage area before the start of the work is divided into sections. It is advisable to take the capture area within the watershed.

The work should be carried out subject to the adoption of safety measures (temporary fencing of the work site, the use of safety belts, the supply of overalls, footwear, etc.), which are additionally developed in the PPR.

4.11. To carry out internal plastering and painting work in heated rooms, for which, by the beginning of work, install permanent heating systems, close the outer contour of the building. Finishing work is carried out after the acceptance of the surfaces of the walls and ceilings by a commission with the participation of the subcontractor performing this work.

Finishing work is planned to be carried out from inventory hinged-panel scaffolds and scaffolds in place, installed inside the building. Exterior finishing can be carried out from inventory metal tubular scaffolding, or with the use of automatic hydraulic lifts of the AGP-24 brand.

Plastering works are performed using PRSSH-1M plastering stations and SO-112B or SO-86A hand-held plastering machines.

To level the preparations for the floors and the device of monolithic clean floors and platforms, vibrating screeds of the C810 brand should be used.

Painting work is planned to be carried out with the use of PMS painting stations, painting units of the 2600NA or 700N-1 brand.

4.12. The construction of water supply and sewerage engineering networks is carried out by a pipelayer of the TG-10 type. All types of work on the laying of networks are carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 3.02.01-87, SNiP 3.05.04-85.

Installation of heating network elements is envisaged to be carried out by a truck crane of the KS 35719-1-02 type in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 3.05.03-85.

Pipe materials: water supply - PE (polyethylene), sewerage - VChGSh (inputs) and PP (polypropylene - pipes), heating networks - steel.

4.13. The construction of the roadbed is carried out by filling the embankment with dump trucks, followed by leveling with a bulldozer of the DZ-42 type, profiling with a DZ-143 motor grader with compaction with a pneumatic roller of the DU-16G type.

Asphalt-concrete coatings and bases should be installed in dry weather. Hot and cold mixes should be laid in spring and summer at an ambient temperature of at least 5 ° С, in autumn - at least 10 ° С; warm mixtures - at a temperature not lower than minus 10 ° С. It is allowed to carry out work using asphalt concrete mixtures at an air temperature of at least 0 ° C, subject to the following requirements:

- the thickness of the layer to be arranged must be at least 4 cm;

- it is necessary to use asphalt concrete mixtures with surfactants or activated mineral powders;

- as a rule, only the lower layer of a two-layer asphalt concrete pavement should be arranged; if in winter or spring they move along this layer vehicles, it should be arranged from dense asphalt-concrete mixtures;

- the upper layer is allowed to be arranged only on the freshly laid lower layer until it cools down (while maintaining the temperature of the lower layer at least 20 ° С).

Laying of asphalt concrete mixtures should be carried out with an asphalt paver of the DC-126 type. The temperature of asphalt-concrete mixtures when laid in structural layers of pavement must comply with the requirements of GOST 9128-84 *. Compaction of mixtures should be started immediately after they have been laid.
* GOST 9128-84 is not valid. GOST 9128-2009 is in force (Order of Rostekhregulirovanie from 22.04.2010 N 62-st). - Note from the manufacturer of the database.

4.14. Work in winter conditions.

When preparing a construction site and facilities under construction for the production of work in winter conditions, it is necessary to provide for special measures, as well as methods of transportation and storage of materials, semi-finished products and structures.

Earthworks are allowed to be performed, if necessary, according to a special project for the production of works in accordance with the instructions of SNiP 3.02.01-87 "Earthworks, foundations and foundations". The development of frozen soil with a single-bucket excavator without preliminary loosening is allowed with a frozen layer thickness of up to 0.25 m.When freezing to a great depth, the soil must be prepared in one of the following ways: by protecting the soil from freezing, thawing the frozen soil, loosening the frozen soil.

The method of preparation should be selected and justified in the PPR, depending on the scope and conditions of work, the timing of their implementation and the availability of equipment.

Concrete and reinforced concrete work should be performed in accordance with the instructions of the Section "Work at subzero air temperatures" SNiP 3.03.01-87. When transporting the concrete mixture, it is necessary to take measures against its cooling on the way and during overloads, for which the container is insulated and warmed up, and in case of severe frosts and snowfalls, the concrete mixture is covered with a tarpaulin. Places for loading and unloading concrete mix are protected from the wind. Concreting of monolithic structures is carried out using electric heating of concrete. At the same time, the formwork of the structures is insulated. On the construction site, concrete electric heating points are being set up. The concrete strength required for further work is specified in the working drawings.

Insulating and finishing coatings must be carried out in accordance with the instructions of SNiP 3.04.01-87. Insulation and roofing work is allowed to be performed at an ambient temperature of up to minus 30 ° С (work with hot mastics - at an ambient temperature of at least minus 20 ° С, using water-based compounds without anti-freeze additives - at least 5 ° С) ... At the same time, it is recommended to perform roll roofing in only one layer, and the remaining layers are performed in the warm season after inspection and, if necessary, repair of the first layer. The work should be carried out subject to the adoption of safety measures (temporary fencing of the work site, the use of safety belts, the supply of overalls, footwear, etc.), which are additionally developed in the PPR.

Interior finishing work should be carried out at a positive temperature of the environment and the surfaces to be trimmed not lower than 10 ° С and air humidity not exceeding 60%. This room temperature must be maintained around the clock, at least 2 days before the start and 12 days after the end of work.

Work on the construction of the office building and utilities shall be carried out in strict accordance with the safety rules set out in SNiP 12-03-2001 part 1 and SNiP 12-04-2002, part II "Labor safety in construction".

Operation of tower and jib cranes should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents approved by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia.

The work of construction mechanisms: a compressor, a welding transformer, a centrifugal pump, accompanied by sound effects, should be performed from 9 to 18 hours in accordance with SanPiN

5. Basic provisions for instrumental (geodetic) control of construction

Production quality control should include incoming control of design estimates, products, materials and semi-finished products; operational control of individual construction processes or production operations and acceptance control of construction and installation works. At all stages of construction, in order to check the effectiveness of previously performed production control, inspection control must be selectively carried out by special services or commissions specially created for this purpose. Based on the results of production and inspection quality control of construction and installation work, measures should be developed to eliminate the identified defects. During the control and acceptance of works, the following are checked:

- compliance of the materials, products and structures used with the requirements of the project, GOST, SNiP, TU,

- compliance of the composition and volume of work performed with the project,

- the degree of compliance of the controlled physical, mechanical, geometric and other indicators with the requirements of the project,

- the timeliness and correctness of the production documentation,

- elimination of the shortcomings noted in the work logs during the control and supervision over the implementation of construction and installation works.

Geodetic instrumental control at the site is carried out in strict accordance with the requirements of SNiP 3.01.03-84 "Geodetic works in construction", GOST 22268-76 and GOST 24846-81. It is executed when:

- creation of a geodetic alignment base for construction (performed by the customer),

- layout works during the construction period (performed by the general contractor),

- accuracy control geometric parameters the object being built.

All geodetic works at construction must be carried out in accordance with the projects for the production of geodetic works (PPGR). Points of the geodetic base are fixed with permanent and temporary signs. Permanent signs are laid for the entire period of construction and installation work, temporary signs - according to the stages of work (earthwork, foundation, underground and aboveground parts of the building).

The planning base is created by the methods of triangulation, trilateration, polygonometry of the construction network and their combinations.

The height base is created by geometric leveling.

To fix the points of the geodetic alignment base, it is necessary to use the types of signs provided for by SNiP 3.01.03-84, specifying in the PPGR the depth and design of the signs for securing the axes.

During construction, it is necessary to monitor the stability of the signs of the planned base up to 2 times a year and the high-rise base up to 4 times a year.

The location of the signs is given on the Stroygenplan sheet. After confirming the payment, the page will be

Construction work implies the presence of regulatory documents at absolutely any stage of the process. Having a properly drawn up action plan makes it possible to avoid negative moments after the commissioning of an object under construction.

For these purposes, there is a special document - a construction organization project (PIC). The POS is usually developed by the general contractor design organization. If necessary, for this purpose, the general designer can involve, as subcontractors, organizations specialized in the development of POS or individual complex installation works... PIC must be provided to companies that directly finance construction work, provide the entire base of materials; for organizations that carry out contracts, as well as for customer enterprises. The presence of a POS regulates the subsequent development of a work production project (PPR).

PIC development process

To develop a project, certain basic data are required:

  1. Data on engineering surveys... They are necessary in a situation when restoration work is carried out at the facility, or work on the reconstruction of the facility (technical inspection indicators are required).
  2. Assignment for the design process. This documentation contains initial data that are directly related to the construction process. The presence of these indicators makes it possible to create a queue for the launch of a particular queue.
  • estimate documentation;
  • permitting documentation, which provides visualization of the distribution of the input of an object by queues;
  • documentation, which describes the briefing and engineering explanation of the number of storeys, planning, scope of work;
  • the master plan-paper characterizes the features of engineering communications, with mandatory approval;
  • the vertical plan of the construction site, which includes a cartogram of the masses of the earth layer;
  • a step-by-step plan for the protection of the construction site from the effects of weather conditions in accordance with geographic features region;
  • the customer company provides a document that describes the features of the supply of water and electricity to the construction site;
  • normative documentation, acts that establish the final deadlines for the work;
  • acts on the supply of material and technical support to the territory of the object by the contractor company;
  • documents on the work plan for the removal of garbage from the site, its place of storage or processing. It also provides for an agreement on the transportation of soil, the place of its dump;
  • in a situation when it comes to the installation of complex structures, their approval is required;
  • contracts are required when working with companies of foreign origin;
  • documentation when working on construction sites;
  • careful selection and study of information about the general contractor, if the information is not classified as classified.

The company "PPR EXPERT" develops a complete set of all the necessary volumes of POS documentation. If the construction work is divided into turns, then in this case the POS has an individual character for each. The construction organization project developed by the company contains:

  1. Construction schedule. It makes it possible to set the dates for the initial stages and completion of work.
  2. The construction master plan is one of the main documents of the organization of construction.
  3. Organizational and technological schemes of work on the site.
  4. Acts and statements that describe the need and the number of vehicles involved.
  5. Schedule of the need for basic construction machines; schedule of the need for personnel of builders by main categories.
  6. Explanatory note.

When it comes to the reconstruction of functioning enterprises, buildings of objects, in addition to the above list, the company carries out clarifying work, which consists in the following:

  • the state of an active or inactive building is precisely established;
  • actions are delimited according to the stopping of the relevant processes that interfere with the work;
  • a queue of works regarding installation and installation is established;
  • Designations are applied to the stand plan, which carry information about the state of objects near the immediate area of ​​work. As well as designations for operating, dismantling, installation, reconstruction and construction work;
  • in the explanatory notes, the specialists of the company "PPR EXPERT" bring in information and clarity, according to the interaction of all involved persons according to the construction or installation plan. The data in the note have a rather detailed and extensive information composition. It contains data on conditions, transport capabilities, material base of the enterprise. In the case of installation or dismantling works, the note contains data on the guaranteed safety and fire safety of objects in the immediate vicinity.

The company possesses highly qualified specialists with certificates of the highest degree. Able to design a POS of any degree of complexity with minimal time and financial costs. Positive feedback from customers only confirms the high level of reliability.

Construction management project (POS): initial data, composition and development procedure.

The first stage in the organization of construction work is the development of design documentation for the facility, which should take into account modern methods and tools used in construction.

The development of a POS begins with the preparation of a feasibility study (FS). At this stage, the need for resources and the amount of capital investments are determined.

The design of large construction projects is carried out in two stages. At the stage of the technical design, a special section of the PIC is being developed. For simpler, one-step projects, the PIC is performed in an abbreviated format. The basic requirements for the construction organization project and its composition are regulated by the building codes of the Russian Federation.

The development of the PIC must be carried out based on the following requirements:

  • reducing the cost and construction time;
  • improving the quality of work;
  • maximizing labor productivity.

The construction organization project is aimed at solving the following tasks:

  • determination of the optimal construction duration;
  • scheduling or network graphics production of works;
  • financing schedule, depending on total term works (by years, quarters, months);
  • making a list necessary resources, namely materials, equipment, labor, construction machinery, and the schedule for their use;
  • determination of sources for obtaining building materials;
  • development of transport schemes;
  • development of a construction plan with justification of the needs for existing production resources;
  • development of technological schemes and maps by type of work;
  • occupational health and safety for all types of construction work.

The procedure for developing a construction organization project

Before developing a POS, an analysis of data is performed that characterizes natural conditions in the construction area, as well as such parameters as the size of the construction object, its purpose, the amount of work, the materials used.

Before developing a construction organization project, the following additional surveys are carried out:

  • availability of local building resources: materials and products, structures, factories and workshops;
  • transport infrastructure: road network, logistics organizations, etc.
  • local labor resources and the possibility of their involvement in construction work;
  • the possibility of obtaining electricity and fuel in the construction area;
  • possible sources of water supply.

Based on the above conditions, a construction organization project is being developed. POS justifies the distribution of material and human resources, and is also the source for the development of PPR for certain types of work.

One of the most important tasks that the POS solves is the optimization of the construction duration (time / cost). In the case of the implementation of large construction projects, several PIC options can be developed for comparison and selection of the optimal one.

The development of a construction organization project is carried out for a full construction cycle. When developing by stages of construction, the project for each stage must take into account the full scope of the planned work.

Depending on the complexity and detail of the POS, there are three categories of construction projects:

This category includes the following types of objects:

  • atypical construction projects with complex, individual design solutions;
  • objects with difficult terms of delivery of basic equipment for individual technical solutions and individual orders;
  • involving a large number of subcontractors.

Objects of medium complexity, which are built according to individual projects. A limited number of subcontractors are involved in the work.

Small objects, for the construction of which one-stage projects are used, and up to 3 subcontractors are involved in the work.

Composition of the construction organization project

1. Construction schedule

Determines the timing and sequence of the construction of buildings and structures, technological units and stages of work. Sets the distribution of caps. investments and scope of work for buildings, structures and construction periods.

2. Construction plans for the preparatory and main periods of construction

The construction plan as part of the construction organization project includes a scheme plan with the location of the following objects:

  • permanent and temporary buildings and structures;
  • permanent and temporary roads and railways, as well as transport routes for moving equipment, structural elements and building materials;
  • ways for moving heavy-duty cranes;
  • engineering networks and schemes for connecting temporary networks to existing (permanent) ones;
  • warehouse sites;
  • construction machines and mechanisms, incl. assembly cranes;
  • location of geodetic marks.

If during the organization of construction the territory outside the construction site is covered, then in addition to the construction plan, the construction organization project also includes a situational plan, which may contain:

  • material and technical base enterprises;
  • settlements;
  • external railway tracks and highways;
  • railway abutment stations;
  • communication and power lines;
  • transport schemes for the supply of building materials, structures and equipment;
  • deforestation;
  • plots temporarily allotted for construction needs.

3. Organizational and technological schemes

They set the optimal technological sequence for the construction of buildings and structures.

4. List of volumes of construction, installation and special works

This list is determined by the design and estimate documentation. Each type of work is distinguished by buildings (structures) and by periods of construction.

5. Statement of requirements for materials, structures, products and equipment

It has a distribution by calendar periods of construction. The statement is compiled for the object as a whole, as well as for the main structures. The initial data used are the amount of work and the consumption rates of building materials.

6. Schedule of the need for construction machines and vehicles

The schedule is drawn up as a whole for the construction on the basis of the actual volume of work, the volume of cargo transportation, as well as the production rates of transport and construction equipment (machines).

7. Schedule of demand for labor resources (by job category)

It is compiled on the basis of the standard labor intensity for the facility as a whole, as well as on the basis of the volume of construction work for individual organizations (subcontractors), taking into account the planned production rates per worker.

8. Explanatory note

The explanatory note as part of the PIC contains:

  • description of construction conditions;
  • substantiation of work methods;
  • technical solutions for the construction of complex buildings and structures;
  • measures to perform work on a rotational basis;
  • instructions on methods of control over the quality of structures;
  • labor protection and safety measures;
  • conditions for preserving the environment;
  • justification of the need for construction machines, mechanisms, vehicles.
  • justification of the need for electricity, water, compressed air, etc.
  • justification of the need for temporary buildings and structures;
  • list of construction organizations (subcontractors) and their production capacity.

Example of a construction management project (PIC):

The construction site is located on a land plot owned by LLC "MaryinoStroy". To ensure the technological sequence of repairs, the project provides for the following sequence of works:

  • preparatory work;
  • excavation for the base;
  • installation of a monolithic base for the BKU and pipes;
  • installation of chimneys;
  • installation of support slaves;
  • installation of enlarged elements of the boiler room frame with the installation of boilers;
  • anti-corrosion protection of metal structures;
  • installation of engineering equipment, pipelines and piping;
  • improvement of the territory.

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