
What to do with military mortgage when dismissal, versions of the serviceman's action. What happens to the mortgage when dismissing from military service? Termination of the contract and military mortgage

According to the statements of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the cost of buying housing fully compensates for the state, the serviceman at the same time own funds does not spend. Is it true? It cannot be argued that the military mortgage was deliberately deceit of military personnel. But it is obvious that the program has many nuances and pitfalls.

How the military mortgage can be paid

Having become a member of NIS, the serviceman receives a personal account. From the federal budget, the account is replenished annual contributions. It is these payments that are transferred to the bank to pay a loan and are used for the initial contribution.

The property decorated under the contract of sale and property remains pledged at the credit institution until the mortgage commitments are fully fulfilled. The actual payer of the mortgage loan is the Ministry of Defense. During the payment of the loan, the registered account of the serviceman is not replenished, since all means are listed directly to the bank.

Important! Mortgage design is accompanied by additional trips: accuracy of housing, the life insurance of the borrower and collateral real estate. These costs pay the participant of the program from its own budget.

How to deceive military mortgage servicemen

Military mortgage is state support. The goal is to help military personnel in solving a housing rate at the expense of the federal budget. However, there are situations where the state ceases to transfer funds to pay the mortgage or at all confiscates housing. Faced with such a problem, people tend to consider themselves deceived. In fact, neither the bank nor the Ministry of Defense seeks to deceive the serviceman. The reason is the ignorance of some nuances and features of the military mortgage system.

Like any credit product, military mortgage implies special conditions, subject to whose housing loan is compensated by the state and will continue to become the ownership of the military. Knowing all underwater stones, you can avoid problems:

  1. Order a certificate of the right to housing loan can be after three years from the date of registration in the NIS register;
  2. The accumulated funds can only be used for the purchase of residential real estate;
  3. After placing a military mortgage, the serviceman must serve 20 years or more. In case of early termination of the military contract (with the exception of preferential grounds), it is necessary to reimburse the total cost of mortgage in own funds;
  4. The insurance of the object is a prerequisite for the program and is paid for servicemen on its own. Payments on insurance should be made every year the entire loan period;
  5. Additional costs of assessing housing and registration of the contract, services of the notary and agent are also not compensated by the state;
  6. The certificate is valid 6 months, the bureaucratic process of collecting documents may take longer time;
  7. Rosvoenipotek, as a rule, does not index monthly payments, while the Bank initially lays the annual increase in the mortgage monthly payment. This can lead to an increase in the repayment of the loan.

As in any real estate transactions, the purchase of an apartment at the expense of military mortgage may be accompanied by fraud from unscrupulous vendors and realtors. The main part of the scam occurs on the secondary housing market:

  1. Sale of real estate by third parties on fake documents;
  2. Registration of the transaction in the notary without a license;
  3. Substitution of the selected object. The documents indicate the worst and cheaper housing data;
  4. Invalted transactions. Sale of an object after the death of the owner, until the inheritance entry into force.

Important! In order not to be deceived, it is necessary to study in detail the conditions and consequences of using the military mortgage system, study the bank's program, as well as entrust the choice of housing by qualified agents. Before signing the contract or other document, you need to carefully examine all items and make sure that the data specified.

In which cases, housing acquired by military mortgage remains for military personnel

Purchase of residential real estate on the military mortgage program involves some conditions that, the soldier becomes a full owner of housing.

  1. Military mortgage is compensated by the Ministry of Defense at the length of 20 years, including in conclusion. Listed subsidies are paid free of charge. After the closure of the loan, the military becomes the owner of the real estate;
  2. If federal money has not been enough for a complete repayment of the mortgage, the loan balance is paid with the help of military savings of the military. After fulfilling the servicemen of all obligations under the mortgage, the apartment becomes owned.

Important! Making a mortgage should be taken into account that the ultimate age of obtaining additional payments of 45 years.

How to pick up accumulations on military mortgage in early dismissal

The need for early dismissal arises in different circumstances. If the NIS participant did not reach the state of health, and the military mortgage was not framed, it can pick up accumulation, having a service experience of more than 10 years.

The procedure for payment of complementary funds on military mortgage takes into account the reasons for dismissal and service experience. Such payments can be calculated by preferential bases, if there are more than 10 years of experience.

Preferential factors are:

  • Organizational and staff activities;
  • Medical indications;
  • Family circumstances;
  • Recent age.

Compensation for the military mortgage, if not used

As a member of the NIS, a soldier can pick up unused accumulations from his personal account under certain conditions.

  • With a service experience of 20 or more years, the use of accumulations at its discretion;
  • If the contractor, served for more than 10 years, fell under the dismissal on Oshm, but the military mortgage was not used, in addition to the accumulations, it receives additional payments. At the rate of the amount that he would accumulate up to 20 years of experience;
  • When dismissing from the service on family reasons, if the soldier did not enter the mortgage, can count on compensation for savings. At the same time, the service experience must be more than 10 years;
  • If the military mortgage is not used, when dismissing at his own desire. Having experience from 10 to 20 calendars, the serviceman receives at the disposal of accumulation and additional payments.

Do I need to return the military mortgage when terminating the contract in 2018

Return of the military mortgage in case of early termination of the contract regulates the Federal Law "On the Accumulative and Mortgage Housing System of Servicemen":

  • Art. 10 indicates a military mortgage when dismissing in orcading measures and during service for more than 10 years does not require compensation;
  • If dismissal on the NUK with a saw for 13 years is a military mortgage to be returned. The soldier must pay the state all the listed housing facilities, including the amount for the initial contribution;
  • The return of the apartment in military mortgage in the event of the death of a soldier is not produced;
  • When making a mortgage, if a person is dismissed under preferential grounds and has experience less than 10 years old, he is obliged to return the funds provided.

Military mortgage after recovery from stock is not in concessional conditions

If the military mortgage is not implemented by the NIS member before dismissal, the laws of dismissal provides for the restoration of savings, if a new contract has been signed. However, if the dismissal was not at preferential conditions, then the accumulation will begin again. Previous sums will be canceled.

Important! In order not to lose the accumulation in the resuming of the contract, dismissal on preferential circumstances.

Military mortgage dismissed at a certain age

The age of the servicemen is 50 years. When dismissal by age, the accumulation on the personal account is stopped. Accordingly, the remaining amount of the loan will have to be paid independently. The earlier the military mortgage was decorated, the greater the likelihood of full repayment at the expense of mortgage accumulations.

The repayment of the military mortgage when dismissal after 35 years is produced by the state in the event of an official length of service for more than 10 years in the presence of preferential circumstances, or 20 years without any. In other cases, it is necessary to compensate for the state to the funds, including accumulation of the nominal account used for the initial contribution.

Problems with military mortgage payments in a foreign army service

The military mortgage program is intended only for the military undergoing service in the Russian army, and are valid only in the territory of the Russian Federation. Programs for employees in a foreign army are governed by the legislation of the state in which the service is held.

Questions and answers

When will the military mortgage arrive?

Additional funds are listed within three months from the date of writing a statement about receiving the payment.

If the military mortgage does not have enough money - what to do?

The amount of military mortgage at the moment - 1900,000 rubles. When these funds are not enough to acquire the desired housing, the bank proposes to issue an additional loan: Sberbank up to 1 million rubles, VTB up to 3,000,000 rubles. Payment of additional loan occurs at the expense of the borrower's personal funds.

Missed out of the army with psoriasis, how does mortgage quench?

Dismissal on medical reasons is a preferential condition. Large importance is the length of service. If the service experience is more than 10 years old, then return mortgage to the state is not necessary, moreover, you can count on additional payments. Having an experience of up to 10 years, all means of the target loan will need to return the state. And also pay the remaining part of the debt to the bank.

Military mortgage is a great opportunity for military personnel to purchase own housing. But not everyone is decided to take advantage of this program, afraid that when dismissaling will have to return the money "Rosvoenipotek". Let's figure it out, in what cases of accumulation is really subject to return, and in what - no.

Grounds for exclusion from NIS

The main reason for exclusion from the NIS registry is the fulfillment of obligations by the state to provide a serviceman to housing. Also loss of rights to the means occurs due to the dismissal, death, by the announcement of an employee who miss the missing or deceased.

In accordance with the legislation, the right to use savings occurs after a 20-year service (including in grace calculation). At the same time, the reason for the completion of the service is not important. In the use of savings, it will not be denied by termination of the contract at his own desire, nor at the end of the contract, nor upon its cancellation due to non-compliance with the conditions prescribed in the document.

In some special situations, if the dismissal occurred for reasons not dependent on the participant, requests for service can be reduced. So, after 10 years of experience there are preferential conditions for dismissal with the preservation of the right to accumulate under the following circumstances:

  1. Achievement of maximum age.
  2. The confession of the military is limited.
  3. Dismissal on Oshm (reducing position or failure to transfer other).
  4. According to family circumstances (the education of a minor without a mother or father, the need to care for a close relative, the impossibility of living a family member in the country of carrying the service and the lack of the possibility of transfer to a favorable place, etc.).

In addition, without taking into account the actual experience, the preferential grounds include the completion of the service due to the recognition of the military unfit, as well as in connection with death, the declaration of persons to the deceased or missingly missing.

Payment of mortgages with preferential dismissal

There are two options for the development of events in grace termination of the service:

  • If the soldier did not have time to use the accumulation, then when terminating the contract, an individual account is not immediately closed, and cash is saved. In the event of a desire to take advantage of the accumulation of housing, the serviceman should apply to the corresponding report.
  • If the soldier managed to spend funds, and was dismissed on preferential grounds, then the money is listed on the mortgage account. The remaining debt amount is quenched by the borrower.

It should also be aware that the servicemen may apply for complementary payout. The size of such compensation is calculated on the basis of how much the participant may receive the remaining service life of 20 years of experience. The right to payments have both the participants themselves dismissed on preferential reasons and relatives of the serviceman, in the case of its death, the announcements are missing or deceased.

Dismissal without the right to accumulation

In the event that the service life does not reach up to 20 years and dismissal does not apply to the number of preferential causes, the right to accumulate is lost. Moreover, if the soldier did not have time to spend the accrued money for the purchase of housing, then his account is closed, and funds are returned to the budget. And if the accumulations were still used, then the serviceman would have to return the whole amount sent by Rosvoenipotek to the purchase of housing, and if the house or apartment was purchased with the attraction of a loan, independently extinguish a debt under the mortgage loan agreement.

Important! According to the rules operating in 2020, if the soldier was dismissed on Oshm, as a state of health or family circumstances, and subsequently concluded a new contract, he could resume his participation in NIS. And the accumulations accrued earlier on the personal account are also restored.

The law, updated on March 18, 2020, extends its operation only on those cases when the basis for exclusion from the registry arose after the day of its entry into force - from March 28 2020 (in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law No. 5 of July 14, 1994, if the law is not The date of entry into force is established, its action begins 10 days later). Thus, persons dismissed before the specified period, claim accumulates will not be able.

In addition, the updated editors makes changes to the return of funds if the soldier dismisses without the right to accumulates. If earlier persons falling under the categories of dismissal N 53-FZ "On military duty and military service" of 28.03.1998, indicated in subparagraphs "d" - "s", "l", "m", paragraph 1, and also subparagraphs "B" - "E2", "s" - "l" p. 2. Art. 51, returned money with interest, now payments are made without them.

What to do after dismissal?

If the completion of the service occurred to achieve an experience of 20 years or by respectful grounds, and accumulates with complementary payments was enough to close a mortgage loan, then nothing to worry about. It will only be left to remove the collateral burden with housing and canfully use it.

In the event that state payments were not enough to close the mortgage, the refund of the remaining debt fully falls on the borrower. Therefore, you should immediately think from where funds will be taken to cover debt to the bank and may find work with a sufficient monthly income.

The most difficult situation develops at the dismissal of the service life of 20 years and not for good circumstances. Indeed, in this case they will have to pay debt at the same time both the bank, and the "Rosvoenipotek". Moreover, to deceive and avoid fulfillment of obligations, neither relate to one organization or another. In case of refusal to return the money received, the lender may recover them through the court. Under all circumstances, it will not be possible to leave responsibility.

If simultaneous payments to the bank and Rosvoenipoteku are not satisfied, do not forget that you can seek the mortgage refinancing. Of course, such a program will not help to write off the debt to the credit institution, but will be able to adjust the schedule of payments on mortgage debt, and accordingly reduce the financial load on the loan payment.

During the passage of the Army Service with participation in NIS for more than three years, a soldier can direct funds from its special account for the purchase of housing. In detail how to issue and how to get a military mortgage, read, and about the nuances of the purchase of an apartment in military mortgage can be found.

But if during the service he did not take advantage of public transfers, then it is possible to use them when dismissal from the army.

Upon receipt of the order of dismissal, it is necessary:

  1. to send an application to the command of the payment of NIS payments with an indication of the bank's account number, where money should be listed.
  2. The commander of the part sends data to the housing department in the FDSU "Rosvoenipotek".
  3. Within 30 days, the amount of NIS is credited to the military account specified in the statement.

The listed state sums are not necessarily used to buy housing. The officer retired can manage them at its discretion.

Mortgage and long service

The main condition for the provision of mortgage lending is to participate in NIS. Moreover, the term of this participation should exceed three years.

Only in the implementation of this requirement and compliance with the following conditions, public funds are preserved for military personnel:

  • service experience must be from 20 years and above.
  • the service life is over 10 years, and the resignation occurred according to one respectful grounds. These include: reduction in the army, health loss, family circumstances, achieving a certain age.
  • service life without restrictions when recognizing unfit for service.

These are the conditions of the military mortgage when dismissing after 10 years, as well as at a length of up to 20 years in general. More about the requirements and conditions for the provision of a preferential loan can be found, and whom the military mortgage is laid on housing and how to become a member of the program, we told in.

If the military fired from the army earlier than the ten-year period of service as a result of the abbreviations, as well as at his own desire, during service until 20 years, it will not be possible to use the means of NIS. Even with the desired target loan, the amount will have to return to the state.

In detail how to make a refund on military mortgage and check the amount of savings, we told in.

How are things

With military mortgage when dismissal?

What will happen to military mortgage when dismissing at the end of the contract? NIS tools remain completely at the disposal of an officer after retirement experience with an experience of 20 years or more, with a 10-year experience and preferential reasons for dismissal, as well as when recognizing unfit for health.

Military may apply for additional amounts from the state that it is laid under the condition of non-property at its disposal.

"And what will happen to military mortgage, if I felt out of the army prematurely?" - Anyone asks from the military.

When dismissaling earlier, the deadline from the army ranks will have to return all state transfer on the mortgage.

If the former army servant is not able to return the money, then the apartment taken on preferential lending will be implemented. The revenue money will go to the repayment of the debt of FKGU "Rosvoenipotek".

In the event of the death of a serviceman

In the event of the death of the employee of the Armed Forces, all properties are inherited by his family. There are two possibilities for repaying a mortgage loan decorated on the deceased military.

  • When making liabilities on mortgage lending, a widowing will continue to produce FCSU "Rosvoenipotek".
  • The family, the deceased serviceman, may also issue additional funds - a lump sum payment. It is calculated by the number of years that the officer did not have enough to 20 years of experience. The payment of this amount of the deceased family is made within three months from the date of application. From this money, the widow can repay a mortgage loan.

If the military did not use NIS, then his family has the right to receive the entire amount of savings.

Important! The family of the military is considered a wife and children. Only they have the right to claim NIS or a lump sum payment. Mother, father, sisters or brothers cannot take advantage of budget lists. Exceptions are those family members who were dependent in the deceased.

If the life of the Russian army's life is insured, the insurance company produces mortgage payments. It greatly facilitates the position of the family. One-time cash payments in this case widow and children can use at their discretion.

The question of the reason for his death does not affect cash transfers. They stay for his family. Return of funds in military mortgage, if it was quitdized to be paid only with a voluntary termination of the contract or experience less than 10 years.

Military service gives the defenders of our Motherland a lot of privileges, one of which is a mortgage with very and very favorable lending conditions. The fact is that the payments for such mortgage are attracted by government transfers directly from the government. The soldier is registered in NIS, after 3 full years it can get state. Subsidies to buy accommodation, without waiting for services. The main moment of NIS is a military mortgage when dismissing, features and nuances of which will consider in this article, since the conditions for interrupting the service after 10 or 20 years may differ significantly.

Military mortgage is often used after dismissal (this is the most reasonable option with an adequate service life), since during the service on the personal account of each defender of the Motherland, certain funds are listed, the purpose of which is the purchase of housing. However, it is possible to use this privilege only if certain conditions are observed, which are clearly regulated by law. It all depends on the service life and the specific reason for dismissal before the expiration of the contract, for example: for health, due to personnel permutations, or simply, at their own request.

Who of the servicemen can take advantage of benefits

According to law No. 117-FZ (since 2004), the following categories can use accumulative capital after the end of the service:

  • served over 20 years, that is, after full length;
  • after 10 years of contracts on preferential basis on the expiration of 10 years.

Reasons for benefits under time of 20 years:

  • dismissal for health;
  • maximum allowed age for serving;
  • complex family circumstances;
  • full time activities (main: reduction of a unit or replacement by another composition, the inability to preserve the available post to the servicemen, recognition unfit for a particular post, disagreement to the adoption of another, lower post with a smaller salary size);
  • death;
  • lost.

In the case of the tragic last two points, the savings may use relatives of the serviceman in the future.

How can I get money

If a soldier, according to the above conditions, has the right to receive payments from "Rosvoenipotki", after the appearance of an order about his dismissal should write a report to the commander of the part of the transfer of money from its accumulative account.

The commander provides information on the applicant to the management bodies, which then transmit it to Rosvoenipotku.

There it is discussed in 30 days, after that a soldier can already receive funds from his account. Also, he should also get extra. Means for buying their housing, but only if there is no longer the owner of any other housing, does not participate in the contract of social. hiring.

Important: If service experience exceeds 20 years, you can use NIS tools for any needs, and not just for housing. The same applies to those who served 10 years who have dismissal on preferential grounds.

If a soldier quit the service after 10 years, for example, according to health, it can use the accumulation on account, but the remainder of the mortgage loan will have to pay independently. True, it can take advantage of monetary compensation and maintains a profitable interest rate.

For help in acquiring housing, the following means are intended:

  • the target housing loan accumulated on the individual account of the employee and the transferred to the bank when buying;
  • monthly payments to the bank's current account that issued a mortgage, in the amount of one twelfth of accumulative contributions;
  • additional funds paid ones, the amount is calculated taking into account the accumulative contribution and the number of days diluted until the twenty-year period is reached.

Dismissal for other reasons. How to be with a mortgage?

If the military for any reason decided to quit, without having served 20 years, after 10, having no preferential grounds, or even earlier, he would have to state a decent amount if he managed to buy his own apartment. We will have to return all the money spent from the accumulative account and the amount of the subsidy, which was used to repay the mortgage, and the period of payments of the target housing loan is given to him ten years, a specific schedule of payments is established. Preferential loan conditions are also abolished, so it will have to pay further at the standard refinancing rate of the Central Bank. At the same time, the property turns out to be doubled: the state and the credit institution has.

If the former military cannot pay all means, the court will follow, and the apartment will be subject to implementation. The funds obtained during the sale will take advantage of the debt on the loan, the payment of "Rosvoenipotek" and legal costs. If the money will remain as a result of all payments, they will go to the score of the abolished. If there are not enough funds, a person remains a debtor.

Agree, in this case, the situation arises extremely unpleasant, which is why experts recommend to take a military mortgage only after driving, however, taking into account the constant rise in real estate prices, not everyone wants to take advantage of this advice.

Underwater Military Mortgage Stones

Because of the serious underwater stones described above at first view of the military mortgage, not all our servicemen are decided to use this privilege until driving, because it is difficult to assume that it may happen in many years, perhaps will follow unexpected dismissal, for example for health, and All will have to pay independently, also giving the debts to the state. Previously, there was a system of providing ready-made apartments, there was somewhat more transparent. By deciding to buy housing in a military mortgage, you need to take into account all the risks, otherwise no health is enough to pay colossal debts. If you are not confident in your capabilities, it is better to use these terms and conditions at the end of the contract, that is, after 20 or 10 (with benefits) years.

Perhaps, in the future, the legislation provides somehow problems arising from the fact that the growth of the cost of housing greatly exceeds the level of inflation, which is taken into account when indexing the NIS payments.


So, we bring together a brief conditions for the return of the tools spent in different periods of service.

  1. Over 20, dismissal for any reason. No funds received from the state are not returned.
  2. 10-20 with preferential reasons for dismissal, such as health problems. Funds are not returned, additional funds are laid.
  3. Less than 10. Absolutely all obtained funds are returned to the state in full within a sufficiently short time, which can lead to numerous problems, up to loss of such a long-awaited apartment.

Thus, it is beneficial for those who served 20 full years or 10 in the presence of preferential conditions, otherwise a soldier for many years will become a debtor not only to the bank, but also to the state.

Despite the obvious advantages of the military mortgage in the form of guaranteed to obtain their own housing, preferential payment of interest and the lack of need to spend their own means for servicing a mortgage loan, not all servicemen agree to buy housing under the NIS program. People fear the consequences of dismissal on objective and other grounds.

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General concepts

The target housing loan is a binding to the service in the army with the inability to leave it without significant material expenses related to the repayment of the balance and return of funds to the state.

Independent payment of bank interest with a possible Many Military simply not affordable.

The state, on the contrary, is interested in a large-scale coverage of military personnel. The point is that the personnel soldiers are in service as long as possible, extending the contract for the maximum allowed.

What it is

The NIS program is a state fund of cash savings program for the purpose of targeted use for the purchase of housing in the mortgage.

The mechanism of the cumulative and mortgage system allows each military to become the owner of square meters even before the exit to the length of years or dismissal for other reasons.

This is a radical difference of the program from the current earlier, when it was necessary to wait for a retirement, and then stand in a queue on the already built social housing. Waiting could be delayed for years.

According to the new accumulation scheme on the personal serviceman, you can use for the first mortgage contribution already three years after registering in the program.

What can I buy? Limitations when buying their own housing, the state does not provide:

It is this organization that monitors the inclusion of a serviceman in the register of NIS participants, opens up for each personal account, provides access to the personal account.

The advantages of the military mortgage before the civilian concludes in a preferential procedure for making a mortgage loan and settlements on it.

So, the Bank does not need to confirm the solvency, since in fact, the monthly contributions for the military will contribute. The percent size is lower than for civil borrowers.

Who extends to

Participation in the NIS program is accepted by officers, ensigns, soldiers, sailors, elders who serve at least since 2005.

This is due to the fact that the program started since 2006, and before the first episode of removal of funds was to pass at least three years - such is the main condition of NIS. For three years, the amount required for the initial contribution is accumulated.

All of them to participate in the program must submit the appropriate report on the basis of which registration and introduction to the state resource.

The registration number becomes the basis for opening a cumulative account. A state will list budget funds until a retirement is retired or the achievement of 45 years of age.

At the same time, you can spend money exceptionally intended, that is, on housing. Military Mortgage Military has the right ahead of schedule.

In addition to personnel officers who meet the requirements of the program, they can participate in it:

It is important that only those military, who have not turned 35 years old can arrange a mortgage. Lower age border - 21 years.

This is due to the fact that by agreement between the state and banks, the repayment of the mortgage should be completed by the time of the military retirement. That is, fully pay off the military loan will have to reach a 45-year-old age.

Where to contact

To become an official member of the Program, the soldier must transfer information about itself a controlling organization - Rosvoenipotek.

Military for the acquisition of his own apartment will have to go to a number of government agencies:

  1. Rosvoenipotek.
  2. The housing department of military personnel who churring the military unit.
  3. AHML.
  4. Bank creditor.

The first step is to refer to the command of the part with the report, and then wait for confirmation of the inclusion in NIS and the indication of the participant's individual registration number.

Three years later, the soldier who decided to use the accumulated money on the target loan under housing should write to the commander of the part of the second report - to obtain a testimony of the participant of the mortgage program for the military.

After receipt of the certificate, you can contact the bank directly or to the AHML department at the place of service ().

It was the agency of mortgage housing lending that determines which bank is working with military mortgage, and ensures the legality of transactions.

The last instance is the actual bank that will give a loan.

At the same time, the financial and credit institution will appoint an individual loan repayment time, based on several factors:

The interest rate of the bank is relatively low - it ranges from 9 to 11 percent, but it may be floating depending on the specific circumstances of the transaction.

If an application for the issuance of a loan is approved by the Bank, then a separate credit account will be opened in the name of the borrower.

The state will list ten percent of the cost of housing - the amount of the initial contribution (it can be increased at the expense of its own money of the serviceman).

In the future, monthly will be listed on the credit account on one twelfth amount of savings.

This means that if the amount is more (time participation in the mortgage system for more than three years), then with the loan it will be possible to pay faster.

In 2020, in connection with the crisis situation (including in the banking sector), only three largest bank of the Russian Federation - Sberbank, VTB 24, Svyaz-Bank work on military mortgage.

The procedure for paying a military mortgage when dismissing

If a soldier is dismissed to the full repayment of a mortgage loan, the difficulties associated with the procedure and amount of debt balance payments are inevitably arise.

In some cases, it will have to return to the state funds received under the NIS program. In other return it will not be, and all the money will remain at the military.

The opposite solutions of the issue are associated with the cause of dismissal and service duration.

To know exactly, you need to or will not need to return money and pay a mortgage yourself, it should be understood both in the status of a serviceman and in the grounds of the dismissal of their series of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (or other security agencies).

It is important that dismissal does not always mean an exception from the NIS program - in some cases, it can be used by a former borrower serviceman in the future perspective.

How Credit is rushing

When dismissing a contract service person, two options are possible:

In the first case, the soldier will be obliged, first of all, to return the entire amount of the accumulated savings on the warehouse, and secondly, to repay the balance of debt to the bank independently.

If the former NIS participant evades the repayment of debt to the State Structure and / or Bank, the amount of debt will be charged through the court or by selling collateral real estate.

If the soldier is not involved in the termination of the contract, the reasons for it do not depend on it and there are no direct guilt, then the participant of NIS remains the opportunity to leave targeted accruals from the state itself.

Respectful are the following reasons:

If there are valid causes of target loan and credit are not refundable. Moreover, sometimes for the former servicemen remains the right to use the balance of savings on the account for the final settlement with the bank.

The second option of developing the situation is the dismissal of the NIS software in connection with the state reorganization.

In this case, regulated organizational and staff activities are carried out, which can also be viewed as good reasons for termination of the contract:

Dismissal is held if the command cannot provide another position with the same or other salary size or if the soldier does not agree to receive a lower amount, execute other duties due to the decline in the title and position.

If the dismissal occurred due to these circumstances (holding organizational and staff events), the state gives a serviceman to certain guarantees regarding the payment of a mortgage loan.

They are directly related to the experience of the serviceman:

The procedure for calculations with the state is registered for each of the named categories dismissed on the ORM of military personnel.

Rights use of savings

The accumulated funds are fully resistant for a contract service person who served more than ten years and dismissed on preferential grounds:

The right to use accumulated amounts remains for relatives (deceased) of the NIS participant who has more than ten years of experience.

Military mortgage with dismissal after 10 years of service is closed completely by transferring to the entire amount of accumulations available at the date of termination of the contract.

The procedure for calculations carried out by Rosvoenipotek, the following:

It is important that along with the sum of the accumulated funds, military personnel with ten-year experience, dismissed on preferential grounds, have the right to additional payments.

Cash is charged in the following cases:

If the apartment purchased under the program of mortgage state creation is the only housing of the dismissed serviceman, then additional money charges are charged depending on the magnitude of the accumulative contribution established for the year of dismissal, and the number of years that remained to achieve a 20-year-old service life.

Additional payment is accrued and paid at the same time, for the entire period of service, at the place of dismissal.

For money, the soldier must also compile the appropriate report, to file it in the name of the commander of the part, then wait for a positive solution or refusal within a month.

In any case, management should notify the former serviceman about the decision taken in writing.

If the request is approved, funds will be listed on the bank account of a dismissed serviceman within three months from the moment of accepting a positive decision.

Military mortgage when dismissal at the end of the contract for preferential grounds in the event that the soldier served more than ten years and did not have time to pay for the apartment, it does not close at the time of the contract break.

All previously paid funds remain at the military, they are not returned to the budget, but in the future it serves a loan independently.

The positive point in this situation is that when repaying the balance of the debt still acts a preferential, that is, a reduced interest rate.

If the experience of the serviceman is over 20 years old, it has the ability to dispose of the accumulations unused by the target loan as it seems necessary.

Not to return money to the budget, he does not need to buy money in definitely.

With illegal actions of the employer

A much more complex situation consists of those servicemen who are not dismissed on preferential grounds.

This may happen both by the name of the military (for example, in violation of the terms of the contract) and the fault of the employer - Government or an organization where the soldier arranged after dismissal.

The most unfavorable option is a military service of less than ten years if the soldier has already taken a mortgage loan, it will have to return everything to a penny, including interest, and in the future to pay contributions either to part with housing.

If the former military is not able to do this, you will have to either sell an apartment, or to look for worthy source of earnings.

Until the full repayment of the loan, the apartment will continue to stay in a double pledge, and only the bank will be able to sell it.

If the debt borrower does not repay, its amount will be recovered in court. The apartment will turn into a painful burden. Therefore, you need to really evaluate your capabilities and plans, deciding to the use of NIS.

Video: Mortgage when dismissal

Special nuances

With experience less than ten years, the soldier has no rights to accumulate. If they remain uncontrollable, then return to the budget.

If the apartment has already been purchased, then you will have to return the entire amount of the target loan, as well as to pay the balance of debt to the bank at the expense of your own money.

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