
The main principle of construction of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Objectives, principles of construction and the basis for the application of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The main directions of the construction of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation at the beginning of the XXI in

Topic 1: "The basis of the defense of the state and military duty of citizens."

3.1.3 Appointment, Composition and Principles
construction of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Military doctrine

Russian armed forces are an integral element of statehood.
They are a state military organization constituting
The basis of the country's defense.
Armed Forces (Sun) of the Russian Federation - State Military Organization,
intended for reflection of aggression aimed against the Russian Federation,
armed protection of integrity and inviolability of the Russian
territories, tasks in accordance with russian laws and
international treaties of the Russian Federation.
The decision to use the aircraft is exceptional competence.
President of the Russian Federation - the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. He is implementing
Management, issues orders and directives, mandatory for all
Forces, military formations and organs.
Today, one of the most important tasks of the Armed Forces is to ensure
nuclear deterrence. It is the rod of the whole system of national
Security of the country. In addition, today you have to decide and principal
a new task - to carry out peacekeeping activities as independently,
So as part of international organizations.

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation consist:
Central military bodies
associations, compounds,
military units and organizations;
species and labor of troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;
rear of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;
troops not included in the species and
The kind of troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Central bodies
management of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation
Controls edition
functions I.
Deputy Ministers
Defense or
Minister of Defense

Types of armed forces
Russian Federation
Ground troops
Aircraft forces

kind of troops
Rocket troops

Under the construction of the Armed Forces is meant the system of events,
implemented by the federal authorities aimed
on the creation, equipment, content and preparation of the armed forces to
The performance of peaceful and military tasks assigned to them.
The main purpose of the construction of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation
is the creation and development of troops capable of protecting independence,
sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country, security of citizens and
Other vital interests of society and the state.
In accordance with the Military Doctrine of the Russian Federation (2010)
The main task of construction and development of the Armed Forces and other troops
is to bring their structure, composition and numbers in accordance with
predicted military threats, content and nature of the military
conflicts, current and promising tasks in peacetime, in the period
immediate threat of aggression and in wartime, as well as political,
socio-economic, demographic and military-technical
The terms and conditions and capabilities of the Russian Federation.

Military policy of the Russian Federation aims to deterrence and
Prevent military conflict, improving military organization,
forms and methods of applying armed forces, other troops and organs,
raising mobilization readiness in order to ensure defense and
The security of the Russian Federation, as well as the interests of its allies.
Prevention of nuclear military conflict, like any other military
The conflict is based on the military policy of the Russian Federation.
the Russian Federation reserves the right to apply nuclear weapons
In response to applying it and (or) its allies of nuclear and other species
Weapons of mass lesion, as well as in the case of aggression against the Russian
Federations with the use of ordinary weapons, when the threat is delivered by itself
The existence of the state. Decision on application nuclear weapons Accepted
President of the Russian Federation.

Ticket number 2.

Military Construction - a system of economic, socio-political, actually military and other events of the state carried out in the interests of strengthening its military power. Common goals, content and practical tasks military construction is determined by military politics (military doctrine) of the state and depend on immediate threats national Security, the nature of state power and state of the country's economy.

The main components of military construction are construction armed Forces, the development and functioning of the defense and industrial sector of the state economy, the distribution of material and human resources in the interests of defense. The most important role Here the development of military science is given, the creation of government bodies, the preparation of the country's territory for defense, and the population to the protection of the Fatherland. These and other components were based on the construction of the Russian army after the collapse of the USSR. The Russian army and fleet actually recreated anew.

In March 1992, the Ministry of Defense was formed in the Russian Federation, the concept of the construction of the Armed Forces of Russia, which determined the goals and priorities of military policy was developed and began to be implemented.

may 1992 was issued a decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On the establishment of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation". It confirmed the continuity of the best combat and heroic traditions of the Russian army, the use of armed forces to protect freedom and independence of Russia, ensuring its safety and sovereignty.

The armed forces entered the rocket troops of strategic appointment, land forces, air force, air defense troops, navy.

Four fleets were included in the North Fleet, the North, Pacific, Baltic, Black Sea, as well as the Caspian Flotilla.

The main purpose of the construction of the armed forces and other troops of the Russian Federation was proclaimed the creation and development of troops (forces) capable of protecting independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country, the safety of citizens and other vital interests of society and the states corresponding to the military-political and strategic environment in the world and the real possibilities of the country.

The construction of the armed forces was based on the following principles:

· Controls of military management bodies and officials of state authorities;

· Compliance with the general political rights and freedoms and social security of servicemen in accordance with the specifics military service;

· Centralization of military leadership and uniqueness on a legal basis;

· Compliance of the organizational structure, combat composition and number of troops (forces) with the tasks, legislation, international law and the economic possibilities of Russia;

· Ensuring a high level of professionalism of the armed forces and other troops of the Russian Federation;

· Ensuring opportunities for building the combat power of the Armed Forces and other troops of the Russian Federation, adequately increase the military threat, the advance accumulation and preparation of the mobilization reserve;

· Accounting for the geopolitical and geostrategic position of the country;

· Using the domestic and global experience of military construction.

To date, the foundations have developed legal regulation Construction of the Armed Forces and ensuring military security of Russia. The defense function of the state organically follows from the norm established by part 3 of Article 4 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, where it is determined that "the Russian Federation ensures the integrity and inviolability of its territory." The Constitution of the Russian Federation contains references to the laws on defense and military security, including three references to federal laws. So, in accordance with the requirements of the Constitution of Russia, three federal constitutional laws on defense and military security are adopted: "On the Military Regulations", "On the Emergency" and "On Military Courts of the Russian Federation". In addition, the following federal laws on defense issues, the construction of the Armed Forces and military security of the Russian Federation are directly related to references of the Constitution of the Russian Federation directly or indirectly.

On ensuring the integrity and inviolability of the state territory (part 3 of Art. 4 of the Constitution);

ABOUT state pensions, benefits and other guarantees of social protection of military personnel (part 2 of article 7, part 1, 2 of Art. 39 constitutions)

About countering organizations, goals or actions of which are aimed at a violent change in the foundations of the constitutional system and violation of the integrity of Russia, undermining the security of the state, the creation of armed formations, inciting social, racial, national and religious retail (part 5 of Article 13 of the Constitution);

About state secrets (part 4 of Art. 29 of the Constitution);

About military duty and military service (part 1, 2 of Art. 59 of the Constitution);

About the alternative civil service (part 3 of Art. 59 of the Constitution);

About defense (p. "M" Art. 71 of the Constitution);

About security (p. "M" Art. 71 of the Constitution);

About defense production (p. "M" Art. 71 of the Constitution);

On the procedure for the sale and purchase of weapons, ammunition, military equipment and other military assets (p. "M" Art. 71 of the Constitution);

About the status and protection of the state border (p. "N" Art. 71, paragraph "d" Art. 106 of the Constitution);

On the status of the Security Council of the Russian Federation (paragraph "W" Art. 83 of the Constitution);

On the possibility of using the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation outside the territory of the Russian Federation (paragraph "G" of Art. 102 of the Constitution);

On the ratification and denunciation of international treaties of the Russian Federation in the field of collective defense and international security (p. "G" Art. 106 of the Constitution);

On issues of war and the world (p. "E" Art. 106 of the Constitution).

Under these conditions, there is an acute problem associated with the implementation of the main directions of the development of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, capable of opposing modern challenges.

The directions related to the improvement of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation were determined in the concept of construction and development of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020.

It was approved by the President of Russia on April 19, 2010. The main of the priorities are:

improving the strategic consideration forces in the composition of the strategic nuclear forces and forces of air-space defense;

extension of interspecific groups of troops (forces) in strategic directions;

creation of an armed service management system in accordance with their perspective composition and structure;

implementation of measures to re-equip the compounds and military units with modern samples of weapons, military and special equipment within the framework of the State Arms Program (GPV-2020);

creature new system universities and training officers and sergeants;

the solution of the complex of issues of social security of servicemen.

In the ground forces:

the formation of troops in strategic directions that meet the requirements of modern hostilities balanced by combat and providing formations;

ensuring the mobility of military formations and groupings of troops.

In air force:

increase the possibilities of aircraft aircraft for the fulfillment of tasks and ensuring the hostilities of land and maritime groups of the armed forces;

improving the grouping of military transport aviation and the airfield network, ensuring the strategic mobility of the armed forces.

In the navy:

maintaining the composition and combat readiness of the grouping of marine strategic nuclear forces;

serial construction of multipurpose nuclear submarines, surface ships of long and near sea zones.

maintaining the existing structure of the grouping of ground ssyas;

completion of re-equipment on the rocket complexes of the fifth generation.

In space troops:

deploying formations equipped with promising means of warning about missile attack and control of outer space;

deploying the full composition of orbital groups of promising space systems.

In airborne troops:

improving the quality of training for troops, taking into account the interspecific nature of modern wars and armed conflicts;

re-equipment for modern samples of weapons, military and special equipment.

The provisions of the concept are detailed as part of the development of documents of the medium-term (construction plan for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for the next five years) and short-term planning (annual refinement of the construction plan for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation), to which the relevant costs are being developed.

The composition and qualitative state of the strategic nuclear forces (shenas) ensure the implementation of nuclear deterrence of aggression against the Russian Federation. Their further development will ensure guaranteed parishing of the projected changes in the strategic balance of forces, which are primarily involved with the deployment of the global US missile defense system, as well as the increasing potential of high-precision weapons of a large range of USA and NATO. The three-component structure of Syas (ground, marine, aviation) will continue.

2. Responsibilities of military personnel

The serviceman in official activities is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, the Principal Charters and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.
Protection of state sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Russian Federation, ensuring the security of the state, the reflection of the armed attack, as well as the fulfillment of tasks in accordance with the international obligations of the Russian Federation constitute the essence of military debt, which obliges a serviceman:

  • to be a faithful military oath (obligation), unless to serve the people of the Russian Federation, courageously and skillfully defend the Russian Federation;
  • strictly observe the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the laws of the Russian Federation, the demands of the Principles of Commanders are unquestioning unquestioning;
  • improving military skills, maintain armament and military equipment in constant readiness for use, take care of military property;
  • be disciplined, vigilant, store state secrets;
  • to rush to military honor and combat fame of the Armed Forces, his military unit, honor of his military title and the military partnership, with the dignity to carry a high title of defender of the people of the Russian Federation;
  • comply with generally accepted principles and norms of international law and international treaties of the Russian Federation.

17. The soldier must be honest, brave, when performing military debt, to show a reasonable initiative, to protect the commanders (chiefs) in battle, protect the war banner of the military unit.

18. The military personnel is obliged to show patriotism, to promote peace and friendship between nations, preventing national and religious conflicts.

19. The soldier is obliged to respect the honor and dignity of other servicemen, to help them out of danger, help them with a word and work, to keep from unworthy actions, preventing other servicemen of rudeness and bullying, to promote commander (chiefs) and elder in maintaining order and discipline. It must comply with the rules of military courtesy, behavior, the fulfillment of military greetings, wearing the military form of clothing and the signs of difference.
All cases that may affect the fulfillment of the servicemen of his duties, as well as the comments made him, he is obliged to report to his immediate boss.
For violation of the statutory rules of relationships between military personnel associated with humiliation of honor and dignity, mockery or associated with violence, as well as for insulting with one serviceman, the perpetrators are involved in disciplinary responsibility, and in their actions of the crime - to criminal liability in their actions.

20. The soldier is obliged to know and comply with the Security Requirements of Military Service in everyday activities. He must take care of the preservation of his health, every day to study hardening, physical training and sports, refrain from bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol), prevent drugs and psychotropic substances.

21. According to official issues, the soldier must contact its direct supervisor, and if necessary, with the permission of the immediate boss, to the senior boss.
For personal issues, the soldier should also contact the immediate boss, and in the event of a special need for a senior chief.
When appeals (making a proposal, applying or complaint), a soldier is guided by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the disciplinary charter of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

22. The soldier is obliged to know and comply with the norms of international humanitarian law, the rules for the treatment of wounded, patients, faces, victims of shipwreck, medical personnel, spiritual persons, civilian population in the area of \u200b\u200bhostilities, as well as prisoners of war.

23. The serviceman during the fighting, even being in the separation from its military unit (division) and in full surroundings, should have a decisive resistance to the enemy, avoiding capture. In battle, he is obliged to fulfill his military debt with honor. If a soldier, being in a helpless state, including due to severe injury or contusion, will be captured by the enemy captured, he must search and use any opportunity for his liberation and liberation of his comrades from captivity and return to his military unit.
The soldier captured by the enemy captured, when interrogation has the right to inform only his last name, name, patronymic, military rank, date of birth and personal number. It is obliged to preserve the honor and dignity, not to disclose the state secret, to show resistance and courage, to help other servicemen who are in captivity, keep them from the party to the enemy, reject the enemy's attempts to use a serviceman to cause damage to the Russian Federation and its armed forces.
For military personnel captured or as hostage, as well as internated in neutral countries, the status of military personnel is preserved. Commanders (chiefs) are obliged to take measures to exempt these servicemen in accordance with the norms of international humanitarian law.

The organizational construction of the Armed Forces of Russia has always been the organizational construction of military scientists and practitioners. The process of their reform, started back in 1992, passes in permanent searches for optimal structures of species and childbirth forces. However, today the struggle of opinions continues.

One of the platforms for discussions on the problem of organizational construction Sun became the cycle of "round tables", which were held in the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

Some leading military specialties were expressed that the armed forces of our country in their organ structures should have four types: traditional land forces (SV), air force (Air Force) and navy (Navy), as well as the new kind - The troops of the air-space defense (East Kazakhstan), on the basis of which it is proposed to create the System of the Russian Federation of Russia and its allies. It is advisable to establish full responsibility for the combat application of the subordinates of the troops, their condition, development and provision.

"In modern armed struggle, the value of interspecific groups of troops increases, especially when it comes to a strategic scale"

Others, no less authoritative experts, referring to personal, domestic and foreign experienceAs well as on the decisions of the Security Council of the Russian Federation of 2005, they offer the organizational structure to form on the spheres of military use of the Armed Forces: the Earth Sv, Ocean - Navy, Heaven and Cosmos - Air Force. At the same time, the system of aerospace defense (SPRN, air defense, pro and PKO) is invited to build on the platform of the main command of the Air Force.

With a very wide range of opinions that are not limited to the above options, it is extremely difficult to make a reasonable choice, there is a threat of subjective decision making. And it is extremely dangerous. Therefore, we should consider this problem through the prism of the theories of the construction of the Armed Forces and Military Art.

Basic principles

Fundamental laws of military construction, in contrast to the laws of nature, cannot be described by strict formulas. This is rather logical constructions, built theoretically principles that are the basis for appropriate activities in this direction.

In this, according to Karl von Clausevitz, the only point of all theory. It arms us with the principles, thereby reducing the inevitable distance that exists between theory and practice.

Taking into account the special geostrategic position in the construction of the Armed Forces, Russia, like most countries of the world, adheres to predominantly basic organizational principles.

The basis of the modern structure of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is the types of armed forces - SV, Air Force and Navy, as well as the kind of troops (forces).

The species construction is determined by the mastered spheres of combat use of troops and forces (sushi, sea, airspace) and is formed on the basis of the principle of unity of responsibility for the development of forces and means intended for the conduct of armed struggle in a certain sphere of combat application.

The kind of troops is component Sun (RVSN, airborne and troops of the East Kazakhstan) or part of the type of armed forces. The principle of their construction is the identity of the main weapons, as well as the forms and methods of their combat use.

The types and kind of troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are headed by commander-in-chief (commander), the status of which predetermines the centralization of the management of troops (forces) based on the principle of unity. The compliant masterpiece has the necessary powers to organize the combat use of all subordinate forces and funds. At the same time, the main commands are responsible for the development of their troops and their comprehensive provision, and these are administrative functions. Thus, until recently, the commander-in-chief (commander) with species and births of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation were restored both operational and administrative functions at the same time.

Existing version

Since 2010, at the strategic level, the principle of delimitation of rights and liability between military management bodies for operational and administrative functions is being implemented (Fig. 1). Intervidal groups of troops (forces) and the operational management bodies are four combined strategic commands (OSK). In their immediate subordination, the associations, compounds and parts of the SV, Air Force and the Navy were transferred.

As follows from the presented organization of the Russian Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the process of distinction of functions is not completed. Commander of the manifestations of troops still retain operational and administrative functions on the management of troops.

In addition, the presence in this structure of the Air Force and a separate type of troops - the ECRO troops, which some experts are invited to rank the type of armed forces, indicates a violation of the principle of unity of responsibility for the development of forces and means intended for the conduct of armed struggle in the air-space sphere. It inevitably entails duplication of tasks, spraying resources and erosion of responsibility in the sphere, the importance of which is not disputed by anyone. Confirmation of this is the incessant discussions about the place, solved objectives and the combat composition of this new kind of troops.

Such examples took place in Soviet and Russian history. In the Organization of the USSR Armed Forces, for example, the Air Force and Air Defense Troops intended for actions in one field. The disadvantages of this structure, which manifested in peacetime, saw the head of the General Staff of the Soviet Union Marshal Nicholas Ogarkov. He foresaw the complexity of interaction and possible consequences In a combat atmosphere. That is why it became the initiator of the Association of the Air Force and the military air defense forces. Unfortunately, the planned structural transformations were sabotaged by some officers MIC and PCComatics air defense on the basis of ulkometal interests (Mahmut Gareev. "Seven years from the life of Marshal").

In the end, objective reality required the creation unified system Air Force and air defense, which exists in all the leading armies of the world. The union was carried out in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 16, 1997 No. 725 "On the priorities for reforming the Russian Armed Forces and the improvement of their structure". At the same time, the same document contracted with the principles of organizational construction was announced to create a "new" species - rocket troops of strategic appointment with the inclusion of military-space forces (VKS) and troops of rocket-space defense (RKO). However, he existed for long and after three years and was disbanded for three months.

Rational approach

But how to avoid gross mistakes, meaningless resource spending and reach the optimal structure of the sun?

It is well known that the basis of modern armed struggle is the principle of agreed application of troops and forces of various species (generic) accessories. In this case, the benefits of military groups inherent in combat systems are most noted. This is not only the amount of the qualities of the species and childbirth of the troops. Such a system manifests Emergenity, that is, the properties appear that there is no one of its component elements taken separately. In other words, in modern armed struggle, the value of interspecific groups of troops (forces) increases, especially when it comes to a strategic scale.

The validity of this conclusion is consistent with the position of the President of the Academy of Military Sciences of the General Army of Makhmut Gareev. In particular, he notes that general System The armed struggle is crucial acquisition of active agreed actions of all types of Sun. This circumstance, in his opinion, should be reflected in the new organizational structure Armed Forces.

Indeed, taking into account the modern nature of the armed struggle in the sun majority of foreign countries, interspecific groups of troops (forces) and the operational management bodies have already been created in peacetime. At the same time, operational and administrative functions are usually not combined. A similar principle is being implemented in the organizational construction of the US Armed Forces and NATO states. It should be emphasized that the separation of operational and administrative functions is also effective mechanismto ensure the uniqueness of interspecific groups of troops (forces).

The logic of this type of the Organization of the Armed Forces is centrally coordinated functional specialization at the strategic level. At the same time reasonably believed that it has several advantages:

  • provides rapprochement of the structures of the strategic management of the Mirny and War Time;
  • allows you to increase the efficiency and efficiency of the application of the armed forces in various crises and military conflicts;
  • stimulates the improvement of the quality of activity and the implementation of the creative potential of employees of the management bodies;
  • provides resource savings.

The construction of the structure of the Russian Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on the functional and transitional principles will entail the deepening of the separation of management functions for operational and administrative, will require an increase in management structures and additional financial costs.

Thus, on the basis of the sign of the sphere of application, all troops (forces) should be reduced to the types of armed forces (sort of troops) endowed with administrative functions. As a feature of the target, the order of combat use and effective management - in combat systems of various purposes and the scale under direct management of the relevant operational management bodies (commands), such as aerospace defense system, combined interspecific groups in strategic directions.

Separation of functions

In our opinion, in the structure of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, it is advisable in addition to the already created commands - four OSK and ECF to create a number of new ones: strategic offensive forces (deterrent forces), forces of special operations, cybercomans and some others. Naturally, under each of them should be the corresponding combat systems.

The option of the proposed Organization of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is presented in Figure 2. It is mainly based on the logic and principles of organizational construction and military art. They should be considered as a number of ideas that require further systemic study with the involvement of research organizations of the Ministry of Defense. Nevertheless, this orgent structure allows you to overcome the long-standing contradiction between the interspecific nature of the use of troops (forces) and funds and their species subordination. This provision confirms the experience of the previous inclusion of the VKS and the RKO troops into the structure of RVSN, which led to the emergence of an intermediate control link - the main command of the species, reduced the efficiency of decision-making and bringing tasks.

The feasibility of creating a system of operational and administrative management bodies is stimulated by another circumstance. It eliminates the possibility of reorienting the delivery of troops to solve problems in the interests of one type of aircraft to the detriment of others, which took place in the near-past past. Allows you to release the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation from the tasks unusual for him on the daily leadership of the troops, submitting them to administrative governance authorities. In addition, real conditions will be created for the transition to a three-valid structure, which is not disputed by most experts.

The first condition is the inclusion of RVSN and ELGO troops into the Air Force (Air-Space Forces) of the Troops. At the same time, only a part of the departments and services of the command of missile troops of the strategic appointment and the troops of the air-space defense that implement administrative functions should be included in its chief committee. Thereby, conditions will be created for the agreed construction and development of troops and combat systems intended for action in the air-space sphere, as well as the organization and implementation of special types of collateral.

The remaining departments and services of the specified labor of the troops together with the administrator must be introduced into operational commands: strategic offensive forces and East Kazakhstan.

The second condition is the inclusion of the Airborne Forces to the composition of the coil. At the same time, the chief committee of the ground forces is advisable to give only part of the departments and services that implement administrative functions, on the rights and services of airborne troops.

Unused departments, services and operations that implement operational functions may form the basis of the command forces by special operations.

For business benefits

The ideas set forth in the article are designed to stimulate the discussion around the problems of organizing construction of the Armed Forces, which in Russia today is conducted without a proper scientific justification. And this, judging by the zigzags of the reform of the Armed Forces, is extremely dangerous, since, according to Marshal Ferdinand Fosh, "the outcome of the lightning clashes between ... army ... is predetermined by the organization and preparation of peacetime." In order to avoid tragic consequences and expensive abnormalities as a result of the implementation of solutions based on ulkometal interests and subjective opinions, scientific expertise and public recognition of the correctness of the ideas of organizational construction Sun are needed. The most talented reform initiator will be powerless to do something significant without the support of military personnel, without a carefully selected team of performers and the relevant organization of work.

Unionless - the most important principle of construction and livelihoods of troops.

1. Unitimate as the basis of centralized and sustainable army management and fleet.

2. The full strengthening of uniqueness is the debt and obligation of each military personnel of the Russian Armed Forces.

The charter of the internal service determines that the uniqueness is one of the principles of the construction of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the leadership of them, the relationship between military personnel.

It is in the endowment of the commander (chief) of all the completeness of the administrative authority in relation to the subordinate and imposing personal responsibility for all parties to the life and activities of the military unit, the division and every serviceman.

The uniqueness determines the construction of the army as a centralized military body, the unity of training and education of personnel, organizedness and discipline and ultimately high combat readers. It should be noted that it best ensures the unity of the will and actions of the entire personnel, strict centralization, maximum flexibility and efficiency of leadership for troops. The uniqueness allows the commander to act boldly, decisively, to exercise a broad initiative, entitled to the commander personal responsibility for all parties to the life of troops, contributes to the development of the necessary community qualities from officers. It creates conditions for high organized, strict military discipline and solid order.

The centuries-old experience suggests that the commanders can successfully fulfill the tasks facing them only under conditions of constantly fortunate uniqueness, focusing in their hands of all the functions of manual and management of military teams.

The history of the Armed Forces of our Fatherland convincingly proved the effectiveness of uniqueness both in peaceful and in wartime. The union commander, possessing the fullness of the administrative authority in relation to the troops entrusted to him, is solely responsible for their condition, training, provision and activities.

Uniqueness providesunity of will, flexibility and efficiency of control of troops;

freedom of action of the commander during the fulfillment of the tasks; Organizations and disciplines of troops; targeted training and education of personnel; Effective control of orders and statutes (cm. Schema 1).

The uniqueness of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is aimed at increasing the combat capability and combat readiness of the army of the army and the forces of the fleet, the upbringing of high moral and psychological qualities. The more difficult and harder the situation and the tasks solved by the troops, the stronger there should be uniqueness. Moreover, troops cannot successfully carry out combat missions without solid uniqueness and strong military discipline.

Only strictly centralized control of troops can ensure success in combat, where the rapidness of decision making and immediately carrying it into life, clear coordination of the actions of the troops is important.

The uniqueness in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation has a clear legal basiswhich are made up of laws, military statutes, orders and directives. These regulations contribute to the internal relations of the army, the rights and obligations of military personnel. They provide both the legal status of commanders when managing troops and civil and personal rights of servicemen.

The uniqueness implies the return by the commander (boss) of orders, orders and orders that are mandatory for strict implementation by subordinates.

In the army of all countries of the world, the procedure for the returns and execution of orders is strictly regulated, but there are uniform principles that have proven the need for their strict implementation.

First of all, the commander before the order is obliged to comprehensively assess the situation, as well as provide measures to ensure its implementation. He is personally responsible for the given order and its consequences, the compliance of the given orders to the law, as well as the abuse of power. In the Russian Armed Forces are not allowed to return orders and orders aimed at violation of the law, setting tasks that are not related to the service.

The order must be formulated extremely clear for the subordinate, exclude a dual interpretation and not to be in doubt. As a rule, he is given in the order of subordination, but at the very necessary Senior Military Head can give an order to a serviceman, bypassing the immediate supervisor. At the same time, he himself reports to the immediate boss or orders the subordinate to report himself. The soldier must fulfill the order 50 exactly and on time, the implementation of the instructions obtained is obliged to report to the commander.

The serviceman in order to successfully fulfill the task is obliged to show a reasonable initiative. It is especially necessary when the order received does not match the changed setting, and the conditions are such that it is not possible to receive a new order in a timely manner.

Strengthening the unity of the army and on the fleet of the Russian Federation has its own specifics, as it has nothing to do with simple administration, since in its practical activities, the commander relies on public organizations, takes an active part in their work, closely associated with the person supports it. The initiative, mobilizes to perform educational and combat missions.

Life convincingly suggests that without the implementation of the principle of uniqueness, it is impossible to achieve such a level of discipline, which is necessary for solid management of troops.

The principle of uniqueness obliges the commander to apply the power of its influence, all the power, so that the decision adopted by it was certainly fulfilled by subordinates. Only in this case, military discipline will be maintained at the proper level. The principle of uniqueness allows the commander to constantly mobile-call and send the efforts of all its subordinates to the successful solution of the tasks of combat training and daily livelihoods, strengthening military discipline.

Experience shows that those unitigable commanders are achieved, which systematically teach subordinate officers, ensigns, sergeants with the ability to combine the method of belief with force measures, correctly apply power, not allowing the distortion of the requirements of the disciplinary charter of the Armed Forces.

The uniqueness is closely connected with military discipline and has a decisive impact on its state. The experience of advanced commanders clearly demonstrates that the consistent implementation of the principle of uniqueness in all units of the army organism has a beneficial effect on the strengthening of the discipline.

All perfriage is one of the most important duties of commander.

The main directions In the work on strengthening uniqueness are: a continuous increase in professional training of commanders; developing their high moral qualities; improving the style of practical activity; Education of the entire personnel in the spirit of respect for commanders, unquestioned obedience and discipline; Active activities of public organizations to maintain the authority of commanders (see the scheme 2).

Particular attention should be paid to the training of officers, ensigns and sergeants using the methodology for organizing preventive work to strengthen military discipline and prevent offenses. Analysis of the state of discipline in the team allows you to understand in detail in the moral atmosphere, in which the servicemen, the nature and root causes of disciplinary misconduct live and carry.

The most important condition for the strengthening of military discipline is to educate subordinates in the spirit of unconditional and accurate fulfillment of all without eliminating the requirements of the statutes. In the Turkish charters, the rules are set out that clearly regulate the organization of service, study and life of troops. Solid statutory procedure is the basis for increasing the combat readiness of the unit, part. It covers the organization of the educational process, the operation and maintenance of the equipment, the order in the barracks and the military town, parks of combat vehicles, guard premises, training centers. He suggests a strict execution of the routine of the day, a clear organization of life and leisure of warriors. The statutory procedure serves not only the most important condition for maintaining a high military discipline, but also a powerful factor in education, is as if organic continuation of educational work.

The decisive role in maintaining the statutory order belongs to the union commanders. They have sufficient rights, carry personal responsibility for the combat and mobilization readiness of parts and ships, divisions and services, are obliged to serve for subordinates of the example of strict compliance with laws, the norms of morality, the fulfillment of the requirements of the military oath, military charters. And they are correctly received by the commanders that use a wide variety of forms and methods for the education of military personnel in the spirit of high disciplinedness and execution. For this is the key to success in solving combat training tasks.

Personal example of the commander has an important educational and disciplining effect on the subordinates. They seek to imitate the commander in everything, equal to it. As a rule, warriors learn from their commander not only to combat skills. They adopt his behavior to him. That is why the uniform commander needs to be for the sample subordinates in everything, to keep his authority to high. Life convincingly confirms that the high authority of the commander helps to successfully manage the personnel in any conditions.

The organic unity of administrative power and individual qualities of the commander has a decisive influence on all parties to teaching and upbringing subordinates, including to strengthen military discipline.

The authority of the commander is an effective tool for its disciplinary power. The authoritative commander subordinates serve with great diligence, close to the heart accept comments and reproaches, are proud of the praise and seek to earn his good word.

Those difficulties and deprivations that inevitably fall out for the share of personnel, the commander is called to overcome himself, showing the high strength of the Spirit. All the great commander was perfectly aware of this axiom. For example, all hiking and battles voluntarily shared with subordinates. He was always together with the soldiers, was in conditions, no different from those in which his miracle warriors fought. On marches, exercises, in battles, he tolerated the same loads as his troops, on a par with all the dangers. And already for one, the soldiers are idolized Suvorov, walked behind him in the bake of battles.

The ability to demand is not coming by itself. It is necessary to patiently study. The desired result in their work reaches those commanders who deeply know subordinates, their inclinations and

inquiries, individual features of their characters, the motives of actions. At the same time, all this should not reduce the demands, but on the contrary, contribute to the choice of the best forms of its presentation.

To demand from subordinates, the commander must know exactly the borders of the authorities given to him for his position and military rank. Otherwise, it does not use all the opportunities to the end, or the risk to exceed its power, which is also unacceptable.

The use of power should be carefully accurately proportionate to the rigor of punishment with the degree of guilt of the subordinate, given the former behavior and circumstances in which the violation is committed.

The disciplinary statute does not indicate which violations should be applied for or other recovery. The commander within its powers himself chooses such a type of recovery, which, in his opinion, should have the maximum educational impact of both the person to which it applies and for the division as a whole. Overly strictly or, on the contrary, too, a soft penalty, like the late punishment of persons who are not directly involved in the offense, reduces the educational impact of punishment, undermines the authority of the commander who, having incorporated, ineptly applied his rights. Unauthorized punishment hurts the pride of the person, reduces his initiative and effort, generates a habit of reinsurance.

Requirement is not approved by itself. "She gets" citizenship rights "when it is clearly organized by the work on verifying the execution of orders and orders. And in this work, the union commander is obliged to show a personal example.

The complexity of the tasks solved by the Armed Forces of Russia in modern conditions, requires the commanders of creative use of various forms, methods and techniques for the upbringing of military personnel, taking into account the individual characteristics of each subordinate.

It means to work with each - it means to take into account both positive and negative qualities of a warrior, to know his thoughts, mood, desire, all sides of life and behavior.

Deeply to know the personal qualities of subordinates - one of the main responsibilities of the commander and the boss, provided for by the Charter of the Internal Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Reasonably using the method of an individual approach to subordinates, the commanders form from different training, the spiritual warehouse and the physical development of young people friendly, soldered together military teams.

The unitimate commander takes a special position in the military team. However, he should not be afraid of simplicity, heartiness in relations with people just because someone can use it to the detriment of the service. Friendly commander attitude towards people should be combined with high demanding to them, and the availability of the commander - with the ability to subordinate to the will of all subordinates. Only then the commander can conquer prestige among the entire personnel.

High prestige among subordinates, the commander who politeness does not interfere is in irreconcilable to treat any violations, and tactfulness does not reduce its principle. The least, this commander wants to inspire the fear of subordinate. Most of all he values \u200b\u200bthem with respect.

Consistently and carefully treat people, to exercise a deceive care for them, decisively approve the statutory order, military discipline, to fully increase the combat readiness of subordinate parts, ships, divisions - in this duty and the obligation of each union commander.

Thus, the rights and responsibility of the commander are organically interrelated among themselves: the wider its powers, the higher the measure of responsibility for the entrusted matter. The ability to practically establish work, achieve real high results in combat learning, in strengthening the discipline and organization of personnel - the characteristic feature of the union commander.

By revising First question It is necessary to pay attention to the disclosure of the essence of uniqueness as required condition Sustainable control of parts, ships and divisions, the main forms in which it is carried out, and its influence on the successful solution of combat and educational tasks, as well as the tasks of everyday life.

By revising Second question Attention is focused on the main directions of work to strengthen the unity, while the forms and methods of activity of officers and ensigns to maintain the authority of commanders, the formation of a healthy public opinion are revealed in detail. Separately, issues related to the immediate influence of uniquely to strengthen military discipline and organized, should be emphasized by the need for conscious and strict implementation by each military personnel of laws, military charters, orders of commanders.

1. Charter of the internal service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. - M.: Milivdat, 1994.

2. Fatherland. Honor. Debt / Tutorial on socio-state training. Issue 1. - M., 1997.

3. Unitimate and military discipline. - M.: Milivdat, 1988.

« The greatest art of the war is to attack the mind of the enemy, and not in his city

At the beginning we offer to remember famous words Alexandra III. - peacemaker, in which the eternal axiom of the Russian public Policy: .

The enemy who wants to destroy our, in every way trying to laugh an army and fleet (in the media, publications and books spreading disinformation for the general public), destroy their martial spirit and combat capability. In our complex age, the dominance is defined as before the nuclear shield and the forces of non-nuclear containment - the army of well trained, capable of solving the tasks. Moreover, center of attention shifted towards the so-called "Soft power". The essence of it causes many disputes (sometimes speculation) and various kinds of analysts. If you try to summarize the best thoughts from our point of view, it can be represented as an intellectual product of advanced people, forming the worldview, images and meanings of the "correct" future in the spirit of general cooperation, creativity and creation, the construction of which will allow to get a society having "Soft power" of real allies in the person of other countries and their peoples. These are the good intentions of the Russian "soft power." There are both opposite, American options for its use in the form of inference of the information war for the defeat of other countries. It is known that fighting information wars are conducted in the area of \u200b\u200bmeanings, concepts, images.

The real threat to the national security of Russia is, both in its own territory and in the regions traditionally being the field of national interests of Russia (Ukraine, Baltic States, Caucasian republics). One of the directions of information wars is informational and psychological operations focused on the formation of conditions for the adoption of favorable foreign countries and their business circles of decisions in military, political, economic and other areas in the target countries. Part of the information war is the impact of hostile ideological nature through the media, primarily through the press, various television and share station, the Internet. The information war is aimed at undermining the will and intelligence at the leadership of the country, to the demobilization of society, on the moral decomposition of Russian citizens.

In her "battles" people are imposed on a negative matrix and catastrophicity of consciousness. Behind the slogan "Live today" and the cliking about the late statehood is hidden quite mercantile interests of merchants and politicians.

It is possible to counteract this only together, through the awareness of the traditions of your fatherland, as well as the independence and independence of thinking. Our task is to form parts "Soft power": Positive worldview, based on the natural cultural and historical experience of our homeland. As a result, the civilizational harmonica of Russia will win not aggression and cultivologically with the appointment of good "soft power".

In early October 2014, a new operational concept of the US ground troops was published in the United States - "Victory in a complex world. 2020-2040. The main thing in the concept is indicated that for the first time at the level of the official document, a fundamentally new vision of the guise of war by the United States was made public. There was a qualitative change in the design format by the staffs of its place and role in the world. American strategists decided on the purpose of war and the army in the next 20 years of the XXI century, and in the plans for the preventive destruction of potential threats (appointed arbitrarily, based on the installations of the US administration), the most important of which are still financial, energy and ideological domination (here It lies their "soft" power). This is the last of the documents that ordered the so-called "Preventive War Strategy": Use of war as means of destroying potential geopolitical and economic competitors before they acquire sufficient power to block the domination of the United States in the world. Here it means one major strategy - the destruction of all others and leaving themselves "eternal and successful nation - the world leader." The destruction of others can go - their "holding up - soft power", and a direct war as an armed struggle.

It is not difficult to conclude that the good "soft force" (which will give allies on the basis of support and approval, and not fear and manipulations) can not be created in market economyWhere to a certain extent there is no sovereignty, where life flows, which is based on the property and its distribution, social bundle and struggle for power. Its source begins where the sovereignty of the Spirit is present, again there, where the army and the fleet, where defenders and patriots of the Fatherland are formed in the environment of solid discipline, creative creative work and a special system of military education. Many of them adequately served years in the ranks of the Armed Forces go to work in different sectors of the economy and serve in state structures. Then, it is they who reworkers for the idea of \u200b\u200bprotection of the Motherland become sources of that "Soft power"which is in question.

Russian people always received and continue to receive open threats To which you need to answer, starting with the "soft power". Hidden threats Also enough. To respond (even gently), you must first see them and clearly realize, understand how seriously everything is serious. The blows of the information war are harsh with open threats, and they are (and their majority) sweet with promises of simplicity of obtaining wealth and pleasures. For them, naturally, lies, the disappointment and destruction of all the good and eternal, which is accumulated by society. For them hides the uncertainty that nature does not tolerate. Yes, it will be good and beautiful, but how and when it is complete unknown. A frog will float in warm water and gradually welded, the other, immediately hitting boiling water, will be injured, but will jump and leave. Our task is to jump out of boiling water and help those who enjoy. Quite clearly, that is how it puts S.G. Kara-Murza in the book "Manipulation of Consciousness".

By the way, it is also correctly noticed that the simplest example of manipulation of a person is advertisingwhich we see everywhere, every minute and hourly. If you take this idea of \u200b\u200bweapons, then perceive modern advertising "On the contrary". Like what it requires the most acute attention and projection when choosing purchases and decision making. And in class financial literacy Any teacher will confirm that advertising in any case (and often overshadowedly unreasonable) increases the cost of goods and services, for it is laid in their cost. True values \u200b\u200bin advertising do not need. Singing the sharp criticism of readers I want to say that it is certainly necessary to advertise goods and services, this is a trade engine! But no longer in the format that we see is now every day, he is hopelessly outdated and everything is tired of him. How to do this, let our army of Russian marketers think about it. We will return to threats - open and hidden, external and inner.

What are the examples of open threats? "In the 21st century, the United States will develop against Russia, at the expense of Russia and on the wreckage of Russia" - Words pronounced by Zbignev Brzezinsky (former State Secretary) vividly emphasize the general destructive intention to Russia, which has many years. During this time, of course there were responses, there was a realization of what was happening (but unfortunately, not massive). Famous historian and sociologist Andrei Ilyich Fursov In their wonderful reports and publications often gives very successful examples.

1) When Andropov, as soon as he became the Secretary General of the CPSU, said the phrase: "Let the imperialists know if they do not touch us, then we will not be throne.". It was a signal that Andropov sent the West: "Guys let's be friends". It was very naive, because these guys will never live together, and will never leave Russia alone.

2) Wonderful Soviet Scout Leonid Vladimirovich Shabarshin, once said: "The west of Russia needs one thing - so that it was not". And what we heard in the 90s and hear now from Western leaders, this is in this direction. And all the conversations about friendship, allied and democracy, it's like Galich sang: "This is red, everything is in public."

To destroy the state is required on its territory to organize mess and chaos against the background of indifference and cynicism. To resist this, you need to constantly counteract the riots and restore order. And it begins with discipline. Long-known management science, which is an important principle of system functioning - the principle of uniquenessWhere one person makes a decision, it is imperative to execute by all participants in the managed structure, but at the same time, the decision has a strict personal responsibility for its decisions. This principle is one of the basic principles of the construction of the Armed Forces, guides them and relationships between servicemen. It is fixed in the Principal Statutes.

The construction of the armed forces at all times was and is - an important state challenge. As you know, who does not want to feed their army, will feed someone else, and in the second case, feeding conditions for nursing will be humiliating and slave to the latter. You should always remember this.

The task of construction of the Sun is placed in a number of state regulatory documents and we would like to pay attention to Military doctrine of Russia. This is a declaration of state policy in the field of military (defense) security, a system of official views and regulations, which establishes the direction of military construction, the preparation of the state and the armed forces to war, ways and form of its management. This document was updated quite recently, in December 2014 and is as always peaceful. The military doctrine reflects the commitment of the Russian Federation to use to protect the national interests of the country and the interests of its allies of military measures only after the exhaustion of the possibilities of applying political, diplomatic, legal, economic, information and other tools of non-violent nature.

Pay attention to the fact that II section of the military doctrine Reveals existing now military Dangers and Military Threats of the Russian Federation. It is drawn to the fact that world development at the present stage is characterized by the strengthening of global competition, intensity in various areas of interstate and interregional cooperation, rivalry value landmarks and development models, the instability of economic and political development processes at the global and regional levels amid the overall complication of international relations. There is a phased redistribution of influence in favor of new centers of economic growth and political attraction.

The rivalry of values \u200b\u200bis still gently said, the hidden and open war of meaning lies here, it goes long ago and now has become more aggressive. What should be our actions? If we want the world, you already need not to prepare for war, namely to fight. For the sovereignty of the Fatherland, and it consists of three components: the sovereignty of the geographical, sovereignty of the economy, the sovereignty of the Spirit. During the war, it is too late to prepare for war. Therefore, the main motive, the principle and the law of contemporary being - "Want the world - fighting !!!". Against the dominance of false information, myths and falsifications of history. And here lies a very powerful source of that very "Soft power", We are talking about.

Military doctrine lists global problems that can be given a common name. "a crisis" - The iconic word of modernity, decently all bored. Crisis in everything. His new derivative appeared - "sanctions". Today's world economic crisis Only indicates a general crisis of modern civilization as a crisis of managing management. In the world there is a general and continuous war for many different interests. The offensive of the phase of the armed conflict is not excluded. Russia is thrown challenge, the fact of warfare by the West against Russia is indisputable. Obviously, NATO looks at Russia exclusively through the slot of the sight.

The opponents do not sleep, and their number, unfortunately, is growing, because they acquire ( different ways) allies. In the circle of opponents, primarily radical liberalism and personifying his states. Secondly, the military-political structure - NATO, including political chimeras of the type of Ukraine, as well as the forces of the inner fifth column, thirdly, radical political Islam, and personifying its states, the fourth non-state formations, as well as the internal forces of its support.

One of the mains internal military hazards In the new military doctrine of the Russian Federation, activities on the information impact on the population are recognized, primarily on the country's young citizens. undermining historical, spiritual and patriotic traditions in the field of the protection of the Fatherland.

Aggressive hostilities began not only in the information front, but also in the financial and economic sphere (sanctions). The war structure of NATO is being prepared for war, private military companies are seen in the intensification of activities. The goal as unleashed by the West against Russia is another war as always one - the dismemberment of the huge country and the frank robbery of its resources and wealth. All this does not remain unnoticed for the leadership of our country.

So, in 2015, the main efforts of the Russian Defense Ministry will focus on improving the combat capacity of the armed forces, building the combat composition. Of great importance is paid to some specific regions of Russia - Crimea, Kaliningrad region and the Arctic. Russia passes from total deep echelonized defense On all its territory to deploy units in the most military-dangerous directions. In the plan approved at the end of December, adjustments made adjustments to the decisions made building combat potential.

The indicators of equipping the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation with modern weapons and military equipment are refined, the course of construction of military towns and military facilities is adjusted. President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, speaking to the members of the Federal Assembly in December 2014, said that Russia would not get into the expense arms race, but will provide their security securely!

In the construction and development of armed forces, other troops and bodies, the Russian Federation proceeds from the need:

Ensuring the rational relationship between compounds and military units of constant readiness and compounds and military units intended for the mobilization deployment of the armed forces, other troops and organs;

Improvement of interaction between associations, compounds and military parts species and labor of the troops of the armed forces, other troops and bodies;

Integration and coordinated development of technical systems, rearman and other types of support for the armed forces, other troops and organs;

Improving systems military Education and upbringing, training, military science;

Preparation of highly professional, loyal servicemen, raising the prestige of military service.

Making conclusion on the topic of the article It should be noted that we live in the pre-war era. Armed struggle, this is just one of the forms (phases) of war. Against the background of the universal crisis, the restructuring of the world top, a painful breaking of the old world order occurs, the struggle of the meaning, ideas and images. New world War (Shadow, Hybrid War), unlike the first and second world wars, does not have any clear fronts or temporary and spatial limits.

One of the inner threats is the emergencyness of what is happening. There is a war against Russia, an attempt to dismember the huge country. The one who will ensure intellectual superiority (good "soft power") will win. To solve this task, you need to create a system of rational knowledge about the world and the system of countering the information war. Others and not less important factors Our victory remains the forces of nuclear and non-nuclear deterrence - the Eternal Allies of Russia: Army and Fleet!

. Sovereignty (Fr. Souveraineté - Supreme Power, Supreme, Delication) - the independence of the state in external and supremacy in domestic affairs. Free, independent of any external forces supremacy of state power. The concept of sovereignty expresses the overall property of any state.

. Fifth column (political groups, secretly or clearly opposing the state policy; terrorists; businessmen with interests abroad).

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