
Raiffeisen what is reserved. Holding. "Reserved amount on the map" - what is it? Where did you come from and how to find out

Holding (from English Words Hold - Hold) - banking termdenoting the following procedure: a credit institution at the time of authorization of the bank card reserves the amount of the operation for a certain period during which it expects calculations from the Equiler. Often this operation is also called temporary locking, reservation or freezing amount on the card account.

In other words, when payment on the card is paid by the client, the purchase / service amount is freezed by the Issuer Bank, i.e., is pressed for subsequent write-off. At this point, the credit organization reduces the amount of available balance on the map by the amount spent by the client, but does not write off it from the account. In fact, funds from the card will be written off only when financial confirmation of the operation will come to the bank - the so-called clearing files from the efficiency will arrive.

If these files do not arrive, the amount of the operation remains reserved for a certain amount of time, after which it automatically flashes and becomes available to the card holder. The holding time in banks is different and is usually from 9 to 30 days. For example, in Alpha Bank, funds are reserved for up to 9 days.

It is worth noting some important momentsassociated with holding. For example, in the case when the currency of the account differs from the currency of the operation, the write-off of the means from the card occurs at the rate set on the day of write-off, and not on the day of reservation of funds. In such a situation, it is difficult to predict how the currency rate will change during this time and what amount will eventually be written off by the bank from the card, so it is not worth spending all your funds so as not to obtain a negative balance.

The situation is enough when the funds are written off from the cards without the amount reserved earlier. This is due to the fact that the write-off of funds is made by the credit institution automatically by the details specified in the clearing files. If they do not coincide with the props of authorization, the reserved amount continues to "hang", there is a new write-off from the card. At the same time, the card holder makes the impression that the amount of the operation is written off from the card twice.

Rarely, but still it happens that files confirming the operation comes after unlocking funds on the account. In this case, the amount is written off the card, and if it is not enough tools, the technical overdraft is formed.

Often with a double write-off problem face when booking hotels. For example, when booking a room, the hotel blocked a certain amount on the map, however, at the entrance to the hotel he wrote off, but made a new write-off.

In such a situation, a blocked amount will be available to a client after the end of the holding time set at the bank. If the card holder reserved means It is necessary earlier than this period, he must contact his bank with the abolition of authorization with confirming financial documents on the operation.

It is worth noting that if the seller has been canceled by authorization on the map in a timely manner, the reserved amount is unlocked quite quickly. For example, the buyer on the day of purchase of the goods decided to return it to the store. Cashier, provided that the accuiler bank has not yet received information about the payment, will cancel perfect operation, and the reserved amount will become an affordable card holder.

Once in your discharge on the map you can see an inaccessible amount marked with an incomprehensible word "reserved". What is it? What for? Why? Who is to blame what to do and #how it works ?

The appearance of the "reserved" amount in the discharge is associated with the mechanism of interbank calculations. We wrote about this in detail on the tag # PRO_ card. Recall that the payment of the purchase of the card does not coincide with the time with this operation in the bank. At the time of purchase, authorization occurs, and at the same time the amount is "reserved", i.e. It ceases to be an affordable cardholder.

The store in which you made a purchase should report this to your bank, the payment system, payment system - Your jar. After receiving such a confirmation, the amount is completely charged. These calculations are given up to 30 days, and all this time may reflect the "reserved" amount.

Similarly, during replenishment, for example, when transferring from a map to the card, the amount of replenishment may be reflected, but will not be available until the calculations are completed on this operation between banks. If in set time Confirmation to the bank will not arrive, the amount automatically unlocked.

For your tranquility, details on blocked amounts are available in the Internet bank. You can "click" to the value of the reserved amount, and the system will display the operations that led to blocking. It can be both write-offs and enrollments: perfect purchases, translations to another bank or translations sent to you from other banks and awaiting confirmation.

"Reserved amount on the map "- What is it? Where did you come from and how to find out? The amount of the operation reserved this payment has not yet been carried out on account

"Reserved amount on the map" - what is it? Where did it come from and ...

"Reserved amount on the map" - what is it? Where did you come from and how to find out?

Anton. This means that according to your account, an operation (AI) was performed on account consumption. If you have not committed no operations within 2 days then you need to urgently contact your bank. It is possible that you have become an object of crossbathing or in a bank of production. the technical error. If you made operations, it is possible that this is the amount you spent in the morning Friday. In this case, the dega will be written off from your account on Monday.

Almost as Alexey wrote. Only such a blocking on trading operations is usually set for up to 14 days. It is removed in the case of the complete completion of the calculations on the day of completion of the calculations of all banks involved in the transaction, it decreases to the same blocking amount and the amount own funds. If the calculations were not carried out for any reason, for example, the blocking was erroneous, then on the end of the blocking day the amount of blocked tools decreases, and the amount of own remains the same. For you, this situation means that the amount of funds available for use increases by the amount of "superfluous" blocking. Finally, some hotels, car rental companies, etc. do not write off amounts from your card at all, but only block them for up to 2 months. For example, you book a hotel abroad. The hotel blocks the amount of accommodation for the day (the key to your solvency), you come and calculate the accommodation, even with the help of the same card, at least another card (here already trading operation, money is completely written off after a few days), at least in cash - the amount blocked for the booking returns to you on the map - blocking is removed. If you do not come, the hotel writes a blocked amount as a penalty for refusal to book.

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All online transfers and payments online pass through a transaction, which is a sequence of different operations that eventually need to execute your request, transfer money to the desired address. At one of these stages, your money can be frozen. There is a huge number of reasons, whether the failures in the payment system, lack of funds in your account, incorrectly entered recipient details, incorrectly entered one-time password, etc. We will tell you what to do if the payment is dependent in processing.

3 ways to return money if the payment is hovering into processing

You must understand that money hanging in processing is in any case hang on the bank's account. You must take care of their return in the shortest possible time.

If your payment is hung in processing, then the first thing you have to do is try to return them to your own account.

This can be done in three different ways:

  • by phone;
  • in the bank branch;
  • via online banking.

To return funds, any of these methods you will need a payment receipt. We also recommend that you also make a screenshot of SMS messages or from Internet banking as a confirmation of the write-off of funds. When contacting the bank you will also need a passport.

1. By phone

You can withdraw the payment that depended on the processing using a call to the Bank's consulting line. The operator will ask you to indicate the details of the payment receipt and passport data.

If the payment is prevailing not because you indicated the wrong details of its destination, the payment can be sent for its intended purpose. Otherwise, the funds will have to return to your account.

Please note that a call center employee besides your passport data and payment receipt numbers may ask you other questions for identifying your personality. It may be a code word or any details of the latest purchases according to your account.

2. In the bank branch

If you have any difficulties with the cancellation of payment by phone (for example, you did not remember the code word or found it difficult to answer other operator questions), then you should contact the nearest branch.

It should also be done fairly quickly. Otherwise, your application for the return of funds to the account may be considered a few weeks.

An employee of the bank will tell you how to correctly fill out the application form form and cancel the transaction. The refund of the written off funds is always carried out according to a given algorithm.

In the case of approval of your application for refund, they will be returned without paying the Commission. It is also worth noting that the speed is refund money It will depend on which reasons were disroxed by the freezing of payment.

If you have entered incorrect details of the purpose of payment - this is one thing, but quite another thing, if you, for example, entered the wrong one-time password.

Practice is known cases when the Bank has rejected applications for refund for an indefinite reason. In this case, litigation are waiting for you, especially if you later applied to the bank.

3. Through Internet banking

In order to solve the problem of the hung pay, go to personal Area Internet banking.

If you do not use this service yet, you can get a login and password in the nearest ATM, using a bank card.

  1. Go to your personal account.
  2. Find the lines of payments / transfers.
  3. Check the status of your payment or translation. If the system offers you to cancel the payment, then do it, and then your question will be resolved. This means that the bank has not yet processed the payment, so it actually froze in the air and you can return it back. Again, if you notice incorrect translation details, then immediately call your money back.
  4. Get your money back if you see the "recaller" mark next to the payment, then your money back to the account. Otherwise, contact your bank directly.

Here are some more types of marks in online banking, which will mean that you correctly withdraw your money:

  • "Rejected";
  • "Interrupted";
  • "Canceled."

Conclusion: Everything that concerns bank payments and translations should be checked with detailed accuracy. But even the computer may be mistaken what to say about a person.

If you made a mistake and sent money not to accurate details, and they depended in processing, then use our advice and easily and quickly solve your problem.

Have you come across a similar situation? How did you decide this problem? Share your experience in the comments below.

Now you know what to do if the payment is dependent in processing.

Sincerely, team team 100druzey.net


Holding | Migkredit

Holding is called the procedure under which the bank when authorizes the card, reserves the amount on this operation for a certain time until there is a calculation from the efficiency. This operation is also called redundancy, blocking for a time or freezing amount.

In other words, when paying on the map, the amount that is spent by the client is reserved by the issuer's bank before the next write-off. At this time, the Bank decreases the available balance on the map on this amount, but it is not written off from the account. The debate of funds will be carried out when confirmation is received, clearing files will be received from the efficiency.

If the file arrival did not happen, the amount remains frozen for a certain time, and then automatically the card holder receives access to it. The term of this operation is from nine to thirty days.

In the event that there are differences in the currency of account and operations, the write-off of funds with card account It is carried out at the rate that was installed on the day of write-off, and not on the day of reservation. It is difficult to predict here, in which direction will change exchange rateAnd what amount will write the bank, so you should not spend all the money so that there is no negative balance.

It is often happening when money is written off from the card account that are not related to the reserved amount. This is explained by the fact that the bank has written off the money on the details that are specified in clearing files. If these details did not coincide with the props of authorization, the amount that was reserved will "hang", and the bank will make another write-off. It may have such an impression that the amount was written off twice.

It also happens when the receipt of file confirmation files was carried out after the funds were unlocked. In this situation, the amount is written off the card, and if there is not enough money, it arises technical Overdraft.

The problem of double write-off occurs when the hotel's booking is happening when money is written off once when booking, and the second time - when setting to the hotel.

In this case, the amount that was temporarily blocked will be available to the client after the holding period is over. If the owner of the card is money that has been reserved, needed earlier than this period, he needs to contact the bank to cancel authorization.

There are situations where the query duplication is carried out and the amount is blocked twice. This happens for technical reasons or a cashier error.

It should be noted that in the case of timely cancellation of authorization on the map, the unlocking of the reserved amount is carried out quickly. For example, the buyer wanted to return the goods to the store on the same day when he bought it. The cashier will cancel the purchase operation and the amount that has been reserved will become available for the card holder.


"Reserved amount on the map" - what is it? Where did you come from and how to find out? - Domino22.

"Reserved amount on the map" - what is it? Where did you come from and how to find out?

  1. Contact customer support service, working around the clock, phone number on PC
  2. I have another situation. conducted a payment through Facebook on credit card. But Facebook blocked me, linking to the fact that my account was hacked. But money is still in reserve. And I do not understand how to return them.
  3. Anton.

    This means that according to your account, an operation (AI) was performed on account consumption. If you have not committed no operations within 2 days then you need to urgently contact your bank. It is possible that you have become an object of crossbathing or in a bank of production. the technical error. If you made operations, it is possible that this is the amount you spent in the morning Friday. In this case, the dega will be written off from your account on Monday.

  4. Almost as Alexey wrote. Only such a blocking on trading operations is usually set for up to 14 days. It is removed in the event of the complete completion of the calculations on the day of completion of the calculations of all the banks involved in the transaction, it decreases to the same value of the blocking amount and the amount of own funds. If the calculations were not carried out for any reason, for example, the blocking was erroneous, then on the end of the blocking day the amount of blocked tools decreases, and the amount of own remains the same. For you, this situation means that the amount of funds available for use increases by the amount of "superfluous" blocking. Finally, some hotels, car rental companies, etc. do not write off amounts from your card at all, but only block them for up to 2 months. For example, you book a hotel abroad. The hotel blocks the amount of accommodation per day (the key to your solvency), you come and calculated for accommodation, even with the help of the same card, at least another card (here is already a trading operation, money is completely charged after a few days), even in cash - blocked For the booking, the amount returns to you on the map - blocking is removed. If you do not come, the hotel writes a blocked amount as a penalty for refusal to book.
  5. Anton, in the chain of mutual settlements by cards is present: Bank Issuer (released you) - payment system (Visa, MasterCard) - Bank Encavier (with which payment is made in outlets, for example).

    If the first and last concept belong to different banksThe amount from the card account is immediately not written off, and is reserved until the issuer's mutual settlements with the payment system.

    In any case, the presence of a reserved amount suggests that the request for payment to your bank came. Perhaps 3557 is the sum of several payments on the map, and not one-time. And perhaps this is a fact of fraud, such a time does not rarely happen. If this is an erroneous transaction, do not worry, after a certain time these funds will be "smoothly".

    In any case, it is worth calling the Customer Support Center and find out what is the basis of the reservation of this amount on the map.

    Good luck!

ATTENTION, only today!


this is ... What is the holding: holding conditions, dual write-off counting, holding problems, holding schemes

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What is holding? Description and definition of the term

Holding (from English Hold - hold on) - storage emanated by the bank of the volume of executed operation (payment) on a bank card, waiting for calculations from the buyer. This transaction is called differently: reservation, freezing, temporary blocking amount on the card account.

In the case of payment from the card, the corresponding amount is drawn (cooled). IN this moment Reducing the balance of the card corresponding to the cooled amount, but the amount did not finally written off. When the bank receives confirmation of the transaction (payment), then the amount will be written off. Otherwise, it will hold on, this is a few more days (depending on the term of the bank can reach 30 days), then returns back as a result, and the holder will be able to use it.

Holding - B. banking operationAs a result of which a credit institution after the movement of any funds in the account, places the same amount of a manual for a certain period while the bank's employee cannot provide calculations. In other words, cools temporarily money on the map.

Thus, the owner of the card carries out payment. This amount is drasty from the balance, as if the same amount of money (chilled) is valid. As soon as the buyer's loan supplier comes a message, only then the bank will write them from the client map.

Conditions of Holding

The conditions for obtaining a confirmation of the transaction each bank is set - from nine days to one month. In this regard, there may be some problems. In the case of payment in another currency, in addition to the account currency, the transaction rate will not be calculated on the day of the transaction, and on the day of writing off from the account.

Thus it is difficult to foresee the situation with currency in the market in, assume twenty days of the bank's waiting. We advise you not to use all the means and pay an account in another currency. Your balance is easily any minute can go into denial.

Often cooled amounts suspend before completing the date of the receipt of the message from the bank employee. This happens when the details of the settlement do not match. It turns out that the client sees double write-off from the account. You should not be afraid of it as after the expiration of the expectation, the first reserved profit of the amount.

If incorrectly chilled products were urgently needed for you, then after providing you with all returns to a bank financial instruments confirming the transaction completely. Sometimes a seller or another person you, if a payment card will take a timely cancellation on payment, chilled money, will be in place in the shortest time.

Double write-off account

Not uncommon in case of double write-off from the account, a simple human factor. For example, the cashier was mistaken if the transaction is registered on your card or there was a failure in the system. You should not panic ahead, try to analyze the actions calmly.

In other words, when there is a payment according to the card spent by the client, the amount for the purchase / service is cooled, empty the bank, i.e. Went for later writing off from the account. Currently, the credit institution reduces the size of the available balance according to the map by the client spent, but does not charge it from the account. In fact, money from the card will be written off only when financial confirmation of the work performed will occur to manage the Bank - will arrive the so-called recipient's cleaning files.

If these files do not arrive, the transaction amount remains reserved on a certain amount of time, then automatically dropped and becomes an affordable card holder. The term holding in banks is also characterized, as a rule, from 9 to 30 days. For example, in an alpha-bank of funds reserved for a maximum of 9 days.

This should be marked some important moments connected to the holding. For example, in the case when the account currency differs from the transaction currency, write-off from the account of the funds from the card occurs at the level established on the day of write-off from the account, but not on the day of reserving funds. In such a situation, it is difficult to foresee when the currency level will change at this time and what amount as a result will be charged with the bank from the map therefore, you should not spend all the means not to get a negative balance.

Holding schemes

The situation is quite widespread when the funds are not written off due to the amount reserved from the card. This is connected to the fact that the write-off from the funds of funds is made by a credit institution automatically on the details defined in the cleaning of the files. If they do not correspond to the details of the authorization reserved amount, and continues to "hang", from the card there is a new write-off from the account. At the same time, the card holder has the impression that the amount of the transaction is written off from the map twice.

Rarely, but nevertheless, it happens so that the files confirming the creation of a transaction arrived after unlocking funds for an account. In this case, the amount is charged from the card and if there is no sufficient amount of funds, the technical exceeding restrictions is formed.

Frequently facing the problem of double write-off from the account in the event of a hotel reservation in hotels. For example, in the case of room reservation, the hotel blocked a certain amount on the map, however, in the event of an apartment input, I did not write off him and made a new write-off from the account.

In such a situation, temporarily blocked the amount, it will become an affordable client after the completion of the term is the holding installed in the bank. If reserved funds are required for the card holder before this term, it should be addressed to the bank with the abolition of authorization with financial reports Support for work performed.

The need for holding is to contact with the characteristics of all maps bank payment. During the regular purchase, something through a map of several different organizations - the seller of goods or service, the issuer bank (the bank that has released a card), a shopping buyer (a bank employee through the Internet gateway or the POS terminal) and the payment service provider participates Immediately (which combines all these transaction participants among themselves). And while your bank does not receive from the buyer so-called clarification files with a description of all the parts of the account operation, it will not be able to write off the cash account from your account. However, these files arrive far from directly, and it is necessary to give goods or provide the service immediately after payment. And here the temporary blocking of money comes to the rescue - the bank simply "cools" the money spent by you, you do not "see" them on the account more, but they are still there and will be finally written off after the full completion of payment.

Holding on money costs is a temporary reservation of funds. Therefore, when the capture time expires (it can last up to 30 days), and the cleansing files do not act at this time in the bank, the money is "dropped" and your increase in the balance of this amount again. Also, another situation can occur - during the purchase, one amount is blocked, and confirming files arrive to another, large or smaller, then or a little large, or a little smaller amount will be charged from the account. This often occurs due to the characteristics of the transformation when the payment occurs in another currency than the card account (purchase abroad or in a foreign online store), and the exchange rate may change from the moment the capture starts to complete cash withdrawal from the account.

Hod problems

By the way, some more problems that users may face bank cardsConsistent with Holding.

First, in the absence of money on the account during the final, fulfilling the payment (if the exchange rate changes, and the amount of payment will exceed the blocked) there may arrive technical overdraft. In order not to allow such an unplanned "departure to enter Minus", it is not necessary to cancel the absolutely your card account, which allows on it, some free amount will always be stored.

Secondly, there is a problem of double write-off from the account when the money is charged from the card not at the expense of the amount blocked earlier, and others are free - with it often "sin", many hotels. During the booking of the room, they block the amount of the advance payment, but during the application they perform the calculation again - as a result of Hold, it happens twice, on one of them, the money is written off indeed, and on the other "hanging", before the automatic discovery, which, as we know may reach within a month. Hardly a pleasant perspective all the time of travel.

Often this transaction is also called temporary blocking, reservation or freezing amount on the card account. This is a contact with the fact that the write-off from the funds of funds is made by a credit institution automatically on the details defined in the cleaned files. To transfer money to the state of the organization's staff, the level is 0.5% of the amount.

The question is why the credit card is necessary, it is set less people, as many understand that its possibilities are really extensive. Say, you abroad, in your hands in you ruble map.. Cashier, provided that the sales buyer for payment has not yet received information, will cancel an excellent transaction, and the reserved amount will become affordable card owner. As a result, even if you are the owner debit card And the means on it is not enough, you to go to the technical overdraft. It is especially unpleasant to get into such a state, if it is not about buying souvenirs for 10 euros, and about paying tickets on the entire family or accommodation in the hotel. Not all requests can be available to a specific store. The means are cooled until the seller sends a confirmation of the transaction execution (so-called clarification files).

For the purchase or order of bank reserves, the amount you plan to spend. It is very and very terrible, especially against the background of other banks that do not have a similar problem.

We briefly reviewed the Hoding: Conditions of Holding, Double Writing Office, Holding Problems, Holding Schemes. Leave your comments or add-ons to the material.


Reservation of the current account: features, rules

Reservation of the current account - a popular service that lately It offers an increasing number of banks. This is a convenient tool that accelerates the process of obtaining the number P / C without visiting. credit organization and transferring securities. In Russia, the service has been acting recently, but in the world it is in demand for a long time. After booking the current account, the obtained number may be indicated in agreements with partners and other documents.

When is it convenient?

Reservation of the bank account takes the application form filed in online mode. The goal is to receive details of the current account in the credit institution in advance. After registration, the Bank allocates the time during which the client must appear to transmit the required packet of papers and obtain the P / C in normal mode. Only after that all account options will be available.

Reservations of the current account will be useful:

  • For urgent transfer of the number of P / with business partners.
  • When you need to participate in the tender, and there is no time for full reservation of p / s.
  • For use as a spare P / s to protect yourself from force majeure situations.
  • If desired, in the near future, open the account in the selected bank and reduce the time for the service.

How is the reservation of the current account?

One of the main tasks of the client is a clear observance of the actions algorithm in the process of design. Reservation of the bank account is made like this:

  • The client makes data into the questionnaire of the selected institution, after which the P / C is automatically recorded by the applicant.
  • The bank sends the number of P / s via e-mail, as well as a reference to the list of papers, which should be presented at the account decoration stage.
  • During the agreed period (for each bank it is its), the client must appear in the establishment with papers and sign an agreement. If this is not done, the reservation of the current account is canceled.

What do you need to specify in the questionnaire?

Applying an account for reserving an account implies an introduction to the form of the following data:

  • Information about citizenship (resident or not).
  • Form management companies.
  • Titles.
  • OGRN and TIN.
  • View of the current account.
  • A branch where the service will be made.
  • Name.
  • Phone and mailbox.

Fundamental rules

Before using the service, it is important to explore the requirements put forward by a credit institution.

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"Reserved amount on the map" - what is it? Where did you come from and how to find out? And got the best answer

Answer from Evgeny Smirnov [Master]
Anton, in the chain of mutual settlements by cards is present: Bank Issuer (released you) - payment system (Visa, MasterCard) - Bank Encavier (with which payment is made in outlets, for example).
If the first and last concept refers to different banks, then the amount from the card account is not immediately written off, and is reserved until the issuer's issuer mutual settlements with the payment system.
In any case, the presence of a reserved amount suggests that the request for payment to your bank came. Perhaps 3`557 is the sum of several payments on the map, and not one-time. And perhaps this is a fact of fraud, such a time does not rarely happen. If this is an erroneous transaction, do not worry, after a certain time these funds will be "smoothly".
In any case, it is worth calling the Customer Support Center and find out what is the basis of the reservation of this amount on the map.
Good luck!

Answer from 2 response[guru]

Hey! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: "reserved amount on the map" - what is it? Where did you come from and how to find out?

Answer from Alexey Komolov.[newcomer]
This means that according to your account, an operation (AI) was performed on account consumption. If you have not committed no operations within 2 days then you need to urgently contact your bank. It is possible that you have become an object of crossbathing or in a bank of production. the technical error. If you made operations, it is possible that this is the amount you spent in the morning Friday. In this case, the dega will be written off from your account on Monday.

Answer from Ozonepro.[newcomer]
I have another situation. Conducted payment through Facebook on the credit card. But Facebook blocked me, linking to the fact that my account was hacked. But money is still in reserve. And I do not understand how to return them.

Answer from Mikhail Afonin.[guru]
Almost as Alexey wrote. Only such a blocking on trading operations is usually set for up to 14 days. It is removed in the event of the complete completion of the calculations on the day of completion of the calculations of all the banks involved in the transaction, it decreases to the same value of the blocking amount and the amount of own funds. If the calculations were not carried out for any reason, for example, the blocking was erroneous, then on the end of the blocking day the amount of blocked tools decreases, and the amount of own remains the same. For you, this situation means that the amount of funds available for use increases by the amount of "superfluous" blocking. Finally, some hotels, car rental companies, etc. do not write off amounts from your card at all, but only block them for up to 2 months. For example, you book a hotel abroad. The hotel blocks the amount of accommodation per day (the key to your solvency), you come and calculated for accommodation, even with the help of the same card, at least another card (here is already a trading operation, money is completely charged after a few days), even in cash - blocked For the booking, the amount returns to you on the map - blocking is removed. If you do not come, the hotel writes a blocked amount as a penalty for refusal to book.

Answer from Natalia Ilyina[newcomer]
Contact customer support service, working around the clock, phone number on PC

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