
Lust light steel thin-walled designs. What is LSTK designs? Calculation, reviews, photos. Main areas of use

The technology of the professional house is based on the prevailing construction of frame houses with the use of LSTK.

For mounting of the frame, bent profiles of increased rigidity C and Z-shaped section are used. In height distinguish between 100-, 150-, 200-, 250-milliter profile. It is made of galvanized steel (the protective galvanized layer is from 20 MK) by cold profiling.

Per 1 sq. M. Square one-storey house From the LSTK spent up to 29 kg steel, on a two-storey - up to 40 kg.

The frame assembly with the use of LSTK is carried out by self-drawing, at the rate of 60-80 pieces per 1 sq. M. Use exactly the amount and brand of fasteners that are specified in the technical documentation.

The technology of professional education with the use of LSTK allows elementary construction of the building.

If mineral wool is used for thermal insulation of the building, then the presence of a vapor and waterproof film.

The use of monolithic foam concrete implies the use for a non-removable formwork of moisture-resistant wood slab OSB-3, magnesial fibrolite or Green Board slab.

The system of ventilated facades allows you to create a level of high comfort of life in frame houses Using LSTK. The heat transfer of the walls with a thickness of 150-250 mm does not exceed the permissible norms and ranges in the range of 3.23 - 5.04 sq. M C / W.

The interior decoration of the walls is made by plasterboard, dry-fiber, glass turbines or other finishing material.

Overlapping (up to 6 m), using the LSTK in low-rise construction, is performed by a profile of up to 2 mm thick, 150 - 250 mm high, having a C and Z-shaped section. Step value should not exceed 600 mm.

The profile sheet and noise insulating building materials are stacked on top of the chavelers.

To create a roof, rafter farms or beams play the role of the supporting structure. Top is mounted and roofing construction materials (metal tile, corrugated). The bottom is the thermopropille of the LSTK for the attic overlap.

In compliance with the accuracy of the assembly, the roofing works are performed quickly and efficiently.

Advantages of technology Prof.:

  • High quality is explained by the production of LSTK in the factory conditions, subject to the norms and quality of control;
  • Easy and speed mounting. Construction of LSTK under the brigade of 3 people, as soon as possible (250 sq. M. 2.5 - 3 weeks).
  • The small weight of the design of the LSTK allows you to save on delivery, the absence of lifting mechanisms. Structures are erected on a lightweight foundation;
  • The use of the profile loaf is much cheaper than the construction of brick or wood;
  • Due to the use of LSTK technology, optimal comfortable living conditions are created inside the building;
  • Light steel structures have durability, which reduces their operational properties. And the necessary repair will cost the owner of the order cheaper than structures from classical building materials;
  • The use of solarmed and non-combustible materials, increases the fire-resistance of buildings from the LSTK (corresponding to I - III degrees on SNU 31-01-2003).

Wall panels from LSTK are used as:

  • enclosing structures in the buildings of the angry type;
  • bearing walls of low-rise buildings (up to 3 floors);
  • inter-storey overlaps;
  • for the inner walls of buildings (inter-weltering and interior partitions).

Domocomplekt cost Profseld ®

Kit "Profselde"

    Kit frame LSTK (light steel structures);

    A set of connecting elements and fasteners;

    Set, construction drawings for mounting and assembling structures.

from 3 500 rubles / m. sq.

Kit "Main"

    Kit "Profselde"

    Roofing set based on metal tile;

    Insulation (basalt mineral plate
    or Equata, Gypsum, foam concrete, aerated concrete);

    Paro-waterproofing on walls, overlaps and roofing;

    CML or GVL (wall decoration from the inside);

from 6 000 - 7 000 rub / m. sq.

Kit "House for finishing finish"

    Kit "Basic";

    Outdoor finish - vinyl siding, components;

    Windows, entrance door;


from 17 000 rub / m. sq.

Using the technology of professional education with the use of the LSTK (the price, at the moment, remains the lowest in residential and industrial construction) allows you to build prefabricated buildings with high quality. LSTK technologies in the construction of houses allow you to carry out all-season construction, ingue to the regions of the Far North.

Target audience of consumers LSTK is very extensive: individuals, construction companies, state organizations.

High construction speed and low cost allow us to use light steel thin-walled structures in government programs: Resettlement from dilapidated housing; social construction; Providing housing victims from natural disasters, etc.

Advantages of cooperation with the company "Prof.":

  • The production of LSTK is one of the main directions of our activity. We offer high quality products, unlike lxtk manufacturers whom sin with a decrease in the main indicators from the claimed.
  • Sale of sets of LSTK strictly corresponds project documentationShipment is carried out in the shortest possible time.
  • We offer kits under finished cottages and technical facilities for them.
  • We carry out design by individual orders.
  • Each order is accompanied by accurate documentation and necessary drawings;
  • If necessary, our professionals will install the erected structures.

The construction of buildings on LSTK technology has the following important advantages:

Small share of loaf designs

The weight of the frame and the finished buildings from the LSTK profile are many times less than similar buildings of stone and wood. Thanks to this advantage, during the construction of a new building, the wretched wretches are significantly reduced, the possibilities of holding construction on complex soils are expanded. LSTK-technology greatly simplifies the reconstruction of old buildings, including very weakened and emergency. In addition, due to this advantage, it is possible to build on close urban streets, as it does not need to use heavy construction equipment.

The possibility of using any type of foundation

As you know, the cost of the foundation can be up to 30% of the total cost of building a house. Buildings built according to LSTK technology have a small one weight, so for their construction you can use any types of foundations. In addition, the foundation itself, regardless of the selected type, will be less "massive", which means less costly for the customer's wallet, compared with the foundations for buildings from brick or foam concrete. Well, and if you are so lucky that the site has a high bearing capacity of the soil and low level Groundwater - Lust Buildings can be put right on unheardly brick columns.

Easy construction

Ready domocomplekt gets one to two trucks on the site. Since the LSTK-profiles themselves have low weight - they are easy to unload and transfer them to the place of storage. Each profile has a unique labeling, which ensures the accuracy of the build of the structure of the structure.

High accuracy

Modern design technologies and computerized LSTK profile manufacturing machines allow you to achieve an absolute accuracy of the frame design segments. Profile manufacturing error is 0.5 mm, and the error of the entire design of the building is up to 5 mm. This advantage makes it possible to reduce the construction time (since there is no need for fitting), accurately calculate all expenses, purchase the necessary building materials in the desired quantity (to buy without the need).

High construction speed

Since the LSTK frame is calculated and cut into the size of the project at the factory, there is no need to engage in adjusting profiles in height. All that is required is to establish a profile in the right place and consolidate it with self-reserves to another profile. Three people take a 250-square meter cottage box. m, including the installation of the roof - in three weeks.

Possibility of winter construction

The lack of "wet" processes in the construction of buildings on the LSK technology, i.e. There is no need to build structures using a cement-sandy solution that is afraid of frosts, puts the LPC technology out of competition in the construction of houses in winter.


The frame from the LSTK is performed from galvanized steel, which predetermines its durability. According to the calculations of the profile manufacturers, the service life of buildings built on the LSTK technology is at least 50 years old, and the carcass itself - and more. With proper care of the roof and the facade of the building, enough for your age and children and even grandchildren.

Ease of operation

It is no secret that wooden structures can "walk" over time, depending on the change in the temperature and humidity regime in the room. Even in houses built from a profiled bar, in two or three years you can see the cracks in the "wet" (kitchen) and "wet" rooms (bathroom). The steel frame of the house is immune to changes in humidity, remaining exactly in such geometric sizes, as at the time of construction.


The wooden structures of the walls and especially the rafal system of the roof are affected by the fungus, from which even the potent yadogymicates are not saved for a long time. The steel structures of LSTK are deprived of this shortage, which favorably affects the health of people living in the house. The framework of the frame is made of high quality galvanized steel. Equata, mineral or stone is used as insulation. These building materials are absolutely environmentally friendly, amenable to full secondary processing, i.e. Do not harm and ecology. The covering of buildings from the LSTK profile is usually made from dry-fiber or drywall sheets.

Seismic resistance

The LSTK profile used in the carrying structure of such buildings is very elastic, due to the use of additional links. According to the results of the tests, it is recognized that the buildings built according to LSTK technology can withstand earthquakes by force of up to 9 points. Of course, this factor is not determining for the central regions of Russia, but it speaks of the magnificent "elasticity" of the buildings performed on this technology.


Lust-profile buildings are characterized by comfort, have excellent noise insulation, wicker and airtight racks. Increase the efficiency of these indicators allows a competent ventilation system. The hollow walls of the designs of the estates from the LSTK profile can be insulated with mineral or stone cotton, (different heaters), and the design of the walls allows for external finishing work any available materials, depending on the requirements of the customer and the conditions of the project.


The buildings erected from the LSTK profile have a low operational value, since the design is stable, well protected from the influence of biological (atmospheric) factors of the effects of the external environment, is distinguished by durability, and if necessary, capital repairs do not require so much costs as buildings from ordinary building materials. You will significantly save, because the metal frame from the LSTK profile is cheaper than traditional wood and brick. The price of construction from the LSTK profile is several times less than for brick buildings. 2-6 people cope with the frame mounting, depending on the required speed of construction.

Foreign safety

The absence of combustible materials in the framework of the erected structure allows us to talk about the highest level of fire resistance and fire safety Buildings from LSTK-profile.

Architectural features

The LSTK technology allows you to very simply overlap the spanings without the use of intermediate supports up to 12 meters, and when carrying the supporting structures - to 15. This advantage makes it possible to use the inner space of the building with maximum profitability and freedom of planning. In addition, it allows you to easily arrange the communication systems and built-in walls segments (niches, storage rooms, built-in technique).

Disadvantages of LSTK.

Despite all the advantages of the LSTK Technollogue, its disadvantages cannot be accessed. How it sounds not perodokxal - first of all this is a small proportion of structures. But this is a disadvantage of it only on the rapidly suitable soils, which with long frosts can lighten the light design of the LSTK buildings. Read more about the action of soils on foundations can be found in the article. To avoid these manifestations, we strongly recommend geological surveyswhich will make sure to calculate the foundation or carry out activities to minimize frosty pumders.

In the West, the concept is well known Light Gauge Steel Framingthat translated into Russian can mean Light steel thin-walled structures(LSTK). Technology of light steel structures LSTK.- framework construction technologybased on systems, in the supporting structures of which are used light steel galvanized profiles, including a profile of up to two mm thick. From these structures, residential single and two-story buildings, shops, garages, public buildings (Hotels, Medical and Sports Institutions). History of construction from LSTKin Europe, the United States and Canada has more than 50 years. At the same time, a huge experience of designing, financing, construction and operation of buildings from LSTK has been accumulated abroad. Gradually, LSTK includes the Russian market, especially since in our country a huge history of metal buildings, extensive experience in design and construction from metal.

In the West, this construction technology country houses Apply more than 50 years. Thus, in Sweden and Japan, the share of IZH, built from the LSTK, is 15%, in the United States - 6%, in the UK - 3%. In Russia, this share is (for now) 0.5%.

The construction of the house from the metal frame - today is the most promising direction in low-rise construction. The diversity of the possibilities of architectural and planning solutions, high performance of metal structures, simplicity when assembling and maintainability, efficiency and environmental friendliness make the construction of metal structures (LSTK) most preferable.

The construction technology of the LSTK (metal frame) allows you to quickly and efficiently build buildings of various purposes: it may be a residential apartment house, Private mansion, office and warehouse building, shop, and especially renovated during the reconstruction of the roof and construction of the attic.

The use of these structures instead of traditional - from reinforced concrete, brick, wood or steel rental - gives significant economic effectin low-rise construction due to reduced loads from its own weight and seismic loads, reducing transportation costs and labor costs on installation, reduction of construction periods without the use of building machines.

Outdoor walls of buildings consist of:

  • metal galvanized profilesMade from a band of thin-sheet steel with a thickness of 0.7 - 2.5 mm, interconnected by screws and screws in the plane of the panel. Vertical racks, horizontal liters and connecting elements create building frame;
  • effective insulation(For example, mineral wool basalt plates), tightly laid between the racks. The insulation must be non-flammable, environmentally friendly and ensure high thermophysical wall parameters;
  • plasterboard sheets of plateswith the inner and outdoor side of the wall (the use of CSP, OSB and other materials);
  • vaporizolation and diffusion films;
  • outdoor facingmade according to the "ventilated facade" principle, the air gap provides writing insulation.

The basis of the structural system of buildings from the LSTK is the carrier frame of the bent profiles of a chawller, C-shaped or z-shaped sections of the increased rigidity of steel thickness of at least 1 mm.

For elements of the outer wall frame, the use of profiles of the wall excluding the formation of cold bridges is provided. The insulation in the outer walls are located within the height of the cross section of the frame elements and protect with special films on both sides. Outdoor wall cladding is performed on the principle of the ventilated facade.

For the inner cladding of walls, partitions and floors, two or three layers of plasterboard sheets are usually used depending on the requirements of fire resistance.

The height of the floor in the buildings can reach 4.2 m. Bison floors consist of thin-walled galvanized beams made of bent profiles and profiled steel flooring with additional elements that provide sound insulation index from air noise. The optimal free span of the designs of intergenerational floors is up to 4.8 m.

Beneficial coating structures by a flight to 15 m are performed in the form of farms or rafters from thin-walled galvanized bent profiles. In the metal crate of the coating laid roofing materials.

The steel frame of the attic overlap is also mounted from profiles with a wall that exclude the formation of cold bridges. The insulation is placed within the height of the cross section of the frame elements and protect with special films.

The mass of any mounting element of the building designs does not exceed 100 kg, which allows installation without use of lifting equipment in a short time. Brigade of 3 - 4 people can assemble the frame of the house with a total area of \u200b\u200b150-200 mm2 for 15-20 days.

Elements of structures made of steel thickness up to 2 mm are connected using self-tapping screws with a diameter of 4.8 - 6.3 mm. Connections of elements made of steel with a thickness of more than 2 mm are advisable to perform on ordinary bolts. Apply welding in the manufacture and installation of LSTK is not recommended.

Constructive decisions of LSTK buildings make it possible to use elemental installation on the site, assembling the house from the enlarged elements or volumetric blocks of factory manufacture.

The design of the outer walls allow you to apply a variety of facade solutions. During the operation of the building, a quick replacement of outdoor cladding is possible, which changes the architectural appearance of the building. A skeleton of one-story house without internal supports with the span to 15m makes it possible to vary the volume and planning solutions.

Building technology from LSTK allows you to widely use the potential of small and medium-sized businesses, create a competitive environment in the construction technologies market for low-rise construction.

Construction with the use of LSTK is a kind of "dry wayconstruction. "All processes on construction site - Assembly, all connections are performed using self-tapping screws in accordance with the designed drawings and instructions. . New technology It assumes all-season construction in any climatic conditions, i.e. it makes it possible to mount the design and in the winter.

Advantages of the use of LSTK in low-rise housing construction contribute to the effective implementation of project tasks "Affordable and comfortable accommodation - Russian citizens"- Build reliable high quality houses.


  • No need to arrange foundations depth 1.5-2.0 m. It will ensure the foundation of a small embedding (monolithic stove) or a foundation on boronobibilic piles. For such a construction system, the use of "warm floor" systems is appropriate as a system of heating rooms.
  • Due to the lightness of each element, accurate size, labeling and thoughtful drawings of the CMD , assembly of the frame at the construction site is carried out by a small brigade in a short time. Brigade of 3-4 people can collect fully frame at home with an area of \u200b\u200b150-200 square meters. meters for 2-3 weeks. For the assembly of all elements of the building, it is necessary to have only an electric drill (screwdriver). All elements are connected using self-drilling screws.
  • Saving at the installation stage of the building is the complete absence of cranes or any lifting mechanisms at the same stage of the installation of wall frames, roofing, partitions. But this factor can be the first to significantly if the construction site is removed from roads, or with an extreme situation, you need to quickly and qualitatively assemble the "box" in the shortest possible time.
  • Light effective walls with a "ventilated clearance" system. After tightening the requirements of SNIPA on heat engineering, the use of this technology allows you to actually save at the cost of building materials for enclosing structures. For example, the wall panel with a thickness of 150 mm can replace the brick wall with a thickness of 1000 mm.
  • The design of the walls from the LSTK allows you to arrange from the enclosing structures "Thermos", which in the closed state can store heat to 2-3 days, without requiring additional heating.
  • Another savings factor that can hardly be found in other building systems - multivariate finishing facades(or systems of external decoration of the walls of the building). All facade solutions in LSTK technology are based on the principle of "ventilated facade"- Between the "sandwich" of the outer wall and the external "screen" there is an air gap, which makes it possible to air the insulation and creates excellent opportunities for serving air from within the premises. Saving at the same time that there is no need to use expensive building materials for finishing - it is quite suitable for a wooden lining option in combination with decorative brick masonry or vinyl siding in combination with stone wall elements.
  • Absolute accuracy of the inner walls.
  • Free layout of the indoor houseit makes it possible to arrange the premises so as to reduce heat loss and reduce energy costs.
  • Saving time at each stage of construction.
  • Durability and reliability. Metal structures are distinguished by high reliability and durability, embodying the best quality metal in construction. Reliability and elasticity of the LSTK allow you to create safe designs.
  • Ecology. Steel is an environmentally friendly material that does not emit odors and harmful substances into the atmosphere. With proper operation, steel structures are safe for health and environment.
  • High seismic resistance (up to 9 points).
  • Lack of handicraft production.


  • Panel-frame house due to the features of its design sealish.Therefore, at the design stage, ventilation system should be most thought out. It is better to make ventilated facade and roof, Use so-called breathable windows, well ventilated fireplaces, provide for ventilating gallery, put a climate control system. All these events will increase costs, but also will increase the cost of the housing itself.
  • After the construction of walls from OSB panels, it is necessary to close the roof as soon as possible and do the facade trim. The direct hit of moisture on the walls is very undesirable: after about three months, the slabs will begin to darken from precipitation.
  • In metal frames, the main attention must be paid to the anti-corrosion processing of the metal and the circuit of insulation to eliminate the occurrence of corrosion and "cold bridges".
  • Heat insulating efficiencythe profile of the metal design of the outer wall depends not only on the type of insulating material and the method of its laying, but also from the presence of good windproofs and a steam-recreational barrier. As a rule, it consists of a resistant aging of a moisture-proof polyethylene film with a thickness of 0.1-0.2 mm. The parobarar must be located as close as possible to the warm side of the wall. If the inner part of the outer wall consists of two layers of gypsum sheets, the film is recommended to be located between these sheets. If only one layer of gypsum sheets is used, the steamproof barrier is mounted between the metal frame profiles and the plaster sheet. The connection of two films should have a reheast of at least 200 mm. Bonding the edges of the film adhesive tape is not recommended, since its resistance to aging is not possible to predict, and the adhesive layer can destroy some types of films. To minimize the number of connections, it is recommended to use a larger film. If possible, it should be avoided by doing the holes in the polyethylene film to summarize communications through the outer walls.
  • Requires high level qualifications of workersSince any error when assembling a frame subsequently can significantly affect qualitative characteristics at home.

Technological characteristics of building materials for low-rise construction


Density kg / m3

COEF-NT heat-wire W / (M * 0C)

Heat protection

The necessary wall thickness for the central region

Operational humidity

Shrinkage, m / mm

Weight 1 m 2

walls, kg.

Frost-stroke, number of cycles

Soundsolization, dBA (with wall thickness

Continuing construction, month.


Silicate brick

only foundative

8-12 months. (Strong shrinkage foundation)

Foam concrete


4-6 months (Summer shrinkage)

4--6 months (roundly, (but it is impossible to separate due to a strong shrinkage)

Wooden frame

2-4 months (shrinkage is practically absent)

2--4 (Circular, no shrinkage)

Table 1. Technological characteristics of building materials for low-rise construction

Based on the characteristics presented above, the LPC technology wins other construction technologies for most parameters.

Density of building material

Various building materials have different thermal conductivity coefficients. They affect various factors, in particular the density and humidity of the material. The dense material has a greater thermal conductivity coefficient compared to porous, that is, to maintain the normal temperature in the house requires a large wall thickness when using a more dense building material.

The most dense building material is reinforced concrete - 2,400 kg / m3, followed by silicate brick and ceramzite concrete - 1,800 kg / m3. The lightest are the LSTK - 350 kg / m3.

Diagram 1. Density of building materials

Thermal conductivity of building material

The thermal conductivity coefficient (W / (M · ° C)) is one of the main thermal characteristics of the material. The coefficient of thermal conductivity of the material expresses the conduction measurement with the material, numerically equal to the heat flow (W), passing through 1 m2 of the area perpendicular to the flow direction, with a temperature gradient equal to 1 ° C / m. The greater the value of the thermal conductivity coefficient that intensively in the material the thermal conductivity process and more significant heat flow. Therefore, materials with a thermal conductivity coefficient of less than 0.3 W / (M · ° C) are considered thermal insulation materials.

Thus, the higher the coefficient of thermal conductivity of the building material, the faster the house will be warm, therefore, the greater the cost of heating.

The largest coefficient of thermal conductivity has concrete - 1.51 W / (m0С), the smallest - LSTK - 0.045 W / (m0s).

Diagram 2. Thermal conductivity of building materials

Thickness of walls

This indicator characterizes the necessary thickness of the walls to maintain comfortable temperature in the house without taking into account insulation for the Central region of Russia. The greatest thickness of the walls falls on silicate brick - 2.5 meters, the smallest - on the LSTK - 0.15 meters.

Chart 3. The required wall thickness without taking into account the insulation to maintain a comfortable temperature in the house for the central region, M

Frost resistance material

Frost resistance- This is a conditional service life without visible damage and significant deterioration in the characteristics of the material.

The generally accepted standard with a single test method developed by a single method of testing materials in order to be able to assess and compare the service life of the materials. The greater the frost resistance of the material, the longer serves in real climatic conditions. Conditionally this is the number of cycles that can withstand the material in a climate chamber without destruction. The material at the test is saturated with water, frozen, then defrosts, while irradiated with UV and IR lamps, acceleratedly simulating the service life of the material. According to the material, its frost resistance is estimated, which is indicated in the number of cycles.

The lower frost resistance has a bar and aerated concrete - 25 cycles, the greatest - ceramzite concrete and LSTK - 50 cycles.

Diagram 4. Frost resistance material, number of cycles

Noise insulating properties of material

DBQ -sound pressure level measured in dB with a noiseomer containing a corrective chain that reduces the sensitivity of the device at low and very high frequencies

The smallest soundproofing is a brick - 6.5 dBA, the greatest - wooden frame (construction of Canadian technology) - 70 dBA. The LSTK demonstrates the level of sound insulation of 60 dBA.

Diagram 5. Noise Isolation Properties of Material, DBA

The average duration of construction

The average duration of the construction of the house "turnkey" varies from 2-3 to 10-12 months. The lowest construction period is characterized by buildings from the LSTK and on the basis of a wooden frame - about 3 months, the greatest construction period is brick houses - about 10 months.

Chart 6. The average duration of the construction of the house "turnkey", months

Cost and timing of construction

The table below shows the average cost of construction of a square meter of the house "turnkey" and without finishing by type of technology.



27 tr. Per square. m - without decoration

from 17.5 to 20 tr. per square. M ("turnkey") of them: foundation - 3.5 tr. Per square. M materials - 8.75 tr. per square. M.

installation - 4 tr. Per square. M.

Poly Sip

from 25 to 34 tr. Per square. M "turnkey"

17 tr. Per square meter

from 20 to 25 tr. Per square. M "turnkey"


11 tr. Per square. m - without decoration

"RNR" House Building

from 18 to 30 tr. per square. m ("turnkey")

of these: Foundation - from 3.5 to 4 tr. Per square. M materials - 10 tr. per square. M.

sunny house

20 tr. Per square. M "turnkey"

16 tr. Per square. M "turnkey"

25 Tr.r per square. M "turnkey"

Country season

from 10 to 13 tr. M - without decoration., 16.4 - "turnkey" with decoration

Without finishing - from 15 to 25 tr. Per square. M.

("Full construction")

Finishing and Injection - 4-15 tr. Per square. M.

Tald Profile

18 tr. Per square. M "turnkey"

Construction.Teh- nology_royal_russia.

19 tr. For sq.m "turnkey"

from the Finnish bar - 50 tr. Per square. m ("turnkey")

from the Fatherland. Bruus - 30-35 tr. Per sq.m ("turnkey")

from 18 to 22 tr. Per square. m ("turnkey")

of these, foundation and materials from 12 tr. Per square. M.

The average cost (with interior trim)

Table 2. The cost of construction of a square meter of the house "turnkey" by type of technology

Thus, the maintenance of LSTK technology is the cheapest - 18.5 thousand rubles. For sq.m "turnkey".


The study highlighted the main factors affecting the choice of building materials. Evaluation of building materials was carried out by the main parameters. For the assessment, a five-point system was used, according to which, 5-high estimate, 1 - lower estimate. Thus, based on the factors assessment data, the largest number of points scored the LPC technology - 67 points, the smallest - silicate brick - 37 points.

Silicate brick

Ceramic brick


Gas- concrete


Wooden frame

Soundproofing (5 - High, 1 - Low)

Reliability (5 - High, 1 - Low)

Heat insulation properties (5 - high, 1 - low)

Moisture absorption (5 - high, 1 - low)

Frost resistance (5-High, 1 - Low)

Cost of construction (5-low, 1- high)

Convenience (5 - high level, 1 - low)

The required wall thickness for the central region (without insulation) (5 - the smallest thickness, 1 - the largest)

Simplicity construction work

The depth of the foundation (1 large, 5 - Majnaya)

Service life with constant accommodation (5 - Long, 1 - short)

Ecology (5 - High, 1 - Low)

Fireproof (5-high, 1 - Low)

Shrinkage (5 is weak, 1- strong)

Construction duration (5 - short time, 1 - long-term construction)

Total points

Table 3. Factory assessment of building materials

Building structures made of metallic thin-walled profile have a number of advantages and positive features, but despite the large list of advantages in the LTK technology, sometimes there are significant disadvantages associated with unscrupulous manufacturers. In Russia, the flaws of the LSTK can be for several reasons.

Disadvantages of LSTK.

Thin walls.

The first drawback can be characterized by the words "thin wall". In our country since the USSR, people are accustomed to quality, characterized by high quality products. So, there is an ambiguous opinion, which is that the designs of LSTK are not strong enough and they can be easily breaking or damaged.

This is unreasonable information that is devoid of confirmation, since when designing a design, information is laid with calculations of possible and critical operational loads, taking into account the climatic characteristics of the region. Yes, individual elements (for example, a cold-made LSTK profile) can be deformed by the use of force, but, in the finished form, the LSTK design is a durable and hard frame!

Low service life.

The second drawback is the service life. This is an advantage and disadvantage, everyone knows how modern capital structures are building, with which "quality" have to face tenacles, so the lack of defining the briefness of the structure also applies to all buildings from brick and concrete. Is it possible to know exactly the house of bricks, stone and concrete 70 or 120 years old? - With confidence on this question, no one will answer. The same situation occurs in the framework by quick-scale construction, where the term of the construction of the LSTK in the professional assembly is 50-120 and more years.

Non-compliance of product quality.

Basically, all the shortcomings of the LSTK, which are common and are known, take place exclusively in Russia. Do not trust the manufacture of a set of a quick-scale building from LSTK to dubious factories and enterprises. Often, with the aim of additional enrichment, "enterprising" owners of the metal structures of the metal structures violate the quality standards of manufactured products, underestimating the real characteristics of products in pursuit of low cost. Such quality will not correspond to the stated characteristics. Standard, typical case - reducing the thickness of the profile and zinc layer, which adversely affects the quality and reliability of the future structure. This disadvantage can be circumvented by the parties, confusting the design, construction and manufacture of products to be proven to enterprises with a positive reputation in the LSTK services market.

Dependence of the buyer from the manufacturer.

This is the second drawback of the LSTK, which belongs to the previous, production disadvantage. If some element has been produced with a geometric impaired or included in the kit important detail Constructions, then when installed, problems may occur. On any of the construction stages there may be a situation where the parts do not fit into each other or lack the fastener.

Electromagnetic LPC safety.

IN Russian FederationUnfortunately, there are still no conclusions for electromagnetic safety of accommodation in houses from a slight steel thin-walled frame. There is no information in possible threats for human vital activity in a metal profile house. This disadvantage also has a place to be only in our country, many enterprises that are monitoring quality and their image, adopt and use international standards in the construction of prefabricated LSTK designs. LSTK designs built on international and European standards are safe for living.

Human factor.

The construction of any facility from a light steel thin-walled profile and a profiled sheet of software should be carried out by professional working high qualifications. The safety of the construction depends on the level of the specialist.

Embedding furniture.

This disadvantage can be attributed to low-rise, residential buildings where the interior needs to be equipped. The furniture is attached to a solid surface (walls), so you need to think about the place where the cabinet or picture, shelves or any other objects are installed. In places where furniture will be attached, the walls of the LSTK house are additionally strengthened with transverse platforms from boards or timber.

High fire hazard.

The LSTK technology has drawbacks that manifest themselves with the emergence of a fire indoor. Steel profiles under the influence of high temperatures begin to deform, lose hardness and bend under the superior load. Design takes into account all these disadvantages, so pay time for additional protection of the design from fire and fire with special flame retardant compositions (impregnations).

Small bearing strength.

Many believe that the design of LSTK does not cope with the weight load on the frame. This opinion is erroneous and cannot be attributed to the disadvantages. Each project is unique, the possible permissible load and the critical load that the building can withstand is always calculated. Another refutation of this shortage lies in the high popularity of frame construction from the LSTK in Japan, the country of the rising sun, where there is a high level of seismic activity.

Pros and minuses of LSTK:

Construction of lung steel thin-walled structures (LSTK) has its drawbacks and advantages. The advantages are tested by numerous experiments of authoritative Western organizations. For example, Japanese scientists conducted a test that confirms the high service life of the LSTK. During the experiment, the elements of the LSTK were placed in a highly aggressive wedge of sea water and remained unharmed. Minuses of LSTK have ambiguous opinions defined information agencies, frame construction It is safe and cost-effective.

Pluses of LSTK:

  1. Ecology.
  2. Low cost.
  3. The rapid exposition terms.
  4. Simple installation.
  5. High service life.
  6. Seismic stability.
  7. All-season installation.
  8. No shrinkage on.
  9. Excellent heat saving.
  10. Accuracy of geometry of parts.
  11. Factory quality.
  12. Compactness during transportation.

Pluses are argued to win all the flaws of the loaf. Metal frame buildings are widely demanded and popular all over the world. Trust the construction and design of professionals.

Video about the house LSTK:

The cost of building a house from the light steel thin-walled turnkey designs includes a frame budget, a set of finishing and other materials, as well as fees for mounting work. This technology is characterized by short periods of implementation, as well as a favorable price of ready-made projects.

The residential building on LSTK technology is built according to the following principle:

  1. Design.
  2. Laying the foundation.
  3. Assembly and installation of wall panels.
  4. Assembly and installation of roofing farms.
  5. Roofing.
  6. Arrangement of communications.
  7. Domestic and external finishing works.

At the design stage, the focus is on the calculation of the rigidity and strength of the carrier frame. The foundation for easy LSTK building can be absolutely any. Wall panels and roofing farms are harvested from ready-made perforated profiles made on production from galvanized steel. To cover the roof, traditional materials are used - professional flooring, metal tile, etc.

The base of the wall cake is insulation. Outside it is closed by windproof and facade facing, from the inside - vapor insulation, plasterboard and finishing finish.

Benefits of LSTK technology

Having preferred LSTK technology in the construction of housing, the user receives such benefits:

  • low cost of materials;
  • compressed construction lines;
  • the most favorable price when ordering a turnkey construction;
  • flexibility in choosing and individual refinement of projects;
  • you can build in any season;
  • the house serves over 70 years without repair.

In addition, it is also worth noting the stability of galvanized metal frame to the effects of corrosion, fire, wind gust and seismic loads.

Housing from LSTK: the cost of typical projects

Below is a table with approximate prices for the construction of housing on LSTK technology. Including the opportunity to clearly understand, from which major components there is a budget for the implementation of typical turnkey projects.

More details on the construction of housing from light steel thin-walled structures, you can learn from the specialists of our company by contacting them at the specified phone number or by the form of feedback on the site.

Approximate prices for construction of standard housing from LSTK

Total area of \u200b\u200bthe finished houseFeatures of housingCost of metal rollThe cost of the entire set of materialsTurnkey construction cost
90 m2.One-storey country house with four living rooms, bathroom and boiler room.250 thousand rubles.1000 thousand rubles.1500 thousand rubles.
120 m2Two-storey cottage with a terrace, two residential rooms and a bathroom on the first floor, three rooms and a bathroom on the second.500 thousand rubles.1300 thousand rubles.2000 thousand rubles.
130 m2Compact two-storey house, on the first level two full rooms, bathroom and toilet, on the second - living room, bedroom and children's, as well as an extra bathroom.460 thousand rubles. 1400 thousand rubles.2200 thousand rubles.
140 m2 Two-storey country house, on the first floor three rooms plus bathroom, on the second - the same number of rooms plus a balcony.450 thousand rubles.1600 thousand rubles.2500 thousand rubles.
160 m2One-storey residential building with an attic, the first floor is divided into four full rooms plus the bathroom, the attic floor is divided into two rooms.600 thousand rubles.1800 thousand rubles. 2800 thousand rubles.
Prices provided in the table are purely approximate, more specific data ask our managers.

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