
How to determine the energy efficiency of the building. Energy efficiency classes of buildings and residential buildings: definition and assignment. How legislatively regulated the energy efficiency classes of buildings

Millionaires and billionaires argue that saving funds will not be rejected. If you want more, you need to learn how to competently dispose of the resources that are.

This simple truth can be applied to the concept of "energy efficiency", which allows us to correctly use energy resources and not reduce the level of energy supply.

At the same time, they organize both local, set separate motion sensors or presence and scalable systems. In scalable, sensors are responsible for the transmission of information on presence or movement, plus provide topical information on illumination.

Guided by these data, the controller decides on the inclusion, dimming or turning off the lamps. Such systems are usually included in the general BMS building system.

After the energy audit and the improvement of all building systems, it is assigned an energy efficiency class.

What are energy efficiency classes?

To determine the class of energy efficiency of the building, it means to find out what level of specific energy consumption is in the range of 5-10%. It is this level that is considered the norm and measurement goes relative to it.

After counting the actual energy consumption in the building and comparing this indicator with the basic norm, it is assigned the corresponding class of energy efficiency.

Class A. Buildings of this type are characterized by the lowest energy consumption indicators. These are the most energy efficient structures. Below class with 45% or more.

Class V. High energy efficiency. The level of energy consumption is lower than a class with 11-25%.

Class in +.. Good energy efficiency. Below class with 26-35%.

Class B ++.. Energy efficiency above average. The level of power consumption is below the norm by 36-45%.

Class S.. Norm. Specific energy consumption in the range of 5-10%.

Classes A-C can be used both in design and evaluating existing buildings.

Class D. Bad level of energy saving, above the norm by 6-50%.

E. class. The lowest level of energy saving, above the norm by 50% and more. This is the most permissive option in terms of payment.

Classes D and E apply only to evaluate existing buildings.

When calculating the class of energy efficiency, it is taken into account:

  • specific heat loss through the shell of the building and its tightness;
  • the number of heat energy for heating;
  • technical parameters of the mechanical ventilation system;
  • the thermal properties of partitions between energy consumers with autonomous systems;
  • the values \u200b\u200bof the energy efficiency indicators of the building (the indicator C1 is the energy efficiency of cooling systems, ventilation, lighting, heating; C2 - hot water);
  • the amount of energy consumed from renewable sources.

The process of calculating the energy efficiency of the building may seem laborious and complex. This is true. But if you entrust it to competent specialists, it will take absolutely painless and efficiently.

B.E.G. company can also guarantee the performance and simplicity of the process. To us, to properly automate the lighting of your object and get the maximum benefit.

Do not forget our blog in order not to miss interesting articles about energy saving.

We all want to live in a comfortable house, where there will always be warm, despite the weather outside the window. But few know that it depends on the energy efficiency of the building, which is still determined at the stage of compiling project documentation. In recent years, the state seeks to develop new requirements for this indicator, which should noticeably reduce the amount of energy consumed to the livelihood of a particular structure. The fact is that this factor can be called deciding when we are in the global sense of this word about the environmental situation in the country and the world. Many states have been working to improve the energy efficiency of buildings of all destination categories for decades. Our country until some time remained aside from this process, but gradually began to be included in it. Today in the article we will talk about the energy efficiency of buildings and structures in principle, as well as about measures to increase it.

We study the terminology of the question

Not every man in the street understands what is meant when we are talking about the energy efficiency of the building. Most often, this term is confused with the concept of energy saving. And although in fact they are pretty close in meaning, but still be different definitions.

Under the energy efficiency of buildings and structures is usually understood as the ratio of a pronounced useful effect from energy resources spent to their quantity necessary to obtain a similar result.

It can be said that at the highest energy efficiency class of energy resources, the most minimum amount is spent. Some experts call this term also and appropriate use of existing energy.

In order for the reader in the future, this definition with energy saving, clarify that energy saving implies a decrease in energy consumption with the same requests. That is, it is associated with certain restrictions for people, while the high energy efficiency of the building makes it possible to function in the habitual mode, but to receive much more return.

Energy Efficiency Situation Today

Almost fifty years, the world community is trying to introduce new energy efficiency standards. Some states adopt special programs that allow you to significantly increase this ratio. However, until now, the global industry consumes about half of all energy resources. Moreover, the side effect of this process is the emission of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which is trying to control numerous associations of ecologists. Today, international organizations adopted a single standard that includes items on energy efficiency.

There are three states in the world, whose economy is fully based on the consumption of a large number of energy resources. The external gross product indicator depends entirely on this factor. Our country also includes three powers in the specified category, except China and the United States. She takes third place in this list.

It can be clarified that our industry together with residential buildings consumes more than half of all energy resources of the Russian Federation. This figure is a catastrophic, and the situation has reached such an extent that it requires an immediate solution. In this regard, the state is developing a number of measures and standards that will regulate the energy efficiency of industrial buildings and residential sector. We will talk about them a little later.

Category of buildings subject to new state regulations

The following buildings fall under the set of rules (SP) of the energy efficiency of buildings:

  • residential sector (multi-storey construction in cities and other settlements);
  • structures related to social infrastructure facilities;
  • storage rooms (temperature regime in them must be donated at the level of twelve degrees of heat and higher);
  • buildings intended for storage and repair of technology (area of \u200b\u200bfifty squares);
  • apartment houses whose height does not exceed three floors.

It is noteworthy that all adopted standards regulate the calculations of the energy efficiency of buildings not only at the stage of creating project documentation. The set of rules controls the entire construction process up to the commissioning of the building. Thus, increasing energy efficiency turns into a specific strategy, but it does not establish the exact indicators to which builders and designers should be focused.

Buildings not falling under the State Energy Efficiency Law

The legislation provides for structures that cannot be regulated by the rules and regulations specified by the previously specified crops and regulations. These include the following real estate objects:

  • buildings having a cult value;
  • monuments of history and culture;
  • temporary buildings that can function no more than two years;
  • residential buildings that fall under the category of individual construction (the number of floors should not exceed three);
  • country and garden houses;
  • buildings in the category "Auxiliary Use";
  • constructions that cost separately from others and in area do not exceed fifty squares.

Today, all of the listed categories of buildings can be commissioned regardless of their energy efficiency. Public buildings and residential buildings in this group in their project documentation should not contain any information about energy efficiency. And this will not be an obstacle to obtain a permit for the construction or operation of premises.

Energy Efficiency Classes of Buildings and Basic Indicators

Under this term means the energy efficiency of the structure or equipment in the process of its operation. The information of this order is usually included in the energy efficiency passport of the building or equipment.

To date, it is customary to use seven buildings. They are denoted by Latin letters from "A" to "G", where "A" is the highest indicator, and "G" is the lowest of all available.

In recent years, subclasses have been identified separately. Identify the energy efficiency class of the building according to them, if you look into the project documentation. For categories "A" and "B" there are two types of subclasses: "+" and "++". All these nuances must be considered when buying any equipment or in the construction of the building.

It is noteworthy that all modern devices and various objects should be labeled, denoting the energy efficiency class. It is put by a manufacturer or commission hosting project documentation on the building of industrial or prevalence.

Calculations and determination of the building occur according to a specific formula. It takes into account deviations on regulatory and specific values, while it is necessary to keep in mind the basic values. The energy efficiency calculation of the building of the residential and industrial facility always begins with the definition of the baseline. For him, it is customary to take the class "C".

Energy Efficiency Passport Building

We could not get around this important document, which has a direct attitude to the topic of our article today. If you have some related to construction, you should know that this important document is needed in order to introduce a residential object or a production structure.

He confirms the fact that the structure fully complies with all adopted standards and requirements, and also equipped with the recent generation energy metering devices. It is known that thanks to this passport, you can even get benefits for property tax. Under this category, only those objects that receive the highest energy efficiency class are falling.

Interestingly, it must receive a passport all new buildings and buildings that have been reconstructed or overhaul. The document relies on the design papers and calculations, as well as on the exit, it includes due to it can always be visually seeing, in what places the structure loses heat. In this regard, recommendations are made to eliminate identified problems. If it is impossible to decide, then a decision is made to assign the structure of the energy efficiency of the structure.

Any passport is issued according to the established standard, it is listed as a form at number thirty-five and was approved about three years ago.

Documents required for the design of the energy passport

In order to introduce a building into operation, it will take a passport on it. We have already mentioned this in the article, but it is worth considering that this document cannot be made without the provision of a large number of papers. Most of them are included in the project documentation.

First of all, the Commission will be interested in the architectural part of the plan. It includes layouts of floors, basement and cuts of walls. This requires you to specify the thickness of the materials and their complete characteristic. Most often, this information is made in full in the structure approved before the construction of the project.

In addition to the data listed, the Commission will require copies from several project sections. All of them will concern power consumption and savings. Specialists will consider the issues of ventilation, heating, water supply, drainage and power supply.

If the developer initially provides all the documentation in full, then the time periods of the passport are significantly reduced. With the approved document, you can contact the supervisory instances in order to introduce an object into operation.

Reducing the tax depending on the class of energy efficiency

If the energy efficiency of the residential building, commissioned by the Organization, will meet the highest standards, then the firm has the right to receive tax benefits for three years. This period is counted from the commissioning date of the building.

To obtain benefits, it is necessary to provide all the project documentation and the energy passport of the structure. It should be borne in mind that only those buildings can be claimed to reduce the tax that the following energy efficiency classes are assigned: "B", "B +", "B ++", "A".

In order for the Commission to make a decision faster and easier, a table was developed and approved, in accordance with which decisions are made on the energy efficiency of apartment buildings. It includes almost all classes and their names. We will give it in the form of the following list:

  • Very high class. It is denoted by the letters "A", "A +" and "A ++". This category implies that the magnitude of the deviation of the settlement unit from the normalized is measured in the range from forty to sixty percent with a minus sign.
  • Tall. The notation "B" and "B +" suggest that the deviation is from minus fifteen to minus forty percent inclusive. Typically, such indicators can be achieved by economic stimulating regions.
  • Normal. We have already written that the class "C" is adopted for the basic standard, it is also possible to attribute "C +" and "C-". The magnitude of the deviation in this case ranges in the range of positive and minus indicators: from minus fifteen to plus fifteen. This class of energy efficiency must match most buildings.

All listed classes are applied in cases of construction and design of new buildings, as well as the reconstruction of existing one.

When it comes to already exploited buildings, the following energy efficiency classes are permissible for them:

  • Reduced. It is denoted by the Latin letter "D", and in this case the magnitude of the deviation is from fifteen to fifty percent in the plus. Such structures during operation spend a large amount of energy resources, therefore, in accordance with Russian legislation, they are accepted to reconstruct.
  • Low. If you see the energy efficiency of the building designated by the letter "E", then know that the deflection value exceeds fifty percent with a plus sign. Such structures can be reconstructed if necessary, but most often they are under demolition.

In accordance with the data provided, each developer can navigate whether it will receive privileges for taxation.

Calculation of energy efficiency

To compile project documentation, the developer must conduct certain calculations on the energy efficiency of industrial buildings and the objects of the residential sector. They consist in determining the amount of heat consumed in order to create conditions for the life support of all buildings. It is measured in kilowatts per square meter in one year. It is noteworthy that the buildings of various purposes fall under three categories of power consumption.

They can be brought as a list:

  • Normative. This level implies the power consumption of buildings when applying the regulatory heat shields of external fences.
  • Comparative. It is a certain averaged option. To bring this magnitude, data on the power consumption of different buildings of one destination are usually taken.
  • Estimated. This level is determined in the process of designing the structure. It is based on equipment information, which will be used during the operation of the building, the modes of the structure of the structure and the like data.

It is noteworthy that if the project documentation contains the use of different types of energy resources, then the calculations will have to be carried out for each category separately.

At the state level, a program has been adopted to improve the energy efficiency of buildings, which includes several levels and items. Moreover, their implementation should occur at different stages of construction, in addition, the stages of reconstruction, as well as commissioning, are also taken into account.

Mainly increase energy efficiency due to the decrease in heat loss. They are usually quite significant. For example, in the cold season, about forty percent of energy goes on the heating of outdoor air. If you take this number in one hundred percent, the walls contribute to the loss of forty heat percent, and another twenty percent can be equally divided into door and window openings, roofing and ventilation system along with basement.

In order to minimize heat loss in buildings, and measures have been developed to improve the energy efficiency of buildings. They can be briefly set out in the form of a list:

  • installation of an energy-saving profile;
  • equipment of premises with radiators with an individual control system;
  • creating an inseparable contour of thermal insulation;
  • selection of a durable heat insulation system;
  • use of specialized entrance doors with thermal insulation profile.

In addition to the listed, new items are introduced annually, allowing several times to improve the energy efficiency of residential and industrial buildings.

Innovative Energy Efficiency Proposals

Today, all sorts of conferences are held in Russia, on which young companies and their worldwide recognized competitors represent their developments aimed at reducing the heat transfer of buildings. As a result, when obtaining an energy passport, the structure has all the chances of obtaining a higher class of energy efficiency.

Some developments remain without attention, but others are successfully implemented in production. Such a story happened to once with energy-saving window profiles, which are now used in construction. Otherwise, they are still embedded in the panel, which eliminates the wrong installation, and, consequently, heat loss.

In recent years, the proposal for accounting for environmental indicators in the process of evaluating the energy efficiency of the structure has been considered. For example, many companies replace lead stabilizers on window profiles for other, made of safer materials.

The materials provided for in the construction of the building are also played in the improvement of energy efficiency. For example, modern aerated concrete blocks allow them to be connected as much as possible seam. Thereby, the risks of heat loss through the connecting solution are reduced. Special glue was also represented, its use makes any heat loss minimal. In many cases, they are reduced to zero.

Quite often, innovative developments affect the engineering systems of the structure. First of all, it concerns ventilation and heating systems. However, in recent years, elevators have been assessing energy efficiency, because it is proved that energy loss when using these tools in some cases reaches fifteen percent. Specialists advise to evaluate elevators not at work, but after installation in the building. In this case, the information will be as close as possible to reality.

I also want to note that the ideas of energy efficiency are very popular. If we talk about the residential sector, then apartments built in compliance with modern technologies are enjoyed by great consumer demand. In this regard, it is hoped that comprehensive technologies aimed at improving energy efficiency will be applied everywhere and become one of the priorities of public policy in construction.

Energy-efficient house is a building in which very small energy consumption is combined with a comfortable microclimate.

Energy savings in such houses reaches 90%.

Annual need for an energy-efficient home heating can be less than 15 kW * h per square meter.
For example, today in the most common design of a private house (R / B foundation, a "warm floor" system without insulation, a wall of 1.5 bricks with cement plaster, conventional metal-plastic windows, insulation of the roof of 150mm and without supply and exhaust ventilation with heat recovery ) The energy consumption for heating is 110-130 kW. * h per 1 m2 per year.

In the European Union countries adopted such a classification of houses:

  1. Houses of low power consumption
    Used at least 50% of energy less than standard buildings built in accordance with the current power consumption standards.
  2. Houses of ultra-low energy consumption
    Consume 70-90% of energy less than ordinary buildings. Examples of ultra-affected energy consumption houses with clearly designated requirements are German Passive House, French Effinergie, Swiss Minergie.
    The pioneer in the construction of such houses was the Passive House (passive house), which was developed in Germany in Karmstadt in the 90s. It is considered to be the "passive" building, if it meets the requirements developed by the German Institute of Passive Buildings. "Passive" house is a house with excellent thermal insulation, minimal consumption of electricity and thermal energy. It supports a comfortable microclimate mainly due to human heat, the energy of the Sun and household electrical appliances, such as a kettle, stove, etc. The technologies of the "passive" house (buildings with ultra-affected energy consumption, without the traditional heating system), are effective and already tested in the harsh Scandinavian climate. Such houses practically do not have heat losses.
  3. Energy generating houses
    These are buildings that produce electricity for their own needs. In some cases, excess energy in the summer can be sold by an energy company and bought back in winter. Good thermal insulation, innovative design and the use of renewable energy sources (solar panels, ground thermal pumps) make these houses by the avant-garde of modern house-building.
  4. Houses with zero emissions CO2
    The term is most often used in the UK. Such a house does not allocate CO2. This means that the house itself provides itself with energy from renewable sources, including energy consumed on heating / cooling of premises, hot water supply, ventilation, lighting, cooking and electrical appliances. In the UK, all new houses from 2016 are built in accordance with this standard. In Russia, the following classification was adopted:

* In accordance with SNiP 23-02-2003 "Thermal Protection of Buildings" Regulations for
Rostov-on-Don (M2 ° C / W) RSTEN \u003d 2.63 RPOKR \u003d 3.96 ROFON \u003d 0.84

How to "teach" the house to be economical and comfortable?

1. Proper orientation of the house regarding the parties to the Light.

One of the most important factors affecting the consumption of the house of energy resources is its location relative to the parties to the light. Most of the windows of the house should be directed to the south. At the same time, the deviation of up to 30 ° from azimuth to the south slightly reduces the use of the energy of the Sun. If the house is different, then the walls and roof of the building should be warmed more effectively to compensate for the lack of heat entering the room with the rays of sunlight.

How is heating at home from the sun? The order of 90% of light energy penetrates through windows windows, heating room. Modern double-glazed windows are made with special coatings and filling in inert gas. Coatings reflect the long-wave infrared rays from the room back into the premises, reducing their loss through the windows.

Due to the large windows in the summer in the house can be too hot. This problem is solved by the use of another special glass cover, as well as the use of automatic darkening systems, soles of roofs, balconies. They are placed so as to allow to pass by direct sunlight through the windows only with the low sun position in winter. In summer, the windows on the sunny side of the house shadow trees. In winter, sunlight easily penetrates the house between bare branches.

2. Design of compact build configuration.

The greater the outer surface of the building with the same amount of its premises, the higher the heat loss. Therefore, during construction, reconstruction or expansion of the house, it is necessary to avoid all sorts of niches, ledges, protrusions on the walls. It makes sense to build unheated extensions on the north side of the house. For example, premises for storing garden equipment and bicycles, technical premises protecting the heated part of the house from wind and cold. The compact design house not only consumes less energy, but also requires smaller construction costs.

3. Exterior walls, designs and properties of used building materials.

A significant part of the heat leaves the house through its outer shell. The higher the difference between the temperatures in the rooms and outside the house, the more heat loss.

The degree of thermal insulation of the house is determined by the coefficients of the heat transfer coefficients of its enclosing structures (floor, walls, windows, roof). What he is higher, the quality of insulation is better.

The figure above shows the structures of the walls of the transmission resistance coefficient of 2.1-2.2 m2ºС / W, which satisfies the regional requirements of the buildings in the geographical latitude of Krasnodar.

In accordance with SNiP 23-02-2003 "Thermal protection of buildings", for the city of Rostov-on-Don, the resistance of the heat transfer of a one-story house should be at least 2.62 m2ºС / W.

4. The thickness of the outer walls and the living area of \u200b\u200bthe house.

The magnitude of the future living space in the house directly depends on the thickness of the outer walls in the house. If the walls make a thickness, for example, not 32 cm, but 38.5 cm, the living area of \u200b\u200bthe house will significantly decrease. So, in the house of 10x11 m in the conditions of the walls of the specified thickness, the living area will lose 2.73 m! On each floor. This means that every square meter housing will cost more! With the thickness of the walls in 49 cm, the living area of \u200b\u200beach floor will decrease by almost 8 m2.

5. Noise houses at home.

Soundproofing of the walls and structures of the house directly depends on the density and structure of the material from which they are made. When designing the house, it is very important to pay attention to isolation from shock and sound noise.

Solid (without windows and doors) walls, such as a fibropenobetone with a thickness of 250mm, fully meet the requirements of comfort. Soundproofing the walls with windows occupying more than 25% of the area will not be so effective: in this case, a significant portion of noise will penetrate through the windows. It is here, first of all, special measures for noise insulation will be required.

6. Individual perception of comfort and climate in the room.

The concept of "comfort in the house" many have a different meaning. Some believe that the most comfortable is a house made of burned clay brick, others prefer silicate bricks, others feed addiction to a wooden frame structure. However, the climate in the house depends not only on the absorption and heat accumulating ability of the walls, the principle of operation of the heating system, the system of ventilation and activity of its inhabitants. Comfortable microclimate is a balanced combination of all these elements in the design of the house.

7. Teplopotieri and cold bridges.

When insulating at home, special attention is necessary for places of heat loss, or the so-called "cold bridges". In these places, heat goes out more intensively than in others. An example is the balconies, performed along with the overlap in the form of one solid slab, window slopes or joints between the outer walls and the basement. To reduce heat loss and avoid possible damage to the structures (for example, the formation of molds from them due to emissions), it is necessary to take into account this in the design and construction of the house.
Sealing the joints in places of installation of windows, doors, roofs and fastening roll cabins should be paid special attention.

In the conditions of any rafter design, incl. Wooden, over the insulation, it is necessary to be used a waterproofing vapor-free film, and from the bottom under the insulation, a vapor barrier film and to lay seamless heat insulation. Special attention requires sealing adjoins to the inner walls. On these two photos, the same house: the first photo is made by the camera, the second - thermal imager.
This device recorded huge heat loss through the windows and the outer walls (marked with yellow and red colors).

8. Thermal insulation of the roof.

If it was previously thought that for thermal insulation of the roof, there is quite enough insulation (mineral fibrous mats or polyurethane foam plates) with a thickness of 10 cm, now there are significantly more rigid norms in terms of roof insulation. For energy-efficient roofs ("warm") houses, the heat transfer resistance should be at least 6 m2ºС / W, i.e. The thickness of thermal insulation from material with a thermal conductivity coefficient (with an equilibrium humidity) 0.04 W / m2k should be at least 24 cm.

In the conditions of more hard standards of energy consumption, an important role in their savings is played by the heating systems that meet new requirements. Significant energy savings can be achieved, for example, due to the use of automatically adjustable minority systems that quickly respond to change in the room temperature.

So, when heating the rooms with solar rays, passing through the windows, the corresponding sensors can be supplied to the dosing valves a signal to reduce the supply of coolant into the heating devices of this room. Accordingly, the boiler will operate fewer time and gas consumption will be reduced. In this case, a good service when heating at home can be provided with lamellar heating batteries and convectors who have small inertia. Heating by heat heating and tiled oven due to a large heated mass will not be able to respond.

The heating boiler must comply with the standards speaking about the efficient use of energy and the absence of emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere. Condensation boilers operating on liquid fuel or gas, as well as gas steam boilers with ultrahigh efficiency, are responsible for these requirements.

However, the most effective and ensuring the greatest comfort is the heating system with infrared film heaters, their efficiency is 92-97%.

If you wish to reduce the power consumption of your own house, the question arises: what should be done first - to make a more powerful heating system or insulate the house? The answer to this question is unequivocal. First, the thermal insulation of all elements of the house should be improved. Since for heating a well-insulated house, a more compact and less powerful heating system will be required, but well adjusted.

10. Passive and active use of solar energy.

Save energy resources allows the use of double-glazed windows with a smaller heat transfer coefficient. For example, 1.6 W / (M2-K) instead of the previous 2.3 or 2.6 W / (M2-K). The modern market offers double-glazed windows even with CT \u003d 1.3-1.1 W / (M2-K). There are double-glazed windows and luxury classs (0.9-0.8 W / (m2 "K)), but they cost much more expensive. Along with energy saving, the windows are created in the premises of comfort. The cost of the window, first of all, influences the frame material And only then - glazing. The use of a glasswork with a heat transfer coefficient of 1.3 or even 1.11 W / m2-K does not lead to a sharp increase in the cost of the window as opposed, for example, from the use of wooden frames from glued Angarsk pine.

Transformation of solar energy.

The energy of the Sun can be used not only passively (due to the preferential location of the glazed surfaces of the house on the south side), but also actively. In this case, we are talking about the use of solar panels and solar water heaters, with the help of which you can warm the water for the bathroom, shower and heating systems.

  1. Liquid solar collector;
  2. Automation shield;
  3. Heat exchanger;
  4. Dissemination of heated water;
  5. Sounding the contour of the heating boiler;
  6. Zmeevik-heat exchanger of the solar station;
  7. Heat exchanger pipeline;
  8. Solar collector fuel pipeline.

When designing a house, it is necessary to provide a laying of heat-insulated pipes from solar to consumers of hot water. The process of converting solar energy into electrical through photovoltaic elements is already quite perfect, but so far only the use of solar water heaters is economically justified for private housekeeping.

Along with the loss of heat through the structural elements of the building, it is lost and when ventilating the premises.

It is verified that in conditions of a well insulated house, the ventilation loss of heat reaches 30-50%. At the same time, heat is lost as a result of replacing warm air on fresh, but colder.

This process is absolutely necessary to create normal microclimatic conditions in the house. The need for ventilation is especially noticeable in an energy efficient house, where the penetration paths into the house of cold fresh air are reliably blocked by seals.

An effective solution in the fight against heat lines is the installation of a ventilation system with recovery (return) of heat, which in modern models reaches 80-85%.

At the design stage, it is necessary to envisage the location of the recovery and pipelines.

However, an effective ventilation system based on practice is the most common element of construction on which they always save. Since the need for residents of the house in pure fresh air does not decrease, they have to constantly pay for electricity or gas overrun, which goes to compensate for weatherproof heat.

Think: What is the point additionally seal and insulate the design of the premises, if heat goes out through open windows and doors?

Without installing an effective ventilation system with these heat lines, it remains to come to terms. They can only be reduced to a little, by 25-30% (or by 10-15% of the total heat loss) due to the correct ventilation. Outside the heating season, naturally, you can ventilate the house. Conduct the so-called draft ventilation, it is recommended at least in order to comply with hygienic standards. Useful at least two or three times a day for a short time to open windows, creating drafts.

The time required for air exchange depends on the temperature and humidity of the outer air and the wind power. The colder and land on the street, the shorter there must be a process of venting. Water pairs, as well as smells formed when taking a bath or soul, should be immediately removed by ventilating the room. In winter, it is necessary to do it carefully, since the draft can not only harm the health of the inhabitants of the house, but also entail a loss of a significant amount of heat. It is known that a person is not deprived of weaknesses to which an unintentional dismissive attitude to the compliance with the rules can be attributed. In this case, these are rules of air ventilation. Often, when it is hot, we do not reduce the power of the heating system, but open the window. So if this case does this case have a ventilation technique managed by a computer offline?

TVs, washing machines, electric kettles, irons, cooking panels, split systems, light bulbs - they all consume a significant amount of electricity. Today it is enough to reduce its consumption. It is necessary when buying each electrical appliance to pay for its energy consumption class, it must be AAA.

For lighting at home it is best to use lamp based on LED technology. LED lamp is one of the most environmentally friendly light sources. The principle of luminosity of LEDs allows the safe components in the production and operation of the lamp itself. They do not contain toxic substances, therefore do not pose a danger in case of failure or destruction. The life of the LED lamp is up to 100,000 hours. And the increased energy intensity allows you to consume 10 times less electricity compared to traditional incandescent lamps.

13. Economical water consumption and heat refund from used warm water.

Plumbing equipment manufacturers over the past decade have developed many different designs of mixers, cranes and other elements of sanitary equipment, which allow you to reduce water consumption by 40-50%, without losing the cleaning properties of the water flow.

Innovative systems of watering of flower beds and lawns of private houses have been developed, which reduce water consumption by watering 40-60%. Systems combine local sensors, regional weather forecasts and an intelligent algorithm to select the optimal watering mode of plants at the indent. Sensors are inserted into each watering zone and track humidity, temperature of soil and illumination of the territory. The microcontroller is built into the system, which connects the sensors for Wi-Fi wireless technology to the home network to control the time and duration of watering. And the microcontroller, analyzing all the data obtained, selects the optimal irrigation mode.

In 2012 Designers of recovery systems of private houses from England and Belgium presented very compact systems that allow to return heat energy from wastewater back to the house. The efficiency of such systems is about 60%.

Is it worth it to carry additional costs during construction?

The answer to this question can give real figures of economy and confirmed facts.

  1. The cost of the most popular thermal gas source in Russia in 2017. In Rostov-on-Don amounted to 5.5 rubles / m3. The price trend is the annual smooth growth to the level of global prices, as has already happened to gasoline, the cost of which in the domestic market comes with its value in the markets of Europe and North America. Today, the average price of 1M3 natural gas, for example in Europe, is 0.37 $ / m3, i.e. 13.3 rubles / m3. If we assume that the annual price increase will be only 9%, then the price of gas in the domestic market will reach the level of the medium-sized 2025.
  2. The average monthly energy consumption of gas in the winter period by the usual house 100m2 (R / B foundation, the "warm floor" system without insulation, the walls of 1.5 bricks with cement plaster, with conventional metal-plastic windows, insulation of the roof of 150mm and without supply-exhaust ventilation with heat recovery ) is 850-900m3. In prices 2017. This is 4.8t.r. / month, but in 2025. With a very high degree of probability, the heating of this house will be on average 11.5t.r. / month, or about 60000 rubles. For the heating period.
  3. The owners of the houses described above, having such huge heating costs, will be forced to make their insulation, the minimum value of which is in prices 2017, for 1T. Houses 100m2 (to bring in accordance with SNIP 2302-2003 "Thermal protection of buildings") is about 320 thousand rubles. If they are not engaged in thermal insulation, they will have to come to terms with the fact that the amount of payment for consumed energy resources will be huge, their homes will be evaluated by the market significantly lower than those that are built in accordance with energy saving standards. House buyers check it simply, they will make the receipt of payments for utility bills last year.

The most relevant questions:

How much will the cost of construction increase, if everyone does it right away in accordance with the existing heat saving regulations?

On average, from 3% to 10%, it all depends on the architectural project, initially correctly selected engineering solutions on the design of the house, building materials and technologies.

Through how many years, these additional investments in the preservation of heat will pay off?

For example: during construction 1T. Houses 100m2 (according to the classical above scheme), the initial exhibition value was 2100 thousand rubles. After adjustment, in order to meet in the requirements of SNIP 2302-2003 "Thermal protection of buildings", the estimate increased by 90 thousand rubles. In this case, energy consumption will decrease at least by 30% (usually 35-40%), and the annual savings for the heating period will be at least 1400m3 natural gas. In 2017 The price of 1M3 gas in Rostov-on-Don was 5.5 rubles. Subject to the annual price increase of gas, no more than 9%, the costs will pay off for the 8th year. However, it is much more important that these 8 years later will still have to hold a set of measures for energy saving at home so that its content is not a difficult financial burden for the family. And the cost of the alteration of elements of the house will be almost 4 times more expensive, compared to 80 thousand rubles. Energy saving costs at the construction stage.

There are real examples of houses constructed by you, which have 30-40% less gas consumption for heating, without prejudice to the comfort of living?

More than 70% of our customers decided to build such houses, and already live in them. However, from 2014. We began to offer customers and implement integrated engineering solutions in projects for all the designs of house elements that allow you to reduce energy consumption during operation by another 20-30%.

Currently, the question of the proper energy efficiency of buildings sounds increasingly. Previously, this concept was not given much. And this led to the construction of quite different in their characteristics of apartment buildings. But at present, such construction continues (Fig. 1).

Therefore, how many multi-storey buildings consume electricity and how efficiently it is spent, will now be determined based on the new rules. For this, the Ministry of Economy and Regional Development of the Russian Federation has developed a bill. Using it, it is planned to change the rules on how to determine the class of energy efficiency of apartment buildings. What will contribute to improving resource consumption.

And on the basis of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 28, two thousand eleventh year for the number - eighteen "on approval of the rules for establishing the requirements of energy efficiency for buildings, structures, structures and requirements for the rules for determining the energy efficiency of apartment buildings" These new rules are introduced.

Now the energy efficiency classes of buildings are subject to urgent establishment for such apartment buildings:

  • which will be built or built during the entry of the rules into force;
  • which were reconstructed;
  • in which capital repairs were carried out;
  • after the entry of the rules will be introduced into use;
  • subject to state building supervision.

The concept of energy efficiency

Energy efficiency is the rational use of electricity resources. That is, the reduction in the spending of this type of resources by improving the qualitative norms of their use.

Note!Do not confuse - this is a concept with a concept - energy saving. Since the savings are a decrease in electricity consumption. But energy efficiency is exactly the right (useful or rational) consumption.

For people living in such houses it will be undoubtedly a big plus. There will be a noticeable reduction in payment costs. It will also be positive dynamics and for the country as a whole. It is largely improved and an environmental situation - by reducing energy emissions.

How is the system of energy efficiency of buildings?

Now there are seven energy efficiency classes, like in the West (Fig. 2). Each building in principle should have its own class at the moment.

In Russia, this time is made to allocate such classes of energy efficiency: A, B, B +, B ++, C, D, E. (Fig. 3).

Accordingly, it is clear that at home with the highest class (in this case - a). It will be noticeable below to consume energy to maintain the actions of all parameters for a comfortable life in the right mode. And payment for such a house for utility payments will be much lower. It will also be taken into account in the gravity and energy spent for generalic needs. In principle, a model was taken as a basis, which for many decades has been acting abroad.

The indicators will be taken into account and for the annual period of energy consumption. They will continue to be compared with other annual indicators. And on the basis of this, decisions will be made to give the house of the right class. Also, such monitoring should help identify factors affecting the loss of efficiency in a particular home. And accordingly help them eliminate them.

In general, for each house separately will be created their individual energy passport. It will reflect information on all levels of consumption of energy resources. A competent approach to this issue can help maintain on average, up to thirty percent when paying for services on an annualized basis.

What is the class of energy efficiency?

This division into classes will first make it possible to assign their indicator to each home. Which will depend solely on its parameters. That is, it will not be that the indicators will be assigned on the basis of the set of estimates of indicators of integer quarters. Now every home and his tenants will be able to relate much more efficiently to this issue. But as always, not everything is as easy as it seems. After all, getting a passport with the best class is beneficial to all.

Energyport - what is it?

It is planned that at all houses after receiving this type of document, the instructions of the classiness will be placed. Energy Efficiency Class Chamber will be able to accurately characterize each building (Fig. 4). Energy distribution is a paid service. And its value ranges from the regions of Russia. On average, it starts from thirty thousand rubles.

Fig.4. Energy Efficiency Class Building - Plate at Home

Special organizations or commissions should be engaged in determining the efficiency of the building. Who will have appropriate permits and authority on these works.

In such a document, all flaws of the house will be reflected. So the owners of old houses or long without repair will receive the smallest energy efficiency classes. Accordingly, for them may increase payment of services.

But obtaining such a document for the house becomes a prerequisite.

It becomes clear - what is energy efficiency. And what is it needed for. It is important to remember that the better the class of this efficiency, the cheaper the tenants will be paid payment for services. And respectively the opposite. So when choosing or buying a house, you need to carefully read these indicators.

Energy saving energy saving strategy in buildings should be built on the formation and implementation of incentives for the economical use of natural resources. The main motive of energy saving should be the preservation of the surrounding natural environment and even its improvement, as well as the protection of the interests of future generations in the preservation of traditional natural energy sources, but already as raw materials for the chemical and medical industry.

The construction of modern high-rise and multifunctional buildings is a young industry. The same young as the ultra-progressive industries of the second half of the twentieth century - aircraft construction and computing equipment. However, construction in recent years compared to them has undergone not so significant changes.

Studying and solving the problems of energy saving, which arose in the construction of modern buildings became a powerful impulse to the study of the problems of microclimate and climation of the building. This explains the existing wider range of buildings on the basis of various concepts of energy efficient and environmentally friendly technologies.

The concept of design concepts of modern buildings is the idea that the quality of the environment of us has a direct impact on the quality of our life. both at home and in the workplace or in common areas that make up the basis of our cities.

Concepts have their own name. The most famous of them:

  • energy Efficient Building (Energy Efficient Building);
  • passive Building (Passive Building);
  • smart Building;
  • healthy Building (Healthy Building);
  • intellectual Building (Intelligent Building);
  • low Energy Building (Low Energy Building);
  • ultra low power building (Ultralow Energy Building);
  • high-tech building building (High Tech Building);
  • bioclimatic architecture (BIOCLIMATIC ARCHITECTURE);
  • ecological content;
  • sustainable Building (Saving the Environment);
  • advanced Building (Translation from English. -Rextricted building).

A modern building, in terms of efficiency, is characterized by consumer systems of indicators. One of the main consumer systems of the building indicators is a system of indicators of the energy efficiency of the building.

A modern technically educated person will choose the energy efficiency system of housing, when evaluating it as a future owner, if they put forward the need for energy saving.

Energy efficient building - This is a building in which energy savings is achieved through the use of innovative solutions technically feasible, economically reasonable, acceptable from the environmental and social points of view and not changing the usual lifestyle.

Energy efficient homes, in fact, become european standard. The greatest practical experience of implementing projects for energy efficient passive houses is:

  • countries of Western Europe, and first of all, Germany;
  • Sweden: 2-storey residential sunny houses from a tree in Karlstad (59 ° C.Sh.), are located so that there is no mutual shading;

  • in Helsinki, Finland, an energy efficient residential area was built;
  • in London, United Kingdom, a project of an energy efficient public building of the mayor's office was successfully implemented;

    in American practice in the "cold" districts, longevocolized houses with a triple glazing of northern facades and enhanced thermal insulation of external surfaces are already built for a long time;

    in Canada, experience has been accumulated by the construction of superzolized houses with low energy consumption for heating, sunny houses were built in Quebec province, in the province of Saskatchewan, the climatic conditions of which are characterized by winter settlement temperatures of -34.5 ° C;

  • in Russia, southwestern Siberia conditions from 1981 built sunny houses on the 3rd options.

Today, for construction in Russia Energy efficient and environmentally friendly buildings, according to specialists, there are two stimulating circumstances:

  1. With a competitive struggle in the residential and public buildings market, the indicators of the consumer quality of the building, which determine from which are: ensuring the quality of the microclimate and the energy efficiency of the building;
  2. Investors come to the conclusion about the feasibility of passing the area for rent, and not about the feasibility of their sale, due to the growing inflation and changes in the cost of housing and public premises, so they are interested in the introduction of energy-saving technologies in building buildings and creating their own management companies These buildings.

In Russia Many constituent concepts of an energy efficient home are fully implemented. So, when reconstructing a housing stock, successfully apply technologies of priority eventsby improving the energy efficiency of buildings, such as:

  • insulation of facades using modern thermal insulation materials;
  • installing modern highly efficient window systems using forced ventilation schemes.

Initial attachment The practical implementation of energy-saving technologies is expensive, but large capital costs can be considered a long-term and very reliable investmentbecause They pay off due to further low operating costs. Expenses for operation, after the introduction of energy-saving technologies, decrease by 25-30%. Unfortunately, this low difference serves as an argument for those who unreasonably underestimates the sum of initial investments in the energy efficiency of the building during construction and reconstruction. On the other hand, too high initial investments will not be able to pay off for the entire operating time of the building.

Recently, due to the exacerbation of energy savings and environmental protection problems, sharply increased interest in the use of non-traditional energy types, such as solar Energy, Wind Energy et al. Renewable energy sources: sun, wind, etc., are used for a long time. Solar energy used in contemporary concepts of modern building - passive house and sunny houseIt has a significant impact on reducing energy consumption from traditional sources - heating and cooling devices.

Distinctive features of a passive building are:

  • compactness and good insulation of external enclosing parts of the building, 2-3 times higher than the regulatory indicators of heat transfer resistance;
  • passive use of solar energy, with the mandatory glazing of the southern part of the building and the accounting of the shading features;
  • energy-efficient glazing with heat transfer resistance of window structures at least 0.8 m. ° C / W;
  • airtightness, with a permissible air leakage through non-remote compounds not higher than 0.6 of the size of the room per hour;
  • passive preliminary heating of fresh air entering the house under the underground pipes, preheating from contact with soil to almost 5 ° C, even in cold winter days;
  • highly efficient air exchange: more than 80%;
  • the supply of hot water using regenerative energy sources: for example, solar collectors;
  • the use of thermal mass from heat accumulating materials to maintain heat in cold nights and to maintain coolness on hot days.

Heat accumulating medium used in thermal mass Passive house, represented by three main types: stones, water and eutectic salts (with phase transformation). The peculiarity of heat accumulating materials is that they have high thermal inertia.

Heavy inertia - This is the ability of materials or medium to absorb heat and maintain it as heating. If the ambient temperature decreases, the accumulated heat enters the environment, and the materials or medium themselves are cooled. But for cooling or heating to the changed temperature of the ambient air takes some time.

Solar energy, hitting the inside of the house, can be transmitted to the surface of the thermal heat accumulating mass, from other surfaces lit by the sun, due to reflection and thermal radiation. Strive to the heat mass in all the surfaces illuminated by the sun. When the heat-accumulating materials of solar energy is absorbed, the temperature is raised on the surface of the materials. The energy absorbed by the surface is transmitted inside the material by thermal conductivity.

Absorbing ability The surfaces of heat accumulating materials are different and depends on:

Thermal massTo which direct solar radiation falls, should have a significant area without excessive thickness, so thin heat accumulating plates are more efficient than thick. The most effective thickness for the concrete heat accumulating plate is 100 mm, an increase in the thickness of more than 150 mm is meaningless. The most efficient thickness for wood is 25 mm.

Floors in a passive house must have dark color, because Dark color, absorbs solar radiation, and does not reflect it, and makes the floor itself warmer and easily cleaner.

Thermal mass of walls and ceilings must be bright, because The dark wall, quickly heating, will create aimed up thermosifonic air flow, leading to overheating of the room.

Most effective accumulating containers The components of the building wall, overlap, roofs, inner partitions, as well as furniture. Energy sources in a residential building include kitchen stove, working household appliances, lighting lamps, people and animals, i.e. All those surfaces of bodies that have a temperature above or below the air temperature and emit energy in the form of waves of different lengths. For example, a calmly sitting person has a 120 watt thermal power. Total these heat dissipation reaches considerable values \u200b\u200bcomparable to the power of heating systems.

Thermal mass (required thickness and square), absorbing heat in the hot time of day, cools the room, and with a decrease in the air temperature and entering this air to the building, or due to the natural circulation through the openings, for example, ventilation holes or windows, or forcibly with fans , Thermal mass, slowly cooled, by convective heat exchange, heats the air indoors. For that period of time, while the thermal mass of inertia is again heated to the ambient temperature, the need for air conditioning in the room will not be.

Problem energy efficiency Housing today is relevant than ever. It is not only in increasing energy prices, inevitably causing rising prices for utilities. There is an increasing alarm that causes a significant deterioration in the environmental situation, climatic changes associated with the greenhouse effect. The first to what should be energy efficient houseSeriously began to think in the west at the end of the last century. First of all, specialists from Austria, Germany, Sweden were interested in saving electricity costs and heating. After thoroughly analyzing the problem, they found that the total energy efficiency of the house affects not only obvious factors like an insulating or heating system. It matters even what has never been taken into account: the orientation of the building relative to the parties to the light, the form of structure, etc.

New building standards have been developed, a modern classification of buildings appeared in accordance with the level of energy spent on their functioning. Introduction passive»Buildings can be considered a cardinal shift of the landmarks of the construction sphere.

What is the electricity spent? Basically, on the heating of living space. In addition, there are a lot of resources take away the lighting, household appliances, water heated for household needs, cooking food. If Europe countries spend on the heating of premises on average 57% of total energy, then in Russia this indicator reaches 72%.
The output is obvious. The construction of energy-efficient buildings costs a bit more expensive (percent of fifteen), but justifies themselves after a few months from the beginning of operation, as it actually allows you to save money and resources. The efficiency of operation increases not only by changing the construction standards, but also by revising the principles of consumption of household electricity: the use of LCD TVs, LED lamps, etc.

Types of Buildings in terms of energy efficiency

The building built in accordance with modern energy efficiency standards allows you to save from 40 to 70 percent of utilities payment services. The colossal amount of energy and resources is saved. In this case, the general indicators of temperature, favorable microclimate, air humidity are an order of magnitude higher generally accepted and regulated by the owner of the room.

Western classification of buildings in terms of energy efficiency includes the following heat consumption standards:

  • old building (300 kWh / m³ per year) - buildings up to the 70s of the last century;
  • a new building (150 kWh / m³ per year) - from the 70th to 2002;
  • low energy consumption house (60 kWh / m³ per year) - from 2002;
  • passive house (15 kWh / m³ per year);
  • house with zero energy consumption;
  • the house, independently generating energy in large quantities than necessary for its operation.

Russian buildings classification differs from Western:

  • old building (600 kWh / m³ per year);
  • modern house built according to the standard SNiP 23-02-2003 "Thermal protection of buildings" (350, h / mi per year).

It is clear that Russia's harsh climate requires high costs for the heating of residential premises. However, generally accepted norms are not always worth recognizing satisfactory. It is necessary to use new technologies, constructive solutions, modern materials in the construction of housing with lower power consumption. There is opportunities for this.

Concept of passive house

The idea of \u200b\u200ba passive house can be called the most progressive today. The essence is to create a house that does not depend on external resources from an object that does not depend on external resources, which can produce energy independently and be completely environmentally friendly. Today, the idea is fully implemented.
Ensuring the energy of a passive house occurs due to renewable natural energy: sunlight, wind energy and land. The source of energy also uses natural heat allocated by people living in the house and working household appliances. Heat losses are minimized by the construction of a building, more efficient thermal insulation, the use of energy-saving technologies, creating an effective innovative ventilation system.

Interestingly, since 2015, the construction of passive houses should be a standard for the European Union. Extremely low electricity consumption is achieved due to thorough insulation of external doors, window openings, walls of walls, the complete absence of "cold bridges" (sections of walls, through which half of thermal energy is lost), the use of naturally produced by people, devices, heat ventilation system.

energy Efficient Home - Construction Principles

The main goal of the construction of an energy efficient home is to make the energy consumption minimal, especially during the winter cold period. The main principles of construction will be the following:

  • extension of the 15-sixtemer thermal insulation layer;
  • simple shape of the roof and perimeter of the building;
  • the use of warm, environmentally friendly materials;
  • the creation of a mechanical, not natural (or gravitational) ventilation system;
  • the use of natural renewable energy;
  • orientation of the house in the southern direction;
  • complete exception of the "cold bridges";
  • absolute tightness.

Most Russian typical buildings have natural (or gravitational) ventilationwhich is extremely ineffective and leads to a significant teplopother. In summer, such a system does not work at all, and in winter it is necessary to continuously ventilating for the inflow of fresh air. Installation recuperator The air will allow for heating the flowing air already heated and vice versa. The recovery system is capable of providing from 60 to 90 percent of heat due to air heating, that is, it allows you to abandon water radiators, boilers, pipes.

Do not build the house of the larger area than you need for real living. Heating unnecessary unused premises are invalid. The house should be designed exactly the number of people who will reside permanently in it. The rest of the premises are heated including at the expense of a natural heat released by man, computers, household appliances, etc.

The energy-efficient house should be built with the maximum use of climatic conditions. A large number of sunny days a year or constant winds should become a hint to select energy. It is important to provide tightness Not only by sealing windows and doors, but also through the use for walls and roofs of bilateral plaster, wind, heat and vapor barrier. It should be borne in mind that a large area of \u200b\u200bglazing will lead to the inevitable heat loss.

Accounting for energy efficiency at home in design

Choosing a place for construction, you need to take into account the natural landscape. The area should be even, without sudden drops of height - the foundation of the house from this will only benefit in terms of reliability and tightness. However, any feature of the landscape can be used to improve operational efficiency. For example, the height difference will provide a low-cost water supply system.

Be sure to take into account the location of the house relative to the sun, to use the maximum of natural solar lighting instead of electric. The figure shows the possibility of using solar heat depending on the time of year.

All this will not only reduce the cost of maintenance, but also increase the service life of the building.

"Underwater stones" use of modern materials

In modern construction, different types of insulation are actively used. They are called to insulate the foundation, walls and roof of the structure, thus reducing the energy flow. The most popular modern materials are: Polyfoam (polystyrene foam), EPPS (extruded expanded polystyrene foam), mineral wool insulation (glass wool, basalt or stone wool), polyurethane foam, foam glass, eco-water, vermiculitis, perlite.

It should be understood that popular economariants like foam plastic, aerated concrete or foam concrete plates can be the most pitched stone, which can be broken down by the idea of \u200b\u200benergy efficiency. The fact is that gas and foam concrete plates are often manufactured with a gross violation of technology. Such a "insulation" will not make the house reliable and durable.

Polyfoam generally belongs to the class of hazardous materials. He is very fuel and begins to allocate harmful poisonous substances at a temperature of 60 degrees. Most often, the person during the fire suffocates, gets a deadly dose of toxic substances. In addition, polystyrene foaming makes toxic substances and feast room temperature. Finally, it is simply short-lived: the life of the foam of 40 years, whereas the service life of the house on average is 75 years.

How to improve the energy efficiency of the house already built

Enhance the energy efficiency of the already built home is real. However, the "age" of the building should be taken into account. If the capital re-retaining will allow the structure to stretch more than another twenty, the game is worth the candle: the attachments will pay off. If after five or ten years the building will go under demolition, it simply makes no sense to change it to radically change it.

Modern materials and technologies will help reduce Energyophotheri. You need to start with the definition of heat leaks. "Cold Bridges" take away half of the accumulated heat from the building. That is why it is so important to detect and eliminate the disorders of the tightness of the walls, roofs, window and doorways.

Most often, the errors are found at the place of removal of the outward balcony, base, other external structures. Be sure to insulate the attic, overlapping over the basement (it is better to use heat-insulating plates), interior doors. Residents of apartment buildings will receive a noticeable effect by installing the door in the tambourine area.
Not only a subjectively felt cold may indicate impaired sealing. The appearance of mold, fungus on the wall-exponential depressurization rate. Old or incorrectly installed windows are able to deprive the room of the lion's share of heat. Sometimes only their replacement for good quality windows, installed according to GOST, are capable of reduced heating costs 2-3 times.

Insulated material should be environmentally friendly and safe. An excellent option is to use warm plaster for additional sealing and insulation of walls. This material is perfectly coping with depressive seams and joints, as well as visible cracks. As a heater, it is permissible to use polyethylene, placing it under wood trim. Material thickness must be at least 200 microns.

How to increase the efficiency of heating and ventilation systems

The most important part of the project to improve the energy efficiency of the house may be the modernization of the heating system. A good effect can be obtained by replacing cast-iron batteries on aluminum with a temperature control sensor. At the same time, it should accurately calculate the desired number of sections necessary for heating a particular room.

You can set the heating radiators heat-reflecting screens, as well as heat leave controllers. If possible, it is necessary to establish additional heating elements of water with a solar collector.

An excellent option to reduce energy consumption will be the replacement of natural ventilation on mechanical recovery. The benefits of this system already mentioned. It is able to warm the incoming air due to the air-derived from the air system.

Additionally, you can install ventilation controllers, special ventilators, thermal pumps for air cooling.

Water saving measures, electricity and gas

Water and gas meters have already become, along with the familiar electric meters, an indispensable attribute of each house or apartment. Additionally, you can install common counters, pressure stabilizers on floors.

The apartments are recommended to install duplex flush tanks, two-section shells, keyboard cranes, mixers with water-regulating temperature.
In the entrances it is best to set luminescent energy-saving lighting. For the street it is better to use LED lamps. Photo acoustic installations of the relay must control the lighting of basement and technical premises, residential entrances. For lighting buildings, solar batteries can be used.

Household appliances of energy-saving class A + and higher (TVs, dishwashers, ovens, air conditioners, washing machines) significantly save electricity.

Promote gas savings system climate control in apartments and boiler rooms. An excellent option is a programmable heating, the use of special energy-efficient kitchen stoves, as well as gas burners in economy mode.

It is obvious that in order to achieve energy efficiency, there are not enough single or two solutions, even if we are talking about the construction of the house "from scratch". Comfort, savings, environmental safety is achievable subject to an integrated approach to solving the problem. And a private house, and apartment buildings need to create a serious project covering all aspects of energy efficiency.

According to expert estimates, it is realistic to rely on the cost of energy supply of the already built house four times, proportionally lowered the costs of tenants.
The Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation adopted new rates of energy consumption: 150 kW / h per square meter of the square. The law on improving the energy efficiency of buildings was accepted. By 2020, Russian apartments will lose 40% of heat less than today.

12 mar. 2013 14:00

One of the current trends of housing is the development and design of buildings in which the comfort of planning solutions would be combined with environmental and energy efficiency.

According to various expert estimates of the reserves of the main sources of energy (oil, gas and coal), a maximum of 100 years has remained in the world. Almost half of energy consumption in developed countries falls on residential buildings. Therefore, one of the main methods of resource saving is to improve the energy efficiency of buildings. An innovative direction in construction, while little common in Russia is the creation of so-called. Energy efficient homes.

The main principle of designing an energy efficient home is to maintain a comfortable internal temperature without the use of heating and ventilation systems due to maximum sealing of the building and the use of alternative energy sources.

The criterion for the classification of such houses is energy consumption: if the cost of heating the premises per year is less than 90 kVH / m2 - the house is considered energy efficient; less than 45 kVF / m2 - powerful ways; Less than 15 kWh / m2 - zero power consumption (nothing is spent on heating, but energy is required to prepare hot water).

The first experimental energy efficient building appeared after the global energy crisis of 1974 in Manchester (USA). It was an office building designed by order of the General Services Administration for testing and identifying the best technical solutions for energy saving. The power consumption of the building was reduced due to the effective use of solar radiation, two-layer enclosing structures and computer management of the building engineering equipment.

The implementation of this project laid the construction of energy-saving buildings around the world. Energy efficiency improvements are successfully conducted in Europe. According to various sources, 2 to 10 thousand such houses have already been built in Western European countries. The leaders of this movement are Denmark, Germany and Finland, where targeted government programs for energy saving and the construction of energy-saving buildings have been adopted.

In the capital of Finland, Helsinki, there is an integer energy efficient area - Viikki, built 10 kilometers from the city center (the population of this microdistrict is 5,500 inhabitants, an area of \u200b\u200b1132 hectares). In the Viikki microdistrict, the use of solar energy provides up to 50% of the need for heating and hot water. The total area of \u200b\u200bsolar collectors is 1248 m2. Energy saving technology and the use of alternative energy provide up to 40% reduction in power consumption compared to traditional houses. Power consumption in homes does not exceed 15 kW / h per 1 m2.

In Denmark, the municipality of the city of Egedal in accordance with the state program is building a whole village of Energy Saving Houses Stenlose South. Instead of conversations about ecology and energy saving, citizens simply provide ready-made homes equipped with all energy-efficient innovations.

For maximum reduction of energy costs, the following planning, constructive and engineering solutions are used.

From the planning point of view, this is 1-3-storey houses, the bulk structure of which is designed as compact with the possibility of a smaller slication of the facade, which reduces the exterior fencing area and reduces the heat loss through them. Mandatory condition is the presence of an input tambour. Home orientation - latitudinal, south windows, because The main source of heat for the heating of the house is solar energy. The shadensity of the houses by trees and other buildings is excluded.

Fencing structures in low power houses to avoid heat loss are built as sealed, heat and airproof, without the "cold bridges". Resistance to heat transfer fences should not be more than 0.15 W / m2k. This uses internal or double (internal and outer) thermal insulation. From the point of view of the materials, this is most often combined facilities: the basement floor from the monolithic reinforced concrete and the ground part, which is a wooden frame with multi-layer outer walls and overlaps. In European houses, thermal insulation materials are widely used with an emphasis on environmental friendliness, including natural materials - moss, cellulose, sheep wool, wooden chips, etc. Windows in such houses - with three-chamber double-glazed windows filled with inert gas and special low-emission coating of glass, "leaving" indoors of more than 50% solar energy falling on the glass. The resistance of the wind heat transfer should not exceed 0.8 W / m2k.

Engineering systems and networks are as follows. Ventilation in houses is forced and carried out according to the principle of recovery, i.e. At least 70 - 75% of the heat flowing from the house with the outgoing warm air is transmitted using a heat exchanger with cold supply air. For heating and hot water supply at home, heat sources and energy itself (internal heat generation) are used, as well as geothermal heat and solar energy (using heliosystems). Additional thermal energy savings occurs due to the use of an automated control system of all technical devices in the building.

The fulfillment of all these requirements allows to reduce the need for energy to heating at home in the climatic conditions of Europe to 15 kWh / m2 per year. To compare the brick house in Europe, this figure is 250-350 kWh / m2, in Russia - 400-600 kWh / m2.

The cost of 1 m2 in such houses on average for 8 -15% more averages of an ordinary building, but according to experts calculates at the expense of energy savings on heating costs pay off in 7-10 years.

As you know, the climate of Western Europe is much softer Russian and therefore the Canadian experience is of particular interest. An example is the Canadian company "Concept Construction", which built 20 energy-efficient houses in Saskatchevan province, the climatic conditions of which are characterized by a winter settlement temperature of -34.5 ° C and Q \u003d 6100 degree-day of the heating period. The Canadian Engineers add to the engineering and technical solutions used in Europe.

An example of the planning of the residential building of this company is shown in Fig. 1. Only one window for lighting the kitchen is arranged in the northern wall. The minimum number of windows is also designed in Western and Eastern Walls. Provided input vestibule. The southern wall is completely glazed. At the same time, only a third of a glazed surface is used for natural lighting and insolation of a shared residential room. In the rest of the wall behind the glazing, the reinforced concrete wall panel (tomb wall) is 25 cm thick with an outer surface painted in black. The gap between this panel and inner glass equal to 5 cm, forms a kind of high and thin solar greenhouse. Solar radiation, passing through the glazing, is absorbed by the black surface of the concrete wall and heats it.

In the interval between glasses (15 cm wide) double glazing along the entire length of the facade, the heat-insulating apungi nylon curtains is automatically lowered overnight. They are powered by an electric motor controlled by the thermal sensitive elements. This allows you to significantly reduce the heat loss of the building in the cold time of the day. In summer, these curtains can be used to protect the premises from overheating, because They are lowered during the day and raise in the evening. The placement of the curtains is precisely between layers of glazing protects the inner glass from supercooling and possible glaciation. An important point is the sealing of outdoor enclosing structures with polyethylene film. It prevents the outer air infiltration, and the heat-insulating layer from the condensing moistening from the inside is prevented as vaporizolation. Air circulation in residential premises is natural. The kitchen and the bathroom use the fan in the ventilation channel system. The use of floor electrical heaters instead of conventional furnaces also gives savings. The final increase in the value of a standard house of 98 m2 with a small energy consumption of energy, which is rated by increasing the cost of the southern wall, additional thermal insulation and the use of the air heat exchanger, according to the calculations of the manufacturer's company is 3 ... 5%.

The main disadvantage of energy-efficient and powerful houses is the problem with air quality in hermetic unbelievable rooms. This problem occurs due to the large number of unprofitable building materials used: insulation, finishing materials, plastics, synthetic resins, etc., which in the course of operation are isolated into the air of the substance adversely affecting a person.

An indispensable condition for the construction of such houses is the presence of highly qualified designers and workers. This is due to the need to carefully comply with construction technology. For example, even a small looseness of vapor barrier with the device inside the building, or the abolished concrete jumper, or seams with a large amount of solution can be reduced to no effort to seal at home, and the marriage correction can cost very expensive.

In Russia, the design and construction of energy-efficient houses is in the experiment. The first experience of energy efficient construction can be called an experimental residential building built in 2001 in the Moscow microdistrict Nikulino-2. With its construction, for the first time in our country, a set of measures to reduce energy consumption during the operation of housing was used. In the building, heat-splashes for hot water supply were installed, using heat and removed ventilation air, the heating system, which ensures the possibility of consumption and regulating the heat consumed, and external enclosing structures with increased heat shield are applied.

According to the Civil Code of Housing and Communal Services of Housing and Utilities Group, today in the Russian regions is designing and building 29 energy-efficient houses, 19 houses (Belgorod, Ufa, Kazan, Angarsk, etc.) are built and commissioned. In December 2010, the first 19-apartment energy-efficient residential building was commissioned in Barnaul. To reduce heat loss through the walls of the building, one of the most modern technologies was applied - the system of insulation of the facades "wet type" "Classic" (Samara). "The system fully covers the heated building, excludes the bridges of the cold, timely removes the possible moisture, makes it impossible to form mold and fungus, the optimal balance of temperature and humidity is created," the director-General, director "Bar Naulgeryzhdannproekt", also created. Meridional orientation of the building will increase the heat gain to the house from solar radiation. The house has solar collectors that give energy for lighting and hot water supply, the air recovery system is functioning. A thermal field is also created to provide hot water supply and heating. In general, energy savings should be 52%. At the same time, the cost of 1 m2 amounted to 44 thousand rubles, which is approximately 1.5 times more expensive than typical analogues.

In the low-rise construction sector, the RDI Group - "Country project" - "Velux" in the Moscow region on the territory of the Western Valley project was carried out by a pilot project "Active Home". It is equipped with all the innovations of energy-saving technologies. The cost of a two-storey cottage area of \u200b\u200babout 200 m2 amounted to about 40 million rubles. The cost of heating and hot water supply "Active House", according to preliminary calculations will be 12,566 rubles. in year. Costs of the ordinary house heated at the expense of gas - 24,000 rubles. per year, at the expense of electricity - 217,000 per year. Next to the "active house", ordinary Cottages are sold by a comparable area - 220 m2 of 12 million rubles. .

It is clear that with the mass construction of such houses, the cost of a square meter will decrease. In the Russian market, building materials and engineering systems are already presented to build such buildings. We need to go to their typical building. Understanding this problem at the state level led to the creation of the Federal Law of 23.11.2009 No. 261-FZ "On Energy Saving and Enhancing Energy Efficiency ...", in accordance with which since 2012, the energy efficiency passports of industrial and residential buildings will be introduced everywhere.

The exhaustion of non-renewable energy resources makes think about more consciously to use them, and the creation of energy-efficient houses is one of the steps on this path.


  1. Shirok E.I. Ecode of zero power consumption - a real step towards sustainable development / E.I. Shirokov // Architecture and construction of Russia. - 2009. - № 2. - p.35-39.
  2. Zaitsev I. Passive house - a dream or everyday life? / I. Zaytsev / mechnologies of construction. - 2008. - № 4. - P. 36-39.
  3. Kuznetsov A. Design of energy-saving buildings / A. Kuznetsov // Design and survey work in construction. - 2010. - №1. - P. 15-20
  4. Ivanova N. Energy Efficient Home / N.Ivanova // Country Review. - 2011. - №11. - P. 10-12.
  5. Build your home. Energy saving country houses. http://www.mensh.ru/solnechnye_doma_v_kanade
  6. http://www.fondgkh.ru/news/44215 HTM /
  7. The effectiveness of the energy efficient house in Russia (video). Information and reference portal "Design. Exquisition. Building".

A.Yu. Zhigulin, Cand. tehn science
Samara State
architectural and construction

In the Federal Law No. 261 on energy saving and increasing energy efficiency of November 23, 2009 (hereinafter - the "Energy Saving Act") establishes the requirements of energy efficiency, the list of energy survey facilities, goals and timing of the energy inspection of buildings, organizations and industrial enterprises.

This section analyzes the regulatory and legislative framework for the introduction of energy passports of buildings. The separation in the FZ-261 of all buildings into two types is shown.

  1. Buildings of budgetary organizations and fuel and energy enterprises, which should receive the passports of the established sample at mandatory.
  2. For other buildings there is a voluntary procedure for energy audit and issuing passports.

Links to the form of an energy passport provided for compulsory issuance and documents that determine the energy efficiency classes of buildings and engineering equipment, expert comments on the form and procedures for the preparation of energy carriers, information on administrative responsibility for violations in the field of energy efficiency, general information on labeling and regulation directions of the main construction Building elements to ensure their overall energy efficiency.

1.1. Monitoring of legislation in the field of energy efficiency of buildings

V.L.Grishin - Deputy National Director of the UNDP Project "Increasing Energy Efficiency of Buildings in the North-West of Russia", Director of the North-West Branch of Abbe CJSC and lead author "Modern aspects of the energy efficiency of buildings in Russia. A manual for regional authorities "(at the time of the preparation of this review is in print) provided compilers of this review with the possibility of using a book fragment on the monitoring of legislation in the field of energy efficiency of buildings.

The used section of the book was given a characteristic of the authority of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local government in terms of the implementation of the Law on Energy Saving, practical examples of regional legislation of St. Petersburg are given (58 Kb), Article 9.16 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation containing the norms of responsibility for violation of legislation in the Russian Federation in the field of energy efficiency of buildings.

The book contains a block diagram, reflecting the distribution of powers in the implementation of the implementation of the FZ No. 261-FZ, on which the authorities associated with the energy efficiency of buildings are allocated (73 Kb)The table reflects the entire system of regulatory documents in legislation for buildings with efficient use of energy (69 kb). This material gives the most common and fairly complete picture of the regulatory regulation in this direction.

1.2. Energy surveys - objects and objectives

Energy survey (energy audit) is carried out to determine the class of energy efficiency of the building and facilities, assessing its compliance with the requirements of the energy efficiency program. The "Energy Saving Law" provides for the energy suite of the following types of facilities:

  • administrative buildings;
  • structures and industrial facilities;
  • apartment buildings;
  • residential and public buildings.

The main objectives of the energy survey are:

  • obtaining objective data on the amount of energy resources used;
  • determination of energy efficiency indicators;
  • determining the potential of energy saving and increasing energy efficiency;
  • development of a list of typical, publicly available energy saving measures and an increase in energy efficiency and conducting their valuation;
  • drawing up an energy passport of the object.

1.3. Mandatory and voluntary energy survey

The "Energy Saving Law" establishes a mandatory energy inspection of buildings and structures of state authorities and fuel and energy enterprises, as well as organizations carrying out regulated activities up to December 31, 2012, followed by periodic energy surveys at least once every five years. In addition to this, the "Energy Saving Law" obliges responsible persons (developer, the owner of the building) to ensure the compliance of the commissioning, repaired or overhaul of the buildings of the provisions of energy efficiency and the requirements of the equipment of consumed energy resources consumed. For non-compliance with the requirements established in the "Energy Saving Law", a number of penalties of an administrative nature are provided.

1.7. Energy Efficiency of Buildings - the role of fences, materials and engineering systems

The experience of European countries shows that it is significantly improving the energy efficiency of under construction and existing buildings and obtain a high assessment based on the results of the energy audit allows the use of modern materials, equipment and technologies.

Significant energy savings are achieved during the operation of modern engineering systems. Vice President Avok A.L. Naumov in their presentation "Approach to the definition of an energy efficiency class of the building" (1.1 MB) Demonstrated the potential of energy saving when used in buildings of the most efficient engineering equipment.

The most energy-intensive engineering equipment are pumps, ventilation plants and refrigeration machines.

Article 9.16 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation

  • Non-compliance with the design, construction, reconstruction, major repairs of buildings, buildings, structures of energy efficiency requirements and equipment of accounting devices - a fine for legal entities from 500 to 600 thousand rubles.
  • Failure to comply with persons responsible for the maintenance of apartment buildings, energy efficiency requirements, a fine for officials from 5 to 10 thousand rubles, for legal entities - from 20 to 30 thousand rubles.
  • Failure to observe by persons responsible for the maintenance of apartment buildings, requirements for the development of proposals for energy saving - a fine for officials from 5 to 10 thousand rubles, for legal entities - from 20 to 30 thousand rubles.
  • Non-compliance with organizations obliged to carry out activities on the installation, replacement, operation of accounting devices, requirements for the provision of proposals for equipping metering devices, is a penalty for legal entities from 100 to 150 thousand rubles.
  • Failure to comply with non-residential buildings, structures, structures in the process of their operation of energy efficiency requirements, a fine for legal entities from 100 to 150 thousand rubles.
  • Failure to comply with the deadlines of the mandatory energy survey - a fine for legal entities from 50 to 250 thousand rubles.
  • Failure to comply with the requirements for the presentation of a copy of the energy passport - a fine for legal entities of 10 thousand rubles.
  • Failure to comply with organizations with the participation of a state or municipality, and equal to organizations that carry out regulated activities, the requirements for adopting programs in the field of energy saving, is a fine for legal entities from 50 to 100 thousand rubles.
  • Placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, the provision of services for state or municipal needs that do not meet the requirements of their energy efficiency is a penalty for legal entities from 50 to 100 thousand rubles.
  • Unreasonable refusal or evasion of the organization, obligated to carry out activities on the installation, replacement, operation of accounting instruments, is a fine for legal entities from 50 to 100 thousand rubles.

"In existing regulatory documents, energy audit is the filling of the energy passport of the established form. The presence of a report, performing measurements at the facility, the study of energy-saving events is not regulated and are not obligatory. The energyport for the average budget institution (without affiliates) requires compulsory filling of about 1600-1700 fields, the overwhelming majority of which are numerical. That is, you need to get information from the customer and enter it into the necessary passport cell. Suppose all information from the customer also has to search and convert information for one field only 10 min. In this case, in order to fill the energy passport of one institution, 30-40 business days are necessary. What is the value of this bulk document? How can you check the correctness of information listed in the energyport?

Check the energyport is absolutely impossible, since its main content is the primary information of the customer. For standard budgetary institutions, the meaning of the energy passport is reduced to determine the consumption of energy resources on the conditional unit (per student, one patient, etc.). These values \u200b\u200bare absolutely incompatible for different institutions. The format of the energy consport is designed for enterprises of the "Uralmash" and AvtoVAZ scale, but applied to kindergartens. "

Under the thermal protection of buildings, the heat-shield properties of the aggregate of external and internal enclosing structures, providing a given level of thermal energy flow to heating with the optimal parameters of the microclimate of its premises. Under the energy efficiency of buildings, the heat engineering and energy parameters of the building are understood (the combustion of heat shields and engineering systems), which allow for normalized power consumption. To assess the energy efficiency of buildings, the criteria for energy efficiency should be identified and ways to achieve them are revealed.

Until recently, the criteria for evaluating the energy efficiency of buildings and their numerical values \u200b\u200bin the norms were absent. Such an opportunity appeared as a result of the development and approval of the new SNiP 23-02-2003 "Thermal Protection of Buildings". What are the main features of the new SNiP and the criteria for thermal protection of buildings? What are the classes of buildings for energy efficiency? What are the ways to achieve the predetermined energy efficiency of buildings? These and other issues are responsible in their article by the head of the Energy Saving Laboratory and Microclimate of the Buildings of the Stroyphysics of Rasn Yuri Matrosov.

Criteria for thermal protection

There are two groups of mandatory to execute interconnected criteria for thermal protection of the building, as well as two ways to check for compliance with these criteria. They are based on:

a) normalized thermal resistance values \u200b\u200bfor individual enclosing structures of thermal protection of the building calculated on the basis of the normalized values \u200b\u200bof the specific flow rate of thermal energy to heating and preserved from the previous SNiP P-3-79 *. The normalized thermal resistance values \u200b\u200bare established by types of buildings and premises, as well as on separate enclosing structures. They are determined by table values \u200b\u200bor by formulas, established depending on the degree of the heating period in the construction area;

b) the normalized specific flow rate of thermal energy to the heating of a building, allowing to vary the heat shield properties of the enclosing structures of buildings (with the exception of production buildings), taking into account the choice of microclimate and heat maintenance systems for achieving the normalized indicator. The normalized values \u200b\u200bof the specific consumption of thermal energy do not depend on the construction area, since they are attributed to the degree of the heating period. Table 1 shows the normalized values \u200b\u200bof this indicator.

The way that design will be carried out, chooses a project organization or customer. Methods and ways to achieve these standards are selected when designing.

New norms are harmonized with international standards. In particular, indicators of energy efficiency with the requirements of laws (directives) of the European Commonwealth (Directive 2002/91 / EC and 93/76 Save) are agreed.

The selection of individual elements of heat shields begin with determining the estimated specific need for heat energy to heating, analyzing the effect of individual components on the heat balance and highlighting elements of heat shields where the greatest loss of thermal energy occur. Then, for selected heat protection elements and heating and heat supply systems, structural and engineering solutions are developing, providing the normalized value of the specific need for thermal energy to heating the building.

Classification of Energy Efficiency Buildings

Table 2 presents the classification of buildings according to the degree of deviation of the estimated or measured normalized values \u200b\u200bof the specific costs of thermal energy to the heating of the building from the normalized value. This classification belongs to both newly built and reconstructed buildings, the projects of which are developed in accordance with the requirements of the norms described above and to the exploited buildings built on the standards operating until 1995.

To the classes A, B and C, the buildings whose projects are developed on new standards can be attributed. During operation, the energy efficiency of such buildings may differ from the project data for the better (classes A and B) within the limits specified in the table. In case of identifying class A and B, local governments or investors, it is recommended to apply economic stimulus activities. For example, in Moscow in May 2005, the Order of the First Deputy Prime Minister of Moscow Vladimir Resin approved "Regulations on stimulating the design and construction of energy-efficient buildings for them to produce energy-saving products."

Classes D and E belong to the exploited buildings erected by norms in force during the construction period. Class D complies with the standards that operated until 1995. These classes provide information to local governments or the owners of buildings on the need to take urgent or less urgent activities aimed at improving energy efficiency. For example, for the buildings in the class E, the urgent reconstruction of the stroch of energy efficiency is necessary.

The advantages of the second method

The selection of thermal protection levels for individual elements of external fences of the buildings are carried out in such a way when the combination of these levels leads to one main result - specific consumption in thermal energy to heating. This means that the level of heat shields for individual external enclosing structures may be lower, equal to or higher than the element level installed in the norms. Another possibility is compensation reduced compared to the elementary level of heat shocks for some elements of the enhanced structures increased for others. For example, for a 10-storey three-section residential building in Yekaterinburg, a structural circuit was applied - a frame with filling walls of light concrete. When choosing the value of the normalized heat transfer resistance for the walls in the first method, we obtain 3, 57 m2 * ° C / W, and according to the second method - 2, 57 m2. ° C / W. Such a decrease in the normalized thermal resistance value was obtained by accounting for additional factors affecting the energy consumption for heating. In this case, the specific need for energy by calculation 71, 3 kJ / (m2 * ° C * day) with a norm 72 kJ / (m2 * ° C * day).

This possibility is obtained because the influence of factors that are not taken into account in the calculation of elemental rationing is taken into account. For example, volume-planning solutions, in particular the width of the building, have a significant impact on the need for thermal energy. Snap shows the recommended values \u200b\u200bof the ratios of the internal surfaces of the exterior enclosing structures to the volume closed in them, under which energy-efficient buildings layouts will be obtained. These requirements are recommended, and therefore they do not limit the choice of architectural solutions. In the event that the architectural solution of the building is not energy efficient, then you should choose increased requirements for thermal protection in order to compensate for this waste.

An important role is played by the orientation of the building. With a successful choice of orientation, the building becomes a more significant effect of solar radiation, therefore, in this case, the level of heat shields as in general, and according to individual elements can be reduced.

From the above examples, it can be seen that it is possible to achieve the requirements of SNiP by various ways or their combinations. SNiP stimulates the designer to find the most profitable combinations. For example, when designing task: install a new level of heat protection for | Outdoor walls are 30% lower "The level established in the elemental rationing. Such a task when using the second method is possible to solve several ways. The first way is to choose a more efficient volume-planning solution, increasing the width of the building from 12 to 16 m. If this is not enough, It is possible to try to establish an elevated heat-stabilization level for attic or base floors. Or carry out the replacement of windows to more energy-efficient or reduce the glass of the facade of the building. Another method is the use of a decentralized heat supply system, such as a gas boiler room installed on the roof of the building, instead of Connections to a centralized heat supply system.

Control of parameters and energy audit of buildings

The new SNiP demanded to monitor the quality of thermal insulation of each building when accepting it into operation by the thermographic survey method according to GOST 26629. Such control will help identify hidden defects and eliminate them to the departure of builders from the construction site. Also, the new SNiP demanded that selective control of the air permeability of the premises of buildings according to the new GOST 31167.

The new Snof also contains guidelines for the control of heat engineering and energy parameters during the operation of buildings. Parameter monitoring is carried out using an energy audit on New GOST 31168.

The energy audit of the building is defined as a sequence of actions aimed at determining the energy efficiency of the building. The results of the energy audit are the basis of the classification and certification of energy efficiency buildings.

In the new Snof, it provides for the mandatory development of a new section of the project of buildings "Energy Efficiency". In this section, consolidated energy efficiency indicators of project decisions should be presented in the appropriate parts of the building project. Consolidated energy efficiency indicators must be compared with the regulatory indicators of the current norms. This section is performed on approved stages of pre-project and project documentation. The development of this section is carried out by the project organization. Examination authorities should verify compliance with the standards of pre-project and project documentation in a comprehensive conclusion.

Selection of constructive solutions providing the necessary heat protection of buildings

Fencing structures of buildings should provide the normalized heat transfer resistance with a minimum of heat-conducting inclusions and tightness of the butt compounds in combination with reliable vapor barrier, which reduces the penetration of water vapors into the fencing and excluding the possibility of moisture accumulation during operation. Fencing structures must have the necessary strength, rigidity, resistant, durability. From the inner and outdoor sides, they must have protection against external influences. In addition, they must satisfy the general architectural, operational, sanitary and hygienic requirements.

The necessary air flow should be provided through special adjustable supply holes in the walls, located either in translucent structures, or in the walls, and also partially due to breathability of translucent structures. Air extractor, as a rule, is carried out at the expense of a ventilation system with natural motivation.

One example of applying new materials is modified light polystyrene. This material has advantages from a heat engineering point of view to create energy-efficient enclosing structures.

Our position: All materials and designs of them have the full right to exist. It is necessary to know their properties, find the rational area of \u200b\u200btheir use and correctly use them from a heat engineering point of view. To this end, a set of rules of the SP 23-101-2004 "Design of thermal protection of buildings" was developed.

Our certificate

Why do you need an energy passport of the building?

Passport appointment is to prove the energy quality of the building (project, erected or operated) and its compliance with regulatory requirements.

When using the computer version of the energy passport, the energy balance calculations and the choice of the most optimal thermal protection options, using the "What - if?" Method, when it is necessary to find the value of the parameter, for example, the normalized resistance value of the outer wall heat transfer, at which the value of the target function of the specific energy consumption has become equal to the desired value.

The energy passport gives potential buyers and tenants specific information that they can expect from the energy efficiency of the building. More energy efficient buildings may prefer, since in them the amount of payments for energy is significantly lower. The energy passport is also easy to substantiate preferential taxation, lending, subsidies for an objective assessment of the cost of living space in the housing market, etc.

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