
Mobile inventory buildings and structures. Mobile (inventory) buildings. Ministry of Energy and Electrification of the USSR

GOST 25957-83

UDC 725.4: 006.354

Group z50

State Standard of the SSR Union

Mobile buildings and facilities



Terms and Definitions

Date of introduction 1984-07-01

Developed by the Central Research and Research and Design and Experimental Institute of Organization, Mechanization and Technical Assistance to Construction (CNIIIMTP) State Building of the USSR

Ministry of Transport Construction

Leningrad Zonal Research and Design Institute of Model and Experimental Design of Residents and public buildings (Lenzniyep) State Guide

Ministry of installation and special construction work the USSR

Ministry of Energy and Electrification of the USSR

Research Institute building structures (ORIS) Gosstroy USSR


I.V.Stpanov, Kand.Tehn. Nauk; N.I. Lebedeva; O.V. YOREHOVA; P.P. Solenik, Kand.Tehn. Nauk; I.B.Kaspa, Cand.Tehn. Nauk; A.M. Makeev, Kand.Tehn. Nauk; M.S. Sobchenko; E.V. Bondarenko; Yu.I.Velly, Cand.Tehn. Nauk; L.I.Zimin; A.I. Kostrov; L.S.nefah; V.S. Pononarev; V.A. Puntus; N.N.Karasev, Cand. tehn yuk; Yu.K.Mironov, Cand.Tehn. Nauk; Yu.N. Morozov, Cand.Tehn. Nauk; B.A. Blokhin; N.I.Derdov; A.F. Zelenov; I.N.Takchenko, Cand.Tehn. Nauk; A.Ya. Cyotov, Kand.Tehn. Nauk; Yu.M.Vinogradov, Cand.Tehn. Nauk; P.A. Dymenyuk; I.V. Bely, Cand.Tehn. Nauk; G.V. Matsev; V.V. Bakonin

Made by the Central Research and Research and Experimental Institute of Organization, Mechanization and Technical Assistance to Construction (TNIIIMTP) State Building of the USSR

Director E.A. Dolginin

Approved and put into effect by the Resolution of the USSR State Committee on Construction Affairs of October 25, 1983 N 287

This standard applies to mobile (inventory) buildings and structures used for the needs of construction, and establishes their classification, terms and definitions.

Classification, terms and definitions established by this standard are required for applying all species, technical and reference literature in the documentation.

1. Classification

1.1. Mobile (inventory) buildings and structures are classified according to the following features:

type of mobility;

compliance with climatic influences and loads;

functional purpose.

1.2. By type of mobility Mobile (inventory) buildings and structures are divided into:



1.3. According to climatic influences and loads, mobile (inventory) buildings and structures are divided by execution depending on the calculated temperature of the outer air, snow and wind loads.

1.4. According to the functional purpose, mobile (inventory) buildings and structures are divided into species and varieties (nomenclature) specified in Table. one.

Table 1


1. Production


repair and mechanical;




carpentry carpentry;

preparation of finishing materials;



repair of small mechanization;

repair of construction machines;

car repair.

Station maintenance and repairing machinery and vehicles (pretelling).



control of welded connections


concreteral mixing with warehouses;

concrete mixing with warehouses;

molding and heat treatment of reinforced concrete products;

asphalt concrete;


trapping of spring;

water intake from surface sources;

water purification of surface sources;

disinfection of water;

obtaining water from hard atmospheric precipitation;

definking water underground sources;

wastewater treatment.



pumping over the artesian wells;


Power station.

Complete transformer substation.

Water tower.

Water tank.

Boiler room.

2. Warehouse



instrumental dispensing normal mechanisms,

tools and equipment for the production of work.

Warehouse material and technical.

Warehouse of the Technology Equipment.

Cement warehouse.

Warehouse of aggregates for concrete.

3. Auxiliary


Building for classes and cultural events.

Wardrobe (with washed, resting room and dryer).

Shower with dressing room.

Building for short-term recreation, heating and drying clothing workers.

Dryer for clothes and shoes workers.

Restroom with women's hygiene rooms.

Dining rooms:

on semi-finished products (catching);


on raw materials (preparation).


Residential buildings:




5. Public

Office with radio mouse.

Children's nursery.

Healthy health

Feldsher-obstetric item with the hospital.

Mixed trade store (everyday demand).

Dining room (on raw materials with bread baking).

Reception of the household service plant.

Household Service Combine

Bath laundry.


Healthcare with insulator.

2. Terms and definitions

2.1. For each concept there is one standardized term. The use of the synonyms of the standardized term is prohibited. Invalid to the use of term synonyms are given as reference and designated "NDP".

For individual standardized terms, the standard contains their brief forms that are allowed to apply in cases that exclude their different interpretation.

2.2. In standard is given alphabetical index Terminals contained in it.

2.3. Standardized terms are scored in bold, their brief form - light, unacceptable synonyms - italics (Table 2).

table 2


General concepts

1. Mobile (inventory)

building or construction

NDP. Motovka. Mobile home. Vagon-house. Wagon-hostel. Inventory room

2. Mobile Mobility Type

Type of building. Type of constructions

3. Mobile (inventory)

context Building or Constructionnerny type

Container building.

Container construction

NDP. Moving. Van. Va-

4. Mobile (inventory)building or buildingcollapsible type

Collapsible building. Sbo-

rNO-folding facility

5. Mobile execution (invaluary) building or sorahvia

Station building. Execution


6. Mobile view (inventory) buildings or structures

7. Nomenclature Mobile(inventory) buildings and sorahlength

Nomenclature of buildings.

Nomenclature of facilities

8. Mobile (inventory) buildings and (or) structures

Mobile complex

9. Mobile rental base

(inventory) buildings and (or)


Base rental

NDP. Rental base. Office


10. Mobile Park (inventory) buildings and structures

Park of buildings and structures

11. Mobile set (inventory

round) buildings and structures

12. Mobile kit (Investnutrons) buildings and structures

Complete building or construction

factory supplies, the design of which

ryo provides the possibility of his redeployment

Classification category Mobile(inventory) buildings or constructionon the basis of constructive solidcharacterized by a continuertransition them from redeploymentto operate

Mobile (inventory) building or construction consisting of one blockcontainer full breeding preparednesstee, replicated on any fitvehicles, includingincluding on your own chassis

Mobile (inventory) building or

construction consisting of separate

block containers, flat and linear elements or their combinations are connectedin the design system in placeoperating

List of mobile varieties(inventory) buildings and structures, SISthemed according to functionalappointment, indicating the main softwarekazel

buildings and (or) structuresto perform interrelatedoperational tasks

Specialized organization, inwhose functionsmobile construction (inventorybuildings and (or) structures,including their transportation, installation,operation and disassembly

Mobile (inventory) buildings and structures thatthere is a base of rental

Mobile (inventory)buildings and structures of variousfunctional purpose, type I.capacity (power, etc.), it is necessarydIMI to ensure normal actionorganism exploiting themzoom

Mobile (inventory)buildings and structures necessary for the organization of the construction site

Mobile (inventory) buildings and structures

13. Block container

NDP. Container. Block-box.

Volume block

14. Own chassis of mobile (inventory) buildings or facilities


15. Basic product

16. Basic design

Bulk element full factory


Note. Volumetric element maybe

be closed, unlocked transformable

Transport device, intended for redeployment of mobile(inventory) Building or Constructioncontainer type.

Note. Own running

can be removable or non-removable

According to GOST 23945.1-80

According to GOST 23945.1-80

Parameters of mobile (inventory) buildings and structures

17. Main indicator functionnational Mobile or Complex

Basic Indicator

18. Mobile turnover(inventory) building,construction or complex

Building turnover, soo rhines or complex

19. Estimated service life

mobile (inventory)

buildings or structures

20. Estimated conditions operationmobile (inventory) buildings or structures

The calculated conditions of operation

21. Mobile service life(inventory) Building or Construction

22. Reliability

23. Limit

24. Working

25. Technical resource

26. Mobile class (Inventtare) Building or Construction

Building Class or Construction

27. View of the discipline of recovery (maintaining) of the working capacity of mobile (inventory) building or facility

Discipline recovery

(maintenance) performance

Mobile (inventory) parameter

buildings, facilities or complex, ha protecting it technologicalfunction, capacity (technologicalcapacity) or power.

Note. Examples of capacity

(power) buildings, structures or

the complex is the number of servicing

my people, the amount of products,

radiant as a result of technological

whom the process, the volume of stored

dUKTSIES, etc.

Number of Mobile Advanced

(inventory) building, facilities

or complex for a certain kalen

darial time

Established by the norms

mobile operation (Invent

tare) building or construction, in those

which it should save

his consumer qualities

Averaged system (unified

, standardized, etc.) ex-

plugging requirements for mobile

(inventory) buildings or facilities

in the form of values \u200b\u200bof load indicators,

impacts, coefficients, etc.

According to GOST 13377-75

According to GOST 13377-75

According to GOST 13377-75

According to GOST 13377-75

According to GOST 13377-75

According to GOST 23642-79

According to GOST 23642-79

Application of mobile (inventory) buildings and structures

28. Mobile application

(inventory) building, sorahor complex

Application of building, facilities or complex

29. Advanced

mobile (inventory) building, facilities or complex

Contents of the building, the Sora or complex

30. Mounting Mobile (Invent Tarn) Building, Construction or Complex

31. Dismantling mobile (invaluary) building, facilities or complex

The process covering the redistribution

, storage, repair, installation, ex-

predation and dismantling of mobile (in-

valuary) building, facilities or


Mobile movement (inventory

) Buildings, facilities or complex

with the help of vehicles with one

at home

Assembly and compound of flat, line

and volumetric elements, as well as

women's networks building, facilities or

complex installation in working (for

buildings and container structures

type) or project (for buildings

and collapsible structures

type) position with consolidation

rugs and various kinds of equipment

, furniture, placement of a building or

structures on supports (base) with

connect to a building or building

engineering technological equipment

providing raw materials

water, steam and energy, device

land and performing other works

providing preparation and operation

mobile (inventory)

, Construction or complex

Process returning mobile mob

(inventory) building, facilities

or complex

Designed to create required conditions For working for the execution period of the CMR.

For the purpose of mobile (inventory) buildings are divided into four functional technological groups, each of which is characterized by a certain nomenclature of buildings:

1) Production - instrumental, repairman workshops, boilers on liquid and solid fuel, plastering and painting stations, laboratories, pumping stations, power plants diesel and gas turbine, transformer substations, multifunctional buildings;

2) warehouse - storerooms for storing materials, products, appliances, equipment and equipment; storeroom instrumental-solid, normocompacts of mechanisms, tools and inventory;

3) auxiliary - office of the master and prolage, buildings for leisure and heating of workers, buildings for conducting classes and cultural events, dilapidated dushing (buffets) and harvesting, showers and dressing rooms, toilets, medplexes, dispatch;

4) Residential, communal and public and public - for living and serving working and members of their families.

By constructive solutions Mobile (inventory) buildings are divided into three types: Collapsible, container (including mobile), air-powered, each of which combines several constructive options.

Square of mobile (inventory) buildings are calculated as follows: for the office, based on the total number of games, employees or only linear personnel; For sanitary and domestic, based on the maximum number of working in shift, for the dressing rooms, based on the total number of workers, constructed on construction.

In the total number of employees some categories - Workers, ITER, employees, MOS and protection - can be tentatively to be taken according to Table. four:

The most widely used on construction sites mobile (inventory) buildings are building sanitary and domestic buildings for workers: wardrobe, washbasin, showers, room drying and shoes, premises for personal hygiene women, recreation facilities, facilities for meals. Near jobs should include platforms for recreation working, smoking areas (equipped with fire inventors), protective shelters from precipitation and solar radiation. When designing sanitary and household premises, the following services are allowed: Washing with a wardrobe; Washing with shower; Wardrobe with shower; Wardrobe with drying clothes and shoes; Recreation room with a room for heating workers and meals. It is not allowed washed, wardrobe, room for drying clothes and shoes combining with premises for recreation, heating of workers, food intake.

Wardrobe are designed to dress up, storing outdoms and working clothes.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe dressing room is determined, based on their number of workers in the brigade and the regulatory area for 1 person. (Table 5).

Wardrobe must be equipped with closets for clothing storage. Sizes of lockers, cm: width - 90, depth - 20, height - 180.

Washing design in accordance with the data of the table below, based on the number of workers in the brigade and the regulatory area for 1 person. (Table 6).

The scenery of the shower and the number of shower horns for the brigades of various numbers is determined according to the data of the table below, based on the number of workers in the brigade and the regulatory area for 1 person. (Table 7).

The number of places for drying clothes and shoes is designed for 100% of the list of workers engaged in construction, at the rate of 0.2 m2 per 1 place.

The area of \u200b\u200bpremises for personal hygiene women is determined based on the number of women according to Table 8:

The toilet area is determined, based on the number of operating and standards of the area for 1 person. According to Table. nine:

Premises for recreation workers design, based on the standards of the area for 1 person. and the number of workers in the most numerous shift on the table. 10:

Premises for meals are advisable to combine with recreation facilities workers. The area of \u200b\u200bfacilities for food and recreation is taken according to Table. eleven:

All sanitary and household premises should be equipped with water supply, sewage, heating and ventilation, electricity, cold and hot water should be supplied to them. The latter is fed to showers, washbasins, cabins for personal hygiene women and a room for meals, as well as for the heating of household premises. Wardrobe, washbasin, showers, facilities for food, rest, drying clothes and shoes, personal hygiene women should be placed at a distance of about 100 m from jobs. Premises for heating, drinking installations and toilets - 50 meters from jobs. The maximum distance of T of workplaces to sanitary houses should not exceed 200 m.

In some cases on construction site Organize production and household towns consisting of a set of mobile (inventory) buildings.

  • NEXT\u003e

GOST 25957-83

Group z50

State Standard of the SSR Union

Buildings and facilities Mobile (inventory)


Terms and Definitions

Mobile Buildings and Constructions. Classification. Terms and Definitions.

Date of introduction 1984-07-01

Developed by the Central Research and Research and Design and Experimental Institute of Organization, Mechanization and Technical Assistance to Construction (CNIIIMTP) State Building of the USSR

Ministry of Transport Construction

Leningrad Zonal Research and Design Institute of Model and Experimental Design of Residential and Public Buildings (LenzniIEP) State Guide

Ministry of Assembly and Special Construction Works of the USSR

Ministry of Energy and Electrification of the USSR

Research Institute of Building Designs (Nisi) State Building of the USSR


I.V.Stpanov, Cand. tehn sciences; N.I. Lebedeva; O.V. YOREHOVA; P.P. Solaynik, Cand. tehn sciences; I.B. Kaspa, Cand. tehn sciences; A.M. Makeev, Cand. tehn sciences; M.S. Sobchenko; E.V. Bondarenko; Yu.I.Velly, Cand. tehn sciences; L.I.Zimin; A.I. Kostrov; L.S.nefah; V.S. Pononarev; V.A. Puntus; N.N.Karasev, Cand. tehn sciences; Yu.K.Mironov, Cand. tehn sciences; Yu.N. Morozov, Cand. tehn sciences; B.A. Blokhin; N.I.Derdov; A.F. Zelenov; I.N.kachenko, Cand. tehn sciences; A.Ya. Cyotov, Cand. tehn sciences; Yu.M.Vinogradov, Cand. tehn sciences; P.A. Dymenyuk; I.V. Bely, Cand. tehn sciences; G.V. Matsev; V.V. Bakonin

Made by the Central Research and Research and Experimental Institute of Organization, Mechanization and Technical Assistance to Construction (TNIIIMTP) State Building of the USSR

Director E.A. Dolginin

Approved and put into effect by the Resolution of the USSR State Committee on Construction Affairs of October 25, 1983 N 287

This standard applies to mobile (inventory) buildings and structures used for the needs of construction, and establishes their classification, terms and definitions.

Classification, terms and definitions established by this standard are required for applying all species, technical and reference literature in the documentation.

1. Classification

1. Classification

1.1. Mobile (inventory) buildings and structures are classified according to the following features:

type of mobility;

compliance with climatic influences and loads;

functional purpose.

1.2. By type of mobility Mobile (inventory) buildings and structures are divided into:



1.3. According to climatic influences and loads, mobile (inventory) buildings and structures are divided by execution depending on the calculated temperature of the outer air, snow and wind loads.

1.4. According to the functional purpose, mobile (inventory) buildings and structures are divided into species and varieties (nomenclature) specified in Table 1.

Table 1


1. Production


repair and mechanical;




carpentry carpentry;

preparation of finishing materials;



repair of small mechanization;

repair of construction machines;

car repair.

Station of maintenance and repair of construction machines and cars (profilatement).



control of welded connections.


concreteral mixing with warehouses;

concrete mixing with warehouses;

molding and heat treatment of reinforced concrete products;

asphalt concrete;


trapping of spring;

water intake from surface sources;

water purification of surface sources;

disinfection of water;

obtaining water from hard atmospheric precipitation;

definking water underground sources;

wastewater treatment.



pumping over the artesian wells;


Power station.

Complete transformer substation.

Water tower.

Water tank.

Boiler room.

2. Warehouse



tool-disassembly normocompute mechanisms, tools and inventory for the production of work.

Warehouse material and technical.

Warehouse of the Technology Equipment.

Cement warehouse.

Warehouse of aggregates for concrete.

3. Auxiliary


Building for classes and cultural events.

Wardrobe (with washed, resting room and dryer).

Shower with dressing room.

Building for short-term recreation, heating and drying clothing workers.

Dryer for clothes and shoes workers.


Restroom with women's hygiene rooms.

Dining rooms:

on semi-finished products (catching);


on raw materials (preparation).

Medpunk insulator.

Residential buildings:




5. Public

Office with radio mouse.

Children's nursery.

Healthy health

Feldsher-obstetric item with the hospital.

Mixed trade store (everyday demand).

Dining room (on raw materials with bread baking).


Reception of the household service plant.

Combine household service.

Bath laundry.


Healthcare with insulator.

2. Terms and definitions

2.1. For each concept there is one standardized term. The use of the synonyms of the standardized term is prohibited. Invalid to the use of term synonyms are given as reference and designated "NDP".

For individual standardized terms, the standard contains their brief forms that are allowed to apply in cases that exclude their different interpretation.

2.2. The standard shows the alphabetic pointer to the terms contained in it.

2.3. Standardized terms are scored in bold, their brief form - light, unacceptable synonyms - italics (Table 2).

table 2



General concepts

1. Mobile (Inventory) Building or Construction

NDP. Motovka. Mobile home. Car house. Wagon-hostel. Inventory

Building or construction of a complete factory delivery, the design of which provides the possibility of its redeployment

2. Type of Mobile Mobile (Inventory) Building or Construction

Type of building. Type of constructions

3. Mobile (inventory) Building or construction of container type

Container building.
Container construction

NDP. Moving. Van. Railway carriage

Mobile (inventory) building or structure consisting of one block container of complete factory readiness, replicated on any suitable vehicles, including on its own chassis

4. Mobile (inventory) Building or structure of collapsible type

Collapsible building. Collaboration

Mobile (inventory) building or structure consisting of separate block containers, flat and linear elements or their combinations connected to the constructive system at the place of operation

5. Mobile (inventory) building or facilities

Station building. Fulfillment of facilities

6. Mobile (inventory) buildings or structures

7. Nomenclature of mobile (inventory) buildings and structures

Nomenclature of buildings.
Nomenclature of facilities

A list of varieties of mobile (inventory) buildings and structures systematized by functional intended indication of the main indicator

8. Mobile (inventory) buildings and (or) structures

Mobile complex

A combination of mobile (inventory) buildings and (or) facilities intended for interrelated operational tasks

9. Base of mobile (inventory) buildings and (or) structures

Base rental

NDP. Rental base. Office

The specialized organization, in the functions of which includes the construction of mobile (inventory) buildings and (or) structures, including their transportation, installation, operation and disassembly

10. Mobile Park (inventory) buildings and structures

Park of buildings and structures

A combination of mobile (inventory) buildings and structures that have a rental base

11. Set of mobile (inventory) buildings and structures

A combination of mobile (inventory) buildings and structures of various functional purposes, type and capacity (power, etc.) required to ensure the normal activity of the operating organization

12. Mobile (inventory) buildings and structures

A combination of mobile (inventory) buildings and structures necessary for the organization of the construction site

Mobile (inventory) buildings and structures

13. Block container

NDP. Container. Block-box. Volume block

Volumetric element of full factory readiness.

Note. The volumetric element may be closed, unlocked transformable

14. Own running
mobile (inventory)
buildings or structures


A transport device intended for redeploying a mobile (inventory) building or container type facilities.

Note. Own chassis can be removable or non-removable

15. Basic product

* In the territory Russian Federation The document does not work. Replaced R 50-54-103-88 (author's design). Per for more information refer to the link

16. Basic design

GOST 27.002-89, here and then in the text. - Note database manufacturer.

22. Reliability

23. Limit

24. Working

25. Technical resource


26. Class of mobile (inventory) building or facilities

Building Class or Construction

* On the territory of the Russian Federation, the document does not work. GOST 27.003-90 is valid, here and then in the text. - Note database manufacturer.

27. View of the discipline of recovery (maintaining) of the working capacity of mobile (inventory) building or facility

Application of mobile (inventory) buildings and structures

28. Application of mobile (inventory) building, facilities or complex

Application of building, facilities or complex

Process covering redeployment, storage, repair, installation, operation and dismantling of mobile (inventory) building, structures or complex

29. Advanced Mobile (inventory) Building, Construction or Complex

Advanced building, facilities or complex

Moving mobile (inventory) buildings, structures or complex with vehicles from one place of operation to another

30. Mounting mobile (inventory) building, facilities or complex

Assembly and compound of flat, linear and volumetric elements, as well as engineering networks Buildings, structures or complex, installation in working (for buildings and container type structures) or design (for buildings and structures of the collapsible type) position with the fixing of structures and various kinds of equipment, furniture, placement of a building or structures on supports (base) with connection to the building or construction of engineering technological equipmentproviding the supply of raw materials, water, steam and energy, grounding device and performing other works that ensure the preparation and operation of mobile (inventory) building, structures or complex

31. Dismantling of mobile (inventory) building, facilities or complex

Process, reverse installation of mobile (inventory) building, facilities or complex

Alphabetical pointer terms

Base rental

Base rental

Base of mobile mobile (inventory) buildings

Mobile (inventory) facilities for rent


Block container

Volume block


Car house


View of the discipline of recovery (maintenance) of mobile operability
(inventory) building

View of the discipline of recovery (maintenance) of the working capacity of the structure

Mobile (inventory) buildings

Mobile (inventory) facilities

Dismantling of mobile (inventory) building

Dismantling of mobile (inventory) complex

Dismantling of mobile (inventory) facilities

Discipline recovery (maintenance) of performance

Mobile House

Building container

Mobile building (inventory)

Building mobile (inventory) container type

Mobile building (inventory) collection-collapsible type

Collapsible building

The product is basic

Building execution

Mobile (inventory) building

Mobile (inventory) facilities

Fulfillment of facilities

Building class

Mobile (inventory) building class

Mobile (inventory) facility class

Construction class

Mobility complex

Mobile (inventory) buildings complex

Mobile (inventory) facilities complex

Mobile (inventory) buildings

Mobile (inventory) structures

Basic design


Office rental

Mounting mobile (inventory) building

Mounting mobile (inventory) complex

Mounting mobile (inventory) facilities

Mobile (inventory) buildings

Set of mobile (inventory) structures



Nomenclature of buildings

Nomenclature of mobile (inventory) buildings

Nomenclature of mobile (inventory) structures

Nomenclature of facilities

Building turnover

Turnover complex

Turnover of construction

Mobile (inventory) Building

Turnover of mobile (inventory) complex

Mobile (inventory) constructions

Park of buildings

Mobile Park (Inventory) Buildings

Mobile Park (inventory) structures

Park of facilities

Advanced building

Advanced complex

Publishing a mobile (inventory) building

Advanced Mobile (Inventory) Complex

Administration of mobile (inventory) constructions

Advanced constructions

The main indicator

The functional indicator of the main mobile (inventory) building

Indicator Functional Purpose of Main Mobile Inventory) Construction

Inventory room

Application of a building

Application complex

Application of mobile (inventory) building

Application of mobile (inventory) complex

Application of mobile (inventory) facilities

Application of the construction


Technical resource

Construction container

Mobile construction (inventory)

Construction Mobile (inventory) container type

Construction mobile (inventory) collection-collapsible type

Construction team-collapsible

State condition

Mobile (inventory) building life

Mobile (inventory) construction service life

Service life Estimated mobile (inventory) building

Service life Mobile mobile (inventory) facilities

Building type

Type of mobile (inventory) building

Type of mobile (inventory) constructions

Type of constructions

Operating conditions are calculated

Operating conditions Settlement mobile (inventory) buildings

Operating conditions Estimated mobile (inventory) structures

Part of chassis

Part of the chassis own mobile (inventory) building

Part of the chassis own mobile (inventory) facilities

Electronic document text

prepared Codex JSC and drilled by:
official edition
M.: Publishing House Standards, 1984

Working on the mobile building market for many years, we are constantly faced with a variety of terms used and names and the lack of single terminology in the market. Representatives of different industries use various terms, implying sometimes the same, and sometimes only visually similar structures. Below are only some of the terms used among suppliers and buyers of mobile buildings:

This is a building intended for transportation from one object to another and fast input Commissioning after working on disassembly, transportation and assembly in a new place. Under this fairly broad term denotes the buildings of the factory manufacture of various design types, the design of which allows them to transport them to a new place of operation.

Mobile inventory building - Temporary building or construction of a complete factory delivery, the design of which provides the possibility of its redeployment. This is the official name used in GOST, for example:. GOST does not allow the use of such synonyms like a car-house, domestic, container, etc.

Mobile inventory buildings may be container (consisting of one container) or a collapsible type (of several containers and other elements connected into a constructive system at the place of operation).

Container type mobile building - It is a metal structure specifically made or adapted for use as a mobile building or building any destination: residential, office, warehouse, etc. Such buildings are sometimes manufactured on the basis of marine containers.

Inventory building - Another common name is rarely used among manufacturers and consumers of mobile buildings, but reflecting its difference from capital buildings and structures. Under this term, it is also usually understood by the design of the factory manufacturer, designed for the life and work of people and ensuring the possibility of its multiple redeployment. Accordingly, the non-inventory building is usually used only once.

Popular term among mobile buildings market, denoting a single container type building. It is this term that most often use manufacturers and specialists in providing consumer organizations. Car houses can have three different versions: on the chassis, on the sleigh (clamses), or on the frame. A feature of the car houses is their fitness for year-round use in any climatic zones. The car of the house can have the most diverse purpose - residential, sanitary and household, production, auxiliary, special. For example: Wagon-house - dryer for working clothes.

Trailer - Common name of a mobile building. Among professional participants The market is usually used to designate wagons-houses, however, in the construction market, it is often used in relation to cabins and erases at the construction site, and is also used in everyday life for the designation of light country manufacturing.

Trailer car car - Sometimes used to designate wagons-houses on the chassis. A feature of such buildings is their simplified movement between objects - usually they have a non-removable tractor chassis with breathing, and easily transported to a new place with a tractor. In addition to tractor, automobile chassis can also be used. For chassis cars on the chassis, registration requirements may occur in the traffic police (car chassis) or state stancture (tractor chassis) and the compliance of their dimensions by transport dimensions for roads common usemarked in traffic rules, as well as the requirement of a disposal collection on the chassis. Synonyms: Trailer - Mobile building, car trailer car.

Mobile building (mobile trailer) - less often used by the synonym for the term "car-house". Mobile are not only trailers on the chassis, but also in other versions: car houses on the sleigh can be moved along the snow cover for small distances using a tractor, and the car houses on the frame can be easily immersed on any vehicle Using the crane.

Block Container (block module) - Volumetric structural element of mobile buildings and structures of container or collapsible type. The block of the block container is usually made from steel profiles of various sections, with metal outer walls and overlaps. The design of the block containers can be both an indiscriminate type on welded connections and a collapsible, transformable type, for compact storage or transportation.

Modular building (block-modular building) - The term denotes a building from factory manufacture modules, collected from one or more block containers (modules). Usually the term is used for buildings consisting of several modules, including 2-3 storey. But sometimes used to designate single buildings - wagons-houses.

Byetovka - It is rarely used to designate wagons and houses and generally represents a light mobile building, visually resembling a car house (may even be installed on the chassis). However, if the car houses are manufactured in various designs for any climatic conditions and have a heating and ventilation system, plumbing and electrical equipment, then there are usually buildings for use in the warm season, from engineering systems having only power supply. Mobility can be manufactured from various materials, including from metal, but the design itself does not differ in high bearing capacity and stability resistance. Calculations can also be used as summer residential premises, for example, for seasonal workers or on the campuses. Nevertheless, sometimes our customers, having in mind the car at home, say "Winter Cell" or "Insulated Food".

Baockers - The name of temporary housing, common in the northern regions of Russia (from Komi to Chukotka). So it can be called any temporary or adapted home, including a barrel-shaped house, a trailer, a van, a household or a small barrack. The most often the beam is called the residential trailer on the clamps, but the name can also be applied to the traps on the chassis or on the frame. Baok can be intended to accommodate not only watch personnel, but also families of local residents. Until now, some of the beams remain in the northern regions of Russia as residential foundation. For heating beam, the oven is most often used.

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