
RBC investigation: how the Higher School of Economics makes money. Yaroslav Kuzminov, Rector of the Higher School of Economics Rector of the Higher School

Yaroslav Kuzminov is a well-known Russian economist, founder and rector of the Higher School of Economics.


Born on May 27, 1957 in a family that was more than prosperous by Soviet standards: an apartment in the capital, his father is a professor of economics, the author of many books and scientific papers. It is not surprising that after leaving school he entered one of the most prestigious universities in the capital - Lomonosov Moscow State University - at the Faculty of Economics.

Labor activity

In 1979, the future public figure graduated from his native university and remained there as a teacher, according to him, the youngest at Moscow University at that time. In 1985, Yaroslav Ivanovich defended his Ph.D. thesis on the economics of community relations.

After working at Moscow State University for 10 years, he moved to another educational institution - the Institute of Economics of the USSR Academy of Sciences. In the same 1989, he, along with other scientists, took part in the organization of an alternative department of economic theory at the notorious MIPT. "Alternatives" sought to make the economy more objective, classical, without the prevalence of Marxist-Leninist political economy.

1992 was very important in the biography of the economist, when, together with Yevgeny Yasin, he developed the concept of a new type of economic university. It was this concept that served as the foundation for the well-known HSE (Higher School of Economics), which he himself headed. Once the youngest teacher at Moscow State University, he became the youngest rector in Russia. In a short period of over twenty years, the educational institution has become one of the most prestigious and respected in the country.

In addition, the HSE Rector was a member of various state commissions and councils, participated in the development of important reforms related to the civil service, education in Russia, administrative reform, and so on. He has many medals, orders and certificates of honor both for personal achievements and for scientific and teaching merit.

Family status

He was married twice. There is little information about his first wife in the press; from this marriage, the HSE rector has two children - a son, Ivan, and a daughter, Angelina.

The second wife is, once a student, and then a graduate student of Moscow University, where the couple met. They have one child in common - Vasily (born in 1988), now a research fellow at the Higher School of Economics.

Biography of the wife

She was born on October 29, 1963 in Bashkiria. She graduated from the Lomonosov Moscow State University, from which she graduated from the Faculty of Economics in 1986. In 2007 she graduated from Yale University. Completed the International Visitor Leadership Program in the United States of America.

In 1992, Prime Minister Yegor Gaidar, remembered by many residents of Russia, signed a decree of the government of the Russian Federation on the creation of the Higher School of Economics, approving Yaroslav Kuzminov as the rector of this institution. It should be noted that at that time he was the youngest rector of the country. Our article tells about interesting facts from the biography of this person.

Dynasty, origins

Since 1992 Kuzminov Yaroslav Ivanovich and have become a single whole. Consider the biography of the HSE Rector.

On May 26, 1957, a son, Yaroslav, was born into the family of a Moscow doctor of economic sciences, professor Ivan Ivanovich Kuzminov. Note that I.I. Kuzminov was a Bolshevik since 1924, in 1945-1949 he was a member of the editorial board and deputy editor-in-chief of the Bolshevik party magazine, and later headed the political economy department of the Higher Party School and the Academy of Social Sciences under the Central Committee of the CPSU. That is, his worldview was fully consistent with the spirit of the times, as evidenced by the scientific works of the professor: "The Stakhanov movement - the highest stage of socialist competition", "The impoverishment of workers under capitalism" and others. The government appreciated the contribution of II Kuzminov to the domestic economy. In 1962 he was awarded the title of Honored Scientist.

Continuing family traditions

He successfully continued his father's work, entering the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University, and after graduation in 1979, he remained at the Department of the History of the National Economy. He worked as a teacher for 10 years. During this time, a lot has happened. In collaboration with other specialists, Kuzminov took part in the publication of textbooks on economic history. In the same period, Yaroslav met with graduate student Elvira Nabiullina. The couple registered a marriage. In 1988, they had a son.

The next stage in Kuzminov's career was the defense in 1984 of his Ph.D. thesis on the topic "Economics of Community Relations". In the same 80s, he dealt with the issues of "real socialism": the differences between the proclaimed and achieved results in the economy and humanistic transformations of society.

Further steps were quite competently built: the organization and publication of the almanac "Istoki", the purpose of which was to popularize historical knowledge about economics, the opening of the Department of Economic Theory at MIPT in 1989, and in 1989-1993 - work at the USSR Academy of Sciences (RAS) as a researcher ... During this period, young employees presented the results of research related to economics, sociology, economic policy. These studies will form the basis of the educational cycle on institutional economics, which Kuzminov has been reading since 1995 at the Higher School of Economics.

It is worth noting the leadership work of Yaroslav Kuzminov in the Cultural Initiative Foundation of George Soros, whose odious figure causes justified indignation among many governments and countries of both Eastern Europe and the United States. As for Russia, the Gaidar government and Soros have developed "high relations." However, at some point they were phased out, despite his charitable enthusiasm. There are well-founded suspicions that it was Soros who initiated the revolutions in Yugoslavia, Georgia and Ukraine.

In 1992, with the support of E. Yasin, Kuzminov submitted to the Government a proposal to create a HSE with a radically different approach to the teaching process from the traditional approach. Over the 10 years of its existence, HSE has become one of the strongest educational institutions in terms of student training with an excellent material base.

Reform in education, prerequisites

On the eve of the 2000s, Kuzminov, together with E. Yasin, L. Yakobson and A. Yakovlev, dealt with the effectiveness of economic and social trends. One of the aspects under development was educational reform based on market relations. It was Kuzminov who proposed the creation of the Russian Public Council for the Development of Education (ROSRO) in 2001. The Council included public figures who considered education a priority for the country. Their party affiliation did not matter. The public expert council on the standard of school education formed at ROSRO and its chairman Kuzminov made amendments to the content of school curricula in basic subjects.

Reform of higher education, state apparatus

In 1998, Theses on Corruption appeared in the press, authored by Kuzminov. They presented constructive changes in the work of the state apparatus. The rector of the HSE will analyze this topic in 2002-2003, as well as issues of the "new economy" based on the involvement of the country's intellectual potential. These developments have been included in the programs of economic policy of the Russian Federation since 2003.

Working in 2006-2008 in the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation (first composition), Kuzminov supervised the preparation and publication of the report "On the State of Civil Society in the Russian Federation". As a member of the chamber (third composition) in 2010-2012, Kuzminov initiated quality control of the admission of applicants to universities.

Since 2011, the Kuzminov - Mau tandem has begun to refine and analyze pressing problems in the economy and social sphere for the period up to 2020. We are talking about "Strategy-2020". The results of this work, entitled "A New Model of Growth - New Social Policy", were presented to the Government of the Russian Federation in March 2012.

Merits and awards

The work of the HSE rector was highly appreciated by the President. In 2002, Kuzminov was awarded the Order of Honor. In 2012, he was awarded the Order of Merit to the Fatherland, IV degree, for his many years of work for the benefit of national science. In 2017, Kuzminov was awarded again. This time he received the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, III degree.

Going into politics

As the HSE rector himself says, he never really aspired to politics. However, taking into account the interests of the educational institution he headed, he understood that closer contacts with the authorities were needed, since the interests of Yaroslav Ivanovich Kuzminov and the Higher School of Economics are inextricably linked.

Therefore, he ran for deputies of the Moscow parliament in the 45th electoral district and was elected as a deputy of the Moscow City Duma on September 14, 2014. It should be noted that Kuzminov ran not as a representative of any party, but as a private person.

Personal life

The biography of HSE Rector Yaroslav Kuzminov would be incomplete without mentioning his wife, Elvira Sakhipzadovna Nabiullina, head of the Central Bank of Russia. Their marriage was concluded in 1988, when Elvira Nabiullina was a graduate student at Moscow State University. She was born in 1963. She was born and raised in Ufa, where she graduated from school with excellent marks, but she was not given a gold medal. It should be noted that there are a lot of photos of Yaroslav Kuzminov with his wife on the Web, which indicates a strong family relationship. Since 1991, Nabiullina's career began to take off. In 2013, she took over as head of the Central Bank of Russia.

Wives and children

There is no information about the first wife of Yaroslav Kuzminov. Nabiullina has a good relationship with the children from his first marriage (Angelina and Ivan). The personal life of Nabiullina is rather sparingly covered in the media, but it is known that she and Yaroslav Kuzminov have a son, Vasily, who was born in 1988.

Continuing the business of the family, he also showed himself in the economic sphere. He currently works at the State University Higher School of Economics at the Department of Statistics. In his personal life, there is a relationship with a girl, but her name was not disclosed.

Thus, the wives of Yaroslav Ivanovich Kuzminov gave him three children.

Budget family portrait

The time of the rector of the State University Higher School of Economics is scheduled by the minute: he must take part in the work of five commissions of various orientations under President Putin. Let's add seven more commissions under the Government. In addition, five councils and collegia under federal authorities require attention. The workload is huge, but very highly paid. According to official information, in 2014 the family budget was 67.2 million rubles. Of these, the income of the head of the family is 45.3 million rubles.

Outrageous educational ideas

Let us list the ideas of the rector of the Higher School of Economics Yaroslav Kuzminov, already embodied within the framework of the Russian Federation:

  • Let's start with the painful one: the exam and its consequences.
  • Optimization of educational institutions, including schools.
  • A business approach to financing educational institutions.
  • Reduction of the teaching staff.

This is what concerns the general education system.

Changes in higher education

Higher education has also undergone constructive transformations:

  • A multi-level system of higher education has been introduced on the basis of the so-called Bologna process. We now have bachelor's and master's degrees.
  • Despite the fact that the task of the bachelor's degree is to ensure the need for receiving mass higher education, practical employment of graduates with bachelor's degrees is often difficult.
  • To become one of the professional elite, you need to continue your studies in a master's degree.

However, this requires additional financial investments and time expenditures, so many highly capable bachelor's graduates leave their studies for material reasons, having received a bachelor's degree. As a result, we have stratification not so much because of the difference in intellectual potential, but because of property differentiation.

Considering such an active work of the rector, many have a well-grounded question: where is Yaroslav Kuzminov now? Let's talk about this below. First, let's highlight some moments from the life of his wife.

The oddities of the Central Bank

August 24, 2018 after 20-00 o'clock in the building of the Central Bank on the street. There was a fire in Neglinnaya. It was Friday, the end of the working week. Some circumstances of the fire are suggestive.

The sequence of events is as follows: at the time of the fire, Elvira Nabiullina herself, as well as Dmitry Tulin and Sergey Shvetsov were in the room.

Around the same period, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev somehow disappeared from TV screens. Evil tongues say that these two events are somehow connected, and some even argue that the head of the Central Bank exerted a forceful influence on the head of government, which resulted in the prime minister's injury and absence from work. Perhaps this is the machinations of the "yellow press".

Among the entourage of Nabiullina and her inner circle, they were ripe. Many noticed the unstable emotional state of the usually imperturbable head of the Central Bank.

They say that rumors about possible checks by law enforcement agencies of Elvira Nabiullina's activities were to blame. The inspections were planned by the Prosecutor General's Office, the TFR and the Economic Crime Department. Many Russians know that the Yugra bank lost its license, and the Otkrytie bank became a destabilizer of the financial situation on the market due to Nabiullina's policies. Someone's interests are behind each of these banks.

On August 20, 2018, an interview with Nabiullina took place. In a conversation with the correspondent of the American magazine The Wall Street Journal, the head of the Central Bank authoritatively stated that the growth limit of the Russian Federation would be 2%.

According to eyewitnesses and confirmed by the photo, the fire in the Central Bank was quite large-scale. However, the official media claim that all documents are safe and sound, which sounds very improbable, given that 26 fire brigades took part in extinguishing the fire.

Some assumptions and conclusions

Elvira Nabiullina recently did not visit the building on st. Neglinnaya. She even transferred the right to sign to her deputy Dmitry Tulin. According to one version, it was Nabiullina who was the author of the fire on August 24. The goal is to destroy "unnecessary" documents. Most likely, she succeeded. She also managed to leave the scene in time. As for her husband, there are persistent rumors that Yaroslav Kuzminov fled.

Judging by what happened in the Central Bank building after the fire was extinguished, this cannot be called an ordinary event. All night long the special services conducted searches of the most secret premises of the Central Bank. The leading specialists of the Central Bank were removed from the building, after which all approaches to the Central Bank were blocked by the fighters of the Russian Guard.

Perhaps it was precisely in order to prevent the units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs from being able to penetrate the territory of the Central Bank that this fire show was conceived. Although spontaneous arson is not ruled out due to the acute lack of time to remove incriminating evidence.

According to unverified information, Elvira Nabiullina is hiding in the United States, in the same place as Yaroslav Kuzminov and Vasily Kuzminov. The official media remain restrained in this regard.

The HSE, founded on the wave of liberal reforms in the 1990s, now raises billions by acting as a center of excellence for the government and the presidential administration. RBC figured out how she managed to win money and the trust of the state

Photo: Ekaterina Kuzmina / RBC

“They absolutely frankly incite here, de facto they are preparing such a Maidan underground and are the very fifth column ... Why do we tolerate the existence of such organized terrorist groups under the auspices of the Political Faculty of the Higher School of Economics? This is fine?" - indignant in February 2014 the presenter of the TV channel "Russia" Vladimir Soloviev in his program on the radio "Vesti FM". The reason was Yulia Arkhipova, a student at the Higher School of Economics (HSE). The TV presenter thought that she sympathized with the Ukrainian citizens protesters on the Maidan on social networks.

Less than a year before the transfer, the university was searched in the third YUKOS case; investigators came to the department of Mikhail Fedotov, the presidential adviser on human rights, who participated in the examination of the company's second criminal case. Rector Yaroslav Kuzminov's contract ended in the spring of 2014, the government was delaying its extension.

As a result, the contract was extended for another five years. “I didn’t see the“ experts' case ”as a threat to the HSE,” the rector now recalls. - “HSE” is too large and significant university, and investigative actions were carried out concerning several of our employees. Although the case itself seems strange and artificial to me to worry about the position of one of the investigators of the Investigative Committee. " Kuzminov himself became even closer to power than his university: over the past year he was elected a deputy of the Moscow City Duma and appointed co-chairman of the Moscow branch of the All-Russian Popular Front (ONF). The declared income of the rector increased from 19.9 million to 45.2 million rubles. in year. The university's income (excluding capital investments and investments) has grown by more than 30% in two years. How did HSE manage to win money and government confidence?

Not quite liberals

People at the Higher School of Economics like to say that the decree on its creation in November 1992 is one of the last documents signed by Yegor Gaidar as head of government. The HSE “has long been the favorite toy of the liberals at the helm,” Kuzminov recalls. The founding fathers of the university in one way or another had a relationship with the authorities in the 1990s. HSE Academic Supervisor Yevgeny Yasin - former Minister of Economics, Professor Yakov Urinson, and President of the University Alexander Shokhin worked as deputy prime ministers. Only one person among them did not work as an official - the permanent rector Kuzminov.

“The government decree on the appointment of the rector in 2014 came out a few days later than Kuzminov's contract ended, so by law he was dismissed (for the first time since he worked at HSE), and along with him all vice-rectors who had a contract tied to the rector's contract, - explains Novoseltsev. - The university was obliged to pay them for all unused vacations. Yaroslav Ivanovich received an additional 24.5 million for almost 700 vacation days since 1993. Some vice-rectors who work the longest - from 6 to 13 million. " Vice-rector Zhulin explained the changes in his income by personal real estate transactions. Yakobson admitted that he was involved in several successful projects: “It’s hard work, I don’t want to make excuses, but they pay us money for a reason.”

Struggle for buildings

A constant topic of conversations between Kuzminov and the authorities is the premises for the university. The rapidly growing university is constantly in short supply of square meters, the rector says, and this despite the fact that in 2010-2014 the total area of ​​HSE buildings has doubled - from 200 to 400 thousand square meters. m. The classrooms are organized in the building of the former weaving factory, business centers, the Ministry of Chemical Industry. The university made a hostel out of the hotel, which was attached to the State Academy of Investment Professionals. “We usually get wild junk,” the rector complains.

Targeted subsidies from the federal budget are allocated for major repairs and construction. The largest ones are for the capital investment program, which is not included in the general budget of the university. So, in 2010, the university received 14.9 billion rubles for the reconstruction of buildings in Moscow and St. Petersburg. For major repairs in 2014 - 533.2 million rubles, in 2013 - 340 million.

In 1994, Alexander Shokhin, then the Minister of Economy of Russia, handed over two buildings to the HSE. One of them is on Kochnovsky Proezd, the former Research Institute of Planning and Standards under the State Planning Committee (Photo: HSE Archive)

The squares are scattered throughout Moscow and the Moscow region, but the lion's share, including the "junk", is located in an expensive center - on Myasnitskaya, Pokrovsky Boulevard, Petrovka, Ordynka. “We managed to convince the country's leadership that the university should develop in the center of the capital. The specificity of HSE is that it is a leading expert center. We need to be closer to the federal authorities who want to use our services, ”says Shokhin.

One of the last buildings that Kuzminov received is a new house on Myasnitskaya, 11. It stands opposite the building of the Higher School of Economics, which has been the seat of the university administration since the mid-1990s. In 1997, Kuzminov and Shokhin observed the start of construction, which will drag on for 15 years. Only in 2010 did the HSE ask then Prime Minister Putin to buy space for the university in a building under construction. Putin ordered to allocate 2.2 billion rubles to the university.

According to estimates by Knight Frank and Swiss Appraisal, the rent of offices in the area of ​​Myasnitskaya and Pokrovsky Boulevard near the premises of the HSE costs 25 thousand rubles on average. for 1 sq. m per year. The cost per square meter of premises is on average 215 thousand rubles. for 1 sq. m, assessed by experts from two companies. This means that the approximate price of a house at 11 Myasnitskaya could reach almost 3 billion rubles.

The total area of ​​"HSE" together with the lease area (according to Vice-Rector Alexander Shamrin, it took 500 million rubles to rent real estate in 2014), according to the HSE, is 522.3 thousand square meters. m, its book value is 8.4 billion rubles. This is several times less than that of Moscow State University: according to the university's report, the university uses 1.35 million square meters. m worth 42.2 billion rubles. Several years ago, the government and the president considered the idea of ​​transferring the premises of the Supreme and Supreme Arbitration Courts to the HSE or buying space in business centers. But in the end, the authorities abandoned both options, Kuzminov regrets.

The Federal Property Management Agency has less data on HSE real estate: about 60 buildings, eight apartments and several dozen premises. Total area - 390 thous. sq. m... The cadastral (close to market) value of only Moscow real estate, according to Rosreestr data and RBC calculations, is more RUB 16 billion

Then the university presented the idea of ​​a distributed campus to the country's leadership. According to him, says Shokhin, the university should expand along the orange line of the metro: st. Myasnitskaya - Pokrovsky Boulevard - Metro Leninsky Prospect. The idea is supported and lobbied by the head of the university's supervisory board, first deputy head of the presidential administration Vyacheslav Volodin and Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets, Shokhin and Kuzminov say.

In April 2015, Dmitry Medvedev instructed the Ministry of Education and Science to transfer 110 thousand square meters to the HSE by 2017. m of classrooms and laboratories and 30 thousand square meters. m of dormitories of ineffective universities "located in close proximity to the main academic buildings of the HSE." In July, Kuzminov, in a letter to the Prime Minister (RBC has both documents), complained about the ministry: "Currently, there is no discussion of options for transferring property complexes." Medvedev wrote on the letter "Why are you not fulfilling the order?" and sent it to Minister of Education Dmitry Livanov. "Agreement process<…>is quite difficult, however, the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia must fulfill the instructions of D.A. Medvedev on time, ”the ministry told RBC. While the university passed the hostel of the Moscow Power Engineering Institute in Lefortovo, two more premises of the Moscow University of Food Production near the Tekstilshchiki metro station are next in line.

In the near future, HSE may receive corpuses not only from the Ministry of Education. According to Shamrin, “work is underway with the Moscow government to draw up a list of exchange of university buildings” remote from the center for buildings inside the Garden Ring. There are no specific proposals yet, but the press service of the Moscow Property Department has confirmed the fact of negotiations.

How loyalty is gained

In Russian universities, it is customary for boards of trustees to be headed by officials. Aide to the President Vladislav Surkov - Head of the Council at the Moscow State Technical University Bauman; State Duma Speaker Sergei Naryshkin - at RANEPA; The Moscow State University Board of Trustees is headed by Vladimir Putin.

“At some meeting, Yaroslav [Kuzminov] suggested Volodin [the first deputy head of the presidential administration] to join the supervisory board. And he agreed, we are friends and work together. He does not participate in solving academic affairs, but helps in solving those issues that allow the university to develop, ”recalls HSE Academic Supervisor Yasin. Volodin became chairman of the board in April 2014. In addition to him, the council includes Olga Dergunova (Federal Property Management Agency), Minister of Education Dmitry Livanov, Deputy Mayor of Moscow Leonid Pechatnikov.

In 2010, it was Yaroslav Kuzminov who proposed to Vladimir Putin, then Prime Minister, to create a "Strategy 2020" (Photo: RIA Novosti)

The functions of the supervisory and board of trustees at the university are divorced. The first is responsible for the economy and strategy, the second is for raising finance. The Board of Trustees is headed by German Gref, and its members are Viktor Vekselberg, Arkady Volozh, Mikhail Zadornov, Leonid Mikhelson, Vadim Moshkovich and Mikhail Prokhorov. Unlike Moscow State University, which receives large donations from wealthy graduates, the trustees of the university did not graduate and they have to be attracted by projects, and not by "feelings for the alma mater," says Shokhin. Targeted receipts and voluntary donations, including from the university trustees, amount to 200-250 million rubles. a year, Novoseltsev calculated.

Kuzminov himself invited officials to the supervisory board. “I can make an appointment with the president and present a project. And I can come to Dmitry Anatolyevich myself. For me, Volodin is not a person who will go somewhere for me. But he is much more built into the government, and it is important for me that he understands what we are doing here. We have known Volodin for a long time. And we have a mutual friend - German Gref, ”explains the rector of the invitation of the curator of domestic policy to the university. The members of the supervisory board meet monthly, its head is always present at meetings, says a source close to Volodin. According to him, the first deputy head of the Kremlin administration communicates with Kuzminov even more often. “They communicate especially often now that Kuzminov has become the co-chairman of the Moscow branch of the ONF,” he says. - With some decisions, the chairman of the supervisory board goes to the government. Sometimes you just need to control the execution of orders of the president and the government related to the university by officials. "

According to Kuzminov, the government did not immediately agree on Volodin's candidacy. The question was resolved by Medvedev. Kuzminov says: “The prime minister summoned me and asked if it was my own decision. I explained, and after a few days he signed everything. " A source in the cabinet of ministers says that no one was against it: "Even if only one person is responsible for ideology, the government will not participate in this."

“Yaroslav Kuzminov is a good economist. His knowledge and potential of the Higher School of Economics will be useful in the Moscow City Duma ", - wrote the former Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin on Twitter after the election of Yaroslav Kuzminov to the Moscow City Duma (Photo: RIA Novosti)

Volodin is a university person, says a source in his entourage: "He worked at a university for 10 years, went through all the stages from assistant to professor, then returned to this work, including heading the department of state construction at Moscow State University." The newspaper "Kommersant" called Volodin's people the rector of the Russian University of Economics. Plekhanov Viktor Grishin, Rector of the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.I. Sechenov Petr Glybochko and Dean of the Faculty of Public Administration of Moscow State University, political scientist Vyacheslav Nikonov.

Several HSE professors interviewed by RBC are confident that the struggle for premises was the reason why Kuzminov agreed to be nominated as a deputy to the Moscow City Duma and become co-chairman of the Moscow branch of the ONF, which is also supervised by Volodin. The rector himself says: “When I decided to go to the Moscow City Duma, we got together with colleagues dealing with problems of the urban environment, social and budgetary spheres, wrote a program, which we are now implementing. True, the university itself, in terms of the campus, has not received anything from this so far, which does not diminish our interest in participating in Moscow life. " According to a source close to the Moscow City Duma, Sobyanin personally asked Kuzminov to be nominated for deputy. The rector says that he himself decided to become a deputy. But, for example, Volodin gave him advice during the campaign on how to behave with voters. During the elections to the Moscow City Duma, there was a request for people like Kuzminov, says a source close to Volodin. He is famous in the city, he represents the university community, and besides that, the liberal electorate is noticeable in Moscow, the interlocutor lists the reasons. As an alternative, the candidacy of the editor-in-chief of Nezavisimaya Gazeta, Konstantin Remchukov, was considered, but in the end the choice was made in favor of the HSE rector, he added.

Kuzminov has known Vyacheslav Volodin, Head of the HSE Supervisory Board, First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration, for many years. “And Volodin and I have a mutual friend - German Gref,” says HSE rector (Photo: RIA Novosti)

“We had previously discussed the topic of joining the ONF with me,” Kuzminov comments on another political step. - But in the end, I personally made the decision, no one put me up to the wall. What we wrote in Strategy 2020, and what Putin later used in his election articles, I think is correct and necessary for the development of the country. When many things began to fade before my eyes, I decided that I should try to do something not only as an expert. " The proposal to Kuzminov to join the leadership of the Moscow headquarters of the ONF was spontaneous, says a source close to Volodin. “The first to name him was the co-chairman of the central headquarters of the ONF, Alexander Brechalov. The Moscow branch had to be strengthened, but Kuzminov himself was interested in working in the city, and he has an established team, ”he notes.

Volodin does not make any personnel decisions at the HSE, assures Kuzminov, he is engaged in "financial control" and "approval of strategic, programmatic documents for the university." But rapprochement with the authorities affects the academic policy of the university, according to two sources close to the administration. HSE Vice-Rector Konstantin Sonin was fired after an interview with the German newspaper Der Spiegel, in which he said that Putin would hold on to power to the last and that the Russian response to the sanctions did more harm to the country than the sanctions themselves. After the interview, Kuzminov summoned Sonin and asked him to resign from the post of vice-rector, continuing to lecture. Soon, Sonin went to work at the University of Chicago, at the Harris School of Public Policy Studies.

At the insistence of the top, the Higher School of Economics had to change the leadership of the Faculty of Media Communications, which was headed by Anna Kachkaeva, the interlocutors say. Having united several departments of the university, Kuzminov replaced Kachkaeva as the head of the Faculty of Communications, Media and Design and appointed Andrey Bystritsky, Chairman of the State Broadcasting Company "Voice of Russia". Both decisions, according to a source close to the management of the university, are "a payment for loyalty." In addition, in the fall of 2014, the name of one of the editors, the famous economist Sergei Aleksashenko, disappeared from the collection “Comments on Government and Business” published by the HSE Development Center. “As far as I know, Kuzminov was told in the Kremlin, and he passed on to the director of the center so that my name would not appear on the first page,” Aleksashenko himself says. He refused to edit the collection further. Kuzminov does not remember such a story.

According to a source close to Volodin, "the rector himself has an excellent understanding of what is good and what is bad, and internal responsibility to the government and the president." He also recalls that, for example, Professor Oleg Matveychev (called on in his blog to "crush liberals with tanks") came to the HSE before Volodin. Kuzminov confirmed that he had a conversation about Spiegel's interview with Sonin. “And I said that in general it would not work. But it has nothing to do with a managerial decision, he says. - Both the decisions about Sonin and about Anya [Kachkaeva] were made deliberately, for administrative reasons. If the layoffs were necessary to maintain the university's position and political protection, I assure you, I would not fail to do so. But that was not necessary. " The rector recalls the recent scandal with one more employee - Professor Sergei Medvedev. He publicly offered to give the Arctic to the international community, after which Putin called the professor's speech "complete nonsense." Medvedev continues to work at the university. He confirmed to RBC that he had not had a conversation with the rector on this issue.

Kuzminov has been heading the HSE for 23 years and is not yet going to leave his post: “I like my job, every day I feel that I bring benefits to my country, students and colleagues.” According to the Dean of the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University, Alexander Auzan, a classmate of Kuzminov and a witness at his wedding, HSE is still a startup. It confidently keeps afloat, but "it cannot be said that it is unsinkable." The HSE is imbalanced due to its rapid and intensive development. At the same time, she is strongly closed in communication with the authorities. If suddenly some change happens, then it will be very difficult for her. I'm sure Slava [Kuzminov] is aware of this problem, ”says his friend and competitor.

Featuring Mikhail Rubin, Stepan Opalev, Roman Badanin, Elena Myazina

May 27, 2012 marks the 55th anniversary of the rector of the National Research University Higher School of Economics (NRU HSE) Yaroslav Ivanovich Kuzminov.

Yaroslav Ivanovich Kuzminov was born on May 27, 1957 in the city of Moscow in the family of a professor of economics.

Graduated from the Faculty of Economics, Moscow State University in 1979. M. Lomonosov (Moscow State University). Starting from the first year, he studied in the circle of Fyodor Polyansky at the department of history of the national economy and economic doctrines, studied the history and theory of natural economy (pre-capitalist formations). In his third year, he began teaching economic history and the history of economic thought.

From 1979 to 1989, Yaroslav Kuzminov was a lecturer at the Department of Economic History and History of Economic Thought at Moscow State University.

1989-1993 - Senior Researcher, Head of the Sector of Historical and Economic Research at the Institute of Economics of the USSR Academy of Sciences (then - RAS)

In 1992, Yaroslav Kuzminov, together with Yevgeny Yasin, proposed to the government the concept of creating a new economic university - the Higher School of Economics. Since 1992, Yaroslav Kuzminov has been Rector of the State University Higher School of Economics (HSE, since 2010 - National Research University Higher School of Economics).

Since 1995, he has taught a course in institutional economics at the Faculty of Economics at the Higher School of Economics.

In 1997, Kuzminov headed a group that developed the concept of the organizational and economic reform of education in Russia on a market basis.

Since 1999 - a member of the Council of the Center for Strategic Research and the head of a number of directions for the preparation of a national strategy, including the development of education.

In 2001, on the initiative of Kuzminov, the Russian Public Council for the Development of Education (ROSRO) was created. On the basis of ROSRO, a Public Expert Council (ECO) on the standard of school education was formed, the chairman of which was Yaroslav Kuzminov.

From January 2006 to January 2008, Kuzminov headed the Commission of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation on the intellectual potential of the nation.

Yaroslav Kuzminov is a member of a number of presidential and government commissions and public organizations. He is a member of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights, a member of the Commission under the President of the Russian Federation on Reforming and Development of Civil Service, a member of the government commission on administrative reform, a member of the Council of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, chairman of the Commission of the Public Chamber for the Development of Education, co-chairman of the Russian Public Council for Education Development (ROSRO) and others.

Kuzminov - Candidate of Economic Sciences (1984), Professor, Head of the Department of Institutional Economics, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Scientific Director of the Institute for Institutional Research.

He is the author of several textbooks and monographs, editor-in-chief of the journal Voprosy obrazovaniya, as well as a member of the editorial board of the journals Voprosy Economiki, Foresight, Economic Journal of the Higher School of Economics, World of Russia.

Yaroslav Kuzminov was awarded the Order of Honor (2002), the medal "For Strengthening the Combat Commonwealth" (2007), the Honorary Diploma of the Government of the Russian Federation for his great contribution to the implementation of the State Plan for Training Management Personnel for National Economy Organizations of the Russian Federation (2007), he has the title of "Officer of the Order of the Golden Academic Palm Branch "(French government award in the field of education and science, 2003).

Who is currently the Chair Central Bank of Russia... They have a common son Vasily. Kuzminov also has a son, Ivan, and a daughter, Angelina, from his first marriage.


Was born on May 27, 1957 in Moscow. In 1979 he graduated from the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University, after which he taught there for ten years at the Department of the History of the National Economy and Economic Studies.

In 1985 he defended his Ph.D. thesis on the economics of community relations. On the initiative of Kuzminov, the first Russian periodical in the field of economic history began to be published - the almanac "Istoki".

In 1989 he opened an alternative department of economic theory in MIPT.

1989-1993 - Senior Researcher, Head of the Sector of Historical and Economic Research at the Institute of Economics of the USSR Academy of Sciences ( RAS).

In the early 1990s, together with Evgeny Yasin proposed the concept of creating a new model of economics - initially it was about the opening of a one-year Master's degree program in economics. During 1992, he "pushed through" this idea in the government of the Russian Federation.

According to the prime minister's decree Egor Gaidar of November 27, 1992 Kuzminov was appointed rector HSE, for a long time remaining the youngest head of a state university in Russia. The first recruitment took place in 1993. However, the idea of ​​a small economic college had to be abandoned - students were admitted not only to the magistracy, but also the bachelor's degree.

In 2012, after the merger with MIEM, engineering directions appeared. In early 2014, Kuzminov came up with ideas for structural changes at the HSE, and the Academic Council supported him. Now the university will consist of large faculties, and these, in turn, of departments, scientific institutes and professional schools. The first such faculty is media, communications and design.

Kuzminov is one of the authors of the idea of ​​scientific and educational laboratories (NUL) - "a horizontally organized scientific community of teachers, graduate students and students, which not only conducts real scientific projects, but, which is no less important, forms a single circle of discussion of scientific problems on equal terms, closing the gap between "adults" and young scientists ".

He was the scientific supervisor of the first scientific and educational laboratory for the institutional analysis of economic reforms. He considers the organization of specialized education for schoolchildren as one of the tasks of the HSE, implements in this work the principles of the School of Economics and Mathematics under MSU.

Kuzminov believes that the university should be outside politics. At the end of 2008, he refused to comply with the recommendation of the Moscow Main Department of Internal Affairs, which proposed expelling students for participating in the "March of Dissent". " University is not a place to shout slogans or throw leaflets around. We have students of a wide variety of political views: both the left and the right. But the university, if necessary, can protect their right to study, their right to be students only if they demonstrate their political views OUTSIDE the university".

Since the mid-2000s, he has been implementing the concept of a research university at the HSE, when teachers are encouraged to engage in scientific work and publish in reputable scientific journals.

In 2013, presenting the HSE program for entering the top 100 world rankings at the Council for Increasing the Competitiveness of Leading Universities of the Russian Federation among the world's leading research and educational centers, he promised to conduct a strict selection of teachers who do not meet the requirements of a research university.

Social and political activity

In 1988-2004, Kuzminov was considered a "gray eminence" under the Minister of Education Vladimir Filippov, in subsequent years he was also often called the real author of the reforms of Russian higher education under the Minister Fursenko.

One of the main developers of the civil service reform in the first half of the late 1990s - early 2000s, administrative reform and anti-corruption programs. In 1999 he published Theses on Corruption, where he formulated the main directions of the reform of the state apparatus.

In 2000, under the leadership of Kuzminov, a report on administrative reform was prepared, in 2002-2003 - a series of reports on the analysis and streamlining of the functions of state executive bodies, budgeting and assessing the effectiveness of their work, on electronic administrative regulations.

Since 2001 - co-chairman of the Russian Public Council for the Development of Education ( ROSRO), on the sites of which, until 2009, the problems of education were discussed.

V Public Chamber RF from 2006 to 2009 Chairman of the Commission on the Intellectual Potential of the Nation, since 2010 - Chairman of the Commission on the Development of Education.

In 2007-2012, he was a member of the Public Council under the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia. He initiated the creation of university public associations: the Association of Leading Universities of Russia, the Association of Leading Universities in Economics and Management.

He has consistently advocated an increase in funding for education. The author of the term "effective contract", in which the income of a worker in education and science allows him not to look for part-time jobs and not go to another area.

Participated in the development of the integrated law "On Education in the Russian Federation", adopted in 2012. In particular, he proposed to legally prohibit teachers from tutoring with their students, exclude applicants with insufficient scores in specialized subjects from admission to the first year.

Participated in the creation of the 2010 Strategy (the so-called strategy), together with Vladimir Mau took the lead on Strategy 2020.

On July 21, 2014, Yaroslav Kuzminov was registered as a candidate for deputy Moscow City Duma... In the elections held on September 14, he won 40.99% of the votes of voters who took part in the voting. By the decision of the Moscow City Electoral Commission, he was recognized as an elected deputy of the Moscow City Duma of the VI convocation in the 45th constituency (Basmanny, Meshchansky, Krasnoselsky, Sokolniki districts).

In May 2015, Kuzminov was appointed co-chairman of the Moscow branch (ONF). The declared income of the rector increased from 19.9 million to 45.2 million rubles... in year. The university's income (excluding capital investments and investments) has grown by more than 30% in two years.

ME AND. Kuzminov is the editor-in-chief of the journal Voprosy obrazovaniya, a member of the editorial board of the journals Voprosy Economiki, the Economic Journal of the Higher School of Economics and World of Russia, a member of the Board of the New Economic Association, a member of the International Association for Institutional Economics and the European Economic Association. Has many government awards.


For 2013 earned - 19 988 553.70 rubles. , spouse - 12,238,697.60 rubles. Owns a land plot of 1470.0 sq. m, apartment, 70.6 sq. m, dacha 326.1 sq. m, apartment, 70.6 sq. m, Jaguar S-Type car.


During Fursenko's tenure as Minister of Education, attempts were made to introduce a number of revolutionary innovations, which did not find a positive response in society. These are: the Unified State Exam, GIFO, a new procedure for financing educational institutions, or simply - the closure of small schools, the unsuccessful implementation of new high school standards, the launch of the so-called "Bologna process", and, finally, the long-suffering new Law on Education.

Any specialist will not hesitate to point you to the most influential educational politician in Russia, who is behind all these reforms. This is the rector of the Higher School of Economics (HSE) Yaroslav Kuzminov. "HSE" is considered in our country to be a stronghold of liberal-democratic thought and no less revolutionary developments.

It was Kuzminov who came up with the idea of ​​independent electronic testing of school graduates, which later became known as the "Unified State Exam". The idea was developed in the depths of the Higher School of Economics for several years, until in 2003 experimental testing of this form of attestation of schoolchildren began throughout the country, and then in 2009 the USE did not work as usual.

The USE was introduced against the background of a complete lack of understanding by society of its goals and objectives. And, as a result, all this was accompanied by an incessant sharp discussion about its expediency. Experts agree that the USE turned out to be a one-sided mechanism for assessing the results of school education: it "catches" only academic achievements and, probably, from the very beginning, it should have been supplemented with a more extended list of achievements. All reproaches about the Unified State Exam, naturally, were collected by Minister Fursenko.

Another highly controversial development of the HSE and its rector is GIFO or state registered financial obligations. As conceived by Yaroslav Ivanovich, these same GIFO had to work in tandem with the Unified State Exam in order to financially stimulate graduates. But the idea of ​​the GIFO was literally hostile to the rector's corps, just as, incidentally, the idea of ​​the Unified State Exam and the then Minister Fursenko decided to postpone its implementation.

Yaroslav Kuzminov played an important role in developing a new procedure for financing educational institutions - not according to the number of teachers or cost estimates, but depending on the number of students. The idea proposed by HSE seemed simple, but the mechanism was transparent: calculate how much it costs to implement an educational program per student, and send to the school an amount equal to the product of the financial standard by the number of students. The professional community took this initiative with hostility. Minister Fursenko had to take the rap again.

The idea of ​​normative per capita financing is difficult to take root in the education system of the Russian Federation due to the huge number of small schools, the number of students in which does not cover all costs, and the maintenance of schools requires fixed costs. As a result, the mechanism of normative per capita financing was formally approved, but in reality it works like this: at the regional level, the financial norm is approved, and then, at the level of the municipality, money is redistributed between schools depending on the conditions and needs of the school.

The HSE was the developer of the entire mechanism for the transition to the so-called "Bologna system". It would seem that a good thing for national education was again not appreciated by the educational community and got bogged down in heavy discussions about the need for this step.

The HSE has had a hand in both the new educational standards in high school and the long-suffering Education Law. Entire sections of it were written by Yaroslav Ivanovich. As a result, the obscure law was sent into an indefinite public comment link.

Due to the scale of all the innovations invented by HSE, they each time caused a storm of discussions - both in society and among experts - but nevertheless they were implemented in a strange way, having serious government support in reserve. Recall that Kuzminov's wife Elvira Nabiulina worked in the Government as the Minister of Economic Development - that is, she headed the body that generated the country's development strategy in all its spheres ...

In 2012, Ya.I. Kuzminov headed the development of "Strategy 2020", part of which was the "New School" program, which sets out scenarios for the development of the Russian education system - experts call it "Utopia" behind the backs. However, the realization of these scenarios is unlikely due to the incompleteness of previous endeavors.

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