
IN AND. Kashin: Life urgently requires change. Sometimes, life requires change (c) Be prepared for failure

"Sometimes, life requires changes, changes, as with the seasons.
We had a wonderful spring, but summer is over ... and we missed our fall.
And now, suddenly, it was cold, so cold that everything began to freeze ...
And the snow suddenly covered everything. And you fall asleep in the snow, you don't understand how and
when death comes ... "(c)

Not all changes are for the better. It also happens the other way around, this also happens with Ulyanovsk, there were difficulties with the former mayor of the city Sergei Ermakov, but one could come to discuss these difficulties, argue and find a compromise solution, he was open for communication. There were certain difficulties with Mayor Alexander Pinkov, but this one also met with bloggers, social activists and human rights defenders, at all costs, after disputes, and he still sometimes resolved issues decisively and quickly, if it was worth it.

But, perhaps, the city has never seen such a head of the city as Marina Bespalova. Endless references to being busy, and not being able to make decisions quickly and efficiently, even urgent ones. An excessive degree of officialdom, and an inability to listen and understand what was heard.

I called, explained, a young mother came with a baby in her arms, a child - 6 months, a mother - 19, a difficult life situation, no where to live, nothing to feed. A young dad, the house burned down, a child in her arms, a daughter - 2, 5 years old ... the most difficult life situation. The reaction of the head of the city - write, consider ...

We will definitely write, Marina Pavlovna! To the President, the Prime Minister, and even the UN Secretary General, but we will definitely write ... about indifference, about failure to fulfill duties, about not being able to understand what was generally discussed! I repeat, winter, frost well past 20, people with children without a roof over their heads, without a livelihood and basic necessities. What the hell are statements ?! Should they be sent to heating stations for the homeless?

Bad, nasty start, it couldn't be worse. For now, I have to remind you of the existence of article 125 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation in the criminal law, and I ask you to grasp the meaning of what is written in it, for the sake of completeness of the picture.

Yes, and this, too, should be said. It is already your deputies who are trying, remember about "No need to nightmare the business!"
So stop nightmare him with your half-rack methods:

It was:

So it became:

As I understand it, the new head of the city prefers tough officialdom and bureaucratic correspondence? It's a pity, a bad peace, always better than a good war. And confrontation with the public, even with a part of it, will not make the work of the head of the city easier; rather, on the contrary, it will create such paper carousels that they will bury all good thoughts and undertakings.

I regret the lack of mutual understanding with the new leadership of the city of Ulyanovsk, and am in the deepest bewilderment of what is happening. No, I myself will calmly endure even a complete breakdown of contacts with the mayor's office, I'm not worried about myself, but citizens will have to wait a very long time until their problems are resolved.
I have no doubt that they will be decided, but when? Yes, and at what cost?

I suppose there are times in our life when we make vital decisions without knowing it.

Love, it is like a runny nose - comes unexpectedly. You cannot buy it for lilies, you cannot find it on the Internet. She will come, she will definitely come and will be with us.

You would understand how bright and beautiful you are if you saw yourself in those moments when you really are yourself.

Minutes of happiness can be so short, but it is precisely these moments that are remembered for a lifetime ...

Some people see persistence and holding on to something as a sign of great strength. However, there are times when it takes a lot more will to know when to let go and then do it.

Life flies by instantly, and we live as if we are writing a draft, not realizing in the scandalous vanity that our life is just a moment.

There is no perfect life, but there are perfect moments. Take care of people with whom you are free in emotions, desires and feelings.

Life is changeable. At some moments you are on a horse, at other times you are a horse.

The evening city falls asleep with snow
The evening city gives a sweet dream.
Under the blanket of dreams and bliss
Love and happiness breathe in unison ...

Sometimes in life there comes a moment when you just mark time. And although there is an understanding that the time has come for a change, some force seems to hold your hand and prevent you from taking a step forward.

However, as the experience of other people shows, do not give in to circumstances. We need to keep looking for a solution to the problem. If you are not satisfied with something in life - it's time to change it. This is also stated by coach-trainer Rubin Fremont, who helps women to increase their own self-esteem, become more self-confident and learn a simple lesson: "Everyone deserves to be happy."

For a long time Rubin arranged her life. But neither career, nor friendship, nor relationships with loved ones have become ideal. And then Rubin realized that she was narcissistic. Over time, she recognized this and freed herself from things that did not fit the new path she had taken. Therefore, it became easier to say "No", and to be sure that all good things will happen sooner or later. And as soon as she figured out for herself what she needed and what she wanted, the fear disappeared. Because recognizing a problem is the first step towards solving it.

Therefore, if the following 5 signs are present in your life, you should realize that now is the best time for a change. Here is how Rubin Fremont explains it by his own example:

1. You are bored

When we do something that does not coincide with our desires, or with who we really are, boredom is inevitable. “I had a brilliant career in marketing, but I felt like I was standing still and started to resent my job. It was then that I decided to quit in order to fulfill my dream - to become a life coach (life mentor). This is what I am doing now, and this kind of work really motivates me. "

Therefore, if you are bored and don't feel like you are growing in your activities, explore new areas of life that match your desires. Take risks for events that will bring you closer to the life you truly want. You may be scared, but believe me - the winnings are worth it. Moreover, if you are unhappy now, do you have anything to lose?

2. You are marking time

We've all felt this at some point in our lives. This is the time when it seems that we are helpless. “I used to be surrounded by bad people and the relationship was unpleasant. I felt like I had no choice but to live that kind of life. But the secret is that we are not helpless. We have the strength to move on and change our lives. I realized this, and in small steps began to move towards the life I wanted. Instead of waiting for things to change immediately, I strove to do something in my life on my own. I filled her with healthy habits, gave up the people who poisoned her, and these small changes became the basis of a new life. "

3. You are constantly worried.

Anxiety can be the result of actions that do not match your real desires. “Before changing my activities, I was constantly worried about something. Sometimes there were days that it was difficult for me even to type, and this is only because I felt anxious. I attributed this feeling to stress, thinking that this is a normal result of stress at work. But in reality, I was just doing the wrong thing, and my body stopped obeying me. "

Therefore, if you feel anxious, listen to your body, understand what it requires. Perhaps this is rest, or vice versa - some kind of movement. Do what you need to do to calm your nerves. And when the anxiety has passed, start creating a plan to help you get out of this situation.

4. You feel insecure

We are not always ready to admit that our needs are not fully met. For example, your partner does not support you as much as you require, and you are silent because of this. But your self-esteem can suffer if you don't pay enough attention to your own needs and insist that they don't matter.

5. Your intuition tells you something is wrong

If you feel that the situation you are in is not right, do not push that feeling away. Listen to your intuition. If you think something is wrong, it usually is. Make a list of the things that are holding you back and replace them with what you really love. However, take your time, take small steps, as they will lead you to where you want to be.

Less than two months before the six-fold increase in their capital requirements - from 1.5 million euros to 10 million euros - insurers took active steps to eliminate this requirement. They enlisted the support of MPs in an effort to establish a more loyal capital requirement for life insurance companies - 3.2 million euros. If this norm is not adopted by the summer, the regulator will have the right to apply sanctions to 60 companies.

The League of Insurance Organizations (LIOU) proposed to the regulator to keep the requirement for the minimum authorized capital (MC) of life insurance companies at the level of 1.5 million euros (equivalent). Insurers do not agree that already from May 16, the size of the charter capital of life insurance companies (IC) should be at least 10 million euros. This requirement was introduced into the law "On insurance" back in 2005, when the parliament decided that the minimum size of the Criminal Code should be increased more than six times five years after Ukraine's accession to the WTO. Ukraine joined this organization in May 2008. Since then, the number of life companies on the market has dropped from 72 to 62.

Despite the fact that the changes were adopted eight years ago, since the country's accession to the WTO, not a single UK has increased its authorized capital to the required level. “During the crisis, the insurers were faced with the question of survival rather than increasing the authorized capital. Now no one fulfills this requirement and, obviously, is not going to fulfill it, ”explains the deputy chairman of the board of“ Oranta-Life ”Rustem Galiev. Market participants still do not understand where this figure came from. “At one time, lawmakers referred to the draft protocol on Ukraine's accession to the WTO, which allegedly set the size of the authorized capital for foreign life insurance companies at the level of 10 million euros. The same requirements should have been set for Ukrainian companies. But after Ukraine joined the organization, it turned out that this figure was not in the document, and where it came from is not clear, ”said one of the insurers. “The figure of 10 million euros is not in any normative document in Europe,” says Galina Tretyakova, General Director of the Ukrainian Insurance Federation. In the EU, the requirements for insurance companies are softer. According to Solvency II, the norms of which are now being implemented in Ukraine, the size of the regulatory capital of a life insurance company should be 3.2 million euros.

Insurers hope that this incident will be corrected by the adoption of the new edition of the Law "On Insurance". “We have abandoned the concept of“ authorized capital ”and replaced it with“ regulatory capital ”. In the latest version of the draft law "On Insurance", the minimum amount of regulatory capital should be UAH 32 million. Almost all insurers comply with this requirement, ”says Natalya Gudyma, President of LSIU. “The authorized capital is brought in when the company is created, and in the future it can even be spent, while the size of the regulatory capital, which must be covered by certain types of assets, must be constantly maintained,” Galina Tretyakova explains the difference.

Market participants have repeatedly raised the issue of canceling the increased requirements for management companies. “We turned to the National Financial Services Commission, they supported us there, but the regulator can initiate changes in the legislation only through the Cabinet of Ministers, and this is a long time. Therefore, we turned to the parliamentary committee with a request to amend the document: they supported us in words and promised to help, ”says Natalya Gudyma.

The regulator does not publish data on the capitalization of insurance companies, but, according to Insurance Top, as of September 30, 2012, only two companies had the required authorized capital - Lemma-Vite (UAH 210 million) and Aliko Ukraine (UAH 102.9 million ). Two more participants fell short of the indicator: the capital of the Ukrainian Insurance Group Life was UAH 100 million, and Oranty-Zhizn's capital was UAH 80 million. The rest of the market participants have this figure below UAH 50 million.

If in the near future the new version of the law "On insurance" is not adopted, or at least the clause on capital in the current law is not changed, the National Commission for Financial Services will have the right to apply sanctions to the UK from May 16. The maximum of them, according to the law "On financial services and state regulation of financial services markets", is a temporary suspension and revocation of the license. True, in order to formally reveal the discrepancy between the size of the authorized capital of the IC with the required norm, the regulator will have to check the company or wait for the quarterly reporting to be submitted in July. Even so, insurance companies rely only on prescriptions.

Victoria RUDENKO

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Kashin Vladimir Ivanovich

Deputy Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Agrarian Issues

For almost twenty-five years, liberal reformers have been "working" to transform our country into a raw material appendage of developed economies. As a result - the deepest crisis in all spheres of society. The economy is in ruin, the government is demonstrating a complete inability to take effective action, adhering to the erroneous course of raising taxes, the retirement age, raising the cost of loans, while saving on education, medicine, and science. The words “stagnation”, “recession”, “devaluation”, “corruption”, “futures”, “volatility”, “derivatives”, etc. firmly entered the life of the country. Against this background, Russia remains a raw material appendage on the sidelines of world development. At the same time, positive changes are not expected, since the main strategy of the authorities is to wait for the rise in oil prices, which, figuratively speaking, can be called a cry for oil prices that are getting cheaper. Moreover, the authorities believe that the crisis is good and beneficial to the Russian economy.

The formed budget for 2018 for the period up to 2020 does not raise any hopes for recovery.

These data confirm the complete failure of the government's economic policy. The growth of budget revenues is insignificant, in fact, it does not cover inflationary losses, even with their artificially reduced level.

The economy continues to sit on the oil and gas needle. Oil and gas revenues in 2017 increased by 23% (+1.13 trillion rubles) and reached 5.972 trillion. rub. (6.5% of GDP). The "airbag" is deflated. The reserve fund ceased to exist.

Expenditures for 2018 are projected at $ 16.5 trillion. rub. Decrease by 2017 by approximately 200 billion rubles. The dynamics of expenditures barely covers the planned inflation.

The deficit in 2018 will amount to 1.3 trillion. rubles, but by 2020, as the government plans, it will be reduced to 0.8 trillion. rubles. Due to what this will be achieved, the draft budget is silent.

In the draft budget for 2018-20, income growth is mainly due to an increase in tax pressure and an increase in fees from the population and business. To fill the hole in the federal treasury, the RF Ministry of Finance intends to raise an additional 912 billion rubles. for three years. The first of the approved measures will be an increase in gasoline prices: excise rates on motor fuel will rise by 50 kopecks. per liter from January 1 and by the same amount from July 1, 2018. This is almost three times more than provided by the Tax Code.

The next step - from July 2018 - is the actual abolition of the duty-free import of goods purchased in foreign online stores.

It was decided to increase the payment for the use of forests 2.17 times in 2018, 2.38 times in 2019, 2.62 times in 2020 (per unit volume of timber); payment for the use of reservoirs for generating electricity - 1.25 times, and for the use of surface water bodies or their parts - 10 times.

The scrappage rate for cars will grow by 15%, at the same time a similar tax is introduced for equipment in heavy engineering - 7%.

An investment levy will be introduced in seaports from 2019, which will increase payments to port operators by 25%.

It was decided to raise the fees for the use of the radio frequency spectrum for telecom operators by 25%. In addition, customs duties are being introduced on machines and equipment that were not previously taxed.

It was decided to raise the water tax rate 1.75 times next year, 2.01 times in 2019 and 2.31 times in 2020.

The cumulative effect of tightening the tax screws will amount to 146.4 billion rubles. next year, 203.5 billion rubles. in 2019 and 563.3 billion in 2020.

It was decided not to change the key tax rates (on profit, VAT, insurance premiums), however, fees from the non-resource sector of the economy should increase from 8.9 trillion to 11.9 trillion. rub.

Growing tax and regulatory pressure amid a lack of liquidity and a full-fledged banking crisis is contributing to a drop in profits in the Russian economy.

All these measures will provide only one thing - a high growth of inflation, since they are included in the price and cost of production.

Thus, economic growth due to an increase in physical volumes of production, import substitution is not provided. The same failed policy with a fiscal bias continues.

Now let's take a closer look at the costs in certain areas.

National economy.

In 2017, allocations for the economy amounted to 2.5 trillion. rubles, in 2018 there is a decrease by 247 billion rubles. In 2019, budgetary allocations in the direction of the "national economy" will amount to 2.23 trillion. rubles, and in 2020 - 2.25 trillion. rubles. In the volume of GDP, allocations for the economy in 2017 amounted to 2.8%, in 2020 - 2.2%. In the total volume of federal budget expenditures, allocations for the economy are also reduced over 4 years from 15.2% to 14.6%.

Investment growth is foreseen from 15.9 trillion. rubles in 2017 to 21.1 trillion. rubles in 2020. However, this does not look real. First, an increase in the tax burden will significantly reduce investment activity. Secondly, the credit policy does not change, and borrowed funds remain inaccessible, depreciation charges are not regulated and are not a reliable source of investment. Low consumer demand and an unstable political and economic environment are not conducive to investment in the economy.

Judging by the fact that at present the growth of the Russian economy, especially industrial production, is below the mathematical error, a decrease in appropriations for the economy will lead to a protracted stagnation.

Particular attention is drawn to federal target programs, which are the main elements of planning in the economy. The average efficiency of their implementation is slightly more than 91%. And this is on condition, if you do not take into account the constant adjustment towards a decrease in their target indicators and the amount of funding. Often this happens, as they say, quietly, without informing the deputy corps. Those. all work on goal setting, forecasting, planning and programming development in accordance with target programs in this situation becomes fiction.

Power block

Almost 38% of all expenses or 6.3 trillion. rubles of expenditures in 2018, will go to national defense, police and the maintenance of the state apparatus, while spending on education and health care in total will be 6 times less (1.064 trillion rubles).

In the next three years, the share of military spending will reach a maximum of 24.5% (almost a quarter of the budget!). The record will also be set by the classification of expenditures - 19.5% of the budget in 2020 will become "closed" - every fifth national ruble.

National security.

Budget allocations for the section "National security and law enforcement" in 2018 will amount to 1.33 trillion. rubles, in 2019 - 1.34 trillion. rubles and in 2020 - 1.39 trillion. rubles.

The share in the total volume of federal budget expenditures under the section "National Security and Law Enforcement Activities" for three years compared to 2017 (11.7%) will decrease to 9.7%

Social politics

It remains unclear why funding for the economy and the social sphere needs to be reduced, while overstated growth for law enforcement is provided by federal funds.

Budget allocations for the section "Social Policy" in 2018 will amount to 4.7 trillion. rubles, in 2019 - 4.74 trillion. rubles and in 2020 - 4.87 trillion. rubles. The allocation for social policy in 2020 in ruble terms will be less than in 2016. And this will inevitably lead to a further decrease in the standard of living of people.

In relation to the volume of GDP of the corresponding year, the share of expenditures in the "Social Policy" section will amount to 5.5% in 2017, 4.8% in 2018, 4.6% in 2019 and 4.4% in 2020.

The share in the total volume of federal budget expenditures under the Social Policy section will decrease compared to 2017 (30.0%) and will amount to 28.5% in 2018, 29.0% in 2019 and 29 in 2020, 1%.

Housing and utilities.

After 2010, budget expenditures on housing and utilities dropped sharply (from 2.6% of the budget in 2011 to 0.4% in 2016). These costs were passed on to citizens by introducing deductions for overhaul. The prospect is not comforting. The maintenance of housing and communal services is completely transferred to the shoulders of the people. In 2017, 124.9 billion rubles were allocated from the budget for housing and communal services, in 2018 - 143.8 billion rubles, in 2019 - 116.8 billion rubles, in 2020 - 109.2 billion rubles. The share in the total volume of federal budget expenditures under the section "Housing and utilities" in 2018 compared to 2017 (0.7%) will be 1%, and in 2019 and 2020 it will decrease and will amount to 0.9% and 0.8 % respectively. In relation to the volume of GDP of the corresponding year, the share of expenditures in the “Housing and utilities sector” section will be 0.1% in 2017–2020.

These funds, of course, will not ensure the trouble-free maintenance of housing and communal services facilities. The burden on the shoulders of citizens of all communal problems is becoming overwhelming. The collapse of this most important industry is inevitable! The problems of housing and communal services - the elimination of dilapidated and dilapidated housing, the restoration and repair of the infrastructure of this economy, the improvement of the improvement of the housing stock - will only get worse with this approach and policy.

Health care

Expenditures on education, health care, culture, cinema, sports and the media fell in the budget from 11.4% of all expenditures in 2011 to 8.1% and will continue to fall - to 7.5% in 2020. First of all, at the expense of health care. The same fate awaits the article "Physical Culture and Sports". In 2017, 400 ambulance stations, 12 hospital beds, 1000 hospital organizations were liquidated in the country, morbidity and mortality increased markedly. Almost 15 thousand settlements do not have medical care institutions.

So much for taking care of people's health. And how, after that, can one believe the statements of the Prime Minister about the increase in life expectancy and natural population growth, which is used as an argument in favor of raising the retirement age.

The federal budget spending on healthcare in 2018 will amount to 460 billion rubles, in 2019 - 426.6 billion rubles, in 2020 - 497.5 billion rubles. Financing of the federal program "Healthcare Development" in 2018 will increase by 5.5 billion rubles. and will amount to 311 billion rubles. At the same time, in 2019, it is planned to allocate 275.6 billion rubles for the purposes of the Program, and in 2020 - 348.3 billion rubles. It is necessary to take into account inflation and it will be higher than 4% due to the increase in taxes and payments.

The situation with medicine in the countryside is even worse. More on this in more detail. More than a quarter of the population or 37.8 million people still live in rural areas, who are actually breadwinners for another 109 million people.

Living conditions in rural areas are characterized by increased physical activity, contact with harmful substances used in agriculture. A whole list of harmful factors determines a higher mortality rate than in a city and, accordingly, life expectancy - on average, 2 years less than in a city.

In this regard, the issues of providing medical care in rural areas are one of the key issues. At the same time, we see that from year to year medical care in the countryside is becoming less and less accessible.

The number of hospitals, even since 2010, has decreased by more than 300 units (23.2%). The number of feldsher-obstetric stations has decreased by 3.6 thousand units over 5 years. Ambulance stations decreased by 150 units, and one ambulance brigade may account for 10 thousand of the population.

Against this background, the process of consolidation of medical institutions proceeded. The average number of beds per hospital has grown from 114 to 156. The radius of coverage of medical services in rural areas has increased accordingly. In other words, instead of a geographically close but small medical institution, rural residents are forced to go to larger hospitals, geographically more remote. Taking into account the transport situation in rural areas, the lack of paved roads, when it is possible to drive for several hours to the hospital, which is 60 kilometers or more, in this case, rural residents become virtually cut off from medical services and left to their own devices.

Many regional hospitals and hospitals in large settlements are being closed. Instead of opening new islands of medical care, we, on the contrary, are destroying everything.

It should be noted that the figures I have cited are actually "average for the ward" and do not take into account the territorial unevenness of the location of healthcare organizations. At the same time, if we look in the context of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, we will see that in 40 regions the provision of hospital beds per 10 thousand inhabitants is less than 40. In 23 regions there are 40 to 60 beds per 10 thousand inhabitants. We have more than 60 beds per 10 thousand inhabitants in only 17 regions.

Another acute problem is the lack of medical specialists. The shortage of medical personnel in the countryside has reached 95 thousand people, of which 24 thousand are doctors. Attracting the missing medical personnel to the countryside is a big problem, mainly related to the low quality of life in the countryside.

The number of families of young professionals living in dilapidated and dilapidated housing in 2015 amounted to more than 14 thousand. And these are only those families that are officially registered as needy. The number of families of young professionals who received new housing in 2015 was only 1.5 thousand, and the number of those in need is about 16.1 thousand families.

Rural medicine is inseparable from the social development of the village, therefore it is necessary to develop a special subprogram "Rural medicine" as an integral part of the health care development program in general, with the allocation of at least 25-28% of funds from the general federal health program.

The issues of ensuring the availability and quality of medical care to citizens living in rural areas should become the focus of attention of the government and the State Duma.


Education spending in 2020 will be lower than 2013 in ruble terms. The volume of appropriations for this industry will be indexed practically to the inflation rate. Budget expenditures in the Education section in 2018 will amount to 663.6 billion rubles, in 2019 - 647.5 billion rubles and in 2020 - 663.7 billion rubles.

In the total volume of federal budget expenditures, the share in the Education section in 2018–2020 will increase as compared to 2017 (3.7%) and will amount to 4.0% annually. It should be noted that this is clearly not enough. In many developed countries, this share for education reaches 13% of total government spending.

The budget does not please with its attention to science either. The total decrease in funding for science and research in four years will be 11%.


Against this, in general, a bleak background, the agro-industrial complex of the country looks like an island of relative prosperity.

The agro-industrial complex of Russia, despite all the difficulties, proves its effectiveness. The production figures for 2016 and 2017 show good growth dynamics. A record grain harvest was obtained. The attitude of the authorities to the agricultural sector is also beginning to change. Quite recently, President Vladimir Putin said that this industry should not be viewed in the traditional sense as a “black hole” absorbing financial resources.

Nevertheless, despite noticeable positive shifts in the efficiency of the industry, there are still a lot of problems in the countryside and in the industry as a whole, including with regard to its financial support. This is evidenced by the Law on the federal budget for 2018 and for the planning period of 2019 and 2020.

Unfortunately, funding for the agricultural sector remains very low. The federal budget expenditures for the implementation of the measures of the State Program for the Development of Agriculture and the Regulation of Agricultural Products, Raw Materials and Food Markets for 2013-2020 will amount to 241.9 billion rubles in 2018. This is only 1.77% of the total federal budget expenditures. It will not be better in the following years: in 2019 - 242.4 billion rubles, and in 2020 - 242.5 billion rubles. Moreover, the financial support of this State Program at the expense of the federal budget for the next three years is decreasing compared to the level of expenditures in 2016 and 2017, not to mention the fact that the allocated amounts are significantly inferior to those contained in its passport, approved by the Government back in December 2014 The planned funding for 2018-2020 is, in relation to the established program passport, from 63 to 68%.

10 billion rubles are planned for the renewal of the agricultural machinery park in 2018. This will allow agricultural producers to purchase equipment in the amount of about 19 thousand units, including 710 tractors, 2030 combine harvesters and 170 forage harvesters. And this is for the whole huge country! In 2016, agricultural producers purchased 18 thousand tractors and combines, including 11.3 thousand tractors, 6 thousand combine harvesters, 718 forage harvesters. But in order to stop the disposal of equipment, to move to an increase in the park, agricultural producers must annually purchase 45 thousand tractors, 12 thousand grain and 2 thousand forage harvesters.

We have repeatedly noted that the tendency of reduction and aging of equipment persists in agriculture, the rate of disposal of equipment significantly outstrips the rate of renewal. The wear rate of agricultural machinery remains very high. The share of machines with a service life of over 10 years for tractors is 59.6%, for grain harvesters - 45.4%, for forage harvesters - 44.4%. The equipment of agricultural producers with machinery remains at a level that does not allow performing all technological operations within the normative agrotechnical terms. All this leads to shortages and losses of products. At the same time, for 2019 and 2020, financing for the acquisition of new equipment is provided in amounts of only 2 billion rubles.

Budget allocations for untied support in crop production in 2018-2020 are planned in volumes of 11.3 billion rubles. in year. Support for productivity in dairy farming is determined at the level of 7.3 billion rubles annually. And this despite the fact that subsidies for the provision of unrelated support in the field of crop production and subsidies for increasing productivity in dairy farming are the most accessible, transparent and demanded forms of state support for agricultural producers of various forms of management. After all, these funds were directed to the purchase of fuels and lubricants and mineral fertilizers, chemical plant protection products and seeds, which made it possible to ensure the timely implementation of seasonal field work using the necessary material and technical resources. Given the continuing positive dynamics in the livestock industry as a whole, the elimination of subsidies may lead to a breakdown of even the adjusted indicators of the State Program for milk. The share of milk and dairy products (in terms of milk) produced in Russia in the total resources of the domestic market in 2018 has been reduced from 85.9% to 80.2%, in 2019 - from 87.8% to 80.5%, in 2020 year from 90.2% to 80.6%, which is below the threshold values ​​of the Food Security Doctrine (90%). Therefore, our faction will insist on strengthening support for the dairy industry, as well as supporting small businesses (novice farmers and family livestock farms) engaged in breeding dairy cattle, and providing subsidies for 1 kilogram of sold and (or) shipped for their own processing. milk. It is necessary to find an opportunity to maintain funding for the event "Maintaining the profitability of agricultural producers" in 2018-2020 at the level of 2016.

The termination of financing in 2018-2020 of compensation for direct costs incurred for the construction and modernization of agricultural facilities is also surprising. This form of support has been in effect since 2015, the state reimburses from 20% to 35% of the estimated cost of construction and modernization of dairy and greenhouse complexes, fruit, vegetable, potato storage facilities, wholesale distribution, selection, seed and genetic centers. Most of the investment projects selected in 2017 are aimed at the construction and modernization of dairy and greenhouse complexes, vegetable stores, breeding centers. Technical modernization carried out in dairy cattle breeding is one of the factors in increasing milk production. In 2016, 236 new dairy farms and complexes were built, reconstructed, modernized and put into operation.

Considering also the importance of maintaining the interest of investors in the construction of greenhouse complexes (to replace imports, it is necessary to produce 900 thousand tons of greenhouse vegetables annually, this requires the construction of 1.8 thousand hectares of greenhouses), the construction of nurseries and breeding centers (only 25 , 8% of the need for fruits and berries; in 2016, fruit imports amounted to 1.6 million tons; there is a need for an annual establishment of at least 500 hectares of fruit nurseries with the production of planting material of the highest quality categories), we will strive to preserve in 2018-2020 years of this form of support.

We cannot agree with the reduction of the status of the federal target program "Development of land reclamation of agricultural land in Russia for 2014 - 2020" and its transfer to the level of the subprogram. In the current conditions, this program has a leading role in increasing soil fertility and their productivity, preventing their degradation. It is complex and solves many problems. Including, the commissioning of ameliorated lands through reconstruction, technical re-equipment and the construction of new reclamation systems, which allows to ensure an increase in crop production, ensure land protection from water erosion, flooding and waterlogging through the implementation of flood control measures. Land reclamation helps to prevent loss of crop yields through irrigation and drainage of excess water by drainage systems. Given the high efficiency of this program, and the fact that its goals and objectives are aimed at sustainable agricultural production through land reclamation for agricultural purposes, we consider it necessary to continue its implementation until 2020.

The same can be said about the downgrading of the status of the FTP "Sustainable Development of Rural Areas for 2014-2017 and for the period until 2020" to the level of a subprogram. This is one of the most important programs to improve living conditions in the countryside. Downgrading the status of this program and the planned inclusion of the FTP "Sustainable Development of Rural Areas for 2014-2017 and for the period until 2020" in other state programs in accordance with the sectoral principle, we consider unacceptable, since this will not allow providing an integrated approach to the arrangement of rural settlements objects of industrial, social and engineering infrastructures, highways, affordable housing, as well as coordinate activities with ongoing investment projects. Such a decision will make it impossible to effectively coordinate public policy measures for the development of rural areas.

There have been some positive shifts in the financing of the fishery industry. At the same time, the draft federal budget does not take into account the decision made following the meeting in the Government of the Russian Federation on maintaining the level of resource provision of the state program of the Russian Federation "Development of the fishery complex" for 2018 not lower than the level of state support for the fishery complex in 2017.

Noting that in recent years agriculture has shown good growth rates, in 2016 the agricultural production index amounted to 104.8%, exceeding the target of the State Program, in 2017 a record grain harvest was obtained, the Communist Party faction believes that in order to consolidate the positive dynamics , it is necessary in 2018-2020 to provide priority financing of the agro-industrial complex.

We will seek in 2018-2020 additional budgetary allocations for the implementation of the following activities of the State Programs:

For subsidies to provide unrelated support to agricultural producers in the field of crop production, at least 25 billion rubles annually;

For subsidies to increase productivity in dairy cattle breeding annually 15 billion rubles;

To compensate direct costs incurred for the construction and modernization of agricultural facilities ”annually 15 billion rubles;

Contribution to the authorized capital of JSC Rosagroleasing annually in the amount of 5 billion rubles;

Provide an increase in budget allocations for the implementation of measures of the program "Development of the fishery complex" in 2018 by 1.215 billion rubles, in 2019 - by 1.387 billion rubles, in 2020 - by 1.137 billion rubles, in order to conduct resource research, for material -technical support of fisheries protection authorities (supervision), development of aquaculture, development of the infrastructure of the fishery complex, as well as to preserve the federal target programs "Sustainable development of rural areas for 2014 - 2017 and for the period until 2020", "Development of land reclamation of agricultural land in Russia for 2014 - 2020s "until the end of their implementation, providing in full the planned budgetary financing of their activities.

Today, agriculture is the only industry that demonstrates sustainable development rates. The Russian rural worker, thanks to his hard work, love for the land, overcoming difficulties, in spite of everything, achieves enviable success. He needs a little more help, and there is no doubt that these successes will become even more noticeable. The village is our source of life, our roots, here is the source of our culture. It is our common task to protect and support it.

There is an exit!

The above data convincingly show that the government is not engaged in development, but in strangling all spheres of the country's life.

Today there is a real opportunity to significantly increase the revenue side of the budget. Russia is the richest country in the world. It has tremendous potential. The country has everything for urgent and effective development, regardless of the exchange rate and oil prices. Our country is 10 times richer in resources per capita than the developed and developing countries of the world. Russia has 120 million hectares of farmland and the world's richest reserve of black soil. The country does not lack all the necessary natural resources: energy, mineral, water, metals, wood, etc. So far, there is also a unique human resource with our traditions, a way of life that ensures the development of the country.

In such a country, forming a budget that meets modern challenges is a difficult task, but realizable. All that is needed is the political will of the authorities. We have repeatedly pointed to the sources of replenishment of the budget, which are literally on the surface. This is the nationalization of leading industries, and a monopoly on the production and sale of alcohol and tobacco products, and a progressive scale of income tax, and the rational use of forest and water resources, the introduction of new technologies, etc.

Only an increase in oil recovery factor (oil recovery factor) through the introduction of modern production methods, for example, by 1%, will allow us to increase our oil reserves by 1.3 billion tons, to ensure additional production up to 50 million tons per year. Accordingly, federal budget revenues will increase by over 400 billion rubles, and this is only through the collection of the severance tax and customs duties.


The measures we propose will significantly increase the revenue side of the federal budget, and, consequently, its expenditure side. An increase in the expenditure side will ensure adequate financing of systemically important expenditure items, including health care, education, science, social benefits and, most importantly, the real sector of the economy.

We have to restore the model of sustainable development of the economy, which was the basis of the planned economy of the country. It included such elements as:

powerful state sector of the economy;

balanced production of means of production and consumption;

affordable cheap loans;

stable state banking system;

developed and rationally placed productive forces, including science;

favorable investment climate;

high labor discipline and professional responsibility of personnel for the assigned work;

effective regional policy;

cooperation and high coordination of ministries and departments;

a high level of mechanization and automation of production;

affordable, cheap energy resources;

a tough fight against corruption and embezzlement at every stage of the movement of budgetary funds, the restoration of parliamentary and popular control.

The efficiency of the presented model is confirmed by the activities of enterprises that use these elements to one degree or another. Just look at such enterprises as PJSC Nizhnekamskneftekhim, CJSC Voronezh Building Materials Plant, or OJSC Emelyanovka Enterprise - true islands of socialism that achieve high results even in the current unhealthy conditions of the economy.

PJSC "Nizhnekamskneftekhim" is the largest petrochemical complex in Russia with a staff of over 16 thousand people, a leading player in the domestic and foreign plastics markets.

CJSC "VKSM" is the largest manufacturer of silicate products in Russia with a staff of over 1000 people.

OJSC "Yemelyanovka" is the largest agricultural enterprise in the Ozersk urban district of the Moscow region, with a livestock population of 4 thousand heads, 1600 dairy cows, yielding more than 8 tons of milk per 1 forage cow per year. In 2015, the enterprise harvested more than 24 thousand tons of potatoes.

An example of socialist management is the Zvenigovsky agricultural production center, headed by the communist, first secretary of the Mari republican committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Ivan Ivanovich Kazankov, the Lenin state farm in the Moscow region, headed by P. Grudinin, and others.

These are completely different enterprises, both in profile and in scale of production. But all of them have one thing in common - their effective work is based on the system of requirements and approaches to the organization of production formulated above.

We visited all these enterprises not so long ago and were able to see with our own eyes the efficiency of production processes and the harmony of relations between labor collectives and employers.

Increase efficiency.

Improving the efficiency of the Russian economy is a feasible task. This requires political will and purposefulness in the actions of state authorities both in the field of agriculture and in the field of industrial production.

Having implemented the presented system of measures, in the medium term we will be able to ensure a significant increase in all indicators of the industry's efficiency. We will manage to produce 120-230 million tons of grain, 40 million tons of potatoes, 20 million tons of vegetables, 45 million tons of milk, 3.5 million tons of beef meat, 4.1 million tons of pork and poultry meat, 6.5 million tons of fish, 45.5 billion eggs. Production volumes will amount to over 4 trillion. rub. in 2017 prices.

Moreover, this will increase the number of jobs in the countryside by 80% and 6 times more in the city.

Russia's food security will be fully restored.

The same is the prospect for the implementation of our proposed model of sustainable economic development in the context of industrial development.

Budget financing of the industry at the level of at least 3.5 trillion. rub. already in the medium term will allow:

Under the strict supervision of the state, restore and build new enterprises (aviation, machine-tool, machine-building, etc.), thereby providing a production base for full-fledged import substitution;

To develop people's enterprises;

Create all the necessary conditions for the development of small and medium-sized businesses (reduce the tax burden, create a comprehensive system of progressive incentives for production);

Provide assistance to city-forming enterprises;

To develop deep processing of raw materials;

Develop human resources in the industry.

As a result, the country will receive 5 million new jobs, increase the annual steel production to 106 million tons, the production of cars to 3 million per year, the production of mineral fertilizers up to 30 million tons per year, the production of chemical threads and fibers to 230 thousand. tons, production of paper and cardboard up to 12 million tons, and will also increase the construction area to 180 million square meters. meters per year.

On the basis of the proposed model of sustainable economic development, approaches to the management of all sectors of the national economy, without exception, should be improved. Moreover, not only at the federal, but also at the regional and local levels. This is the only way we can ensure the prosperity of Russia.

The implementation of the main provisions of the social and economic program of the Communist Party and a wide range of left-wing patriotic forces will make it possible to increase GDP to 105 trillion. rub., to form sufficient budgets. We will eliminate unemployment by doubling the average wage, benefits, scholarships, and also ensuring the size of pensions at least 40% of the new wage level. In addition, the country will move to free education and health care, which guarantees an increase in life expectancy by 5 years.

Communist Party calls for action!

Time proves that the liberal course of the current government is leading the country to a social explosion with unpredictable consequences. A change in the socio-economic course and a change in power are necessary. The new course is clearly outlined in the program of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation "Ten Steps to a Decent Life" and in the program of the candidate for the presidency of Russia from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and the patriotic forces of Russia "Twenty Steps of Grudinin".

Russia is a rich country and has no right to keep the people in poverty and the economy in ruins. The question is in power. The current regime has completely gone bankrupt and is not capable of running the country through rotten corrupt methods. We need a people's government, we need a people's government, and only such a government is capable of creating a powerful state, with a developed economy and advanced science. This will become possible if at the presidential elections we support the people's candidate for this high position - Pavel Nikolayevich Grudinin.

Communists in alliance with all patriotic forces are ready to take responsibility for bringing the country out of the crisis!

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