
FSSP in Chuvash. UFSSP in the Chuvash Republic is to check the debts of bailiffs in Cheboksary. Gerasimov Sergey Aleksandrovich

Office of the Federal Service bailiffs - This is the execution of court decisions within the framework of one territorial unit, in our case of the Republic of Chuvashia.

The main functions of the Office of the Federal Bailiff Service are regulated by law on bailiffs. Simply put - this is monitoring and conducting business work on individuals and legal entities. The order for bailiffs is above all. The main task is one - this is the cause of court decisions. Methods are different: monitoring the process, organization of execution of the decision, execution. Often this process is forced and requires management intervention. But it is necessary to strengthen state protection of the population.

The main goal is to return debts, taxes, insurance premiums, penalties and so on. By the way, you can contribute to the work of the services, as it can also be reported on corruption and crime.

Executive Production Data Bank

In accordance with the law of UFSSP, it is obliged to conduct an electronic registry, which is drawn up in the so-called data bank on the site. When working with the bank you need to select in the search menu, a physical or legal person and the official place of its registration or location. By decision of the chief bailiff, the case can be transferred to a bank especially important executive proceedings.

Search by Fizlitz

For search individual The last name and name is needed, as well as the place where the person lives. You need to go to the site FSPprus.ru Select Services in the menu - Bank Executive Production. Press the search for individuals. In the column "territorial authority" we write the Chuvash Republic and then the surname and name. Patronymic and date of birth are not mandatory.

Although you know, it is better to specify, so the search will be reduced. After loading the data, the table full of the debtor is falling out, the number and date of the executive cause, the article of punishment and the date of the end of the case, the amount for repayment, the address of the bailiffs and the name and the phone of the bailiff, who led the case.

Search by IP number

It is carried out in a similar way in the Services tab, but to search for IP, you need to know the number of enforcement proceedings. After a successful search, in addition to the data on the organization, dates and causes of solutions and contacts, there is also an item on the details of the executive document.

Search Yurlitz

The search for Jurlitz is produced in the same place. For the search for Jurlitsa is enough to know the name. The registration address is an optional field. Data is published in the last 3 years. Details of debt amounts are not highlighted. You can find out in your personal account.

How to pay debt

In order to pay the debt, you must first make sure that you are on the list of debtors. You can make it right on the official website of the UFSSP in the Chuvash Republic, do not forget to introduce the right region! There are several options to pay online:

  • You can pay directly on the site by clicking the "Pay" button. Payment is carried out only from the official website and through bank payment systems;
  • State services;
  • Through Yandex.Money payment systems, kiwi-wallet, robokass;
  • Bank card.

When paying, it is necessary to pay attention to the presence of the Commission, otherwise, partial repayment of debt leads to further accrual of penalties and interest. Check the payment can also be on the site, after about a week. If the record is removed, it means that the debt is repaid. If changes have been made, it means that only part of the debt is repaid.

Official site

Bunching Service of the Chuvash Republic - the official website r21.fssprus.ru..

Important for users sections are:

  • Services;
  • Documentation;
  • Contacts;
  • Circulation;
  • Activity.

The "Services" section is the main section, to verify the data on the availability of executive proceedings, the search for executive processes and criminals, the notice of the auction, etc.

"Documents" are rather important for lawyers and lawyers to see changes in legislative Base. But in the section reference Information You can find frequently asked questions and answers to them, which is useful in difficult situations.

"Contacts". The section says for himself. Here you can find everything from the address to the photo location in the Chuvash Republic. It is very convenient that there is an email.

In the "Appeals" section you can find information on personal and online receiving citizens, as well as a small certificate for citizens. There is also an interactive assistant who will answer questions "What to do?".

The "Activities" section mainly describes the successes and service plans, but there is a very important graph - wanted list.

If I have to do what to do

Legal language You are called a recoverer, and the person who owes you is the debtor. First, if a court decision has already been made, on the basis of which you have to pay a certain amount, then you need to get a document confirming the decision. Next, it is already depends on the situation with the debtor, you can come with him to the settlement agreement, or refer to attracting with explanatory issues, for this you will need to fill in a special form.

Within 10 days you will receive an answer. To conclude a settlement agreement, it is also necessary to bring a statement to the court and on its basis to register a global agreement approved by the court with the terms of payment and conditions. This global agreement is official and attached to the case. But ideally, of course, it is better not to bring the case to court.

If I must

Some may not even know that some trial and there are some fines and debts regarding them. So it happens for various reasons, it may be a mismatch of the place of registration with the actual place of residence or late mail. You can see the lists of debtors not only on the site, but also in applications for social. Networks "In contact" and "classmates" and in mobile phones applications.

If you found yourself in the list of debtors you need to pay off debt as soon as possible. As as judicial decision You can impose a limitation of leaving the abroad, which is very close to the holiday or vacation. If the payment has occurred before the initiation of the case, the receipt / confirmation of the payment must be required to the Department of Attachment of the Chuvash Republic, then the case will be canceled. If it has already entered into force, additional fees will require you.

But, in any case, the help will have a check with me, so that in case of errors you had proof of your right.

Personal Area

In your account you can find out 2 things: make a certificate about the absence of debts and production from the database, and from the bailiff itself. All other data are in open access. And track the statuses of calls in the Personal Account.

If you are planning to contact several times, it is better to start personal Area To control their appeals.

Register of bailiffs

The register of bailiffs is in the "Services" section. Having driven into the field of the territory of the Chuvash Republic and specifying an advanced search, you will see all the branches that are in our region by districts and cities. As a rule, this is one UFSSP on the city or the area, if it is a settlement. Data is indicated with the full list of contacts, including address, phone numbers, senior phoe and reception hours. This registry was created throughout Russia, which is convenient in the case of moving.

Alatyarsky paint:

  • Address: 429800, Alatyr, ul. B. Khmelnitsky, d. 19b;
  • Telephone: 8 83531 21147;
  • Email: [Email Protected]

Alikovsky ROSP:

  • Address: 429230, p. Alikovo, ul. 60 years of October, d. 63;
  • Telephone: 8 83535 22208;
  • Email: [Email Protected]

Vurner Rosp:

  • Address: 429100, Vurner, ul. Pervomayskaya, d. 18;
  • Telephone: 8 83537 26087;
  • Email: [Email Protected]

Ibresinsky paint:

  • Address: 429700, Ibresi, ul. Lespromkhozny, d. 18;
  • Phone: 8 83538 21035;
  • Email: [Email Protected]

Kalininsky Rosp, Cheboksary:

Kanashsky paint:

  • Address: 429700, Kanash, ul. Komsomolskaya, d. 31;
  • Telephone: 8 83533 21924;
  • Email: [Email Protected]

Krasnoarmeysky Rosp:

  • Address: 429610, p. Krasnoarmeyskoye, ul. Mechanizers, 1a;
  • Telephone: 8 83530 21990;
  • Email: [Email Protected]

Krasnochtai Rosp:

  • Address: 429040, p. Red Chetai, ul. Roadside, d. 31a;
  • Telephone: 8 83551 21590;
  • Email: [Email Protected]

Kozlovsky Rosp:

  • Address: 429430, Kozlovka, ul. Lenin, d. 57;
  • Telephone: 8 83534 22335;
  • Email: [Email Protected]

Komsomolsky ROSP:

  • Address: 429300, p. Komsomolskoe, ul. Lenin, 2;
  • Telephone: 8 83539 51568;
  • Email: [Email Protected]

Leninsky Rosp, Cheboksary:

  • Address: 428023, Cheboksary, ul. Enthusiasts, d. 34a;
  • Phones:
    • 8 8352 306245;
    • 8 8352 306165;
  • Email: [Email Protected]

Mariinsko-Posad Rosp:

  • Address: 429550, Mariinsky Posad, ul. Embankment, d. 16;
  • Telephone: 8 83542 22857;
  • Email: [Email Protected]

Interdistrict Department of bailiffs on the execution of special executive proceedings:

  • Address: 428023, Cheboksary, ul. Enthusiasts, d. 34a;
  • Phones:
    • 8 8352 306103;
    • 8 8352 306118;
  • Email: [Email Protected]

Moscow Rosp, Cheboksary:

  • Address: 428023, Cheboksary, ul. Enthusiasts, d. 34a;
  • Phones:
    • 8 8352 306244;
    • 8 8352 306224;
  • Email: [Email Protected]

Morgarus Rosp:

  • Address: 429530, p. Morgaushi, ul. In the world, d. 5;
  • Phone: 8 83541 62901;
  • Email: [Email Protected]

Novocheboksar M:

  • Address: 428901, Novocheboksarsk, ul. Factory, d. 7;
  • Phones:
    • 8 8352 737434;
    • 8 8352 747156;
  • Email: [Email Protected]

OSP in Batyrovsky and Shemurshinsky districts:

  • Address: 429350, p. Batyrevo, ul. Komarova, d. 13;
  • Telephone: 8 83532 62266;
  • Email: [Email Protected]

OSP for the city of Shumerlya, Shumerlin and Poretsky districts:

  • Address: 429000, Shumerlya, ul. Kostokina, d. 11;
  • Telephone: 8 83536 20207;
  • Email: [Email Protected]


  • Address: 429400, Urmara, ul. Lenin, 3;
  • Telephone: 8 83544 21440;
  • Email: [Email Protected]

Civilian paint:

  • Address: 429900, Tsivilsk, ul. Soviet, d. 32;
  • Telephone: 8 83545 21416;
  • Email: [Email Protected]

Cheboksarsky ROSP:

  • Address: 429500, Cugesi, ul. Soviet, 88;
  • Telephone: 8 83540 23350;
  • Email: [Email Protected]

Yadrinsky paint:

  • Address: 429060, Yadrin, ul. K. Marx, d. 52;
  • Telephone: 8 83547 23217;
  • Email: [Email Protected]

Yalchik Rosp:

  • Address: 429380, p. Flyer, ul. Ivanova, d. 11;
  • Telephone: 8 83549 26149;
  • Email: [Email Protected]

Yantikovsky paint:

  • Address: 429330, p. Yantikovo, ul. Chapaeva, d. 1;
  • Phone: 8 83548 21492;
  • Email: [Email Protected]

OSP by execution executive documents On the recovery of aliminal payments in Cheboksary:

  • Address: 428023, Cheboksary, ul. Enthusiasts, d. 34a;
  • Telephone: 8 8352 306008;
  • Email: [Email Protected]


The telephone directory is in the graph of contacts and is divided into " reference phones"And" Phone Directory of Employees. " In the first there are phones of the receiving and central apparatus, in the second - you need to know the name of a particular employee who behaves.

Internet reception

Internet reception is enough fast way Entries and solving the issue compared to classic. Appeals are considered during the week. And the answer comes to the specified email, as well, in the absence of email, the answer will come by an ordinary letter.

Specify the name of whom the appeal and your contacts are intended. It is convenient that you can also attach documents to a separate file to this appeal. You can use the services and applications and subscribe to updates, in this case you will be able to track changes in the registry itself, and track the status of calls in the Personal Account. Or, if the case is protracted - you will see the entire history of appeals. But the institution of a personal office is not a prerequisite.

Recording on reception

The reception record is carried out a month before the reception. You must email to receive a recording time confirmation. You need to go to the "Appeals" section, into the "Personal Reception of Citizens" and accept the terms of service, only after that the region and the current appeal will be available. You need to know specifically to which baptism you want to sign up.

If you also appeal, you should also specify the date of the previous appeal. And you must briefly write the cause of the appeal. A citizen has the right to sign up for one day on various issues, but only once on the specified day on the same issue. Those. You will not be able to ask the same question to several employees at the same time.



In accordance with Article 6.1 of the Federal Law of 02.10.2007 No. 229-FZ "On Enforcement Proceedings", the Federal Bailiff Service creates and leads the executive proactive data bank in in electronic format. According to the procedure for creating and maintaining a data bank in the executive production of the Federal Bailiff Service in electronic form, the publicly available part of the data bank is published on the official website of the FSSP of Russia.

According to paragraph 3 of Article 6.1 of the Federal Law of 02.10.2007 No. 229-FZ "On Enforcement Proceedings" in the publicly available part of the data bank, the requirements contained in the executive documents issued on the basis of a judicial act, the text of which, in accordance with the law Russian Federationis not accommodated in the Internet "Internet".

In accordance with Article 33 of the Federal Law of 02.10.2007 No. 229-FZ "On Enforcement Proceedings", enforcement proceedings can be transferred to another division of bailiffs. By decision of the Director Federal Service The bailiffs are the main bailiff of the Russian Federation, enforcement proceedings can be transferred to the management of particularly important executive proceedings. In this case, you must follow the link http://fssprus.ru/iss/ip/ and in the section "Territorial bodies", indicate - the management of particularly important executive proceedings.

To work with the bank you need to choose a subsection: search for individuals or a search for legal entities.

Date of birth for an individual is not mandatory for filling. In the case of data coincidence for more accurate identification, you can fill in the Field in DD.MM.YYYY format.

If there is information about the enforcement proceedings, you can get information from the executive proceedings bank through the section "Search by Executive Number".

If you have information about the number of the executive document, you can get information from the executive proceedings bank through the Search by the Executive Document number section.

FSSP Russia does not store and does not transmit personal data entered by users in the search form.

The service bank of the executive proceedings is provided only on the official website of the FSSP of Russia at http://fssprus.ru/iss/ip/ and sections of the territorial bodies of the FSSP of Russia located in the third level domains R **. Fssprus.ru/iss/ip.

with the help of the service bank of the executive proceedings on the official website of the Federal FSSP of Russia online via Mesvyazbank electronic payment systems, Kiwi (without commission) , Tinkoff (without commission),Robokassa, Padagosuslug.Ru, Vabmani, Yandex.Money, PEIMO, SYSTEeMA City, Systems Simple payments, State Poland, RFI Bank. Payment system PAGAGOSUSLUG.RU also allows you to pay debt from the account mobile phone and through the "Euroset" salons, payment system Yandex.Money through cellular salons;

using the FSSP application for mobile devices online through electronic payment systems;

through a personal account in the Internet bank Sberbank ONL @ ENE, choosing the service "FSSP of Russia" (for users bank cards Sberbank of Russia);

through terminals and accidents of instant payment;

with the help of the service bank of the executive proceedings on the official website of the FSSP of Russia, print a receipt for payment and pay directly in the bank.

A record in the data bank will be deleted or changed (in the case of partial repayment of debt) within 3 - 7 days from the date of payment, since the cash must enter the deposit account of the bailiffs department, are distributed, listed by the recoverer.

If additional questions occur, you can contact directly into the division of bailiffs at the specified address, the phone in order to obtain information on admission money or about the adopted and possible measures of compulsory execution, such as, for example, a temporary restriction on departure from the Russian Federation.

To clarify the nature and grounds for the decisions taken to recovery administrative fines and tax payments FSSP of Russia proposes to contact the authorized body that has made an appropriate decision, or receive information on the official website of the traffic police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia or the Federal Tax Service.

You can receive information on the progress of enforcement proceedings by contacting a single portal of public services at: https://www.gosuslugi.ru/structure/10000001012

The ability to get information about the presence / absence of debt has users social networks "In contact" and "Odnoklassniki" through a special application "Bank of Data Executive Production".

Also get information about the presence / absence of debt can be with mobile devices using the following portable operating systems: Android, iOS and Windows Phone. The application is easy to find and install on the appropriate systems from "stores" Windows applications on Windows Phone, from Google Play on Android, from App Store. On iOS, typing: "FSSP".

Applications for social networks and mobile devices allow not only to once receive information on the presence / absence of arrears in the executive production, but also subscribe to obtaining these information constantly. By subscribing, you will receive notifications about the emergence of new debt or about changes in the already available.

Regulation on the management of the federal bailiff service in the Chuvash Republic I. General provisions 1. The Office of the Federal Bailiff Service for the Chuvash Republic (hereinafter referred to as the Office) is the territorial body of the Federal Bailiff Service, which implements the established procedures for the activities of the courts, the execution of judicial acts and acts of other bodies. 2. The main objectives of the Office are: 1) ensuring the established procedure for the activities of the Supreme Court of the Chuvash Republic, the Arbitration Court of the Chuvash Republic, the courts of general jurisdiction and arbitration courts (hereinafter - the courts); 2) the organization of the enforcement of judicial acts of courts of general jurisdiction and arbitration courts (hereinafter referred to as judicial acts), as well as acts of other bodies stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation on enforcement proceedings (hereinafter - the acts of other bodies); 3) management of management departments; 3. The Office in its activities is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, Acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation, international treaties of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Justice of Russia, the legal acts of the FSSP of Russia, as well as this Regulation. 4. The management operates in cooperation with the main federal inspector in the Chuvash Republic, the territorial executive bodies, the executive authorities of the Chuvash Republic, local governments, public associations and organizations. II. Management Powers 5. The Office performs the following powers: 1) provides in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation :. established procedure for the activities of ships; . implementation of enforcement proceedings on the compulsory execution of judicial acts and acts of other bodies; . application of compulsory measures and other measures based on the relevant executive document; . assessment and accounting of the arrested and seized property; 2) Organizes in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation :. storage and forced realization of the arrested and seized property; . the search for the debtor-organization, as well as the property of the debtor (citizen or organization); . The participation of bailiffs in the protection of the interests of the Russian Federation as a lender in bankruptcy cases, as well as in bankruptcy procedures; . participation of bailiffs in the performance of decisions of labor dispute commissions; 3) manages the activities of structural divisions, monitors their activities; 4) conducts an analysis of the activities of territorial bodies and develops measures to improve it; 5) Creates and maintains banks in accordance with the established procedure. 7) conducts contests in the established legislation of the Russian Federation and concludes state contracts on the placement of orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, the provision of services for the needs of management, as well as to conduct research work for state needs in the established field of activity; 8) performs the functions of the recipient and manager of the federal budget funds allocated to finance management activities, as well as to implement the functions assigned to it; 9) Organizes and provides mobilization training and mobilization, as well as conducting civil defense activities, measures to increase the sustainability of the management of the administration and territorial bodies under military time and in case of emergency situations in peacetime; 10) carries out recruitment of the apparatus and district department departments, organizes professional training, retraining, advanced training and internships; 11) develops and measures measures to ensure legal and social protection of management workers; Including measures aimed at protecting the life and health of bailiffs, their property from criminal encroachments related to their official activities. 12) carries out material and technical support of the management of the management apparatus and structural divisions of the Office; 13) performs measures to comply with the rules of turnover of weapons in management in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation; 14) Provides within its competence, the protection of information constituting the state and other secrecy protected by law; 15) organizes the reception of citizens, ensures timely and in full consider their oral and written appeals with the notification of citizens about decision-making in the period established by the legislation of the Russian Federation; 16) carries out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, work on recruitment, storage, accounting and use of archival management documents; 17) interacts in coordination with the leadership of FSSP of Russia and in the prescribed manner with state authorities foreign states and international organizations on issues related to the competence of management; 18) organizes the work on informing the population on the activities of management in cooperation with the authorities of the Chuvash Republic, participates in the legal education of citizens; interacts with media on sales issues public Policy in the field of execution of judicial acts and acts of other bodies; 20) represents the interests of management, as well as in accordance with the powers provided by the FSSP of Russia in judicial processes, provides practical assistance to district divisions in preparation for judicial processes on complaints against the actions (inaction) of bailiffs, if necessary, ensures their management staff staff; 21) summarizes and analyzes statistical and other information materials on the activities of the Office and its structural divisions; 22) draws up the draft estimates of income and expenses for the maintenance of the device and district departments of the Office on the basis of the staff number of employees approved by the order of the FSSP of Russia, provides targeted cash expenditure; 23) Organizes and accounts for the execution of cost estimates, accounting and statistical reporting Management presents it in deadlines in central apparatus FSSP Russia and legislation defined by law authorized bodies; 24) makes plans projects and substantiate management needs capital investments, fuel and energy, material and technical resources, vehicles, organizes work on the efficient use of material and technical resources and the safety of property, to improve working conditions, material and socially ownership of employees of the management apparatus and structural divisions; 25) performs other functions in the established field of activity, if such functions are provided for by federal constitutional laws, federal laws, acts of the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation and the legal acts of the FSSP of Russia. 6. The management in order to implement its authority has the right to: 1) to request and receive from the federal state authorities, the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments, as well as from organizations, regardless of their organizational and legal form, documents, reference and other materials necessary for making decisions on issues related to the established field of activity; 2) to attract in the prescribed manner to develop decisions on issues related to the established field of activities, scientific and other organizations, scientists and specialists, including on a contractual basis; 3) to carry out the functions of the state customer and organize capital construction, reconstruction I. overhaul control objects as well housing construction; 4) to form in the prescribed manner independently and together with other federal executive bodies of deliberative and advisory bodies for consideration of issues related to the established field of activity; 5) enter into civil law contracts. III. Organization of management activities 7. The management includes: - management apparatus; - structural units consisting of civil servants of technical and service personnel, headed by heads of departmental bailiffs. 8. The administration is headed by the head - the main bailiff of the Chuvash Republic, appointed and dismissed by the order of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on the proposal of the Director of the Federal Bailiff Service of Russia - the main bailiff of the Russian Federation, unless otherwise established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. The number of deputy heads is established by the order of the FSSP of Russia. Leader: 1) distributes duties between his deputies, establishes the powers of others officials Management to solve operational, organizational, personnel, financial, industrial and other issues related to the competence of management; 2) organizes the work of the control unit for the management of structural units; 3) introduces (presents) to the director of the FSSP Russia is the main thing Bearing the Russian Federation: - draft structure and staffing management schedule; - proposals for the marginal number and department of remuneration of management workers; - proposals for appointment and liberation from the post of deputy head of the department - deputy chief bailiffs of the Chuvash Republic; - proposals for the formation of a federal budget project in terms of management financing; - Projects of regulatory legal acts and other documents on issues related to the established field of activity. - proposals for submission to the assignment of honorary titles, awarding the state awards of the Russian Federation and departmental awards for management workers, as well as persons providing management in solving tasks assigned to him; 4) Approves: - Regulations on the divisions of the Office of the Office and Structural Department of Management, official instructions. - the composition of the Attestation Commission of the Office; - The composition and procedure for the operational meeting of management management workers. - service schedule; - Regulation of the work of the Office of Management and Structural Departments of Management. 5) Organizes in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the production of inquiry in criminal cases and proceedings on administrative offenses. 6) Provides and controls in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, enforcement proceedings initiated against the same debtor in various structural control units. 7) appoints and dismisses management workers, organizes their professional and special training and internships. 8) decides in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on public service and labor legislation of the Russian Federation issues related to the passage of the Federal State Civil Service and Implementation labor activity in management. 9) Passes, within its competence, individual legal acts (orders, instructions and orders) on the organization of management activities, mandatory for all its employees. 10) cancels the contrary to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation to decide the heads of structural divisions of the Office, unless otherwise established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. 11) Presents in the prescribed manner the territorial body of the FSSP of Russia in the state authorities of the Chuvash Republic, local governments and organizations. 12) establishes employees of the Office in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, premium remuneration and additional payments within the funds allocated from the federal budget for the management of the Office; 13) solves within its competence and in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation, questions about the assignment of class officials by federal state civil servants of the Office; 14) ensures measures to hold certification of management workers, participates in the work of the attestation commission. 15) within the limits of authority, creates a personnel reserve for the replacement of posts in management. 16) applies to the employees of the management measures and disciplinary recovery. 17) Organizes the implementation of regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, orders, instructions and orders of the FSSP of Russia. 18) Conducts contracts and agreements on the issues of core management, financial and economic contracts. 19) distributes budget allocations allocated to the control of the management. 20) carries out other powers arising from the tasks of management as the territorial body of the FSSP of Russia. 8. The Financing of the Office is carried out by FSSP of Russia at the expense of funds allocated from Federal budget. 9. Management is legal entityIt has a seal with the image of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation and with its name, other seals, stamps and blanks of the established sample, accounts opened in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. 13. Location of management - Cheboksary

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