
Departure leaders. Who is the main bailiff of Russia? How to make a complaint to the inaction of the bailiff and where to send it. Who is the main bailiff

Appointed to the position of decree of the President of the Russian Federation. Currently, this position is the Aristov Dmitry Vasilyevich. Actual information It is always available on it or its receiver on the official website.

Who is the main bailiff

This person is appointed main in the territorial division of FSSP or in the Central Office, as in the case of Aristov D.V.

The powers of the Chief Bailiff of the Russian Federation are defined in the Federal Law "On Judicial Bailiffs" of July 21, 1997 ( latest edition dated December 29, 2017). The number of the Law No. 118-FZ.

According to this law, the Director of the FSSP of Russia leads to the entire service in the field of acts of acts of courts of Russia and other bodies, as well as officials. It is assigned a function of controlling the work, the task of which is to ensure the activities of the courts in the prescribed manner.

Other tasks that are facing the main bailiff:

    Supervision of ensuring the safety of executive activities, that is, the work of bailiffs;

    Organization of the protection of premises in which are located judicial authorities and bailiff services;

    Organization of control over the execution of court decisions;

    Control over the activities of bailiffs, the organization of activities carried out by their search for the search for debtors (on the basis of executive acts transferred to the court);

    Control over the compulsory execution of judicial acts in the event that voluntary execution is rejected;

    Edition of orders and orders relating to the organization of the functioning of FSSP;

    Ensuring the coordination of the activities of bodies and organizations engaged in the implementation of the requirements of judicial and other acts at the interdepartmental level. To this end, organs that perform advisory and deliberative functions can request statistical data from the authorities and the organization and other necessary information.

    Organization of control in the subordinate area of \u200b\u200bactivity.

Main bailiff Also has the right to interact with local governments on issues of serving obligatory works by persons who have appointed administrative punishment in the form of this measure.

But, which is particularly valuable for citizens who collided with FSSP, the director of this service has the right to cancel the decision taken by another bailiff, or change it if it does not comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Any citizen has the right to file a complaint or write a statement addressed to the main bailiff.

Where is

Territorial location of the FSSP - in Moscow, if it comes to her central apparatus. In each subject of the Russian Federation there are territorial units that work with local executive acts.

In the capital of the building, the service has been separated in two addresses:

    On the street Kuznetsky Bridge, 16/5, the structure 1 is 9 offices and 2 departments, including the Department of Protection of State Secrets, the Office of the Organization of Enforcement Proceedings, the Office of Corruption, Right Management, etc.

    In the alley of the newspaper., D. 7, the structure 1 is 4 more controls - according to the organization of inquiry, the execution of particularly important executive proceedings, ensuring the established procedure for the activities of the courts. It also contains the control of the activities of the Jurlitz, carrying out the function to return overdue debts.

Can citizens come to the main management? Yes, they can make an appointment with the officials of the territorial bodies. For residents of Moscow, this means that they can come to the main office of the attachments of all Russia. All that is needed for this is to sign up by phone or online 30 days before the visit. You will need to come to the address where the management of you is located.

How to write a complaint with the main bailiff and when they are worth writing

To get to the main bailiff - the task is practically impossible due to the increased employment of the latter and the presence of a large number of substituents, which, in the extreme case, is entrusted with the duty of communication with citizens. If the case is not an extraordinary one, then all questions solve ordinary employees. If a citizen has complaints from their activities, he has the right to complain to the higher authorities (head of the unit). If it does not help, you can send a letter to the inaction of bailiffs or on the improper performance of their official obligations.

And even on the most important attachment, there is someone to complain - if you are unhappy with his actions or inaction, go with a statement to the prosecutor's office.

A sample complaint is posted on the FSSP website, it can be printed and sent by mail or file personally.

You can also print a blank from our site.

(Dropping: 205)

You can fill in the complaint and in electronic form On the subscription site or through the Public Services portal.

What is specified in this document:

    The name of the authority in which the complaint is sent,

    Personal data of a citizen who sends it, or organization,

    The place of residence of the citizen or the location of the organization,

    Position, FULL NAME, with respect to which there are complaints,

    Grounds for the emergence of this complaint

    Requirements for a citizen or organization that submitted a document.

You can complain from both specific actions and the inaction of an official. You can attach copies of documents that serve as confirmation of the validity of the complaint.

The sample written complaints can be easily found on the Internet. But the form of the document is completely simple, to fill it independently will not be difficult.

    It is registered with the body adopted for a maximum of 3 days,

    After registration, the document is considered within 30 days. If for this period, the protracted holidays will fall (for example, on New Year, they are added to this period of consideration),

    The result of consideration is sent to an organization or a citizen in writing on the address specified in the header.

If the appeal contains questions, the solution of which is not included in the competence of bailiffs (for example, a person complained about a judge), then the complaint for seven days is sent to the responsible authority, as the applicant is notified of writing.

When it is worth writing a complaint:

    If the deadlines for registering executive sheets, execution of the decision has already been violated,

    There is an unreasonable refusal to initiate enforcement proceedings,

    Not taken measures to establish property and the source of debtor's income,

    There are illegal actions to seize property or arrest accounts,

    The value of the property is incorrectly calculated (the calculation does not correspond to current market prices).

A complaint can be filed as a person in whose favor of bailiffs and a citizen or an organization in respect of which enforcement proceedings are initiated.

You can also complain about the Hamsk relationship from the side of the attachments (it would be nice to have evidence, such as video or recording a conversation).

How to call or write the main bait

It is necessary to understand that in addition to the most important thing that sits in Moscow, this service has many more main attachments of the "local" scale. So, a citizen or organization has the right to complaint the main bailiff for the inaction of the bailiff, but this case It will be about to write a claim to the name of the direct supervisor of this attachment or his deputy.

The sample application addressed to the head of the head we led to higher.

To make an appointment to the main bailiff of the territorial unit of the FSSP can be on the telephone reception structural units or by the number of a single free reference 8 800 250 39 32.

To jump over the head when filing complaints is impossible - you need to look at the order of subordination.

Director Federal Service bailiffs (FSSP) of the Russian Federation - the main bailiff of Russia on March 20 appointed Dmitry Aristov. The corresponding decree signed Russian President Vladimir Putin. In this post he changed Arthur ParfenchikovaWhich in mid-February was appointed temporarily acting by the head of Karelia.

New main bailiff

On March 20, Russian President Vladimir Putin appointed Dmitry Aristova Director of the Federal Division of Russia. The corresponding decree is posted on the Kremlin website.

Dmitry Aristov was born on January 12, 1972 in Solikamsk Perm region. He graduated from the Kiev Suvorov Military School of Defense Ministry of Defense in 1989, Yaroslavl Higher Military Financial School named after the General Army A.V. Chruleva, Military Financial and Economic University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Moscow State Institute of International Relations Foreign Affairs of Russia.

Military Service and Career

From August 1989 to February 2008, he served in the Armed Forces of Russia. From February 2008 to February 2009, he worked as Head of the Department of Management of the General Directorate of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation.

From February 2009 to June 2010, he worked as Deputy Director of the Department for the registration of departmental regulatory legal acts, from June 2010 to August 2012 - Director of the Department of Regulatory Regulatory, Analysis and Control in the Execution of Criminal Penalties and Judicial Acts of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.

Decree of the President of the President of the Russian Federation dated August 31, 2012 No. 1234 was appointed Deputy Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation. Aristov is a valid state counselor of the Russian Federation of grade 1, colonel of stock. Awarded the Honorary Diploma of the President of the Russian Federation.

"Appointment is enough technocratic"

Director of the Center for Political Studies of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation Pavel Salin It is believed to be the appointment of Dmitry Aristova "Enough technocratic". According to him, now there are no such serious and systemic problems in FSSP, as in Roskosmos.

"Aristov has a rich experience in the civil service, but I do not expect fundamental changes in the work of the department. More Parfenchikov managed to raise the activities of the bailiff service on new level. Earlier there is seriously chrome enforcement proceedings. Today, of course, there are still claims of those who receive executive sheets in the courts, but they are rather private, "he stressed.

President of the Center for Strategic Communications Dmitry Abzalov Reminds that in the past Aristov was Deputy Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation, which now involves the likelihood of the bailiff service with the Ministry of Justice.

According to him, now FSSP is experiencing a number of difficulties and forms a "very negative" idea of \u200b\u200bpower.

"In this regard, the main political task of the department on the eve of the presidential election of 2018 is to mitigate the position. It is necessary to make the service more open and more controlled, because on the basis of its actions, people will form their ideas about power. Another task for Dmitry Aristova is an increase economic efficiencybecause the device was seriously separated, "the expert concluded.

Arthur Parfenikov left to deal with corruption in Karelia

The previous major bailiff of Russia Arthur Parfenchikov on February 15, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, was appointed temporarily acting by the head of Karelia. Parfenchikov fight there with corruption.

Predecessor Department of Bailiffs of the Ministry of Justice of Russia Guide Subordinate Hasional office Director of FSSP - the main bailiff of the Russian Federation Device Headquarters 107996, ul. , 16/5, p. 1
H.G.IO.L. Number of employees 74159 Annual budget 38.993 billion rubles of the Russian Federation (for 2016) Key documents Federal Law of July 21, 1997 No. 118-FZ "On Bailiffs"
Federal Law of 02.10.2007 N 229-FZ "On executive work»
Regulations on the Federal Bailiff Service Website fSSprus.ru. Media Files on Wikisklad

Federal Bailiff Service (FSSP Russia) - Federal body that performs functions to ensure the established procedure for activities, execution, acts of other bodies and officials, as well as law enforcement functions and functions for control and supervision in the established field of activity. FSSP Russia obeys.

Basic service tasks

The main tasks of the FSSP of Russia are:

  • ensuring the established procedure of activity, and;
  • organization and implementation of forced execution of judicial acts of courts of general jurisdiction and arbitration courts, as well as acts of other bodies stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation on enforcement proceedings;
  • management of the territorial bodies of the FSSP of Russia;
  • maintaining state registry legal entitiesoperating on the return of overdue debts as the main activity (),
  • the implementation of the federal state control (Supervision) for collector's activities.


  • FSSP of Russia in its activities is guided by federal constitutional laws, federal laws, acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation, international treaties of the Russian Federation, acts of the Ministry of Justice of Russia, as well as ".
  • FSSP of Russia operates directly and (or) through the territorial bodies.
  • FSSP of Russia operates in cooperation with other federal executive bodies, the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments, public associations and organizations.

Special ranks in the federal service of bailiffs

Special ranks set by positions in the forced execution bodies are assigned in accordance with Art. eight Federal Law from 01.10.2019 № 328-ФЗ "On the service in the forced execution bodies of the Russian Federation and amending legislative acts Russian Federation".

Prior to this, the FSSP employees of Russia wore distinction signs (epaulets), but had cool ranks.

Description Shoulder epaulets






Description Epaulets of the middle, older and highest boss










russian service


After the date of destination or liberation, the number of the relevant decree of the President of the Russian Federation is worth.

Director of the FSSP of Russia - the main bailiff of the Russian Federation:

  • (October 21, 2004, No. 1343 - December 8, 2008, No. 1749)
  • (December 29, 2008, No. 1877 - February 15, 2017, № 66)
  • (from March 20, 2017, № 118)


  • Central apparatus
    • Office of the organization of enforcement
    • Office of the organization of work on the sale of property of debtors
    • Management of the organization of ensuring executive actions and the established procedure for the activities of courts
    • The Office of the Organization of Inquiry (from March 15, 2013). From March 15, 2013, administrative practitioners are transferred to the Office of the organization of enforcement proceedings.
    • Department of Distributor
    • Organizational and control
    • Office office management
    • Legal management
    • Business management
    • Control public service and personnel
    • Office of anti-corruption, providing work with personnel and security issues
    • Management of Information Technology
    • Office for work with appliance addresses
    • Department for the Protection of State Secrets, Mobilization Training and Civil Defense
    • Department of Interaction with Media
  • Territorial bodies of FSSP of Russia in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation

The central office of the service is located in Moscow on the street, in the former.

In May 2012, a project was submitted for consideration on the establishment of a private search department in the structure of the FSSP.

Special divisions

In 2005-2006, specialized power units were created as part of FSSP - district and interdistrict departments for the organization of operational duty (as part of which there is a duty and one or more rapid response groups). The gambian personnel is a special training and has automatic weapons.


The service has a flag and a heraldic sign-emblem, approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation.

Departmental awards

  • Medal "For loyalty to debt"
  • Medal "For Contribution to the Development of the Federal Bailiff Service"
  • Medal "For Valor"
  • Medal "For Merit"
  • Medal "Veteran of the Federal Bailiff Service"
  • Medal "For Service" 1, 2 and 3 degrees
  • Medal "10 years in the federal service of bailiffs"
  • Medal "For International Cooperation"
  • Medal "150 years of founding of the Institute of Bailiffs"
  • Sign "Honorary Worker of the Federal Bailiff Service"
  • Breastplate "Best bailiff"
  • Breastplate "The best bailiff to ensure the established procedure for the activities of the courts"
  • Best sign "Best Investigator"
  • The sign of distinction "for impeccable service"
  • Honorary diploma of the federal bailiff service
  • Gratitude director of the Federal Bailiff Service

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