
Prove that the suburban type of agriculture is abonal. What type of agriculture is called suburban? Suburban type of agriculture

I thought about the agonomality of a suburban type of agriculture when I read about the high level of pig breeding in the Moscow region. Where do you get these thoughts from? The mentioned area is within the zone of mixed forests, where the dairy cattle breeding is characteristic, and the pig breeding is the line of the forest-steppe.

Suburban type of agriculture

A few words about this type of aging. This is agriculture, which develops within the zone, which is indicated as a suburb. Since a separate type is distinguished, it means that there are features. Fits of the suburban type s / x:

  • economic, functional connection with the city;
  • specializing in, B. more than, on the supply of the city of animal husbandry, poultry farming, fresh vegetables;
  • clear specialization;
  • farms are manufactured at the industrial base, going around almost without their own landline;
  • intensive production;
  • vegetable growing is focused on the consumer.

The zone on the vegetable growing of open soil, dairy cattle breeding, the fruit growing of open soil, potatoes, greenhouse and greenhouse farm, poultry farming, pond household, factory producing eggs, pig breeding.

Azonality suburban type C / x

In order to prove that this type C / x Azonal, demonstrating examples. Let's start with the suburbs of Moscow. As mentioned above, this territory is within the zone of mixed forests. This zone is characterized by potatoes, dairy cattle breeding, growing a number of grain crops: rye, oats, barley, spring and winter wheat. However, the needs of the city have to develop, in addition to the indicated, also vegetable growing, poultry farming, pig breeding, fisheries. Vegetable growing is characteristic of the steppes zone where climatic conditions contribute to its development.

The suburban zone of St. Petersburg is in the taiga, where animal husbandry and crop production is very limited. In fact, the development was obtained by poultry farming (the leader in the production of eggs and the 3rd place - meat), dairy cattle breeding, vegetable growing (greenhouse, greenhouse), growing forage crops.

World agriculture represents a system consisting of agricultural industries of all countries that are distinguished by a huge variety of agricultural relations, various agricultural production, various composition of commodity and gross production, methods and methods of agriculture and animal husbandry. The value of the country's agricultural products is determined by its contribution to GDP or GNP, as well as in the size of the value added (commodity products minus material and production costs). Over the past three decades, agricultural GDP Mira Grew 5 times, exceeding 1.5 trillion dollars. at the beginning of the 90s. China became the leader (11% of the world agricultural products), Russia took the second place

(10%), third - USA (7.5%), fourth - India (7%), fifth - Japan (6%). Thus, a small group of five leading countries produced 2/5 of world products.

The total cost of agricultural products of the country does not yet determine real level The provisions of food and the raw materials of its population, more precisely, the data on the value added per capita is described. According to this indicator, the most secured countries include small Western European states (Iceland, Ireland, Finland) and New Zealand. For them it is followed by a group of prosperous countries in agricultural relations, consisting of Western European (Denmark, Switzerland, the Netherlands) and overseas developed powers (Japan, Canada, Australia, USA). From developing states, Algeria has the highest rates and, in a much slower, Brazil. The level of agricultural security of the most densely populated countries of the world - China and India is 5-6 times lower than Canada and the United States.

There is a relationship between global agriculture and the global food system, which is influenced by factors such as physico-geographical conditions and placement of the population, transport and trade, world economy and politics. The level of food availability is also reflected in the position of countries in world trade. Unlike the first half of the 20th century, when countries of different, including medium and low levels, were acting as the main food exporters of food. economic DevelopmentThe last half a century exporting food was carried out predominantly developed states.

Several types of food provisions are distinguished:

  • basic food exporters (USA, Canada, Australia, individual EU States);
  • small exporting countries (Finland, Hungary);
  • rich foods with food deficiency, importing it (Japan, OPEC state);
  • countries with unstable food security (China, India, South American states);
  • food deficit, but with rich natural resources to achieve self-sufficiency (Egypt, Indonesia, Pakistan, Philippines);
  • countries with a growing food deficit (Africa state south of Sahara, Bangladesh, Nepal, Haiti).
  • In general, at present, almost 3/4 of global agricultural exports give advanced states. Developing countries, 50 years ago who were the main exporters, are now acting by leading importers of grain and agricultural raw materials, while maintaining leadership only in the export of tropical products (coffee, cocoa, tea, bananas, sugar). In fact, the main part of agricultural trade both in exports and imports is carried out between developed countries. Developing states are sent to a developed 2/3 of their export, and countries with economies in transition - more than half. The importation of third world countries consists of 2/3 of products developed states, and in the import of Eastern Europe and the CIS more than 2/5 - goods of developing countries and 2/5 - Agricultural products of the OECD, i.e. developed countries.

    The largest consumer of food and agricultural raw materials - Western Europe takes half of the global food import and over 2/5 of raw materials. North America (USA and Canada) accounts for 1/10, Japan is somewhat larger. The whole third world receives 1/5 of agricultural goods, even to Asia is allocated only to a little more than 1/10 world food imports and 1/6 of agricultural raw materials. Eastern Europe and CIS, PRC and some other Asian countries receive only 1/10 food and 1/20 raw materials. The trend of the last three decades is some increase in the specific gravity of developing countries while reducing the share of countries with economies in the world agricultural trade. However, in the 90s. The situation in Eastern Europe and the CIS complicated due to the collapse of agriculture; Food production fell per capita. This caused an increase in imports, in Russia, for example, now half of the food consumed is imported.

    A huge variety of agricultural enterprises united in agricultural areas requires a typological approach. The type of agriculture represents a sustainable combination of social and production features of this industry, including agricultural relations, specialization, intensity of production, the level of material and technical equipment, methods and agricultural and animal husbandry systems. At the global level, the typology of agricultural areas of higher order is considered, while the areas of individual countries form the second-order subsystems. Special character has a typological classification of agricultural enterprises. The dominant type or "a set of several types of agricultural enterprises (farms) determines the type of districts.

    Three main categories of the types of global agriculture, differing in terms of marketability and the level of logistical equipment:

  • consumer and semi-rolled household, based on manual work and in places using lively forces;
  • fullwater farm, using manual labor and living force;
  • product household with modern technical means of production.
  • Each category includes several socio-economic groups characterized by certain public engines, a different specialization, the composition of crops or types of livestock, various intensity of production:

    Consumer and semi-resistant traditional agriculture with communal and family-breed relations:

  • Consumer agriculture in combination with the assigning forms of farm (gathering, hunting, fisheries). Distributed in the tropical regions of Asia, Africa and South America. Main cultures - root and tuberplods, grain, legumes, woody plants (oil palm). Country-firing agriculture.
  • Nomadic pasture and animal husbandry with different types of livestock (camels, sheep, horses, deer). Presented in arid subtropical, tropical and moderate zones of Asia and Africa, as well as in the cold and cool belt of Asia and Northern Europe.
  • Commodity and semi-resistant traditional peasant and landowner-latifundist economy:

  • Agricultural and farming-livestock farms of Asia, Africa and Latin America. Major Cultures - Food Cereals (Rice, Corn, Corn), Main Commodity Cultures - Banners, Coffee, Tea, Cocoa Beans, Sizza, Rubberos. Extensive animal husbandry (productive and potential livestock) is not associated with crop.
  • Labor intensive grain farming (ricestock) in Asia.
  • Multi-grade agricultural and animal husbandry. Distributed in Asia and Latin America, partly in South and Western Europe. A variety of commercial and consumer cultures, as well as types of livestock. Livestock is closely related to agriculture.
  • Commodity and semi-dodged, mainly specialized capitalist agriculture (farmer and corporate):

  • Extensive grain farm (North America, Australia).
  • Extensive pasture animal husbandry (North America, Australia, South Africa).
  • Intense agriculture (Western Europe, North America, Japan).
  • Intensive animal husbandry (Western Europe, North America, New Zealand).
  • Intense agricultural and animal husbandry (North America, Western Europe).
  • Plantational crop farming in developing countries Asia, Africa, Latin America.
  • Commodity and semi-durable, mainly specialized and diversified state-cooperative, farm and peasant economy with different material and technical equipment. Distributed in countries with economies of Eastern Europe and the CIS, in some countries East Asia, in Cuba.

  • Extensive agriculture (grain farm) (Russia, Kazakhstan).
  • Intense agriculture (grains and industrial cultures, fruit growing) (Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, China, Cuba).
  • Extensive pasture animal husbandry (Kazakhstan, Russia, Mongolia).
  • Intensive animal husbandry (Russia, Ukraine).
  • Agricultural-livestock intensive farm (Czech Republic, Hungary, Ukraine, Russia).
  • Asia. In this largest agricultural region of the world, where more than a quarter of agricultural land are concentrated and there is a task of providing 3/5 of the inhabitants of the planet, almost all the main groups of social and industrial types of agriculture (A, B, I B, II B) are presented. A variety of natural landscapes of cold, cool, moderate and roast belt and dominance of a multi-way economy while maintaining agricultural forms of many past eras and features of oriental civilizations contributed to the formation of a complex agricultural area system. Here there are multi-sectoral and specialized areas with different degrees of marketability and various levels of logistical equipment, with intense and extensive forms of production. However, there is a smaller place than in Africa consumer and half-rightest community-and-firing agriculture (Southeast Asia) occupies. In extensive arid areas, semi-desert and deserts are common traditional semi-rolled nomadic and semi-oxide pasture animal husbandry, combined with oasis agriculture.

    The specificity of the continent is a large role of labor-intensive agriculture and a "garden" architecture, the predominance of a half-ward agriculture based on manual work and lively power. An example of this - riflement (partially on irrigation) is a characteristic type of agriculture of Mussonna Eastern and Southeast Asia. Significant areas in South, Eastern and Western Asia occupies a bearer field and commodity cereal economy, including different grain crops (wheat, corn and rice).

    The relatively lower territories covers commodity agriculture with modern means of production. This includes rice production with a small mechanization (Japan), fruit growing (Israel), a suburban intense animal husbandry Ca-agricultural economy. In a number of areas of Western Asia, the Mediterranean Type of Agriculture is presented: fruit growing (olives, citrus), viticulture, grain and technical crops. Important international importance is intensive commodity farming with an export orientation, which includes capitalist plantation (technical and special cultures) in the tropical and subtropical zone. Their analogue is a specialized production of technical and special cultures (cotton, sugar cane, tea) is typical for states with transition economies (Asian Republic of CIS, PRC, DRV).

    Over the past decades, Asia has been the fastest growing region of world agriculture both in general gross and commercial products and production per capita. The most important role was played by the rise agrarian sphere In the PRC, as well as in India. The number of countries with a low (less established norm) security for food per capita decreased and among them remained Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Mongolia, Cambodia. At the global market, Asia acts as a supplier of tropical and subtropical crop production (tea, cane sugar, natural rubber, sugar cane, copra).

    North and Central America. This region, stretching from the cold Arctic regions to the equatorial hot zone, uses only a small part (less than a third) of its land resources in agriculture. In fact, agricultural production is concentrated in a temperate and hot belt with high agro-climatic potential. Dichotomy is clearly manifested here - division into the Anglo-American and Latin American parts, i.e. on developed and developing countries.

    In the first (USA, Canada) is characterized by commodity entrepreneurial economy with modern means of production. Prevailing farm economy And the major entrepreneurial (corporate), both extensive and intense, mostly specialized. From the end of the XIX century. Extensive specialized agricultural areas have been formed, partially changed over the past half century. Among them, the areas of extensive, inorbitant agriculture - grain farm (wheat) in the area of \u200b\u200bsteppes, extensive pasture animal husbandry (cordillers and foothill great plains). In the field of a highly harvested prairie, a corn-soybean belt of intensive agricultural and livestock farms arose. At the wet subtropical south-east of the United States, there was a change of specialization, and instead of a cotton belt, an area of \u200b\u200bintensive animal husbandry (poultry farming) and special cultures (peanuts, cotton) appeared, as well as fruit growing. In the irrigated lands of the Western and South-Western part of the subtropical belt, areas of fruit growing, vegetable growing, cotton growing and intensive milk and meat cattle breeding were formed. In the wet forest zone near the Atlantic and Pacific coast, the areas of the dairy farm are preserved. Only in remote mountainous and northern arucleas there are sections of a semi-rolled agriculture in combination with forestry, hunting and fishing.

    In Mexico and the countries of Central America, a wide range of different types of agriculture are presented - from a primitive community to a semi-resistant latifundist who, from the product capitalist to the socialist cooperative-state (Cuba). Most of these forms have analogues in South America. A particularly important role in Central America plays a commodity plantation economy (bananas, coffee, sugar cane), having a rich history, which began in the colonial period. The whole region is experiencing chronic overproduction of agricultural products. different species. As a result of the relevant state regulation, product growth in lately moderate. North America is a major food exporter (wheat, meat, fruits, sugar) and agricultural raw materials (feed grain, cotton fiber). At the same time, it is a major importer of tropical products, as well as partly products of a moderate belt.

    South America. This territory, stretching from the equator to the cool belt in the southern hemisphere, has richest land and soil-climatic resources, still used yet (agricultural land occupy only a third of the entire land area). As in other regions of recent European colonization, the process of forming agricultural areas continues. Existing areas have different degrees of marketability and the unequal level of technical equipment, differ and sufficiently diverse forms of agricultural relations. The extensive area of \u200b\u200bforest amazonia is classified as a category of consumer hoe grapped agriculture, combined with collecting, hunting. The other area populated by the Aboriginal Indians is also belonging to consumer and semi-ware housework - the zone of mountain and pasture animal husbandry of the Andes.

    The specialized areas of commodity agriculture, the landowner-latifundist who and the entrepreneurial capitalist type are dominated. This includes zones of extensive pasture animal husbandry (meat and meat and dairy cattle breeding, wool and meat-housing sheep) in the north, east and south of the continent in the field of steppes and savannah. In the south-east in PAMPA, a mechanized grain economy (wheat, corn) was developed. For many coastal ranges of tropical and subtropical belts are characterized by plantations of technical and food crops (coffee, cocoa, bananas, sugar cane), gardens. In addition to these areas of commodity production in different areas, there are small territories of a semi-durable farm based on manual work and lively force. Here, the peasants grow food crops and commodity technical (sugar cane, cotton, Kenaf, etc.). Currently, South America - the second after Asia region at the rate of growth of agricultural products. Power caloric content only in individual countries (Bolivia, Peru) is below the norm. The region is an important grain exporter (wheat, corn), soybean, tropical crops (coffee, cocoa), livestock production, as well as drugs.

    Western Europe. The main feature of Western Europe - the mosaic of agricultural areas is determined by the specifics of physical geography and historical terms. With a variety of local production forms in the region, relatively fewer differences in social types.

    Placement of farms in subtropical, moderate and partly (Northern Europe) in the cold belt determined the composition of the cultivated crops and types of livestock. The intensity of agriculture is enhanced in the direction from the wet Atlantic to the dry Mediterranean climate: hence the transition from pool to fruit and viticulture, to many years of wood and shrub cultures. On the contrary, the intensity of animal husbandry increases as it removes from the mountainous Mediterranean to the north-german lowland. Areas of intensive suburban farms are confined to the zone of the concentration of the urban population in Central Europe. Unlike North America and Australia, the specialization of farms is important in the whole region, and not areas, among which the diverse complexes are dominated mainly highly intensity.

    For this region, located predominantly in a temperate belt and where densely populated economically developed states are concentrated, the commercial agriculture of entrepreneurial capitalist type with modern means of production is characterized.

    It is dominated by intense agriculture (for example, field growing - grain, legumes, coronalubneprises, or a combination of pool, fruit growing and vegetable growing), agricultural and animal husbandry, as well as intensive dairy and meat and dairy cattle breeding. They are characterized by a close relationship of agriculture with animal husbandry, a strong development of feeding. These types of farms occupy Central Europe and the southern parts of Northern Europe. A significant role is played by greenhouse greenhouse (fruits, vegetables, flowers). In the Mediterranean regions, subtropical fruit growing, viticulture, vegetable growing and flower growing is essential. A large variety of products has a suburban farm with intense animal husbandry (pig breeding, poultry farming, dairy cattle breeding, fattening of meat cattle) and vegetable growing.

    Small ranges in southern Europe belong to traditional low-intensity household with communal and semi-sorted relations, and a semi-wired latifundist economy has been preserved.

    Full-ware agriculture is represented by two types: grain farming (in combination with technical crops) and subtropical fruit growing (in combination with vegetable growing). These types in the form of small ranges are found in Southern Europe. In the group of flight and commercial agriculture, three types. The first is extensive grain farm (wheat) and animal husbandry (sheep, meat and dairy cattle breeding and pig breeding) in Central Spain. The second - mining shepherd and meat cattle breeding - distributed in the mountainous areas of the Mediterranean. The third - the agricultural type is found in the mountain forest areas of Northern Europe.

    Having reached in the 70s. self-sufficiency and in subsequent years having experienced overproduction crisis, first of all livestock products, the countries of Europe strengthened state regulation Agriculture, mainly within the framework of the Unified EU agricultural policy. Recently, the growth of agricultural products is stabilized. Western Europe serves as the largest exporter of meat and dairy products and a number of crop goods of a moderate belt. Imports feed, tropical products, some types of food.

    Eastern Europe. In agriculture of this region in the 90s. Indigenous social and production shifts caused by the transition to market economy. Instead of dominated in most countries (except Poland and Yugoslavia), a multi-storey system included, incorporated, except for the remaining part of old farms, new forms of large enterprises (cooperative, joint-stock, corporate), individual farms and a sharply increased number of personal subsidiary farms (II B). When moving the coil relations, the circle of agricultural sellers has greatly expanded, but at the same time the concentration of commodity production has decreased and the share of consumer and semi-wool farms has risen.

    In Russia, for example, up to the 90s. 90% of the products were given by collective farms and state farms (the average area of \u200b\u200bthe collective farm - 5.4 thousand hectares, the state farm - 3.9 thousand hectares). Now, the remaining 10 thousand collective farms and state farms together with new 17 thousand large enterprises give 54% of the products, and the emerging 285 thousand individual farms (the average area of \u200b\u200b43 hectares) supply only 2% of products. At the same time, personal subsidiary sites give 44% of the country's total agricultural products. The destruction of production and technological and economic connections Between agriculture and industry and between agricultural sectors (mainly between agriculture and animal husbandry, feeding of feed production) led to the collapse of the agricultural economy, reducing the livestock and livestock production. Competition of imported goods caused a blow to livestock and crop farms. Reducing the standard of living of the population, the fall in consumer ability led to a reduction in the domestic food market.

    All countries of Eastern Europe, except Russia, are located in a moderate and subtropical belt, in natural conditions predominantly favorable to agriculture. However, the extensive northern part of Russia is in a cool and cold belt, dramatically limiting the development of agriculture (the biological productivity of the Earth in Russia is 2.7 times lower than in the US). Hence, if in Western Europe, agricultural land occupy almost 3/5 of the land area, then in Eastern Europe - only 1/5. In the second half of the XX century. Eastern Europe agriculture has become a commodity mechanized manufacturing, which prevailed large collective and state-owned enterprises, both specialized and diversified.

    The established agricultural areas in Central-Eastern Europe countries are closer to Western European, whereas in Russia more similarities with North American. This is manifested in specialization, the level of intensity, the scale of production and size of the territory. In Central-Eastern Europe and the adjacent parts of the Baltic countries and the CIS, there were mainly intense forms of agriculture and animal husbandry.

    In the Baltic regions, agricultural and animal husbandry (meat and dairy cattle breeding, pig breed, grain and potatoes) with developed feeds are characterized. In one group, this type includes the farm of the areas of milk-meat cattle breeding, pig breeding, potatoes and liners of Belarus and Ukraine, as well as areas of the North-West milk and meat cattle breeding and partly the North of the European part of Russia. South, in the transition from the forest-steppe to the forest zone, agricultural and animal husbandry is common with the predominance of grain such as wheat and corn, technical (sugar beet), milk-meat cattle breeding and pig breeding. In the most southern regions, the value of fruit and viticulture is intensified. In the Mediterranean and Black Sea zone, a combination of subtropical agriculture is characteristic, i.e. fruit growing (in the Mediterranean - citrus, olives), viticulture, vegetable growing with pasture low-productive animal husbandry (sheep).

    In the steppe zone of Ukraine and Russia, areas are dominated mainly grain farms and meat and dairy cattle breeding (grain - wheat, corn, technical - sugar beets, sunflower), supplemented in different areas of pig breeding or sheep. In Western Siberia, for example, the area of \u200b\u200bgrain economy (wheat), meat and mowing cattle breeding and sheep in the steppe zone, and a little north (southern outflow of mixed forests) is a major role playing meat and dairy cattle breeding and grain. In arid landscapes of dry steppes and semi-deserts, graduate of pasture animal husbandry (meat cattle breeding, sheep). The specifics of the North of Russia - the reindeer-produce-commercial type of farms differs in an extremely extensive form of production. Here in the zone of the tundra and forest tundra on pastures yearly contain, making seasonal distilts, herds of deer. The most intensive type of agriculture remains suburban, concentrated near major urban agglomerations.

    Eastern Europe - In the past, the traditional exporter of crop production (grain, flax, vegetables, fruits) and a number of livestock products. However, over the past two decades, the role of imports, both food and agricultural raw materials has grown. In conditions transition economy The fall in agricultural production and food self-sufficiency aggravated the food problem. The region approached the situation of developing countries.

    Africa. In this region, as in Asia and South America, the majority are developing countries with a multi-way economy, which is directly related to agriculture. The share of the types of consumer and semi-rolled agriculture, based on manual work and living force, is elevated here. Preserved primitive agriculture, combined with collecting and hunting. Large territory of the rainforest remains the zone of the hurry-firing huge agriculture of the half-wood type. Corneelectrics and grain, perennial wood crops (oilseeds and coconut palm, cocoa, coffee) are grown here. In the arid parts of the hot belt are characterized by half-blooded and nomadic pasture animal husbandry; Camels, sheep, goats - in deserts, semi-deserts, cattle - in savannah. In oases of these areas - Plum's irrigated agriculture (palm palm trees, grain, vegetables).

    The commodity farming is represented in arid areas of a moderate zone with specialized pasture animal husbandry (coherent-meat sheep, doodle, meat cattle breeding), and in the rest of the fields - agricultural and livestock management. Important economic importance has a commodity plantation farm placed in a hot and subtropical belt and cultivating tropical and subtropical technical and special cultures (bananas, pineapples, peanuts, oilseeds and coconut palm, sugar cane, tea, coffee, cocoa beans, tobacco, rubber, cotton , Sizal, Vanilla, etc.

    In the conditions of accelerated population growth, the currently moderate rates of increasing agricultural products (by 9% for the 90s) led to Africa to continue to reduce the production of agricultural products and food per capita. The overwhelming majority of countries do not provide inhabitants with a corresponding calorie rate. Especially serious position in Chad, Ethiopia, Mozambique, Angola and Somalia, where caloric content is 20-27% lower than the norm. African exports include mainly tropical technical and fruit cultures, as well as some livestock products (wool, leather, skins). In many countries, there has been a dangerous competition for the production of food and export crops, there is dependence on the import of food. Rich land and agro-climatic resources underwear.

    Australia and Oceania. In the agricultural production of this region dominated the developed countries - Australia and New Zealand. Other small island states retained consumer and semi commodity agriculture, combined with collecting, hunting and fishing (a); There were only small ranges of the plantation economy. Australia and New Zealand have almost homogeneous socially agricultural territory. Here is characterized by commodity farming, using modern technical means. The abundance of land resources at low population density stimulated extensive use of them. Large specialized agricultural areas appropriate natural conditions Roast, moderate and subtropical belt and economic and geographical position. Uneven placement of the population concentrated in coastal zones with favorable climatic conditionsThis affected the structure and intensity of production.

    Natural feature of Australia is the predominance of extensive desert areas and semi-deserts with a hot dry tropical and subtropical climate. With it, the widespread distribution of commercial extensive animal husbandry on natural pastures (meat cattle breeding, sheep) is connected. Agrolesafs of wet parts of subtropical and moderate zone are used for intensive animal husbandry (on cultural pastures). Meat, meat and dairy intensive cattle breeding and intense agriculture (vegetable growing, fruit growing) are placed closer to the cities, and irrigation plays an important role here. In the south of Australia, an agricultural and animal husbandry with a specialization in grain farm (wheat) in combination with meat cattle breeding and sheep (on irrigated cultural pastures) was developed in the semi-discharge zone of the subtropical belt. On the east coast in the humid part of the subequatorial and tropical belt, the areas of production of industrial crops (sugar cane) and tropical fruit (bananas, pineapples) are located, cotton grown in the subtropical belt.

    In the global market Australia and New Zealand - suppliers of livestock products (dairy products, meat, wool), grains and fruits. With the change in world prices for these goods, there are often harsh fluctuations in the area of \u200b\u200bcrops, livestock and agricultural products.

    In developing countries, the release of milk animal husbandry in the form of an independent industry proceeds slowly and at best is limited to the sphere suburban economy. This process occurs on the basis of the stillage consideration of livestock so far mainly in Latin America. In general, the small number of the fleet of trucks and the sparseness of a network of good roads in these countries abruptly limit the distance of the transport of goods produced by peasants to the city. Even in the centers of more than 1 million residents of vegetables - the main product of suburban farming in the tropics - are mainly delivered from the villages located within a radius to 50-60 km. The formation of areas of the appropriate agricultural orientation is still under the dictate of the factor of transport costs.

    As for industrialized states, in them, modern suburban agriculture ceases to obey the former placement rules, which first of all dictated the value of the cost of transportation of products. Transport progress, a wide practice of preserving and freezing products and other newest trends lead to a reduction in suburban areas of agricultural activity, first of all, in milk animal husbandry, as well as in a number of other characteristic industries: vegetable growing, pig breeding, poultry farming. The most distinct this process is felt in the United States. Due to the appearance, for example, the abstracts of fresh milk are now delivered to a distance of up to 1500 km, whereas for milk in flasks it does not exceed 150 km. In the transportation of expensive products (peaches, strawberries, asparagus, flowers), aviation included in intercontinental transportation, such as colors from Kenya, are becoming increasingly involved. It is significant that the agglomeration of New York, in which approximately 18 million people focuses, satisfies its needs for potatoes and pork by 2%, in vegetables - by 40%.

    However, this does not mean that traditional industries continue to function in the zone around large cities and agglomerations. They represent: 1) numerous farms with partial employment on them owners, supplies in modest sizes with fresh fruits, berries and consumer vegetables from nearby cities; 2) large agricultural enterprises in essence of industrial nature - "factory" of milk and eggs, powerful greenhouse and greenhouse farms, etc.

    At the same time, the suburban economy in countries with a developed economy remains very effective. The immediate proximity of innovation centers associated with the saturation of experienced stations, nurseries and other institutions of the agricultural profile, which are the pioneers of the mass implementation of the achievements of the science and translation of agricultural production on industrial rails. In the area adjacent to the cities, agriculture is more active than other, forced to compete with other industries for labor and for land and financial resources, which causes to resort to intensive technologies to achieve high productivity and high productivity.

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