
What is a bank statement. Bank statement from the current account: what it is and its features

Nowadays, to travel abroad to most countries, you need to open a visa. This procedure requires not only time expenditures, but also the collection of a certain (and considerable) package of documents for obtaining a visa. One of the most popular reasons for visa refusal is low income a citizen who is going on a trip.

For which visas a certificate from the bank is required

Consular officers simply suspect that a person leaves for the purpose of illegal residence and earnings and does not plan to return.

Therefore, the provision of proof of their income is required when applying for a visa to the UK. In addition, such a bank statement is required for a Schengen visa.

There are three main ways to prove income:

  1. Make a certificate from the place of work. It can be issued by officially employed citizens. An income of 25,000 rubles or more is considered acceptable.
  2. For private entrepreneurs, it is allowed to provide tax return.
  3. Regardless of the type of activity, you can confirm a sufficient amount of money by taking an extract from bank account... Basically, when applying for visas at the consulate, they are interested in the balance on the account, but due to suspicions, they may request to make details about the receipt expense transactions in the last 3 - 6 months.

What information should be indicated in the statement from the bank about the state of the account

A bank certificate on the status of a personal account must contain a certain list of mandatory information that allows you to get an objective idea of ​​the financial situation of the applicant for a visa. The absence of any data in the certificate or doubts about its authenticity, as well as the provision of a certificate issued in the online cabinet may serve as a reason for refusal to issue a visa.

Mandatory information in such a help are:

Some consulates (for example, the UK) have established requirements for the provision of such a certificate in English... We recommend to clarify the presence or absence of similar special conditions in advance. In addition, we strongly recommend that you immediately attach the original, rather than online, statement to the bank certificate, in order to avoid delays in visa processing. It is also very important to know that the validity period of this document is only 21 days from the date of issue by the bank.

Ways to get a statement in Sberbank

Since Sberbank is one of the largest banks, it is there that customers often turn to get a certificate or a statement of the card account on the movement Money... A bank statement is often requested to obtain a Schengen visa.

The vast majority of clients store and use funds using bank cards using them and getting information online. Such clients mistakenly believe that an extract for submission to the consulate can be obtained online. But this is not the case.

There are 4 main ways to get a statement for card account from Sberbank.

Thus , a certificate from the bank to receive can only be obtained by visiting a bank branch directly.

Extract from the current account in the bank - a document showing the movement of funds in the current or current account. Is a copy of the entries on current account in the bank.

A bank statement is drawn up for each operational day in which the bank performed transactions with the client's account. An extract from the current account of the organization is a bank document that gives the accountant reliable information about the state of the account and the movement of funds on the current account of the company. A bank statement is the second copy of the company's personal account opened for it by the bank. Statements from different banks may differ slightly in form due to differences in service technology.

As operations are performed on the current account (crediting or debiting of funds), the bank issues an extract from its personal account to the company, which shows the balance on the account as of the date of the previous statement, the amounts credited to the account, the amounts debited from the account and the balance as of the date extracts. An extract from the current account is the second copy of the company's personal account opened by the bank. All data in the statement are given in numerical terms, some of them are service (banking) information. Keeping the funds of the enterprises, the bank considers itself to be the debtor of the enterprise (its accounts payable), therefore, the balances and receipts to the current account are recorded on the credit of the current account, and the decrease in his debt to the enterprise (write-offs, cash withdrawals) - on debit.

Example of a current account statement:

Account statement

Cooperative "Halo"

Account 40703810300000000003

Date 02.12.2007

Opening balance (liability): 1300,00

Subscriber account

Document No.





Outgoing balance

    Execution of settlement transactions using payment cards

      Microprocessor plastic cards

Smart cards come in a variety of capacities, with a normal card having approximately 256 bytes of memory, but there are cards with capacities ranging from 32 bytes to 8 KB. Microcircuits allow storing in the memory of such a card, in addition to identification information, and cost indicators.

The operating system of the card supports a file system providing for the differentiation of access to information. For information stored in any record (file, group of files, directory), the following access modes can be set: always read / write accessible. This mode allows reading / writing information without knowing special secret codes; · is readable, but requires special write permissions. This mode allows free reading of information, but allows writing only after presenting a special secret code; · special read / write authority. This mode allows read or write access after presenting a special secret code, and the codes for reading and writing may be different; · unavailable. This mode does not allow reading or writing information. The information is available only to the internal programs of the card. Typically this mode is set for records containing cryptographic keys.

The cards provide a different range of service commands. For banking purposes, the most interesting of them are the means of conducting electronic payments.

In spite of obvious advantages So far, smart cards have had limited use, for the reason that such a card is an order of magnitude more expensive than a magnetic stripe card. Only in last years When the damage from magnetic card fraud in international payment systems became high and continues to grow, banks decided to gradually switch to smart cards.

To clarify information on your accounts, you can try to get a bank statement. It provides the client with accurate data on all incoming and outgoing transactions made for a certain period, and also shows the current balance. Today, a mini-statement can even be obtained from ATMs.

Order a full report You can check the status of your accounts at the bank if you have a passport or other identity document. It is issued immediately or the next day. Since the creation of the report may take a long time, it should not be delayed.

Usually, a statement from the bank, which reflects the movement of funds (both expenditure and income) for a certain period, is wanted by clients who collect a package of documents for a visa or want to track the movement of funds. Also, such documents may be needed for clients who wish to receive loans for large sums on preferential terms

How to order:

  • Come personally to the branch of the bank where you are served. Then you need to contact the teller and order a card or account statement. Please note that this service may be paid, for example, in Sberbank, depending on the region, you can be charged from 100 to 200 rubles. The account statement is kept in the bank for several months, and then destroyed if the client never came for it. Often, such a certificate has a validity period, so it should not be done for many days in advance. To obtain this document, you may need documents, a bank card and other proof of identity
  • The statement can also be sent by mail at the request of the client. To do this, you need to leave a corresponding request by calling the Bank's Contact Center or at the branch;
  • Today it is also possible to get a report on the status of accounts in the Internet Bank. It will be featured in in electronic format or sent as a document to your email... On our website you can learn more about Internet banking from Sberbank, MTS and others. To use this method, you need to be a client of Internet banking on the website of your bank. If you have not registered yet, it is quite simple, and access to banking via the Internet provides many convenient options for clients. But many organizations may not trust ordinary printed documents, where there is no seal and signature of bank employees.

Please note that there are several formats for bank statements, so you need to know in advance which one you need. It can be a document where only the current state of the client's account is indicated, it can be a list monthly income, or maybe a detailed report about each movement of funds. Therefore, you need to clarify in advance what kind of statement format you need to receive.

The statement may contain the following information:

  • The amount of funds sent and received by a bank client for a month or several months with full details.
  • The amount of funds sent and received by the client of the bank for a month or several months with daily details.
  • The amount of funds sent and received by the client of the bank for a month or several months with monthly details.
  • Client account number, date of his bank registration.
  • The amount of funds transferred from customers to recipients.
  • The amount of funds transferred to the client by third parties.
  • Total debit and credit on the card for a specific period.

If you plan to take a loan from the bank where you are currently servicing, the statement may not be necessary at all. Banks can easily view the income of their clients. Moreover, many of them offer special soft loans for their clients.

If you need a debit statement or credit card for a month, it is better to contact a bank branch, and if you need an extended one, i.e. for a long period of 1-3 months or more, then it will be easier to get it through your Personal Account.

To obtain the Schengen, we have already disassembled earlier. Now is the time to answer the question of how a bank statement on the status of an account for a Schengen visa to Poland should look like.

A bank statement on the movement of funds in your account is one of the main documents that confirms financial independence applicant and the availability of the required amount of funds for the visit and residence in the country. The presence or absence of such a document, as well as compliance with the requirements in form and content, may lead to a positive decision or refusal to issue a visa.

  • Important! Why can they refuse to issue a Polish visa and what to do in case of refusal -

The account statement is provided directly at the bank branch at your request ( for account holders in Privatbank there is the possibility of online ordering of statements through the Privat 24 system). The document is drawn up on a letterhead financial institution, signed by the responsible person and certified with the wet seal of the bank. A photocopy is supported for the statement plastic card (if the account suggests it).

The certificate must indicate the balance of funds on the account at the time of receipt of the document. The date of opening an account and information on incoming and outgoing transactions in recent months is not a mandatory requirement, but this will only be a plus, as it indicates that the applicant is actively using funds, and has not deposited them temporarily.

Important! A statement on the state of funds in a deposit (savings) account will not work. The account must be current (card).

How much should be on the account?

For different countries European Union the limit is different. If to enter Poland it is enough to show an amount of at least 30 Euros per day of stay, then for Germany or France this amount is at least 50 Euros, for Spain - 60 Euros. Calculate your account balance based on these limits. In other words, if you are planning a 10 day trip to Poland, the amount on your account must be at least 300 Euro.

Is an ATM check for an account balance suitable?

Previously, such a check was taken into account, but today this option will no longer work. The employees of the Consulate are well aware that a person could borrow the required amount, put it on a card account and, after receiving a check from an ATM, withdraw and return the money.

Another requirement is the date of issue of a certificate of account status - it should not exceed 1 month at the time of submission of documents.

For registration, you can provide an account statement by salary card with the indication of the figures of the accrued salary.

And the last thing. To be 100% sure that your visa application will not be rejected due to insufficient financial resources for the trip, take it easy and present an additional document confirming your income, for example, bank checks on foreign exchange transactions, tax statements, etc. It will not be difficult, but it will give you confidence.

Account statement

Account statement

Account statement - a statement of changes in the client's bank account for a certain period: income - expense - interest, etc. Extracts from personal accounts are issued to the bank's clients directly, through PO Boxes or sent through an expedition.

In English: Statement of an account

Synonyms: Bank statement

English synonyms: Account statement, Bank statement

See also: Bank accounts

Finam Financial Dictionary.

See what "Account statement" is in other dictionaries:

    account statement- 1. An extract from the accounts of enterprises and institutions, which reflects the movement of funds on settlement, current, loan accounts. The statement is a copy of the records in the bank on the accounts of companies. It indicates the date, numbers ... ...

    See Bank Current Account Statement Glossary of Business Terms. Academic.ru. 2001 ... Business glossary

    - (statement of account) A document that reflects transactions between an organization and its client for a certain period of time and which usually shows a debt to one another. Many firms send their clients account statements ... ... Business glossary

    account statement- - [L.G. Sumenko. The English Russian Dictionary of Information Technology. M .: GP TsNIIS, 2003.] Topics information technologies in general EN abstract of account ... Technical translator's guide

    ACCOUNT STATEMENT- 1. an extract from the accounts of enterprises and institutions, which reflects the movement of funds on settlement, current, loan accounts. The statement is a copy of the records in the bank on the accounts of companies. It indicates the date, numbers ... ...

    account statement- the statement provides generalized information about the client's transactions for a certain period of time; ... Glossary of financial and exchange terms

    1. Statement, periodically (at least once a quarter) sent to clients, giving information about the status of accounts with a broker / dealer. Most brokers-dealers send monthly statements summarizing all transactions for the previous period ... Technical translator's guide

    A. A document with information about the status of accounts with a broker, usually filled out monthly. It contains data on transactions for the month and data on the debit and credit of the account, liabilities for forward transactions. B. Statement showing the difference between ... ... Business glossary

    STATEMENT FROM THE CUSTOMER'S ACCOUNT WITH THE BROKER / DEALER- 1. statement, periodically (at least once a quarter) sent to clients, giving information about the status of accounts with a broker / dealer. Most brokers-dealers send monthly statements summarizing all transactions for the previous period ... Big accounting dictionary

    STATEMENT FROM THE CUSTOMER'S ACCOUNT WITH THE BROKER / DEALER- 1. statement, periodically (at least once a quarter) sent to clients, giving information about the status of accounts with a broker / dealer. Most brokers / dealers send monthly statements summarizing all transactions for the previous period ... Big Dictionary of Economics

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