
QIWI P2P Translations. P2P Translations. The obvious advantages of P2P.

You can place the form of P2P translations from the card to the card, which can be used by visitors of your site.

In this case, the user just enter the details of the recipient's maps, its card data and the amount. Then click the transfer button, pre-agreed with the Translation Commission, which is displayed online in the hryvnia. The user will then see a successful payment notification.

How to connect the form of P2R translations from the card to the map on the site?

In order to add such a functionality on its website, you need to sign a contract with us to carry out this service and place plugin P2P translations on your website.

For you will be created account in personal Cabinet PSP Platon systems. In a personal account you can analyze the statistics of transitions and the number of successful transfers of money transfer, which were committed by visitors to your site.

Your income is based on the division of commission profits from each translation made as a result of the transition to a secure page of P2P transfers from your site.

You can learn more details of the Terms of Affiliate Program by contacting our phone support service. 0800 750 504 or filling out the form below.

Who can it be useful?

This service can embed on their website of the company who would like to expand the number of services on their resource and receive regular profits from the volume of transfers.

Accommodation can be appropriate on thematic financial sites, for example, currency exchange, etc.

    About which of the needs is false, we think only when serious money problems begin. This can be anything: problems with creditors, a sharp loss of the workplace (and with it, and part of the income of the family), block accounts from FSSP employees, etc. The current situation when quarantine events destroy entire destinations for small businesses, just leads to the appropriate thoughts. It seems to be time to delay the belt, and revise your needs. In order not to be in the crisis on the street. We will talk about it today and talk.

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    Payment of taxes IP through the tax site is a convenient procedure, within the framework of the current rules, taking into account the development of the Internet in the world.

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    Portal entry description for services

    To work with the IFTS, a personal account of the PI is created, in which it is registered for continuous use of the services tax Service. The entrepreneur creates its login, he is the same type of his INN, for a permanent entry to the site where taxes are paid through the personal account. In the "Password" window, a system code is entered, which gives the program. Permanent operation on this portal begins after registering with the passage of the "Login" command. For moving in new edition The portal in the upper right corner of the site needs to be pressed on the command line panel "Go to the new version". PC will restart the toolbar and portal services.

    The portal was created to improve work with the IFNS, it optimizes all processes for tax pay, daily work with tax programs through the portal and mobile applications. To obtain an extract from the Jerip about your business in the form of an electronic document, the entrepreneur addresses the portal.

    What gives an IP portal services

    For directions in the IFTS, IP documents selects the list of requests for the state from its portal. Registration, making changes in their data contained in the Eagle form No. P24001. On the portal many features of the choice and payment of tax payments in the IFTS. IP can easily work with data and changes in its own information on KFH from EGRIP in the form No. R24002. It can easily create any form of reference and wards.

    Section Tax Obligations, Insurance Contributions

    This office allows you to learn your tax arrears, overpay the amounts, about the upcoming payment, which has become much easier. This refines the value, the cause of unexplained payments. The option works after sending a statement to the IFTS by electronic correspondence.

    Function Special Tax Modes

    This selection of consolidated information applicable to IP systems of taxation allows you to pay taxes online official website. To do this, a request is created on its page in the Personal Account, it is possible to choose the most appropriate citizen in the face of the NE system of taxation.

    Section Calculations with the budget

    The section plays all operations on the calculation with the budget. It is easy to obtain discharge of operations on calculations with the budget in the time interval and the amounts of payments. User rights are provided to acts joint reconciliation Debt, other forms of statistics reports IP with numerous forms of requests and tax opportunities, as well as tax payment without a commission online.

    Inn is the IP code

    The initial 4 numbers of the IFSN codes at the time of the assignment of the INN, taxes are paid for taxes through taxes. The following numbers are the sequence numbers of the IP records on the basis of the territorial origin of the EGRIP in the IFNS register in the person of taxpayers. 2 extreme numbers are a control number, but calculated according to the IFX algorithm.

    What should I know the tax system

    To form forms and references, calculating taxes on taxes on the designated sentence of the IP, guided by Art. 46, 47, 76 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. When the financial situation does not allow to extinguish debts, the IFNS makes delay, installments pay taxes, fees, insurance premiums. This should be facilitated by the causes regulated by Art. 64 NK RF.

    Through Yandex. Direct also has the opportunity to see its tax debts and fees. Search for Yandex services to pay taxes on the Inn on the site is much simplified. First, the Inn is introduced, the receipt number of tax payment comes out of the whole story of payments. The entrance is done anywhere where the Internet is running, a gadget with access to the runet, it is enough to enter your username, password, enter personal page Yandex. Direct.

    Insufficient study of the legislation of the Russian Federation, deprived the PP of a number of rules to legally implement its tax rights without going to court. For example, the use of benefits on VAT, and accounting for certain expenses when calculating income tax. Legislation made a relaxation on entity, Having deprived the IP of such an opportunity. Therefore, the site is designed to maximize the IP to vary the existing base of NTD, FZ, the NC RF to pay taxes and fees. When duplicating applications from a PC to the Gadget, IP will constantly see its history of payments, debts.


    Registration on the website of the IFTS as an IP, as an IP, individual Does not exempt citizens from paying taxes as an individual, therefore modes are set on the site in the Personal Accaster. This allows IP to see the structure of its 4 taxes that will be constantly paid.

    In the environment of this package

    1. NDFL, calculated in terms of salary, from sales revenues, lease of real estate and TC objects.
    2. Transport tax on registered cars.
    3. Land tax, when the owner (owner) of the land plot on all areas used by the IP in its work. The tax is accrued, and is formed in the personal office of the site for paying independently and through the Internet, is listed when debt occurs.
    4. The tax on the property of an individual when IP represented by the property owner has cottages, apartments, garages, other objects as an individual.


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    Today it is difficult to submit a sales department without an automated CRM system. Software allows you to save and systematize relationships with customers and new customers. If earlier, employees of the sales department accounted for everything in a special journal, reporting by mail, today the dialing process, changing statuses and fixing sales occurs automatically. This means that employees spend less time to formal information and are engaged in direct communication with old and potential customers. Below will have to find out what CRM programs are and is it possible to do them yourself.

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    Clothing stores to exist quite difficult. At least for the reason that, unlike food or construction, there is a concept of collections and seasonality. In the construction, there is also a concept of seasonality, but hardly the word fashion applies to some glued bruus or paint cans. But it is used to clothing everywhere. Today we will tell about how a large sale of goods is organized.

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    Advertise Sports Store - Create a business plan + advertising revenues

    Calculation of net profitability is required parameter For any entrepreneur. Calculate the price of a unit of products and cost profitability is not difficult. Analysis of the profit and costs of the enterprise and the ROS profitability coefficient of sales always go together to count by analysts.

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    So how to check the profitability of the enterprise? What is the return on sale? This indicator is an assessment of the professionalism of managers and their skills in organizing efficient sales. If they work at the appropriate level, the income received should cover costs.

    The profitability ratio of sales is the amount of income per unit of capital obtained by the Company in the Trade Process. If you calculate the right income from sales, you can:

    1. see the effectiveness of the implementation of the main product produced;
    2. assess the share of costs in the marketing process;
    3. control prices and expenses;
    4. choose a suitable production upgrade scheme to increase the ratio of revenue from sales of products, that is, the percentage of revenue and revenue. Mainly this value of using some investments. Indicates the degree of return of the company. It can be calculated from various objects: sales, personal capital, assets and others.

    Types of indicator

    Profitability is classified according to some species that are characterized by separate forms, calculations, content and formulas. Each view economic activity It is determined by its own calculations, coefficients and final numbers, so their profitability will differ from each other.

    1. Total income from short-term and long-term assets. The presentation indicates the type of investment for future profits. The overall rate is estimated by comparing profits before tax with the average value of all company assets for a certain period of time.
    2. The total profit is the ability of assets or external resources of the company to work with profit.
    3. Buy goods. Here we understand the relationship between profit from the sale of goods and financial investmentswho went to the production of these products. Such conditions indicate the benefits of production, repayment by the company that sells goods or services.


    This indicator helps determine the proportion of net profit in the company's total revenue and is very important for the company's pricing policy, since it can be used to assess the cost of buying and selling products. When calculating the coefficient instead of clean, gross profit (gross profit or margin) or profit will be used before tax deductions and interest on (operating) loans.

    Formula 1 is used to calculate gross profits, Formula 2 - Operation:

    1. Revenues - costs (gross profit, after tax deductions and credit deductions) / revenue from the implementation of * 100%.
    2. Profit before tax and interest on loans / Sales revenue * 100%.
    1. Predict the possible profit that the company will receive in the next period;
    2. For comparative analysis with competitors in the market;
    3. Substantiate large investment by helping the potential participant in the transaction to determine the expected income for the future project;
    4. When determining real market value Companies with pre-sale preparation.
    5. The calculation of indicators is often used in lending, borrowing or participating in joint projects, the development of new types of products.


    Finally, we must add that when analyzing profitability indicators, the following points should be taken into account:

    1. Profitability directly depends on the organization's strategy, more precisely from the risk of entrepreneurship, which "requires" a certain level of profit. The higher the risk, the bigger profit should receive an entrepreneurial organization.
    2. Evaluation of the numerator and denominator in terms of profitability differs in that the profit reflects the actual result of the company during the reporting period, and the cost of assets formed in several years is reflected in accountingwhich is significantly different from the market assessment may differ.
    3. The impact of a temporary aspect can be seen as follows: liquidity indicators can be relatively low in reporting period Due to the transition to new technologies and other long-term investments. Therefore, this reduction can no longer be considered as a negative point.

    As you know, the cost of goods consists of the following elements: constant and variable costs, profits. Consequently, cost reduction will lead to an increase in profits in permanent prices. Increasing sales will also lead to an increase in the performance indicator (we do not change the price). Thus, the costs and quantity of products sold are key factors affecting the rate of profit. Factor analysis allows us to see the degree of influence of these factors. Factor analysis is performed after calculating the rate of profitability for the current and basic (previous) period. Cause factor analysis It can be both a decrease and an increase in the indicator.

    All entrepreneurs analyze the results of their activities, including the effectiveness of the use of financial, material and intangible assets.

    Important! For all questions, if you do not know what to do and where to contact:

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    You have probably used coffee machines or chocolates that are in large shopping and business centers. But not everyone knows who they belong, and how it all works at all. Today we will analyze the features of the vending business, and tell you whether it is worth it.

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    Vending is called the direction where goods are trade and the provision of services through ordinary automata. This is enough convenient way Doing affairs, because for this it does not even have:

    1. Search staff.
    2. Organize a commerce point and the like.

    Vending trade can be called passive, and fully automated. The greatest distribution, apparently, the business on automata received in Japan. There you can buy almost anything, through a vending machine.

    A considerable contribution to the development of this direction in the country of the Rising Sun, there was no street crime as a class. At least a criminogenic environment in Japan is much better than in Russia. A lot of such automata and the United States of America. On Japan and the United States accounts for about 50 people per 1 automatic. This is a quantitative ratio.

    IN Russian Federation same, by 1 automatic approximately 5 thousand people. IN small cities There is almost no competition. But the problem is that we are not the most suitable for such machines:

    1. Hooliganism.
    2. Harsh climate.
    3. Complexity of infrastructure, etc.

    Well, now closer to the essence.

    Vending where to start

    First you have to choose the desired direction. Usually this:

    1. Non-food categories.
    2. Products.
    3. Finished food.
    4. Services.

    Under the goods of non-food category, we mean flowers, books, cigarettes, etc. You can forget about the latter. Because de jure, the trading point should not sell tobacco products minors. And to implement the check of age in fully automatic mode, even in the current conditions is simply unrealistic.

    Under the products, we mean what will have to cook. Most understandable option-coffee. It is boiled directly in the machine, and bottled there.

    With ready-made products easier. This is a large glass showcase, where they are:

    1. Jars with gas production.
    2. Gum.
    3. Chocolate bars, etc.

    It is easier to serve such a machine. But it is also protected from the vandals to a lesser extent, due to the design features.

    Well, the last option is the services. Photo printing (booth, which appears in a lot of American films), terminal to replenish the phone, payment communal services etc.

    And if we are talking about how to issue a vending business in the context of the service sector, then in the payment terminals, in our country everything ends. This in other countries is possible through automatic:

    1. Charge your smartphone.
    2. Take pictures.
    3. Make a photocopy of the document.
    4. Make a manicure.
    5. Clear shoes, etc.

    There is no such diversity in Russia. Perhaps there is a couple of automatons in Moscow, but what is this quantity, against the background of a huge metropolis.

    There are even public vending toilets. In the same Japan.

    Business vending machines

    Before laying all your real estate and take a loan on business, you need to decide on:

    1. Settlement.
    2. Machine guns.
    3. Other features.

    So, there is no point in installing a coffee machine in a remote area of \u200b\u200bPGT with 10-15 thousand people. It will be disassembled in a few hours, and this is not a figure of speech. If we are talking about coffee machines, then location is preferable to choose:

    1. High pedestrian traffic.
    2. Near standing shopping malls or business centers.

    In the perfect situation, you need to place a coffee machine in the center. Closer to the entrance. But here you have to negotiate directly with the owner of the building. He may be interested in this. But note that the price is only for one square meter You definitely do not hurt.

    And you can define traffic as with special programsand independently. Just choose a place where people are most often passing and stopped. This is a very simplified advice, in fact, the details and nuances are much more. But it will not be possible to put all them in the framework of one publication.

    Franchise Vending Business

    There is no particular sense to buy a franchise. In the province of most settlements Just not blocked. It will be more profitable for you to start from the very beginning, and maintain the machine at first on your own. So, you will pass all the way and read:

    1. Main problems.
    2. Subtleties of working with vending machines.
    3. Difficulties of interaction with owners, etc.

    If you want to open your own franchise, then the path in general is free. But it is necessary to take into account the moment that earn here on your own aerobus will not work. If only not to occupy a frank fraud. But where it leads this path, we have already told repeatedly.


    In order to legitimize the whole process, it will be easier to choose the constituent form of LLC.

    As for taxation, we offer 3 options that, in our opinion, are most successful:

    1. Patent.
    2. ENVD (the simplest).

    Of course, you will have to make a type of activity. After all, some automata do not only sell finished products, but also its production. Just an example with coffee. Well, in general, we recommend familiarizing yourself with the materials in open access. There are several serious publications from the owners of vending chains of automata, and there is something to learn.

    Important! For all questions, if you do not know what to do and where to contact:

    Call 8-800-777-32-16.

    Free hot law line.

    Revenue from the sale of goods and services is an indicator necessary for the analysis by the entrepreneur. The total sales of the company is calculated monthly on the basis of other indicators. Profit calculation technique - Specialized formula. Determine the profit from the sale of products will help below the above formula.

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    One of the main goals of entrepreneurship is to obtain a large amount of profit at minimal costs. Depending on the calculation method, the profit is divided into several types. The most significant indicator of the company's efficiency is profit from sales. Each company is constantly looking for options for maximizing profits. For this, first of all, it is necessary to know how profits are generated, it is calculated and what specific factors affect its size.

    Why do you need an indicator? Profit from sales is a resulting indicator of the functioning of a trading organization. Allows you to evaluate how effective non-specialized activities of the enterprise are and does it make sense to carry out these activities in the future. The company should strive to ensure that its level of profit, if not large, was at least sufficient to continue its usual activities.

    To search for reserves to increase profits, you need to understand what it depends on. On the amount of profit obtained in this period, two groups of factors affect:

    1. internal
    2. external.

    The first group includes those indicators that are used when calculating profits:

    The number of product sales. If you focus on selling high profitability products, profitability will increase. If you increase the amount of sales with low level Profitability, profitability will decrease. Price of sales products. The dependency is directly proportional: the price increases - the profit increases, the price decreases - the profit decreases. The structure of the assortment of goods that is implemented. The dependence is similar to the quantity: with an increase in the share of the most profitable products compared to the total sales profit will increase, and with increasing products with low profitability, on the contrary, it will decrease. Costs with a decrease in the cost of goods profit increases, and with magnification, on the contrary. Cost reduction is likely to be associated with raw materials and changes in materials.


    The size of gross profits depends on several factors. They are divided into two groups.

    The first group includes factors depending on the leading segment:

    1. Reducing the cost of goods;
    2. Indicator of the sales efficiency of goods;
    3. Production growth rate;
    4. Carrying out activities aimed at improving the quality of goods;
    5. Use of capacity with maximum efficiency.

    The second group includes external factors:

    1. Company headquarters;
    2. Legislation in which the company works;
    3. Political I. economic conditionin which the state is located;
    4. Naturally - environmental indicators.

    Formula for calculation

    Generalized calculation formula: TR \u003d Q * P, where

    1. TR (total income) is an income from the sale of goods or services;
    2. P- price of goods;
    3. Q- The number of units of goods, which was sold.

    This calculation formula is used to evaluate activities.

    Algorithm of action

    To calculate the total amount of revenue from the sale of each goods in the party, the number of products that can be sold (the so-called sales volume) must be multiplied by the cost of one unit of goods from this party. The formula itself is as follows: B \u003d P * C, where b is the volume of sales, P is the sales volume, C is the cost of sales of the product. Determining the income from the implementation of the current period or the planning period is also based on prices basic period. These prices meet obvious changes in the planned period and are focused on demand and supply in the market. If you know the volume of products manufactured by products in the planned period, you can calculate sales. This calculation scheme is as follows: backup copies of the product that were not implemented in previous period, added to the plan, and the rest at the end of the planned period are removed.

    1. Determine the period for which you want to calculate pure profit Companies. You can take a year, quarter or month for a similar account setting cycle.
    2. Calculate the net profit by the following formula: Clean profit of the company \u003d Financial profits + Value profits value + Other operating profit - the amount of tax deductions.
    3. Please note that you must use the indicators for the calculation for the period for which you selected the calculation.
    4. You can calculate the amount of net profit by other ways. To do this, use the indicators from the annual financial statements. In this case, the net profit of the company is reflected in the account in the income statement.
    5. Determine your gross profit. To do this, you will need the following amounts: Revenue for the required period and cost production costs. To calculate the gross profit of the company, deduct the second of the first coefficient.
    6. Find an amount of operating profit. It is determined in the form of a difference of all other operating expenses and income. In turn, it is necessary to calculate the costs of this category from the amount of financial income to calculate financial profit.
    7. Calculate the amount of net profit after calculating the required indicators. If you get a value with a negative sign "-", it will mean that the company incurred losses for the time period studied.
    8. You can get pure profits from retained profits. In this case, it is calculated as the difference between balance profitwhich is subject to taxation, and the amount of tax deductions, taking into account the benefits of the company.

    Check the values \u200b\u200bobtained. They should be equal because you calculated the same indicator in different ways. If the amounts do not agree, then an error was made in the calculations.

Probably, many of you have already heard about the possibility of quickly and simply transfer money to any bank card holder. Previously, to send any amount to another person, I had to personally visit the department of the bank, fill out applications, wait for several days. Modern online transfers - This is an opportunity to send instantly financial resources. However, I. transfer money from card to map Previously, it demanded filling in many fields, and entering numbers took a bunch of free time. Now online transfers p2P. - It is really fast and comfortable system Translation of funds.

What it is? How to use

Service p2P. Offers you to translate cash almost within a few seconds. To carry out the operation, it is necessary:

  • have a map of any bank of Russia;
  • have the amount needed to transfer to the card account (or possess a sufficient limit);
  • know the data on the recipient (in particular, its card number and surname);
  • have access to the global Internet.

Being at any point in the world, you can easily transfer money by filling in just a few fields.

It is important!

  1. Translation service p2P. saves your money - the commission for the operation is reduced.
  2. Using the service p2P. Owners of online stores can receive payment from buyers.

In principle, now there is an active dissemination of the use of service among representatives of small businesses, which request payment for services or goods through transfer of money from the map to the map or current account.

Obvious advantages p2P.

P2P. It has a huge number of advantages. Your convenience is:

  • the ability to transfer everywhere where there is access to the Internet;
  • reduced Translation Commission;
  • availability of services (it is always provided, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week);
  • the need to know only the minimum amount of information about the recipient;
  • the possibility of carrying out operation and from a stationary PC, and with mobile phone and other gadgets supporting Internet access;
  • the ability to transfer money to any cards that support Visa and MasterCard, regardless of the card accessory to the bank;
  • the ability to perform an operation without opening an account;
  • convenient access to the history of translations;
  • ability to save translation templates.

Thanks to the service p2P.You can transfer money at any time, anywhere, any recipient.

Now the service is actively using almost all payment systems and organizations operating on the Internet.

Probably, anyone who at least once came across the need to quickly translate money, faced with bureaucracy, commissions and headache from the process. With clickPay, everything has become so easy that the transfer of money happens instantly! Anyone who has access to the Internet can make a money transfer quickly and reliably. This became possible thanks to the transmission technology between P2P cards.

Website site offers you the ability to make this translation using cards issued under the MasterCard Inc. logo. and Visa issued by Moldovan banks.

How to use the service speed of money?

To get started, go to the site and select one of the available options:

Then enter the card number, the name and surname, the date of the card expiration and CVC code.

In the right field, enter the name and surname of the recipient, and the additional identifier required by the system, depending on the selected translation method:

Send money to the map, knowing 16 digits on it

On the recipient's mobile phone number

Or on his email address

Select the transfer and currency and confirm it.

If the translation currency differs from the recipient's card, the system automatically converts the transaction amount in accordance with the exchange rate set for transactions by bank cards.

What advantages has online translation P2P?

Available. Anyone who has access to the Internet can use the service at any time and anywhere.

Easy use. You do not need to register in advance.

Fast. Real-time transmission

Wide coating zone. You can make a translation from the map of any Moldovan Bank to another bank card In the country or all over the world, no matter what bank it issued it.

Wide opportunities. Money transfers can be carried out in national and foreign currency.

Safety. The 3D-Secure service confirms the transaction and generate a unique password.

For whom are P2P money transfers in a virtual environment?

the site gives you the opportunity to make on time, throughout the country or abroad. The process is very simple, fast and safe. It frees you from visiting a bank or open the current account in foreign currency for transactions in the desired currency. While you have a device with internet access, you can make a translation without extra effort!

Confidently use this excellent service through the site platform! Your money is at a distance of an elongated hand!

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