
How to find a balance profit in the balance sheet. What is Balance Profit: Appointment, Formation and Rules for calculation. Balance profit of the company

Balance profit is a profit before tax. It is one of the key indicators when evaluating business efficiency. Its value is used to determine the calculation base. tax obligations.

Balance profit is ...

The level of profitability has a direct impact on the value of the tax liabilities of the organization. The concept of "Balance Profit of the Enterprise" contains summarized income receipts from the main production processes. The value can be positive or negative. In the latter case, we will talk about unprofitability.

Balance profit of the company is determined as a taxable base. If the process of removing its final result will be made error (even insignificant), then for the economic entity, this means the occurrence of an increased risk of a dispute with fiscal bodies. According to the results of the audit, the tax inspectorate of the organization will write a penalty for the inaccuracy of information and underpayment (overpayment) of the tax.

Balance profit can be obtained if from the entire volume of reversed funds in the monetary equivalent to take away the costs incurred. Accrued taxes in the cost group are not included. Balance profit of the enterprise includes:

  • profit received from the implementation of the main product of the company (goods or services);
  • financial resultsdetermined after the completion of the sale of property, providing him to temporal operation to third parties on a fee;
  • rESULTS OF NORTERALIZATION ACTIONS (from currency recalculations conducted, income from investment projects).

Balance profit consists of profits from sales of main products with a specific weight of this indicator at the level of 80%. When calculating the profit value, accounting accounts are used and. The result of the accumulation of funds and write-offs at the end of the year is reflected in the account 99. The turnover of 99 accounts should be equal to the level of carrying profit for the same time interval.

The concept of "Balance Profit Enterprise" includes different types Profitable revenues reduced on the company incurred in the process of activity. Not taken into account turns and balance on such accounts:

  • showing the amount of tax liabilities;
  • In terms of concluding revolutions on it.

Balance profit: calculation formula

Withdraw the value of the balance sheet of profitability of activity, according to the data of the operating statements or information from accounting reporting. Balance profit formula takes into account such elements:

  1. Profit, the result of which was obtained after the sale of goods (PR T).
  2. Profit formed as a result of the implementation of property owned by the enterprise (PR).
  3. Profit that was formed from funds from non-dealers (PR.)

How the balance profit is calculated:

PR T + PRI + PR.

PRT is defined as the difference between the gross income from the realization operations and the cost of products. It is calculated by a decrease in revenue from the sale of assets on their residual value and the costs that were incurred by the organization in the process of carrying out a transaction for the sale and delivery of the facility to the buyer.

Balance profit - the balance sheet formula or account turnover makes it possible to calculate the percentage of profitability of the costs. To do this, the inclined numerical value of the profit is divided into the amount of expenditures for implemented product groups. The last step will be the transfer of the coefficient percentage.

Balance Profit includes such indicators from the form 2 report:

  • revenue, denoted by a string 2110;
  • the formed actual cost in full, taking into account management and commercial expenditure;
  • amounts of other income;
  • the size of the other costs.

The formula for balance sheets is not provided. On accounting statements, it is possible to bring it on the basis of a report on financial results (form 2) according to such a scheme:

  • row 2110 - (line of strings 2120, 2210, 2220) + Row 2340 - line 2350.

Balance profit of the company in reporting

Accounting reporting reflects all performance indicators. It allows you to evaluate the degree of success of the business project, calculate its profitability and prospects. The string in the balance sheet profit is not highlighted. The report appears the value of the profit remaining after the deduction of all types of costs and tax liabilities.

The reason for the impossibility of identifying the balance sheet value according to the data of the balance sheet reporting is becoming a different approach to the reflection of the results of activity. The balance is made up on the basis of the finite balance on accounts. Balance profit must be calculated on the information created by consuming. The calculation can be made on the basis of the balance and data of accounting registers. For this K. retained profits From the balance line under code 1370, you must add the amount paid throughout the year of income tax.

Balance profit is a string in form 2, correlated with the encoded designation 2300. If an enterprise has a loss, instead of profit, it appears, then in the Code 2300, its value is indicated without minus, but the number is taken into round brackets.


Profit from sales (PP) expect for the following formula:
RR \u003d NP - SP - PNDS - RA
In this formula, NP - revenue from the sale of products (goods, services), SP - the cost of production (costs only for production, without commercial and management expenses), RESD is the value added tax, excise taxes.

The balance of non-revenue income and expenses (RWP) is calculated in accordance with the following values: revenues on the enterprise owned by securities, revenues from renting property, revenues from equity participation in joint ventures, as well as sanctions, fines and penalties for the supply of poor-quality products, for Failure to comply with contractual obligations, for violation of the timing and conditions of transportation, etc.

The profits from other implementation (RPR) include profits (loss) from the sale of works, products, service services and utility production, including the implementation of purchased commodity and material values. In addition, and other implementation of the organization includes work and non-industrial services that are not included in the amount of products implemented by the main activity. Here we are talking about services by overhaul and capital construction, transportation services, sales of purchased heat.


The most important among all financial indicators of any company is profit. The ultimate financial result of the organization can be attributed to the balance sheet profit. How to calculate it?


In order to calculate the balance sheet, you need to know the values \u200b\u200bof three more indicators. These include the balance of income from non-engineering operations, profits from the sale of enterprise products. Also here can include profit from other implementation. Balance profit calculate both algebraic amounts.

Profit from sales is quite simple. For this, it is necessary to subtract the sum of the following values \u200b\u200bfrom the total implementation of any goods and services. The first of them is the cost of production. It includes only costs on, managerial and commercial expenses. The second term is the value added tax. The third value is excise.

The balance of non-degree income and expenses experts are calculated depending on many important values. You will need values \u200b\u200bof securities revenues that belong to the enterprise. The company's income received from the rental of property will be required. Find out the size of the income of the organization from what it takes share In any joint projects. And besides all of the above, you will need to know the size of numerous sanctions, condescens, fines in cases of supplying products of non-proper quality, for violations of the conditions of transportation and delivery time, for non-fulfillment of contractual obligations.

Now you have to calculate the last term. Make it easy. Incoming from other implementation, include profit or loss from sales. different work, services, products, utility and serving industries. This includes even the implementation of inventory purchased values. In addition to the previously listed earlier, the organization can also include services and work, a little different non-industrial nature. These types of work are usually not included in the volume of products related to the main activity of the enterprise. In this case, we are talking about providing services for transport farms, capital construction and overhaul, the sale of purchased heat.

The financial result of the organization's activities is characterized by the amount of profit gained, as well as the level of profitability. Profit appears from the sale of services or products. Only after making a transaction, net income can take the form of pure profits. The volume of sales, the level of profitability and the amount of profit depend on the supplied, production, commercial and sales activities of the enterprise, that is, these indicators characterize each side of the management.

You will need

  • - calculator;
  • - balance sheet.


The generalized characteristics of the enterprise's activities are net and balance profit. They remain equal until the moment. Net profit He has a dependence OT interest rate Profit tax, and depends on external factors. Balance Profit B. more thanWhat pure reflects the effectiveness of the organization's activities and the effectiveness of decision-made decisions.

For the primary evaluation of decisions, management usually requires balance profit and evaluates the impact of factors on the balance sheet profit. That nuance that per profit is deducted from the balance profit, only reflects the fact of its importance as quantitative characteristics Works organization.

Balance profit is determined based on the data on the result of profits from other implementation, the number of profits from the sale of works or products, by the balance of non-union operations. All this data must be folded, and the final result will be a balance profit.

Clean the difference between the book profit and the amount of income tax. If the enterprise is trading, then the profitability indicator is also widely used, which characterizes the relative amount of profit.

Profit tax is the main and most impressive contribution to the budget. The taxation is subject to that part of the balance sheet profit, which does not contain costs assigned to the costs of circulation.

Taxable profit is the difference between the balance profit, the income tax, real estate tax, the profits made to the budget, as well as the profits obtained from the level of profitability.

To implement successful management, the organization needs to determine and analyze balance profits. Therefore, it should be thoroughly study the dynamics of profit, given the inflationary data, to adjust the revenue on the weighted average growth index of the cost of services or goods on average in the industry. The cost of implementing services and products must be reduced to the increase due to price increases.


Balance profit is the main criterion of successful entrepreneurial activity. In terms of profit, you can estimate the commercial efficiency of the organization.

Helpful advice

Optional from important stages of the enterprise is to plan profits. Calculate profits can after counting finances on future period and find out the size of the funds that the organization can use in estimated period.

The reflection of profits in the balance sheet is the final stage of summing up the financial result of the enterprise. At the same time, all amounts of expenses and income of the company recorded during the reporting period are taken into account. The result is reflected in the account 99 "Profit and Losses".

Without carrying profits, the company will be difficult to assess the degree of profitability and, as a result, to make the necessary adjustments in a timely manner into the production and sales process. therefore this species Reporting should always receive the necessary stake.

The concept of carrying profit

In most cases, enterprises use several sources to receive income. The result of all this total activity and is the profit that can be determined as the balance sheet.

If you use a more capable definition, then we can say that the balance profit is the total, total income or loss of the company, which is a consequence of the implementation of products and services, as well as those financial revenues that were obtained from trade operationsnot related to key activities. In this case, all data is recorded in foreign financial statements.

With regard to the magnitude of this indicator, it largely depends on accounting Policychosen by the management of the enterprise. Those regulationsThese are used by companies give them the opportunity to independently determine how the financial result will be formed and what impact on it will be in the near future. To implement the selected method of displaying the balance profit, various metering methods are used.

In fact, this type of reporting is the final result of accounting, in the course of which all balance sheets were evaluated. To form such an indicator may at the end of the year, quarter or month.

How the analysis is performed

The first stage of balance sheet analysis is reduced to evaluating the actual implementation of the plan. This makes a comparison with the reporting period, which was previously.

The assessment itself is divided into common and composite. It is in composite that the parts are made, of which the indicator consists. Moreover, attention is paid to each element.

Balance profit analysis is used to perform certain tasks:

  • determination of unprofitable links and those aspects of economic activities that are weak;
  • identification of factors and reasons that led to failure of a total income plan;
  • drawing up lists of available reserves in order to reduce losses and further increasing financial income;
  • fixation of processes that caused damages.

The analysis process implies the study of the structure of the balance sheet profit, as well as its composition, as well as the dynamics of the established plan during the reporting year.

Touching the topic of studying indicators in the dynamics, it is worth noting that inflationary factors are taken into account, which have a tangible impact on it. At the same time, the revenue is adjusted to the index of the weighted average price increase in the industry. With regard to the cost of goods that were implemented, as well as works and services, in most cases they reduce them to the difference of funds involved and consumed in production within the period taken into account during analysis.

This is how the structure is that balance profit involves.

Components of this type of reporting

The composition of this indicator is as follows:

  • profit and loss that caused the investigation of goods, performing work and the provision of services;
  • financial receipts or losses from other types of implementation;
  • income derived from non-engineering operations.

Thus, the balance profit in the balance sheet has the appearance of the final financial result.

The key element of such an indicator is the loss. In most cases, its proportion of balance overcomes the level of 85%. The formation of this type of reporting is directly related to the peculiarities of economic activity.

As an example, the activities of enterprises that are engaged in the sale of services or supply can be obtained. In the account of such companies, revenues are equal to income received from sales. It is calculated as the difference between the sale and purchase cost of goods that have already been implemented.

It is worth noting the fact that construction companiesFor example, have the right to reflect revenue only after documents confirming the fact of the work done by the Customer.

Balance Profit: Formula

BP is a balance profit. Under the PP, it is necessary to understand the income from the sale of products, the PPR is used to denote finances from other implementation. Air defense, in turn, means profit from non-engineering operations.

At the same time, as a profit received from sales, the difference between the income and the cost of activity, which was directed to the production of products.


Such an indicator as the profitability of the balance profit is the most common. This coefficient is needed to display the number monetary unitswhich were attracted by the enterprise to obtain one ruble. Moreover, the source of attracting funds is not taken into account.

To perform the values \u200b\u200bof the indicator, the pressure of the balance profit is performed on middle value The cost of all assets within a specific period.

If this coefficient is compared with an indicator of profitability of all assets, it will be possible to determine which effects on profitability are provided by various payments from received funds and tax deductions.

Display features

Speaking of this indicator, it is worth paying attention to the fact that the balance profit is fixed. The line in the balance sheet is highlighted for each element of the profits of this type.

It is worth remembering that the report in which the losses and received funds are displayed consists of 4 sections.

  • Profit or loss before tax.
  • Clean influx financial means or loss of the reporting year.

This is essentially a balance profit. The string in the balance sheet number 050 serves just to fix the final financial result from the company's activities.

Profit derived from product sale

In order to better understand the essence and purpose of this indicator in the balance sheet, you need to pay attention to the structure of the elements from which it is formed.

Having understood with this theme, you can competently control the process of obtaining income and increase the degree of profitability of capital and different foundations Enterprises.

The first should consider profit from the sale of products. We are talking about the difference between the income, which was obtained in the process of implementing the produced goods, and expenses caused by the release and sale of the product.

The main part of the enterprise's income is a consequence of the sales of goods produced or services provided. From this follows a logical conclusion: the higher the level of sales, the more profit will receive the company.

The following factors may affect the amount of income:

  • Volume of products that are sold.
  • Changing the cost of goods produced. It is worth understanding that the lower cost allows you to make the goods significantly more accessible, and it means to significantly increase sales. The consequence of such a process becomes the growth of the company's profits.
  • Changing the amount of products that are produced. This relationship is appropriately logical. If the enterprise begins to produce less and, in effect, sell, then the level of profit is also reduced. Accordingly, the better the production is scaled, the greater the number of incoming financial resources.

Implementation of fixed assets

Balance Profit includes information regarding this process. In this case, we are talking about the difference between the selling price of the funds, their initial costwhich increases on inflation.

According to such residual value You can determine the wear of the property:

Speaking about the group of fixed assets in general, it is worth understanding which components are included in its structure:

  • funds that do not participate in production, but at the same time provide the work of the enterprise;
  • participating in the manufacturing process.

At the same time, the main funds can be both active (direct influence on the subject of labor) and passive (are oriented towards ensuring stable working conditions).

ATTENTION It is worth paying and income from non-engineering operations, from which such an indicator is also formed as a balance profit. The formula for compiling this reporting inevitably includes this type of funds (non-dealerization), to which the following processes are related to:

  • revenues received from other enterprises;
  • renting the company's property for rent;
  • various sanctions;
  • capital investment in order to profit.


The use of bookfacing is prerequisite For the successful and stable activity of the enterprise. With this indicator, both the economic and production side of the company's development can be assessed. This allows you to always have an understanding. real level profitability of assets and production assets.

2. The concept and composition of the total (balance) profit

General (Balance) Profit - the amount of profit (losses) of the enterprise from the sale of products and income (losses) not related to its production and implementation.

General (Balance) Profit includes three enlarged elements:

- Profit (loss) from the sale of products, work, the provision of services;

- profit (loss) from operating activities (implementing fixed assets, their other disposal, realization of other property of the enterprise);

- Profit on non-engineering operations (Fig. 6.5).

Fig. 6.5. The composition of the total profit of the enterprise

Under the sale of products is understood not only for the sale of produced goods that have a natural and real form, but also performing work, the provision of services.

Profit (loss) from the sale of products (works, services) is a financial result obtained from the main activity of the enterprise, which can be carried out in any species recorded in its charter and not prohibited by law. The financial result is determined separately for each type of activity of the enterprise belonging to the sale of products, the performance of work, the provision of services. It is equal to the difference between the revenue from the sale of products (works, services) in current prices, tax and non-tax payments paid from revenue, and costs for its production and implementation.

Revenue is taken into account without VAT, excise taxes that, being indirect taxesEnrolled in the budget. From revenue is also calculated the sum of margins (discounts) coming by trade and supply and sales organizations involved in the sale of products. Enterprises exporting products exclude export tariffs aimed at the state's income. Wherein cash arrivalsrelated to the disposal of fixed assets, material (revolving) and intangible assets, the selling cost of currency values, valuable papers Not included in revenue.

Calculated by the formula:

P p \u003d V - VAT - A - C P,

where n r - Profit from the sale of products;In - revenue from the sale of products;And excise; With R. - Cost of sales (Fig. 6.6).

Fig. 6.6. The procedure for calculating profits from sales

On realized products having a natural-real form, the calculation of the profit is carried out on the basis of revenue and complete cost products determined by the amount of products implemented. In kind of expression, it includes remnants finished products At the beginning of the reporting period, not implemented in the previous period, and the issuance of commercial products of the reporting period over a minus of the part of the product that cannot be implemented at the end of the reporting period. Under the period is understood as a quarter or year. The composition of the remnants of unrealized products to the beginning and the end of the period depends on the procedure elected by the enterprise - to enter the money on the settlement account of the enterprise or on the shipment of products, estimated documents According to which the buyer is presented.

Profit from performed works and services rendered is calculated similarly to profit from sales of products. Revenue formation is closely related to the features of the work performed and services and the applied form of calculations.

Profit from operating activities is a financial result not related to the main activities of the enterprise. It reflects the profit (loss), for other realization, to which the sale side different species Property listed on the balance sheet of the enterprise (Fig. 6.7).

Fig. 6.7. The procedure for determining the result from operating activities

The company independently manages his property. It is entitled to write off, sell, liquidate, transfer to the authorized funds of other enterprises of the building, structures, equipment, vehicles and other major funds, material valuesobtained in the process of demolition and disassembly of buildings, structures, sell individual objects, inventory and other types of property. The financial result takes place only when selling the listed types of property, as well as at other things, the disposal of incomportant objects in some cases. When implementing fixed assets, the financial result is defined as the difference between the selling price of the fixed assets sold on the side and their residual value, taking into account the incurred expenditure costs (Fig. 6.8).

Fig. 6.8. The procedure for determining profits from the sale of assets

Profit from the sale of fixed assets (p. F.) And intangible assets (p about. F + n. A.) Is calculated by the formula:

By. f. \u003d VAT - Oh. f. - 3,

where In - revenue from the sale of fixed assets;VAT - value added tax;Oh. f. - the residual value of fixed assets;3 - the cost of dismantling and implementing fixed assets.

Profit from non-deactive operations is a profit (loss) on operations of various nature not related to the main activity of the enterprise and not related to the sale of products, fixed assets, other property of the enterprise. The financial result is defined as income (loss) per minus costs of non-operating operations (Fig. 6.9).

Fig. 6.9. The procedure for determining the balance of non-union operations

Profit to tax is the tax profit, reduced by the amount of beneficial profits, real estate tax, calculated from the residual value of the main production and non-production funds, profits on dividends and income equal to them (Fig. 6.10).

Fig. 6.12. The procedure for the formation of net profit

Net profit of the enterprise and depreciation deductions are essentially the main financial resource that determines it economic potential and ability to self-financing.

From January 1, 2004, all costs (normalized and excess) are taken into account in accounting as part of production costs and, therefore, affect the financial result. Therefore, the financial result, calculated according to the accounting data, does not correspond to the same indicator for tax purposes. Therefore, to define taxable profits, it is necessary to summarize the profit calculated by accounting, and excess costs attributed to the cost of realized products.

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state