
Application for listed salary. How to write a statement about listed wages on a map. Methods of payments to employee wage


Monthly issuance of earned funds can be carried out in several ways - by cash and non-cash calculation.

If earlier the employee received a salary at the checkout, but for some reason, there was a need to transfer money to bank cardHe should prepare an appropriate statement.

Do I need to write about paying money to a bank card?

So the sample looks like:

Wage transfer to another person's account - Third Party

In accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, one citizen's salary can be listed on the other card.

The third face can be anyone - a relative, husband, wife, comrade, etc.

The procedure for issuing a statement to transfer money to another person's account in this case does not have significant distinctive characteristics.

The only difference is that in the document it is necessary to indicate the details of the map that belongs not to the employee, and its representative.

An important condition for the implementation of the specified action is considered to provide an employer in which the consent of the third person on the listing wages another person on his card.

The document is necessarily wired by the notary.

It is also important to understand the difference between the desire and the need for a citizen to translate money on a foreign person's card.

The second option is relevant in the case of payment of alimony and various kinds of debts. In this case, only the established part of the salary is listed on another bank account.


Download a sample application for the transfer of salaries on a map of another person (relative) -.

For changing payment details of the bank

The rights of employed citizens include the possibility of changing the serving banking institution.

In order for the employee's salary charged to another card, it is necessary to provide a guide to the appropriate application for the change of details.

The document needs to reflect such information:

The employer has no right to refuse an employee.

Desire to shift bank details It can come only from the worker.

The exception is the situation in which by decision of the leadership, the whole team receives new bank cards.


Download an example of a statement about changing bank details to issue wages.

In the employment contract, not only the size of the salary and the date of its transfer, but also the method of translation is prescribed money: Cash or non-cash in a way. In the overwhelming majority of cases, the last option is selected, so the workers also need to take applications for the transfer of wages to the card. Current for 2019, the sample of the document and the rules for its preparation can be found below.

Almost all organizations as well individual entrepreneurs Conclude an agreement for service in a bank, thereby becoming participants in the so-called salary projects. According to this project, all accounts are serviced in one credit institution, for example, in the VTB 24 bank. Accordingly, employees receive a salary on the map whose account is carried out in the same organization.

However, each employee has the right to independently choose how it is more convenient to receive salary and other payments related to work:

  • cash or by cashless translation;
  • in this or that bank.

Opinion expert

Chadova Svetlana

At the same time, the employee can also choose several ways to transfer funds. For example, the advance will be listed in 1 bank, and the salary is to another (indicating the details of each credit institution). Or some of the payments will be paid in cash (30%), and the rest (70%) is to be sent to the specified account. Also an employee has the right and change its solution an unlimited number of times.

Thus, the employee has the right to choose the bank independently, in which he wants to receive salary. However, it is important to consider that the choice of cash or non-cash form Payment is limited by the workforce. If it is written there that the salary is translated into a bank card, the employee after signing takes these conditions, which means it can only change the bank, but not the form of issuing funds.

Opinion expert

Chadova Svetlana

Leading personnel specialist, lawyer Consultant on labor legislation, site expert

Sample and application rules

After new employee It concludes an employment contract, according to which the salary is transferred to the card, it is also obliged to write a statement. It contains a request for the transfer of funds to the bank card. The document is compiled by B. arbitrary form (Sometimes on a special employer form). Text is important to reflect the following information:

  • application information: FULL NAME, position, contact details;
  • information about the employee, in the name of which a statement is drawn up - usually it chief Accountant: It is necessary to register his position and full name;
  • document's name;
  • the main text is a request for a salary listing;
  • details: Account Number, Map Number, Title, Beach and Inn Bank, etc.
  • date, signature, signature decoding (surname, initials).

When drawing up a statement, one can focus on such a sample.

Often, the text of the application is made a mark on making it to work by an authorized person - for example, the secretary. The document is considered by B. reasonable deadlines (Several working days), after which the next salary payment should be done on the specified account.

Who pays the transfer commission

It is obvious that the employer is most advantageous to all of its employees in the bank, with whom he has a salary project agreement. In this case, employees receive a card for free. During the entire time of the employment contract, it is also served for free (except additional servicesThe fee for which is charged at the Bank's tariff - for example, SMS informing).

However, if the employee wishes to issue wages to another bank, then the card service fee will be made independently, since it is his personal card that does not apply to the salary project. However, the company must translate the amount in full, i.e. The payment of the commission for the translation it takes only on himself.

At the same time, the deadlines for wage enrollment may increase. In the usual case, the Bank conducts a transfer on the day of filing a payment order or on the nearest business day. Therefore, if the salary issuance, for example, falls on Saturday, the accountant usually conveys an order to the bank on Thursday to come to Friday. However, if an employee chooses his bank, the translation can stretch up to 3-5 business days.

At the same time, the faults of the company in this case are not (provided that the payment orders are transferred to the bank on time). Rostrud is adhered to such a position.

When you still need to make a transfer application

The application is drawn up on the initiative of the company in such cases:

  • the worker settled for the first time;
  • the employer decided to change the salary bank;
  • the employer passed the reorganization procedure related to the change in the name, structure, form of ownership, etc.

However, the compilation of the document can be initiated by the employee itself if he wants to receive a salary in another bank or receive it partly in cash, and partly by non-cash translation.

Each work should be paid. There are several types of payroll. This article will talk about how to translate earned funds to a personal bank account card.

How to write a salary listing

According to the Labor Code Russian Federation, and in particular part of the third Art. 136, the funds earned are issued to an employee in the workplace from the cashier. But the Labor Code of the Russian Federation also provides another option of payment for work, such as transferring a salary for a card. This nuance must be marked when drawing up an employee and employer's employment contract.

The fact of availability in the contract cash receipts The card also gives the right to such an operation. In order for the procedure for transferring a salary to a bank account, the employee needs to write a statement that will be to read the full consent to ensure that its salary goes to the bank card.

The petition is written by the Director-General, in which to ask you to list your money for working on a bank account and specify payment details, specify the date and put the signature.

Listing wages on a map How to arrange for the TK RF

According to the Labor Code, the employee has the full right to ensure that its salary is listed on the bank card. For registration of such a form of cash accrual, an employee is obliged to agree to this procedure in writing the statement. The employer, in turn, undertakes to provide a settlement sheet of salaries in accordance with 136 articles of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

It is also necessary to draw up a written agreement with the bank, which opened the employee's account. The bank will prepare and give a bank card, in the future the salary will be received. It is necessary to provide the registry in which should be contained:

  • payment attributes;
  • surname, name and patronymic of the employee;
  • details of accounts and sums of translation that are subject to enrollment.

The registry is signed by a legal liability person who has the right to sign documents with the calculations, is set to a printing document.

Application for transfer of wages on a bank card - sample

In a document on the transfer of an earned amount to the account, you must specify the following data:

  • surname, first name, patronymic of the general director, chief accountant;
  • the text of the employee, which fills its petition about the subsequent enumeration of its earned cards to the card with the enhancing of all the necessary details and the card numbers;
  • date at the time of detailing;

Application for transfer of salary on a bank card to another person

To implement such a procedure, it is necessary to follow two conditions:

  • such a condition is written in the preparation of an employment contract;
  • statement employee.

This method of payment is provided by the fifth part of Art. 136 TK RF.

If the first condition is really, the employer is obliged to make a salary employee at the expense of the Bank of another person who will be further specified, for example, an application for the transfer of wages to the wife's card.

The following data must be specified in Skopmante:

  • the period in which the salaries will be paid to another person;
  • how much will be the amount of payment;
  • request card details.

Application form about listed wages on a bank card

The document on the transfer of salaries to the account in the Bank you need to specify the following data:

  • surname, name, patronymic and held by the constituent document;
  • surname, first name, patronymic of the Director General or Chief Accountant;
  • the need to specify the full name of the document being drawn up;
  • the text of the employee who fills his request for the transfer of wages to a credit card with all the necessary details and card numbers;
  • date at the time of the application;
  • personal signature of the document.

Any employee has a legitimate right to receive its salary by any convenient way to it, which is provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

This document is necessary to the employer to ensure the compliance of the salary payment procedure by the provisions of Art. 136 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, in which it is said that the salary can be translated through credit Organizationwhich is indicated in the employee's statement. At the same time, it is important that in the employment contract of the employee with a company or collective agreement, it was recorded that compensation for work is listed by the employer in cashlessly.

Note! The employer must request the relevant statements from the staff, regardless of how the salary is listed - to the account, open within the salary project, or to a personal account of the employee who are open independently.

If such statements are provided to the company will not be provided, the salary will have to be obtained at the checkout, since it is not possible to make calculations with employees in non-cash, the employer is not entitled.

We study the features of the statement structure.

Structure of the statement for the transfer of salaries on the map

The statement to enumerate the salary on the card indicates:

  • F. I. O. and the position of the compiler;
  • F. I. O. and the position of an employee who is addressed to the document (as a rule, it is cEO companies or chief accountant);
  • name of the document: "Application for the transfer of wages to the account in credit and financial organization (bank card) ";
  • the main text, where the employee, referring to Art. 136 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, expresses the request to transfer wages to the bank account and indicates the necessary details, including the card number;
  • the date of the application.

The document must be signed by a personally employee. Some firms practice the reasons for its receipt by the Secretariat of the leadership or accounting by staging on the statement of the date of receipt and signature of the secretary or the responsible accountant employee.

Where to download a salary transfer application for a bank card

Download sample application for the transfer of wages on the map(bank Account) You can on our website. The document with the structure discussed above is available on the link below.

Application for listed salaries on the map - required condition For non-cash payments between the employer and the employee. Without it will have to receive s / n cash. On how to write a statement, we will show in the article using a ready-made sample.

According to article 136 of the Labor Code of the Russian FederationThe employee has the right to choose between cash and non-cash form of wage payment. In the first case, money is issued on the spot - from the office of the organization. In the second accountant translates them to the employee's account in the chosen credit institution. Consider in more detail how the wage is listed on the card.

Basic conditions

Cash or non-cash form of payment of remuneration for work is a condition that should be spelled out in the labor contract. Sometimes it is indicated in the Treaty of Collective.

The nature of the amounts that will come to the employee's account from the employer, as a rule, is not specified. For example, the transfer of travel on salary map carried out without a special reservation.

As a rule, the organization chooses one bank in which leads salary project For all employees. But, according to Article 136, each employee has the right to change the credit institution on the application.

Refusal to the employer of law does not have, as to oblige to use cashless payments. However, some executives are trying to bypass this. They include in the employment contract item on obtaining s / n across a specific bank. But it is illegal and can be appealed in court (if desired).

Salary on the card: a statement necessarily

To use non-cash form of remuneration, the consent of the employee is necessary. Therefore, the organization is obliged to receive a corresponding petition from it. In case of employment, it must be written immediately.

To obtain remuneration for work, you can only use personal map. If there is no, allowed:

  • open it personally;
  • instruct accounting to open it for you;
  • refuse non-cash form of calculation.

If in the future the employee decides to change the credit institution, it will again need to make a statement. It should be filed no later than five days before the next salary.

Structure of the application

It begins, like any other, from the caps. It must be specified in it, full name supervisor and their own. The text can be made in free form, but better to specify an article Labor Codewhich the applicant is guided. This refers to Article 136.

  • personal account number (not card!);
  • name of the bank;
  • Inn (bank, not an employee!);
  • correspondent account;
  • FULL NAME. Map holder.

These details are not to be mistaken when entering, you can copy from the Internet banking system in the Financial Instrument Information section.

The document is completed, as usual, the date and signature. When submitting it is desirable to check the setting of the adoption mark.

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