
How to open an individual investment account in Sberbank. The subtleties of the opening of the IIS in Sberbank. What documents will require to return money through the taxation service

    • Individual Investment Accounts (IIS). And for 4 months, how I opened my own investment account broker Sberbank.


      If you have not yet opened yourself Individual investment account - It is worth thinking about it, you don't need to immediately make money, but if your account is, you can start at any time. The main thing is to have time until December 31, so next year you can get a tax deduction. You can start with any amount, the law limits only the top bar.

      That's all! Remember! Exchange is always a risk! There are no guarantees here, there are only possibilities. Take care of yourself, take care of your money, they got to you hard!

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      Dmitry does not like to throw money into the wind and is looking for optimal savings in ordinary life. Life gives us a lot of honest ways to earn, it is enough to figure out the brains.

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Potential investors are still familiar to such a tool for investing as IIS, but because of significant profitability interest in it lately grows.

An individual investment account in Sberbank is a regular broker account intended for resource management with special tools - stocks, bonds, futures.

When opening, the client independently forms yield by maintaining operations in the stock market. But besides explicit options, there is an opportunity to receive deduction. These benefits provide a state in order to attract investment in the stock Russian market.

Requirements for customers

  • Open IIS is allowed only to a private person who serves as a citizen (resident), i.e. Carries out the payment of taxes in this state.
  • For the opening procedure, it is not necessary to be the client of this bank or have other decorated preducts.
  • The physical can open no more than one account for investment.
  • The term of the contract for maintenance is from 3 years.
  • The maximum amount of investment is 400 thousand rubles for a year.

During the action of an individual investment account in Sberbank, and expert reviews confirm this, taxation is not applied to investor income. All calculations with FTS occur when closing in three years. If you do not use it and close ahead of time, then the physically loses its right to benefit.

Most customer reviews convince that the opening of IIS in Sberbank is a fairly simple procedure

Design IIS in Sberbank

Such an investment tool is needed to citizens who conduct brokerage activities or participate in games on securities quotations on stock Exchange. To open it, you must first find a branch that provides similar services.

This is a profitable investment tool working for the future.

Methods of registration

  • On the website of the institution in the subsection of the list of departments in its city;
  • At the operator when contacting the contact center;
  • Having made a request in the Internet bank (for existing clients).

In the department of the future market participant, you must write an application for the provision of services and fill in the Investor's questionnaire.

  • The main stages of the opening of an individual investment account in Sberbank:
  • A specialist prepares a contract form, which is signed by the parties. You can preliminarily obtain a complete consultation and a list of tariffs for institutions regarding the management of the stock market.
  • An employee opens an account in the applicant's name.
  • Assigns a special code, with which an investor identification occurs.
  • All information (number, investor code, etc.) is sent by e-mail.
  • The Fisliso translates the contribution required by him to participate in the auction.

After performing all the preliminary operations, it is necessary to choose the use option tax benefits. Today there are two of them, and it is permissible until the end of the deadline to make the choice of option. Only by the time closing in three years, it is necessary to make a final decision:

  • Get deductions to contributions.
  • Get exemption from income tax.

Tax Contributions

Having an individual investment account in Sberbank, the investor has the right to receive deductions for each of its contributions, which is limited 400 thousand rubles per year. Use this option benefits is permissible under such conditions:

  • A private person receives official income from which the tax is paid 13% (according to the norms of the law).
  • Once a year, the investor addresses and receives a translation of 13% of its embedding.
  • Closing IIS in three years, the investor pays the tax on the profit value at a rate of 13%.

The main advantage of investment tool is significant tax savings

Documents for the return of money through the tax authority

  • Fill 3-ndfl.
  • Help Ndfl-2 or other type of document from an employer or other structure confirming the availability of income from which the citizen paid 13%.
  • Data on the transfer of a certain amount (it is requested in the bank).
  • Application asking for deduction. It is necessary to enter the account number to return the money.

Appeal to the FTS with the current iis

Appeal to organs tax Service happens over the past year (not even full) up to April 30of the present period.

Operations for IIS over the period of its action are not subject to NDFL

The procedure is quite simple and quite allowed to return 13% of money entered on investment operations. But when it is closed before the agreed period (up to 3 years), the person needs to return the amount previously accrued from it from the budget. The same procedure will be required to pass if it is decided to use the second option of benefits at the end of the term.

Tax exemption - features

The second method of benefit provides for the full liberation of the investor from the tax, but no deductions for contributions are provided. To use this option, confirmation of availability own income not required.

The procedure provides for an appeal to the inspector and receiving certificates from him that the citizen did not appeal for three years and did not receive deductions for contributions. This information must be transferred to the bank employee at the time of the closed of IIS. Banking institution acting in this situation tax Agent, does not tax an investor income rate.

If the closure occurs ahead of the period specified in the contract, the bank applies a bid, as required by law.

Preferential taxation

For investors with official income, NDFL is paid

Thus, speaking by a broker or market participant, the client opens an investment account in Sberbank, while having obtained the possibility of preferential taxation. Hurry up with the choice is not worth it. Usually, the decision is made by comparing its income derived from investments with contributions. It is worth remembering about the possibility first to receive deductions on contributions, and by the end of the 3-year period in case of a change in the decision, return them back and get exemption from the tax.


Investing individuals in stock markets are a fairly new and promising direction for Russians. The opening of the IIS makes this activity more attractive for novice investors, since the state has introduced tax breaks for them.

In order to attract new investors, Sberbank launched an innovative investment method - individual investment accounts that are inherently unique developing tax privileges. Open IIS can individuals who have reached majority. Before registering the investment, it should be carefully examined by the features of the Bank under consideration, the current tariffs and the conditions of opening, as well as the criteria for choosing a beneficial tax deduction.

Features of the individual investment account in Sberbank

Sberbank ranks third banking system and is the main source of development of the Russian economic sphere. According to analysts, banking organization Provides work and good earnings of each 150 family in the country. The total amount of Sberbank's assets in the financial sector is over 28%. In addition, it is considered a fundamental lender in the economy market, therefore, it owns the largest share of assets in the investment market.

Among the key features characterizing individual investment accounts in Sberbank should be noted:

  • the presence of unlimited duration of the opening of the IIS with a minimum repayment period of 3 years;
  • initial investment on the investment range from 50 thousand to 1 million rubles;
  • to obtain tax breaks, the amount of investment should be no more than 400 thousand rubles;
  • the size of annual enumerations on IIS ranges from 10 thousand to 1 million rubles;
  • each client has the right to open one investment account;
  • the bank has a license to legitimate the provision of services and the possibility of registration of IIS;
  • the percentage of income tax returns 13% of the amount of investment or profit received on the expiration of a three-year term;
  • high income from IIS is possible when investing in securities. For example, bonds of a federal loan differ in minimal risks and a good profitability indicator, the average annual value of which is in the range of 8%;
  • the prohibition of removal from the account to the final date of the contract or the need to return to the state budget received tax deductions and pay 1% penalty for termination of the contract.

Until recently, Sberbank offered two IIS tariffs: bonds in national and foreign currency. Today for investors there is a single bet that implies trade in ruble bonds. From the first days of the appearance of the IIS gained popularity among entrepreneurs, the confirmation of this is the indicator of profitability, which at that time was about 44%.

Basic conditions and tariffs for registration

Formation of rules for provision brokerage services and the opening of an individual investment account is regulated government agencies. That is why they have a relatively similar characteristics with the opening of accounts in others brokerage companies. Among the fundamental conditions should be noted:
  • investment in rubles;
  • the primary amount of capital investment is 100 thousand rubles;
  • maximum investment volume of 1 million rubles per year;
  • availability of tax privileges for profit for civil law.
  • use of one of the types of tax deductions: to a fee or income.
UK ZAO Sberbank provides the opportunity to investors when opening iis gain access to Moscow Interbank currency exchange. Moreover, all doors and financial instruments of various areas of the investment market are open to the depositor - functions, Promotions, bonds, binary options, futures, indices, contract difference contracts and other assets. Recently, the tariffs for IIS in Sberbank are practically no different from rates for standard brokerage services:
  • buying securities on the stock exchange - in the range of 0.006% - 0.165%;
  • forced closure of contract differences - 10 rubles;
  • purchase futures or binary option - 0.5 rubles;
  • the acquisition of shares, bonds, currencies, goods or raw materials on the over-the-counter market - 0.17% of the total turnover of the section;
  • making transactions with the involvement of pledge - no more than 19% per annum;
  • application of the leverage: Short - 15%, LONG - 17% per annum.

The undisputed advantage of working with Sberbank is the lack of commission for replenishing an account, except between bank transfer Money. Also an important condition for the opening of the IIS is the term of the contract, which can start from 3 years. Only, subject to the above requirements, the investor has chances of obtaining tax breaks.

Instructions for opening IIS in Sberbank

After reading the main features of the IIS, you can go to the development of the investment opening stages. This procedure consists of the following steps:

  1. Collection and submission of documents.
    For this, the client must provide a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, identification code and its copy. You may also need a power of attorney, if the services are handled by an individual who is a representative of the principal.
  2. Providing reliable personal information.
    When filling out the questionnaire, the data contributes a banking system specialist. The task of the client to give faithful answers to clarifying issues related to contacts and other information.
  3. Signing a treaty.
    Before entering into the final stage of the conclusion of the agreement, the investor must choose the tariff plan most suitable for its project. Also special attention It is necessary to devote to the QUIK software, in particular the choice of type of authentication. You can use a free SMS message with a code or a paid USB key to enter the program, the cost of which is approximately 1900 rubles.
  4. Refill.
    Make cash On IIS in Sberbank, you can mediate bank transfer, terminals, ATMs and Internet banking.

Operation on the opening of an individual investment account is quite simple and takes no more than half an hour. Consequently, IIS can be issued for one visit to the representative office of Sberbank. After the conclusion of the Treaty, the client's task is to wait for the activation period of the personal account, which lasts 2-3 working days.

The next step will be working with the QUIK platform, which becomes available after installation and activation of the key. When a personal account opened in the window, you can begin to make securities purchase and sale transactions.

What better to choose a tax deduction

Thanks to the tax breaks, the type of investment in question was greatly popular. There are two types of tax deductions, among which the depositor will have to choose the most promising.

To clearly appreciate the features of each type of tax deductions Investors are provided comparative table:

These are the main features that distinguish two types of tax breaks. Investor, who opened IIS in Sberbank, may not immediately choose the form of privileges. However, it is worth considering that the combination of deductions for a fee is impossible. There are also several more criteria that allow the investor to make the right choice.

For example, a tax deduction of type A will be beneficial for depositors that have official income from 35 to 40 thousand rubles per month. Benefits B will be an ideal option for professional investors who have extensive experience and adhere to the competent position of investment policy.

Sberbank IIS: Trust Asset Management

For clients, the largest transnational bank of the Russian Federation offers a whole list of services, in particular trust management. With this form of cooperation, the principal remains the owner of the assets, and the goal of the manager is in a favorable disposal of the funds received. Sberbank Managing Company Asset Management is in demand among beginner investors. The process of interaction is to transmit assets to trust management, followed by investing in personal mutual funds, which are represented by ruble bonds.

The minimum amount of capital investment is 100 thousand rubles, while the investor has the opportunity to carry out additional replenishment worth not less than 50 thousand rubles. However, the annual amount of invested investments remains unchanged at all times, which should not exceed 400 thousand rubles. For services provided management company The annual remuneration is paid - 2% of the cost of net profit.

Advantages and disadvantages of IIS in Sberbank

There are a number of positive and negative moments characterizing the opening of an individual investment account in the bank under consideration. Such parameters significantly distinguish investment in Sberbank from cooperation with other organizations. Among the advantages of the IIS of this commercial company is worth it:

  1. Stability. Intermediary services are provided at the highest level, since the Sberbank Broker system is one of the first to serve individual investment service market. Consequently, a specialist management company professionally and honestly perform its work, relying on his experience and skills.
  2. Convenience of account management. When concluding a contract with the bank, the client gets access to personal Accountwhere he can track the movement of assets, study financial reports and carry out a number of trading operations.
  3. The ability to replenish the account in real time. The online banking feature makes it possible to conduct various transactions with the balance. The option will be especially useful for intermediaries who have no opportunity to leave to the bank.
  4. Providing two types of tax deductions to choose from. Another essential bonus, actually, as well as the likelihood of OIS ownership throughout life.
  5. Multifunction of tool. The investment can be used for fundamental purposes, that is, savings of pensions and free funds for education or real estate.

In addition, training seminars and various courses on which are provided in Sberbank branches for beginner and professional investors. actual information About profitable investment and their features. In addition to strong Parties IIS from the largest bank of Russia have a number of minor minuses, among whom it is necessary to note:

  • absence state guaranteesTherefore, investments are not subject to insurance;
  • no prospects for development investment activity to large scale because maximum size investments per year amounts to no more than 400 thousand rubles;
  • the possibility of investing only in the stock market of the Russian Federation;
  • conclusion of a contract for a long time - at least 3 years;
  • getting high profits available only with price increase in the economy market.

Making conclusions, it is worth reminding that the topic considered the topic about an individual investment account in Sberbank, as its key features and its key features. You can also boldly state that IIS is a good investment method for additional income. In addition, with investment, users will be able to get new knowledge and invaluable experience in the field of exchange trade

Since 2015 in Russian Federation became available new program Investment, profit from which is completely exempt from taxation. Investment account can be opened in financial organization Sberbank. The owner of the product can be any individual, which is a resident of Russia. The principle of profit is committed to financial transactions with trading toolsWhich can be used:

  • currencies;
  • precious metals;
  • futures;
  • stock.

Investing Options through IIS

Investing the funds, their owner can independently participate in trading or transfer funds to trust management.


Investment account in Sberbank has a number of features:

  1. A citizen of Russia has the right to open only one account with investment status.
  2. The bank's client per year can make no more than 400,000 rubles.
  3. The deposit period does not exceed 5 years.
  4. Throughout the operation of the investment program, the account is allowed at any time.
  5. It is not provided for partial or in full withdrawal to the end of the contractual agreement.
  6. The application is applied to the application of tax breaks.
  7. In the event of a rupture of the contract, the client receives invested money, but loses the right to use tax benefits for profit.
  8. It is possible to translate funds to another bank.
  9. Investing funds in the program can be both new and already collaborating with the organization of the Bank's client.
  10. The order of relationships between the parties is regulated by the investor maintenance agreement.
  11. Payment of the managing services is carried out from another account, so when planning transferring its funds to trust management, it is necessary to open an additional account for carrying out mutual settlements.
  12. The type of tax deduction is determined before making money on the expense. Subsequently, the type of tax breaks cannot be changed.


Investing funds by special Program In Sberbank allows financial institutions to customers make a profit even in the conditions of an unstable economic situationWhen investing in deposit products is dangerous.

Sberbank's individual investment account allows its investors to feel power over money through a unique opportunity. profit profit both in the fall of the quotations of financial instruments and in their growth. At the same time, even people who do not have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe principle of work in stock markets receive such an opportunity.

Small amount amount for investmentmakes a product available for most people who want to participate in the program. The applied tax benefits schemes allow to save on this cost expenditures, significantly increasing its profit.


Sberbank Investment Account Along with the benefits has a number of shortcomings:

  1. It is a risky way to invest in which state guarantees are not applied.
  2. There is no clear scheme for regulating relations and arising disagreements between participants in transactions.
  3. Restrictions in cash sizes makes investments unattractive for large investors.
  4. Difficulties are possible with the adoption of the right decisions regarding the rational choice of the type of tax breaks.
  5. The magnitude of the profit is non-permanent, so it is difficult to predict the income after a certain period of time expires.

How to open an individual investment account in Sberbank

You can open an individual account on Sberbank's website or in its nearest branch. Any method requires an application to be executed in which you need to specify information about personal data:

  • full Name;
  • series and passport number, as well as the date and place of issuing a document;
  • region of residence;
  • locality;
  • contact number;
  • email address.

In the questionnaire, it is necessary to specify information about whether the potential account owner is a bank client, or not. When applying for an online application, you should download the scan of documents confirming the identity of the applicant. When visiting the Bank's Office, it is necessary to provide employees of the original documentation confirming the identity of the applicant.

Bank employees after the introduction of personal data into the registry, notification of the Client about the conditions of cooperation through the execution of the contractual agreement between the parties, the account. About this event, the client is notified in the telephone mode or by email. After activating the invoice, it can be replenished by any in a convenient wayoffered by financial institution.

Profitability of the individual investment account Sberbank

The profitability of the investment account significantly exceeds the similar criterion at the deposit.

When investing in Sberbank is investing in the investment program, the investor can count on profit, the value of which may exceed 21%. Experienced investors, managing their account independently, can count on profit to 50% per year.

Product yield is formed at the expense of factors:

  • cash management;
  • receipt of compensation as a tax deduction;
  • accrual percent for cash balance.

Independent account management

The investor can independently manage its means, and can transfer them to trust management. It is worth noting that for independent trading it is necessary to own certain knowledge, for which customers can visit free seminars, regularly conducted by Sberbank. An important meaning in this field of activity is played by the presence of experience that can be purchased by working on a demonstration account.

Tax breaks

When investing in an investment account, the next year you can get an additional income in the form of a compensatory tax deduction of 13% of the investment value. In the first year of cooperation with the Bank, the program provides for limitations of tax deductions of 52,000 rubles, the in the second year there is an increase in the criterion to 90,000 rubles. Benefit has a one-time character and is subject to payment after each investment. Thus, annually introducing funds to the program, you can maximize profits. To obtain this type of profit, it is necessary to invest annually into the product and have a permanent place of work, being a NDFL payer.

Active investors can be released initially from accrual tax payments From income.

Accrual of interest on the balance of funds

The banking program automatically accrual interest on the balance of funds on an individual investment account for the period last working day of the year. Profit received from own investments, government payments and interest accruals on the balance of funds on an individual investment account significantly exceeds profitability deposit programs. This provides a tendency to increase the popularity of the new investment product.

Now let's give Pogim about the possibilities for investors who provide Sberbank of Russia. From January 2015, Sberbank is actively promoted by the Service for providing its customers with an individual investment account. This species The contribution is widespread abroad, it also becomes widely popular among bank customers, as it makes it possible to earn quite well, and has an increased yield, compared to the rest of the deposits, and reaches up to 20% per annum.

What is an individual investment bank account

Now we'll figure it out in terminology. Many have already wondered, and what is this, individual investment account? As stated in the definition - it's such special contribution on brokerage accountAccording to which the profit received is not taxed and has other preferential privileges, including the ability to return the tax deduction.

  • For example, you can manage your investment accountand if you get a substantial revenue, income tax will not be charged with profits
  • Another option - you can return 13% of income tax. For example, if you have invested money well and beneficially, with the amount of 300,000 received a profit of about 40 thousand rubles, as well as the income of the company's account. You will additionally get to maintain a certain amount: 15,000 rubles per minus 13% income and plus 40,000 of your profits, and this is more than 50 thousand rubles.

Conditions for opening an individual investment account

In order to be able to open in Sberbank IIS, it is important to meet certain requirements.

  • For the opening of IIS, you must be a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  • Be an individual.
  • For one individual Only one individual investment account can be opened.
  • From the account it is impossible to make money partially.
  • The account is replenished, that is, you can make money.
  • The amount for investment is up to 400,000 rubles per year.
  • The deadline for which the investment account service is consisted, there can be no less than 3 years. The maximum investment period is 5 years.
  • If you are going to use the services of a management company, you will need to open an additional account from which payment for the services provided will be charged.
  • The tax deduction is determined before the opening of the investment account and, later, the conditions are not subject to change until the end of the service life.
  • If you close your investment account until the end of the deposit period, the tax breaks also cease their effect.

Disadvantages of the investment account

  • Such investments have an increased risk, and this should not forget the investor.
  • It is also extremely recommended to increase financial literacy in brokerage bidding issues, and familiarize yourself with the features of the work of the stock exchange.
  • Such investments should be performed only during economic stability or growth.
  • State guarantees on such types of investment do not apply.

Advantages of an investment individual account

In addition to shortcomings, such a program has the advantages..

  • If you do not understand the work of stock trading, brokerage campaigns will provide you with relevant investment account management services.
  • A small amount to entry into the investment market is available even for novice investors.
  • Tax benefits are provided.
  • There is an increase in income, though at increased risks.

What type of tax benefits to choose an investment account

If you have income from the main place of work about 35-45 thousand rubles, then you should choose a tax deduction for the amount of contributions.

Another type of tax breakdown to an investment account should be chosen to people who have substantial income and wishing them to seriously increase.

We offer a comparative table by type of tax benefits for IIS.

IIS with deduction of contributions (first type) IIS with deduction on income (second type)
Only cash is made to the open investment account.

The amount of contributions may be up to 400 thousand rubles during the year.

If you have discovered an investment account and, during the whole period of action, it was conscientious and worked with him successfully, then this case tax is charged only after the expiration of the investment account at the time of its closure, on this period is determined and the tax base. In the event that you close an account before the deadline for its action, then the preferential taxation is terminated.
You need to have a confirmed source of income, and pay income tax in order to take advantage of the right to return 13%.A permanent source of income is not a prerequisite.
for the amount of your contribution to the investment account of funds, it is possible to deduct 2-NDFL in the amount of 13% to 52,000 rubles.No deduction contributions
Tax bid when closing an account - 13%When closing the account, income is exempt from tax
The type of deduction can be selected during the life of the IIS.

Combining two types of deduction is impossible!

How to open an individual investment account in Sberbank

Let's talk about IIS in more detail. As already written above, you can freely manage funds invested on your IIS, as well as you can freely buy and sell various promotions, other securities, carry out trading on the stock exchange. Sberbank in this case provides only a platform for trading, that is, brokerage services.

If you do not want to independently manage your IIS, you can use the services of the management company. Your name is opened in Sberbank, and the representative of the management company chosen by you is appointed to manage.

How to open it

  • In order to open an investment account in Sberbank, you should learn in the nearest branch, provided on your territory such a service. Also this information can be found by contacting hot line Sberbank.
  • If everything is fine, and such services your branch of Sberbank provides, you need to agree on the visit and the list of necessary documents with the manager.
  • After everything is consistent and you will come to the manager at the approach, you can choose a management company for your investment account.

Attention: the services of the management company are not free. The maintenance of your investment account with an additional, which can also be opened in Sberbank. (Tariffs recognize during the visit).

We get a tax deduction of the first type

If you have chosen the first type of tax deduction, then to obtain it, you need to provide such documents to the Tax Inspectorate:

  1. At the main place of work, be sure to take a declaration in form 2 NDFL.
  2. Until April 30, serve a declaration of 3 ndfl form.
  3. In the bank, take a certificate confirming the opening of the IIS.
  4. Write the statement B. tax Inspection On the return of income 13% tax.

We get a second type tax deduction

So, with the first type of deduction, we figured out. Now let's go in detail tax deduction second type.

In order to have your profits not taxed income tax When using IIS, you need your broker to bring the appropriate certificate from the tax inspection, in which it should be indicated that you did not have any deductions for their contributions for the whole taxable period. Based on this notice, you will not be charged 13% income tax.

However, it is necessary to remember if you stop maintaining your individual investment account earlier than in 3 years, then you will be charged 13% of income tax.


Disobeying all the above arguments, we came to the conclusion that the whole idea with IIS is implemented in order to financial literacy Customers of banks increased. Also, they expand the range of profitable services and opportunities to invest their money.

If the ordinary person can figure out the scheme of work stock marketThis will safely play his well-being, will significantly increase the yield and will save the inflation of the accumulation of a citizen.

Interesting information for your attention:

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state