
What are the types of income individuals. Own revenues of budgets. Try index funds

Alexey Zenkov

When someone is looking for an opportunity to receive additional earnings, most often he advises to find a temporary part-time job. But what if you do not have time or forces on it? In this case, you need to find ways to obtain passive income - make money with a small attachment of time and effort on your part.

  1. Try index funds

Index funds allow us to receive income from investment in the stock market is absolutely passively. For example, if you invest in the S & P 500 index base, your funds will be invested in the overall market, and you will not have to think about how to dispose of your money and whether to sell or buy shares of certain companies. All of these moments will be managed by the Foundation, which forms its investment portfolio, depending on the state of a particular index.

You can also choose a fund running with any index. There are funds involved in various branches of business - energy, precious metals, banking sphere, developing markets and others. You only need to decide for yourself what you want to do it, then invest money and relax. From this point on, your stock portfolio will work on autopilot.

  1. Make videos for YouTube

This sphere is developing very quickly. You can shoot the rollers absolutely any category - musical, training, comedy, movie reviews - anything ... and then upload it on YouTube. Then you can connect Google Adsense to these rollers, and automatic advertising will appear in them. When viewers will click on this advertisement, you will receive money from Google Adsense.

Your main task is to create decent videos, promote them in social networks and maintain sufficient amount to secure income from several clips. It is not so easy to remove and mount the video, but after that you will get a source of fully passive income that can serve a very long time.

Are you sure that you will succeed on youtube? Michelle Fan combined her love for cosmetics and drawing with video shooting, scored more than 8 million subscribers, and now opened its own company with capitalization of $ 800 million.

  1. Try affilable marketing and start selling

This is a passive earnings technique, more appropriate owners of blogs and active Internet sites. You can start promoting any products on your website and receive a fixed fee or percentage of sales.

It is not so difficult to earn how you might think, because many companies are interested in selling their products in as many places as possible.

Find offers to partnership can either refer to manufacturers directly to manufacturers or profile sites. It is best if the advertised product or service is interesting to you or corresponds to the subject of the site.

  1. Make your photos make profit online

Do you like to take pictures? If so, you may turn out to turn it into a source of passive income. Photobanks, such as, can provide you with a platform for selling pictures. You will receive a percentage or fixed rate for each photo sold by the site client.

In this case, each photo is a separate source of income that can work again and again. You only need to create a portfolio, download it to one or more platforms, and on this your active actions will end. All technical sales questions photos are solved using a web platform.

  1. Buy high-yield stocks

Having created a high-yield portfolio, you will receive a source of regular passive income with an annual interest rate, much higher than the interest of bank deposits.

Do not forget that high-yield stocks are still shares, therefore there is always a chance of reassessing capital. In this case, you will make a profit from two sources - from dividends and arrived at the invested capital. To buy such actions and fill in the corresponding forms, you will need to create a brokerage account.

  1. Write an e-book

Of course, it can be a rather laborious process, but when you write a book and place it on shopping grounds, it will be able to provide you with revenue for years. You can sell a book on your own website or enter into an affiliate agreement with other sites suitable on the topic to the book.

  1. Write a real book and get the author's fee

As in the case of writing an electronic book, you will have to work hard here. But when the work will be finished, and the book will go on sale, it will become completely passive source income.

This is especially applicable to the situation when you will be able to sell the book to the publisher who will pay you a fee from sales. With each instance sold you will receive a percentage, and if the book is popular, these percentages can pour out solid amounts. In addition, these payments can last for years.

Mike Piper from Obviousinvestor.com recently did so. He wrote the book "Investments simple language"That was sold only on Amazon. The first book became so profitable that he created a whole series. These books are a total.

  1. Get caches from credit card operations

Many credit cards provide cachex in the amount of from 1% to 5% of the purchase amount. You still go shopping and spend money, right?

Such bonuses allow themselves to ensure their kind of passive "income" (in the form of a decrease in spending) from actions that make anyway.

  1. Sell \u200b\u200bon the Internet Products of own production

In this area, the possibilities are endless: you can sell almost any product or service. It may be something you created and manufactured by the personally or to be a digital product (programs, DVDs or training videos)

For trading, you can use a profile resource if suddenly you do not have your own site or blog. In addition, you can enter into an affiliate agreement, offering the goods with the sites of the appropriate subject or using the platform like (American marketer for selling information digital products - ed.).

You can learn how to sell goods on the Internet and make a lot quite much on it. Maybe it's not completely passive incomeBut he is certainly more passive than the usual work, which should be sent every morning.

  1. Invest in real estate

This method falls, rather, in the category of semi-quality income, since real estate investments imply at least a small level of activity. However, if you have real estate that you already pass, mainly remains only to maintain its condition.

In addition, there are professional property managers who can manage your real estate for a commission of approximately 10% of the rent. Such professional managers help make the process of profit from such investments more passive, but take it into this part.

Another way to invest in real estate is the payment of a loan. If you take a loan to buy a room, which will be leased, every month your tenants will grab this debt. When the whole amount is paid, your profits will increase sharply, and your relatively small attachment will turn into a full-fledged care program from the main work.

  1. Buy blog

Every year thousands of blogs are created, and many of them are abandoned after some time. If you can purchase a blog with a sufficient number of visitors - and, it means, with a sufficient cash flow, it can become an excellent source of passive income.

Most blogs use Google Adsense, which once a month pays for advertising posted on the site. To ensure additional income, you can also enter into partnership agreements. Both of these profits will be yours if you own a blog.

From a financial point of view, blogs are usually sold for the amount, 24 times higher than monthly incomewhich this blog can bring. That is, if the site can earn $ 250 per month, most likely, you can buy it for $ 3000. This means that by providing $ 3,000, you can receive $ 1,500 annually.

Perhaps you will get buy a site and for less money if the owner really wants to get rid of this asset. On some sites there are "eternal" materials that will not lose relevance and will bring income years after the publication.

Bonus Council: If you buy such a site, and then fill it with fresh content, you will be able to increase the monthly income, and you can sell the site after a while again at a significantly cost price than you were given when purchasing.

Finally, instead of buying a blog, you can create your own. This is also a good way to earn.

  1. Create a selling website

If there is a product that you know a lot of enough, you can do its implementation on the profile site. The technique is the same as when selling a product of its own manufacture, not believing that the production itself does not have to do.

After some time you can detect that you can add similar goods. If this happens, the site will begin to bring substantial profits.

If you find a way to deliver goods directly from the manufacturer to the buyer, you don't even have to get suture. Maybe this is not 100% passive earnings, but very close to it.

  1. Invest in investment trust real estate (Reit)

Suppose you decided to invest in real estate, but at all you do not want to pay attention to this and time. Investment trusts will help you with this. They are something like a fund owned by various projects in the field of real Estate. Funds are managed by professionals, so you do not have to interfere in their work at all.

One of the main advantages of investment in Reit-trusts is that they usually bring higher dividends than stocks, bonds and bank deposits. You can also sell your share in the trust at any time, which makes such assets more liquid than self-possession of real estate.

  1. Become a passive business partner

Do you know a successful company that needs capital to expand business? If so, you can become someone like a short-term angel and provide this capital. But instead of giving a loan to the owner of the company, ask the share of shares. In this case, the owner of the company will manage the work of the company, while you will be a passive partner, also participating in business.

Each small business needs a source of recommendations to support sales. Make a list of entrepreneurs whose services you use regularly and which you can recommend for cooperation. Contact them and find out whether they have a recommendation payment system.

You can enter familiar accountants, landscape designers, electricians, plumbers, carpet cleaners, and anyone. Be prepared to recommend the services of these people to your friends, relatives and colleagues. You can receive a commission on each recommendation, just communicating with people.

Do not underestimate referral programs and in the professional sphere. If the company in which you work are provided for bonuses for the recommendation of new employees or new customers, take advantage of this. This is very easy money.

  1. Purchase unused housing on AirBNB

The concept appeared just a few years ago, but very quickly scattered around the world. Airbnb allows people to travel around the world and pay for accommodation much less than in ordinary hotels. By participating in the Airbnb, you can use your home to accommodate guests and earnings extra money Just at the expense of rent.

The amount of income will depend on the size and status of your home and its location. Naturally, if your house is located in an expensive city or near a popular resort, the income will be much higher. This is a way of earning at the expense of free premises in your house, which in any case would be empty.

  1. Write an app

Applications may be an incredibly profitable source of income. Think about how many people today have smartphones. And almost everything! People download applications like crazy - and not for no reason.

Applications make people's life easier. It doesn't matter whether it helps to post beautiful pictures or tracks tasks, there is always an application that is useful to someone.

You may ask: if there are so many applications, why do you try to create another one. Is there too great competition? All this is so, but fresh creative ideas Can win. If you can come up with something unique, you can make money on it.

Do not know how to program? Not a problem, you can learn. On the Internet there are so many different courses, including free. In addition, you can hire a developer who will create an application based on your idea.

The end result is an application that will potentially bring relatively passive income.

  1. Create online courses

Each person is an expert in something. Why not create an online course about your hobby?

There are several ways to create and conduct their own online courses. One of the most simple ways lies in the use of sites like

Income - this is a money amount regularly and legally entering the direct disposal of the subject of market relations.. Revenues are distinguished by the source, methods, regularity and order. Income may bring property to production factors, they can be obtained by a private person, a company, a state in cash or non-cash form. Moreover, it is possible to act as regularly and once, sometimes paid in strict sequence (for example, under the bankruptcy of the enterprise). It can be said that revenues make a kind of circuit in the economy. Revenues come to the family in exchange for production factors (work, land, capital, business). Exchanges on goods and providing family services, they turn into incomes of those who produced these goods and suggested services. Part funds will go For financing economic activitythat will provide family income in the future. The state will receive its share of revenue. It will support economically weak and poor, will create better conditions For the functioning of the economy as a whole. This will allow families not only to increase their income, but also more generously to ensure the receipt of funds to the budget, creating favorable conditions for the state of its functions, including economic.

Exists 2 types of income distribution: functional and vertical.

Functional distribution of income - due to property on production factors. BUT vertical - is generated by the intervention of the state in the distribution and redistribution of income. As a result, the property hierarchy of income is developing.

In accordance with the theory of factors, as we already know, the main production factors are:

1) land, including all natural resources (forests, mineral deposits, water resources, etc.);

2) Capital, or investment resources (means of production, vehicles and sales network);

3) work, i.e. All the physical and mental abilities of people used in the production of goods and services;

4) entrepreneurial ability.

Income for each of the listed factors in accordance with the theory is equal to the limit contribution of this factor in the income received by the enterprise (company) after the sale of products. Such an income distribution could be considered fair in relation to both the workers and the owners of property resources (land, capital, etc.). In fact, the distribution of income Based only from the theory of limit performance leads to significant inequality, primarily due to inequality in the distribution production resources. Therefore, in a modern democratic society, it is necessary public policy Revenue aimed at mitigating this inequality. Due to imperfect competition in the market, income (including wage rates) often does not reflect the contribution of production factors in the production of products.

Consider more, which is an income for each of the factors.

Nominal revenues, characterize the level of money income regardless of taxation and price changes.

Real income characterize revenues, taking into account the changes in retail prices and tariffs, as well as expenses for tax payments and other mandatory payments. To determine real income from the total amount of all income, taxes and other payments in the budget are deducted. The remaining amount, equal to the cost of goods consumed and partially accumulated by the population, forms the fund of the finite revenues of the population actually used in this period. The dynamics of real incomes is determined by comparing final income for different periods expressed in comparable prices.

Wage -this is the price paid for use; labor, in other words, for labor services provided by employees different professions When implementing their business activity.

1. Renta, or economic rent. The price of any product includes part of The cost of natural resources, including land. The income that brings this factor of production is called renta, or Economic Renta. More broadly economic rent - this is the price paid for the use of land and other natural resources, the number of which is strictly limited. The volume of natural resources used, as a rule, does not change in any significant scale, the fixed nature of the proposal of these resources means that the demand is the only effective factor determining the rente. Although for society as a whole, natural resources act as a free gift of nature, but, from the point of view of individual users, its rental payments are costs. For individual firms or enterprises, the Earth has alternative use options (for example, to cultivate farm crops or for housing construction). Such an alternative determines the economic behavior of the firm in a large extent.

2. Capital income economic theory Call percent. In practice, it appears in several species. If capital has a monetary form, cash capital suppliers receive income in the form of a loan percentage. If the capital appears in an extractive form, its owners from the non-corporate business sector receive income in the form of an income to property, and corporations - in the form of corporate profits. In determining the interest rate, differences between the nominal rate and the real, refined inflation should be taken into account.

Real bid. - this is a percentage rate adjusted for inflation: it is equal to the nominal rate minus inflation rate. It is the real bet that is important for making investment decisions. The interest rate distributes the available money between those branches, where they will turn out to be the most productive and, therefore, the most profitable.

4. Entrepreneurial income (profit) Associate on business ability, or enterprise. This income is a reward of an entrepreneur for the following functions: a compound of capital, labor and natural resources into a single process of production of goods or services; making basic firm management decisions; introduction of new products, technologies; The risk relating to invested funds is its own and its companions or shareholders. Entrepreneurial income is part of the profit, remaining at the disposal of the entrepreneur after the interest paid to the credit taken by him. Entrepreneurial income is not a given value, but depends on how the entrepreneur is economical.

Money incomes of the population are divided into primary and disposable:

Primary income of the population include all receipts derived from property factors;

The disposable income of the population is the result of redistributive processes.

They are calculated using social transfers added to the primary income and subtracting mandatory payments and fees. The population, family and individual citizens obtained as a result of the amount of funds, i.e. Can use at their own discretion.

The disposable incomes are adjusted taking into account the natural transfers. Adjusted disposable income Populations include disposable income and the bulk of natural transfers.

The income of the population also includes funds made in debt. In this regard, the final and general income of the population is distinguished:

- Finite incomes Population is the disposable income plus net debts of the population. The amount of finite income divided by the population of the country is secondary shelter cash income.

- Common earnings Populations include adjusted disposable income and net debts. Clean debts reflect the change in debts on loans issued to citizens credit organizations and enterprises for consumer purposes.

Thus, the incomes of the population are a combination of cash and natural resources for a certain period of time used by individuals in order to consume and accumulate.

As noted above, the main types of income of the population are labor payment (along with various accruals and surcharges), income from business activities, social transfers, income from property, etc.

I. Salary - This is a regular remuneration for manufactured products or services rendered, for spent time, including the payment of annual leaves, holidays and other unreought-after time paid in accordance with the labor legislation and collective labor contracts. Its source is the wage foundation. This part of the population income includes the accrued enterprise, the institution, the organization of any form of ownership all types of remuneration in monetary and natural forms for spent and unreought-after time, stimulating surcharges and surcharges, compensation paymentsassociated with the mode of operation and working conditions, premiums and one-time incentive payments, as well as fees for nutrition, housing, fuel, carrying regular character.

Part of the wage is wage , or salary rate- This is the price paid for the use of labor.

Economists often apply the term "labor" in a broad sense, including labor payment:

Workers in the usual understanding of this word, that is, "blue and white collar" of various professions;

Specialists - lawyers, doctors, teachers, etc.;

Owners of small enterprises - hairdressers, repair masters household appliances And many different merchants - for labor services provided in the realization of their business activity.

It is also important to distinguish between monetary or nominal and realwage. Nominalsalary is the amount of money received in an hour, day, week, etc. Realsalary is the amount of goods and services that can be purchased for nominal wages. Real wages are the "purchasing power" of the nominal wage. It is quite obvious that real wages depends on the nominal wages and prices for purchased goods and services.

Wages are a leading motive that encourage workers to work. It is B. developed countries More than half, and in the USA - up to three quarters in total income. Evaluating the concept of wages from the positions of the income policy, it should be recognized that it contains a more rigid principle than the well-known principle of "everyone according to his work". When it is used in countries with a planning and distribution system of economic management, an estimate of the quantity and quality of labor was in the first place. Therefore, Shakhtar could qualify for higher labor payment. In countries with a market economy or passing to it, an estimate of income from labor is used as a production factor associated not only with the number and quality of labor, but also with market conditions for its application. You can work a lot, but if the product of labor is not for any reason implemented, it will not be income.

Another part of the wage is money allowance servicemen, which is paid from the funds of the federal and local budgets and includes the amount of basic and additional types of accrued monetary and broadcasting services to military personnel, which are members of ministries and departments that provide reports in open manner.

II. Income from entrepreneurial activity - This is, in a broad sense, the profits equated to the income or mixed income determined by the deduction of paid interest and rent and with the addition of revenues received from property.

If the corporations of the use of profits are quite clearly defined, then in relation to enterprises belonging to individuals, it is difficult to distinguish between the assets and the obligations of the enterprise and the assets and the obligations of their owners. Accordingly, it is difficult to classify certain types of income. So, if a family trading enterprise is considered, the owners of which are its employees at the same time, the question arises, whether the income of the owners as wages or as an entrepreneurial income. In such enterprises, family members carry out unpaid work, and the owner and entrepreneur are combined in one person, in connection with which the income from labor activity inseparable from the income of the owner or entrepreneur. Revenues obtained by them are considered as mixed income.

Under mixed income The income of non-corporate enterprises are understood that households are independent individually or in partnership with others and in which owners and other household members can work without paying wages.

III. Social transfers represent a targeted operation of a redistributive nature, which consists in the transfer of resources in monetary and natural forms of state and non-profit organizations The population is mainly free of charge.

The tasks solved by the system of social transfers can be divided into several groups:

Providing the population with socially significant services;

Reduction of gap in the level of material support of working and non-working members of society, raising the living standards of various social groups of the population not involved in the labor process;

Mitigation of the negative external effects of the period of adaptation of the population to the conditions of the market - the growth of poverty and poverty, unemployment;

Ensuring the necessary quantity and structure of reproduction of labor resources.

Social transfers can perform in shape:

- social assistance,social GOOD systems and services provided by the state socially vulnerable groups of the population based on the need for need. Help receive low-income segments of the population, the incomes of which are lower than the features of poverty, as well as persons who have fallen into difficult life situations. Through the Institute of Social Transfers in the form of social assistance, the concept of minimal guaranteed income is being implemented. In a broad sense, social assistance also includes various forms of voluntary-public charity in favor of socially unprotected segments of the population. It is provided by trade unions, religious and other public organizations;

- social guarantees,which includes a system of socially significant products and services to all citizens without taking into account their labor contribution and verification of the need. At the same time, the principle of distribution according to needs, taking into account the resource opportunities of the Company, which determines the measure of these guarantees;

- social benefits,representing social guarantees special categories population and wearing universal character;

- social insurance,which are designed to protect the population from various social risks leading to the loss of disability and income, diseases, industrial injuries, caregings, accidents, the birth of children, unemployment, old age, the death of the breadwinner. The peculiarity of this form is a peculiar preliminary accumulation of funds, including sometimes personal, forming insurance funds In order to subsequent payments of certain funds upon the occurrence of the insured event.

The most extensive part of social transfers in the Russian Federation - pension, benefits, scholarships.

Pension - This is a form of regular cash payments provided for in the case of partial or complete disability, the loss of the breadwinner, professional risks. Pension provision It is formed in a single social space, which includes a single procedure for accrualing and revising pensions, accumulation of insurance drugs and their payments in a single extra-budgetary pension fund.

Benefit- This is a form of cash payments, regular and one-time, in the cases provided by the legislation, cases of partial or complete disability, serious material situation, support for families with children, the death of relatives. There are also allowances for temporary disability, family and children's benefits, unemployment benefits, maternity benefits, etc.

Scholarship - This is a form of regular cash payments to students of higher, secondary special and student professionals educational institutionsStudying with a separation from production.

In addition to direct cash payments to the population to social transfers include financing current costs in health, education, culture, etc., as well as subsidizing enterprises and organizations providing services to socially unprotected segments of the population.

IV. Revenues from property - these are the amounts paid by enterprises for use economic Resources. Consider income from the provision of capital, land and other natural resources, as well as money.

Revenues from ownership of capital - dividends P.about shares. They can be considered as interest income on real capitalpurchased by an enterprise for money provided by a person who bought shares. At the same time, the owner of the shares can be considered as the owner of the share authorized capital Enterprises, and then Dividend can be interpreted as part of income from the provision of this share in the use of the enterprise. We will adhere to the second interpretation.

Revenues from property to land and subsoge is rent, those. received by the owner for passing them to use others institutional units - enterprises. Earth owners and subsoils provide them on the basis of contracts or rental contracts for which users undertake to pay income.

Part of the income households are obtained by providing money capital in the form of interest on loans. Attracting cash capitalThe entrepreneurs are thus obtaining the possibility of using real production factors and obtain related income.

Percent - This is the price that you have to pay for attracting money. It is thus income from ownership of cash, which receive owners of deposits, bonds, securities, borrowed funds and some other similar assets.

Data characterizing changes in the quantitative relations of elements of total income of the population are shown in Table 11.2.

Table 11.2. The structure of the monetary income of the population of Russia,%.

These evidence suggests that due to a significant increase in the income of the population, the share of the principal income of employees of hired labor - wages occurred from the property of entrepreneurship activities. Receipts in the form of social transfers remain almost stable in terms of their specific gravity in the total amount of income. At the same time, it should be noted that in absolute amounts all types of income tend to grow. This is due to changes in economic PolicyHowever, the fall in the share of remuneration is unlikely to be considered economically appropriate. Only a course on the growth of remuneration, the accelerated rates of increasing its absolute sizes will contribute to improving labor efficiency, and therefore the economy as a whole.

There is nothing complicated in the concept of income. Everyone can answer the question "What does income mean?". But we need to determine which types of income exist, because this is an important concept not only for any entrepreneur, but also for every person.

The income may be income maybe, Jurliso and the state.

Talk economic concepts We will not, so we will try to translate everything to the language of ordinary mortals.

It can also be said that income is those tools that a person can spend and this will not affect its economic condition.

From the point of view of accounting science, income will be an increase in profit after certain actions with assets. Again for a specific time.

Sources of income

  • Labor. It is also called earned income. Here everything is simple - this is "award" for a specific work done.
  • Unearned. Income that will bring natural resources or rent.

Types of income

The main thing that needs to be understood by asking about income options is the evaluation criteria can be different, and accordingly, the classification will be not alone.

Types for those who receive:

  • State. Such income goes to the country's budget. Sources are all possible.
  • Company revenues. Additions can be both in the form of finance and in the form of property revenues.
  • Revenues from trading activities. No need to explain here. Means from selling anything. Gets the seller.
  • Income population. Those that receive citizens in the financial equivalent. It may be salaries, scholarship payments, benefits and so on.

Factor income

This type of income is obtained using factors or production resources.

But the question arises, which is under production factors. The main is work. With the help of labor, you can get income by salary. Amendment - If you are an entrepreneur, then the income from business will not be your s / n, and accordingly, it will not be related to factor income. The same applies to the rent and interest on the deposit. But the mixed income from agricultural activities will fall into this classification.

Nominal income

This term is called the amount of human financial resources in a particular period of time, which will be used to buy anything at a price characteristic of this period. Usually used to describe the income without taking into account such factors as taxes and changes in prices.

Real income

It is described by a specific set of benefits that can afford to buy a man based on the nominal income. Describes the purchasing power in prices for a specific period of time. Well, accordingly, real income describes the nominal income, but it takes into account all changes in tariffs, taxes, pricing policies.

Other types of income

Linear income

It is characteristic of the traditional type of business, that is, trade, services of services and the rest. It implies frequency. That is, if a person works in the company a month, it receives s / n once, if the year is twelve times. If a person works at a factory with a piece of wages, then he receives one amount for one amount, for one hundred parts - the same amount multiplied by a hundred.

Gross income

This is a total income from the operations of the sale of goods, interest, dividends and other possible sources. Usually applies to the state in general.

Personal income

Money that is available in the disposal of a specific person. In addition to the wage, any dividends, interest, and so on can be attributed to the personal account. Personal income is positioned as an important component in the evaluation of the family's income in general. This indicator is used to form behavior of firms in the market.

Total income

This overall profit from all possible sources for a certain period of time. When it is calculated, the gradation of sources is not used.

Nainalization income

This income in the process

  • Product implementation
  • Participation in equity
  • Investment
  • Operations with currency
  • Penalties
  • Rental
  • Patent operations
  • Lending
  • Use free services
  • When reassessing property ...

Passive income

It comes even in those situations where no effort is made from the recipient. For example, it may be profits with assets.

Active income

In contrast, passive is acquired by certain actions for a specific time. This is a wage of a person, and a revenue part of the workflow for hiring, and "Shabashka". It usually happens for a specific action. One of the advantages is the opportunity to get rapid income for specific activities.

A little about calculations

Net income is calculated by subtracting from the money received by the cost of the costs that served to produce and implement a particular product.

Clean discount income. The entire amount of expenses is taken and deducted from the entire amount of parishes at a particular point in time.

Operating income. This gross profit is minus operating costs.


The entrepreneur bought the goods for 400 thousand rubles. And spent on housing and communal services, rental of premises, pay taxes and salary fund 200 thousand rubles. At the same time, the goods managed to sell in the amount of 800 thousand rubles.

Calculate net income: 800 thousand - 400 thousand - 200 thousand \u003d 200 thousand.

So, the profit of the entrepreneur will be 200 thousand rubles.

What affects income changes

  • Management level in the company.
  • Economic literacy manager.
  • The use of energy-saving media.
  • Professionalism staff.
  • Purchase price.
  • Range.
  • Volumes of goods.
  • Extra charge.
  • Service.

We define what income is and what types of income are.

Income population - this is the amount of cash and material benefitsobtained or manufactured by households for a certain period of time. The level of consumption of the population directly depends on the level of income.

Public incomes can be divided into monetary and natural.

Money income - These are incomes that include all the receipts of money in the family budget in the form of workers' remuneration, income from business, pensions, scholarships, various benefits, revenues from property (interest on deposits, rent, dividends on securities, revenue from real estate), fees, etc.

Natural revenues - These are incomes including products made by households for their own consumption.

Revenues can also be classified as:

  • cumulative ones total monetary and natural revenues for all sources of their income;
  • nominal, characterizing the level of money incomes, regardless of taxation and price changes;
  • disposable, nominal revenues minus taxes and other mandatory payments, i.e., funds used by the population for consumption and savings;
  • real, characterizing nominal revenues, taking into account the inflationary growth of prices and tariffs;
  • real disposable cash income, which are determined based on the cash income of the current period minus mandatory payments and taxes adjusted to the consumer price index.

The main income of the working people is the salary, which is up to 70% of employee income. Distinguish nominal and real wages.

Nominal wages - These are the means that the worker receives (or which is accrued to it) in monetary terms for their work for a certain period of time. Nominal wages were recorded in the employment contract (contract) concluded between the employee and the employer.

Real wages reflect purchasing power The funds received and is a nominal wage adjusted to the consumer price index. If the rate of increasing the rated wages is lower than the growth rate of the price level for goods and services, then the real salary decreases. Therefore, when raising the nominal wage, it is necessary to take into account the price increase, otherwise the increase in wages will not carry a stimulating function.

The distribution of income occurs between the owners of economic factors of production - labor, land, capital, entrepreneurial abilities. However, if employees participate in the enterprise's profits, then part of factor income are also obtained.

In addition to wages, cash incomes of the population include income from business activities (profit), property revenues (interest, dividends, rental fees), social transfers (pensions, benefits, scholarships) and other receipts (insurance compensation, winnings, income, Enrolled in the order of inheritance, etc.).

The structure of the income of the Russian Federation under the planned economy is significantly different from the structure of revenues under market conditions of management. Positive manifestation market economy It is an increase in revenue from property and income from business activities, although they receive a smaller part of the population. During the planned economy of the USSR was observed high percent Revenues for wages and social payments The population, which indicated the high social security of workers, but revenues from property and business activities were extremely small, since in the framework of the current legislation, almost all types of such activities were considered illegal.

The ratio in the structure of money incomes of the population share wages and social transfers plays important role In the motivation of labor workers. If the structure of money incomes prevails wages or income from entrepreneurial activity, this indicates an increase in the entrepreneurial initiative and economic independence. The trend towards an increase in social transfers in the structure of money income can lead to psychology of social dependency in part of the workable population.

Differences in the level of income per capita are called differentiation of income. Income inequality is characteristic of any economic System. However, with an increase in the level of socio-economic development of the country, income differentiation indicators are reduced.

IN modern Russia The differentiation of income of the population is significantly higher than in economically advanced countries, and tends to further growth. To a large extent, this is due to the fact that many enterprises that were previously dumpling and often the only sources of income of many citizens turned out to be non-competitive and closed. At the same time, a public layer arose, living and operating according to the laws of the market, "fitted in market relations"And having immeasurably higher incomes. But as increasingly wide segments of the population are involved in market relations, as well as the expansion of state support for socially vulnerable sectors of the population, the size of inequality should be reduced.

The degree of income inequality reflects the Lorentz curve (see Figure). On the abscissa axis, the percentage of households is postponed, and according to the ordinate axis, the percentage of the total income received. The Lorentz curve is a cumulative distribution of population number and corresponding to this number of income.

Lorentz curve: OSA - full equality; ODA - after tax deduction; OEA - before tax deduction

Absolutely uniform distribution of income (full equality) is presented on a drawing of one line of the OSA, which indicates that any percentage of family farms receives the corresponding income percentage. The area between the line indicating the absolute equality, and the Lorentz ODA curve reflects the degree of income inequality. The wider this area more degree income inequalities.

To overcome social inequality in most countries of the world, proportional and progressive taxation of income is applied. In Russia until 2001 also acted proportional and progressive income tax. Since 2001, the tax on income of individuals (NDFL) is charged unified bet 13%. On the one hand, this, of course, is not bad, as the majority of the country's population is still near the poverty line, but on the other hand, the abolition of proportional and progressive tax is contrary to the democratic principle that says: "Whoever earns more, he pays."

Progressive taxes reduce the social inequality of society. This principle of justice, formulated by A. Smith, clearly demonstrates the depicted Lorentz curve. The shown figure shows that proportional-progressive taxes make the distribution of income more uniform.

In world practice, the following coefficients are used to quantify the level of income inequality:

  • fund coefficient - the ratio between the average income values \u200b\u200bof compared groups or their shares in the total volume of income;
  • decile coefficient - the ratio between average incomes 10% of the most secured and average incomes of 10% of the least secured citizens;
  • index concentration of income of the population, or gini coefficientchanging from 0 to 1; The closer this coefficient to one, the stronger the inequality in society.

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state