
How to create the first income. The best idea of \u200b\u200bpassive income. Passive income: ideas, sources, types and investments

Alexey Zenkov

When someone is looking for an opportunity to receive additional earnings, most often he advises to find a temporary part-time job. But what if you do not have time or forces on it? In this case, you need to find ways to obtain passive income - make money with a small attachment of time and effort on your part.

  1. Try index funds

Index funds allow us to receive income from investment in the stock market is absolutely passive. For example, if you invest in the S & P 500 index base, your funds will be invested in the overall market, and you will not have to think about how to dispose of your money and whether to sell or buy shares of certain companies. All of these moments will be managed by the Foundation, which forms its investment portfolio, depending on the state of a particular index.

You can also choose a fund running with any index. There are funds involved in various branches of business - energy, precious metals, banking sphere, developing markets and others. You only need to decide for yourself what you want to do it, then invest money and relax. From this point on, your stock portfolio will work on autopilot.

  1. Make videos for YouTube

This sphere is developing very quickly. You can shoot the rollers absolutely any category - musical, training, comedy, movie reviews - anything ... and then upload it on YouTube. Then you can connect Google Adsense to these rollers, and automatic advertising will appear in them. When viewers will click on this advertisement, you will receive money from Google Adsense.

Your main task is to create decent videos, promote them in social networks and maintain sufficient amount to secure income from several clips. It is not so easy to remove and mount the video, but after that you will get a source of fully passive income that can serve a very long time.

Are you sure that you will succeed on youtube? Michelle Fan combined her love for cosmetics and drawing with video shooting, scored more than 8 million subscribers, and now opened its own company with capitalization of $ 800 million.

  1. Try affilable marketing and start selling

This is a passive earnings technique, more appropriate owners of blogs and active Internet sites. You can start promoting any products on your website and receive a fixed fee or percentage of sales.

It is not so difficult to earn how you might think, because many companies are interested in selling their products in as many places as possible.

Find offers to partnership can either refer to manufacturers directly to manufacturers or profile sites. It is best if the advertised product or service is interesting to you or corresponds to the subject of the site.

  1. Make your photos make profit online

Do you like to take pictures? If so, you may turn out to turn it into a source of passive income. Photobanks, such as, can provide you with a platform for selling pictures. You will receive a percentage or fixed rate for each photo sold by the site client.

In this case, each photo is a separate source of income that can work again and again. You only need to create a portfolio, download it to one or more platforms, and on this your active actions will end. All technical sales questions photos are solved using a web platform.

  1. Buy high-yield stocks

Having created a high yield portfolio, you will receive a source of regular passive income from the annual interest rate, much greater than the interest of bank deposits.

Do not forget that high-yield stocks are still shares, therefore there is always a chance of reassessing capital. In this case, you will make a profit from two sources - from dividends and arrived at the invested capital. To buy such actions and fill in the corresponding forms, you will need to create a brokerage account.

  1. Write an e-book

Of course, it can be a rather laborious process, but when you write a book and place it on shopping grounds, it will be able to provide you with revenue for years. You can sell a book on your own website or enter into an affiliate agreement with other sites suitable on the topic to the book.

  1. Write a real book and get the author's fee

As in the case of writing an electronic book, you will have to work hard here. But when the work is completed, and the book will go on sale, it will become a fully passive source of income.

This is especially applicable to the situation when you will be able to sell the book to the publisher who will pay you a fee from sales. With each instance sold you will receive a percentage, and if the book is popular, these percentages can pour out solid amounts. In addition, these payments can last for years.

Mike Piper from Obviousinvestor.com recently did so. He wrote the book "Investments simple language"That was sold only on Amazon. The first book became so profitable that he created a whole series. These books are a total.

  1. Get caches from credit card operations

Many credit cards Provide caches in the amount of from 1% to 5% of the purchase amount. You still go shopping and spend money, right?

Such bonuses allow themselves to ensure their kind of passive "income" (in the form of a decrease in spending) from actions that make anyway.

  1. Sell \u200b\u200bon the Internet Products of own production

In this area, the possibilities are endless: you can sell almost any product or service. It may be something you created and manufactured by the personally or to be a digital product (programs, DVDs or training videos)

For trading, you can use a profile resource if suddenly you do not have your own site or blog. In addition, you can enter into an affiliate agreement, offering the goods with the sites of the appropriate subject or using the platform like (American marketer for selling information digital products - ed.).

You can learn how to sell goods on the Internet and make a lot quite much on it. Maybe this is not fully passive income, but it is certainly passive than the usual work, which should be sent every morning.

  1. Invest in real estate

This method falls, rather, in the category of semi-quality income, since real estate investments imply at least a small level of activity. However, if you have real estate that you already pass, mainly remains only to maintain its condition.

In addition, there are professional property managers who can manage your real estate for a commission of approximately 10% of the rent. Such professional managers help make the process of profit from such investments more passive, but take it into this part.

Another way to invest in real estate is the payment of a loan. If you take a loan to buy a room, which will be leased, every month your tenants will grab this debt. When the whole amount is paid, your profits will increase sharply, and your relatively small attachment will turn into a full-fledged care program from the main work.

  1. Buy blog

Every year thousands of blogs are created, and many of them are abandoned after some time. If you can purchase a blog with a sufficient number of visitors - and, it means, with sufficient cash flow - This can be an excellent source of passive income.

Most blogs use Google Adsense, which once a month pays for advertising posted on the site. To ensure additional income, you can also enter into partnership agreements. Both of these profits will be yours if you own a blog.

From a financial point of view, blogs are usually sold for the amount, 24 times higher than the monthly income that this blog can bring. That is, if the site can earn $ 250 per month, most likely, you can buy it for $ 3000. This means that by providing $ 3,000, you can receive $ 1,500 annually.

Perhaps you will get buy a site and for less money if the owner really wants to get rid of this asset. On some sites there are "eternal" materials that will not lose relevance and will bring income years after the publication.

Bonus Council: If you buy such a site, and then fill it with fresh content, you will be able to increase the monthly income, and you can sell the site after a while again at a significantly cost price than you were given when purchasing.

Finally, instead of buying a blog, you can create your own. This is also a good way to earn.

  1. Create a selling website

If there is a product that you know a lot of enough, you can do its implementation on the profile site. The technique is the same as when selling a product of its own manufacture, not believing that the production itself does not have to do.

After some time you can detect that you can add similar goods. If this happens, the site will begin to bring substantial profits.

If you find a way to deliver goods directly from the manufacturer to the buyer, you don't even have to get suture. Maybe this is not 100% passive earnings, but very close to it.

  1. Invest in investment trust real estate (Reit)

Suppose you decided to invest in real estate, but at all you do not want to pay attention to this and time. Investment trusts will help you with this. They are something like a fund owned by various projects in the field of real Estate. Funds are managed by professionals, so you do not have to interfere in their work at all.

One of the main advantages of investment in Reit-trusts is that they usually bring higher dividends than stocks, bonds and bank deposits. You can also sell your share in the trust at any time, which makes such assets more liquid than self-possession of real estate.

  1. Become a passive business partner

Do you know a successful company that needs capital to expand business? If so, you can become someone like a short-term angel and provide this capital. But instead of giving a loan to the owner of the company, ask the share of shares. In this case, the owner of the company will manage the work of the company, while you will be a passive partner, also participating in business.

Each small business needs a source of recommendations to support sales. Make a list of entrepreneurs whose services you use regularly and which you can recommend for cooperation. Contact them and find out whether they have a recommendation payment system.

You can enter familiar accountants, landscape designers, electricians, plumbers, carpet cleaners, and anyone. Be prepared to recommend the services of these people to your friends, relatives and colleagues. You can receive a commission on each recommendation, just communicating with people.

Do not underestimate referral programs and in the professional sphere. If the company in which you work are provided for bonuses for the recommendation of new employees or new customers, take advantage of this. This is very easy money.

  1. Purchase unused housing on AirBNB

You may ask: if there are so many applications, why do you try to create another one. Is there too great competition? All this is so, but fresh creative ideas can win. If you can come up with something unique, you can make money on it.

Do not know how to program? Not a problem, you can learn. On the Internet there are so many different courses, including free. In addition, you can hire a developer who will create an application based on your idea.

The end result is an application that will potentially bring relatively passive income.

  1. Create online courses

Each person is an expert in something. Why not create an online course about your hobby?

There are several ways to create and conduct their own online courses. One of the most simple ways lies in the use of sites like

Each of us dreams about financial independence. However, for the most part, we are forced to actively work from salary to salary, feeling the eternal fear of losing work as the main source of income.

Meanwhile, there are options for the so-called passive income, for example, we told in detail. Such earnings does not depend on current activities, funds come to the account due to thoughtful investments made earlier. You can lie on the beach and get passive income As the only source of funds, and you can peacefully work in the office, passing a pleasant increment to income and without worrying about the possible loss of work.

In today's selection, the best sources of passive income are presented. Of course, most of the ideas from Top-10 require a certain starting capital, but there are such methods that allow you to lay the foundation of future income without investments.

In contrast to bank deposits, such investments bring higher income. However, the risks here will be much higher. Credit Unions And trust funds really redistribute capital, thanks to which the money will work and generate income, but only if the management of the Foundation puts them with the mind.

Investments in securities can bring stable income if the investment makes a specialist. Therefore, such investments require at least minimal knowledge and condition, trends and laws of the securities market. Otherwise, it is better to trust the means to professionals, paying attention to the mutual impacts, which will be discussed below.

8. Passive earnings on the Internet

investment projectcreated by principles financial pyramidoperating on the Internet. Investors' revenues are addressed from newly attracted investors. Investing in Haip will not allow you to relax - so as not to lose everything, you must regularly monitor the status of the project.

7. High-speed investment

If the investor does not attract an independent acquisition of shares or a game on currency exchangeThe means can be investigated to the most or conveyed to the experienced trader. Naturally, for its services, the owner of the PAMM account will hold the commission from income, but professionals are better oriented in the market and know the most profitable investment methods.

6. Forex game

For the game on Forex, you need to go through minimal learning to master the principles of trading. In addition, participation in the auction requires constant attention, which makes income no longer passive. However, with a combination financial literacy With a certain fraction of intuition and luck on Forex earn the whole states.

An excellent option for receiving passive income, however, it requires impressive investment at the initial stage. After all, not everyone has real estate for renting. If the object is available, it can provide a stable income from several tens to a few hundred thousand rubles per month.

4. Creating your business

If at the start stage, the new case requires a complete return of forces and time, then after time successful business It may earn, as a well-established mechanism that does not require the permanent presence of the owner. We presented earlier.

Sites allow their owners to earn advertising. However, the Internet page becomes a source of passive income, it must be fill in with interesting and useful content, promotion on the network, and then maintain in such a state.

Unlike a bank deposit, mutual funds offer higher income. True, and the risks here are higher, however, allow you to entrust the means to professionals, as well as determine the investment strategy. As a rule, large companies offer several PIF variants - from the most reliable with less income to high-riveted, but more profitable.

1. Bank deposit (deposit)

The list of sources of passive income is headed by the most simple and understandable way to invest. At the moment, deposit insurance extends to funds in the amount of up to 1,400 thousand rubles. If you plan to invest more money, it is better to distribute them between the most.

Passive is called such an income that does not depend on regular human activity. The simplest example can be a deposit in a bank: it consistently brings interest to his owner. Regardless of the age of the depositor, the presence of disease or desire to go to work the interest will be accrued to him.

Active income is completely dependent on human actions. To receive it, you need to deal with any activity: to produce goods, sell them, provide services, mined minerals and much more.

Revealing the concept of stable passive income should not be forgotten about risks. On the example of the deposit, the following risks can be distinguished for depositors:

  • depreciation currency;
  • bankruptcy of the bank;
  • fors major circumstances.

There is also a number of inconvenience: interest are accrued after the end of a certain period of time (for example, once a month), and it is impossible to use invested money until the end of the deposit period.

Therefore, before creating a passive source of income, it is necessary to take into account all possible risks of activity.

Verified methods for creating passive income

Before creating passive income from scratch, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the existing ways of such passive earnings. This will help to see all the advantages and disadvantages of the basic options for passive sources of income. The article will consider efficient and proven sources of passive income. They can be used as the basis for building their business.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that, having a certain amount of means to build a source of stable passive income is somewhat simpler. Without having money for the implementation of your dreams will have to spend your own time and strength.

Business Registration and Delegation of Powers

It is very effective method Get passive income. It has a minimum of deficiencies in the competent organization of the case. It will take the following to create it:

  • organization of the enterprise;
  • business development;
  • exit on stable level income;
  • selection of a candidate for the position of the manager;
  • obtaining profits with minimal time spent on monitoring key documentation and making important decisions.

Of course, there are risks here. Among them is the main: responsibility and decency of the manager. From its daily solutions will depend on the continued success of the company or organization. To select a suitable candidate, most often resorted to proven personnel, which worked at the enterprise for a long time.

It is not easy to create and develop a business. This requires a lot of time, means and skills. However, there are many situations where a skilled niche for doing business allows you to quickly develop it.

What you need to open your own business:

  • business plan;
  • starting capital (in most cases);
  • official design;
  • rental of premises;
  • we have employees (if required).

Any enterprise is risks for the entrepreneur. No one can be sure that the activity will bring income at all, and not damages. Therefore, you need to weigh everything correctly before creating your business. If everything is done correctly, the entrepreneur is waiting for success and the possibility of receiving passive income.

Sale of its intellectual property

This version is suitable for those who have knowledge and skills in certain sciences or specialties. How to create passive income from scratch, having the opportunity to create demanded information products? They need to be implemented.

What can be attributed to intellectual property:

  • artistic, literary and scientific works;
  • created unique industrial samples;
  • developed software;
  • invented objects or technologies in all sectors of life.

As can be seen from the list, intellectual property can be in any field of human activity. Passive profit can bring both a written book and a unique invention that helps increase equipment performance, for example. In order for the property to be individual, it is necessary to confirm its documented. For this, patents are issued and copyright are assigned. Owning them can be made of profit from the sale of its goods / services.

The simplest example for consideration of the profit option will be written book. The author of the book will sell copies of books on their own or concluding an agreement with the publishing company. The owner of the right will make a profit from every book sold. If she is in demand - she brings profit. If she is in demand for a long time - she long brings profit.

This applies not only to books. Increasingly resort to creating various programs on PCs or mobile devices. One finished project can bring passive profits until another, cheaper or more useful will appear on sale.

Accordingly, the person needs to create such a source of income:

  • come up with / create something unique and sought-after for society;
  • confirm your rights to the invention;
  • implement a product of your activities.

Disadvantages: On the creation of unique works / techniques / technologies, it is necessary to work a lot; Property may be unclaimed and will not bring tangible profits.

Building your own trading network

Such a network is able to provide its owner with constant passive income. All actions will be committed by network members, and its creator will receive all increasing profits. For this you need the following:

  • create your own unique products (services are less likely);
  • officially issue an enterprise for production and selling or collaborating with the manufacturer;
  • interest those who wish to become participants in the network;
  • sell them to other network participants;
  • to create a price of goods in such a way that the part of the profit came to the owner of the network, and part of the goods to the seller.

Everyone who wants to make money in such a network - should sell these goods. The more he sells - the more it will work. The main key to success is high-quality and demanded goods at competitive prices. This can be anything, ranging from cosmetic products and ending with food, medical goods or unique services.

The main difference from most network marketing companies should be as follows:

  • providing guarantees to all network participants;
  • use of only safe goods;
  • the presence of contacts for communication with the manual and all comprehensive information on the activities of the organization.

These factors will increase the sales and interest of workers.

Improving welfare is the natural desire of any person. However, for the rich, and for the poor there is a limit that installs work, there is a salary level ceiling or pension. One of the ways to overcome it can be considered passive profits - from automatically occurring operations.

What is passive income

Unlike the active (linear) profit, the residual income does not require constant actions from the owner. The well-established scheme of passive earnings will bring money on their own and constantly. Unlike daily hiking hiking, where financial investments are not required from person, the construction of an alternative income requires one-time material and intellectual efforts.

Actually, passive profits in Russia, for example, belong:

  • investment in securities;
  • rental of real estate, technology, transport;
  • obtaining interest income with bank account;
  • copyright deductions for intellectual property;
  • sale of own ideas;
  • providing Internet sites to third parties.

How to create passive income from scratch

The desire to make a profit and gain financial freedom is the most natural possible. However, it lies the main problem for lazy people - the creation of passive income from scratch requires material, financial or intellectual investments, depending on the selected activity. However, even without minimal material property, regular income can be organized and put it on stream.

Sources of passive income

In the desire to receive money and do nothing the main thing - not to get lost among the huge range of opportunities. At first glance, it may seem that they are not so much: investment, rent, copyright. In fact, only on the Internet there are more than 100 different options to earn money. The list will indicate the main methods of passive earnings for the average person:

  • index Fundsspecializing in metals, energy, developing technologies;
  • advertising: You can make a video blog on any popular video hosting;
  • renting housing / car;
  • passive marketing - distribution of third-party advertising on its platform;
  • investments in high-yield securities;
  • write an e-book (do not even have to spend money on the publication);
  • organize or engage in a ready-made passive business partnership;
  • professional recommendations and tips - Create online courses, textbook, articles or to conduct a thematic blog.

Intellectual investment

This method of income can be considered the easiest and undemanding. All you need from the investor is to choose the direction of infusion of capital. Intelligent property investments make a profit over many decades. Difference from any material forms Property is colossal: Intangible ownership objects are not exposed to obsolescence and destruction, easily reproduce / copied.

With this method of investment, the following property ownership is possible:

  1. Owning rights to a unique trademark, logo, design layout or style concept. An example is the promoted brands like McDonalds, MTS or Beeline - copyright covered all: color gamut, slogans, logo, even design schemes of branded shops.
  2. Purchase of patent law for invention, technical or technological method production. The term of the patent on modern legislation is 10 years with the right of subsequent extension.
  3. Creating your own learning or artistic products. Profit is possible not only from the authorship, but also from the distribution of material or digital copies of the product.

Marketing investments

The essence of this method of investment is to create a private business project that will be interesting and necessary for a specific target audience, to establish a chain of management and ensure the functioning that will require the minimum impact owner. This is the creation of your own business with the subsequent receipt permanent profit. Such business plans for creativity can be created constantly, gradually selling them in the form of net projects, and additional income to receive from ownership of the idea.

Marketing revenues are beginning to bring real profits only after the primary investments will be accumulated. This means that it is not possible to quickly earn this way. Depending on the scope of activity, the exit to the residual income can stretch for several years. If the business is in demand and properly organized, then through time you can enjoy the profit with minimal impact on the process.

Real Estate Rent

Almost every resident of the country, who owns an unused area, leases it. There is no fundamental difference - the source can be an apartment, a house, office, land, warehouse and even plant. Passive income The real estate is that the owner receives a profit when another person enjoys his property. IN modern world This is the easiest andatic option of profit without additional capitalization (provided that you have unused private real estate).

Financial Investment Revenues

This type Investment applies to risky and non-permanent processes. Investing in securities, precious metals, precious stones and other analogues money masses Profitable in the presence of starting capital. At the same time, passive income from investment will fluctuate after the mobility of the stock market. Possible as sudden ups and sharp falls after political actions, the appearance of new players on the stock exchange. At the same time, the profit will always be, since there are no equivals to the cash relations yet.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the investment in the shares of developing companies. It is extremely risky to invest in JSC with a non-revinted future. You can or lose all accumulation capital, or instantly get rich (as it was with Microsoft). In any option you need to weighing risks. Even the permanent players in the market can suddenly be dedicated for one reason or another.

Passive income with investment

For guaranteed income, you need mandatory minimum financial investments. In this situation, almost 100% is guaranteed at least a refund of the tools spent with unsuccessful investment (you can go into zero). Types of passive income with initial capital - investment money to the bank, securities, forex (PAMM account), mutual effects. Profit is calculated from the number of assets embedded initially.

Income from the deposit

If the owner has a passive in the form of cash, which is not in demand, he can put them in the bank at interest and make a profit. Deposits can be called maximum favorable investment For residual income. The main thing is to make sure the bank's reliability and decide on the terms of the contract. Income by banking Deposit It will be determined by the specifics of the contribution - replenished or not, with the capitalization of interest or permanent, with the possibility of removing the money before the expiration date or closed.

Revenues from FIFES

Paving investment funds have become popular among investors due to their profitability in full legality and competent use of capital. The essence of these organizations is simple - there are some shareholders who have investigated their funds for a common cash register (not legal entities And not banks). Management Company To strive to increase the capital, from which the percentages of shareholders will be paid. This is a kind of cooperative for the sake of profit. The yield of mutual effects directly depends on the competent management and successful investment.

Flower Business - Passive Income

This example illustrates the implementation of marketing investments. Passive business makes a profit after the owner settles its functioning to a state when its permanent intervention is not required. For example, for flower business, you need to find a supplier, florist, equipment and room. If these factors interact normally, it will only remain profitable and sometimes make adjustments.

Another modern peculiar source of seasonal alternative income on colors - renting bouquets for holidays for the photo. No matter how funny, in 2016, one of the owners of the flower business on 2 bouquets of the total cost of 5000 rubles received a profit of about half a million less than a month. So even seemingly a permanent business can bring one-time income.

Passive earnings without investment

One of the most popular requests on the Internet in the segment of work in Russia. This does not mean that there are a large number of idlers in the country. IN crisis situation Without a material base, it is very difficult to start earning. The ideas of passive income in the network are widely known, but it is important to remember that the amount of fraudsters is more several hundred times. You should carefully choose a method of passive earnings on proven sites with real recommendations and reviews.

Passive earnings on the Internet

To start earning through the network, it is necessary to exist within it and understand. Passive income online is based on the fact that a person owns its website, a blog or just a channel on hosting. Further options for obtaining profits are two - advertising, the sale of own ready-made media materials. All other (affiliate programs, investment, sales of reference masses, etc.) require direct participation, so it is no longer possible to call them passive.

Network Marketing - Passive Income

Any network marketing is a peculiar way of earning, which is criticized by many. People with a certain warehouse of mind and character will be able to work successfully in this field. Initially, cm is direct sales, and there is no speech about the residual income. Take for an example Oriflame. The seller is invested in the purchase of goods and reference literature, pays for seminars and courses, the profit receives on the resale (it is fixed by the company). Passive income in Oriflame begins from the moment when attracted customers begin to work on the seller (attracted customers are starting (they themselves begin to sell).

At this moment, non-linear income on any network structure begins. In essence, see this is a typical pyramid, where you need to hire even more workers for the sake of profit. At the same time, someone already gets profit with you, from your interest. Paradoxically, there is nothing to passive workers in such a field of activity. Before residual income will have to work hard.

Passive income games

Earn on the game - the dream of any active gamer, because a hobby that brings money cannot but rejoice. In the current state of the network, the income of online games (popular and popular) allow active players to earn real money. There is a huge number of Internet sites where they sell virtual things from games for real rubles. This business is developing rapidly and inevitably.

Novelty network - games with real payments and passive earnings. Most of them are primitive outwardly and are a branch of any investment Fund or company. Obviously, this nobody advertises, but such game projects not only increase the basic capital, but also displeasing it. In such games, the player's activity is minimal, but the profit is insignificant. To speed up the process for real money, you can buy special tools, and costs are compensated by gaming progress.

How to organize passive income

First you need to really want to get more money and determine the area of \u200b\u200bactivity. The organization of passive income on direct capitalization requires minimal financial education, a marketing approach - a finished business, and intellectual - creative thinking or specialized in demand. After setting the problem, it remains only legal design (Even for games there is a registration and a contract with the terms of the turnover of real money). This active activity can be considered over.

Passive income tax

In most cases, the passive income tax is already included in the calculation process when obtaining them. This means that the profit from dividends will arrive at the expense with a deducted tax percentage. However, when submitting tax Declaration You need to specify all types of income. Almost all of them are subject to a bid - 13% in Russia. Difficulties arise with patents and licensing of intellectual property - tax rate Calculated separately for each specific case.

Sale of passive income

The easiest way to sell business with passive income. The seller increases the cost of the amount of possible profit for a certain period, and then the standard procedure follows. It is more difficult with nonlinear methods of income through the network - for this process, the legislation is practically not developed. Therefore, when selling a serious source of residual profit across the Internet, you need to involve specialists. Securities Trade through specialized brokers.

Video: Passive income options

Constantly and most importantly guaranteed, get a certain income every month - the dream of any investor. Money works without your participation and any effort and bring more money. How to achieve this? Answer - you need to know where to invest money. Of course, the amount of profits will directly depend on the amount of invested funds. And let's say, for novice investors, the profits received from their investments will be relatively small. But you need to start with something. After all, the very fact of generation Very attractive. In order for income to grow, you need 2 things: periodically invest additional money and constant. According to law - Over time, even the most modest capital, is able to turn into a rather impressive amount, the profit from which will give you a significant financial flow in the form of monthly income from the placed funds.

Where can I invest money, to obtain a permanent monthly income?

We buy with different dates of coupons. It is in these dates that profit will be accrued. You can make a portfolio from bonds in such a way that the profit has come every month to your account. Usually the duration of the coupon is 91 or 182 days. Every 3 months or six months you will make a profit from the purchased bond.

Advantages. Higher profitability. Clearly predicted and fixed income. High (you can instantly sell bonds without loss of accrued profits).

Disadvantages. The probability of bankruptcy of the issuer of released bond. In the "blue chips" it is likely small. The OFZ (bonds of the federal loan) and municipal bonds are practically equal to zero. Usually (although very rare), the so-called company of the third echelon (garbage bonds) are bankrupt. Avoid buying them and everything will be fine.

4. Dividend shares . Buy that stably pay dividends. And not just dividends, but. Average on russian market This size is 3-6% of the value of shares. There are companies (but there are few of them), the size of dividends of which is somewhat higher and is 8-10%. If you judge the latest payments are Surgutneftegaz, MTS and M-video.

The yield of course is still small, but if you consider that you buy a part of the working (and more successful) business, then with the further development of the company, the profit will also grow.

For example. Stock price on stock market Very volatile. They can "walk" within 20-30% during the year, both up and down. At the beginning of the year, Surgutneftegazp shares cost almost 50 rubles per piece, then the price for six months fell almost 2 times, to 28 rubles. Considering that the yield on average is 10% per share (at a price of 45 rubles) or 4.5 rubles, bought on the "day" by 28, you would ensure yourself yield in the future in the amount of 17% per annum. And if the company's profit will continue to grow, then the annual yield will easily pass in 20%.

Advantages. By purchasing a "business part" in the form of dividend shares, you will have the right to count on the company's profits. It can be found, thereby receiving even more annual yield. When developing a company, the profit will increase, which means that dividends will grow.

Disadvantages. The uneven payment of dividends. The lion of payments occurs in the second quarter. Some companies pay dividends 2 times a year. High volatility in the stock market. Bought shares can drop significantly in price. But if you are aimed (a few years), then it will give you the opportunity to purchase additional package Shares at random prices.

In custody.

You can receive passive income every month (and even need). There is nothing complicated in this. Listed methods are available for everyone. And do not forget. Divide your tools into several parts, and use them to make a profit by each way. So of course the total profit will fall, but you will significantly reduce the risks when investing.

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