
Subsidation minimum since November 1. What is the cost of living, why it is needed, and what is its size

The amount of the subsistence minimum in Moscow for the 4th quarter of 2018 (current) was established by the Decree of the Government of Moscow of March 12, 2019 No. 181-PP.

The size of the subsistence minimum on the main socio-demographic groups of the population was, rubles:

  • per capita - 16087;
  • for the working-age population - 18376;
  • for children - 13747;
  • pensioners have a minimum cost of living - 11424.

Compared to the 3rd quarter of 2018 decreased, rub.:

  • per capita -173 (-1.08%);
  • for able-bodied -204 (-1.11%);
  • for pensioners -81 (-0.71%);
  • for children -191 (-1.39%);

The subsistence minimum is calculated on the basis of 2018.

The subsistence minimum for the 1st quarter of 2019 in Moscow is expected in the first half of June 2019.

Who applies to which socio-demographic group?

To calculate the subsistence minimum of the family, the belonging of each of its members to one of the main socio-demographic groups of the population is determined:

  1. able-bodied citizens - men aged 16 years to 59 years inclusive and women aged 16 years to 54 are inclusive, with the exception of non-working persons with disabilities I and II groups of this age;
  2. pensioners are men who have reached the age of 60, and women who have reached the age of 55, as well as persons who receive a disability retirement;
  3. children aged 0 - 15 years.

The fact of study, work (except for persons with disabilities I and II groups), the birth of a juvenile citizens does not affect the ownership of the socio-demographic group. A child-disabled child, until the day of execution, he refers to the socio-demographic group "Children", and from 16 years before the day of execution he was 18 years old - "Pensioners".

The recipients of pensions under the age of 55 and 60 (women and men, respectively), which are non-working persons with disabilities I and II groups, refer to the socio-demographic group "Wheel-bodied citizens" regardless of whether they work or not.

Minimum pension in Moscow

The subsistence minimum of a pensioner in Moscow (to calculate the minimum social pension) for 2019 was set in the amount of 12115.00 rubles, Moskva law No. 22 of 31.10.2018.

Dynamics of the subsistence minimum in Moscow

The table of subsistence minima in Moscow

QuarterPer capitaAccording to the main socio-demographic groups of the populationDecree of the Government of Moscow
it is an employed populationpennsio Nera.children
4 kV 18.16087 18376 11424 13747 March 12, 2019 №181-PP
3 kV 18.16260 18580 11505 13938 4.11.2018 №1465-PP
2 kV 18.16463 18781 11609 14329 09/19/2018 №1114-PP
1 kV 18.15786 17990 11157 13787 06/05/2018 №526-PP
4 kV 17.15397 17560 10929 13300 03/13/2018 №176-PP
3 kV 17.16160 18453 11420 13938 05.12.2017 №952-PP
2 kV 17.16426 18742 11603 14252 09/12/2017 №663-PP
1 kV 17.15477 17642 10965 13441 06/13/2017 №355-PP
4 kV 16.15092 17219 10715 12989 03/07/2017 №88-PP
3 kV 16.15307 17487 10823 13159 29.11.2016 N 794-PP
2 kV 16.15382 17561 10883 13259 09/06/2016 N 551-PP
1 kV 16.15041 17130 10623 13198 05/31/2016 №297-PP
4 kV 15.14413 16438 10227 12437 03/16/2016 №81-PP
3 kV 15.15141 17296 10670 13080 11.12.2015 №856-PP
2 kV 15.15141 17296 10670 13080 09/22/2015 №608-PP
1 kV 15.14300 16296 10075 12561 06/16/2015 №356-PP

Consumer basket in Moscow for 2018

Consumer basket in Moscow is valid until 30.06.2021 , Installed by law of Moscow from 19.06.2013 N 32 (ed. from 06.06.2018).

Food included in the consumer basket in Moscow for 2018.

Name The volume of consumption (on average per person per year)
able-bodied population pensioners children
Bread products (bread and pasta in terms of flour, flour, cereals, legumes), kg 130,86 98,7 79,97
Potatoes, kg. 108,5 80,0 105,98
Vegetables and Bakhchy, kg 115,2 99,0 116,4
Fruits fresh, kg 60,0 45,0 118,1
Sugar and confectionery in terms of sugar, kg 22,26 21,2 23,61
Meat products, kg. 58,7 54,0 45,8
Fish products, kg. 19,0 17,0 18,6
Milk and milk products in terms of milk, kg 290,8 267,8 359,5
Eggs, pieces 210 200 201
Vegetable oil, margarine and other fats, kg 13,32 9,0 6,84
Other Products (Salt, Tea, Spices), kg 4,9 4,15 3,56

The subsistence minimum in Moscow at the beginning of this year is 16,160 rubles. It is established in different sizes throughout the territory of the Russian Federation. But for the calculation of PM use a single algorithm. The amount of the subsistence minimum in each of the regions form local authorities. They may differ from each other in different places.

The cost of living is the conditional value that represents the human content for one month to ensure a certain standard of living in economic conditions of a particular period of time. According to Law No. 134-FZ dated 10.24.1997, the cost of living will recalculate every three months.

The level of subsistence minimum depends on the lives of people in each of the regions. After analyzing this indicator, it will be easier to develop special programs to improve the lives of citizens. Also data on the subsistence minimum affect budget formation in each city.

Depending on the size of the subsistence minimum, those citizens who do not have income or payments receive a surcharge. PM is separately calculated for children, workers and pensioners.

In the metropolitan law No. 23 of 05/15/2002 it was written that several types of social benefits should be equal to the subsistence minimum. These include: a child allowance, payments in need, lump-sum, social scholarships to poor students.

The cost of living depends on the price level in Moscow

To determine the size of the subsistence minimum in Moscow, a statistical analysis of food prices, clothing, medicines, utilities and much more is carried out. This Suma takes into account the needs of working people, children and pensioners. After such an analysis, a concrete amount is formed, which will differ from other regions of the Russian Federation.

During the calculation take into account the consumer basket, which includes the products necessary for living. The composition of the basket changes every five years. The climatic and national features of citizens in different regions are also taken into account.

The cost of living in Moscow from July 1 of the current year

At the third quarter of 2018, Moscow authorities established a new amount of the subsistence minimum. Such information is available for all residents of the capital of Russia. The data can be seen on the official website of the mayor of Moscow.

For one permanent population there is a living wage at least 15.786 rubles. Working should be 17,990 rubles, retirees - 11,157 rubles, and children - 13,787 rubles. If the income is less than the subsistence minimum, then the state will pay extra social benefits.

Compared to the previous year, prices for goods and payments increased in 2019. In the Moscow region, the subsistence minimum indicator also increased and still keeps the bar higher than in the rest of the country's regions.

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The subsistence minimum reflects the price assessment of the consumer basket. The indicator is calculated individually for each subject of the Russian Federation. Calculations change and indexed quarterly.

The subsistence minimum is determined for the following purposes:

  1. Appointment of pension payments. If the pension does not reach the level of the subsistence minimum (hereinafter PM), the social bodies are drawn up by the person of the retirement age appropriate extra charge.
  2. The overall level of meeting the needs of all categories of the population of Russia is estimated.
  3. Social programs are determined aimed at allocating material resources from the federal and regional budget to low-income families and citizens in general.
  4. The minimum amount of wages is calculated - minimum wage.
  5. Other payments are also defined for social assistance in the form of material resources: scholarships and benefits, including maternity capital.
  6. The federal budget is established.

Legislative basis

The law "On the subsistence minimum in Moscow", adopted in May 2002, determines which will be the subsistence minimum in the Moscow region.

Many citizens of the Russian Federation are confident that cash, which is necessary for each category of population, is not enough. This question also concerns people who live in the capital of Russia, despite the fact that in the Moscow region an indicator of the subsistence minimum is quite high.

Sociological polls confirm this fact - the sum of money, according to PM, is not enough for monthly support of one citizen in the Moscow region. Costs exceed the level of PM even in a person of retirement age.

However, the Russian authorities are confident that the material support, laid in the subsistence minimum, is enough for a month for a month. And this is not good.

The state independently defines a number of needs and resources required by a citizen to satisfy monthly needs.

As for the Moscow region, the increased level of the subsistence minimum is explained by the fact that prices and payments are much higher in stores than in other regions of the country.

Certain funds according to PM make up the minimum of consumer basket.

Decree of Government

At the moment, Moscow is relevant to the 3rd quarter last year, which was made on December 5, 2017. Resolution number - 952-PP.

The subsistence minimum is the amount that is fixed quarterly and denotes the assessment of the needs of each person in the Russian Federation.

In the Moscow region, the subsistence minimum is also calculated, as in other subjects of Russia.

The economic situation in Russia is developing in such a way that the PM level is calculated taking into account inflation. Therefore, the calculation is made in quarters.

At the beginning of the New Year, the Russian government promised that the cost of living will increase in size for each category of the population of the Russian Federation. This fact will affect other government payments.

It is also believed that the minimum wage will rise to a subsistence minimum or even exceed its bar. However, each region is an individual figure.

How will the monetary support be increased according to PM this year? The indicator is directly related to the composition and material assessment of the consumer basket.

The government is a list of components for the consumer basket, since the subsistence minimum compares the quality of the life of the entire population of the country.

The authorities in each region of the Russian Federation in the quarters index money on PM, given the percentage of inflation, which, unfortunately, is currently rising.

The average indicators in the Moscow region last year were as follows:

  • citizens employed by employment - 10,700 thousand;
  • monetary equivalent for young children - 9,750 thousand;
  • pensioners relies - 8,700 thousand.

When accounting for actual data on price increase in early 2019, the PM indicator should increase in a minimum amount of 5%, since the cost of food and non-food products increased by about 5% with a small one.

Such information nominated FSGS - the Federal State Statistics Service. The numbers are officially fixed in the Moscow region.

With any situation on the territory of all constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the subsistence minimum will grow, but the regional government takes into account the individual characteristics of its region.

There is a possibility of increasing PM at the expense of its own resources of the subject of the Russian Federation. Today, the subsistence minimum in the Moscow region is much higher than the average for the country and in each region of the country.

In addition to the subsistence minimum, a document is adopted in the Russian Federation, which indicates the increase in the minimum wage. The Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation acted as the author of the law.

According to today's standards, it is expected that the minimum amount of wage rises almost to 10,000 rubles.

When the above bill will be adopted, the overall tense will decrease, which has arisen among the population, which works for too low labor.

Many economists of Russia fear that the population will switch to "gray salary". In addition, there are risks of price increases in stores.

About 12 million people in Russia worked on low-paid vacancies in 2016. It is about 17% of the total population of Russia.

For the first time, the term about poor citizens was expressed by Olga Gorodets, who stated that this trend is gaining momentum.

The same situation is observed in Moscow. But local authorities expect the cost of living only according to official data on price growth and other payments, including utilities. That is, people who work on "gray" work and receive wages not in the subsistence minimum, cannot apply to social bodies.

To avoid such a situation, Moskvich should be officially employed. If the retired material support does not reach the indicator of PM, he turns into social bodies, where he asks for a surcharge by providing the necessary documents.

Data from January 1, 2019

Economists note that the rate of the subsistence minimum in the Moscow region in the 2nd quarter of last year was approximately 16,450 rubles per capita. This resolution signed the Mayor of Moscow itself - Sergey Sobyanin.

If you compare the 1st quarter of the previous year, the subsistence level increased by as much as 6%. It is about 950 rubles in monetary equivalent according to documentary information.

PM size in 2019:

The following information was obtained from the government: approximately 42,400 people in need of social supplement live in the Moscow region (according to the demographic report compiled in August 2017).

This number of people shows how many people in Moscow material support does not reach the subsistence minimum.

With raising the level of PM - the pension will also be increased. The next, 2019, the authorities promise that the monetary equivalent of PM will be about 14.330 rubles. For 2020, the following forecasts are 15,550 rubles per capita.

Data for the 1st quarter of 2019

The PM level on the January period in the new year will be calculated according to the figure of the previous year. The reason for this was the fact that the calculation of the number will require statistical data provided to each group of the population. To process the information received, considerable time.

The authorities are responsible for this indicator, since their responsibilities include an immediate decision on this issue.

Local authorities in the Moscow region independently determine the level that is needed to supply the population with resources to meet all needs.

Low-income families have a surcharge in the event that their level of material support does not correspond to the subsistence minimum in a smaller side.

At the beginning of 2019, in Moscow for citizens who are employees of organizations, not less than 18,450 rubles. Material support for people of retirement age is approximately 11,500 rubles.

Baby expenses are much larger than the above categories of citizens. Parents constantly out of the family budget allocate considerable funds for the supply of children with the necessary products and goods.

Many families are difficult to provide a child with funds for the new school year. Economists in the country estimated that to buy things and other accessories, Moscow schoolchildren will need approximately 14,000 rubles.

Amounts for the 4th quarter of 2017

In the 4th quarter of 2017, the following indicator of the subsistence minimum in Moscow has developed:

  1. Monetary equivalent per capita - 12,150 rubles.
  2. PM on people employed by employment - 13,500 rubles.
  3. For people of retirement age - 9,000 rubles.
  4. For young and juvenile citizens - 11,800 rubles.

Evaluation of life in the country occurs in several criteria. One of them is the rate of the subsistence minimum. It is determined at the calculation of the cost of products included in the basic consumer basket of a citizen. From what will be the subsistence minimum of 2017 depends on how much the life of Russians will increase or decrease. It is assumed that every year the minimum should increase at least on the inflation rate in order to fit reality.

Costailed minimum per quarter

The mechanism for calculating the subsistence minimum is enshrined by law. According to the norms of Law No. 134-ФЗ, the indicator shall be calculated quarterly, taking into account the vibration of the value of goods in Russia. As of the 1st quarter of 2017, the Russian Federation operates at a minimum established on the basis of the cost of 4 quarters of 2016. Further, respectively, when calculating a minimum for the 2nd quarter, data will be taken into account for the first, and in determining the size of the 3rd quarter, the numbers for the second will be used. The growth trend of indicators can be traced by analyzing the data for past periods.

Year Period Minimum size
Medium to the Russian Federation Adults Pensioners Children
2013 I quarter 7095 rub. 7633 rub. 5828 rub. 6859 rub.
II quarter 7372 rub. 7941 rub. 6043 rub. 7104 rub.
III quarter 7429 rub. 8014 rub. 6097 rub. 7105 rub.
IV quarter 7326 rub. 7896 rub. 6023 rub. 7021 rub.
2014 I quarter 7688 rub. 8283 rub. 6308 rub. 7452 rub.
II quarter 8192 rub. 8834 rub. 6717 rub. 7920 rub.
III quarter 8086 rub. 8731 rub. 6656 rub. 7738 rub.
IV quarter 8234 rub. 8885 rub. 6785 rub. 7899 rub.
2015 I quarter 9662 rub. 10404 rub. 7916 rub. 9489 rub.
II quarter 10017 rub. 10792 rub. 8210 rub. 9806 rub.
III quarter 9673 rub. 10436 rub. 7951 rub. 9396 rub.
IV quarter 9452 rub. 10187 rub. 7781 rub. 9197 rub.
2016 I quarter 9776 rub. 10524 rub. 8025 rub. 9677 rub.
II quarter 9956 rub. 10722 rub. 8163 rub. 9861 rub.
III quarter 9889 rub. 10678 rub. 8136 rub. 9668 rub.

What a subsistence minimum in Russia for pensioners

In determining the subsistence minimum for the pensioner, the age of person is taken into account - 55 and 65 years for women and men, respectively. It is an employed pensioner or not - it does not matter. Consumer basket Russian retirement age is less than a baby's basket or a workable citizen. Deviations are approximately 10% - 20%. Also, the minimum for a pensioner in the regions is established different. The highest rate in the Nenets District is 15837 rubles, and the smallest of 2016 in Mordovia - 6453 rubles. Also among the regions with the lowest indicator there are Bashkortostan, Kalmykia and the Belgorod region. The leaders are considered to be the capital, St. Petersburg and the Far Eastern regions.

Summary of the subsistence minimum from January 1

At the beginning of 2017, an increase in the subsistence minimum by 6% is approximately predicted. However, it is necessary to take into account that the forecast and conclusions of analyst experts do not always correspond to reality. It is possible that the minimum will not exceed the size set at the end of 2016. Estimated numbers are:

  • for a workable citizen - 10524 rubles;
  • for pensioner - 8025 rubles;
  • for a child - 9677 rubles.

As can be seen, these indicators are clearly lower than the data for the previous period enlarged to the inflation rate.

Minimum consumer basket in Moscow

In the capital, the indicators of the minimum subsistence minimum for the categories of Russians are somewhat higher than the national average. This is due to a higher cost of life in Moscow. Effects and indicators of income Muscovites have influenced. However, the metropolitan subsistence minimum does not compensate for the growth of inflation. Therefore, local authorities introduce local subsidies for residents of the city. In 2017, Muscovites can plan a family budget, focusing on information for the 3rd quarter of 2016. On average, the minimum is equal to 15307 rubles. By categories, the distribution looks like this:

  • for adult - 17487 rubles;
  • for a child - 13159 rubles;
  • for a pensioner - 10823 rubles.

In comparison with the indicators for the 2nd quarter, the subsistence minimum has decreased for working bodies by 74 rubles, for pensioners by 60 rubles, and for children for 100 rubles.

What kind of minimum wage from July 1, 2017 in Moscow? Did the "Moscow" minimum wage increased? What does the increase affect? Less which salary cannot be installed now? How to abandon the new minimum Moscow salary? We give new amounts and tell how to work with them.

Quarterly increase to the subsistence minimum

Mroth (minimum wage) in Moscow acquires a new value on the results of each quarter. The fact is that the minimum wage in Moscow and depends on the size of the subsistence minimum of the able-bodied population. If the subsistence minimum increases, then from the first day of the month following the month of magnification, the minimum wage also grows. This is provided for in paragraphs 3.1.1 and 3.1.2 of the Decree of the Government of Moscow of 12/15/15 No. 858-PP "On the draft Moscow trilateral agreement for 2016-2018 between the Government of Moscow, the Moscow associations of trade unions and the Moscow associations of employers."

Risks of Moscow employers

If the Moscow salary for July, August or September 2017 will be lower than the minimum end, the employer can attract administrative and criminal liability. On IP or director of the organization can impose a fine of 1,000 to 5,000 rubles. And on the organization - from 30,000 to 50,000 rubles. (Part 1 of Art. 5.27 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation).

For a re-violation of the director may be fined in the amount of 10,000 to 20,000 rubles. or disqualified for a period of one year to three years. Penalty for IP for re-violation: from 10,000 to 20,000 rubles, for the company - from 50,000 to 70,000 rubles. (Part 4 of Art. 5.27 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation).

Responsibility of the director

The employee whose salary was less than the minimum wage, has the right to demand extra charge for the entire period of work and compensation for the delay (Art. 236 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). For more than two months, a criminal liability (part 2 and 3, Article 145.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) is provided for paying a salary.

How to give up the minimum wage and pay less

Refuse to apply Mrometa in Moscow from July 1, 2017 has the right to any employer. This requires and send a motivated refusal to the local branch of the Committee on Labor and Employment. Term - 30 calendar days from the date of publication of a trilateral agreement on regional minimum wage (Article 133.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

In this case, the failure must be motivated. This means that the employer needs to be reported to the reasons for which the employer cannot pay regional "minimum" to its employees - 17,642 rubles. As such reasons, you can specify, say, "crisis", "little orders", "risk of mass dismissal of employees" and so on. In Moscow, send a refusal to a tripartite commission at the address: 121205, Moscow, ul. New Arbat, 36/9. Here is a sample of such a refusal:

However, note that paragraph 8 of Article 133.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation obliges the employer to make a set of documents, among which are proposals for raising the minimum wage of workers to the size provided for by the Agreement. That is, even in time a directional refusal does not mean that paying a new minimum wage, established from July 1, 2017, do not have to. Just an employer is given the right to delay its introduction.

Salary Commission

Article 133.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation gives the right to Moscow authorities to invite representatives of the employer who has denied the adoption of a new minimum end from July 1, 2017, for consultation. That is, the refusal to Moscow Markov threatens a collision with an administrative resource.

Note that in 2017 the FNS continues the practice of salary commissions. Moreover, the IFTS is entitled to transfer information about employers to labor inspections that pay low salary (a letter dated April 21, 2017 No. EF-4-15 / 7708).

The purpose of the salary commissions is to identify "sullen" salary and discounts on personal income tax. The employer can invite to a salary commission:

  • due to the debts on personal income tax;
  • if payments on NDFL decreased by 10 percent and more;
  • if the salary is lower than the regional subsistence minimum, the minimum wage or the average industry.

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