
How to spend money correctly? Family budget: an example. Home bookkeeping. How to properly manage a family budget How to properly allocate a family budget

How to plan the right family budget? How to start planning a family budget? Many questions regarding family budget planning. It is not a difficult science that can and should be learned.

Let's look at a simple example, you need to build an enterprise: Which enterprise? Of what? Where to build? How? For what funds? How many employees should be hired for construction? This is a small fraction of the questions you imagine how difficult it is to plan the construction of a huge enterprise or plant.

A family is a small business, in order to properly plan the family budget, you need to correctly approach each figure of income and expenses.

How to plan a family budget

Remember the expenses of the previous two or three months and plan your family budget by analyzing them.

Remember and plan expenses for birthdays in the family, birthdays of relatives, do not forget about the main holidays: New Year”, “February 23rd”, “March 8th”.

Prices go up in the summer months public Utilities and gasoline.

In order not to forget all this, you can draw a small sign for yourself from January to December and indicate the main events and dates there.

When you plan the budget for the new month, look at this plate and make changes.

Components of the family budget

There are six components of happiness, if one component stops working, happiness in the family disappears.

What is included in these six components: income, expenses (which does not exceed income), own housing, savings or reserve, deposits, joint values ​​​​of husband and wife.

How to manage a family budget

Family budget consists of income and expenses. Income includes: cash income, in-kind income and benefits.

income table

Income example for a family of four

income table

This family consists of four members of the family father, mother and two children. The family's income is the father's salary of 35,000 rubles and the mother's salary of 15,000 rubles, one child goes to kindergarten, the second child goes to school. The total family income is 50,000 rubles. Additional sources This family has no income.

Income is spent on necessary goods and services for the whole family. After receiving the money, incomes turn into expenses.

Expenses include all expenses spent on the family for a certain period of time, for example, for a month.

How to allocate the family budget

It is very important to distribute the family budget for a month so that it is enough for all expenses and that it does not exceed income.

There are two types of expenses: mandatory and optional.

Cost table

Consider the expenses of a family of four

Cost table

This family consists of four members of the family father, mother and two children. Family expenses are included in the table.

Put your income and expenses on the scale

Example one:

Income 50,000 rubles Expenses 50,000 rubles

Your family's budget, your balanced income is equal to your expenses.

Second example:

Income 50,000 rubles Expenses 60,000 rubles

You have a budget deficit in your family, you do not have enough money, you need to reconsider the items in the family budget.

Example three:

Income 50,000 rubles Expenses 40,000 rubles

Your income exceeds your expenses Money or saving for future expenses.

The main point of preparing a family budget is to learn how to balance incoming income and outgoing expenses. We must learn how to draw up a family budget so that expenses are always less than income.

Family budget for a month

An example of a budget for an average family with two children

Let's analyze the family budget table for an average family consisting of four people, two of them are children, we see that the family income is 50,000 rubles. The family has no additional sources of income.

The amount of expenses corresponds to the amount of income and is equal to 50,000 rubles. The costs include all necessary cost items:

    public Utilities;


  • payment for kindergarten;

    clothes, shoes;

    child's education;


Pay attention to the most important article, it is called cumulative.

In every family, when planning a family budget, first of all, it is necessary to take into account that expenses are less than income, and include an item in expenses and plan money there, this item is called a funded item.

This expense item should be percentage from wages 20%, if you can't save 20% the first time, start with 10% and review your expenses again.

It is very good if you have more than 20% deposited in the collection point, it can be 30%, 40% and even 50%.

The funded part can be accumulated and spent on holidays, on large household appliances, on winter and autumn clothes, and so on.

The remaining costs may vary in amount, some item or item of costs may be more than presented in the table, some may be less.

Savings from maintaining a family budget

Considering the presented family budget for a month, for a family of four we received an income of 50,000 rubles and an expense of 40,000 rubles, from this we get a saving of 10,000 rubles a month. You can use this savings to buy large household appliances, winter clothes and shoes, and go on vacation with the whole family.

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Greetings! From my own experience I know that you can spend up to a penny any amount. But every month it is necessary to set aside money for large purchases, form a reserve fund and invest in a future pension.

Therefore, today I will share with you a couple of tips on how to distribute the family budget. At one time, I tried dozens of strategies and life hacks. And empirically chose the simplest and most effective for family well-being.

Unfortunately, there is no single recipe. Families differ from each other:

  • income level;
  • priorities in spending (for example, during the decree, most of the money goes to the child, while childless couples have no “children's” expenses at all);
  • long-term goals;
  • preferences and living standards. Someone eats for 100 rubles a day, but buys only branded clothes. Others can distribute the money like this: they dress in second-hand clothes, but at the same time they spend half their salary on travel.

But there are moments that are mandatory for any family budget!

After you managed to distribute the amounts, the family should have money left for:

But after all, someday children will need money to study at a decent university in Russia or abroad. Sooner or later you will want to move to Vacation home Or buy a bigger apartment. Finally, retirement is also not as far away as it seems from a distance of 30 or 40 years. And all this money should be distributed in advance.

By the way, do not think that high earnings guarantee family financial independence. My old friend invests about 300,000 rubles a month in the budget. Since he does not like to save and keep records, he cannot properly distribute money, Ivan today owes half of the city and three banks. On credit, he has an apartment and a car, all Appliances. He buys a new washing machine, laptop or iPhone, paying with a "gold" credit card.

Find out who spends how much

In almost every family, the cause of conflicts over money comes down to the phrase: "I'm trying to save money, and you are spending too much of the family budget." Everyone has different ways of saving - the result is the same: it is difficult to distribute finances without offense.

Let's say our conditional family consists of three people: father Igor, mother Marina and their son, 5-year-old Roma. The earnings of both adult family members are added up in one envelope. And already from there the money is taken both for general family expenses and for personal ones.

To dot the i’s, we divide the monthly budget into three parts: general expenses (food, housing and communal services, etc.), Marina’s personal expenses (a visit to a beauty salon, for example) and Igor’s personal expenses (a weekly meeting with friends in a pub).

Ideally, such a division of expenses will allow you to find out which family members spend family money on what. Which of the two saves on himself, and who does not deny himself anything?

We allocate money correctly

Here, too, everything is elementary. Immediately after receiving your salary, put aside (in a separate envelope, on a bank deposit or in a safe) money from the family budget:

  • for large purchases
  • to the reserve fund;
  • for long-term savings.

How to calculate the amount? You can choose any percentage of income - at least 10%, at least 1%. Your task is to learn how to distribute the family budget in such a way as to save money “in advance”. The second task: to postpone and ... forget about this money. And believe me, for many Russian families The second task is much more difficult than the first.

The easiest way to distribute the family budget is with the help of banal envelopes. This is a great option for those who are just starting to plan their family budget. Of course, it also has a lot of shortcomings. For example, envelopes are inconvenient to use if the income goes to bank card. Or it comes irregularly and in different amounts.

But these are trifles. The main thing is that the “envelope” method allows you to quickly move from theory, how to distribute the family budget, to practice. And understand what you can save on in order to find money for something you need. The best part is that higher mathematics in the "envelopes" is definitely not needed.

Dozens of variations of the method were invented. I will list two of the simplest and most popular to allocate amounts for everything you need.


An old, kind and proven by more than one generation way how to distribute the family budget.

  1. "Nutrition".
  2. "Children".
  3. "Entertainment".
  4. "Education".

On each write the name and amount. It is more convenient to distribute money by envelopes once a month.

The first month will be a test for the family budget. You need to estimate how much and what is spent. Use Excel spreadsheets to keep track of your daily expenses. special applications. Then, when empirically establish your "norm" for each category, try to distribute the money so that you always invest in it.

Have you spent more than you need on food? Allocation of the remaining money differently: take a "credit" from the "Entertainment" envelope and this month have less or cheaper entertainment.

"Method 60-10-10-10-10"

The method of how to distribute the family budget was proposed by MSN Money consultant Richard Jenkinson. Since 2007, it has been actively used in the Microsoft Money program. Another name for the method is "60% Solution" (and now you will understand why).

The total family income must be divided into five parts as a percentage. So from the budget:

  1. 60% will be spent on current family expenses (food, utilities, cosmetics, cars, clothes).
  2. We set aside 10% for pension savings (for example, we invest them in foreign investment insurance programs).
  3. 10% of the budget goes to long-term payments and purchases (allocated to the purchase of a car, repairs, mortgages, loan payments).
  4. 10% - rare or unforeseen family expenses (gifts for anniversaries, treatment).
  5. 10% - recreation and entertainment.

The 60-10-10-10-10 method for the family budget does not provide for detailing expenses. The main thing is that your current expenses do not exceed 60% of income. Since the method came to us from the USA, it can be slightly adjusted to Russian reality and finances can be distributed differently. For example, 10% pension savings moved to the category "loans and mortgages".

How will you allocate the family budget?

Hello my dear readers! Today I want to talk about money. How to allocate the family budget. After all, for many families it is not so uncommon - quarrels over money. How to avoid this, meet the budget and not fall into a financial hole. Let's try to develop a system that can suit everyone.

Work out a system

It is very important for the family budget to find a suitable system that will work for a long time. No one will tell you how to do it right. Only you can answer this question yourself. After all, the option of the good old, paper ledger is suitable for someone, but for someone electronic programs will be much more convenient.
In order for you to be able to manage your budget competently, you need to choose a system just for you. Let's take a look and see what options there are.

The first option: a regular notebook, the so-called account book. There you can create your own separate columns, select categories of expenses and income, attach a pocket for checks, and much more. The option is convenient, for a long time I myself used a similar system. The inconvenience lies in the fact that a person himself will have to count numbers, distribute categories, and so on. The advantage of this option is that the book is always at hand. If it happens that the computer breaks down, and with it all the information goes to hell, then you will not lose the history of your budget. Because it is not tied to a computer.

Second option: spreadsheet. A regular Excel document in which you create a format that is convenient for you to work with. Here, the convenience lies in the fact that in the program you can set the formulas by which the calculations will be made. Thus, you can always evaluate your cash flows.

The third option: specialized programs. For example, "Home bookkeeping". Such programs are created precisely so that a person can simply drive in their income and expenses and monitor the movement of finances. In my opinion, the most convenient option for those who do not want to bother much. It is worth once to understand the structure of the program and that's it.

In order to choose the option that will suit you, I would advise you to try everything. You can do it individually, or you can do it all at once, whichever is more convenient for you. But you will not be able to understand the advantages and disadvantages of one method or another until you try it for yourself.

Costs by category

Very important factor when budgeting, it is to remember all the expenses that are available in your family. Often people don't include things like car insurance, vacations, gifts, etc.
Remember that you must have a clear financial plan per month for expenses.

You should start with what you definitely spend: rent, mortgage, kindergarten or school, travel expenses for work, breakfast for a child at school, household chemicals for a month, food, vacation, pet, and so on. Try to save absolutely all checks for one month. From grocery stores, clothes, dishes, cigarettes. Any little thing that you buy should not be left unaccounted for. Even if you just bought a package of seeds. This should also be included in the table.

Make separate envelopes for checks. One for food, one for the car and public transport, third on loans and mortgages. If there is no check, then just write it down on a piece of paper and put it in an envelope.
In a good way, many financiers recommend distributing income as a percentage. Fifty percent for fixed costs and ten percent for other categories. It's like an example. You can work out your own system. Only you know what your money is spent on.

The main thing is not to miss anything. Any area of ​​expenditure should be taken into account. And if there are unforeseen expenses, then you should have a reserve for such a case.

Emergency ration

A husband should not have a stash from his wife and vice versa. This stash should be done by both spouses for a rainy day. A tooth broke, the neighbors flooded, a pipe burst or something like that. It's impossible to predict everything anyway. That is why the family must make a stash.

How much to postpone is up to you. You should not make millions of reserves, but you do not need to save on this item of expenditure. Millions are better to invest and invest. And you can easily save on brands.
The main task of your stash is to live up to an unforeseen event. Do not climb there if you suddenly do not have enough for a fur coat or a watch. These are not expenses on which you can spend the stock. And always return the money if you took it from there.

Honest partnership

Another point that is important in budget planning is partnership. It is absolutely not important whether you distribute income at equal salaries or not. If the wife does not work, this does not mean that she cannot have her own expenses. The same situation is in the case when the wife receives more.
You are one family, one whole. And the budget you have is common and equivalent for everyone. The spouse cannot pull the blanket over himself, because he is the breadwinner in the family and says that his expenses are more important. Until you learn to be honest partners, it will be difficult for you to lead overall budget.

Negotiate honestly. Don't hide change. Do not save money in secret from your partner. If you want to give a gift, but in a way that your soul mate does not guess, then set aside a certain amount for gifts. From which you will already proceed further.
Discuss out-of-pocket expenses. Who needs what and where. Try not to criticize each other's spending, but to discuss how this money could be spent more efficiently. Don't fight over money issue. Listen to each other and find compromises.

So, the first thing you need to do is understand your monthly expenses. Understand how much money you need at least in order to just live. Next, you find a system that is convenient for you, in which you start budgeting. Based on your earnings, you calculate where else you can invest money, what kind of vacation you can afford, and so on. Do not swear, try to always agree. Do not make stash from a partner - make one joint stash for a rainy day.

Perhaps the article "" will be very useful to you. Correctly allocating your income is a very important skill that allows you to prevent financial hole. I am sure that you will definitely manage to draw up a rational system of income and expenses.

How to allocate the family budget

I think that you often hear and pronounce the phrase "no matter how much you work, but there is always not enough money for anything." You probably even begin to remember and ask the question "what did you spend on? It seems that you did not buy anything special, but there is no money anymore." Familiar, right? Well, if it happened once or twice, otherwise this is repeated all the time and therefore the question of money for almost everyone, for us, is one of the main topics in the family. What to do and how to live on, and why is this happening? Are you asking why is this happening? But because you don’t know how or don’t want to distribute the family budget so that it is enough for a month or even more. How to do this, now we will discuss everything together. Do you agree? Then let's start.

Everyone will agree with me that at present everything has become much more expensive than it used to be, and our expenses have also increased several times as a result. But nevertheless, all the same, you can try to deal with the distribution of our funds for at least a month. Maybe someone will say "distribute - do not distribute anyway, it will not be enough to pay." Yes, I agree with this and immediately say that such a distribution will be difficult, but you can still try. Each beginning is difficult, but gradually you get used to how to properly allocate your budget. And the "wallet method" will help us with this. He is considered one of the most effective ways managing our personal or family budget. the main objective of this method is the distribution of the money that you plan to spend among six wallets. Each of them will be responsible for any area of ​​our life and this will not allow us to spend more than what we have planned.

So, let's start distributing:

- the first wallet - it will be the main one, since the most large sum ie 55% of the total budget.

The money in it will be intended for everyday expenses and paying bills. And they will also cover the cost of rent, transportation, taxes and food;

- the second wallet - it will include 10% of our budget.

These funds are allocated for our education or the education of our children. They can be spent on buying books, CDs, courses, or the like. All this will pay off later.

- wallet number 3 - again you need to set aside 10%.

This money will go to entertainment or to buy something that you really wanted, but you denied yourself this. And also on excursions and walks on weekends or holidays;

- the fourth wallet is a "savings wallet", put 10% into it too.

This wallet will be the key to your future financial independence. The money that will be in it can be used to invest and create passive sources income. And note that you should not spend these savings until you achieve complete financial freedom. But even in this case, it is worth spending only the money that you received from these savings, but not the savings themselves;

- wallet number 5 is your personal reserves, which will be replenished again by 10%.

These savings can be used for large purchases. For example, furniture, TV and other large things. This wallet will be a reserve fund and it needs to be constantly replenished, even with a small amount;

- the last sixth wallet is gifts, charity and it will include 5% of the budget.

You can use this money for gifts for birthdays, weddings and other holidays. But of course, you can donate them to help the sick, the poor, and so on.

We have covered all the "wallets" and by now you already know about this method of wallets, which will help you properly allocate your budget. I hope that you will use this method and it will be a good helper in the distribution of funds. Let me remind you again that every beginning is difficult, but with constant use, you will see that this method benefits you and will come in handy in any cases. For example, if you decide to buy an OSAGO form with a seal from 2000. Go to the website: 2000.strahovanie-plus.com and find out more about the services offered and all the information that interests you. Visit, learn and contact.

Money is not where they are, but where they know how they are competently to spend. How to distribute the family budget for a month correctly so that there is enough for everything you need, small joys, and still manage to save? You will learn about this from this review.

Family budget planning: what should not be allowed?

Keeping a family budget is a must. Why? Otherwise you will spend a lot of money for food and you won't have to stay for major purchases, entertainment, vacations. Another option is that the money will generally not be clear where to go and end before you earn it. This happens a lot more often than it might seem - and the legs of the problem grow out of financial illiteracy.

Consider the main mistakes that people make when planning a family budget:

  1. Mess in finances and in the head- Money loves order and counting. If you think that there will be a lot of them when you start earning so much this and so much that, then you are greatly mistaken. There is money in the house where they are kept in order - they count, take into account, plan, spend with pleasure and wisely.
  2. Ignoring "holes". There are such "holes" in any family budget - and money flows into them like water. It is necessary to deal with the main eaters of finance in a special way and very strictly. On average, a family spends 10-40% of their income in an unknown direction - and this is a lot. When you understand exactly how much and where exactly it goes, you can take action.
  3. Lack of understanding of where and how much money goes. Until you keep track of and calculate percentages of your monthly expenses by category, you don't know how much you're spending. for food, how much for entertainment, auto, transportation, beauty salons and so on. Discoveries for many are surprising and far from pleasant. Increase the efficiency of planning - it is not so important even how much money you spend per month, but where exactly they will go.
  4. Lack of goals- you must understand why you think, plan, limit yourself in something, and what it will give you. When the goal is ahead in the form of a purchase, a fur coat or, it will be much easier and more pleasant to live according to the new scheme.
  5. Ignorance of the meaning of time management. This is not a terrible newfangled word, but the ability to plan your life - and this applies to both finances and other issues and areas.
  6. Ignoring the need for timely repayment of debts- first you pull to the last, and then look for something to cover at least monthly interest on loans. It should not be like this - first debts, and then other expenses.
  7. Waste of the main part of the family budget in the first days of receipt of funds- they received a salary, and you can go for a walk, spending money right and left. Sooner or later (and usually sooner) they end, you have to count and plan the rest, which is very problematic to do effectively.
  8. Lack of reserves Every person, every family should have an airbag. You can accurately calculate expenses down to a penny, but from unforeseen situations (a car or computer broke down, you got sick, etc.) not. In order not to go beyond the monthly limits, make a small reserve - it will cover unforeseen expenses.

An example of good spending- you receive money, pay off debts and create a reserve (its percentage of monthly income determined on an individual basis). Then you will need to pay fixed expenses (communal, metro ticket, kindergarten, etc.) and distribute the rest of the money for personal needs. It is optimal to allocate finances for personal needs not just like that, but according to articles - for education, for things and entertainment.

How to learn plan a budget if you have never done anything like this before? These tips will help you be successful:

  1. Get yourself motivated- that is, think carefully about why you started saving. It can be the purchase of a dream TV, a summer trip to the sea, a course of massages, or anything that takes into account needs, expenses, income and lifestyle. The main thing is to see the goal - it's easier to organize yourself and endure the restrictions (and they, of course, will be).
  2. Decide what's easier for you– start spending less or earn more. It is easier for someone to leave almost all previous expenses, but to increase their income and start saving, someone is tuned to the savings mode. Both options work - the main thing is to choose your own.
  3. Always consider income and expenses- if the money is not fixed anywhere, it floats away to nowhere, verified. Looking at the report, you will be able to understand what was spent on the case, and what was spent on various "pranks", and take this into account for the future.
  4. Open a savings account- it is desirable that it be a deposit without the possibility of early withdrawal of cash. The most effective scheme for creating a family financial reserve fund will turn out.
  5. Be realistic Don't set unattainable goals, start small and don't back down.

It is necessary to streamline the family budget together - together with other family members responsible for money. After all, if the husband saves and the wife spends, or vice versa, saving will not work. In some cases, the budget has to be revised very radically - do not be afraid of this. Sometimes old schemes really fail, and new schemes quickly help to succeed. Money must be handled wisely - and then they will please you, not disappoint you.

Programs for family budget planning

With the fact that it is necessary to keep a family budget, we figured it out. We also found out how it should be done, and what should not be done in any case. It's time to move on to the next point - namely, where to record income and expenses. Among options- an ordinary notebook, a barn book or a special program. The most convenient way to keep records is to use software - especially since it is available for PCs, and for tablets or smartphones.

Advantages special programs:

  • Convenient reporting - the software will independently generate reports and provide you with data for analyzing the family budget. It remains to decide on the strategy and develop a plan for further action.
  • Maintaining several types of accounts - for example, the general budget Houses, pifs, bank deposits, etc. So you won’t forget or confuse anything.
  • The ability to plan finances - and proper planning allows you to calculate the steps ahead.
  • Calculating loans and deposits with a calculator is a very motivating option.
  • Debt control - thanks to a special program, you will not forget where and how much money you owe.
  • Data protection - information is encrypted with a password.
  • Reminders - about the required mandatory payments and one-time monthly expenses (for example, dues, gifts).

We have named the main functions that are available in almost all scheduler programs. If necessary, you can choose software with other features that will be most convenient for managing your family budget.

Toshl Finance

Convenient application for a smartphone that independently converts currencies, it will be convenient for business trips and vacations. The results from it can be exported to any convenient computer formats - for example, PDF, Excel or Google Docs.

Expense Manager

A free application with a full set of basic functions necessary for managing a family budget. The data is stored on the server, it is possible to process them into convenient graphs. There is a widget for quickly fixing expenses.

Home Budget with Sync

Visually, the software looks a little clumsy, but it is very convenient to use. Allows you to keep several different accounts at the same time, including from a desktop PC, distribute finances and synchronize data.


A simple and very nice program that has everything you need. Its settings can hardly be called complete, but entering data into the database is as easy as shelling pears.

HomeBuh 1.2

Sufficiently new software for constant use. The software is completely free.

Budget 1.2

A program to control the balance of income and expenditure of finance. Can be used for personal, family and corporate purposes.

Home Accounting Lite

Like Budget 1.2, it's simple and very functional program. It can be used not only for family purposes, but also, for example, for bookkeeping of a small company.


Free program for accounting of accounts of natural persons and personal bank deposits.

We have reviewed the most popular programs and applications for managing a family budget - of course, the list does not end there. We wish you success in putting things in order in your finances!

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