
How to get rid of debts - algorithm for the actions of the debtor to exit the financial pit. How to get rid of debts on loans if you are delayed and you can not pay

A man living with a mountain debt knows that borrowed money is a dummy, dust. How to find a way out?

The most difficult task is to take the first step.

Often, something supernatural should happen to understand that the debts have created an emergency in life - that the time has come to change. But where to start? How to get rid of debts if there is no money.

When the financial side of the life is fascinated by seams, it is hardly able to keep the situation under control. Finding out what to do first is the most difficult task leading to victory.. Sometimes, the complexity of the situation is paralyzed.

When there is a debt, it is easy to shove your head in the sand and hope that everything will pass.

Unfortunately, it does not work.

The first step towards life without debt: for everyone he will be his own.

Anyone who ever planned how to get rid of debts if there is no money, it knows exactly that it is difficult to create a working plan for repaying the loan. How then to be?

To find the best working "first steps" to exit the debt pits, to your attention the story of several Western bloggers who were in credit slavery. They share how they acted at the very beginning, I will also tell you about your first step to repay the dollar mortgage.

That's what they say:

Range debts by interest rate or emotional component.

"The first thing I did to get out of loans was considered how much I had to looked at interest rates on loans," says Melanie Lokert from DeDardebt.com.

She began his wildlife journey, having studied everything in detail everything she owed, and writing all credit data. Located their list in order to reduce interest rates.

This method allowed her to see the situation as a whole and allowed to create an excellent plan of decisive actions.

"After I saw that the rates on one of the loans were significantly higher than loans to study, I decided to focus and get rid of debt with the highest interest rate," she says.

"It was important for me to save money even during the repayment of the loan, so I knew the decision to repay debt with a higher interest rate would work on me."

This is one of the options of action how to get rid of debts if there is no money, you need to understand where you are in order to be divided with debts.

Regardless of which method you choose to repay loans: avalanche method, a snowball or another way, to see how much you overpays percentage can be sufficient to start acting, no matter what.

Paula Pante from Affordanything.com was a completely different approach, in paying loans.

In order to get rid of debts faster, in addition to monthly payments, it began to make additional amounts on the loan, which is most emotionally annoyed.

It was not a loan with the greatest interest rate, nor with the smallest debt, it was the debt, from which she wanted to get rid of all. "For me, this strategy is motivating," she says.

In other words, you can repay any loan you want. Select something one and start to act.

I created a budget

"The first step I did to get out of debts - I created a budget," says John Sshmoll from frogalrules.com. "I had no idea where my money leaves this and led to current problems.

He realized that she used credit cards for the lifestyle, which, in fact, could not afford. Sshmoll decided that it came, the time to find out where the money was going and create a budget that would be fixed. For a gravel, this meant tracking costs and budgeting, which will hold his family.

I like the zero budget. Nevertheless, there are several other methods of popular for budget management, each of which with its own set of advantages and minuses.

Regardless of your choice, in the end you will win. For gravel and his family The budget drawing was "the beginning of the journey, in which the debts were committed once and for all."

But the creation of a budget is not always enough, Chris Pic from Moneypeach.com believes. At that time, it sounds wisely that you are going to pay off debts, Chris declares that it is reasonable not to do this.

"You have to send your money, tell them what to do, or they will evaporate. It is necessary to create a budget and start talking to your money, in which direction to go and what to do ".

Chris draws attention that in the budget it is necessary not only to distribute how much spending go (on the restaurants x ₽, on the food y ₽, and on the clothes z ₽).

We are talking about that such expenses such as investment, financial airbag, charity, dream (or vacation, or both) must be allocated to be allocated. That the cost of food, entertainment and transport must be comparable to how much you spend on early repayment loan and increasing assets.

You not only record out of the month a month, how much spent, but analyze the costs, send cash flows.

I took a picture of our entire financial picture

For the Hace Dicon from WellKeptwallet.com and for me, get out of debts meant to explore the finances of your family and find out exactly, "where they (finance) were."

"The first thing we did to get out of debts - took a picture of the overall financial picture," he says. "We have created a spreadsheet that not only tracked our income and expenses, but also included our assets and debts."

The close study of finance allowed to see the dishona and his wife an accurate money picture. They also received a clear idea of \u200b\u200bwhere there are now (Point A) to create a realistic action plan for loans from credits (point B), he says.

I did the same thing, when I took in 2008 monetary mortgage, currency requirement, I had a credit card debt and I decided to postpone the money.

How to get rid of debts if there is no money was a topical question at that time. The overall picture of income, expenses, assets and my debts opened the curtain for further action.

The preparation of your assets and liabilities is one of the most important steps towards improving the situation with money and deliverance from loans.

Because you can't find out where you will not know where you are now. You also can't fix what you do not consider it necessary to correct, you can do this only by writing your financial situation.

Tai and Talaat MacNeali - Finance experts who argue about family financial affairs on "His and her money"
It is believed that the first step should be an analysis of the financial situation with the help of a "big picture of all debts".

"After, systematizing all debts, you will have a clear understanding of your credit load. Organize constant monitoring of debts, and work with it, "they explain. "Now you have an exact idea that there is a hole that needs to be seeled. There are debts and you know your goal, so you can create an appropriate action plan. "

I admitted that I have a problem

It is impossible to get out of debts if you do not recognize that you have problems. It was this that happened to Shannon McClee from The Financial GYM before she sorted out with finance.

"I used a credit card, and expected the receipt of bonuses or a cashback (return of the amount spent)," she said. "I never thought I had a problem, although I paid a credit card all the time."

In the end, Shannon realized that she herself creates problems, and that the use of loans were crutches that help to walk, but not legs.

When you are able to make the minimum monthly payments, it is easy to think that everything is in order. But this is an illusion.

Allowing us to live outside our funds, credit cards and loans mask real problemuntil it finally comes out of control and then the question is how to get rid of debts if there is no money will get an edge on the agenda.

"As soon as I realized that my expenses create unnecessary debts and, that I am part of this problem, I could start finding a solution to change the situation," she says.

I'm shocked from my expenses

There was a lot about the importance of tracking expenses, it is important to note why this step has such a powerful value. Sometimes the situation has changed, you must experience shock. If you have devastated a wallet for quite a long time and spent money is not clear to something, analyzing costs, you can take the first step to change the situation.

This is exactly what happened to Jacob Wade from IheartBudgets.net at the very beginning.

After studying the materials of Dave Ramsey, he took statements from bank accounts over the past three months to evaluate what is happening with his money.

"I took all expenses and distributed them into categories to see where the money goes. I almost happened a heart attack when I realized that I spent $ 600 a month for food in mall! " - Says Jacob. "It opened my eyes, and since then I immediately created the budget and began to track every dollar."

It may be a little difficult, but not so painful as if you allow the costs to remain without control. You will experience the same shock, if you dare to learn bank statements.

Stop fear what you will see is a reality, act. Hide your head in the sand - see what it turns out (at the end of the article in the cartoon on this topic).

Thoughts finally

To live life in debt as easily as there is an apple, understanding this, you can change the situation. However, changes always start from the first step - at one moment when you decide to act. How to get rid of debts if there is no money? All the same, accept the decision and your life will change in this moment.

Then take the first step, for everyone it is different, but there is one thing that matters - take and make.

Make the first step may be the most difficult thing that you have ever done ... Just like it is difficult for everyone who shared their history. But the longer you are waiting for, the harder it will begin. Start now to decide and life will change for the better. Verified.

What was your first step from debts? What progress did you achieve since then?

To get rid of debt pits, from creditors, you can resort to the help of magic spells. There are a large number of different rituals designed to help a person in a difficult financial situation. Conspiracy from debts will only help if it sincerely believing in its force if all the rules of specialists in the field of esoteric are observed.

The ritual will only help if he sincerely believe in its power

Compliance with the rules is very important

To get rid of debt, there is a magical conspiracy to return lost financial flows. This is a ritual formula that has long been used by our ancestors in order to determine the person to influence the subconscious and energy of a person. It is very important to comply with certain rules and recommendations of specialists to achieve maximum effect from the rituals carried out:

  1. To return financial well-being, all rituals should be carried out only for the arriving moon. So there will be a welfare and positive matter.
  2. To get rid of negative, magical actions are performed during a decreasing moon. Ritual from debt is also carried out on a decreasing moon.
  3. It is important to be sincere belief that the rite conducted will be effective, during its holding it is necessary to invest in the spoken of speeches a large number of its energy.
  4. All the thoughts should be bright, wishes sincere and earth (no need to desire something and do not work, but to wait that the benefits will appear from nowhere).
  5. Desires should not harm others (that is, it is impossible to pick up from someone and give you).
  6. I ask for help of higher strength, you need to focus on a specific problem, and not at the general state of finance in the family, not distracted by foreign affairs and thoughts.
  7. Women better fulfill secret actions in women's days, and men in men.

Observing the listed recommendations, the attraction of finance will occur much faster and more efficient. Choosing a way to get rid of debts, it should be borne in mind that in the future it is better not to take money again and refrain from credits.

Effective conspiracies from lack of money

When conducting a seven-day rite, words are read during washing

There is an effective seven-day conspiracy. To settle with debts. Every day in the morning after awakening, washing, read the spell. It is important that this magic ritual nobody saw. Take a glass, score clean cold water, teach such a text:

"Water pure, the driver is fast. You will leak downstream where you want. You will always find yourself the path-tracks, fill the whole land on your way, never become less. Let me get drunk to you and wash, help feed, show me the way, as from my debts to get rid ".

After reading, wash and slowly drink conspiracted water. Such actions repeat throughout the week during the period of decreasing moon.

There is also strong plot From debt, which is carried out using chicken egg. Especially effective such magic ritual in the event that financial difficulties are pursuing not one generation if people work hard, but at the same time they do not receive a worthy award for their works. For the ritual it is necessary one fresh chicken egg. Turn the following text on it three times:

"White egg, as Persoid White. As the archangels are bright. The enemies of the slave of God (their name) met, the money was taken away. Take care of me, help my trouble. Scent your wings wide, let no one break to me and does not make harm. People yes sprinkle to remove from me, put the fence from the dub on the eternal. Who wants to harm me, the doors-windows in my abode will not find. That ferrous standing, the angel shelters it. And in it I stay, I do not run away from the enemies, but they do not see me. Amen (three times). "

Fresh egg need to be broken into a glass with water

After reading the prayer word, the egg is broken into a glass with water, pour out in a toilet or restroom on the street, speaking:

"I will take only your own, and let them take someone else's. I do not need it, you only need mine. "

Ancient ritual

There is an ancient conspiracy from deliverance from debts. We read it on a decreasing moon. The rite requires staying near the natural reservoir - rivers, stream or lake. Water element can pick up with them all material problems. There are many options for such magical actions, so it is necessary to choose the most suitable. You need to go out into the street, approach the natural water, to become on the shore, say, looking at the water:

"Fishes float like free birds fly. They sparkle, overflow, beautiful, multi-eyed. Flowing a flock for the flow, decreases the ravisas, far is far away. So let there be more such a debtor (your name). Let it be able to give all debts, let the fish swallow them, and will take away far and forever. Behind the blue sea-painting Pthaha, he wonders big fish with my debts, breaks up with sharp claws. No, there will be no more debts. Amen".

Ancient conspiracy read on a decreasing moon

After reading the spell, the financial situation will improve significantly. You will forever forget about the money taken by money, just at the same time you need to remember the further rule - do not take money, because it is not recommended to repeat such a ritual, otherwise the aqueous element can be offended.

Rite at home

How to get rid of debts with the help of magic? If there is no possibility to get rid of debts near the reservoir, you can hold a rite at home. Open a water tap while water flows to speak such magic words:

"Droplet flows to the droplet, flows jet into a large river. How this jet is rapidly flowing, so let my debts rush to the distance and leave me forever. I will be clean, water washed, from debts hidden. Let the given, unnecessary, hidden will not and not remember. "

Conduct rituals in the period of decreasing moon at any time of the day.

Donate with debts forever

Conspiracies from debts will help collectors and debts. After the magical actions conducted, collectors will no longer come, and in the collector offices they will forget. Also, rituals will help the heads and managers to fully settle with their wage workers, in parallel they come to them and well-being after the actions.

This is a strong ritual, which will need such attributes: 4 candles, candlesticks or saucers to put candles, a knife with a wooden handle, pure white cloth flap, coins of one nominal - 1 piece, salt, woolen or silk thread green. Hold ritual at midnight in full moon.

Slap the candles, place them in candlesticks or sowing on the floor, create them square, like the sides of the light. After that, to pronounce a conspiracy, turning in turns to each candle clockwise:

"Dear East, let the breeze blow, and in the window I deny, good will give and save."

To bow the eastern candle. After that, turn to the next:

"Dear south, my heart is my friend. In the affairs of her help, burn all my debts. "

To bow the West and turn to the next candle:

"Cute West, help, yes, I'll be up."

"North is cute, give me strength, let me in duty I did not ask / asked."


It is necessary to bow to each candle

"Not a fabric cut, and my debts will abandon forever from myself."

In one part of the tissue, wrap coins, to another part of the salt. Tissue tightly tie. As a result, two fabric bags should turn out. Tie them among themselves green thread. Remove in a secret place. Wait for the full moon. Sparks throw away, saying:

"I will give someone else's, I do not need anything. And your pick. "

In the next full moon, get the bags from the cache, attribute them at night to the wasteland, leave under the tree, saying:

"I will give our debts, and others forgive everyone. Everything cleans the salt, pick up from poverty, bite off with coins. Let him come true. "

Silently walking home, not looking around. Nobody will never talk about the rite spent.

In no case should not tell about the rite

Ritual to get rid of permanent debt

If there is a situation when it just tortured by lack of money, loans, permanent debtsMagic can be released. To get out of the debt pits, you can resort to the next ritual. Attributes will be required: matches, saucer, paper sheet and handle or pencil. Write the names of all people to whom you should. Opposite each name, specify the exact amount of the loan. In the process of writing mentally to imagine how all the problems disappear, as you enjoy after that.

Having waited for midnight, set fire to the leaf with written, at the same time there will be all four corners. It must completely burn. While paper is burning, represent that all debts and loans burn. Ashes to collect and throw in the open window.

There is another option to get rid of the debt. Such attributes such as candles and church water will be needed. The ritual is carried out on the growing moon, its light should fall out the window, illuminate the room. Put a candle on the windowsill, light it. Pour into a glass of consecrated water, put nearby. Read text:

"Fast and pure water. Bring all my sorrow, loans, loans and debts. Let them leave forever, never return back. And from now on the happy, purified, I will no longer be a debtor. Let everyone stand for me and do not hold evil and resentment. "

Pronounce text three times. Let the candle completely burn. Take a glass with church water, go to the nearest intersection (it is possible to cross four, but three roads or trails). Leave glass container on the road. You need to be careful not to spill water. Home to leave silently, do not look around.

The container in which water was brought, it will be necessary to leave at the crossroads

How to quickly settle with debts

To quickly cleanse financial difficulties, You can use other options for magical conspiracy. To quickly get rid of material problems, it is recommended to hold the next ritual. Purchase or make an independently small box. Put several bills. This casket will become a personal amulet. After each salary put a small amount into it paper money. And with the onset of the new moon, read:

"How is this casket worth a secret one, so let all my friends-assistant money firmly lie in it and do not go anywhere from me. For the side, let them not look, never run away from me. Closed casket forever. "

Put the next time bills for the new moon. And in the morning after that, the old money takes and spend only in his pleasure.

Gypsy debt relief conspiracy

The conspiracy to get rid of debts is also read during the full moon. Better so that there was a strong wind on the street. You need to take clean paper, handle and candle. Loop the candle on the window sill until it is bitter writing on paper all your debts. To set fire to the leaf until it burns, pronounce:

"Sgoriy Dotla candle is rim. Yes, pick up all problems, difficulties. Return money to their owners. Help me become happy and free. Amen".

How to avoid loans and loans in the future

Get rid of debts in the future with the help of the following rituals. But hold such rites to no longer be borrowed, it is necessary only after previous debts are given. Further actions are aimed at cleaning against negative information at the energy level. Go to any natural reservoir, throw a coin and say:

"Let all debts decrease, in the future they will not be returned to me. I will drive them away from yourself, as I drive a transparent driver. I will pay for this Srebro, I will give unnecessary. Let's choose the key into water, dissolve. Loans are closed, locked forever. Amen"

According to experienced magicians and sorcerers, it is very important to keep your wallet clean and order. After all, this is a house for money, they must be respected and read. In the wallet should not be foreign objects - candy, checks. Therefore, before you start fighting poverty, it should be put in it. And before starting any magic rituals, you should think a pretty though how much you need them. It is impossible to turn to magic just like that or on trifles. Only with strong need.

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IN lately More and more citizens are interested in how to get rid of the loan legally and without negative consequences. In the field of lending, there is a significant increase in the number of overdue agreements, it becomes a real disaster for banks, and for debtors.

On an overdue credit, the bank under the contract charges penalties and fines, the debt grows as a snowball, and it is not worth paying it. What to do the borrower in this case. In fact, there is a way out of the situation, and not even one. So we will deal with how to get rid of loans legally and remove the burden of payments.

Write-off part of the debt after the trial

Debtors by bank credit In vain fear appeals to court. Banks scare borrowers filing a claim, but in fact it may be very profitable for the debtor himself.

Lenders pull to the latter before applying to court. They put pressure on the borrower, invite collectors in order to force the client to pay. But the payment of debt parties will not lead to anything good, the debt will constantly figure out new percentages. Therefore, it is better to try to stand on your own and wait for the court. Of course, it is relevant when the debt has grown to incredible sizes.

IN judicial practice According to credit debts, such a concept is often used as disproportionality of the initial debt and the current one. For example, if initially you should have been 100,000 rubles, and in the process of recovery debt, due to the penalties, increased to 500,000 rubles. Therefore, in court can simply write off a significant part of debts.

What will help you in court?

Do not ignore the agenda and go to court sessions. If you do not come, the court simply satisfies the claimant's requirements in full. Declare in court on debt disproportion. If the drawing arose in good circumstances, be sure to bring documentary confirmation of this. For example, hospital lists, certificates of salary reduction, labor with a mark on dismissal. Certificates of the birth of children who are not dependent on you are helpful.

The court, of course, will all equal to the side of the bank, but will satisfy his claim in incomplete. Preparation K. court session And his visit will contribute to write-off significantly part of the debt. You can only add major debt and legal costs bank. Of course, this method will not be completely from debt, but it will make the burden of payments easier. And in the future, when the bailiff will be taken for business, you can also solve the question of how to get rid of debts and loans.

Changing debt bailies

After the decision of the court decision, the case is transferred to the bailiffs, now they will conduct a dialogue with a borrower. They act in the debtor only by lawful methods. And if these methods do not give the result, then the bait does not remain anything else, he directs the paper to the bank about the impossibility of recovery of credit debt. And this legal way Get rid of the loan in full.

In theory, if you understand that the bailiffs will soon take place, then you better prepare it in advance, namely:

1. Picklight will send to your place of work. performance listaccording to which with your wages Will write off the debt of 50%. The method of getting rid of such a measure is to find an unofficial place of work.

2. Bringing the arrest to all your bank accounts. The deliverance method is the lack of accounts open to your name.

3. Pickup organizes the process of property seizure. To get around this measure simply - to take care in advance that the property will belong to other people on documents.

In addition to these methods, the attractive will not be able to do anything with the debtor, only if the ban will be banned abroad. Soon, the addition will be forced to return the bank to the bank in recovery, since it is impossible to influence any legitimate methods into debtor.

It's not a fact that the bank immediately accepts with such a position of the thing, most likely, she will again direct the face of the bailiffs. But in the end everything will walk in a circle. The baptization will again look for property and accounts, and after their non-attendance will return the bank. Sooner or later, the bank will be forced to recognize the debt hopeless and write off it. Annually thus banks write off billions of debts.

Bankruptcy of an individual

Many noise and hopes of credit debtors caused a bankruptcy law individuals. Many citizens thinking to get rid of overdue loans, waited for the entry of this document into legal force.

But not everything is so simple. Bankruptcy is a complex procedure that will not allow to get rid of it overnight credit payments. To begin with, the law requires the following:

1. Conducting debt restructuring. And only if a citizen proves that this is impossible, a bankruptcy procedure will undergo. To prove your inconsistency must be documented.

2. Sale of debtor property. Before starting the process, the relationship with the property of the debtor will be revealed. Only the only housing can take away, everything else will be allowed from the damping hammer. Already after, if the debt remains, its restructuring will be carried out. If it is impossible to restructure a debt, a citizen is recognized by bankrupt.

In addition to difficulties, the bankruptcy procedure is also expensive. If you decide to take advantage of it, it is recommended to resort to the help of lawyers.

Credits are evil! I declare it as a person who passed through not one hundred thousand dollars of debt personally and who brought debts to zero! I speak from experience, as well as studied tons of statistics, research and thousands of people's stories.

I allocated 5 rules that need to follow 6 steps that need to be done to get rid of debts and learn to live without them - yes, it is possible!

Rule number 1. Never, never, never use credit cards or customs, as a means to extremely case!

It is a gross and one of the most frequently committed errors that people make. You just add yourself new problems in the form of new debts, huge percentage, the impossibility of returning money, etc. When a misfortune comes, like a loss or a disease of a loved one, you just have lacking new debts!

Rule number 2. Do not take into currencies other than your earnings.

Even interest rate According to currency, even if you have a salary in the currency, never take loans in a currency other than the currency in which you live. Unless of course you want to replenish the army of foreign currency debtors who go outside with the posters "Save our families." The currency may fly into space, as has already happened many times in the last 20 years. You can lose work - very easy! Especially during the crisis, which happens in Russia and in the CIS countries, every 6-10 years. And you will have to pay in the currency. This will fully break your family for years and decades.

Rule number 3. Always return debts on the credit card during the reduced period, completely!

Rates on banknotes are crazy! 25-30-35%! Peasant from the needle called "Credit Map" is extremely difficult. Therefore, it is better to get rid of a bank card at all or always completely return debt for preferential period.

Rule number 4. The amount of payments, for all debts, loans, cards should not exceed 25% pure (after taxes) income your family.

Bankers will "disappear" that the norm is 40 or 50%. Do not believe! 25% maximum. Men's income cyclical, in good years More in bad smaller. 25% will allow you to more or less stably survive bad times. I repeat once again, the cycle of crisis is very short - they occur every 6-10 years.

The gross and most common mistake of financial and illiterate people is to make a decision to "take or not take a loan", based on how "how much I can pay a loan monthly." These are actively enjoyed by banks, autodillers and other financial and cunning comrades who "hit" people nightmarish loans that you seem to pay monthly, but which, unnoticed for you, rob your seven years and decades.

Rule No. 5. Do not take loans for consumer items.

It is considered unreasonable to buy on credit items consumption - clothing, food, cafe, restaurants, entertainment, vacation, because The cycle of consumption and satisfaction from these things is very short. Therefore, if you take on credit, then what will bring favor And joy for a long time - education that is growing in price of real estate in a growing and promising area, health, etc.

And now, I will tell you about the specific steps that will help you get rid of debts.

One moment. If you are looking for light and fast steps or what I will tell now about the method that will solve your problems, I will not say, it will not be! The only person in the world who can solve your problems is you. All the steps, about which I will tell, require the power of will. If reading about some step, you say yourself: "Yes Nuuu! This is bullshit! I can change without it! " Or something like that - it means you have not reached the "boiling point" when you understand that you can not cope and are ready for real sacrifices for your family!

Step 1. Form

One of the first financial goals of any family is to "accumulate half a family income for 6 months." You will have to postpone 8.3% per month for 6 months. Can you postpone more? Excellent! Make it faster! If you can not do this step, you will not be able to do anything else. This step is the seriousness test of your intentions and the power of your will!

The next goal will be the formation of fire reserve in size in 6 monthly family income. But for starters, the osille "fire supply" of half of your income and implement the following steps!

Step 2. Refuse bank cards and electronic money

In parallel with the first step, give up credit cards (cut them with scissors and close the accounts of these cards in the bank). Do not use electronic wallets and bank clients. I know that the cards are modern and damn comfortable. I promise, you will return to them, if you want when they score from debts. Here, as in the hospital, there will be some time to "eat fresh porridge and taste food, drink tasteless drinks, making unpleasant procedures - while your condition is not stabilized."

According to statistics, we spend up to 30% more, using electronic money, because We do not feel that we spend "money", because We spend "numbers".

Step 3. Strip yourself and plowing

Einstein said: "This is madness to do the same thing every time and expect, while, of the other result." If you are not ready to change your habits, appetites, lifestyle - nothing will change! Therefore, if you give yourself settings, like: "What am I worse than others?", "How so? Wasi has, and we don't seem to earn worse! It is necessary to also "," I'm going to ride the right from the morning to the evening, I have the right to pamper yourself! "," We must live today, "" Money to spend them "or others - debts will continue to grow.

Step 4. Make a budget, minimum, for a year!

Live without a budget - how to sail on the waves in the open sea, without having a card, compass, stocks and knowledge, what to do in emergency situations. Money will always be treated through your fingers, you will always be in debt until you see your financial picture for a year or two or three. To this step, it is too early or late to come anyone who is really ready to change the situation! Better before!

Step 5. Use the "Envelope Method"

You can use any budget control method. I offer "Envelopes Method", because He is the easiest and one of the most effective in the world! You do not need complex signs, applications, programs, smartphones and computers. Just lay out money on envelopes according to planned costs. Start with him, and after you achieve success, go to any other.

Condition - this method must be followed blindly, without changing it and not deceiving itself, such as "take from another envelope, then we will undertake" etc.

Step 6. Start repay debts, faster graphics

Next your goal, after you make a budget and start using the "Envelopes Method" - start with a crazy zeal to return debts, faster payment schedule. And there are several methods that can be combined.

  • Refinancing expensive debts cheaper.Try to take an unsecured usage-loan under 15-17% and to dwell the debt on a credit card, where the rate is 30-35% (the figures are real on the current date). After that, get rid of credit card And close the bill.
  • Give more expensive debts first.First of all, extinguish debts on banknotes and credit requirements, then all the others. It is reasonable, to give first debt, where you pay 35% than where the rate is 12%. This is how you understand, save you more money Percentage.

But! Mathematics - mathematics, and in life, works very well "Snow Coma method"

The method is as follows. You choose not the most expensive loan, but the smallest, and quench it as fast as possible. Riding it, you continue to pay monthly amount According to this (paid) loan, only in favor of the following, the smallest loan. Riding the second, you pay payments on the first and second, only in favor of the third, etc.

This method is cool in that, having won a little victory, you will get strength and inspiration to win the following. In addition, this method keeps you in the same rhythm, which was, i.e. You return the same amount of money as before. But, the amount of debts returning faster graphics is growing like a snowball.

  • Everything, or at least 2/3, who have woven money on you (premiums, bonuses returned to you debts, money gifts, etc.) you send to repay debts! No "We will go on vacation" or "Change the car"!


These steps are enough for half a year old, and even more! I guarantee that a lot will change in your life! You will not become rich, do not earn a million, but you will feel the power that was not before - the power of what you control the money, and not they, no matter how much you have earned. From now on your new life will begin!

I myself passed these steps. I know the people who passed them! Therefore, I say so confident! Good luck!

Most borrowers are not thinking about how they will act if they are bankrupt. And therefore, when a complex financial situation arises and the debtor is no longer able to pay the loan, it begins to look for a way out. How to get rid of the loan legitimate way? This will be discussed later.

The bank is a financial, and not a charity institution, and therefore forgives debts very reluctantly. In essence, this is a financial and credit organization that earns on monetary operationsFor example, issues money in interest. Such a deal is confirmed by the contract so that the borrowers do not forget about their obligations.

If the guarantor will pay off the debt completely, then you remain a concern about how you give money. In some financial institutions, supporting guarantors operates throughout the entire term of the contract, and in others - no longer than 6 months.


You can get rid of the loan in another way, for this, the borrower should go to court to confirm his bankruptcy. This method can be used 1 time in 5 years, this is an extreme measure, since then the debtor will not be able to make a loan.

When the court recognizes the borrower with bankrupt, part of the property will be implemented to repay the loan. If the amount received is not enough to pay credit debt, the rest of the money debtor undertakes to pay for a certain period.

The court recognizes the bankruptcy of the borrower only subject to the following conditions:

Cancellation of debt

Many borrowers are interested in how to write off debts on loans. Periodically financial organizations Forgive a large number of hopeless loans. This happens in cases where the bank took various measures against the debtor, but nothing works for him. Even bailiffs are powerless if the borrower has no property and sources of income.

Credit debt on a loan is a long and difficult path at which the debtor will have to meet with pressure banking organization, Collector service and bailiffs. The bank can write off the loan in 2-3 years after delay.

Credit write-off is possible only if the borrower does not try to pay at all. Lenders will force a client to pay at least parts, but if you want to achieve debt write-off, do not pay for payment at all. Otherwise, the bank will not write debt ever.

Throughout the year after delay, you will be disturbed by calls and visits by bank employees. Then the case is transmitted to the collector service, which will contact you throughout the year. The last stage is a lawsuit.

A bank debt account can only after the trial. Most often, the court cancels most of the debt, the amount becomes fixed and no longer increases.

Judicial executors can implement the following measures:

  • To recover money from salary in the amount of 50% of those debtors who work officially.
  • Arrest debtor bills, if any exist.
  • Severed property, which is decorated for a borrower if the bailiffs can establish his place of residence. This measure is irrelevant if the borrower has no place to live anymore or in his house are presidential.

If judicial executors fail to recover overdue debt, the bank forgives a loan.

Now you know how to get rid of the loan legally. If you have such problems, please contact highly qualified lawyers who will provide you with protection.

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state