
Financial literacy from Sberbank. How to connect Sberbank online, register and log in to your personal account, pay bills seminars for pensioners in the regions of Russia

During the restructuring, the anecdote was popular about how in the framework of the conversion to employees of the defense plant was tasked to produce baby carriages. But how many they tried, they still have a Kalashnikov machine gun every time.

Similarly, financial institutions begin to engage in financial literacy, the result is always one - advertising and steaming.

The other day, the informational and educational portal "Finance is simple" - from the flagship of the industry - Sberbank.

As you know, I am not afraid of competitors to the field of education, :) Therefore, I will gladly give you a link for a careful study - http://finprosto.ru

You can start either with "training courses" or with "Basic Terms". Both are wonderful! Let's start with the main terms, they are shown right on the main screen. Slika financial terms Ordered alphabetically, from "A" to "I". Do you know which financial term is on the list it is first?

Think "Shares"?

No, you did not guess! Immediately it can be seen that you do not understand financial literacy! :) About shares financially competent (according to Sberbank), people know completely not necessarily, so there are no financial terms in the dictionary of financial terms at all. No need to distract customer attention to nonsense. The main attention is the main thing!

The first is the term "Annuity payments".

This is much more important than any shares. The ability to pay loans - what can be more important for financially competent (according to Sberbank) of a person?

Okay, everything is clear with the "main terms", let's look at the "Financial Courses" section. What do you want to teach the largest bank countries? Is it completely free?

Eight offered to you training courses.

I, for the sake of interest, looked inside.

Course No. 1 "What you need to know about money."

Lesson number 1 "Where does the money come from." Previously, shells, pearls and fur were used, and later coins made of silver and gold and paper appliances appeared. The first paper money appeared in ancient China, now they are made from cellulose. And others are extremely necessary for the financial competent client of Sberbank. After you read three short pages, you will be displayed:

Congratulations! You have completed the study of the lesson and earned 20 points.

Imagine? As many as 20 points in just a couple of minutes! However, to find out where these points can be attached to apply, offered to register. No, nafig, nafig ...

Lesson number 2 "Such different money." Cash and non-cash. The focus is paid, the stump, bank cards. 10 more points.

Lesson number 3 "Price of money." Inflation and deflation. Compare the conditions on deposits, but pay attention to the bank's reputation. Well, who would doubt ... 20 more points.

Lesson number 4 " Modern view money". Use online banking and get another 15 points.

Lesson number 5 "What else needs to know about money." Money prints the Central Bank, the counterfeitness is punishable. When detecting fake money, contact the bank. 15 more points.

The remaining seven courses in the same spirit - a mixture of tribalities with a weakly covered advertising of banking services. In which bank, these services get - directly do not say, but you can easily guess. One course - about insurance. Another, understandable thing, about loans. Another one - about payments and translations. Another one - about pension accumulations (there I was pleased with the detailed sections about the fact that the retirement should be transferred to plastic cards, and about special deposit conditions for pensioners :)).

(I will write one very cynical guess in brackets, which, despite all its cynicism, it seems true to me. It seems to me that special banking conditions For pensioners are not due respect to age and seeding. Just low mobility, senile sclerosis and, sorry for cynicism, the increased probability of transition to the world of another category of depositors, lead to the fact that the solid part pension deposits It will not claim to retirees after the expiration date and becomes free of charge for the bank. For the sake of such a resource, the rest of the pensioners can and slightly overpay. Sberbank, due to the features of his client base, this statistic should be known better than any other bank.)

In a word, to be financially literate according to Sberbank means to use Sberbank's services.

For the sake of interest, I paid more attention The course "How to multiply money." Maybe even there is something really useful? But no, there, of course, exactly what Sberbank could write.

First you are offered to deal with your income and expenses. If as a result it turns out something remains, know: "One of the reliable ways of investments is the opening of the deposit in the bank". A separate lesson will be told about the types of deposits, a separate lesson - about how to discover the contribution.

But finally we reach Lesson number 4 "Pro Financial Market". The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe lesson (quoting) is as follows:

    Wanting to increase their own cash, You can:

    • Go to commercial Bank And to discover the contribution, ensuring reliable storage of your money, as well as receiving guaranteed profits.
    • Risk money and make money on the stock exchange.
What proper conclusion from these formulations should the future financially literate (according to Sberbank) client? If in one case "reliable storage" and "guaranteed profit", and in the other "risk money"?

In general, as already, probably, it is clear to financial literacy this project is extremely weak. It's just river-la-ma. And almost nothing more.

A little later, I still found on the site where it is proposed to shove the applied points. For them, you are invited to get audiobook (or even a few audiobook, depending on the total number of scored points) in which you will continue to be used as useful for you for information. The top of the prizes is an opportunity to pass the exam and get to the Sberbank Corporate University. What and how prejudice will be trained in audiocurses and in a corporate university - guess yourself.

Thanks to Sberbank for raising the financial literacy of the population!

Fish, as you know, rotes from my head. If such "financial literacy" offers the largest financial institution countries, something to demand from banks and investment companies size in bed?

Sberbank He became the general partner of the fourth All-Russian financial literacy week (NFG) for children and young people, which will be held on April 9-22.

Within the framework of the NFG-2018, the Sberbank Group with the participation of the Analytical Center of the NAPi and the Foxford Analytical Center will hold the All-Russian testing of schoolchildren on the website of non-Finance.RF and will offer children to listen to the webinar on bank topics. Employees of Sberbank will visit schools, orphanages and universities with lectures and financial literacy games throughout the country. Sberbank Charitable Foundation "Contribution to the Future" will prepare a digest for parents "How to teach a child to save", and representatives of Sberbank Life and CIB insurance will hold a series of lectures for employees of the Investment and Personal Financial Planning.

In Moscow, St. Petersburg and Kaliningrad in the offices of the bank will be held pilots of financial quests for schoolchildren who are planned next year throughout the country. In social networks Sberbank will appear financial advice For children and adults. A total of more than 250 events in 84 regions of the country are planned.

Increasing the financial literacy of the population is one of Sberbank's key priorities. The Bank implements a number of programs (both jointly with the Bank of Russia, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Education and Science and Own), which cover all categories of the population.

All-Russian financial literacy week for children and young people - a set of free information and educational events. It is assumed that with the help of financial quests, open lectures and lessons, seminars, master classes, competitions and business games, schoolchildren and students teach competent financial behavior. The organizer is the Ministry of Finance of Russia.

Schedule of events and other details - on the website of the project Washimatinance.rf.

PJSC Sberbank - The largest bank in Russia and one of the leading global financial institutions. Sberbank accounts for about a third of the assets of all Russian banking sector. Sberbank is a key lender for national Economy and occupies the largest share in the deposit market. The founder and main shareholder of PJSC Sberbank is central bank Russian Federationowned by 50% authorized capital Plus one voting action. Other 50% of the Bank's shares are owned by Russian and international investors. Sberbank services enjoys more than 145 million clients in 21 countries in the world. The bank has the most extensive branch network in Russia: about 15 thousand service points. The bank's foreign network consists of subsidiaries, branches and representative offices in the United Kingdom, USA, CIS, Central and Eastern Europe, India, China, Turkey and other countries.
General License of the Bank of Russia for implementation banking operations 1481. The official websites of the bank - (Sberbank's site site) ,.

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Sberbank pays attention to improving the financial literacy of the population of Russia as a whole and employees of the company in particular. In 2016, more than 150 different initiatives in this area were implemented.

Structure of initiatives for segments,%

Examples of financial literacy initiatives

Motivational program "I Like Sberbank"

The purpose of the program is to increase the financial literacy of employees and customers of Sberbank through the dissemination of information about banking products Both services and thereby engage employees and customers into the use of Sberbank products and services. The program was implemented within the framework of a single creative communication platform and covered more than 60 thousand people, of which more than 60% are employees of Sberbank. The level of satisfaction with the program is quite high - 8.9 out of 10 possible points.

Seminars for pensioners in the regions of Russia

The purpose of the program is to help people of mature and old age will master modern banking solutions and use them in everyday life. In the framework of the day of financial literacy for pensioners, 10 training seminars "Benefits and Benefits bank card. Features of proposals for pensioners. " All those wishing to undergo training were registered on the portal of public services. 430 people took part in the initiative.

A similar program was aimed at raising schoolchildren awareness of modern banking products and rules for the safety of their use. Sberbank scrupulously approached the implementation of this educational initiative: together with the Bank of Russia, 180 webinars "Your Safe Bank in Pocket" were conducted, the All-Russian Olympiad was organized financial market and the basics of consumer knowledge for high school students, lectures read and conducted seminars in the directions banking activities and basic literacy. The events covered 39 thousand Russian schoolchildren and 40 regions.

"All-Russian Savings Week - 2016"

The purpose of the program is the development of the national initiative "to promote the level of financial literacy of the population and the development of financial education in the Russian Federation". Digital communication channels were involved in the training - sites Sberbank.ru, FinProsto.ru, social networks VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook and Twitter, Sberbank Intranet Portal for employees. In nine cities Stavropol Territory And the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug conducted training seminars on the insurance market in Russia and abroad and on Sberbank's insurance products. In total, the initiative covered 2 thousand people.

Development of information and educational portal for financial literacy FinProsto.ru

The purpose of the portal is to report to a wide audience of information on banking products and services. 125 thousand unique users and 31.1 thousand registered users visited FinProsto.ru, where training interactive materials and services focused on various audiences are presented. Successfully passed virtual courses visitors receive useful e-books as prizes.

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state