
Gazprombank - deposits. The program "Pension Income". Credit for IP in Gazprombank

In the article we will talk about the tariffs and the conditions of the current account in Gazprombank. We learn how to open and reserve an account for IP and LLC. We have prepared a list of necessary documents for the bank and collected customer feedback.

About Bank

According to the Russian financial rating, as of October 2017, Gazprombank occupies a fifth line for net profit, and the third - according to the existing assets. For its almost thirty-year-old history, the Bank has acquired a developed network of branches and subsidiaries across the country. In the Bank's capital, the state itself participates. The bank is known for its work with corporate clients - it is the largest financial partner of many thousands of enterprises in almost all sectors of the economy.

Advantages of opening an account in Gazprombank

Working with corporate clients, the Bank itself calls key activities in which experience accumulated years.

Opening an account in Gazprombank, legal entities will receive the following advantages:

Full set of cash service. The Bank offers its customers an exhaustive list of services for operations, including currency control, documentary and conversion operations.

Operational performance. The Bank undertakes to fulfill payment orders in the shortest possible time.

Extensive geography of payments. In addition to its own branches in most Russian regions, the Bank actively cooperates with neighboring and far abroad. Thus, you will not come across the failure to translate funds in one or another point of the world.

Polyvalyuble operations. Payments can be carried out in any currency.

Different forms of calculations. You can submit managers to the bank both on paper, and in electronic form (using the Client-Bank service).

Tariffs for opening and maintenance of the current account in Gazprombank

We give a few - they act, provided that your total turnover on the bank's accounts for 11 months of the previous year does not exceed 4 trillion rubles.

Tariffs for RTO for IP

The table below we suggest to consider several RTA tariffs that may be interesting for IP. At the same time, the PI is entitled to equal me from LLC to open accounts in Gazprombank and use the same tariffs.

Name of service Tariff, rub. How the Commission is taken
Enrollment of money on a bank account in rubles Without commission
Transferring money to a customer of another bank for paper payment order 200 Every month. The tariff value is multiplied by the total number of payment performed. For example, if at your disposal the bank transferred money ten times a month, on this item you will have to be 200 * 10 \u003d 2000 rubles.
Transfer of money to the client of another bank on the payment that you send to the bank in electronic form 32 Same calculation scheme
Translation of the Gazprombank Customer or to the budget Without commission
Receive and enroll cash to your account (in rubles) 0.05% (250 rubles minimum) Daily. The percentage is calculated from the total amount of arrival per day. For example, today you put on your account 1 million. You pay a bank of 1 million * 0.05 \u003d 500 rubles.

RCO tariffs for LLC

Most RTO services are designed for legal entities due to their more large-scale document management. Consider in the table some tariffs on the RTO, which may be interested in JUR. Persons.

Name of service Tariff, rub. Procedure for charging the Commission
Execution of the currency control agent functions 0.1% of the amount of receipt, but not more than 60 000 At the same time for each operation
Opening a letter of credit 0,6% Annually
Accrual of interest on the average monthly cash balance Is free
Money transfer with the mark "URGENT" 1 500 On the day of the service
Cash issuance, if needed to pay salary or other social needs, or any other goals - if the amount does not exceed 200,000 per day 1% Daily. If you received 100,000 bank in the cash office, be prepared to pay the commission 100,000 * 1% \u003d 1000 rubles.
Cash issuance more than 200,000 per day 10% Daily. If you shot 500,000 per day, the Bank's commission will be 500,000 * 10% \u003d 50 thousand rubles.

How to open a current account in Gazprombank

You can open an account in Gazprombank only with a personal presence and with a complete packet of documents, and this rule acts both for IP and legal entities.

Check out the methodological rules. The Bank has developed a document on the opening, closing and reissue of accounts, which is proposed to study before applying:

Fill out the application. You must come to the bank branch personally. An employee will provide you with a blank according to the sample and consults about filling. To clarify information on the nearest branch of the bank, type on your mobile * 0701 - you will get into a single reference credit organization (free call). For information on RKO, you can also score 8-800-100-11-89.

Collect a full package of documents specified on the bank's website. Meanwhile, your application will be considered (usually no more than three or five working days) and will be invited to the Bank's Office. Presums a different set of documents stipulated by law.

If after ten days you did not receive feedback, it is worth calling the bank and refine information by decision. Sometimes LLC or IP without explanation of the reasons.

Online application for an account in Gazprombank

At the moment, Gazprombank does not provide an online application for opening an account. Thus, the application is filled directly in the bank in the form adopted in a particular branch.

Perhaps you will need another service. But the implementation of this service, as well as opening an account for LLC and IP, is impossible in online mode.

So, the Bank provides its future customers to the reservation service service service - exclusively ruble. Ltd. or IP can download the application form on the bank's website, fill it out and take it to the bank. The bank will consider the application and in the case of a positive response will give the account number that you can specify in the documents.

The statement must be noted the following information:

  • Full name of the organization or FI. IP.
  • Purpose of account reservation. If necessary, indicate the details of the contract, procurement, competition.
  • OGRN, TIN, type of activity and property.
  • Method for receiving a room (mail, fax, personally).

Within 120 days from the date of receipt, you must collect the necessary package of documents and provide it to the bank. If this is not done, your account number will be canceled.

Keep in mind that during these 120 days before the "activation" of the account you can use this number in exceptionally information purposes. It is still impossible to make consumables and profitable operations.

Documents for opening an account LLC

The main list of documents for opening a current account in Gazprombank looks like this:

  • Certificate OGRN.
  • Charter.
  • Documents certifying the powers of the director and his personality.
  • Documents certifying the personality of the authority.
  • Documents certifying the right of employees to dispose of funds in the account.
  • Permission to conduct activities (if it implies licensing).

Documents for opening an IP account

IP must provide the following documents to the bank:

  • Passport, namely his page with photography and registration.
  • Certificate OGRNIP.
  • Details information.
  • Notarized card with sample signatures and printing.
  • Application and questionnaire.

RKO in Gazprombank

The settlement and cash service of legal entities in Gazprombank includes several services. A young firm is not necessary to connect them all - each of them is autonomous and can be connected according to your requirement.

The main list looks like this:

  • Opening the first and subsequent accounts.
  • Accounting in foreign currency.
  • Providing software "Client-Bank".
  • Cash service (reception, enrollment, cash issuance).
  • Corporate maps.
  • Salary project.
  • Currency control.
  • Conversion operations (sale of currency, etc.).
  • Issuance of extracts and references.
  • Documentary operations (by letters of credit, guarantees, airports).

Corporate maps

At your request, Gazprombank will release a map of an international sample of one of the payment systems - MasterCard Business or Visa Business. There is also an option to obtain a privileged card category GOLD. The bank describes in detail what benefits from the bank's own map you can get a company owner, as well as your employees.

Why the corporate map of Gazprombank is convenient and profitable
For your company For your employees
You yourself decide what currency to choose for settlement accounts tied to cards - Euro, dollars, rubles Trouble-free cash acquisition through ATMs - no need to go to the department
You will save on cash and currency exchange operations. If your employees go to foreign business trips, you do not have to open currency accounts for them or buy currency for travel expenses. It is possible to take cash abroad in foreign currency through an ATM
Will simplify the accounting of funds issued for travel and representative expenses Map can pay for purchases in stores and salons without commissions
Thanks to more than 40 representative offices of the Bank in different regions, it is possible to receive cash on preferential terms There is no need for transportation of large sums during a business trip
The bank has developed a system of discounts when paying a bank card abroad In case of foreign trips, it is not necessary to declare funds posted on a corporate map.

In addition, the Bank guarantees you its round-the-clock service support for all issues related to corporate cards. By the way, at your request, the map design will be truly unique. The Bank pays sufficient attention to the aesthetic side - this can be judged by the existing designs of the issued maps.

Salary project

Gazprombank prescribes in detail what benefits you yourself and your employees, if they become participants in the Bank's salary project. This service implies the issuance of a registered bank card on the sample, and with its help your employee will be able to dispose of the accrued salary. Salary accrual, of course, is also made by the Bank itself.

According to the Bank's information provided by the Bank and judging by the reviews, GPB guarantees the following project benefits:

  • for each company in Gazprombank, an individual project is developed taking into account the characteristics of its activities;
  • a wide selection of payment systems for cards, a salary project will be implemented - this is Visa, MasterCard, UnionPay, JCB, peace;
  • loans from the bank on preferential terms;
  • SMS-informing about the operations carried out;
  • ease of payment in stores around the world;
  • the ability to release up to 5 cards attached to one account;
  • increased safety of "salary" cards - all equipped with a microprocessor;
  • the possibility of remote maintenance (through the Mobile Bank "Telekard", Internet Bank "Home Bank";
  • insurance programs;
  • discounts and privileges from partners (for example, car rental of Avis and Hertz);
  • special privileged package for manuals (preferential tariffs and bonuses).

Currency control

Gazprombank implements currency control within the framework of the current Russian legislation, which tells about its official website in detail. His goal is to promote the sustainability of the foreign and domestic currency policy of the Russian Federation.

In the field of currency control, the Bank is allocated as follows:

  • High international rating.
  • Established relationships with verifying bodies.
  • If you have a challenging transaction on foreign economic activity, the Bank will provide a free consultation.
  • The bank works on ahead: to not correct your mistakes, and not allow you to make them. Preventive informing, seminars.
  • The speed of the documents of currency control.
  • Use the latest information technologies, the possibility of putting documents in electronic form.

Consolidated Account Management in Gazprombank

Like most modern banks, Gazprombank makes a bet on the remote control of the account. Thanks to this, the client saves its time and time of office staff. All account operations are available in the Personal Account, access to which is carried out from any device (computer, tablet, smartphone).

At the same time, the presence of a personal account does not oblige you to act through it - you can still personally submit a payment order to the bank employee. But here you will come across inconvenience in the form of queues, limited working time and traffic jams.

Internet bank

The client-bank system from Gazprombank is created to simplify the document flow by transferring it from paper carriers to electronic. The computer provided by the Bank is installed on the computer. If necessary, an additional consultation with a specialist in utilities is ordered.

"Client-Bank" makes it possible:

  • use an extended line of electronic documents;
  • quickly send documents to the bank regardless of your geographic remote;
  • every day to view account statements;
  • if desired, to obtain complete information about the traffic movements;
  • customize service with internal accounting systems for prompt discharge of information;
  • it is even better to protect transaction confidentiality thanks to the latest encryption technologies;
  • get the expanded spectrum document management services for large companies.

If you wish to open a cumulative contribution or store your savings with a reliable partner, pay attention to Gazprombank. This institution offers not only favorable conditions for you to open a deposit account, but also several options for obtaining stable income.

Gazprombank ranks third in the financial market and is one of the largest banks of the country, its composition includes a subsidiary banking group and three credit organizations.

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Gazprombank's activities are aimed at cooperation with legal entities and corporate clients. But he does not forget about individuals, for them there are various banking services here - starting with lending, credit card design and ending with deposit products.

To date, more than 4 million individuals trust this institution, the line of deposit programs is gradually replenished, very profitable deposits are offered. Therefore, here you can consider many options for opening deposit accounts.

General reservations

In Gazprombank there are two types of cumulative programs - basic and special. In the first case, the service is provided for all categories of citizens, and it is possible to discover the contribution on conditionally standard conditions. Programs related to the second type give more opportunities and are aimed at a more advantageous investment in the use of special investment instruments.

The contributions of individuals in Gazprombank in 2019 are divided into urgent and savings. For those who wish to invest a certain amount of money for a short time, it is proposed to open a deposit for a period up to 91 or 181 days.

Savings products are designed for a longer storage period. The client can choose a period within 1-3 years.

As for the prolongation of deposits, it is provided for almost all proposed programs. If the depositor does not have time to remove its savings on time, the term of the contract will be automatically extended for the same period and under the same conditions as they were established initially.

Methods for opening and choosing

If you decide to discover the contribution to this institution, it is worth learn the main ways to design it. Today, Gazprombank proposes to conduct a procedure for opening a deposit account directly in offices.

By contacting the bank, you must provide a specialist to your passport, a second document that can confirm your personality, or a pension certificate if you have retired.

Unfortunately, other alternative methods of registration of the Deposit Bank does not provide. It is because of this that he is somewhat losing to its competitors. But, as already mentioned above, it is possible to continue to manage your account remotely, that is, without visiting the banking department.

It is also possible to monitor the movement of funds in the account on account, but it is impossible to open a deposit with this equipment.

Select a program within which your savings will be stored on a deposit account, you can on the official website of Gazprombank. To do this, you need to choose the section "individuals", then go to the category "Savings and Investments", then "deposits".

On the page that opens, you will see all available information on deposits, as well as a list of suggestions for opening a deposit, the established interest, the minimum amount for the contribution and the term


In order to significantly facilitate your task and save your time, we analyzed the deposit design programs offered in this bank.

The following table shows a visual list of existing programs, rates and other parameters are indicated:

The name of the program Max. rate Min. Amount for deposit Terms of storage of funds Permissible operations Extending
"Perspective" In Russian rubles - up to 8.2%, in dollars - 1,3% , In Euro - 0,3% In rubles - 15000 , in dollars - 500 , In Euro - 500 From 91 before 181 days, up to a year, up to two, maximum up to three years Replenish a deposit and remove funds to funds Provided
"Dynamic" In rubles - 7,9% , in dollars - 1,1% , In Euro - 0,22% In rubles - 15000 , in dollars - 500 , In Euro - 500 Deadlines identical to the previous option Can be replenished, remove funds Provided
"Rentier" In rubles - 6,7% , in dollars - 0,65% , In Euro - 0,2% In rubles - 15000 , in dollars - 500 , In Euro - 500 Similar It is impossible to replenish and partially remove funds from the account. Provided
"Cumulative" In rubles - 8% , in dollars - 1,2% , In Euro - 0,26% In rubles - 15000 , in dollars - 500 , In Euro - 500 91-180, 181-366, 367-731, 732-1096 days, maximum up to 1097. Days You can do replenishment, not to remove the funds Provided

From these proposals, the client can get the greatest profit by discovering the contribution promising. However, in this case it is not possible to replenish the deposit of parts and remove funds from it. If you wish, make an additional contribution to the deposit account we recommend choosing the program "Dynamic" or "Cumulative".

Other programs for a particular category of customers are also offered. For example, to get the maximum income from storing savings in Gazprombank can be a salary client. The rate in this case can achieve 9,5% But it will be calculated individually, depending on the features of the depositor.

There is a proposal for pensioners. In this case, you can open the contribution of "pension". It differs from other things that you can make a minimum amount equal to a deposit account. 100 rublesBut the rate here will be an order of magnitude lower.

Requirements and paper

As already apparent, the contributions of individuals in Gazprombank can be quite profitable, the main thing to choose a suitable program for yourself. However, before you contact this institution, it is important to familiarize yourself in advance with the requirements that the Bank places for future depositors.

First of all, it is worth noting that only citizens of the Russian Federation with a relevant document confirming citizenship can open a deposit account. Another important requirement is age. At the time of handling the client should be no less 18 years, There are no restrictions on the maximum age.

As for the papers that need to provide the Bank, then the investor requires only a passport. An exception can be a retirement client.

In this case, the client needs to present a relevant document confirming that he reached the retirement age. Such is the pension certificate.

What's better

If we compare all programs on deposits, then the optimal option can be considered "promising". Also, as in other financial institutions, the deposit rate largely depends on the amount invested.

What it is more, the higher the interest rate. Maximum it can reach up to 9.5%.

Nevertheless, the maximum arrived the depositor can be obtained by opening a contribution to the amount from one million rubles and higher. Also here there is one nuance - to replenish the score and remove the money from there until the end of the term is impossible. Although the early removal is allowed, in which the rate will be reduced up to 0.01%.

- Incentive programs from some banks offering as a gift when opening a deposit of household appliances, other valuable gifts and even money.

In detail about interest rates on deposits of Privatbank in 2019 - in this.

Benefits of deposits for individuals in Gazprombank

Cooperating with this bank, you will not only be able to quickly accumulate the necessary amount, but also save. What is the savings? Unlike other financial institutions, Gazprombank does not take any commissions and the open account service fee.

As for the other advantages, the following can be distinguished:

  • the bank gives a complete guarantee of the preservation of your funds, since it cooperates closely with the state, and then, in turn, is insurers of invested funds;
  • it is possible to replenish a deposit, and within the framework of some programs even to remove funds;
  • there are several convenient ways to replenish account;
  • it is possible to monitor the capitalization and the status of an online account, via the Internet;
  • the bank has a large number of branches that are located in almost all major cities of Russia.

Other nuances

As it has already become clear from the article, the client concluded an agreement on the contribution with the bank, it has the ability to replenish an open account if necessary or at will.

Most often, depositors for this purpose are visited directly by a branch of the bank, where this operation is carried out by operationalists. However, you can replenish your account and other, more convenient ways. Gazprombank makes it possible to replenish deposits remotely.

The fastest way to replenish is to use the Home Bank service. It is designed to remote customer service through the website. You can also manage your account, make replenishment or partial removal of funds.

The second equally convenient option is to use the Mobile Banking Service "Telekard". It allows the client to also manage his account remotely, for this you will need any device with Internet access (smartphone, tablet, laptop).

When making any type of contribution, regardless of the deposit program, clients are issued a special payment card, which greatly simplifies the conduct of many account operations. Having such a tool, you can easily monitor the movement of the outdoor funds, without leaving the house, as well as replenish it and partially remove the means on it.

You can use the receiving map and as a payment product, it means that it is possible to pay for purchases in any stores

Special offers

Gazprombank offers the highest interest rate 12,5% Annual on a special offer "Investment income". However, in this case, the shelf life should not exceed three months from the date of concluding a contract.

Also issuing a deposit is carried out under the condition of investment in mutual impacts under the control of the bank. Moreover, the invested amount should not be less than the deposit amount.

If we talk about the most popular program, then I want to allocate the product "promising". Here the interest rate can reach up to 10.6%But the term of the deposit should be either six months or a year.

Interesting can be called suggestions for pensioners. Such products are two - Gazprombank-Pension and Gazfund-Pension.

In the first case, the minimum deposit amount of everything 500 rubles, and the rate reaches 10,1% . In the second case, the minimum deposit amount is even less - 100 rubles.

Early removal

Gazprombank is allowed early withdrawal of attached funds only under certain circumstances. Of great importance are the deadline for which the deposit was drawn up, and the conditions that were identified for the contributor individually.

What contribution to open in Gazprombank

All deposit programs in the bank are divided into basic, special and programs intended for pensioners. Each client will be able to choose a suitable contribution due to the variety of conditions and interest rates.

Deposits with replenishment

Deposit deposits imply yield from 6.5 percent to 7.8 per annum. Contributions for which the acquisitions cannot be carried out will allow to increase their income in the range from 6.5 to 9.5 percent per year. Minimal contributions to open the bills of the first two lines are from 15 to 50 thousand rubles. Deposits for pensioners will receive an income from 6.5 to 7.9%, and minimum contributions on them start from 500 rubles. up to 15 thousand

Note, the range of maximum interest rates is specified, according to the current Gazprombank programs.

In Gazprombank, there are only two deposits for which expenditure operations are allowed without losing interest (i.e., partial removal of funds) is a dynamic and pension.

Basic programs

All lines of the Basic line in Gazprombank are prolonged, i.e., can be extended under the same conditions an unlimited number of times, without the additional will of the client. In addition, the client can choose the principle of interest payments - at the end of the deadline or at the end of the reporting period (year or month). The contributions of the cumulative and dynamic can be replenished within the limits of the established conditions.

Special conditions

The contributions of the special ruler can be discovered on more harsh conditions - the prolongation is not provided for them, and percentages can only be obtained at the end of the term. Only one program - the electronic contribution involves additional funding. Completing expenditure operations is prohibited.

How to make a contribution online

Due to the specifics of customer service, open or make a contribution online using remote service channels in Gazprombank is not possible. In the home bank (Internet Bank) online you can get different information on already open deposits.

To arrange or discover the contribution, it is necessary to contact any branch of Gazprombank, which seems to be the most convenient and conclude a comprehensive service agreement with the bank.

In addition, to open the contribution, select the most appropriate program, carefully studied all the terms of service, providing and paying income on the deposit. After the Bank issues all the necessary documents and the deposit account will be open - the client needs to make a minimal amount of conditional account activation.

Please note that the client can receive information about their deposits online through a home bank. Also online is available to replenish your deposit or partial removal of funds from its account (if it is provided for by its terms) by transferring to other current client accounts.


To arrange and discover the contribution of Gazprombank to personally, to appear in the department with a certification document (passport). A copy of the deposit opening agreement is issued to the client in hand. To close the contribution, it is necessary to present a passport and the contract for the provision of services. Unfortunately, at the moment, the opening of deposits online in Gazprombank is not provided.

Without evaluation

We were customers of the bank since April 2016 and until September 19, 2018. There were no complaints about servicing before.

September 18 found that the bank was denied three payments. Calls to the department clarified the situation. It turns out the operator sent a request for documents to 115 ФЗ to the wrong Email of society. After clarifying the email address, the request was obtained. The next day, on the system of electronic document, the turnover was notified of unilateral termination by the Bank of the Remote Banking Service Agreement from 09/20/2018

Call to the office and appeal to the operational Ba-Woo with a request to assist in the question of delaying the disconnection of the remote banking service system remained without attention ... "Write letters, and we will consider them for two to three weeks. And in general, why did you decide What consideration of documents on request will give a positive result? ".
Following the refined email, 3 notifications were sent in the refusal of payment orders due to not providing documents for not delivered and notifications of adoption by the Bank September 18, 2018. Decisions on unilateral refusal of bank account agreements from 09/19/2018

On September 20, 2018, the Director General went to the department to permit the fate of cash balances on the settlement accounts. The only option to receive cash, as it turned out, was to sign an application for closing an account ... It is not clear why to write an application for termination of a bank account agreement, which is closed by a bank unilaterally 18.09.2018. Settlement accounts 2. Money came from one minus 10% commission. "Thank you" to you a huge ... We have not met the worst attitude towards customers. Due to the wrong specified email address, remove the huge commission and refuse to maintain, and you are just a bank of the year!

Administrator of the portal 26.09.2018 19:08

04.10.2018 Sorry, but the motives and the actions of financial monitoring departments in the national rating are not subject to evaluation.

Gazprombank 02.10.2018 11:56.


We regret that you are faced with such a situation. The result of the inspection and answers to your questions were voiced to you by our employee today in the telephone conversation.

Additionally, we inform that when submitting documents for opening an account, you were familiar with the agreement on the provision of standard electronic document management services and the Bank's tariffs.

Under the terms of the agreement, the Bank has the right to refuse to receive and send an electronic document on the system client bank in case of failure to provide the client at the request of the Bank of the Documents required by the Bank to fulfill the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation. Reception and sending electronic documents are renewed on the fact of the provision of these documents by the Client.

Unfortunately, the requested documents were not accepted. At the same time, on September 19, your representative appealed to the Bank on the closing of the account. As a result, on September 20, the account was closed, the funds were transferred to the details provided. It should be noted that the Bank's Commission for the transfer of cash balance was kept according to the Tariffs of the Bank.

Hope for your understanding.

Yours faithfully,
A team of experts on the service.

21.09.2018 12:21

Answer Bank

Answer Bank

Rating: 1.

It is a complete disgrace and chaos! This bank for 2 weeks illegally keeps and does not want to return 29 000 r.! I, IP non-Va Evgenia Sergeyevna, July 25, 2018, being in a working business trip in the city of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, made the specified amount on the Alpha Bank card, tied to my current account of JUR. Persons, through Gazprombank ATM, located at the address: Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, ul. Lukashevsky, d. 5, TC "Planet". This is one of the partner banks of my Alfa-Bank, there it was possible to make money to the account without commission.

During crediting funds in ATM, there was some technical failure in ATM and there was a cancellation of the operation, and the money was not issued to me back, only the map. I took the check where it was written that the transaction cannot be performed. On the same day, I filed a statement on the bank's website and on July 26 wrote extra. Application in the main office at the address: Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, ul. Leninsky, d. 54, where a check was attached about the unsuccessful operation from an ATM. I promised that mine
the appeal will be quickly reviewed, and already on August 1-2, according to the results of the collection of 30.07.18, I will be returned to this money on the card.

As a result, their collection revealed not all of the surplus, there were another appeal, besides my, and how they stated me, it was not enough for reimbursement for our statements. August 6, 18. They had a re-collection, this time they did not find anything at all and now began some kind of service investigation with uncertain times to identify the full amount of surplus. As I was told by an employee of the return department in Vladivostok by name Victoria, the operation with my mistake is subject to compensation, just need to find all over.

I consider this story by a thoughtful deception from beginning to end and intends to file a lawsuit against this organization. As I already understood, the return they do not collect and simply pull the time to be behind them. At the request from my "Alpha Bank" they do not respond.

I demand that I immediately reimburse these 29 000 r. In the shortest possible time, I have a calculation of my landlord because of this failure and there may be serious problems. This bank is still pretty
it is difficult to call and contact the necessary employee, they or half a day do not take the phone, or come up with some excuses, so as not to answer the call, or inform false information, one employee says one thing, and the other is another.

My statement is now in the branch of Gazprombank OJSC in Vladivostok, where he was passed from Kamchatka office. Wait for months when they deign to return my 29,000, and whether they will help at all, I have no time, because My landlord requires me immediately calculated for rent. If the question is not resolved before August 27-28, I apply to the court of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, with the requirement of paying, in addition to the specified amount, a penalty in the amount of 3% for each day of using these den. means, as well as compensation for moral damage in 100%.

Gazprombank 18.08.2018 12:40

Good day!

We bring sincere apologies for the situation and deliberate inconvenience.

As soon as your statement was received by the bank, the bank was initiated by the situation to resolve the situation. Indeed, during the primary collection, not the entire amount was identified, therefore re-collection was planned, and therefore the bank was required for some time to solve this problem. Now the cash is already aimed at the details of your card for further enrollment by your bank.

Also more detailed information will be set out in response to your appeal to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Hope for your understanding.

Yours faithfully,
A team of experts on the service.

09.08.2018 15:29

Answer Bank

Answer Bank

Without evaluation

06/01/2018 was submitted to the Gazprombank branch on the street. Garibaldi A complete set of documents for opening an account of LLC by paying 2,500 rubles. To date, 07/18/2018 !!! The account is not open, on the other end of the wire they say that there is still a check, and can not help anything! But let me, have passed almost 2 months from the date of submission of documents. There is no such dawn in any bank. It is not clear how Gazprombank attracts customers with such deadlines. How to do business? Think several times than to discover the account in this jar .....

And according to reviews on the forums, this is not the only case of such a long opening of the account for JUR. Persons. And it's not a fact that after 2 months there will be no refusal to open an account (this is of what is hurt), and money for opening an account will not be returned.

Administrator of the portal 27.07.2018 11:44

Gazprombank 07/27/2018 10:06.


Sorry, please, for the lack of feedback on the issue of opening an account with a legal entity.

As a rule, when submitting a complete set of correctly decorated documents and the absence of comments, the decision maker on the possibility of opening an account is 1-2 days.
In some cases, when considering the application, an additional time may be required, as a result of which the term can be increased.

We know that today your question is resolved. On July 26, a notice of the decision was sent to the provided email address.

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