
What are the commission income from banks. Bank Review. Entertainment "Disadvantaged Income"

For non-interest incomes in the commercial bank include:

Revenues from securities operations;

Revenues from operations with foreign currency;

Commission income;

Other operating income.

An analysis of non-interest income allows you to determine how efficiently the Bank uses no credit sources of revenue. At the same time, they are analyzed by types of operations and in dynamics.

An analysis of non-periods should also be started with the formation of the table., Similar to the table., Where their structure is considered in the dynamics.

When analyzing non-interest income, it is necessary:

First, determine their share in the total income volume;

Secondly, to determine the dynamics of the absolute value of non-passive income and their specific gravity;

Thirdly, to identify the most profitable non-profit operations.

Analysis of non-interest income allows you to determine. How efficiently the Bank uses non-incredible sources of revenue. At the same time, they are analyzed by types of operations and in dynamics.

Important in value source of income commercial Bank are revenues received from securities operations. The amount of income of this type depends on the size and structure of the investment portfolio and the profitability of various species valuable papers. Banks systematically compare the possibility of obtaining income from securities with current liquidity. As noted above, the means for conducting securities operations are allocated after the need for liquid funds is satisfied. Thus, the subordinate nature of investment operations makes it difficult to manage them and strengthens the uneven income from stock operations.

In addition, the difficulties in managing investment operations are also due to the fact that the income on securities acts in the form of interest and dividend and growth of the value of assets (which may be negative).

The income rate on fixed-income bonds can be expressed as a coupon rate, current income and income, taking into account the maturity.

The coupon rate is the percentage of the nominal paid by the Issuer. Current income is obtained by dividing coupon income on the market value. This indicator is more often used to assess the change in return. preferred sharesrather than bonds, as it does not take into account the cost in maturity and it is assumed that the payment of interest will be carried out for a long time. Income, taking into account the maturity, is the most successful indicator of the profitability of investments with fixed income. At the same time, the coupon rate is taken into account, the cost of repayment, the purchase price and the period remaining to maturity.

Annual increment or write-off is calculated as the magnitude of the cape or discounts (the difference between the market price and the face value) divided by the number of years before the repayment.

The above formula usually gives a fairly accurate result if the selling (market) price is close to the nominal. However, it is necessary to keep in mind that with large deviations market value A significant error may be allowed from the nominal, since this formula does not take into account the growing effect from the fact that over time coupon revenues gradually reimburse cape or accumulate discount.

Prices for bonds and income on them are in the inverse addiction, i.e. If prices are low, then incomes are high, and vice versa. So, investors acquiring bonds during the low level period interest ratesRisk to face the fact of reducing the cost in the event of rates.

In contrast to interest payments on loans, income and losses from securities associated with changing the market value of the latter are not allocated as an independent article of operating income in the income statement. The reason for this is that income and losses are not considered from the case of the case and depend on the external conditions, which, as inaccated, are not affected by the Bank's leadership.

It is believed that losses from securities operations are the result of unsuccessful investment. However, it is necessary to consider that banks usually have free funds for investing during periods when the level of interest rates are low, and the securities course is high, and often forced to sell them (in order to attract funds to meet the demand for loans) in case the rates are high, and Course is low.

Indeed, the presence of a loss means that the cost of this asset has become lower, but for such a loss, banks go to "switch" means from bonds to more increasing loans in the period of high interest rates and disadvantage of funds. Consequently, this loss is compensated by higher profit on another article.

Other bank income includes commissions. To compensate the costs associated with customer accounts, most banks charge. Commission may be accrued as a percentage of the amount of each transaction, or in a solid amount paid periodically. Banks can use benefits, say to cancel the fee for services for those clients, on whose accounts the remnants are not reduced for mounted limit. On deposits, urgent, savings accounts fee for estimated service It is not charged, since interest accrued on these accounts already provide for the compensation of costs related to servicing these accounts. According to international operations of banks, the amount of commission payments is differentiated by types of operations and depends on the amount of the board charged for similar operations by corresponding banks. The implementation of automated transformation systems for the means and identification of payment documents, as well as the creation of computer networks within the bank allows you to increase the speed of processing documents, facilitate a summary and analysis of data and lead to reduction of costs. The result of such a reduction in costs is to reduce commission revolutions. For example, it is currently not charged for collecting some types of checks, since the acceiss operations are made automatically by reading the data sent by checks and the details of the sender bank from the registry of a special form.

Bank currency transactions also largely affect its profits. For profitability analysis currency transactions It is necessary to set the scope of each type, the amount of income and expenses on them. The profit of the bank from currency transactions is defined as the ratio of total income in this type of transactions for the period to the total volume of transactions.

Banks also receive income: from the services for the consulting service, from sales of insurance policies, acceptable bills, mortgage operations, fees for reservation of loans, trust operations, etc. All income among Russian banks make up a relatively small part of gross income. Therefore, in the account of profits and losses, they are often not detailed.

When analyzing the revenue part, it is important to identify what specific weight in it is occupied by operating income. Their share should strive for 100%, and the growth rate is uniform. With a decrease in the growth of these income, the overall increase in the latter can be achieved at the expense of other types of bank revenues.

With a rhythmic pace of profit of bank special attention should be paid to the change in specific scales different groups revenues received from side activities and not earned by the bank in the past year. This provision indicates a deterioration in the management of the Bank's active operations, as well as the inability of the Bank's leadership to find a more correct decision due to the change in the conjuncture. The comparison of this data with the position of similar banks will give the opportunity to identify whether the current situation with income is a feature of this bank or is characteristic of the entire banking system (or separate region). The presence of side income provided that the growth rates of operational income may indicate the additional use of immobilized assets. The bank can fix its revenue position due to the full or partial receipt of funds to reimburse the written off reserves, which will be considered as a positive phenomenon. Thus, it can be concluded that the presence of sufficient free reserves from a bank, which allow it to align in certain periods of profit growth or maintain it stable levelare a positive result of managing the financial condition of the bank.


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HELL. Sheremet, G.N. Shcherbakov " The financial analysis In a commercial bank "- M.: Finance and Statistics, 2000

Central place in analysis financial results commercial banks belong volume and quality of income received, Since they, in turn, are the main factor in the formation of profits. credit organizations.

Revenue decreases, as a rule, is an objective indicator of inevitable financial difficulties bank. It is these circumstances that determine the importance of the analysis of aggregate income in the study of the financial results of the Bank.

The tasks of the Bank's revenue analysis are:

  • 1) definition and assessment of the volume and structure of income;
  • 2) study the dynamics of income components;
  • 3) identifying areas of activity and types of operations bringing the greatest income;
  • 4) an assessment of the level of income per unit assets;
  • 5) the establishment of factors affecting the overall amount of income and income received from certain types of operations;
  • 6) Detection of reserves for income increases.

Analysis of income can be carried out using various estimates: In accordance with IFSO and classification adopted in the income statement.

In accordance with the classification on MFS, revenues are divided as:

  • - percentage;
  • - Disqualled.

TO interest income Requires income obtained:

  • 1) from loans and advances to customers;
  • 2) pure investments in securities are estimated by fair value through profit or loss;
  • 3) pure investments in securities held to repayment;
  • 4) funds in other banks;
  • 5) correspondent accounts in other banks;
  • 6) "Overnight" deposits in other banks;
  • 7) pure investments in securities and others financial assetsavailable for sale;
  • 8) other sources.

In the process of analyzing the interest income bank, it is necessary:

  • a) establish the pace of changes in the overall size and structure of assets bringing interest income;
  • b) make a comparison of them with growth rates (reduction) obtained from the use of income;
  • c) identify a change in the overall interest rate on the bank conducted by active operations.

Interest income is compared with the values \u200b\u200bof the assets used in obtaining them. For example, interest income from loans and advances to customers are compared with the corresponding asset "loans and advances to customers" for a minus reserves; Revenues from pure investments in securities and other financial assets available for sale with an asset article "Clean investments in securities and other financial assets available for sale", less reserves, etc.

At the same time, the comparison of the size of the percentage income of each type with the corresponding values \u200b\u200bof assets allows you to determine middle profit Each type of operations bringing interest income.

As practice shows, most Russian banks main income receive from providing loans and advances to customers (about 90%). The second largest type of bank revenues is the income from foreign exchange operations. It is necessary to consider the Bank's credit policy, the composition of loans and interest income volumes at market interest rates obtained from customer lending.

In accordance with the principles accounting Revenues and expenses, including those that relate to the reporting period, but not received or not paid before it or the calculation of which is transferred to future periods should be taken into account in the reporting of the period in which they took place. Such income and expenses are called extensive.

It should be borne in mind that extensive amounts differ from overdue what the contract for their receipt has not yet come. Therefore, overdue interests are not included in extensive amounts on this article.

As part of the balance sheet, but IFRS, an article "outstanding interest income and other assets", as well as "increasing interest expenses and other liabilities" reflect the interest accumulated on the reporting date, respectively, on loan and deposit operations and similarly.

Their size can be determined by the formula:

where h. - extensive income (expenses); R - period of extension, day.

The magnitude of the incredible interest is not real income or consumption, but only the right to receive income or commitment to pay funds in favor of another person Therefore, the increase in interest income by increasing the share of increasing interest cannot be assessed positively.

In the course of the analysis of extended interest income, it is important to establish whether interest is not charged but loans, the probability of which is largely reduced (on overdue loans, on loans with overdue interests, for prolonged loans), which leads to the artificial growth of interest income and profits, and therefore, to the growth of taxes and dividends.

Imaging percentage, discount, coupon income should be produced only to loans, loan and equalized debt, classified as I (highest) quality category (standard loans and other types of assets classified as I risk group).

To calculate the accumulated (accumulated) amounts of interest payments (income) to obtaining on acquired (taken into account), the formula is used:

where n - extensive (accumulated) income; N - the nominal value of the accurate bill; TO - Purchased value of the account of the bill; R - the amount of interest payments (income) accrued for the entire period of action of the bill;

T. - the number of days from the acquisition to repayment of the bill; D - the number of days after the acquisition of the bill to the reporting date.

If the amount on the account changes, the so-called so-called are calculated interest numbers (IF) for last periodduring which the amount on the account remained unchanged:

PC \u003d (sum × period duration in days) / 100.

To determine the amount of interest for the entire deadline for their accrual, all percentage numbers add up and their amount is divided into a permanent divider, which is calculated as follows:

PD \u003d number of days a year / annual interest rate.

In accordance with IFRS, interest income (as well as expenses) are formed by all the Bank in their activities in their activities in terms of increasing method using an effective rate of profitability, i.e. The magnitude of these income (or expenses) is given to today by its discounting. In the Russian practice, this method is not applied this method.

Analysis of the Bank's interest income allows us to find out due to which factors they are mainly obtained:

  • a) changes in the price and volume of loans issued;
  • b) the use of funds on customer accounts;
  • c) all the indicated factors simultaneously.

There is a direct proportional dependence between the cost of loans and the amount of interest income (the product of the price and volume of loans issued is equal to the interest of the Bank's interest income). Therefore, using any of the traditional factor methods economic Analysis (chain substitutions, absolute differences, an integral method, etc.), one can determine which of these factors (price or volume) played a decisive role in the change in the period under consideration the amount of interest income of the commercial bank.

At the same time, it is necessary to proceed from the fact that the increase in interest income due to the increase in prices for issued loans, as a rule, is not a merit of the bank, but is determined by the market situation. At the same time, the growth of loans issued and wider use of funds on customer accounts depends on the work of the Bank itself and have a positive effect on the growth of its income, subject to the requirements for the liquidity of banking assets.

TO non-interest income The commercial bank includes:

  • 1) revenues from pure investments in securities, estimated at fair value through profit or loss (arising from purchase and sale);
  • 2) revenues from pure investments in securities and other financial assets available for sale (from purchase and sale);
  • 3) income for operations with foreign currency;
  • 4) revenues from the revaluation of foreign currency;
  • 5) Commission income;
  • 6) Other operating income.

IN financial statements These types of non-interest income are submitted minus the relevant expenses (in net evaluation). At the same time, relevant reserves for impairment of securities, losses on credit obligations, other reserves are shown independently in the income statement, compiled in accordance with IFRS.

Among the nonsepass income of the bank the most attention to IFRS (in second place after interest income) is given commission income The composition of which should be disclosed in the reporting in the following section (in the order of decleaving their significance for a particular bank):

  • - Commission on settlement operations;
  • - N. Commission cash operations;
  • - commission for collection;
  • - Commission on operations with securities;
  • - Commission on issued guarantees;
  • - Other types of commission.

When analyzing non-interest income, it is necessary:

  • - determine the proportion of their share in the total amount of income, identify the most profitable types of services;
  • - to push the methods used banking Commission (tariffs) for each group of services provided;
  • - study the actual cost of the services provided;
  • - evaluate the quality of the methodological support intended to determine the cost of certain types of non-credit services;
  • - determine the effectiveness of the existing system of stimulating staff for the quality and level of the cost of the services provided.

Summing up the study and assessment of the income of a commercial bank based on the above classification (division of them on interest and non-interest), we formulate the following most common principleswhich need to be guided by the management of a credit organization:

  • 1) Bank operating income (income from its main, common activity) must prevail in its income, and the rates of their growth must be rhythmic;
  • 2) The growth of income from the side activity is most often indicated to reduce the effectiveness of the management of active-passive operations of the bank or deteriorating market conditions. An increase in revenues of this group should not lead to a decrease in the share of operating income and should be short-term;
  • 3) if the cost of creating reserves is comparable to income from their recovery, then it is likely that the result of the professionalism of bank management in the assessment and selection of counterparties, directions financial investments, choosing an acceptable risk level;
  • 4) With a high level of inflation, the outgoing growth rates of interest income on short-term loans compared to long-term should be regarded positively, since only the "short" investments (including one-day) allow the impairment rate national currency. However, in terms of the long-term perspective, it is impossible to abandon the provision of long-term loans, minimizing inflationary losses on which can be largely provided with the use of floating interest rates; Optimal for banks not engaged in investment activities, the proportion of income coming by long-term loans is considered, about 15%;
  • 5) The proportion of incomes overdue loans in the total amount of interest income should not exceed 2-3%, otherwise this indicates unsatisfactory quality loan portfolio Bank and threatening loss of liquidity.

One approach to the analysis of total revenues of the Bank is to group them in accordance with the classification contained in the income and loss statement of the credit organization in form No. 0409102. How does this happen?

1. Conduct the enlarged dynamic analysis (vertical and horizontal) bank revenues for several years.

Based vertical revenue analysis In each of the periods under consideration, factors are established, ensuring the formation of bank revenues.

Based horizontal analysis Their speaker is established, and this analysis should be carried out, taking into account the impact on inflationary proceedings.

2. After the dynamic analysis of the Bank's revenues for their main, integrated items, it is necessary to proceed to a more detailed consideration of each article. At the same time, ruble and foreign exchange income must be analyzed separately.

Interest obtained on deposits and other placed means There are revenues received from the placement of funds in credit institutions (interbank loans and deposits). An analyzed bank does not place its funds in banks (nor in rubles or in currency). However, today the role of operations of interbank lending as the main tool for managing the ruble liquidity of banks has increased markedly.

Revenues received from foreign currency operations and other currency values \u200b\u200bare fairly stable from domestic commercial banks and quite high. In the bank under consideration, their main part was obtained by reassessing accounts in foreign currency, and other income from foreign currency operations make up a few percent of their total values.

At the same time, the current trend of currency transactions today is such that the turnover of conversion operations ruble / dollar (by commercial banks) in the structure of the Russian financial market exceeds the turnover of securities markets and ruble interbank loans. They are comparable only with the volume of placement of interbank deposits in foreign currency, despite the fact that predictable dynamics currency rate The ruble largely narrows the possibility of holding speculative conversion operations. At the same time, bank revenues from direct interbank conversion operations are largely growing, bypassing the exchange segment of the foreign exchange market.

Revenues received from securities operations, Make up a minor part in all income received by the bank. Despite the fact that today the Russian financial market is developing relatively stable and predictable, share interest income from bank investments in debentures (as states and corporate clients) still remains low.

The first is due to a decrease in the functional macroeconomic role of the GKO-OFZ market as a source of budget financing, tool monetary policy States, as well as a decrease in its role as a speculative segment of the domestic financial market, which, in turn, leads to a decrease in real (taking into account inflation) of the yield of data tools. Today, the GKO-OFZ market mainly performs its functions of the liquidity management tool, as well as the indicator of the value of short and medium-term risk-free borrowing.

During the analysis, it must be borne in mind that income on debt liabilities in the form of interest (coupons) are separate category income.

When performing operations with percentage (coupon) debt obligations, accounting accounting of accumulated interest (coupon) income - paid and received separately. And when determining the income / expenses from the disposal (implementation) of the security, the difference between the charge paid when buying a security coupon and the received income refers to accounts for accounting for income and resale expenses.

Interest income on bills and discount income on bills In general, banking system in lately noticeably increased. Replacement of low-republic estimated bills of financial promissory bills of leading issuers led to an increase in turnover banking operations With bills, and market turnover on bills in general significantly exceeded the turnover of the government securities market.

Assessment of magnitude received fines, penalties and contest It is necessary to carry out when analyzing certain groups of credit, settlement and other types of operations.

The size commission income on services to customers and banks (on cash transactions, on collection operations, settlement operations issued guarantees, other operations) included in the article " Other revenues received ", Directly depends on the costs associated with customer service, the amount of charge charged by other banks for similar services, the degree of automation of banking operations, other factors.

During the analysis of the aggregate revenues of the Bank carried out in the context of the classification adopted in the income statement (form 102), it is also necessary to find out the following questions:

  • 1) the reasons for the emergence of new types of income or reduction (complete disappearance) obtained earlier;
  • 2) the reliability of income, stability and the ability to preserve them in the future;
  • 3) the proportion of unstable and extraordinary income, as well as incomes with increased risk.

At the same time with respect to stable in modern conditions is interest income received on loans, interest-free income from banking services, revenues from operations with foreign currency. TO unstable Revenues include securities operations and non-standard (unconventional) operations.

Having studied the bank's income on enlarged articles, go to them factor analysis.

If there is a deterministic dependence between the resultant indicator and factor, determine the effect of factors on the deviation of the actually obtained income for each enlarged article from the business plan. For example, using the absolute difference method, it is possible to determine what the influence on the amount of dividends received from investments from investments in the shares was provided by such major factors as the amount of interest deductions to the dividend payment fund and the amount of net profit aimed at their payment.

The concept of bank revenues

The main goal of any commercial bank is to receive profits from their activities.

Definition 1.

Bank revenues are cash arrivals from banking activities.

Sources of bank income formation

Note 1.

Sources of bank income may be the main and side activities. The main activity includes the commission of the main banking operations and the provision of banking services. Other activities of banks are represented by other (non-professional) activities of banks, as of revenue.

The complex obtained by the bank revenues is called gross income. Gross income is represented by the following income groups:

    Operating income. Represent a large proportion of the income of the commercial bank. The way they are received is the main activity of banks. This type of income includes the following categories: percentage and non-interest income, commission, as well as income from activities in financial markets.

    • Interest income. They are referred to income generated by issuing loans, posting free resources in Central Bank or other commercial banks, investments in securities, as well as through implementation factoring operations, leasing, trust, etc.
    • Non-interest income. This type includes commission income, revenues from the implementation of activities in financial markets, from transactions with foreign currency.
    • Commission income. These revenues belong to the implementation of non-negotiated operations, they call them differently - commissions of commercial banks. Income is presented in the form of commission remuneration. Commission income can also include profits from such services, the fee for which is established in the form fixed amount. These are related to operations cash service customers, operations with bank cards, provision by bank guarantees, conversion operations, brokerage operations and more.
    • Revenues from carrying out activities on financial market. These income can be attributed to the profit from the purchase and sale of securities, currency, precious metals other.
  1. Additional revenues of the bank. This species revenue is a small part of the whole population bank revenues. Additional (or side) revenues include the following methods of profit:

    • Non-banking services;
    • Participation in the activities of others legal entities;
    • Bank activity as a landlord;
    • And other.

    Commercial banks can receive additional income from the activities of their auxiliary services. For example, if the bank has a marketing service, the bank can carry out advertising activities for other economic relations. This includes such areas as: audit, jurisprudence, security, etc.

    Due to the fact that legislative commercial banks is prohibited from carrying out a number of operations, for example, such as: insurance, production activities, etc., then banks create specialized units that will be guided directly in non-banking operations, thus bringing revenue bank.

    Banks that occupy a place not only in the banking industry, but also in others, have good opportunities for implementation in pretty profitable industries Economy.

    Other income. This type of income includes random income. These include: fines that are charged from customers (it may be a penalty for the delay in payment, not providing any documentation, etc.), the return of tax amounts from the budget, the costs of security activities, excess cash registers, income for past Periods adopted only in reporting periodCommunal payments, etc.

Bank gross income is made to divide on interest and non-community. Interest rates include accrued interest on loans in domestic and foreign currency. The structure of the Bank's interest income may be presented in this form: interest income received on interbank loans; Interest income received by commercial loans.

Non-interest income make up: revenues from investment activity (dividends on securities, revenues from participation in the joint activities of enterprises and organizations, etc.); revenues from currency transactions; revenues from received commissions and fines; Other income. When analyzing bank revenues, the proportion of each type in their total amount or the relevant group of income. The dynamics of income articles can be compared with previous periods, Including with the quarters. The stable and rhythmic increase in the bank's income indicates its normal operation and qualified management.

After analyzing the bank's income structure, the structure of revenues forming an enlarged article, which takes the greatest share in the total income (for Russian banks, this is usually interest income, should be studied in more detail.)

Analyzing at the same time income of a particular bank and the dynamics of the structure of the balance of the balance of the balance sheet, we conclude that not all bank assets bring revenue. This applies to assets that usually do not bring income (for example, funds at the box office and the correspondent account, reserves in the Central Bank and its own fixed assets), as well as to such assets such as securities and other rights to participate acquired by the Bank, joint activities and intangible assets. This means that the quality of joint projects acquired securities and intangible assets is extremely low.

So, the income of commercial banks depends on the norm of profit on loan investment operations, the amount of commission charges charged by the Bank for services, as well as on the amount and structure of assets. The next stage of analysis is high-quality, which allows us to find out the reasons for changing the factors affecting the level of bank revenues.

Analysis of interest income.

The most important source of gross income of commercial banks is the provision of loans. All banks in the development of credit policies take into account such a factor as profits. Banks experiencing an acute need for profit will adhere to more aggressive credit policies compared with banks for which the financial resources of their activities do not have a decisive value. Such a policy can manifest itself in a relatively high proportion of urgent and consumer loans, which usually bring to the bank higher income compared to short-term loans to industrial enterprises.

In interest rates on loans are reflected both the specifics of each individual loan, as well as the ratio of supply and demand for loans in the loan capital markets. The interest rate on loans affects the degree of risk, its size, term, repayment method, etc. In addition, interest rates depend on the level of competition between banks and other sources of funds, as well as maximum size interest rates and assessment by banks and borrowers prospects economic Development (expectation effect).

In order to analyze the interest income of the Bank, it is advisable to classify the loans provided, for example, in groups of borrowers: individuals, industrial and agricultural enterprises, trade organizations, financial and credit institutions, etc. For each group of borrowers, the Bank analyzes data on the amounts of loans provided, the presence and quality of ensuring the repayment of debt, interest payments, interest rate level, etc. This approach allows us to estimate the feasibility of providing loans to the borrower from the standpoint of determining the ratio "Risk - profitability".

In the analysis of interest income bank, relative indicators that allow us to evaluate average level The yield of loan operations in general and each group of loans separately.

These indicators are:

  • 1. The ratio of gross interest income to medium residues on all loan accounts;
  • 2. The ratio of interest received on short-term loans to medium residues on short-term loans;
  • 3. The ratio of interest received on long-term loans to average balances on long-term loans;
  • 4. The ratio of the received interest on individual groups of loans to medium residues according to the group studied, etc.

The dynamics of these indicators makes it possible to evaluate, due to which loan operations will increase interest income.

Analysis of non-interest income.

Analysis of non-interest income allows you to determine how efficiently the bank uses non-incredible sources of revenue. At the same time, they are analyzed by types of operations and in dynamics. An important source of income of the commercial bank is the income derived from securities operations. The amount of income of this type depends on the size and structure of the investment portfolio and the profitability of various types of securities. Banks systematically compare the possibility of obtaining income from securities with current liquidity. As noted above, the means for conducting securities operations are allocated after the need for liquid funds is satisfied. Thus, the subordinate nature of investment operations makes it difficult to manage them and strengthens the uneven income from stock operations.

In addition, the difficulties in managing investment operations are also due to the fact that the income on securities acts in the form of interest and dividends and the increase in the value of assets (which may be negative). The income rate on fixed-income bonds can be expressed as a coupon rate, current income and income, taking into account the maturity.

The coupon rate is the percentage of the nominal paid by the Issuer.

This indicator is often used to assess the change in the return of preferred shares, rather than bonds, as it does not take into account the cost when repaying and it is assumed that interest payments will be carried out for a long time. Income, taking into account the maturity, is the most successful indicator of the profitability of investments with fixed income. At the same time, the coupon rate is taken into account, the cost of repayment, the purchase price and the period remaining to maturity.

Annual increment or write-off is calculated as the magnitude of the cape or discounts (the difference between the market price and the face value) divided by the number of years before the repayment. Prices for bonds and income on them are in the inverse addiction, i.e. If prices are low, then incomes are high, and vice versa. So, investors acquiring bonds during the low level of interest rates risk to face the fact of reducing the cost in case of raising rates. In contrast to interest payments on loans, income and losses from securities associated with changing the market value of the latter are not allocated as an independent article of operating income in the income statement. The reason for this is that income and losses are not considered from the case of the case and depend on the external conditions, which, as inaccated, are not affected by the Bank's leadership.

It is believed that losses from securities operations are the result of unsuccessful investment. However, it is necessary to consider that banks usually have free funds for investing during periods when the level of interest rates are low, and the securities course is high, and often forced to sell them (in order to attract funds to meet the demand for loans) in case the rates are high, and Course is low. Indeed, the presence of a loss means that the cost of this asset has become lower, but for such a loss, banks go to "switch" means from bonds to more increasing loans in the period of high interest rates and disadvantage of funds. Consequently, this loss is compensated by higher profit on another article.

The total yield of assets is consisted of interest and non-interest income :. The indicator of D1 affects the different level of profitability of individual active operations, the structure of the loan portfolio and the share of credit assets that bring revenue in total assets.

The greatest impact on the decline in profits in the gross income is provided by interest and non-profit costs. The real cost reduction reserve should be sought in reducing the level of interest paid for credit resources.

These indicators can add several other, fully characterizing the profitability of banking activities.

  • 1. Interest margin. Because Not all assets make a profit, then to identify the real level of profitability of assets, it is advisable to use the coefficient: where Percentage \u003d Interest income - interest expenses. This indicator demonstrates how much income from active operations is able to overlap the costs of passive operations.
  • 2. Percentage variation - the difference between the percentages obtained by active operations and percentages paid by passive :.

3. The level of coating of non-interest costs of non-interest income:.

At the time, the shops of goods used in our country were very common in our country, a kind of Soviet Second-hand. They were called "commissions". But since then years have passed, and such shops have become a rarity, and the name has almost erased from memory. But the word "commission" gained a new life, this time - in the lexicon bankers. Now it means "Bank's Commission Revenues". And still "commission" remains the lotion of not rich and influential, and the middle class.

In the structure of the bank's income, there was a kind of "velvet revolution". Of course, a favorite way of earning domestic bankers - currency speculations - continues to reign on an income Olympus. But this is a risky and irregular way of earning. Revenues from credit activities have greatly surrendered their positions and allowed the commission to claim the second place - the most stable of all sources of money.

Most low level Pure commission income from state banks, the highest - among medium and small regional banks.

"The percentage of" bad "debts continues to increase, in general, according to the system, as they say, it has reached a value of 20%, which is very dangerous, so instead of lending, it is easier to collect a commission," says the director of the Banking Institute of the State University, Vasily Lododkov.

If earlier banks treated this kind of earnings as a side effect, then over the past year, their views changed greatly. In the market is clearly observed competition. It is wondering that private and small banks compete with each other. It was they who hit the search for new commission products, while the largest players and even more so banks with states are not so passionate about this type of earnings, although they increased the proportion of such income.

As the first deputy manager of the Moscow branch of Smolensk Bank, a member of the Board of Directors of Askold Bank, Mikhail Yakhontov, the share of net commission income varies in groups of banks. The lowest level (slightly less than 12%) in banks controlled by the state is highest (approximately 33%) - among medium and small regional banks.

It is quite reasonable. Large players can afford higher risks, especially if in the "fire" situation they can count on a friendly shoulder of the state. At the same time, they try to find interesting solutions for commission services (and most importantly - they can afford it), thereby reducing the price race. In addition, one operation on the placement of shares maybe even not very big company On the stock exchange can bring a jar so much to be exchanged for such trifles, as the development of a rule of commission services, really is not worth it.

Small banks cannot boast of such opportunities and cannot reduce tariffs to a minimum level, so they have to be wrapped in originality and convenience of services. What seems to be a jewel to small players, it turns out to be small diamonds for "large".

Table 1. Top 10 Commission Revenues of the Bank in demand by customers (frequency of granting)
Commission operations
Cash Operations 3,3
Depository services, safes 3,2

Source: data "Bo" obtained during a survey of market participants at the GlobalForum conference "Bank-2009 Commission Revenues", December 2009

"Physics" pay

Among the trends of the last one and a half years it is worth noting an increase in the share of income from individuals in the structure of commission income. Now it has increased by an average of about a quarter, and continues to grow. The reasons for such a restructuring are several. First, the level of penetration of banking services, no matter what, grows, covering more and more regions, and not the last role in this salary projectswho pushes customers to use additional options. For example, in Absolut Bank as of November 2009, the number of clients in such projects increased by 60% compared with 2008.

Secondly, new technologies are developing and as a result - remote channels banking service (DBO), which allow the fastest and cheaper to convey information to the most active customers. Convenience and speed - for this modern residents of the metropolis are ready to pay. And these are bankers.

IN last years Such new services like telencking, client-bank systems, SMS services and Internet banking were literally broken into the market. Now they are not so popular to have a significant share in income, but the dynamics of their development says that this kind of services has a future. These include the service of citizens by payments - utilities, taxes, fines, repayment of loans, instant payments for of various types Services and so on, which literally a couple of years ago no one heard. Let the transaction, for example, by payment cellular communication Meizers, but they use a huge number of people. So far, unfortunately, only in megalopolis, but this is a matter of time. Many experts suggest that the development of the commissioning market is simply impossible without improving IT technologies and reduce the operational costs of the bank.

The percentage of delay is growing, so instead of lending, it is easier to collect a commission.

Terminal payments are becoming increasingly popular, and banks that own terminals will reap fruit on this Niva. But for the most part, payment racks (or, as they are also called in the people, "Money Eaters") belong individual entrepreneurswhich lead commissions in this type of service directly from under the nose of banks. With all this client, anyway, who owns the terminal, is the main thing, quickly and conveniently.

According to the head of the department for the management of passive and commission operations of the Department of Retail Business, VTB24 Elena Degteva, in their bank the structure of commission income is as follows: 52% of income from the services of individuals occupy payments, 28% - settlement services, 11% - cash services, 9% - Translations.

As for commissions for legal entities, this market is also developing, and quite actively. However, bankers are now paying more attention to working with individuals. Given the deplorable state of small and medium-sized businesses, the sensational breakthrough on this front is not worth waiting. Large banksWorking with the system-forming companies is therefore not binding into the commission race - they are enough earnings from working with giants. What are the salary projects for some industrial enterprise or export-import operations. However, the transfer of the market in the field of commission for Jurlitz is still unlikely to take place.

Tariffs are large and small

By developing a commissioning policy strategy, each bank is faced with a dilemma: how not to scare up customers with high tariffs and at the same time earn money well?

Hidden commissions as a sign of "fault times" went into the past. Now the client's trust and his loyalty is more important than extra penny, and therefore most of the credit institutions begin to work tightly with the existing customer base, and the term "cross-sale" was the magical word. Some banks choose the path of high tariffs, while developing loyalty programs for "old" customers. As a result, the client base is preserved, incomes slowly, but rightly grow, but with the involvement of new customers there are certain difficulties.

"The tariff policy of any bank depends on the current economic situation. Tariffs themselves are several species - mass, individual and package, "says Mikhail Yakhontov (Smolensk Bank). - "Mass" is a certain standard, public prices for bank services that are installed at the market level and change depending on the conjuncture. "Individual" - tariffs that are established by the Client depending on its "goody". The level of such tariffs is less than mass. "Batch" - tariffs provided to the client in the package of several services. They can be both higher and below two other tariff groups. For example, the Bank issues a large loan to the Client, but at the same time, with the condition of issuing what it uses the Bank's services at prices higher than that of other customers. "

The bank has another option - reduce tariffs simultaneously with reduced costs. And costs can be reduced by using cheaper channels for providing services to the client. And then, the irreplaceable assistant are remote channels, the development of which, as already mentioned, is impossible without IT investments. For example, the most popular services can be provided automatically - via the Internet or ATM, and notify the client about new features - through the Internet banking channel.

It should be noted that the DBB is not only a way to lead the client into a cheaper channel for the bank (by the way, some banks did it almost forcibly, visible, for example, fee for services at the checkout and leaving them free on the network). This is another way to receive commission money - for the use of Internet banking, SMS-banking from the client is also charged.

In general, DBC for the Bank is a way to increase the amount of operations without increasing costs and tariffs. And one more bonus: With the help of the DBC, you can do without unnecessary problems to the city millionth. However, these channels cover only the active part of users of banking services, leaving overboard conservative customers - people of prenets and retirement ages, which most often do not use the achievements of modern technology.

Table 2. Top 10 Commission income bank in profitability
Commission operations Rating on a five-point scale
Operations with plastic cards 3,9
Commissions from credit activities 3,5
Money transfers ("Western Union", "MiG", etc.) 3,1
Monthly payments of the population (utilities, taxes, loan repayment, etc.) 3,0
Cash Operations 2,9
Instant payments at various services (ATMs and payment terminals) 2,9
One-time payments of individuals (penalties, payments, etc.) 2,4
Providing bank guarantees 2,3
Internet banking and mobile banking services 2,2
Depository services, safes 2,1

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state