
If you have lost your compulsory health insurance policy. How to quickly restore the compulsory medical insurance policy in case of loss or theft. Where to go and how much it will be manufactured. Video: Lost medical policy - what to do

OMS policy ( compulsory medical insurance) is the main reason for providing assistance to the insured person. Thanks to compulsory medical insurance, you can undergo treatment for free, compensate for the costs of diagnostics, therapy and some operations (the list of free operations and drugs depends on the region - check). It works as follows - when contacting a health care institution, a citizen provides a policy to the registry, the document data is entered into an electronic database, after which the service bill is billed not to you, but to the insurance organization. How to get the compulsory medical insurance, how much it is valid, and what to do and how to restore it in case of loss - further.

When is the compulsory health insurance policy issued?

Mandatory state compulsory medical insurance- a centralized system of federal protection of citizens in the field of health protection. guarantees each person, regardless of social indicators (age, gender, etc.), qualified assistance and confirms that payment for services will be paid by the organization that issued it.

An insured citizen can have one policy.

The compulsory medical insurance is issued to Russian citizens free of charge; its registration is carried out in person or through a representative. It is drawn up according to a single model and is issued to citizens of the Russian Federation, stateless persons and foreigners who plan to use medical services in Russia in the future.

Rules for the provision of medical care within the system of compulsory state insurance are the same for all regions.

Policy validity period

Initially, each region of the Russian Federation issued its own policies, which differed in the form of registration and validity period. In 2011, a program of transition to unified system, as a result of which a document of a new sample appeared. Such a policy has no restrictions on the validity period. Old compulsory medical insurance are replaced on a planned basis along with the production of a new passport, as a result of loss, damage to the main identity document (i.e. passport), change of surname.

Theoretically overdue compulsory medical insurance policy- not a reason for denying medical services. But in practice, different situations happen, so it would be better to replace documents issued before 2007 with new ones.

How to get a new policy

Lost compulsory medical insurance policy of a new sample: where to go and what to do

Without a compulsory medical insurance policy, you will not be provided with free services in Russian clinics. If you have lost your document:

  1. Contact the insurance company(or the one that issued the policy, or another at its discretion).
  2. Prepare a statement asking for a duplicate or registration new insurance (if you are applying to an old or new company, respectively). The change of insurance can only be carried out until November 1.
  3. Provide a package of documents(about him further).
  4. Get temporary insurance for 30 days.

That's all - it remains to pick up the finished document on the specified day. "Vremyanka" is issued absolutely free of charge.

Details about where to change medical policy read.

When restoring a lost policy, you can change the insurance company, but more often than once a year, this cannot be done.

List of documents to restore the insurance policy and make a duplicate

To restore a lost compulsory medical insurance policy, an adult must submit the following documents to the insurance:

  • passport;

How to get new insurance for your child

When applying for new insurance for a child, the guardian or parent brings to the company:

Anyone can make a duplicate through a representative, not just a child.

If the parent or guardian submits the child's documents, notarial authorization is not required as they are the legal representatives of the minor. In situations when through an intermediary new policy per adult, it is obligatory provided.

Terms of restoration of the policy in case of loss

Fines for the loss of compulsory medical insurance policies are not charged, the new document will have the same number as the old one. While waiting, a person can request a certificate of the status of the created application. The maximum term for preparing a new policy is 30 days from the date of filing an application for its restoration. Since the insurance company issues you a temporary document, you can use free medical services without restrictions. After one calendar month or at the specified time, you can come and pick up the finished policy.

Officially working citizens of the Russian Federation usually draw up a policy at work, and the rest independently apply to the insurance company.



If you lose your old compulsory medical insurance policy, you can issue a duplicate of it. To do this, submit an application, passport and SNILS to the insurance company, receive a temporary document and expect the production of a new permanent compulsory medical insurance no more than 30 days. Read more about where you can get a medical policy. The insurance for the child can be restored by his legal representative (guardian or parent) - in this case, a power of attorney from a notary, as when obtaining a policy through a third party for an adult, is not required. The duplication procedure is free of charge; it will have the same number as the first document. If desired, the insurance company can be changed when issuing a new policy.

People often lose documents. With the advent of compulsory medical insurance policies, they also began to lose, so the new question of restoration does not lose its relevance since the appearance of compulsory insurance.

To return a lost or damaged document, you need to contact the point of issue of the OMS policy or the insurance company. For registration, it is recommended to grab a passport and SNILS. Then it remains to write a statement, after which the previous policy will be canceled and a new one will be issued.

How to restore the compulsory medical insurance policy

The procedure for restoring a compulsory medical insurance policy is similar to the process for obtaining a new document. All that is required is to draw up an application of a certain sample, present a package of these documents with originals and copies.

A permanent certificate will be issued within 30 days.

All this time, a temporary document is provided for use. You do not have to remember or write down the number of the insurance certificate. the combination of numbers will remain unchanged. During the period of obtaining a new policy, the client of the insurance company has the right to require a certificate of the status of the application submitted by him.

How to restore the compulsory medical insurance policy in case of loss

The restoration of the children's compulsory medical insurance begins with a visit to the insurance company. The assigned specialist will provide prompt and qualified assistance in the restoration of the document. In addition to passports, data on registration and citizenship of the child's parents will be required.

List of documents required to restore the compulsory medical insurance policy for a child:

  1. A document confirming the registration of the child.
  2. The passport of the mother or father entered in the birth certificate.
  3. Birth certificate.
Advice from Compare.ru: The package of documents required to obtain (restore) the policy depends on the category to which the person submitting the relevant application belongs. In the Federal Law No. 47 "On compulsory insurance»It is indicated that confirmation of information about the insured person is possible only with the help of identity documents. Access to information about SK's clients is limited and is protected by the current legislation.

What to do if the compulsory medical insurance policy is lost, which confirms the right of the insured to provide him with free medical care in medical organizations?

1. First of all, you need to contact your medical insurance organization. Medical services in the absence of the original compulsory medical insurance policy are not provided!

2. You can fill out an application for a duplicate directly at the point of issue of policies of the insurance company. There is no penalty for the loss of the policy.

Further, the procedure for obtaining a compulsory medical insurance policy is the same as for the initial application - the insured person is issued a temporary certificate valid for 45 working days, during which a permanent compulsory medical insurance policy is made, while the number is retained.

In case of damage or loss of a temporary certificate (ВС), a duplicate is not issued, it is advisable to wait for the issuance of a permanent policy (if a visit to medical organization). Otherwise, contact the insurance company.

The insured applies to insurance organization not only if the compulsory medical insurance policy is lost, but is also obliged to notify about the change of the surname, name, patronymic, identity document data, place of residence within one month from the day when these changes occurred in accordance with 326-ФЗ dated November 29, 2010. "On compulsory medical insurance in the Russian Federation".

The first thing that any patient will be asked when visiting any medical institution is the availability of an insurance certificate. This is not a simple whim of a particular healthcare provider. Registrars are required to enter the data from this document into the database at each patient's request.

Why is this done? For the subsequent payment of medical services rendered to the client.

The Insurance Law, in particular Article 16 gives the insured citizens certain rights:

  • The ability to choose (change) a doctor by writing an appropriate application addressed to the head of the medical organization.
  • Obtaining information about the types, quality of medical services.
  • Compensation for damage in case of non-fulfillment of obligations to provide medical care.
  • The compulsory medical insurance is valid throughout Russia, the place of issue does not affect the ability to resort to medical services in any region.

Previously (before the introduction of a single sample policy), many patients faced serious problems outside the region of residence. Many were refused medical care on a free basis, they had to look for the head physician, to achieve results with endless disputes. Now, having insurance on hand, a citizen of the Russian Federation becomes the owner of the right to receive assistance from medical workers in any subject, regardless of where he is registered.

If the compulsory medical insurance policy is lost, it is better to find out how to restore this document as soon as possible. Indeed, without its presentation, they may refuse to provide gratuitous medical services on absolutely legitimate grounds. This does not only apply to the provision of emergency medical care. In urgent cases, doctors are obliged to help free of charge.

Those wishing to receive medical services must present this document upon request at the reception, promptly declare its loss, be puzzled by a replacement in case of a change of surname, relocation, change of registration, etc. situations. If the insurer who issued the previous policy was not found in the new habitat, it is possible to update the document in any other insurance organization.

According to Article 43 of the Federal Law on insurance, a personalized register is kept for any person who has undergone the insurance procedure. The specified information contains the most important data about the person: name, gender, place of residence, SNILS number and others. They facilitate communication between the FIU and the insurer. Not everyone knows this (as well as a number of their own rights), because a large amount of legal documentation is not popularized and often passes by the attention of the layman.

Worry about loss health insurance not necessary, despite its high importance. It is possible to restore the document, it is enough just to make some effort, and the procedure itself will cost nothing.

You can contact both the MFC and the insurance company. To contact the insurance company, you first need to find out which organization was indicated in the lost document. However, today the most in a convenient way is precisely the Multifunctional Center. It offers citizens an extremely wide range of services, flexible working hours and good system client service. You can apply both at the place of registration, and in any other center that will be more convenient for you in terms of location.

After submitting all the required documents, you will be given a temporary compulsory medical insurance policy. It will be valid for a relatively short time - only for the period of production of the main document. The maximum period of validity of such a policy is on average thirty days. As soon as a permanent compulsory medical insurance policy is made, employees of the MFC or an insurance company will contact you and invite you to pick it up.

List of required documents

In order to restore the compulsory medical insurance policy, you will need to have with you:

  • Russian passport or other identity document;
  • Documents proving the place of permanent registration. If you provide a passport, then this document is not required;
  • SNILS.

An application form for the restoration of the compulsory medical insurance policy will be provided to you at the place of contact.

Anti-insurance - building block

For foreign citizens who have lost their medical policy, the difference will be in the list required documents... Otherwise, they can apply in the same way to the insurance company or the MFC.

When applying, a foreign citizen will need to provide:

  • Foreign citizen's passport;
  • A document that confirms the right to be on the territory of Russia;
  • Registration papers;
  • SNILS, if any.

The compulsory medical insurance policy is a document confirming the conclusion of an agreement on compulsory health insurance of citizens. It gives its owner the right to receive free medical care in the prescribed amount in medical institutions participating in the CHI program.

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Moreover, polyclinics, dispensaries, treatment and diagnostic centers and hospitals throughout Russia are required to provide you with the necessary assistance, regardless of the city in which you received the policy (see the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Health Insurance of Citizens in the Russian Federation").

The document indicates: surname, name, patronymic, gender, age, place of work, social status, address of the insured, as well as the duration of the health insurance contract.

How to get a policy?

If you are registered in Moscow, you can get a compulsory medical insurance policy at the policy issue point located in the clinic at the place of registration, or at the office of the insurance company. To do this, you need to present your passport or other document confirming registration at this address.

In order to obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy for a child registered in Moscow, it is necessary to present a birth certificate and parents' passports.

Immediately after you applied for a compulsory medical insurance policy, you are given a registration sheet for an application for making an compulsory medical insurance policy. You can use this document instead of the policy until you get plastic card OMS.

All medical institutions operating in the CHI system are obliged to provide the bearer of the registration sheet with the same services as the bearer of the policy. Upon receipt of the OMS policy, the registration sheet must be handed over to the employee of the insurance company.

When issuing you a policy, employees of the insurance company must tell you in detail about the CHI program, your rights and obligations of medical institutions in relation to you. You will also be provided with the address and telephone numbers of the reference and information service of the insurance organization.

The policy must be presented with each application for medical help... If it so happens that you need medical assistance, but you do not have the policy with you, you can simply indicate your insurance organization or contact the Moscow City MHI Fund, where you are required to confirm the fact of insurance to the medical institution.

At the same time, emergency medical care on the territory of the Russian Federation is provided to citizens free of charge, regardless of the presence of a compulsory medical insurance policy.

What is included in the CHI program?

The list of free services, in accordance with the CHI rules for Moscow residents, provided in the CHI system, is established at both the federal and regional levels.

In Russia, there is a minimum that must be provided free of charge to all citizens under the compulsory medical insurance policy. It:

  1. emergency;
  2. outpatient and polyclinic care, including measures for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases in polyclinics, day hospitals of all types, educational and preschool institutions and at home;

Acquainted with complete list medical services provided within the Moscow City CHI programs, you can visit the local polyclinic. You can also contact the Moscow health department or your insured company. Her address and number information phone listed on your policy.

If the rights of the insured citizen have been violated, the company that issued the policy protects their interests up to the provision of free legal advice during the trial.

What if you have lost your policy?

In this case, it is necessary to notify the insurance company in writing or orally about this personally or through a representative of the policyholder (employer), indicating the circumstances of the loss of the document. The lost policy is considered invalid and is excluded from the unified information base of the CHI system.

I lost my Oms policy (card), which I received ten years ago at my place of residence in Moscow

  • passport;
  • residence;
  • statement about the loss of the policy;
  • SNILS.
  • How to recover a lost OMS policy?
  • Foms head: ambulance will continue to treat Russians without a policy
  • the main
  • Insurance companies
  • Questions and answers
  1. To begin with, we turn to the insurance company (the one in which the lost document was issued, or to any other at the choice of the insured person). Note that if the latter decides to change it, then this can be done no more than once a year.
  2. We submit an application in which we set out the request for a duplicate of the medical policy in connection with its loss.

A policy is a document that allows the population to receive medical service... Both paid and free of charge. The duration of a temporary document usually does not exceed a month (30 calendar days) - this period is allocated for the production of a permanent compulsory medical insurance policy.

Obtaining a compulsory medical insurance policy in case of loss

Please note that the number of the new OMS policy will remain the same.

If you urgently need a document confirming the issuance of a compulsory medical insurance policy, the specialists of the insurance company can print information on the status of the application for the production of the policy (unfortunately, this can not be done at all points of issuing compulsory medical insurance policies).

source: http: //polisoms.rf/utrata.htm

What to do if you lost your medical insurance policy

First of all, you should contact the insurance company, the point for issuing compulsory medical insurance at the clinic will also do. You will need to grab a passport, SNILS. It is possible to clarify the details by phone hotline service company.

Now there is an alternative option - entering data and writing an application in a special form on the network on the website of the territorial fund. After you have forwarded the online application, check your mail: there should be a letter with information about the status of the application. When the OMS is restored, a message will come where it is possible to pick it up.

READ MORE: Check payments on the Oms insurance policy

How to restore compulsory medical insurance in case of loss? You just need to write a statement, after which the insurers will cancel the lost document and give a certificate with a limited validity period. Further restoration of the compulsory medical insurance policy in case of loss is the same as the acquisition of a new one. Again, you will need a statement, copies and originals of the documentation required by the rules. Preparation of a new compulsory medical insurance may take up to 30 days.

This list of actions is good if you are not going to change your insurance company. If this is included in the plans, the application contains a request for the issuance of a new compulsory medical insurance and the attachment of the relevant documents (read about them below).

Medical insurance is issued in the very first days after the birth of the child. What is it for? To avoid unnecessary hesitation when receiving the entire list of medical services that are so necessary for a small creature (especially in the first year of life). Just at this time, the baby invariably goes through medical commissions, he has to travel from one specialist to another, take tests, etc.

In the latter case, a temporary document is issued that works until the child is registered at the place of residence.

What to do if a person has lost the compulsory medical insurance policy, how to restore the document? First of all, as in the case of adult insurance, apply to insurance. When registering, you will need documentation confirming the child's registration.

Now there is a smooth transition to the updated sample policies. This process has no time limit. But if the OMS is lost, they will certainly issue a document of a new sample, even if you previously used an outdated one.

In all the described documentation of the new sample, there is an identification number(16 digits). It helps to correctly register those seeking medical help. Until relatively recently, numerous problems arose due to the fact that insurance companies from different regions had policies of different colors, sizes or shapes. A single insurance document removes barriers to getting medical services in a region other than your own.

It's time to take stock.

Having figured out what to do if the compulsory medical insurance policy is lost, you will understand that the list of necessary measures is quite simple. It is not at all difficult to restore the compulsory medical insurance if desired. It is enough to appear in the selected insurance company with the appropriate set of documents. Employees of the organization are obliged to tell you about the possibilities of changing and restoring a document and provide a new one within a month.

Better not to delay this simple operation. If you need medical help, and there is no insurance on hand, there may be much more problems.

On the this moment in Russia there are two models of a medical policy. They differ greatly from each other, and also one of them may not yet be accepted in all medical institutions.

Old sample

Almost everyone knows him. The old sample is a small size, standard shade of blue. It contains information about both the insurance company that serves this policy and the owner himself. The document has a number, as well as various identification marks, indicating its authenticity.

This document is issued once, since its validity period is not limited. It should be replaced only in case of a change in personal data (for example, surname, which also applies to other documents of a citizen) or banal wear and tear.

New sample

This document is already a plastic chip card. The front side of the policy contains its number and a special chip, which contains all the necessary information in in electronic format... The back side of the policy contains the owner's signature, his photograph, as well as his full name, gender and date of birth.

A distinctive feature of such a document is its durability. Plus, on the back of the OMS policy, its validity period is also indicated. but new sample so far, the policy is not accepted in all medical institutions due to the fact that not everywhere there are the necessary reading devices.

How to get a policy?

You also need to contact the insurance company to replace the policy in case of a change of surname, name or patronymic, as well as place of residence.

Documents for an adult

The documentation may vary slightly depending on the category of citizens. An identity document is required in any case. Adults who receive insurance on their own, in addition to a passport, will only need SNILS.

  • Representatives of the insured will need to take their passport and power of attorney.
  • If a refugee receives a compulsory medical insurance, a paper is required, which is a confirmation of refugee status or a certificate that an application for recognition as a refugee is under consideration.
  • To register a children's compulsory medical insurance, you will need a birth certificate, SNILS, a parent's passport.

Before indulging in thoughts on how to recover a medical insurance policy in case of loss, you need to pay attention to the definition of this document. Only after that it will be possible to understand how much paper is needed by citizens.

A policy is a document that allows the population to receive medical care. Both paid and free. Russia has a system of compulsory health insurance... And the corresponding policy serves as a kind of confirmation of participation.

Not a single person can do without it now. Even a newborn must have a compulsory medical insurance policy. Otherwise, parents may be denied admission to the clinic. Therefore, the question of how to restore the compulsory medical insurance policy is relevant.

In reality, there is nothing difficult about this. Each citizen who ordered the document under study can guess that the procedure for exchanging and restoring a policy is not much different.

The first problem facing the population is the question of where to go to get the appropriate service. And the most common answer is “insurance company”. It is necessary to remember who served the citizen under the compulsory medical insurance system. Then collect a certain list of documents and submit them along with an application for the restoration of the policy to the appropriate organization. Nothing difficult. But that's not all!

For example, the fact that the list of documents requested in a particular case will be different. For adults, children, as well as foreign citizens, there are different lists of submitted papers. And you shouldn't be surprised.

Thinking about how to restore the compulsory medical insurance policy, it is required to take into account that recently it is necessary to indicate the type of the restored document. there is old sample and new. The differences will be discussed a little later. It will be necessary to prescribe in the application exactly what type of document is required.

How to restore a medical policy in case of loss for an adult? He must bring with him to this or that body the following list of papers:

  • identity card (usually a civil passport);
  • documents indicating registration (if a passport is provided, then they are not necessary);
  • SNILS.

It is not necessary to draw up the application separately and do not need to bring it. It is filled out already at the insurance company or at the MFC. Further, the citizen will be given a temporary compulsory medical insurance policy. It is valid for about a month. During this time, a new permanent policy will be issued. As soon as it is possible to pick it up, employees of the insurance company will contact the applicant and inform about the readiness of the paper.

IN different cases the list of required documents may be different for adults, children, nationals of other states. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with the list for each group.

Important! The restoration procedure implies the issuance of only a new version of the contract (the old ones are no longer issued).

Standard package

TO mandatory documents that accompany the statement of the insured during the recovery procedure of the compulsory medical insurance policy include:

  • identity card (civil passport)
  • SNILS, if any
  • a document in which the registration will appear. This is relevant in the case when it is not possible to provide a passport

For a child

Since a person receives a compulsory medical insurance policy immediately after his birth, then if it is necessary to restore the paper, the procedure must be carried out by the parents or the people representing them in accordance with the law. In this case, when applying, they must have their own passport.

The list of required documents includes:

  • birth certificate
  • passport of the parent or his representative
  • power of attorney from parents or their official representatives, if they are not applying
  • SNILS (mandatory for the child and optional for the parents)
  • ID card if you are over 14 years old

If, in a situation with a fourteen-year-old child, he can pick up the policy on his own, then for the younger category of children this is not allowed, the parent must take it.

For nationals of other states - foreigners, the list of documents is more extensive, compared to a similar situation for Russians.

When restoring an OMI contract, foreigners must provide:

  • application (write when applying)
  • passport
  • document. Confirming legal grounds for being on the territory of the Russian Federation (residence permit)
  • registration documents
  • SNILS (as well as for persons with Russian citizenship is optional)

As in the situation with citizens Russian Federation, foreigners can get a temporary policy and use it on a general basis for a month until the receipt of the original or a duplicate.

The procedure for restoring the policy is carried out in several steps:

  1. The minimum package of papers is being collected. If the insured person, who has lost the policy, cannot personally transfer them, the documents can be brought by an authorized person who has a written power of attorney.
  2. The instance for filing an application is visited (it is also possible to submit an application via the Internet).
  3. The insured individual is issued a temporary official certificate of insurance (it will have the same force as the lost medical policy).
  4. A citizen gets a permanent medical policy 30 days after the application is submitted.

If the policy is stolen, the procedure for recovering it will be presented in a slightly different way. The first step is to contact the police, and only then to the insurance company.

Despite the fact that all information about the owner of the CHI is stored in a single information base, it is not so easy and quick to recover a lost document. Even having presented all the certificates and copies of documents, you will not be able to get just a duplicate. The waiting month includes the preparation of not only a new form, but also the cancellation of the old one. Although after the completion of the restoration procedure, the number of the new document will remain the same.

In order to restore the compulsory medical insurance, insurers will need such documents as:

  • Passport;
  • SNILS;
  • Application with a request to issue a duplicate.

If the compulsory health insurance policy is lost, in order to restore it, you need to contact the insurance company from which the document was received. You can also restore it through the MFC or the website. However, in the latter case, you will still have to visit the service company to pick up the finished document. The recovery procedure is free of charge. If a person has lost a medical policy, he also may not be afraid to suffer any punishment for this.

At the same time, it is not necessary to contact the exact company where the lost document was drawn up. If you wish, you can apply for a new one in another company. However, it is better to do this before November 1 of the current year. If you apply later, you will have to come back several times to renew the temporary certificate until January of next year.

Employees of the company or the Fund will help you correctly write an application for the issuance of a new document. When writing it, you need to be careful: there should not be any corrections there. As the reason for issuing a duplicate, it should be noted “in connection with the loss of a previously issued policy”.

When filling out the application, you must indicate the desired form of the medical policy:

  • paper form;
  • plastic card;
  • entering information on the UEC.

True, when restoring a document, they may be required to indicate the form of registration of the lost. That is, if the document was printed on paper, a company representative may refuse to issue a replacement in the form of a card.

Next, you should write your data based on the documents you took with you, as well as leave contact information. The application is signed by the employee of the company who accepted it and the insured, the signatures are deciphered, the date and seal of the organization are put. The insured is issued a temporary certificate, the validity of which is limited to thirty working days. It was during this time that a new document was prepared. If the child's policy is lost, one of the parents or guardians should take care of its restoration.

The list of documents for recovery includes:

  • passport;
  • SNILS;
  • birth certificate (if the policy is made for a child who is not yet 14 years old);
  • child's passport (if any);
  • documents confirming relationship (for adoptive parents and guardians);
  • residence permit or temporary residence permit (for foreigners, if any);
  • national passport (for foreign citizens).

If the restoration is carried out through a third party, a power of attorney must also be issued for him. It is compiled in simple writing. The power of attorney can be obtained from the insurance company. The document must contain the date, passport data of the representative and the insured person, a list of the powers to be transferred, the validity period, as well as the signatures of the trusted and insured person with their decoding. Such a power of attorney does not require certification from a notary. It is advisable to issue it in several copies.

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