
Need OSAGO when registering a car. Do they reform the car and traffic police without insurance of the CTP? Registration of a new policy

Is it possible to put a car for accounting without insurance, which you need to cook, how to check the OSAGO, the recommendations of the car owners.

Automatic registration is troublesome, especially when it comes to collecting necessary documents. Not everyone knows exactly what papers should be brought to the traffic police and is it possible to put the car into account without insurance.

Answers to all questions you will learn from the article. But in any case, the policy of it is necessary for you, because this species Insurance is considered in our country mandatory for all drivers without exception.

Auto registration: Is it possible to put the car to account without insurance

The answer to this question will be unambiguous: it is impossible, since a whole package of documents is required to register a vehicle, where the CTP should include.

Consider the process of registration of the car. We remind you that it is necessary only for the connection of the owner with a specific TC, but the right of its ownership of this vehicle does not affect.

First of all, you need to make an application for the traffic police. Call the department by phone or sign up for the service via the Internet.

Prepare all the necessary documents for registration:

  1. confirmation of the right of ownership of the vehicle,
  2. general passport
  3. oSAGO policy (necessarily acting at the time of registration),
  4. receipt of payment of duty.

As you can see, the list indicates the OSAGO, which means that you will not be able to put a car into account without insurance. You need to buy polisha in advance, and this duty of the car owner is registered in the current legislation.

Currently insurance services Suggest many companies. However, not everyone can be considered trustworthy and worthy of confidence in the insured. Therefore, every driver should be able to check the policies.

How to check the policy

The sale of fake and invalid policies is a violation of the law, and any insurance company or insurance broker can be seriously punished for such a crime. However, the insurers who paid money for a false document may suffer from this.

Currently, the automotive are available to the following types of vehicle checks:

  • on the hijack
  • for arrest
  • to participate in an accident,
  • number of owners
  • history TS,
  • vin-code
  • on the authenticity of the OSAGO.

Make sure authenticity insurance Polisa. It is possible by visual verification.

The main features of this document are:

  • textured paper
  • 10-digit individual number,
  • metal thread embedded
  • water marks,
  • the presence of highlighted UV lamp elements.

If any doubt, the insured should contact themselves in insurance companywhose policy he bought. Her employees are obliged to conduct an examination and issue a conclusion.

What else should take into account

When registering a car it is worth remembering the following important recommendations:

  • Prepare all the necessary documentation in advance in order to save time and nerves.
  • Customized passes for registration of the machine is not required. It is only needed for your own safety netting in case of damage or car hijacking.
  • Inspection are required in a certified service, then with any breakdown in this period, the car service will eliminate the malfunction for free.

Now you know whether it is possible to put a car on account without insurance and what you need to register your car.

Car registration in the traffic police is associated with a number of processes that can not be performed and without which you will simply refuse. Inspection of the car on the site, collecting a small number of documents, including the insurance policy, and payment of state duty among them. But is it possible to put a car without insurance of the CTP, how to do this and can I use the policy of the former owner of the car?

Is it necessary?

The answer to the question of whether insurance is needed when re-issuing a car in the traffic police, it is contained in the current legislation - specifically in order No. 665, which contains the regulations for registering cars and other vehicles in the autospectory. Paragraph 17 and others in the text of the regulations require a specific set of documents for the setting of cars to account:

  1. passport
  2. receipt of payment of state duty for registration,
  3. certificate of registration from the previous owner,
  4. acting policy OSAGO,
  5. in some cases, the basis for registration (sales contract).

As you can see, it is necessary to register the car, and put the car for accounting without insurance in 2019 it is impossible.

Is it possible to place a policy in another city?

A special question is the possibility of registration of the OSAGO policy for registration in the traffic police in another region, is excellent from the place of your registration. You can buy insurance in any city of Russia, regardless of the address of the registration (registration).

Moreover, and the car itself can also be put in another region. But at the same time, registration will be made on the regional registration region, that is, getting numbers of another region will not work in this way.

If there is a policy from the old owner

But does insurance come true from the previous owner of the car, taking into account that the period of his action has not yet ended? No, it is not suitable. In the Polish, the owner of the car is always indicated, and according to the rules of the vehicle statement in 2019, the actual owner and registered in the policy should coincide.

But you can rewrite the owner. This must make the insured (and it is not always one face with the owner of the car). Change the owner yourself without the seller you can not.

The procedure for making a change in the owner is simple: you and the policyholder are addressed to the company, where the insurance of the CTP and applying the owner by adding the necessary drivers if necessary. If the experience and / or the age of new drivers fit smaller than the previous ones, it will have to pay extra, according to the calculation ratio.

But remember that the car seller may also return money for an unused insurance period (minus the used period plus 23%), therefore, it may refuse to reissue the owner.

Is it possible for registration to make E-Osago?

But whether insurance is required when making a car for accounting in the traffic police in case of registration electronic OSAGO? Yes. At the same time, in practice, even the printout that you must carry with you and present the DPS staff on the road may not be required, since checking during registration in any case is made on the basis of the OSAGO.

Is it possible to make accounting without insurance?

But the cessation of registration on any of the grounds - whether it is utilization, loss and, of course, the sale of the car - does not require the policy of the CTP. Such responsibilities does not contain or order No. 605 with the regulation of the procedure, nor order No. 1001 on the procedure for registration of the vehicle. And these two legislative Act - Exhaustive regarding the formulation of the car for accounting.

In addition to the already mentioned OSAGA policy, when registering a car in the traffic police, paid receipts should be brought (the size of the state duty is 1,800 rubles: the issuance of rooms is 1500, registration certificates - 300 rubles).

However, the police claim that they do not use it and, even worse, go for the word. If the police had applied the law and collected their license plates, perhaps a criminal lawyer would not go outside with a car without numbers.

The police crew pulled him right, asked his documents and asked him to blow up ethiot. Gafaf replied that he had no documents for him, but gave his name and breathed ethiot.

The police also checked him in the database, where they noticed that the person had a driver's license, but also the fact that his technical inspection expired.

After making sure the full package of documents, you can take a turn to receive, taking a ticket or concerned in advance by phone. It is even easier to sign up for a visit through the site of the local registry office.

To begin with, consider what is needed to put the car for registration:

  1. Make an example in MREO traffic police.
    It can be done using a phone call or online, there is no need to repel from the spot list.
  2. It must be necessary to have a policy of CTP, since it will not work out without insurance.
    Now you can issue OSAGO online, which greatly simplifies the procedure.
  3. Pay for a duty, the size of which is specified directly in the MREO or on their website.
  4. Complete inspection to come to be prepared, having with you all the necessary documents.

Register cars without insurance either will not work either. Nothing changed here. The procedure itself passes faster - you should not expect a live queue.

Previously, it was necessary to contact a special window in order to submit an application for registration, then go to the vehicle inspection site and return to the window to complete the registration of the vehicle.

Now there is an opportunity to print a statement to himself and immediately go to the site, which significantly saves time during registration.

It should be remembered that in this case the application must be completed and also not to forget about the payment state duty.

After completing the inspection, the process of paperwork will begin, and later you get all the documents and new numbers, if necessary. According to information on the whole process, no more than an hour should be taken, especially if when registered, you used online registration.

To put the car for accounting, there is no one price for everyone, since payment depends on different factors.

  • car registration without a run with new signs - 2000 rubles;
  • stopping a supported car for accounting with old signs will cost 850 rubles;
  • transit numbers - 1600 rubles;
  • for the preparation of the testimony, it is necessary to pay 500 rubles;
  • registration of any reference will cost 350 rubles.

All these rates are approximate, total amount It will depend specifically from your case. If you tighten the design, most likely you will get a penalty for the delay in registration, in this case the price will become even higher.

It should also be remembered that if you ignore this item, you can lose your rights or pay even more fine.

Immediately after buying a car and conclude a contract of sale, you can put the car for accounting.

The procedure is a number of actions provided for by the legislation to make information into a special database on the vehicle, its characteristics, features and host. The end result is to obtain a document of the State Sample - STS.

It can be issued:

  1. departments of the traffic police;
  2. centers of municipal services "My Documents";
  3. multifunctional centers (MFC).

At the end of 2013, a new Administrative regulationswhich regulates the procedure for setting vehicles to account. This document made a number of significant changes in the procedure for registering road transport. So, you can register the car in any branch of the traffic police.

Anti-Intensive - Standard Block

The procedure for designing a car begins with pre-collecting documents. Application blank can be fill in in electronic format Or by hand, printing the form from the traffic police website.

In addition to the already mentioned OSAGA policy, when registering a car in the traffic police, paid receipts should be brought (the size of the state duty is 1,800 rubles: the issuance of rooms is 1500, registration certificates - 300 rubles).

See also: OSAGO in Tinkoff Insurance 2018

Calculator Osago

Until July 10, 2017, the driver had to provide a paper policy center when contacting the traffic police, but now the insurance policy is excluded from the list. mandatory documents.

When a new car is put on account, the process usually takes longer, and costs are more tangible. This is because the new car needs to be provided with license plates and register a vehicle.

The answer to the question "Is it possible to record a car without insurance and inspection?" It will be unambiguously negative.

Since paragraph 2 of the special order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs "On approval of the administrative regulations of the Ministry of the Interior Russian Federation According to the provision of a state service for registration of automobiles and trailers to them, "establishes the obligation of the OSAGO.

In the absence of such Polis, the traffic police inspector simply does not have the right to proceed to the inspection of the vehicle.

At the same time, the lack of state registration marks does not imply a refusal in the design of the OSAGO policy.

With regard to CASCO there are several other rules.

Before making a car for public records, it is necessary to disassemble questions:

  • the necessary conditions;
  • algorithm of action;
  • specific deadlines;
  • possible difficulties;
  • design nuances;
  • the legislative framework.

The necessary conditions

To implement the process of registration of the vehicle, you will need to perform a certain range of conditions.

It is worth noting an important feature - from recently, it became possible to register vehicles not only at the place permanent residence.

But in general, with any region, at the location of the defendant. This question is best to pre-explore. Takov simple way You can avoid many problems. As well as delays.

As it is clear from the above reasoning, while the car insurance event is impossible. Probably, this requirement will not be revised at all.

Nevertheless, drivers are not desperate, but carefully looking for a positive answer to the question on the network whether it is possible to put the car to account without insurance and inspection. You can do only without insurance of CASCO, this policy is drawn up at the request of the owner or at the insistence of the SC when buying a new car.

Most drivers believe that, parting with the car, they are obliged to remove it in any case. But according to the law, contact the traffic police to remove the vehicle from registration is necessary for the following reasons:

  1. In order not to pay the tax on the vehicle during the disposal of the car according to the state program.
  2. In case of misuse of illegal actions (car hijacking, etc.).
  3. When selling cars, if the new owner has not rejected the purchase on himself in set time (10 days).
  4. When leaving the Russian Federation for a long time.

To stop the registration of the car, it is not necessary to attend the traffic police unit personally. It is easy to do with the help of a government portal.

Is it possible to remove the vehicle from accounting without insurance

Having considered numerous aspects of the issue, it is impossible not to mention whether insurance is needed when removing the car from accounting. On the website of the State Service published a list of documents, without which the procedure would be impossible.

Since July 10 of this year, an order has entered into force in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, according to which some changes are made to the regulations for the registration of personal vehicles of citizens. They are designed to simplify the reissue procedure, make it more comfortable.

Often the owners of the car are interested, whether it is possible to put a car for accounting without the CTP, that is mandatory insurance Autocarnate responsibility.

Insurance is a mandatory item that needs to be performed to put the car. Repair cars without insurance will also fail. IN

In order to be issued new Polis.The owner of the car has the right to contact any insurance company. It should be remembered for a period of registration, which is 10 days.

The procedure for registration of the policy of Osago is simple: after collecting documents, it is necessary to pay the amount from which in the future will depend, in which amount of the insurance company will compensate for damage to case of accident.

After registration, the car owner will receive the policy of the OSAGO and the notice form of an accident, which is necessary for filling in the event of an accident, as well as a list of representative offices that includes addresses and telephones.

See also: Reimbursement of damage from the culprit of an accident through the court

As for the used car, there is another option - reissuing the policy on itself, that is, to enter into already existing insurance. After the sale of the vehicle, the new owner passes the old contract. In order to make changes, both owners are needed.

Registration of the car in the inspection without prior insurance is impossible. When making a car registration, the new owner gives the traffic police specialists a certain package of documentation, which includes the insurance policy.

Suppose you have an OSAGO policy on your hands. You need to put a car on account. You can make a car for yourself, even without right, the driver's license is not needed. For this, the following documents are needed: - Passport, sale contract, TCP of the car, paid receipts for car registration, transit numbers, CCEDo Policy, as well as the car itself for inspection of the inspector.

Now for money

Registration - we cost 2000 rubles (duties), enter the numbers and certificate of registration of the vehicle. If you do not put through the official PCDD item, and there are also there, I personally set my car, then another plus 500 rubles, for their services.

The penalty for overdue transits - now they have risen in price (from 1st of September 2013) from 500 to 800 rubles, if they fell back for the first time, if they fell back to the second time, then 5,000 rubles.

In your case, we are going on the car to the traffic police station, you will still write a fine there, we pay a fine and put the car for accounting. If you stopped and discharged to you a fine, and then after 2 kilometers stopped, we are talking to the inspector that we are going to the traffic police, and that just you have discharged a fine, here it is usual, as a rule, the inspector will not be discharged a fine for a second time in a few minutes.

Upon arrival, we definitely pay a fine, keep the sheet about the board next to you, and impose it to the inspector when setting a car.

This question causes a lot of disputes, both among experts and drivers. Consider what position the judges of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation are occupied. Thus, when considering the case of challenging PDD points, including paragraph 2.1.1 by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation on 17.04.2012, the decision was made NACPI2-205.

The judge decided that until the end of the ten-day period, the TC owner to conclude an OSAGO Agreement, the driver of the car has the right to manage it without the appropriate insurance policy, which follows from paragraph 2.1.1, which provides for the duty of the motorist to have insurance with him only in cases provided by law about CCAGO.

A similar position was outlined by the judge in the decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of October 15, 2014 No. 41-ad14-15. He ruled that the car owner under the law on OSAGO had to acquire the policy of compulsory insurance of autocarted responsibility for ten days from the date of acquiring vehicles, and therefore, to attract him to justice under Art. 12.37 illegally.

It does not violate the current rules of the road and therefore, it is illegally punished by a fine.

As a rule, a lot of people comes to register a car, especially in large cities. Therefore, it is not worth postponing the procedure for the last day from the provided period. The preliminary record in the queue is carried out by telephone department of the MREO Traffic police or on the website of public services.

By registering the car owner must present the following package of documents:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • insurance of OSAGO;
  • car vehicle;
  • contract of sale;
  • previous registration certificate if the car used.

To stop the registration of the car, it is not necessary to attend the traffic police unit personally. It is easy to do with the help of a government portal. Tips for those who want to remove the car from accounting.

Is it possible to remove the vehicle from accounting without insurance

When purchasing a used car, which was previously decorated, the policy of OSAGO, the new owner has the right:

  • acquire a new insurance policy;
  • make changes to already existing insurance.

Registration of a new policy

Does insurance need for car registration in the traffic police? Yes. This document is mandatory for registration of a vehicle on accounting (car registration rules). Moreover, the term of the insurance policy should be at least 1 year.

Actions when buying insured TC

The new list of mandatory documents falls:

  • documents on the temporary import of the car;
  • documents confirming disposal;
  • expert documents on the basis of which the vehicle is identified.

As a rule, it is when buying used cars. To date, the seller does not need to remove the car from accounting before selling. Enough, on the basis of such a contract, make changes to the technical equipment passport and then put the car on accounting in the traffic police.

But at the same time it must be remembered that it is possible to get into a situation where the car is purchased under the ban bailiffs Or the car does not have or poorly read the body number and engine. In this option, you will simply refuse registration.

Therefore, to the question, how to put the car on accounting under the sale contract best offer - This is together with the seller to come to the traffic police department and, checking the car, already sign the contract, after which it is immediately put to record the purchased car.

Cost of registration actions

At the moment, some registration actions have received their changes, for example, when registering a car on a new owner, the default license plates remain the same. In this option, you must pay 850 rubles for the registration of the car.

If you want to have new numbers, you need to make an application for issuing other license plates - then you will have to pay 2850 rubles. New numbers are required to receive and in the case when old does not comply with the standard.

Put the car for accounting in the traffic police price of 2019 and the cost of other procedures at the following today:

  • production of license plates, when purchasing new cars or at the request of the new owner - 2000 rubles;
  • the introduction of new data when registering the machine in TCP - 350 rubles;
  • obtaining a new document on the registration of the car (certificate) in the traffic police - 500 rubles;
  • obtaining transit numbers and register them - 1600 rubles;
  • obtaining a new document (certificate) on the unit or various certificates for the car - 350 rubles.

Car registration procedure

Since the end of 2013, when a new administrative regulation came into force and, according to him, the procedure for the formulation of machines to account as follows.

Register a car is possible in any branch of the traffic police, and not only at the place of residence of the new owner. Transit numbers to get no needs (if you do not plan to leave the limits of Russia), the new owner of the car receives it with the previous registration numbers. Removing from accounting is also not mandatory need, because This happens when registering in the name of the new owner.

By the way, to the question for how many days you need to put a car registration, gives an answer Resolution No. 1156 of the Government of the Russian Federation from 2012. The second point in this resolution states that the owners acquired the car must register it within 10 days. Before that, the term of registration was limited to five days.

Now consider an important question.concerning insurance, for example, is it possible to put the car on account without insurance.

After the purchase and sale agreement, the next immutable step is to conclude an insurance contract for the insurance. In the decorated policy, you must be specified as the new owner of the car. You can also specify other persons who are planning to entrust the control of the machine (wife, an adult child, friend, and so on.) This policy must be provided in the MREO traffic police, for its design to the insurance company it is necessary to submit a contract of sale and a diagnostic card (replacing the old coupon. Technical inspection).

Difficulties may occur, because The diagnostic card indicates the owner and the VIN-number of the machine and if the validity period of the card has already expired, then the inspection is needed again. A closed circle is formed. Riding without insurance is prohibited categorically, but to obtain the policy you need to get to the technical inspection station.

Solutions of the problem may be several:

  1. To agree with the previous owner about the joint visit of the station.
  2. Transport to the station your car using a tow truck.
  3. Arrane from the former owner handwritten power of attorney in your name and enter you in it. After that, you can easily reach the technical inspection and pass it by proxy.

After receiving the OSAGO policy, you can go to the MREO to register the car. This will require:

  • sales contract (in 2 copies, with independent design);
  • transport passport;
  • previous certificate of TC on registration;
  • insurance policy, decorated for you;
  • passport.

To register the car, it will be necessary to inspect it with a MREO officer, so we put the car to the inspection site and go to the room where we find a window for the primary reception. Inspector outside the window we inform about the desire to register the car and provide documents. You must issue receipts for payment and application for registration.

We pay the receipts, the application (if it is not issued) fill and wait at the site for inspection of the inspector. After examining your car and mark this in a statement, you can return to the placement of the MREO in the "Registration of TC for individuals" I gave into the window paid receipts and documents, you will only wait for you when you are called by name and will give new registration documents.

And do not forget to carefully check the data made.

In short, I will try to answer the frequently asked question - is it possible to put the car on the child accounting.

It is possible, but for children by age up to 16 years, all registration actions are required to produce their parents or guardians. At the age of 16 years, the design can be made by the child himself, but at the same time be sure to submit a written statement of two parents that they do not object to the design of the vehicle on their minor child.

This is necessary due to the fact that parents are fully responsible until the age of adulthood for the actions of the offspring or the damage caused to them.

Related records:

Which regulate all aspects state accounting Vehicle, put a car registration or re-register the car without insurance can not.

More precisely, it is impossible without the presence of records of the current ARGO agreement in the name of the new transport owner of the Russian Federation without presence in a single database of the Russian Union. It is her, according to latest changes In the order of registration of vehicles introduced in the middle of 2017 by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 139, to present or not a paper policy of OSAGO, now the citizen decides.

Police officers are obliged to check insurance data on information bases, regardless of whether the auto owner has presented the usual policy or E-OSAGO in printed or digital form.

Planning a car registration without insurance Blanca, It is worth considering, what:

  • Its details are still needed to submit an application for registration.
  • In case of technical problems information systems The Ministry of Internal Affairs, the presence of a paper insuring certificate will help speed up the test procedure.
  • If you made an ordinary, not electronic Polis And left him at home, the car can register on the results of the inspection, but you are flying for driving a car without insurance. Copies are sufficient enough in the case of E-Osago, the original requires the original.

Procedure: How to register TS without the OSAGO?

Otherwise, registration actions for the owner of the digital policy do not differ from the general algorithm.

To write an application

You can download the blank in advance and fill out at home, Personally, at the coming to the Department of the traffic police or through the website of the State Service. The application form contains the following key sections:

Make an appointment in MREO traffic police

The current regulation allows you to register a car in any region, without binding to the proposet of the owner. Choose a convenient compartment for you and visit it personally to take a twin electronic queue, or sign up for reception through the website of the State Service. For online time reservation:

  1. register on the site;
  2. go to the GAI services section and choose the service of registration https://www.gosuslugi.ru/10059/3;
  3. put the mark in the mug near the lettering "Personal Visit of the Directorate of the State Traffic Inspectorate";
  4. select the desired compartment and convenient time for you from the list.

Prepare other documents

  • Transport passport (electronic or paper form). For machines with mileage - Previous certificate of registration (STS).
  • Owner's general passport or other legal identity card, power of attorney, if the registration is not the owner.
  • Certificate of ownership is a purchase and sale agreement and an act of acceptance, certificate of inheritance and similar documents.
  • If changes are made to the design of the car, to be registered - documents on coordination of work from the traffic police, the conclusion of experts, accounts and certificates with a hundred.

Pay for state duty

You can do it through electronic service Public services or through any bank service convenient for you. Public Services Service Located Payment Details automaticallyWith independent payment of payment, they should be referred directly in the registration department or on the official resource of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. The receipt is included in the mandatory package of documents submitted for registration.

Commmise auto

Visual control is carried out on the site near the MREO and the Regulations should last no more than 20 minutes. During this time, the inspector:

  • evaluates the compliance of auto requirements for the safety of vehicles;
  • checks the availability of changes to the factory structure;
  • the serial numbers on separate nodes and aggregates or the VIN code with the documents specified in the documents.

Get STS and Gosnomer

The details of the new certificate of registration and assigned state numbers are made by police officers in a special column of the application form. The owner certifies the receipt of the signature.

The cost of the procedure depends on the specific services that you will be provided during registration. The most expensive are the new numbers - 2000 rubles. The design of the STS will cost 500 rubles, enter the name of the new owner in the TCP costs 350 rubles. The release of the new TCP is worth 800 rubles, but from July 1, 2018 it starts the final transition to the electronic TCP, which will reduce the cost of the service.

What to do when renewing the vehicle on the new owner, do you need to change the policy?

The buyer has a new car questions about what to do with insurance often does not occur. It is necessary or to design "from scratch", or, if there is already a policy of CTP, to make changes to it in a part concerning the vehicle.

But when the car is bought from hand, the seller is almost guaranteed to have a valid policywhere this car was already inscribed. It is not necessary to change it, but the insurance company will have to go. The fact is that there are separate graphs in the Standard Asha Polis form:

  1. Owner.
  2. Insured.
  3. Persons admitted to management.

In order to register a car the new owner must be listed in insurance certificate In the first or second status. Just enter it into a list of additional drivers, on which the insurance is spread, is not enough.

Penalty for individuals will be 1500 - 2000 rubles. Control vehicle falls under the sanctions of Part 1 of Art. 12.1 Administrative Code and entails a fine of 500 rubles at the first stop by the staff of the traffic police, and up to 5 thousand rubles when reuboving.

Policy OSAGO need every motorist And his design should think even before making a purchase and sale transaction. Select a safety company in advance, check what you need to conclude a contract and how much time it will take. Acting legal base Wars on receipt of the policy and registration of the car for only 10 days, and to postpone the procedure of compulsory insurance against the end of this period is not reasonable.

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