
"Electronic" queue in Sberbank. Electronic queue in the bank Sberbank electronic queue that click

The coupon with the number you need to take in standing immediately in the lobby of the terminal, and then calmly sit on the sofa or stand (this is how lucky) in anticipation of the call. The first thing that rushes into the eyes is calm, reigning in the hall. There are no disputes on who occupied for whom and real nervousness when the operator announces that the window closes on a technical break. "Bored, girls!" - the great combinator Ostap Bender would say. And I would be mistaken. Visitors to the central office are not yet boredom. The client, for the first time to visit Sberbank after a long break, is having fun at the entrance. Where to go what to do is not clear. This information can be obtained perhaps from kind people in line. Just sit and wait, after the cherished coupon turned out to be the cherished pass, is also not as easy as it seems. If in the "live" queue more or less understandable, how many wait ahead, then you will not understand anything in the "electronic". You, let's say, the 114th number, and the numbers "95", "60" and "73" are shined on the scoreboard. How much else to wait? Well, if no more than 15 minutes. So much time, according to the results of studies carried out international Company Nexter is ready to spend in line with the middle Russian. A resident of the European Union, by the way, "explodes" in the third minute of expectation. But we are challenged in queues and therefore submracting for almost an hour. Although, perhaps, soon, too, be bored as Europeans, because the "electronic" queues are introduced to reduce these most queues. The leadership of the VTB-24, where 85 percent of visitors (Sosnovy Boron are still serving), for example, argues that the branches of the separation grows on average for ten percent three months after the system is deployed. In about the same period, customers get used to the queue by docks. However, it is impossible to argue that something is good for VTB-24, Sberbank is also suitable. Customers are different. Especially - their number. A typical visitor Sberbank is a pensioner who came to get a pension, put or rent money from the catering and pay utility bills. For him, get a coupon through the terminal is a big problem, as in general, any communication with electronic devices. Nevertheless, employees helping to understand the brushes of the terminal, there was not noticed in the hall. Therefore, the elderly person will have to spend time to navigate in innovations. At the same time, pensioners who are accustomed to trust the stable "Soviet" bank, thousands. And after the appearance of problems with the reception of municipal payments in the mail, their number has increased even more. Therefore, working people who do not have enough free time, you will have to get used to the seats in the electronic queue, as well as they used to get used to standing in her "live" analogue - some payments can be paid only in Sberbank, and more nowhere else. While, however, Sosnovoboretsev has a choice. You can stand up in the old way in four other urban branches of Sberbank, which have not touched new trends. When will they go to "electronic" queues? If we consider that the installation cost electronic system In the department ranges from half a million to a million rubles, it is unlikely soon. A more accurate answer could give the leadership of the Sosnovobory branch, but it turned out to answer our questions without a written request to the head press service. *** Checked for yourself On Monday, after the end of the working day (at 18.30), the Mayak correspondent went to Sberbank to pay several accounts. The terminal was covered with an information shield, as the department operates until 19.00, and the people in the hall were still decent. The people standing in the queue advised to ask the guard about the coupons left by visitors who wished to stand in line. One of the four such left coupons, issued at 18.00, and was given to the correspondent, which caused some discontent among people who have already spent half an hour in the "electronic" queue. The invitation to the cashier was highlighted on the information board at 18.50 - ten minutes before closing. In the Sberbank Hall still remained people with coupons. Numbers After the introduction of electronic sales queues banking products increase by 9%.

I came today in Sberbank to pay state duty - 100 rubles, and there is innovation: electronic queue.

Previously, in the queue, it was necessary to stand on your two, but not now. First approach the special terminal. The terminal has a sensitive screen. Green rectangles are drawn on the screen, six pieces. In each rectangle, the type of operation is indicated: cash payment, operations with a score, currency, utility bills, penalties, taxes, duties, etc. Press the finger to the rectangle you need, after which the terminal gives a tag with a number. Externally, the twin reminds cash check. Callochchik you take and sit on the chair to wait for you. Of course, if the free chair exists. If not, you're standing. Chairs were about the man today.

My tumbler:

How does the visitor know that the queue approached? They have a special scoreboard under the ceiling there. It is displayed from time to time the pair: the number of the coupon and the arrogant to the number of the ticket number, to which the clerk should come to approach. All visitors are sitting and looking at this board, voice notification also works. The called visitor goes to the Cash number specified on the scoreboard.

Good our people are not used to innovation. Therefore, a special aunt has been installed next to the terminal, which, having envying the next visitor who arose in the doorway, he heads: "We have an electronic queue! Go to the terminal, get a ticket". Then she finds out the visitor, whether the visitor has difficulty getting a ticket, if there is, it is wondering that the client needs and herself presses the right green rectangle, and gives the visitor to a piece of paper. During the aunty sounds, its functions take on random visitors from among the previously numbered visitors.

The visitor has a number of opportunities to miss their turn, for example, he may not notice that he is called if he thought, he sees poorly or arrogantly found a book or newspaper more entertaining reading than the scoreboard. God forbid the visitor to use these opportunities. In this case, the operating system will reset its queue, and the unfortunate will be forced to receive a twin and take the queue. Serve visitors with overdue tolls of operating systems refuse.

Was the Sberbank customers better from the electronic queue?


Skip turns, without leaving the office, it was almost impossible;
- In the queue, it was possible to read, play games on the phone, etc.;
- If a person missed his turn (for example, it went to the next store and did not have time to return on time), then he sacked himself, put it at the beginning or to the end. Usually, if at least one person remained, who remembered the perception, and could confirm that he "occupied", he was passing forward.


Miss the queue is possible;
- in the queue it is necessary to constantly stare on the scoreboard or listen to the voice notification;
- customer service that missed turns is not allowed automated system electronic queue. The operating system, if he wants, can go towards such a client and serve it into account of the electronic queue, but she has some inconvenience.

It became better only to the Operations themselves, because the queue from pensioners no longer selects them in front of the windows, and no one attacks them with a combat tide: "I just ask !!!" Honestly, I will say a "live queue" in Sberbank for me is a hassle, that I am perhaps on the side of innovations.

With the help of coupons, Sberbank learned better to manage queues in offices

Photo: Alexander Ryumin / Tass

In the future, perhaps the interaction of a person with a bank will occur exclusively in remote access. And customers are quite likely to pay extra for the luxury of real communication as an additional service, representatives of the financial sector predict. In the meantime, although more and more operations are translated into remote service channels, the stream of customers in banks does not dry. Banks.ru studied how bank electronic queues are managed and how much time is carried out waiting for customers of the largest credit institutions.

You did not stand here

Banks - from those organizations where queues are inevitable. To effectively manage customer streams, credit organizations Use electronic queues. Already now there are technologies that allow you to "stand" in such a queue, physically confused by the bank.

The queue management system is constantly improving and being finalized in accordance with the requirements of the market and customer requests, the head of the NeuroniQ Development Department Marina Moskaleva says. "Now you can be in line, not physically present in the separation, for example, using the" Remote viewing of the information board "function. On the printed coupon with the queue number there is a generated QR code, which allows you to track the state of the queue using a smartphone. The client, reading this QR code by any mobile application for its recognition, receives a link, the transition to which displays a page with data about the customer numbers. These data are similar to those displayed on the information scoreboard in the department. Thus, it becomes an optional client's presence directly in the scope of the scoreboard. If the client comes to the bank branch at the time of peak boot and sees a large number of waiting, it can, when choosing a service on the terminal, take advantage of the possibility of pre-registration for the current day. For example, specify the time of the visit in an hour or two. In this case, a person can be sure that earlier than after the specified time his number will not be called, "explains Moskalev.

Now you can be in line, not physically present in the department, for example, using the remote viewing the information board. On the printed coupon with the queue number, there is a generated QR code, which allows you to track the state of the queue using a smartphone

In addition, banks are actively implementing biometric technology to identify customers. "Biometry technologies are used to identify VIP clients at the time of their registration on the queue terminal to confirm service priority. For this, the terminal is additionally equipped with a face recognition camera or a fingerprint scanner. Also, such technologies are used in the case of integrating the queue management system with a scois ( control and access control system. - approx. Banks.ru.) To confirm the identity of the client when accessing special storage. In this case, not only the definition of personality personality or fingerprint, but also voice identification or scanning of the iris, "says Marina Moskaleva.

Queue in Sberbank is not the same

Despite the growth in the number of transactions in remote service channels, the number of clients attending the bank offices for operations is not reduced, banks reported to Sberbank.

"Sberbank is systemically engaged in reducing queues in its divisions. 90% of customers expect no more than 10 minutes in the queue for transaction operations. The average waiting time in the queue fell to 4.5 minutes. This is a good indicator, given the penetration rate of non-cash operations in the country and age structure Bank customers. On average, one employee serves more than 100 customers - individuals per day, "they told us in Sberbank.

In the press service VTB 24 noted that at the time of waiting for the client in the department of the bank influence several important factors: Operation Structure, Service Duration and Number of Customers per employee.

"One of the tasks of the bank, which we successfully solve last years- Transfer of rapid service operations from offices to remote channels. Accordingly, the front-line managed to focus on more complex target operations. For example, this is design mortgage loan. At the same time, VTB 24 continues to reduce the average client's waiting time in the office - now it is about 4 minutes. Currently, one employee VTB 24 serves about 20 customers per day. This indicator has decreased by 20% for a year and a half, a total client flow into the office is 40%. The average waiting time has decreased from 4 minutes 37 seconds to 4 minutes 13 seconds, "the bank reported.

IN RNB They said that over the past year, the waiting time in the queue was halved: from 24 minutes in June 2016 to 13 minutes in June 2017.

"Reduced the waiting time made it possible to introduce an electronic queue management system in operating offices, optimization of intrabank processes, translation clients in remote service channels (Internet bank, mobile app, self-service terminals). So, if the number of payments at the box office of the RNB branches in May 2017 was about 740 thousand, then in the same month, with the help of remote service channels, the RNB clients committed 1.7 million payments. On average, the Specialist Sector Sector and RNB service sector serves up to 13 customers per day, "commented in the press service of the bank.

How to combine electronic queue

In the electronic queue, standard Lifehaki people will work, hardly knowing the word "lifehak", - for example, "I've been on this woman" or "I just ask me", which have been actively used in traditional queues for a long time.

But the readers of banks.ru assure that the electronic queue can "dispel" so that the service happens faster. "In order to speed up the queue, you need to choose the service you need and recruit more cubs, then in the system it will be displayed as a priority and maintain it faster," the reader of Bank.Ru Ekaterina S.

In order to speed up the queue, you need to choose the service you need and recruit more cubs, then in the system it will be displayed as a priority and maintain it will be faster

According to Marina Moskaleva, the only trick for the client - to take a ticket not at the service that is required, and the one in which the queue is faster (priority above). "But in this case, the operator that caused it on the wrong service, redirects the client to the desired service, and the system provides forward to the place in the queue corresponding to the registration point. So the client wins anything, "she explained.

Many Voronezh are actively using bank cards. Once in a few years they need to be updated. As it turned out, with this uncomplicated procedure, it is necessary to be vigilant. Otherwise, such services will be connected to your accounts, the existence that you did not even guess.

A resident of Voronezh Elena was connected to several dormitors with the scheduled card reissue in Sberbank. She on Thursday, April 21, came for the new "plastic" to the department on Koltsovskaya Street, 46.

"I took a coupon card to the card. The e-queue approached the window. Not for the first time I change the map - the procedure is familiar to me. Signed documents, several times entered a PIN code for activation. After that, my employee of the Bank led to a consultant who had to restore mobile Bank- Elena says. - she activated the mobile bank through the terminal, and then quickly pressed and printed the check. Then she quickly went to the computer and entered my online bank. She said to dictate her password from the SMS message. "

The client clarified, for what purpose the employee wants to enter her banking. The employee stated that you need to "activate the card - while new card does not work". The client objected that the card had not changed more than once and such manipulations were not required.

"Now the rules tightened, you need to spend test payments, I explained to me the consultant," Customer's employee quotes. - I was surprised, but I agreed to dictate her password. Then Sberbank worker said that two numbers needed for translation - one of mine, and a second close person who can be tested. After that, she went to the Autoplaty section. I pointed to her that I don't need auto plates - I don't want to connect them. The same assured that this mandatory procedureThe payment will pass once - otherwise my card will not connect. "

According to the client, everything happened very quickly. After visiting the bank, Elena carefully re-read all the SMS messages. It turned out that she was connected to two auto plates and two piggy bank services, which she did not ask.

"I was shocked, then came home and began to turn off the services," Elena is indignant. - Well, that I noticed it. I heard that the purchases of filters, cosmetics impose, but in large bank Do not expect this. There is some kind of confidence in employees. "

And at this time

Do not want - save

Another Sberbank client on the same day during the card reissue also connected the "Piggy bank" service. Unlike Elena, he did not connect auto plates. The essence of "piggy banks" is that the percentage of receipts or spending from your card automatically moves to one of your accounts. Most often is a "savings account", the percentage of which is minimal. This service is positioned as a way to accumulate the desired amount of money. However, does any client want to be connected to this service?

For those who have connected "piggy bank", tell me how to turn it off. To do this, go to the online bank of Sberbank. Click on account debit card - It is from him that they are written off means. Then choose "Information on the map" and leafing down. There will be all "piggy banks". In the upper right corner, click on the "Operation" button and select "Disable".

By virtue of objective reasons, I extremely rarely be in any bank, so I feel about their innovations much later than they appeared. However, at least once a year I still appear in the bank (for example, to pay hosting and / or domain name). And today in the neighboring office of Sberbank collided with another paper innovation.

The innovation is called an "electronic queue". What is her essence? Previously, to pay, you needed to come to Sberbank, to survive the usual queue (if it, of course, was), make your business and then leave. Now this technology has added another item: getting a token. For, to get In the "ordinary" queue, I previously must be out "Electronic", the essence of which is the receipt of the check, is proudly called "token".

For this, an ATM is in the office, the screen of which you pumped your finger and you immediately give out this check. After that you get law Go to the desired checkout and do what you used to do without this check-to-faith. The funny thing is that an ATM is literally in four meters from this entire cashier. If they placed it in the checkout, it would be much more funny πŸ™‚ (and practical, by the way).

However, as I said, I am about once a year in the bank, so I didn't face the queues in it almost never (I would not be surprised if there were no longer). That is why all the delights of the expectations in the queue did not touch me and today - I received a check-to-burn, paid a domain name and two minutes later there was a tea house. But I was visited by thought - there may be a guide of Sberbank specifically introduced two queues, instead of one, to somehow recall the old soviet times? Little if, maybe they miss the queues. πŸ˜€

However, I am more than confident that this is another "innovative" Sberbank decision done for a check mark, they say, we work, we are improving. After all, how beautiful it sounds - an electronic queue. And recent malfunctions in the work of ATMs because of the error of the software is "not characteristic of us." By the same type in my hospital, the "electronic" document flow was once introduced, the essence of which is that earlier all references / extracts / cards were only paper, and now also electronic ... they were introduced instead of paper, but simply introduced. What for? I still do not understand. In fact:

  • There is no access to them (even 90% of the employees themselves)
  • No one uses them (all 100% of employees and all 100% of patients)
  • Archive is still only a paper (whole building)
  • If a copy of the document is required, then a photocopy from a paper original is removed, and do not print an electronic copy (at the same time they sometimes require an electronic copy of a copy of the paper original)

Eh, the electronic backwardness of our bureaucracy personally oppresses me (sometimes also) ... I still struggle with your modest forces, because if you want to change something - start with myself.

P. S. I am not a representative of the current opposition Liberasni. Therefore, my words should not be perceived as criticizing the state in general and V. V. Putin in particular πŸ™‚ I only state a bureaucratic-bureaucratic fact.

P. P. S. For a long time there was no jokes:

Lotox.: What happened to the server?
Connect.: Nickname, May Pastaville service, Frebizda Instala Made, Apaches Sagraral, Potpice, Sapupy, and Ano - Azhambhech Pashambe Echelba Shaytanama!
Lotox.: Cyril, if you won't start normally, we will find a new system administrator. I repeat the question - what happened?
Connect.: Shto-oh? .. listed ...)

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state