
House for 300 thousand rubles one-story. How to build a house for a limited budget (60 photos). Choice of budget lining at home

For the construction of a country house, most people choose budget projects of houses. It makes no sense to overpay for expensive building materials or order a project of a huge mansion if this housing will be used only sometimes. A good option for residents of Nizhny Novgorod can be carcase houses up to 300 thousand rubles turnkey. This is not a myth, but reality - one-storey houses Economy class won their popular due to cost and comfortable layout. Ready projects Housing for construction provide an extension in the form of a garage, attic or terrace.

Ready projects of houses up to 300 thousand rubles

It is the opinion that the construction of the house is an occupation requiring a huge amount money and time. But it is not so! The catalog contains several options for cheap country houses from sip-panels. Low price does not always mean the use of bad building materials or a small building area. Specialists of the company "Basco" try to make country accommodation is more affordable by optimizing the cost of production and logistics. You can independently build a house for 300 thousand rubles, taking advantage of the Ready Domocompute and project documentation. The home complex includes everything you need:

  • Sip-panel
  • Inter-storey overlap
  • Project with finished planning
  • Fittings, all the necessary fasteners

Options are possible with an attic, with a garage or a summer terrace. For three hundred thousand rubles you get full set Materials - You can collect a dual of your dreams in a matter of days! We need only a land plot and the desire to conduct finishing works on their own.

Construction of houses up to 300 thousand rubles turnkey

Cheap country cottages can only cost 300 thousand rubles - they are well suited for summer living, and appearance Not at all inferior to modern mansions. How did it become possible? Thanks to the sip panels! This high-tech material is actively used in the construction of budget frame houses. It easily transfers a harsh Russian climate, resistant to external physical exposure and durable. Sales of frame houses up to 300 thousand rubles in Nizhny Novgorod and the Nizhny Novgorod region are engaged in the production company "Basco". There are more than a dozen different options in the catalog capable of satisfying the most attracted customers.

Next you will find the history of the construction of one house from ordinary family. A modest and very limited budget did not stop them on the way to the dream to acquire their private house. What happened from this, with what difficulties our heroes were encountered and they used what decisions to reduce the cost of construction, this post will tell about all this.

Construction is conducted as cash.

Plot. Burian, no fences. There is an iron garage and email. Pole on the border of the site.

The plot itself cost 400 tr. Bashkiria district, plot 2 km from the city.

Made a fence, bought stages for 5 rubles pcs, crossbars 30.r. Painted garage, paint (olifa + bomb aluminum) 300 rub

Opened ribbon foundation, 120 height and 40 width. Kamaz PGS was purchased for 6.t.r. and about 10 bags of cement.

From the moment of buying an account spent about 15 tr.

Credit 40 tr. Bought 10 pallets of aerated concrete blocks, like 36 thousand, the remnants took glue and cement for mixing

Masonry work began.

While spent 55 tr.

Box ready. They laid out not completely (the back wall behind the scenes, it will be a frame, to possibly expand the house and bring it to the scheduled 9.5x9.5).

Bought Mary Bar for 10T.R

Frame back wall.

He began to engage in electricity 10kW. Shield, 3 phase 2 tariff meter, grounding. I gathered completely myself, the electricians simply closed the siep to the post.

Cost 10t.r.

While spent 75 tr.

Made waterproofing foundation. Families were adjusted by B.U. Door. Bought OSB tiles, on 7 tr.

Hired front loader for land. 2t.r.

Flowed foundation.

Began to make a temporary roof. Brucks scaled at 7.r. and ruberoid 2t.r. On the crate for 5 tr.

It is spent almost 100 p. about.

Nadybali wooden windows.

I am 22, Father is 53 years old. Workers. I get 10, and father is 14 tr. I am an electrician and he is a locksmith.

Winter began.

Late in the fall did the well, bought 5 rings 1,200 rubles, the rest of the alkashi died half. Pipes for communications. Bought boards by 6,000 for the ceiling and concrete mixer for 8.

Spent 120 tr.

Made a draft ceiling. Then plan plasterboard or stretching.

San. knot.

Also in April, put water pipe and sewage. Bled concrete tie. Bought 2 pallets of bricks, 10 cement bags, forest sand. Began to make a bathroom.

It has been spent since the purchase of the site, 130 tr.

The other day they spent well:

Shower cabin, for action 10.000

Toilet 3700.

Wash basin with pedestal 2000

Two lever mixers 800

Washing with legs of Ala "Village" for temporary kitchen 1500

EPS 7 sheets for 750 rubles

Polypropylene pipes 600 rubles

5 cement bags 850 p

Rolled soldering iron 200.

Total spent from the moment of purchase 158.000 rubles

Civilization is slowly coming.

Bought a cumulative water heater for 9000. And the pumping station, the stock cost 3,800 rubles.

My work place.

General form.

Garden. In a vegetable garden, cabbage, potatoes, raspberries, currants, grapes, corn, beets, apple tree, torn, carrots, mint, onion, parsley, cherry and more.

And now the expansion of the house. In the constructed part, it is quite comfortable.

Drew a sketch of future expansion.

Extension will be made using tees technology

On video technology tees

5 cylinders of mounting foam 1300

Pistol for foam 500

Chinese metal door 3000

Electroconvector 2kW 2000

Apple tree and plum seedlings 1200

On the street +7, rain. Convector in the afternoon I put on 18 * at night 22 * \u200b\u200bbecause Two-tariff counter. I paid for the email it turned out 1100 rubles in two months.

On our street, a plot with a foundation for 900 TR is selling my economy already calmly pulls on 1.2 cartoon

As I wanted to: lay an EPPS, folgisolone, TP pipes, buy two batteries for 10 sections, electric boiler and later a wood boiler.

It turned out: the ceiling was insulated with folgicone and 10cm polystyrene foam, on the floor under the laminate) 1 convector, it will be necessary to take the second. I think so to overweight, here people in the SIP houses live with convectors. So it goes…

Bought: 12.000r Furnace wood

250 Mounting foam

200 Mailbox

Expect costs every month:

Gasoline 1000.

ELO, Internet, phones 1200

Credit (2 months left) 3000

Food and home goods: 5.000 approximately.

And 8-10 stays at a construction site every month. Norm.

The stove fries, on the street +1. Houses 20+ While burning pallets and other waste.

This month I plan to take the hill and the electric chain saw Makita. I should also 10,000 on a credit card for EPPS and PPS.

We have finished houses Bruce sell from 1 million (away from the city) with plots. In general, if the merchant sells such a house, it means it will Navar at least 500 k. Work is very expensive, so if you do everything yourself, it turns out very even available.

I bought a washing machine for 10.000 and LCD TV BATT for 9.000 rubles. All like people.

Total, since the beginning of construction, cash was spent in the amount of about 250,000 rubles. (Including machine and TV.)

In February, I will probably connect IPTV and ADSL Internet.

Meanwhile, there were gas on the street. If it turns out, in the fall, I will take a loan and head.

Also in the spring promised water. Cadastral value The site is already 850 thousand rubles - good investment, growth of 200%

The average account for electricity is 1100 rubles per month, at the price of 2.40 per kW during the day and 1.40 at night.

In the whole winter, two Gazelles porn on firewood for 1500 rubles each were purchased.

The temperature in the house holds 23 * C, despite the three-meter ceilings. Aerated concrete is perfectly holding heat.

You can evaluate future front work.

Approximate plan until autumn:

Finish foundation

Build a second half using tees-2 technology

Make a new big roof

Register house


Get tax deduction

Connect gas, make gas heating.

Rather and find a new job.

If suddenly get rich, make the foundation for the garage.

Stone fence.

Once again, it was abandoned from vacation, received compensation for unused vacation pays 12 thousand. Lol.

KAMAZ PGS, 5000 rubles

Submersible, vibration pump, + hose - 1600

12 cement bags, 3200 rubles

tOTAL: 10.000

On the this moment It has been spent about 260 thousand.

Today flooded the meter of the foundation.

Today we finished the main foundation, 2 bags of cement remained. Tomorrow will begin the f-she under the veranda.

In the layout of the extended house, you must fit 3 small bedrooms, entrance staircase and one bathroom.

"Height" should not be too big. 5 meters for example, it is clearly a lot. But at the same time, you need to find a balance that the useful area would be sufficient for rooms.

It will be a big plus, if you do not have to disassemble old rafters, giving them some way.

Chose the cheapest version of the TISE machine. The machine is 30 thousand stands, and the walls of tees will be in the same way.

6 rows were laid out, 14. Cement and PGS are slowly ended.

Fence and plot.

Approximately 260 thousand These are all invested money, as long as I do not know, in principle it does not matter, for myself it is done.

Who wants themselves to search for themselves to look for Avito and in local newspapers, you can of course through realtors, they sometimes take in bulk, then cut into pieces, but I do not want to feed the system important thing that the land is owned, the type of land IZh. And who has the opportunity, then come and look at the place, find out. Storge all year round and good electricity. This is enough.

I have the type of land IZH, the land in the property. (Building permission is not necessary, project too)

So, the report. A little horrified by credit card Bought another 25 cement bags, and 6 sand cubes for 5,000. The corners on the jumpers cost 1000 rubles.

2 KAMAZ PGS was bought, half of the first batch went to the foundation, half of the second game remained (leaves for the floors)

1 KAMAZ, (6cubes) clean 5000r

55 cement bags, delivery 13.500r

Masonry masonry 500r.

Ruberoid 300r

Total 20,000 rubles. Excellent result!

Finished the walls. Repeated. Started plastering, and blot.

Mounting foam 500 rubles

Sawn on the roof, delivery 18.300 rubles:

Front-line boards 18x5x600 23pcs (rafters, uterus)

Brussia 10x5x600 7 pcs (uterus)

Edged boards, 2 grade 2x10x600 1CUB (Diselet)

And money remained only for food ...

Meanwhile, Sychevalny mutates.

On Saturday, they called relatives, disassembled part of the roof and put 3 rafters, the rest are planning to put on the next Saturday.

Costs: 500 rubles for self-tapping screws and nails

Also today was ordered professional flooring, 156kv.m, 10 meters of skates, 750 self-samples, 140 sq. Meters membrane on the Space for me, 42 thousand rubles.

Paid by a credit card Sberbank.

Bought a screwdriver for 1700r

Methybal products: brackets, nails, screws 500rub

According to the approximate counting currently, funds spent in the amount of 345.000 rubles. A lot of money.

Meanwhile, roofing began.

The other side did not have enough boards on the crates. Buying it is possible from an advance.

We have 2 km or 20 minutes on foot. 10 minutes on the vele.

Bus runs.

We get to work as: get up at 6.20.

at 6.50 we are going on the car to the city (with our father the graphics coincide).

at 7.00, the working cattle truck is departed to the plant, at 7.45 the start of the shift.

Change ends at 16.20, at 16.50, cattle times will take into the city (15 minutes drive) sit down in the car and go home, at 17.30 already there.

If you go by car immediately to work, then at 16.50 already at home, but it is expensive pleasure.

We have no project. Wiring in different ways. In the bathroom hidden, there are already all sockets on an ongoing basis. The remaining cables are still along the wall, in the future they will be packed in the corrugation and remain under the plasterboard.

Ventilation will be sewn in a false plat.

Bought a seedlove of cherry "Besche" 500 rubles

The roof was almost finished, it turned out that the skates lack. With tag tag so far.

Two foam cylinders and a new pistol 1000r

3 cement bags and paint 1000r

TOTAL: 3000.

Put old wooden windows and doors, manually displaced paint.

Started the fill of the floors.

Slowly Gasim's credit card debt, 24 thousand remained.

On the pouring of the floors, 7 cement bags took 1800 rubles

Paint and brush on the windows of the total 2000r.

Today they bought 6 meters of pipe D114 to chimney. 2350 rub. Cheap galvanizing burned.

Tomorrow I will cook and stucked starting inside.

From birth, 22 years old lived in the apartment, now I will not drive back and stick there. Although if I sell the house, I will enjoy 3-à-new in a new building.

Here is freedom, silence. More space for recreation, for example, you can buy a motorcycle or motorboat. Garden by hand.

In the meantime, the roof was finished - they purchased the skates for 2000 rubles, cement at 600. Plastering the back wall.

Also done, a lot of other small worm. Sheltered apple and plums in cases of strong frosts and so on.

Short sheet of construction solutions from 200k:

Try to do everything with your own hands. It is not difficult, the benefit of the Internet. Margin for work in finished houses up to 300%.

Choose the earth correctly - in the property, the type of land is preferably IZh. Road and electricity is the main thing. The rest will apply.

Cheap foundation: tees, msfl

If you do not know at all what material to build concrete is a classic. Baby gardens, hospitals, houses - mostly all concrete.

Solar is always outside (dew point) Read: Thermal Facade insulation technology.

Do not be keen modern solutions"From" advisers ". The foundations of 500 thousand rubles, and other beggars with the theoretical calculation make the price of building space. Pay attention to old houses.

Build a house for 300 thousand rubles is quite real. Where to begin?

First of all, it is necessary to solve the issue with the site where the house is planned. Before making a purchase, you should study the soil and check the level of groundwater flow. If he is high - it can make it difficult to work in the future and reduce the quality of the construction as a whole.

Then you need to evaluate the upcoming expenses. It is important to understand what basic needs will be used, and most importantly - how much. In addition to shopping land plot, spend money on the box at home, carrying out electricity, heating, water pipeline, for finishing works. Among other things, it should be considered minor (compared to the above expenses) spending.

The next step will be hire a contractor, when choosing which should be guided by the following rules:

  • Such a person B. obligatory must have experience in similar work;
  • To simplify the task and largely save time, it is necessary to find a person who has its special equipment and tools;
  • It is important to know that the selected contractor is able to provide guarantees in quality and on the execution of work for a specified period.
Even if it is decided to build a house for 300 thousand rubles - this does not mean that he should not meet the following mandatory requirements.:
  • strength is the key to success and durability of the house;
  • it must certainly be warm;
  • construction must be carried out exclusively from environmentally friendly building materials;
  • and, of course, beauty - an integral part of and required condition, After all, this result wants to see each owner at the end of the work done.

Layout at home for 300 thousand rubles

To begin with, it is necessary to decide on the planning of the future at home. This is a very responsible part of the preparation before the start of work, which directly depends on the future comfort and comfort of the premises.

At this stage it is determined how many rooms will be, where, what size, windows, doors, where various communications will be located.

To date, houses of various forms with any elements and additions are being built. To the question - how to build a house for 300 thousand rubles, the best option The answer will be the standard square layout. The secret of economy at this construction stage is very simple - in homes in which the perimeter of the walls is less in relation to the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe room and is the most profitable. And this is not the only reception that will reduce costs.

Build Fundam

Since this is the most basic and most responsible part of the whole construction, specialists are not recommended to save on it. In order to invest in the planned amount, it is best to use a boronabiva foundation, where special poles feed into the ground and then they are stuffed with concrete. Then the earth is installed above the ground. Minus is still present - if the soil has different density in one place or another, there is a risk of sending some post. Therefore, the soil analysis is made in advance.

There is another great option - this is a ribbon foundation. He has large square Supports, which in turn makes the basis more reliable. Even with a small landing, the foundation will not give crack, as it sits entirely.

On average, the foundation comes around seventy thousand rubles, including work.

What to build a base house

As for the base, it will be most successful from the red brick, which will help to align the wall and the rubble block. An important point In this paper, its subsequent insulation is, since it is through the house that the house may lose up to thirty percent of all its heat. That is why such a step is mandatory. In order to build a house for 300 thousand rubles, you want to save everywhere and all. Therefore, the base is not an exception.

To work with insulation and waterproofing, it is better to use a fifty-million mellimeter foam and elevated. As for the backfill - here you can kill two hares at once. The soil for the base must be taken from a cesspool, which will be used under the sewer. So saving! Pay only the operation of the excavator. All about everything under the base and all the necessary parts need to be needed in the area of \u200b\u200bfifteen thousand rubles.

We build walls at home to 300 thousand

In fact, build a house for 300 thousand rubles a difficult task, but performing. Therefore, in order to save the walls, it is best to use claymzit-concrete, or gas-silicate blocks. In the first case, the wall thickness will turn out to be a nineteen centimeter, and in the second thirty.

It should be thought out in advance this moment, before the start of the planning. The gas silicate box will be much warmer, thanks to the fungus on the walls of the hosts never encounter never. The ceramic concrete version although it requires additional insulation on a basalt basis, but still itself is cheaper in itself. Top of such a wall it will be necessary to make a monolithic belt, which in turn will act and jumpers under the windows. The second embarrassment can be a conventional metal corner. But it is largely inferior to the first, if only because with time rusting, which becomes noticeable on plaster and, as a result, on the wallpaper.

Considering the cost of only outdoor cerain-concrete walls, and, including work on the construction of a box without a roof, will take about seventy thousand rubles.

In another case, when gas-silicate blocks were used to build, taking into account the work, and only external walls without internal partitions, the amount for costs will be approximately sixty-seventy thousand rubles.

As for the partitions inside the box, they are running different ways. Here, for example, plasterboard, which is installed on a metal frame. It is an excellent material for this business. In addition, this option does not require a fundamental basis, which in turn facilitates and speeds up the work of the builders. Costs at this stage can reach twenty thousand rubles.

Briefly about overlaps at home up to 300 thousand

This question depends on which house is built. For example, for the attic house, reinforced concrete plates are used as overlapping. If the construction is single-storey, then the use of a wooden version will be rational. To do this, use boards with a cross section of 200x50, after which they are stacked alternately in seventy centimeters.

Fully work, taking into account the draft coating, slate and boards and other necessary parts will be forty thousand rubles.

Choosing an inexpensive roof of the house

No less responsible stage than all previous roofing works. For a more economical option, you can use the usual, but good in terms of its characteristics, and most importantly with durable material - slate.

Choice of budget lining at home

For such works as cladding of walls, you can use various materials, the price and other criteria for the quality, price and other criteria. But since B. this case An example of how you can build a house for 300 thousand rubles should be noted such options as:
  • Vinyl siding, the price of which can cost approximately twenty thousand rubles.
  • Facade panels - will cost a significant amount.
  • Based siding can also be called a cheap option.
  • Facing brick. Externally, this option is very beautiful, but it is difficult to call it hard.

Turnkey House for 300 thousand rubles

Since it is unrealistic to perform all the work of the house of the house, many are asked for special firms for help. To immediately clarify what is the "house turnkey", it should be noted that the customer takes part and controls the entire project, the choice of materials, planning, and other things.

Here list of works and worries that will be slandered on the shoulders of the host house:

  1. Choosing the location of the house and buying this land;
  2. Independent development of the project of the house, if there are such skills in the work. If not - you can provide this to the specialists;
  3. Search contractor. Unlike independent buildings at home, where, as a rule, ordinary workers are hired, it is better to contact a specialized company. It is necessary to inspire yourself. If the workers are unscrupulous from that company, then for their mistakes and misses, employers will be able to bring them to justice, as they are officially arranged. And simple hard workers can block you firewood, turn around and leave and you cannot do anything within the law. In addition, there is still a huge plus in hiring an official contractor - payment of money for the material and work can be carried out in stages;
  4. It is possible to perform certain simple work independently, which in turn will reduce certain expenses;
  5. Independent choice of building materials. This is a huge plus, as you can pick up exactly the products that you will like and in the material plan and in high-quality. After all, it is worth not to forget that it is advisable to use environmentally friendly materials to build at home. So, for example, wooden bars - and environmentally friendly, and perfectly retains heat, and the cost of goods from the domestic producer is lower than that of foreign.
And the construction itself and the finish of the house will fall on the shoulders of builders. Ultimately, the customer receives a ready-made home that will fit into all his desires and opportunities. In other words, I ordered - work accepted. This option is suitable for busy people who have no extra time to conduct it at a construction site. In addition, such a service as the "turnkey house" includes all the finishing, communication, installation of doors and windows - in general, everything is necessary for a comfortable life.

Many wonder: is it possible to build a house for 300 thousand rubles turnkey? The answer is yes, perhaps only in hard savings mode. As a result of the work done, you can get a small but cozy house. And most importantly, after passing the result by the builders to the owner, you can safely go and live in your pleasure.

In order to invest in the planned amount and build a beautiful, high-quality and comfortable houseYou should pay attention to the following things:
  • When drawing up layout of this design, it is important that it is compact and the most functional one at the output. Such a decision will reduce the total costs of approximately fifteen percent.
  • Materials for building houses should be desirable to be made according to new technologies. Need to consider that the correct constructive decisions This issue will help save money for thirty percent.
  • Some construction works It can be done on its own, which in turn will help reduce costs for twenty percent.
Do not forget that even budget house for 300 thousand rubles, you can turn into a cozy nest for the whole family.

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