
Popular Front Competition Future of the country. Creative competition "The image of the future country. Our official group of VKontakte

More than 10 thousand people from all regions took part in the "Animation of the Future Country" competition, organized by the "ONF youth". This was announced at a press conference of the All-Russian Popular Front. The main themes of the essay, poems, photographs and vines, who sent young people, were issues of education and ecology. The main thesis that can be traced in almost all the works of the participants is that no responsible relationship and activity of citizens are impossible positive changes in the country.

Opening a press conference, the co-chairman of the Central Staff of the ONF, the Vice-Speaker of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Olga Timofeeva noted that today the theme of the future country sounds in a special context in connection with the upcoming elections of the President of Russia: "The All-Russian People's Front has always been and remains a team of Vladimir Putin. The meaning of our work is to help our leader in the implementation of the main task - to ensure the high quality of life. Since the most active citizens, including the active participants of our projects of the ONF, are young people, we pay a lot of attention today to work with young people. "

The competition of the ONF "The image of the future country" was conducted within three months in two nominations: in the nomination "Essay" from the participants received 6,679 works, in the nomination "Creative" - \u200b\u200b3358. In the "Essay", the authors were invited in writing to present their vision of public and state Institutions after 15-20 years, tell about new models in the economy and social spherewhich will be able to become defining in the near future. In the nomination "Creative", participants sent poems, stories, drawings, videos, photocollages and photo reports, which described how different social phenomena and the world around us may look like in the future.

"Young people are both the future, and the present country, therefore it was important for us to find out which image of the future is a young generation," Timofeev told. - judging by the number of contestants, and they were unexpectedly a lot for the debut of the competition - more than 10 thousand, and in terms of the content of the work, it can be said that we have not indifferent young people, they have many interesting ideas about the device and society. Their ideas are not utopian, but vital. The main thing is that they are ready to argue and personally participate in the implementation of their projects. In the overwhelming majority of 98% of the participants in the competition - optimists and 100% - patriots. "

The competition was actively supported by schools, universities and secondary specials educational establishments - At their sites were held meetings with students, teachers told about the competition.

"Most of the participants (64%) are the youth of 15-17 years old, a third of the work of the work - students at the age of 18-23," the coordinator of the "ONF youth", the State Duma deputy Sergei Boyarsky. - Pretty interesting were the topics that the participants of the competition were chosen for their works. It turned out that the young generation is worried about certain and specific problems of various spheres of life. It should be noted that the leading positions here have occupied education issues. "

Young people emphasized their attention on issues of vocational guidance and compliance with the needs of the needs of the economy, the technical equipment of the educational process, as well as the involvement of the teacher in the learning process. In addition, the participants of the competition emphasize in their works that the school of the future should learn to think systemically and independently. Youth are convinced that education should be as close as possible to modern trends In the economy, and school training is to contribute to the identification of individual abilities from each student. As one of the authors of the essay noted, "it is the quality of education that determines the future of the country in which we live." Such attention to this problem is due to the fact that young people consider the formation of an essential social elevator and a window that opens the road to a large number of perspectives.

In second place in popularity, issues of nature conservation were in popularity, which is quite logical, because now the year of ecology is held in Russia and this topic is addressed in a much wider context. Competition participants indicated the importance of rational use natural resources and the need for a responsible attitude to environment. In addition, young people also touched upon their work the topics of housing and communal services of urban space, public control and volunteering, health care and social support in need, popularization of family values \u200b\u200band patriotism and much more.

The coordinator of "ONF" Boyarsky drew attention to the fact that in addition to the view of the future, the participants of the competition celebrated existing problems: "But they do not complain, but offer specific decisions. They are though young, but specialists in the field of law, technologies, medicine, education. A lot was proposed to concrete ideas that they will need to be implemented in real new Russia. "

The participants in the competition did not simply indicated separate problems and disadvantages, but they described themselves in detail how, in their opinion, in the future there should be one or another sphere of a person. So, for example, the improvement of domestic health care people see in improving the availability of remote medical care, cultivation of a healthy lifestyle, prevention of diseases, and improving the quality of the daily lives of citizens - as widely as possible modern technologies and innovation.

The members of the competition jury also noted that the competition made it possible to identify the value guidelines of our youth and formulate their key life attitudes.

"It was a very useful experience for us," said the rector of the HSE contest, headed by HSE, the co-chairman of the regional headquarters in Moscow Yaroslav Kuzminov. - All work, selected jury in the final, is "live" work. They have an understanding of the difficulties that the country faces today, and there is a belief that, having an active civil position, a personal position, life can be done better. It was interesting to look at what moral and moral categories are guided by our youth when planning your future. The most valuable for young people were such concepts as justice, which is expressed primarily in equality of opportunities, and optimism as a faith in the further successful development of Russia. Of great importance for young citizens also has a responsible attitude towards the surrounding world: participation in charitable and voluntary promotions, keeping a healthy lifestyle, careful attitude towards nature. An important aspect of young people called the possibility of self-realization, namely the development of their own business and the choice of profession in the shower. "

A significant part of the work was futuristic. Young people fantasized about how our country and the world will generally look after several decades. The competition was accepted both work in the genre of utopia, and, on the contrary, anti-nightopias in the style of Ray Bradbury. For example, one of the participants described in detail the world in which robots gradually replace people in everything, including in art, but it does not make people happy. In her opinion, the spiritual component of the human life will disappear together with the dominance of the technique.

"By summing up the contest, it is safe to say that our youth is interested in the well-being and successful development of Russia, Timofeev said. - The image of the future of our country in authors who groaning work is associated with such key concepts as justice, optimism, responsibility and self-realization. Only 2% of the guys who participated in the competition doubt the prosperous future of Russia. In their opinion, the main obstacles can be corruption of officials, the crisis in health and housing and public utilities and the lack of social elevators and equal opportunities for all. But I want to immediately allocate one general feature Competition. No matter what topic the essay, poem or photographs or photography were devoted, they are all made with love for their country. "

Head of the Department of Youth Projects ONF Igor Kasteukevich said that the results of the competition were already summed up, the lists of the winners will be published on the "ONF youth", where you can familiarize themselves: "In the nomination" Essay "selected 50 winners and 50 laureates, in the nomination" Creative "- 25 and 25, respectively. Winners will have the opportunity to visit the final "Forum of Action" ONF "Russia Street to the Future" on December 18-19, and the laureates will be awarded in the regional offices of the Popular Front. With all the participants of the competition, we will hold meetings on which we will tell them about the possibility of further cooperation on the ONF site. "

According to him, the motivation of young people is enough, as the competition showed. All you need is a stable support. This competition approached the end, but another will surely appear. "

We will remind, the competition "ONF youths" called "Animation of the Future Country" started on October 2, work was accepted until November 10th. His goal is to attract the attention of young people to the issues of joint construction of society and the state, as well as to identify the most interesting, unusual and fresh ideas that arise among young people in the formation of the image of the future of Russia.

The presentation "The outcome of the All-Russian competition" Animate of the Future Country "can be found.

The competition "Animate of the Future Country" launches "ITF youth". In the competition can be attended by any citizen of Russia under the age of 35. Works in two nominations are accepted until November 10.

To participate in the competition you must register on the site . After passing the premaceration of formal compliance with the conditions of the competition, the work is sent in Expert Council on the assessment.

Competition results will be summarized until December 1.The expert council and the jury will include representatives of the scientific community, cultural figures, ONF experts and other public figures.


50 laureates in the nomination "Essay" will be published in collection "The image of the future country with the eyes of young."

The works of the laureates in the nomination "Creative" will be presented at the exhibition of the ONF Action Forum in 2017

Laureates and winners will get gratitude to the All-Russian Popular Front, valuable prizes and gifts.

Competition winners will take part in the final forum of action ONF in 2017, And also will get the opportunity to take part in youth educational forums.

Nomination "Essay"

Participants are invited to describe breakthrough and ambitious ideas, vision of public and state institutions in 15-20 years, new models (solutions) in the economy and social sphere Suggest an alternative Acting in the country (region) design.

Essay can be written on different topics related to the current problems of the country. For example, describe how to create high-performance jobs, save nature, continue the development of space. And you can also reflect on what the parliament of the future should be, or, for example, what role in the life of a person will have a family, school, work, etc. tomorrow.

It is advisable to choose a specific topic and consider it with of different side. Do not describe "digital economy in Russia" at all, "and as" Internet of things "will change public services or education.

It is important to build on principles sustainable development , such as the importance for the population, the development of territories, improving the efficiency of resource use, the introduction of new technologies, the preservation and creation of new ecosystems, a favorable environment of residence and other values.

Offered topics For writing an essay:

state device and development of territories;

∙ quality and efficiency of power;

∙ Economy and entrepreneurship;

∙ digitalization of the economy;

∙ Education and science;

∙ Culture and enlightenment;

∙ Food safety;

 Man and favorable living environment;

∙ demography and family institution;

∙ spiritual and moral values \u200b\u200band upbringing;

∙ Volunteering and volunteering;

∙ Quality and accessibility of health;

∙ Modernization of housing and communal services;

∙ Improvement of the urban environment;

∙ Ecology and the world;

∙ public control;

 Others.

Selection of winners

Stage 1

Expert Council will evaluate the work on the following criteria:

 availability of constructive ideas and suggestions (0-5 points);

 literacy, logicality, argument (0-5 points);

 The originality of the idea (0-5 points).

Following the assessment, the expert council takes Top 50. Works (laureates), which will be posted on the ONF website in the section "ONF WEEKH for open voting.

2 stage

Nomination "Creative"

Participants are invited to express their vision of how different social phenomena will look like in the future - be it love for homeland, the development of mass sports or the emergence of new professions.

Such creative works are being taken to participate as poems, stories, drawings, videos, photocollages and photo reportsthat will reveal future trends create images. Ideas can be aimed at creating, mutual assistance, justice and equal opportunities, sympathy for people, careful attitude towards the environment, may be determined by the alternative development of society and the country.

Selection of winners

Stage 1

2 stage

Of Top 50. work jury competition Determines winners For the following criteria:

 originality of the idea (0-5 points);

 concreteness, clarity, accuracy and availability of presentation (0-5 points);

 Language, stylistics, creative finds and artistic performance (0-5 points).

Information about the competition "Image of the Future Country" on social networks:

More than 10 thousand people from all regions took part in the competition "Animate of the Future Country", organized by the "ONF youth". This was announced at a press conference of the All-Russian Popular Front (ONF). The main themes of the essay, poems, photographs and vines, who sent young people, were issues of education and ecology. The main thesis, which can be traced in almost all the works of the participants in the fact that no positive changes in the country are impossible without the responsible relationship and activity of citizens.

"Today, the topic of the future country sounds in a special context in connection with the upcoming elections of the President of Russia. The All-Russian Popular Front has always been and remains the team of Vladimir Putin. The meaning of our work is to help our leader in the implementation of the main task - to ensure the high quality of life. Since the most active citizens, including active participants in our ONF projects, these are young people, we pay a lot of attention today to work with young people. ", "Said the co-chairman of the Central Headquarters ONF, the vice-speaker of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Olga Timofeyev.

The competition of the folk front "The image of the future country" was conducted within three months in two nominations: in the nomination "Essay" from the participants received 6,679 works, in the nomination "Creative" - \u200b\u200b3358. In the "Essay", the authors were offered in writing to present their vision of public and State institutions after 15-20 years, tell about new models in the economy and the social sphere, which will be able to become defining in the near future. In the nomination "Creative", participants sent poems, stories, drawings, videos, photocollages and photo reports, which described how different public phenomena may look like in the future.

"Young people are the future, and the present country. Therefore, it was important for us to find out which image of the future is a young generation. - told Olga Timofeyev. - judging by the number of contestants, and they were unexpectedly a lot for the debut of the competition - more than 10 thousand, and in terms of the content of the work, it can be said that we have not indifferent young people, they have many interesting ideas about the device and society. Their ideas are not utopian, but vital. The main thing is that they are ready to argue and personally participate in the implementation of their projects. In the overwhelming majority - 98% - they are optimists and 100% - patriots. "

"Most of the participants (64%) are young people 15-17 years old, a third of the participants of the work - students aged 18-23 years old," - explained the coordinator of "ONF youths", the State Duma deputy Sergey Boyarsky. - Pretty interesting were the topics that the participants of the competition were chosen for their works. It turned out that the young generation is worried about certain and specific problems of various spheres of life. It should be noted that the leading positions here have occupied education issues. "

Young people emphasized their attention on issues of vocational guidance and compliance with the needs of the needs of the economy, the technical equipment of the educational process, as well as the involvement of the teacher in the learning process. In second place in popularity, issues of nature conservation were, which is quite logical in the year of ecology, when the topic is addressed in a much broader context. In addition, young people also touched upon their work the topics of housing and communal services of urban space, public control and volunteering, health care and social support in need, popularization of family values \u200b\u200band patriotism and much more. The participants in the competition did not simply indicated separate problems and disadvantages, but they described themselves in detail how, in their opinion, in the future there should be one or another sphere of a person.

"It was a very useful experience for us, - said the co-chairman of the regional headquarters in Moscow, the headquarters of the competition in Moscow, the rector of HSE Yaroslav Kuzminov. - It was interesting to look at what moral and moral categories are guided by our youth when planning their future. The most valuable for young people were such concepts as justice, which is expressed primarily in equality of opportunity, and optimism, as a faith in the further prosperous development of Russia. Of great importance for young citizens also has a responsible attitude towards the surrounding world: participation in charitable and voluntary promotions, keeping a healthy lifestyle, careful attitude towards nature. An important aspect of the youth called the opportunity for self-realization, namely the development of their own business and the choice of profession in the shower. "

"The results of the competition have already been summarized, the lists of winners will be published on the SNF youths website, where you can familiarize yourself with the work, - summed up the head of the Department of Youth Projects ONF Igor Kastyukevich. - In the nomination "Essay" 50 winners and 50 laureates were selected, in the nomination "Creative" 25 and 25, respectively. Winners will have the opportunity to visit the final "Forum of Action" ONF "Russia Street to the Future" on December 18-19, and the laureates will be awarded in the regional offices of the Popular Front. We will hold meetings with all the participants of the competition, which will offer them further cooperation at the ONF site. "

The competition "ONF WEEKHER" "The image of the future country" started on October 2, work was accepted until November 10. His goal is to attract the attention of young people to the joint construction of society and the state, as well as to identify the most interesting, unusual and fresh ideas that arise among young people to form the image of the future of Russia.

The All-Russian People's Front (ONF) is a social movement established in May 2011 on the initiative of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, which unites active and non-indifferent residents of the country. Motion leader is Vladimir Putin. The main tasks of the ONF are control over the execution of decrees and orders of the head of state, the fight against corruption and waste, ineffective spending of public funds, issues of improving the quality of life of citizens.

"ONF youth" is a people's team that creates changes today. Young people in 85 constituent entities of the Russian Federation change their lives around themselves as their own hands, without waiting for help from. The team of "ONF youths" is open to everyone, regardless of political, social or cultural affiliation.

The All-Russian Competition "Animate the Future Country" announced. Deadline on November 10, 2017.

Organizer: "ONF youth".

In the competition can be attended by any citizen of Russia under the age of 35.

Competition nomination:

  • In the nomination "Essay", participants are proposed in writing to present their vision of public and state institutions after 15-20 years, new models in the economy and the social sphere that will be able to become decisive in the near future. The essay will be welcomed by breakthrough and ambitious ideas regarding the solution of the country's current problems. The recommended essay volume is no more than 4 pages A4.
  • As for the nomination "Creative", here participants are offered in creative form to express their vision of how different social phenomena will look like in the future. The ideas of authors can be devoted to the topics of creation, mutual assistance, justice, sympathy for people, careful attitude towards the surrounding world, etc. Poems, stories, drawings, videos, photocollages and photo reports are taken to participate. Recommended scope for work: verse no more than 3 pages A-4, the story is not more than 4 Pages A-4, video and photo report lasting no more than 3 minutes.
Our official group In contact with: , .

Offered topics for writing an essay:

  • state device and development of territories;
  • demography and institute of the family;
  • quality and efficiency of power;
  • spiritual and moral values \u200b\u200band upbringing;
  • economy and entrepreneurship;
  • volunteering and volunteering;
  • digitalization of the economy;
  • quality and availability of health care;
  • education and science;
  • modernization of utilities;
  • culture and enlightenment;
  • improvement of the urban environment;
  • food security;
  • ecology and the world environment;
  • man and favorable living environment;
  • public control;
  • others.
  • The works of 50 laureates in the nomination "Essay" will be published in the collection "The image of the future country with the eyes of young".
  • The works of the laureates in the nomination "Creative" will be presented at the exhibition of the ONF Final Forum in 2017.
  • Laureates and winners will receive thanks to the All-Russian Popular Front, valuable prizes and gifts.
  • The winners of the competition will take part in the OTF actions forum in 2017, and will also receive the opportunity to take part in youth educational forums.

Nomination "Essay"

Participants are invited to describe breakthrough and ambitious ideas, vision of public and state institutions in 15-20 years, new models (solutions) in the economy and social sphere, possibly Suggest an alternative Acting in the country (region) design.

Essay can be written on different topics related to the current problems of the country. For example, describe how to create high-performance jobs, save nature, continue the development of space. And you can also reflect on what the parliament of the future should be, or, for example, what role in the life of a person will have a family, school, work, etc. tomorrow.

It is advisable to choose a specific topic and consider it from different sides. Do not describe "digital economy in Russia" at all, "and as" Internet of things "will change public services or education.

It is important to build on the principles of sustainable development, such as the importance for the population, the development of territories, improving the efficiency of resource use, the introduction of new technologies, the preservation and creation of new ecosystems, a favorable environment of residence and other values.

The terms of participation

Students of universities and custody, young professionals and scientists under the age of 35 are invited to participate in the competition.

Works are accepted until October 31.. To participate in the competition, it is necessary to send its work indicating: nominations, topics, name, age, contact data (telephone, email) m.. levashko.@ oNF.. ru. After passing the premaceration of formal compliance with the conditions of the competition, the work is sent in Expert Council on the assessment.

Offered topics For writing an essay:

  • state device and development of territories;
  • quality and efficiency of power;
  • economy and entrepreneurship;
  • digitalization of the economy;
  • education and science;
  • culture and enlightenment;
  • food security;
  • man and favorable living environment;
  • demography and institute of the family;
  • spiritual and moral values \u200b\u200band upbringing;
  • volunteering and volunteering;
  • quality and availability of health care;
  • modernization of utilities;
  • improvement of the urban environment;
  • ecology and the world environment;
  • public control;
  • others.

Selection of winners

Stage 1. Expert Council will evaluate the work on the following criteria:

  • concreteness, clarity, accuracy and availability of presentation (0-5 points);
  • availability of constructive ideas and suggestions (0-5 points);
  • literacy, logicality, argument (0-5 points);
  • the originality of the idea (0-5 points).

Following the assessment, the expert council takes Top 50. Works (laureates), which will be posted on the ONF website in the section "ONF WEEKH for open voting.

Stage 2. According to the results of open voting jury competition of Top 50. work determine the winnerscompetition until December 1.

Nomination "Creative"

Participants are invited to express their vision of how different public phenomena will look like in the future - whether it is love for the Motherland, the development of mass sports or the emergence of new professions.

Such creative works are being taken to participate as poems, stories, drawings, videos, photocollages and photo reportsthat will reveal future trends create images. Ideas can be aimed at creating, mutual assistance, justice and equal opportunities, sympathy for people, careful attitude towards the environment, may be determined by the alternative development of society and the country.

The terms of participation

In the competition can be attended by everyone who has been under 35 years old.

Works are accepted until October 31.. To participate in the competition, it is necessary to send its work indicating: nominations, topics, name, age, contact data (telephone, email) [Email Protected] After passing premacitation to formal compliance with the conditions of the competition posted in open access In the section "ONF youth".

Selection of winners

Stage 1 collection "The image of the future country with the eyes of young."

The works of the laureates in the nomination "Creative" will be presented at the exhibition of the ONF Action Forum in 2017

Laureates and winners will get gratitude to the All-Russian Popular Front, valuable prizes and gifts.

Competition winners will take part in the final forum of action ONF in 2017, And also will get the opportunity to take part in youth educational forums.

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