
Little apartments in Japan. Walk around the apartment has a regular Japanese family. About the term of the contract and fines

It turns out the abundance of morally obsolete apartments not only in Russia, but also in advanced Japan. Bakoko duet was witheredly modernized by the Japanese Analog "Khrushcheba".

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On the picture:

Designer Bakoko Japanese Kaoko Otsuki described the essence of the national design as "the restraint of things clean." The Japanese are extremely restrained people who do not like a catch, do not like to put their lives at the bottom. For them, a good design is characterized by the limit, if not exaggerated simplicity, and first place is always highlighted high quality filling and finishes. This approach has become a starting point in creating an interior.

Object information:
Location: Matsudo, Japan
Year: 2009.
Method: 37 square meters. M.
Architects: Bakoko.
Alistair Townsend (Alastair Townsend) and Kayoko Ohtsuki
Photo: Bakoko.

In the photo: Bakoko, architects

The Young Anglo-Japanese duo Bakoko came up with a beautiful version of the transformation of the apartment type "Man-shi-yon" in its simplicity and conciseness: tiny residential apartments in apartment buildings panel houseswho appeared in abundance in post-war years. Everywhere in Japan it is believed that this accommodation is noticeably outdated, nevertheless, he is not in a hurry to update: here they prefer to demolish the old and build a new, more seismous structure, embodying interesting designs of small apartments. A good option to restructure the "Man-shi-yon" apartment for Japan is the same revelation, as we have a convenient reorganization of the apartment in Khrushchev: Everyone is dreaming, but most of it seems almost unrecognized - except something can be done with housing, which Outdoor in all indicators? As the practice of Bakoko shows - you should not give up: in the hands of young designers, the old apartment turned into let and compact, but 100% modern studio.

View of the apartment "to". The feature of the apartments of this type in combination of the traditions of the Japanese interior (almost complete absence of furniture and the inner walls, which are replaced here with sliding fusum partitions) with a completely European environment in the kitchen.

The main thing is that architects did - they abandoned partitions that separated apartment. Now it is small, and snow-white partitions are located along the walls as the door of the wardrobes, and close everything from the point of view of the mortar Japanese interior is superfluous: from a full-fledged wardrobe room and a large mirror to the entire height of the room to a mini office.

European species kitchen separated from the rest of the studio bar with a bar, over which designers picturesquely placed white calla. In addition, dividing on the zone is emphasized and highlighted by the protruding beam (technologically necessary here).

The kitchen is European is functional and in Japanese. The lockers reach the ceiling itself, no centimeter of valuable space in this part of the apartment is not spent in vain.

Almost the only bright, and because very attractive, detail of the finish: red niche, in which the desktop is located. Chairs are pushed from the bar counter.

Next to the niche is a huge mirror in the entire height of the room. Here it is seen how the part of the studio has revealed in it.

Traditional interior solutions have been saved in the apartment. The new tatami marked the multifunctional space for recreation, contemplation and even traditional eating during the day (for this it gets a low table).

In addition, this part of the studio plays the role of the bedroom: there is a traditional futon mattress, which is rolling on a day and remove into a spacious built-in wardrobe behind the tatami.

Doors in the bathroom and bathroom are nothing on the white plane of the wall.

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The interior of the apartment with an area of \u200b\u200bonly 21 sq. M. was performed in Scandinavian style. At the request of the owners, Victoria Bondarchuk worked with an existing layout, trying to optimize the space at the maximum.

Customers Michelle and Andy came to the Laab Design Bureau with a long list of wishes and weighing plans for their tiny apartment in the center of Hong Kong.

Working on the design of a small apartment in the center of London, designers went non-standard way - decided to beat her small-sized. It turned out comfortable space in the urban style.

The apartment seemed to be a ridiculous size - only 13 squares - can accommodate everything you need to an active citizen. And stay surprisingly spacious and functional.

How to do without a boning sofa bed in a one-room apartment, leave space unlocked and at the same time have many storage sites?

Three golden rules that will help avoid mistakes when designing small apartments in a modern style. Architect Peter Fedoseenko says.

Apartments on the first floor are sold percent for 10-15 cheaper than their analogues from the upper floors. How to turn an unsuccessful location? We disassemble the most interesting project of Natalia Oleksienko.

By combining several zones and using a bright decoration, on the small area of \u200b\u200bthe former "dvs" created a spacious studio with a picturesque Mediterranean decor and unusual details of the finish.

To make a big cozy apartment big, little to remove partitions. How to increase space, not having lost sensibility - in the project Audron Abrasion "between trees".

Designer Marina Sargsyan plays not only with space, but also with time: despite the fact that all rooms in a compact two-piece decorated in a classic style, the time is everywhere in different ways.

To out one-bedroom apartment It turned out a two-room, you must first make a studio out of it. Minimalistic Loft in St. Petersburg - in the design of the designer Maria Vasilenko.

Newlyweds do not envy - they still get together in each other in the conditions of our apartment: all the angles of yes close. To prejudge it was nicer, the corners are better removed, and the space to increase.

How to remove the supporting column in the apartment, not touching it, and arrange an isolated bedroom in the studio - in the project Larisa Nikitenko "Female look at the male interior."

Lovers of the nature of life are put to grow on the windowsill with a tradescania on the windowsill, and they could leave the house for the day and forget about irrigated with feeding for many years.

The recipe for a spanish apartment apartment: you need to strike out the interior of the plane, borders, stamps and stereotypes, and then lay out the floor, walls, ceiling and even furniture with ceramic tiles.

It is known that the liveliness and brightness interior gives color. The designer Alexander Voshev agrees with this. Only its projects he paints in bright colors not with the help of paints, but with the help of light.

Young spouses decided to settle in the historic center of the city, but the funds were only enough for a miniature apartment without a bathroom: a real professional challenge for an architect and designer.

In this accommodation, a professional jazz musician found a place not only for all areas and things necessary in everyday life, but also for "excesses": a real fireplace, a piano and even the audience "tribunes".

The initial layout sometimes happens so unsuccessful that the architect needs to show non-light ingenuity so that no one remembered the unsuccessful proportions and modest scales.

Who would have thought that almost without changing the planning, this three-room Khrushchev will look such a spacious that any inhabitant of "large-sized" will envy.

Apartments and houses in Japan are undoubtedly different from housing in other countries. Probably, only who has no Internet has not seen the photographs of famous Japanese toilets resembling electric chairs, shower, with plastic chairs and incredibly tiny kitchenware. For me, in general, the topic of apartment arrangement, organization of space, interior design is one of the most interesting, so I constantly view the photos of dwellings from different parts of light. When Japan was wrong on the horizon and I realized that my love for this country was destined to pass a practical check, I spent on the clock on YouTube, studying how foreigners would live there, and morally prepared to beat your head about the doorways and sideways to go to the refrigerator: ) In fact, everything turned out to be not so frightening. Nearly. Depending on where.

The very first apartment in which I was in Japan was removed on AirBNB. And despite the fact that I saw her photos in advance, crossing the threshold, the first thing I paid attention is on its compactness. There is no habitual entrance hall with membranes, hooks and even possibly cabinets for outerwear. There are only here gankanthe place where the shoes are taken by passing (or rather crushing) through which, you immediately fall into the hall. This later, having lived in a couple of other Japanese apartments, I realized that our first apartment was very accurate, and the presence of almost separate cuisine is generally luxury.

From the furniture in the hall there were only a sofa (turning into bed), a coffee table, two outdoor chairs and a bedside table. The cabinet in this apartment was not that, to gently say, delivered some inconvenience. In the photo above on the wall you can see the device, one of which regulates the temperature of the water and allows you to type the bath with almost without the sofa, and another is an intercom, which can not only answer, but also see your guest.

From the hall we easily fall into the kitchen. With ease, because only the plastic curtain is separated. The kitchen on European standards is very small, but according to Russian and less (oh, where are those kitchen tables for which the most implanial conversations took place?)

As a rule, in Japanese cuisines, the place where the stove is placed is slightly lower than the sink. In addition, it is placed special protection from dense foil, patterns where you can pick up for your taste. Choose really have from anything, from simple ornaments, before image anime characters.

In this apartment, we had not an ordinary stationary gas or electric stove, but a minimum version with changing gas cassettes. By the way, in Japan, the "ordinary" plate in our understanding is a big rarity. As a rule, gas plates are installed in the apartments for two comforts with some similarity of the oven - a grill on one tiny fish. For pies and pizza, you already need to buy a separate electric oven.

Kitchen sink, in principle, ordinary sizes, the only difference is very little space on the side, and considering that there is no other special space in the kitchen for the preparation of ingredients, it is quite big minus. Foreigners who live in Japan are twisted, as they can - cover the sink board and prepare on it, or buy additional stands, if the place in the kitchen allows. Also, my attention attracted how the Japanese carefully take care of their things. In stores you can find all sorts of coasters, rags, mesh, etc. For these purposes.

Also in Japan with great attentiveness and to environmentAnd as a result is a fairly intricate garbage sorting system. If I wonder, I will make a separate post on this topic :) In our apartment, the owner requested only to separate plastic bottles and cans, plastic packaging and food waste.

Due to the lack of space in the kitchen, you have to arrange pyramids from the kitchen electronics. It is good that in our case it was only three subjects. By the way, in the photo immediately behind bananas is a Japanese electric kettle. His advantage over the usual is that it not only boils water, but also supports it in a hot state how much it takes.

The bedroom in this apartment is located on the second floor, and to be more accurate, in the loft, as the Japanese themselves call such a space. It seems to me that it is not quite proper use This word, but the Japanese called a lot to their own, only a clear way. For example, english word Mansion, denoting mansion, here is used as Synonym for the word "apartment".

As you probably know, the Japanese are traditionally sleeping on the floor on special mattresses - futons. I first experienced that it would be uncomfortable, as the mattress is quite thin, but I didn't feel a difference with the bed. Moreover, in London we had a terrible uncomfortable mattress, so it was even more comfortable to sleep on the floor.

Through the window you can go on a small terrace. We did not use her at all, but I can imagine how comfortable summer evenings.

The view opening from the bedroom is rather unusual - you can overcome the whole apartment. Obviously, it was originally an ordinary two-storey house, which, after converted into a more creative space.

By the way about creativity, the hostess clearly invested in the soul into this apartment, filling it with small, but very cute details, thanks to which we felt at home from the very first.

The toilet and the bathroom are located on the first floor.

Here it is, the star of many Japanese apartments, shops and offices - toilet-missed heated. I will not sing him the diffilaments, in fact there is no nothing supernatural in it, and it is definitely not a vital thing. Of course, the winter morning on such a bit much more pleasant than the usual, but I am sure that after the first bill for electricity, this problem will immediately decide with the plated stickers on the seat, which in local stores pond pond.

A small shell and a crane, from which water flows every time you merge water, is located on the toilet drain tank. Water, of course, clean. It is convenient, since you can wash your hands without departing from the box office, as they say. In addition, Japanese thrift appears here, because the water will be used for the next drain.

I want to warn you immediately if you are going to Japan and your knowledge does not exceed the notorious konnichiwa.and Arigato,have a Google translator, he was very useful for me in search of the drain button in the toilet of the Japanese airport.

The toilet room is also equipped with a washbasin. It was such a design that I had to see most often. From aesthetic point of view, I don't like it, I do not like to keep my cosmetics in sight, but with practical, it is quite convenient.

The crane has two possible positions - pouring one solid jet, or a snag, like a shower. From the bottom under the washbasin there is also a small locker.

Washing machines in Japan are loaded from above, erased with cold water, and do not have drying functions. In this apartment, the washing machine is located in a block with a bathroom and toilet, but quite often you can meet the layout when the place for it is assigned to the balcony. And now imagine the pleasure of washing in the winter. :)

For some kind of mystical reason, I did not take a picture of the bathroom. But she entered my video about this apartment. Also there I speak more detail about the living room and show the terrace :)

barmoska. Writes in September 1, 2014

After my long-standing blog entry about visiting the Japanese family's apartment, I was asked about several times about the topics related to the apartments - how much they stand in Japan, which houses there are, etc. Today, I will answer some of these questions :-)

1. So, let's start in order ....

2. As a house for this photo report, a residential mansion was chosen in the center of Osaka. It is not yet built, but like all Japanese showrooms of residential buildings, partially already "embodied" inside this small structure. Actually, any new residential building in Japan is sold in such a plan of offices:

3. At first, I was shown a movie in a small cozy stick, more like a private cinema in the house of American rich. The movie narrated about what a wonderful new building, in which environment it is located, etc., etc. In the cinema I did not photograph, so this snapshot from the next room. It demonstrates the model of the house itself in the smallest details:

4. The model indicates the location of the side of the Light so that people are about represented where the north and south. The entrance to the house itself is connected to the city subway undergoing line:

5. A small kindergarten will be located in an open territory near the house. Outdoor territory For such large houses in Japan, rarely rarely:

6. Light scoreboard shows schematically home location:

7. Since in Japan, difficulties with earthquakes, the underground parkings are infrequently dying. It happens or only in very expensive homes, or in shopping centers. In such a plan, new buildings automatic parking lots are located in the house itself and as can be seen on the back of the house, rose to the level of the 24th floor:

8. After study general information The manager moves to the most interesting and leads me to the second floor of the office. There are two apartments with a different area, fully copying those that will be in a new house. At the entrance to the second floor, shoes need to be removed, the slippers are prepared for this case :-) For children - small:

9. Everything is done exactly as it will be in the new building. Carpets, panels on the walls - all this will be in the house. Login B. two-room apartment with total area 64 sq. M. Meter:

10. Unfortunately, I do not have a wide lens, so I will try to explain the snakes that and how :-) in the picture a large room. Of course, the equipment and furniture are not attached to the apartment, but simply posted here for the situation:

11. For my back a small kitchen. Well, as a small - meters of 5 approximately square. It is understood that it will only be prepared here, and not there:

12. Video intercom, heat floors management and alarm on the wall at the entrance to the large room:

13. Another view for a large room. I do not know why, but in this design sample, the designer made a glass wall between the bedroom and a large room:

14. The view outside the windows by the way is reproduced exactly what will be after the construction of the house:

15. Balcony. Wide and spacious. From the neighbor's truth separates a small partition:

16. Bedroom:

17. From a bedroom through a small dressing room, you can go into the bathroom:

18. Bathroom. Left place for washing machine. All storage boxes are already included in the price of the apartment:


20. And so the shower itself looks like:

21. Place for reflection :-)))) The remote control of the toilet on the wall on the left:

22. Mini-washbasin:

23. Hallway. Such little things like the backlight under the locker are also included in the price:

24. And now let's look at the interiors three-bedroom apartment Metrah more, in 97 square meters:

25. I photographed not all the apartment, but only some parts of it, but you can get an approximate view :-) There is a small room in a picture, adjacent to the bedroom:

26. Bedroom:


28. And this is a large living room-kitchen with a total area of \u200b\u200b40 square meters:


30. Open kitchen:

31. Immediately for the kitchen, a small mini-cabinet - Storeroom:

32. Big panoramic windows:

33. Two washbasins:

34. The TV in the bathroom can be installed on request:

35. Toilet control panel is a bit different. Unfortunately, even in a large apartment, the bathroom is still alone:

36. One of the most important issues - how do these buildings are protected from earthquakes? Two options. The first - the shock absorbing system is built in the center of the house as a rod to which shock absorbers are attached. The second - shock absorbers make on a concrete basis in the foundation of the house. This new building implements a second option (right). On this model, it is clearly shown on the water as everything will be shaken during 6-7 point earthquakes:

37. Sketchy image of damping system from earthquakes:

38. Also in the photo you can see public zones. The house in the first floors will place a cafe for apartment owners, Lounge, Guest House - Bedrooms, Gym:

39. Guest Room is another distinctive feature of such japanese new buildings. For a small fee of 30-60 dollars (depending on the type of room) your guests can stay overnight. It is cheaper than hotels in the district, and the rooms are much more spacious:

40. Each floor has a special storage room with water, supplies and all necessary objects in case of some unforeseen situations:

41. Protection of the entire perimeter of the house and inside it is carried out 24 hours a day:

42. The helicopter platform at the top of the event of unexpected situations again. The doors to the apartments are made in such a way that they do not bother and they will not be an obstacle during evacuation:

43. The colors of the interior of your apartment can you choose in a special lobby. Color of parquet, doors, finishing panels and surfaces can be chosen to your liking. The finish is included in the price of the apartment:

44. A small stand demonstrating a multi-layered floor structure of the apartment. Sound permeability is very low:

45. On the virtual stand you can see how it will look in reality different variants Finishes for different premises. Compare this snapshot and the following:


47. Or, for example, a large kitchen-living room with trim ....

48. And without:

In short, these are all photos from this campaign :-) What remains behind the scenes ....

On a virtual stand you can see all the details about the house, ranging from the type from the window of each (!) Apartments on each (!) Floor, ending with the shadow, which is discarded by neighboring buildings at different times of the day.

At prices for apartments - in this house there are apartments from 40 meters to 150 meters. The most medium odnushka in 50 squares will cost about 350 thousand yew, while penthouses cost about 1.5-1.8 million dollars.
So that you do not think that this is the proved prices, I can say 350 thousand dollars in Osaka - this average price Odnushka-dvroshka 50-60 meters in a new house. Moreover, it is clear that the apartment is large in this case will be far away in the center of the city.

Banks give loans under these apartments on different timesBut mostly it is 30 years old. Rates - about 1.5-2% per annum! This is even lower than in many American banks.

The average rent in the house is $ 150-200 per month. Electricity, water and the Internet are charged separately. Parking cost - depending on what transport you will be parking. Bicycle for example 3 dollars per month. Motorcycle 20 dollars a month. The car is about 200-300 dollars per month depending on the size of the car.

The author writes: many interested people interested in Japan often ask - how are the Japanese live? In the sense of what they have everything in everyday life? The inhabitants of the rising sun are infrequently called to visit (if you compare with Russia for example) and there may be several reasons for one. Personally, it seems to me that the main reason is probably still constrained - they do not want to show their life, living conditions Not that, and in general, it is unusual for the majority ...
Some of my friends from Osaka (young couple) do not have special complexes about this and I managed to visit their apartment and make some photos. Immediately I warn you - no artistic value from the pictures should not be expected, it is just ordinary interiors of housing, which can be obtained more or less some idea of \u200b\u200bthe house.

1. So, Meet - Left Kimura-san and on the right of his wife, Ery-Chan, are invited to go to their dwelling. But let's start with the entrance itself. The outside is parked by their car - tiny daihatsu.
3. Of course, they have a place in the domestic parking at home, but when they leave for a while in the city, throw a car from a spare exit. 4. Floors in the house are a bit, but in it, in contrast to many other new buildings Osaka, most apartments of multimettoes. 5. This is a spare output. The video intercom is here.
6. The mailboxes are located next to the spare outlet, and even there is a drinking machine.
7. And these white boxes are peculiar safes for storing defused posters and parcels. They are installed in all new homes. How does this system work? For example, I have a residential apartment number 601 and I have to come a parcel with the Black Cat courier service. I went out of the house in the store and at that moment the courier came. He called the intercom a couple of times, I realized that I was not and from the outside of the house could put a parcel in one of the free branches of this safe. When he puts the parcel into the box, then the number of my apartment is gaining, 601, and then he writes a notice: "So they say, I came and did not find you at home, the parcel put in the box number 1. I return home, I read the notice, I approach this device, I attach my computer key from the entrance - the computer sees that the key from the apartment number 601 and opens the box in which the 601 parcel is located for the apartment.
8. Go further .... This is the interior of the main hall, where the main entrance to the building. Here in the coolness (or warm, depends on the season) air conditioning can be sitting, waiting for friends
9. Uncomplicated decorations.
10. Video intercom of the main entrance, more larger.
11. On the first floors of houses, the elevator hangs the display showing the picture from the cab. Well, for safety.
12. Picture by the way of good quality

13. The elevator itself is comfortable, the inscriptions in English are even present)) indicates the next stop
14. Some windows of many apartments overlook the common balcony. Of course, they are closed with special iron shutters, but the comfort does not add it ... .. my friends are lucky - all their windows overlook the external walls of the house.
15. This looks like an entrance to the apartment - the luminaire with the number, at the bottom of the floor lighting lamp in the dark, the intercom. On the left, a special handle to hang an umbrella or bag while you open the door. The door itself is made of metal, the truth is not so heavy and durable as in Russia. 16. Now they finally got to the apartment))) I will try to explain the planning, how it turns out to be on the right there is a white thoroughties, where everyone leaves their shoes is an entrance. I stand in the corridor leading the rest of the apartment. In the hallway still directly at the rate there is a wardrobe. 17. Now I turned 180 degrees and entranceing behind me. On the left - the entrance to a small room, right at the rate - entrance to the toilet. 18. Open the door to the left and look inside. Small living room, desk, TV, futon (sleep on the floor) ... on the left (not visible) there is a large wardrobe. Lamps all LED, large diameter. Pay attention to the outlet under the ceiling - the builders have provided electric and TV sockets even there. 19. Now look at the door that was right at the rate. Here, as you can see, there is a toilet. Never anywhere in Japan (except hotels) I have not seen the combined bathrooms with toilets. Always everything separately and happens that even not in the neighborhood. Another point - by default, all new homes are installed toilets with control - the remote control with the buttons on the left. 20. After the photo number 17, the corridor turns right. Here are three doors. The door on the left is the door to the bathroom (the first part of it). The door directly leads to the living room and kitchen. Door on the right - another one small room. Let's look at it first. 21. Another living room. True, it serves as a dump for any different junk 22. Now let's go straight at the door from the photo 20, which carries into the living room and in the kitchen. Immediately on the left wall behind the door there is a kind of control panel almost to all in the apartment) joke)) On the left switches of light in all rooms, in the middle of the gas control panel and hot water in the bathroom, on the right intercom.
23. We go further. On the left hand - the kitchen, where the hostess is preparing a simple lunch)) in the kitchen there is access to a small balcony. Large refrigerator side-by-side, extractor over the stove ... Not a lot of lockers for storing utensils - Actually, therefore a healthy pan is. Behind the refrigerator is another door - leads to the bathroom. That is, in fact, two doors in the bathroom - one of the corridor (photo number 20) and the second of the kitchen.
24. Door to the kitchen balcony.
25. Now let's look at the bathroom (removed from the kitchen door). Large sink, Mirror cabinets for storing cosmetic products On the left on the wall Auxiliary control panel for bathroom - dryer functions, sauna or air conditioner can be controlled from here. The door directly to the bathroom itself is reflected in the mirror. 26. We look to the left - the washed here (on a special pallet, of course) and a little right is visible the door to the hall. 27. And this is already bathroom. With the window, beauty pay attention to the shower canken and the floor - in Japan, the shower usually takes not in the bathroom itself, and standing (or sitting) here, on this rough plastic stock for water, of course (small hatch under the bathroom). The mirror shows a reflection of two more control panels - one for the bathroom, the second for the remaining functions (sauna and so on.) 28. We return back to the living room. If you look at the photo number 23 again, with a kitchen, right behind my back I found another door - it was the entrance to the main bedroom. It didn't go inside, the owners were very stuffed, removed from the door)) the room is large, spacious .... European bed, computer desk, wardrobes, and there is an access to the loggia.
29. There is a small sofa in the living room.
30. To the left of the sofa something like a bedside tables with the hostric "treasures" comics, a tea book, family photos ....
31. They got married relatively recently, in the last August, and before that they met a year and a half work, by the way, together in the same company as managers. At work and met)) Little wedding photo can be seen on the right side of the picture - on it Ery-Chan in a red dress
32. The walls on the opposite there is a chair and a chest of drawers with a festive kit.
33. To the right of the sofa TV and PlayStation3.
34. Well, what about without toys?
35. On the wall behind the TV hatches of the supply and forced ventilation. The air in the apartment is very clean, by the way.

36. Air conditioners in each room hang.
37. Here is the second way to a large loggia (overall with the master bedroom). The doors are sliding everywhere - that is certainly not very good because of the weak tightness in the cold season Eh, it is implapped to glare, otherwise you can arrange another room
38. Again, in all new houses in balconies or balconies, there are washbasins with the subordinate water - so that it is more convenient to care for flowers.
39. Well, what about the Japanese house and without increment!?))) For example, this wireless robot vacuum cleaner. In Russia, by the way, for sale for sale.
40. Visit dinner time. The hosts treated than God sent ... On this day he sent them a large range of sushi, cold water with ice and some rolls.
41. This is not.
42. But it stressed everything
43. A little retreat to the question that the Japanese lovers hang any on the phone - here is one of the master's phone numbers.
44. Kimura-san was fond of all the time and poking the faces and if seriously and on the topic of the post, I will answer some possible questions immediately. The apartment is new and they bought it in the year before last on credit. Actually, almost the vast majority of Japanese new buildings are sold on credit for a period of 30 years. Interest is not very large, about 3 percent per year, even probably even less, somewhere 2-2.5%. The member of the apartment is about 90, the cost at the time of purchase was about 35 million yen, now even less. Yes yes, do not be surprised, Japanese real estate has an interesting property to get cheaper after purchase, so as a tool for financial investment This option does not roll
45. On this, say Kimur-San and Ery-Chan thanks to new meetings!

Search apartment

For a long time, a trip to Japan for Russian was a small adventure. It was required to contact a special agency for collecting documents for a visa, book Japanese hotels of at least three stars, canceled and transfer their armor was not allowed. Recently, relationships between countries have improved, the visa has become free and getting much easier. For documents for a visa, I began to provide the armor's armor to the Aer-Bi-N-bi, which was not yet categorically resolved. A visa is issued without problems, although the service itself is prohibited in Japan.

I will show several apartments in which I stayed in different years.

Let's start with the entrance to the entrance. Usually doors in the hall - glass, sliding, with sensor. To open them, you need to insert the usual key to the control panel in the pedestal. The console also serves as a video intercom.

To the right of the pedestal - mailboxes.

Drawers - through. The postman casts correspondence through the gap, and the tenant takes it through the door on the reverse side, passing through the glass doors in the hall. It must be admitted that there are no less spam in Tokyo in the mailboxes than in any other country.

For large shipments and parcels from online stores, there is such a storage luggage. The courier leaves the box, the tenant after picks up.

The Japanese adore elevators, they do not drive them on foot even on the second floor. Usually pets are prohibited in homes. But if there is a dog in the house, then at the request of the tenants next to the usual call button there will be a separate "food with a dog". Then the corresponding diagram will light up over the window with the direction of movement on each floor. So those who are afraid of dogs will not satisfy in the cabin with a dog, wait and cause an elevator for themselves.

The information board at the elevator is hung with meaningless messages like "not noise", which the Japanese hang everywhere just like that.

This is the floor of apartments in an apartment building.

A typical entrance is open (the opening is not closed with glass or a vestibule with the door, as is customary in Russia). There is no freezing in Tokyo, so there is nothing to fear. Recently there was Typhoon, and in the stairwell there was a puddle on the floor. Well, nothing, they say, dry.

Pen on the entrance door. It usually two locks: in the upper and bottom of the handle. Nearby - a doorbell with a microphone, which is displayed on the video intercom in the apartment (nothing special: the usual view of the phone with the monitor - open the door to the entrance and chat with the visitor, without opening the lock).

But it looks like the same design inside the apartment. How many apartments I removed, castles are always two. Why is it unclear: so that the thief spends twice as much time on hacking?

Apartment size and price

Welcome! The entire apartment with an area of \u200b\u200b20 sq. M. - with a corridor, bathroom, toilet, a balcony, a pair of storage rooms and a room for a washing machine. Sorry for some mess in the picture: specifically decided to show what a tiny apartment turns into conditions when you are not used to minimalism into everyday life in Japanese his understanding.

The first couple of days in such an apartment of Europeans and Russians are tormented by sharp attacks of claustrophobia. But in a month you get used to: you know where to rush things and how to get a job to work on the bed. The only minus, with which it is hard to fight - this is a small amount of air. If you hung up the shirt, after a couple of hours, the atmosphere in the apartment reminds the bath (only cooled).

Glasses in the apartment - reinforced. In the event of an earthquake, they will not scatter. The windows in the photo are not dirty, they just wrapped in a lot of high humidity (and this is despite the fact that there is a hole of the conductor in the wall - through ventilation; there is no sense at all, it helps only open the window).

About prices. Such housing is actually removed for 2-3 thousand rubles a day (at one time I rented exactly the same for 180 thousand yen per month - it is about 90 thousand rubles). And lived this month or another, I would not advise you to rent small apartments by type of mine (unless you want to get ethnographic experience) - outrage with unaccustomed. It is better to take a hostel.

Here is the Japanese premium apartment in Osaka - lighter, spacious and, naturally, more expensive. Relatively high ceilings, a window in the floor, the built-in air conditioning system. Such an apartment is already worth 3-4 thousand rubles per night. If you can spend such money - rented boldly, it will be better and a soul of a small room at the hotel.

Here is a bedroom in such an apartment. Minimum objects of the situation, on the whole interior of the decorations - only sofa pillows.

If we talk about places for storage, then there are almost no - the wardrobe reminds the one that we used to see in the locker room of the sports club: enough space for a pair of hangers, no shelves and boxes are provided. In a couple of weeks, you get used to the "suitcase" system (underwear and rolled things are stored in plastic boxes with covers that put in a stack on the bottom of the cabinet). And at the same time you get used to fold and gently fold any item.

Let's go to the kitchen. The Japanese adapt well to the dwelling to earthquakes - for example, the kitchen cabinets are inspired so that they do not flip from fasteners during shaking. Notice that there is no crack between the box and the ceiling, so they do just so that it does not "jump."

The safest place during the earthquake is inside the building. Japanese houses withstand eight-ball shoes without destruction, only characteristically swinging. But on the street there may fall a pillar or advertising design.

The Japanese are so accustomed to the shocks that calmly turn over the other side in a dream or raise glasses in the bar so that they did not spill. I got a year ago in a five-point earthquake in Tokyo - the house was swinging with a noticeable amplitude, scattering things around the apartment. Incredible, chonic horror.

In Japan, there are no traditional boob plates like us. Instead, there is a small tile (here it is under the cooking panel), in which the sandwich will struggle with difficulty.

Japanese bathroom. With my height in 190 cm stand in it hard. It is worth turning around how soap and brushes fly from the shelves.

Any Japanese bathroom is sealed: it is customary to wash the shower - everything shakes into the drain hole in the floor. Bath (font) - essentially a narrow shower with high sides. The Japanese are traditionally clean in it, sitting on a chair.

It is the simplest bathroom that I saw. No enrolled is a simple, usual toilet to us, which is washes with a terrible roar. The shower is connected to the crane of the sink.

But the bathroom in an expensive apartment. It is important to note that the bath in Japan is used for taking a bath (lying). It is impossible to wash in it, as we are accustomed, it is impossible - the shower is not rejected. If you need to rinse, put the chair in the bath and sit on it. Or wash under the shower, standing on the floor.

The bathroom in the traditional Japanese house closer to the bathroom, Onesen. The bath becomes more and deeper, but, again, she is a place to enjoy hot water, where it is supposed to climb washed.

And finally - a photo of a completely traditional Japanese house, which is much in rural areas. From the furniture there is only a small screenochka. On the floor - mats tatami, Blue thing in the corner - extremely thin and hard mattress futon. Sleeping in such a house Western man painfully. The poem came in the head:

"I climbed under the blanket.
Hard, cold and little. "

In any case, Japanese accommodation is a unique cultural and ergonomic experience that I advise you to get everyone.

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