
The federal improvement program of yards. Nuances repairs from the local territory of the Ministry of Means. What problems may arise

In previous articles, we told about national project "Housing and communal services". This is a plan of the miner, how to improve the quality of housing and communal services and create a comfortable urban environment. The authors of the project promise that by 2020 the city will become more comfortable, more beautiful and more convenient.

The "engine" of transformations will be residents, but they can not do without the help of public utility specialists. And first of all, they will turn to the management organization. Therefore, we recommend that UO carefully read the current article. In it we told how to include a house in program of improvement for 2017.

What will do

  • rules of improvement and content;
  • effective cleaning systems, lighting and landscaping.

Public zones that most often visit the townspeople will be equipped in 2017. And until 2020, they plan to put in order all urban areas.

Two thirds of funding from the federal budget will be spent on the improvement of courtyards. Therefore, citizens have a good opportunity to get financing on arrangement of the courtyard area.

Whether the courtyard will be transformed, depends on the inhabitants. It is important to convey to them that the territory will include in the program only if they manifest interest and initiative. How to create your dream yard, MinStroy RF spoke in step-by-step instructions.

Step 1. We learn the terms of the program

Local governments should be developed before April 1, 2017 publish draft Municipal Promotional Territory Program. It contains the conditions for participation in the program, the minimum list of works and examples of elements of improvement, the cost of these elements.

If you want to do in your yard more than the minimum list suggests, you can conduct additional work.

To do this, interested persons should be found among those living in houses nearby, tenants and owners of premises, public organizations. Stakeholders participate in carrying out additional work.

The minimum share and method of participation determines the municipality. Participation in additional work may be labor or financial. In the first case, the inhabitants spend the subbotniks, plant plants on their own forces, make flower beds, set out street furniture. With financial participation, they partially pay for work.

Collect funds for additional work in the following ways:

  • use accumulations for the current repair of common property or reserve funds
  • get from the use of common property
  • collect a one-time target fee to solve the general meeting through the management organization or the HOA or by the Vedomost of Cash
  • attract sponsors.

Step 2. Compile plan

Interested parties are going to the initiative group. It is important to take into account whose property courtyard. It can belong:

  • owners of one MKD (included in the general property);
  • owners of several MKD (in the land plots of two or more MKD);
  • municipality;
  • owners of several MCDs and the municipality (between land plots of the Ministry of Measures, the municipal site is located).

To find out if you need to learn land bordersif they are defined. Information about the boundaries of the land plot can be viewed in the cadastral passport of the building or on the Rosreestra website.

Whoever belonged to the courtyard, it is possible to equip it in the program.

If the courtyard is common to several homes, then the initiative group should include representatives of each house. The initiative group solves the following tasks:

  • create a plan of the yard
  • determine the list of works and the volume of participation of residents
  • conduct an OSS
  • control the embodiment of the idea at all stages.

To help residents in each municipality work public Commission. It contains experts on improvement, construction, local history. Experts will help to perform yard drawing and take into account:

  • wishes of owners
  • municipal program
  • natural and other features of the territory.

Step 3. We carry out the OSS

With the finished drawing, the initiative group goes to the general meeting of owners. If there are representatives of several MKD in the initiative group, the OSS is carried out in each house with the same agenda.

  • choose the Chairman and Secretary of the OSS, the Accounts Commission;
  • contact the OMS with a proposal for the inclusion of the courtyard in municipal program for the formation of a comfortable urban environment for 2017 (in this paragraph, you should specify the planned list of works, which meets the minimum and additional lists established by the minimum and additional list);
  • determine the form and share of the participation of owners (the amount of financial participation is indicated as a percentage of the cost, labor - in the number of people involved in the performance of work);
  • determine the order and source of financing of work;
  • choose responsible for the coordination of the design project, control and acceptance of work;
  • include installed objects in the General Property of the MKD for their subsequent content.

For the preparation and holding of a general meeting, residents will be 1-2 months from the date of publication of the municipal program. And you need to prepare for this congregation. After all, if at least in one of several houses solution at the OSSwill not be accepted, the courtyard will not be included in the program.

MinStroy RF recommends choosing an interim formal form and hold a full-time part of the meeting in all the courtyards at the same time. So tenants will be able to discuss issues together and agree. At the meeting, it is necessary to solve all issues made on the agenda.

Step 4. Submit an application

To turn on the courtyard to the program in local governments are sent oSS protocol (One or more depending on the number of MKD, to which the courtyard belongs to the decisions taken. The protocol can be attached to the plan of improvement.

Considering the application will be a public commission. It includes representatives of the OMS, political parties, public organizations, and so on. The procedure for consideration should be published on the site of the municipality until April 1, 2017.

Project of the municipal program It is subject to public discussion. There will be a fate of each application. Residents can take part in the discussion. How to do this, defines the municipality.

Step 5. Coordinate the design project

If the courtyard included in the plan of arrangement of territories, based on a plan (drawing) created design project. He may look different, depending on which volume of work is scheduled. If necessary, it may contain project and estimate documentation or only the image of the yard with a description of the proposed works and events.

The design project should not violate the rights of third parties or prevent the passage of engineering communications. He will agree with the responsible person chosen on the OSS.

Until July 1, 2017, municipal authorities must approve the design project to the courtyard. This will happen if:

  • commissioners on behalf of the OSS agreed to the project;
  • owners have been fully incurred by their share of financial participation and / or presented a warranty letter that concrete residents will participate in the performance of work.

After approval of the design project, a competitive selection of contractors will begin. It will take place around 1.5 months after declaring the competition.

Step 6. Control work

The authorized representative of the owners is controlling work on improvement. If he sees that contractors make a job poorly or not in accordance with the project, writes an appeal to OMS.

Employees must comply with the arrangement of the territory requirements for accessibility for low-breed populations.

The yard plan must be fulfilled until the end of 2017. The work accepts the Commission in which the responsible selected on the OSS. Experts can be attracted to evaluate the work performed. If the events were conducted qualitatively and on the project, acceptance of acceptance acts.

Step 7. Content yard territory

And in front of your home, a new, modern platform, in the creation of which you have invested your work and finance. Think how long it will be saved in this form: how in the picture of the design project? After all, for any property you need to follow, maintain it and repair it. Here the owners need services managing organization.

To make a decision on the content of the courtyard of the courtyard, the initiative group collects offers from the WE, HOA, serving organizations and makes them to the general meeting of owners.

Questions are solved on the OSS, which organization will contain the courtyard and how these works will pay.

Serve the courtyard, common to several MKD, several organizations can simultaneously.

Remember that in the content of the courtyard territory, its features should be taken into account.

In 2018, MinStroy of the Russian Federation adopted the program "Improvement of the yard territories 2018-2022".
However, it is worth noting that the term "courtyard territories" in the title of the program does not mean that only sites in front of apartment buildings will be subject to improvement. The name has a more advanced value and includes the transformation of parks, squares, sites and embankments. It should be noted that all the same, the bulk of cash will be allocated to improve the appearance of the yard.
On the implementation of this program allocated 20 billion rubles from the federal budget. This amount will be distributed on the subjects of the Russian Federation, regions and administrations, respectively.

Who can take part in the journal improvement program?
According to the orders of the Ministry of Development of the Russian Federation No. 691, to obtain funding for the transformation of the courtyard of the courtyard of the courtyard can any settlement whose number exceeds 1000 people.
Can our yard take part in this program?
The answer is obvious - maybe.
In order to get money from the federal budget, regions and municipalities need to develop their own program for improving the local area and approve it. An important point - landscaping activities are carried out in the courtyards only apartment buildings.
According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 169, the address of the local house of an apartment building, in need of improvement, was supposed to be approved no later than December 31, 2017.
What work will be implemented, according to a federal project?
- installation;
- expansion, or construction of automotive parking;
- installation;
- organization;
- installation of lighting equipment;
- Gardening;
-Reracted pedestrian zone (expansion);
- Organization of cycling tracks and.
How to take part in the program "Improvement of the yard territories 2018-2022"?
It is worth noting that the transformation of your yard depends only on your desire. The territory of the courtyard can be included in the program in the event that the residents of the house will be manifested by the initiative.
It is necessary to organize a general-friendly meeting, where the tenants of the house will be familiar with the list of works that can be produced in the territory of the country area. Then, it is necessary to make a decision on what works need to be carried out for the fruit of the yard. In addition to choosing a list of works carried out on the courtyard, a mandatory point should be a choice of a person who will continue to represent the interests of tenants, as well as to monitor the proper condition of the acquired courtyard property. After that, it is necessary to compile a diagram of the courtyard area with the planned improvements. Make a protocol of the meeting and apply for the municipality.
To participate in the Program of Improvement, it is necessary to work on a legislative base regarding the topic, regulations, and also find a correct form for applying for the improvement of the local area.
The company's specialists cleaned for you a package of documents required to participate in the federal program. All you need is to write to us, and we will send you all the necessary information for joining the program.

Improvement of courtyards and reception areas is carried out within the framework of the extensive state program "Formation of a comfortable urban environment." This program began in 2018 and its completion is scheduled for 2022. The main amount of work on the improvement of the courtyard infrastructure is scheduled for 2019-2020. An important detail of the program is that the future appearance of their courtyards determine the inhabitants of the yards. To do this, apply the appropriate application.

Essence of the program

The beginning of the twentieth century Russian yards met in a deplorable state. Sports and gaming playgrounds were very worn, did not correspond to this gtostas and represented a certain danger to the life and health of children. In many yards, they simply did not exist. Already by the time these complexes were morally outdated. The main reason for such a state of the yard infrastructure was a lack of funds, and as a result, only limited work on maintaining and developing yard areas was conducted.

Until 2018, the improvement of courtyards was carried out only at the expense of the local budget. But due to the presence of large costs of public needs, there were few facilities for improvement. It was in order to solve this problem, a federal program was created. Formation of a comfortable urban environment" As part of this program, house and public areas will be rebuilt in accordance with new projects. At the same time, in accordance with the program, 2 types of work are provided: minimum and additional.

Minimum work:

  • Installing modern lighting systems
  • Repair of roads, sidewalks within the yard
  • Installing garbage urns and benches

Additional work They are held at the request of yard residents, and in accordance with the space of the yard, one or another solution is selected:

  • Installation of playgrounds
  • Equipment Equipment for walking animals
  • Organization of adult recreation sites
  • Parking equipment
  • Gardening of the house territories

Important detail! If residents of the courtyard want to conduct additional work, then it is necessary to make a personal contribution to these works or monetary subsidies or labor participation. For example, paint fencing, plant trees. Financial participation does not necessarily mean that it is necessary to specifically collect money from all residents to finance the project. You can use previously accumulated funds from the capital repairs fund.

How to become a member of the program

In order to become participants in the program "Formation of a comfortable urban environment", it is necessary to perform certain conditions. First, participation is possible only for residents of apartment buildings. Secondly, only settlements with no less than 1,000 people can participate in the program. Thirdly, to participate a specific application it is necessary that the collective statement of the yard tenants is signed. Consent to the improvement of the program "Formation of a comfortable urban environment" implies that residents are ready to co-finance the costs of arranging the territory and further provide its content.

The project of improvement of the courtyard territories should offer the local administration, and the tenants choose its specific direction. To get to the state program you need:

  • Get acquainted with the landscaping plans for the desired period. This can be done on the official site "City Wednesday" - http://gorodsreda.ru/. Applications are formed in the current year to subsequent. That is, in order for work to be completed in 2020, it is necessary to apply until the end of 2019.
  • To contact the local administration, with a statement about joining the program or a complaint about disorder in the yard. Usually, in response to appeal, an official letter comes with a proposal to take part in the federal program.
  • To organize a meeting of residents of those houses to which the specific territory belongs. By voting, citizens decide to participate in the program or not. In the case of a positive solution, you must choose a group of people who can engage in organizational and paper work. Wamme the tenants should decide on the size of financing.

  • The initiative group is the sketchy plan of the future place of rest. At the same time, it is important to take into account all the wishes of the tenants expressed in the first meeting. In the draft project, it is necessary to schematically outline a new courtyard, with existing objects and new ones planned to build. Most often, residents are addressed to the preparation of sketch to specialized companies. Well, if the tenants choose a responsible citizen who will agree to engage in the work on the coordination of the project.
  • As the sketchy plan is preparing, the residents of the activists collect a complete package of documents to send it to the administration. In addition to the scheme, it includes: the inventory passport of the yard, information about the collection of utilities, the estimated calculation, the minutes of the meeting of the assembly of residents.
  • In case the project approved by the Commission, the next step is chosen by the company that will work. Competition for choosing a contractor usually holds a management company. Most often choose the company with the smallest amount for work.
  • During the work, residents are recommended to control their quality. In case of defects, it is important to indicate them in the act of acceptance of the work performed.

As a rule, no more than one month is required for work on arrangement. In the future, residents need to support a new yard in order. Recall that the courtyards renovated by the federal program after 2022 will be transferred to the balance of residents. It is possible to serve public territories on their own or enter into an agreement with a specialized company.

For information. Applications for participation considers the Department for the construction of a specific region. At this stage, the completion of the package of documents and the correctness of the design is checked. After that, the applications that have been selected are sent to the Commission of the Public Commission on the district. The assessment is made on a 100-point scale. The evaluation criteria, the following: the percentage of co-financing citizens, the number of objects (the more, the better), the absence or availability of debts on the payment of services.

The tenants of the apartment building are owned not only their apartments, but also a general property, which includes the house territory, public areas, engineering and communication networks. In order for the courtyards and roads near the house transferred to the ownership of tenants, their official transmission is necessary.

If such a procedure was not carried out, the territory will be considered municipal property. Community property or municipal also requires regular service, periodic repairs, work on improvement, as well as area of \u200b\u200bapartments.

The MKD service is engaged in managing companies, but it is not always known who are engaged in the repair of the local territories, their gardening? Should it do tenants for their own funds or is it the responsibility of the Criminal Code, the municipal authority? Repair of courtyard areas of apartment buildings is an important condition for creating a comfortable and safe area around the house.

Government program

ATTENTION! In the period from 2018 to 2022, there is a program providing for the improvement of the country territories.

It will improve the living conditions in an apartment building, change the appearance of the appearance of courtyards, create a large number of children's and sports grounds inside the yard.

The government allocates a huge amount of money, 20 billion to implement the program. They are divided between the regions, and at the local level the leadership will plan their further targeted use.

The government helps in this way the MKD tenants quickly and at the present level landscaping their yards, but then the owners of the apartments will need to pay for their content. If the tenants of apartment buildings have already accepted the courtyards to generalive property, they previously transferred funds by the "Service of the House" column.

The allocation of funds according to the program implies the development and regional programs, residents can already participate in this process.

When developing a municipal program, those courtyards will be highlighted that most need repairs and landscaping of the local area. From 2022, at the end of the program, those territories that will be repaired are transferred to the ownership of the MKD tenants.

They will have to pay their content and repair. If you need the next repairs, the general meeting of the owners of the MKD is approved by a list of works, which are planned to produce on the territory near the house, the owners of apartments can make their additions, express an opinion.

The representative of the house will monitor those who repair the courtyard, for the quality of all works. Residents decide how many personal funds they are willing to spend on beautification.

Where to contact

If the MKD residents want to become a member of the government program, they must create an initiative group for this:

  • This group discusses the list of work, evaluates the state of the yard, draws out its scheme.
  • Then the general meeting of the owners of the apartments is held, on which all the issues of repair are discussed, the protocol is drawn up.
  • After the OS, the initiative group applies to participate in the program. Find on such a statement the sample can be on housing and utilities resources, on the site of the municipality

The drawing of the yard should include various buildings present, as well as instructions on those that would like to obtain as a result of work on improvement. But it is important that CE planned works respond to the parameters and capabilities of the municipal program.

The statement paid to the municipality will be considered a special commission, then residents of the house (or it may be several houses with unifying their territory) design projects to choose from. Contractors are selected for improvement work, the initiative group will be able to control them.

According to the program, you can not only asphalt local area, but also build sports and playgrounds on it, lead lighting, gardening, other important processes.

After performing the work on the program, as the legislation requires, servicing the courtyards and access roads to an apartment building can be engaged in both the tenants and the Criminal Code or HOA, serving the building itself.

Road repair

Almost every year, at the end of the winter period, the sharp question about the repair of the access road to the residential house. Snow and ice have a destructive effect on the road surface, especially if it was laid no qualitatively, not in GOST, they are exposed to the spring huge pits, because of which cars are damaged and people are traumatized.

Often after the winter you need to do the repair of sidewalks. Who is responsible for the roads in the courtyards and whose funds should they be repaired?

For the repair of roads and sidewalks in the courtyard, you can contact the municipal authority, but it often acts slowly, sometimes even ignores the appeal. What to do in this case by residents? First you need to accurately find out who should repair roads in the courtyards of certain houses:

  1. If the road refers to a general-purpose property, repairing its management company. She should know the boundaries of the local territory of the MKD serviced, this should be indicated in the technical passport of the house.
  2. If the territory is urban, not included in the public property of tenants, is responsible for its repair and maintenance of local city authorities.

The obligation of the municipality is to follow the city property, including roads, is determined by the federal law under the number 196 (Article 12. p. 2).

In order for the municipality to engage in the repair of his property in the courtyard of the house, that is, the roads, you need to make a statement, submit it to local authorities. Such a collective appeal in two copies is drawn up, its receipt must be registered. The authorities of the municipal authorities should consider the application within a month.

ATTENTION!If the local authorities refuse to repair the access roads who lead to residential buildings, residents have the right to apply to the court.

Quality requirements

There are approved standards relating to the quality of roads in the courtyards of apartment buildings. These standards even indicate the allowable width in the yam yam on the road, depth, length. The width of the pit may not exceed 60 cm, and the depth is 5 cm. Damage is more serious dangerous for cars that will move on such a road surface.


Members of the Housing and Construction Cooperative At the General Meeting also decide together all issues relating to the improvement of the house and its territory.

Residents should decide how much tools they can allocate on repair road and how it will be carried out - on their own or with the help of contractors.

If the owners of the apartments in the HSK are themselves conducting repair work on the improvement of access roads and sidewalks, they must comply with the requirements of Articles 153, 154,158 of the Housing Code.

When the house serves the Criminal Code, it is obliged to carry out repair work at the local area, because the owners of the apartments list it to the improvement of a monthly certain amount on the payments.


At the local area, the repair can be performed current and capital:

  • The current implies repair work aimed at eliminating damage to partial restoration of the territory. It usually takes 1 time per year. Residents can decide themselves (if the territory is in public property) which processes will be performed at the current repairs.
  • Partial restoration of sidewalks, access roads, alleys can be performed. The playgrounds and sports are restored, fences are repaired, platforms for garbage containers, containers themselves are restored.
  • Overhaul involves the complete replacement of road surface and various elements of the local area. Driving roads are restored, fences are replaced or qualitatively, new children's and sports grounds can be built.


Application with a request to repair the incoming territory, the access roads and sidewalks in the yard are filed following the management of the management company, which under the contract serves the house. Under such a statement should subscribe to at least half of the owners of the apartments.

It must be registered, provided with the number of incoming documents. One instance of such a petition is kept by applicants:

  1. The letter indicates the name of the Criminal Code, the data of the manager to which the appeal is sent, information about the applicant, its address.
  2. The reasons for which the repair must necessarily describe, the technical condition of the yard, roads, sidewalks.
  3. The complex of works is listed, which, according to residents, must be fulfilled for high-quality improvement of the local area, creating safe conditions for its use.
  4. An act of verification and inspection of the territory should be applied to the petition, the expert opinion.
  5. At the end, the signatures of tenants should stand, in an amount of at least 50%.

You can also apply for public services. It also indicates grounds for repair work, the desired deadlines, the applicant data. On this portal, there is a trace of the capital repairs, where you can leave your application in the specified form.

If the Criminal Code is inactive

MKD residents should not be indifferent to the territory of their stay. It can be high quality and at the modern level is landscaped, landscaped. When carrying out repair work, it is not only restored to cover the sidewalks, roads, but also cozy recreation areas are created, the platforms for garbage, parking spaces for residents of the house are repaired.

IMPORTANT!If the management company receives funds for maintenance and improvement of the building, it must also fulfill its obligations, carry out repair in full and without delay.

When the Criminal Code does not want to respond to the requirements of tenants and finds constant reasons for postponing the repair of the courtyard, its customers can complain first to the head of this organization. The complaint should lead arguments for repair and legislative regulations regarding the responsibilities of the management company. The management of the Criminal Code also does not take any measures?

Next instance for complaints - housing inspection. This body issues licenses to manage companies, so there is a strong influence tool on them. The last step is to appeal to the court with a claim on the Criminal Code and its leadership.

The state of the local area is the question of not only aesthetics and comfort, but also safety. Poor coating of roads and sidewalks, poor-quality lighting, no landscaping - all these factors can adversely affect the health of the MKD residents, so it is necessary to achieve repairs to create the best living conditions.

October 11, 2018, Moscow region. In the suburbs, the complex improvement of the courtyard territories scheduled for 2018 is completed. As of the beginning of October, the integrated improvement program of the yard territories was 91%. This was announced by Evgeny Chromoshin Minister of Housing and Communal Services in the Moscow Region.

"On behalf of the Governor of the Moscow Region, A.Yu.Vorobyeva, we increased the pace of work on the improvement of courtyards," Yevgeny Chromushin said. This year, the improvement of 1440 yard areas is planned, the work has already been performed on 1310 objects, which is 91% of the program of this year. In 45 municipalities, the improvement program was carried out at 100%, in three municipalities per 100 or more percent, the improvement of the remaining courtyards is in different degrees of readiness from 75% to 95% and will be completed on time. "

It should be noted that the frontiers of the integrated improvement program of the courtyards in the Moscow region can be called with over-fulfillment of the Urban District of Reutov (122.2% overfulfilment), Elektogorsk (114.3% overfulness) and Lyubertsy (101.5% overfulfilment). Most municipalities have completed a program by 100%, including Mytischi, Podolsk, Balashikha, Schelisk, Kolomensky, Shakhovskaya, Bronnitsy, Roshal, Pushchino, etc. There are outsiders for the execution of the program that are now in the Red Zone, among them Protvino, Krasnoarmeysk, Dubna and Fryazino.

Recall that in the Moscow region there are about 12.8 thousand courtyard territories, at least 10% of yard territories are landscaping every year. The improvement in the landscaping includes six mandatory elements: a new or upgraded playground with a brand-safe coating, gardening, lighting, parking pockets, an information stand, a container area for solid household waste.

"In just four years since the beginning of the implementation of the Program for the Improvement in the Moscow region, we comprehensively landscaped more than 5.68 thousand (almost half of the courtyard territories), the renovated yards received more than 6 million inhabitants. It is important that the sequence, the scope of work and the address list of the program of the improvement of the yard territories is determined by the residents themselves based on the results of the Internet voting. Today, the Government of the Moscow Region, together with the municipalities, solves the most important task for each owner, as a result of the concentration of all programs implemented in the region, felt improving the quality of their life and received a comfortable urban environment, including a clean and renovated staircase in its entrance, insulated and reliable The facade of the house with a reliable roof, a good elevator, a pleasant feature of a functional playground, own parking and a lit courtyard. All this is no longer a porous year implemented in the suburbs, these programs are very in demand by the inhabitants. We see a positive response of the public through social networks, as residents see the result in real time, and not on TV "-cun, Evgeny Chromoshin.

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