
Stability and reliability of the bank. Financial analysis of the bank "Legion. Basic criteria for financial analysis of a commercial bank

Today I would like to once again be distracted from the main topic - the Internet investment and spend on a professionally close to me, banking theme.

In my last banking liberation, I wrote about where I used not a difficult way to evaluate the financial condition of the bank Pushkin per last year its existence on the basis of public reporting available to everyone. This analysis made it possible to confidently say that the Bank had serious problems and keep their money in this bank for a long time should not.

In the comments to that publication, I was asked to write about how a specialist could understand whether to trust the bank or not. That particular the subject I want to devote this post.

It would seem why we need, people engaged in investing on the Internet and having a portfolio yield much more than any types of bank investments, be able to know how to determine the current state of affairs from the bank?

But we all have relatives, friends and colleagues - for most of them bank deposit There will always be the main type of storage and enhanced by its capital and people in the pleasures of finding the most effective options for investing their funds are ready to invest in any bank - if only it was a bank. And with the basic skills of bank analysis - you can evaluate the correctness of choosing your friends and prompt They should or do not cost to keep money in a particular bank, which in this moment Considered as an option for placing funds.

Choosing a sacrifice

To give an example, you need to decide on the bank that will be analyzed. It is not particularly guessing here - we initially planned to analyze banks that offer the population contributions under high percentages.

Go to the website banki.ru and on main page On the right see best deals Deposits:

Actually from the listed banks that we offer the highest interest on deposits to me only Moscow Credit bank and Ugra. I didn't even hear about the rest of the banks.

To analyze I choose Ergobank - Since his name is the most "post state", apparently came in our modern time of short abbreviations from not distant, but very dark 90s. Usually the lack of a normal name from the Bank. Certificate of the Bank's reluctance to develop - the Bank's name is the basis of the brand and the basis for the growth of the bank's recognition today for successful development and business.

And taking into account the lack of this most important sign of the modern bank, Ergobank attracts deposits of individuals under the maximum percentage for the market today. If the bank actively attracts money, then the main thing that we need to understand is where the bank invests this money.

If the bank invests attracted funds to a business that can really bring high income, and in order to cover the costs of 11.5% of the business should bring high banking income - then in this bank you can keep your contribution.

If the bank attracted to the depositors' funds uses in case of incomprehensible purposes, then this is the first sign that something is wrong with the bank it is possible to get around it.

Of course, the available public reported banks is not enough to estimate in detail financial condition Bank and understand why specifically the bank is all good or why it's not exactly the bank, but in order to make the right conclusions of the relative one of whether the bank goes to the party or not bypass - this statement is more than enough.

Stage first - Does the Bank have the right to attract deposits?

The first thing to do is go to the site Central Bank In the section Information on credit institutions and find a bank in it.

After you find a bank - you will see a page with basic information about him.

(picture clickable)

We see that Ergobank possessed License for attracting funds in the deposits of individuals in rubles and foreign currency (22.01.2001) "Since participates in the deposit insurance system. It is good, since if there was something like this in these fields. The license is withdrawn by order of the Bank of Russia No. OD-673 of 09/30/2013"(Thanks to the jar Pushkin per sample), then the right to take contribution bank no longer has no longer. The fact is that there were already precedents when, after the license revocation, the Bank continued to accept deposits - there is an exceptional precedent in their absurdity.

We also see that statutory capital Bank (highlighted in blue) is 192 million rubles, with a current minimum of 180 million rubles, i.e. turns out that Ergobank - This is a very small bank, probably one of the smallest banks in the Russian Federation. Check which place in size takes this Ergobank Now among all banks of the Russian Federation.

Stage the second is a big bank or is it a small bank?

We will check my statement, for this we turn to the ranking of banks in size (by the magnitude of net assets).

We see that Ergobank It takes 428 place out of 921, that is, it seems not the smallest. But in fact, this bank will be considered small.

An employee of the bank included in the top 100 can say loudly and proudly "our bank is included in the top 100!", The employee of the bank included in the TOP-200 can say proudly but not very loudly "but we enter the top 200!", But here It is proud of saying that the bank is included in the top 300 or the top 400 no one will be.

And this is an indicator, because All banks are not incoming in the first 2 hundreds of the largest banks - this is mostly small things. Some small things can be called large, and some kind of large, you won't call.

In the banking sector it is believed that the more - the better, the more - the more reliable, then the size matters. And small size Ergobanka This is his big minus.

Stage Third - Does Bank Get Profit?

On the website of the Central Bank in the previously open form of the bank just below license information, there is a small table about the profit received for the current fiscal year - you can also pay attention to it.

The Red Table highlighted the magnitude of the profit received by the Bank for the first 9 months of 2013, the profit is "total" 7,784 thousand rubles. The number itself does not mean anything, it is desirable to obtain from this amount annual profitability of bank assets: 7 784/4,500,000 * 9 \u003d 1.5% per annum at a rate of somewhere in% 2.2- 2.5% - in the banking market. In case of The Bank does not have a higher parent organization, it is very bad, so extremely low profitability of the bank speaks of non-efficiency of bank management.

If the bank is a subsidiary of a larger bank belongs to more than half, then the lack of profit can be explained by the fact that the shareholder's profit can be concentrated in the parent company.

Stage fourth - who owns the bank?

In our case, it turns out that such a "parent" company does not exist. Ergobank belongs to several individuals and one conquer for approximately equal shares.

Data on the structure of ownership of the Bank is public information, which must be located on the Bank's website in the "Reporting" section or in such sections as "about the bank".

I found this structure of ownership financial Report Bank for 2012, which was in the section of the website of the Bank "Reporting".

Thus, the low profitability of the bank speaks that either the bank is not very effective or in fact it is unprofitable, but its losses are not reflected in the reports. Is it possible that the bank is unprofitable but in official reporting, as we see, is small but profit? This is quite realistic, there are 100,500 ways to draw a profit bank.

Obviously what more Bank, the harder it is to arrange "fraud with reporting," and if the bank is not big and your auditor is not Pwc. (one of the world's largest auditors), and " College Tax consultants"(KNK LLC)- The reporting can be painted the most different.

In principle, the above information is not completely insufficient enough to blame or suspect in something officially, but in general the information listed for me is more than enough. In order not to keep your money in it for the sake of extra 1% per annum.

Stage fifth - what does the bank do?

On the other hand, we have not yet understood where the bank places depositors money, and this is also very important moment And an interesting moment that needs to be understood.

In order to understand this, we need to look at the balance structure Ergobanka in dynamics. To do this, you can use a specialized site on which in a convenient way you can see the balances of all Russian banks - QUAP.ru.

Balance Ergobankaas follows

And now I will make a small digression that there is in any balance of any organization, and what it means in the human language.

  • Assets - This is the total value of property / funds that anyone must be a bank. Assets are money at the checkout, loans that issued a bank, shares and others securities who bought a bank. In other words, this is all that the bank is invested to receive income.
  • Passive - This is the total value of property / funds that the bank owes someone. Passives are divided into 2 large parts:
    • Obligations - This is the money of depositors, the cost of issued and sold bonds, debt of banks for payment for anything before counterparties, i.e. All that is for the use of what the bank pays not to its shareholders, but third-party counterparties
    • Own funds - Profit and authorized capital, i.e. All that is for the use of which the Bank has to pay shareholders in the form of dividends

At the same time Asset is always equal to the sum of liabilitybecause The organization itself can not belong to anything - it is just a buffer between shareholders and counterparties.

So let's go back to our balance.

I highlighted the lines that we need:

  • Assets
  • Loans to legal entities
  • Loans to individuals
  • Urgent funds of individuals

The values \u200b\u200bfrom these lines I wrote into a separate table.

Aggregated Balance - Ergobank
Balance article, million rubles. 01.01.12 01.07.12 01.01.13 01.04.13 01.07.13 01.10.13
ASSETS 1 263 1 770 3 193 3 641 4 037 4 514
Loans to legal entities 87 164 639 933 1 320 1 756
Loans to individuals 526 653 954 1 072 1 348 1 396
urgent funds of individuals 293 693 1 451 2 060 2 527 2 807
relative indicators 01.01.12 01.07.12 01.01.13 01.04.13 01.07.13 01.10.13
Share urgent Wed-in FL in liabilities 23% 39% 45% 57% 63% 62%
Share of FL loans in assets 42% 37% 30% 29% 33% 31%
Share of loans for rent in assets 7% 9% 20% 26% 33% 39%

Good day to you, dear visitor.

Using table data, you can execute a basic financial analysis commercial Bank. To do this, transfer the data from financial reporting In the calculated tables, then click the "Update" button and the indicators will be calculated automatically.

Please note: Starting from 2016, bank reporting has changed. The new version of the service analysis of the financial condition and the results of the bank's activities is here :.

  1. Enter the source data of the bank's balance sheet and the financial results report in light blue cells, replacing the dimensions of the example.
  2. Then scroll down the page, click the Update button - all data will be recalculated. They will only remain highlight, copy and move to your document.

On this page you can perform basic analysis financial and property status of the bank and its financial results:

  1. Horizontal analysis of the dynamics of assets
  2. Vertical Analysis of Asset Structure
  3. Horizontal analysis of liabilities dynamics
  4. Vertical analysis of the structure of liabilities
  5. Horizontal analysis of source dynamics own funds
  6. Vertical analysis of the structure of sources of own funds
  7. Horizontal analysis of the dynamics of off-balance sheet commitments
  8. Vertical analysis of the structure of off-balance sheet commitments
  9. Horizontal analysis of the dynamics of financial results

Analysis conclusions are built on the basis of problems identified: examples of problems detected during analysis.

Examples of events to eliminate identified problems: Examples of activities for WRC.

You can make conclusions for financial analysis yourself, or order them on any stock exchange for students.

To estimate the cost you can leave a bid on the stock exchange. If no one is suitable - just delete the application and that's it.

Sincerely, Alexander Krylov. Contact me you can with vk.com/aldex.

Before entering the data, please read this article:

If the table does not fit, open it in a new window: analysis of the financial condition and results of the Bank's work

The financial analysis:

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Definition 1.

Commercial Bank - this is a credit institution that performs settlement, payment, deposit operations For physical I. legal entities. At this stage, the formation of the economic sphere of banks are the main tool for the development of market relations.

Development of entrepreneurial activities, an increase in cash, increasing the interest of non-residents to operations on russian market They lead to the fact that a significant amount of monetary resources are accumulated in commercial banks.

Active activities of Russian banks in the interbank market, securities market, currency and resources, transition to international Plan accounts accounting They led to the fact that banking structures need financial analysis, the methods of which were tested in Western countries. but this analysis Must be conducted in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation of the country.

Note 1.

The purpose of the financial analysis of the commercial bank is to confirm its reliability as a counterparty, for other banks. The main tasks of the analysis of the activities of the Commercial Bank are to determine the fulfillment of the requirements for the liquidity of the organization, identifying sources and quality bank revenues, as well as maintaining the level of sufficient capital bank.

Basic criteria for financial analysis of a commercial bank

Analysis of liquidity, profitability and capital adequacy makes it possible to assess the correctness and effectiveness of the management of the commercial bank resources, therefore, analyze the prospects for its work and competitiveness in the financial market.

When carrying out a financial analysis of a commercial bank, the following criteria are taken into account:

  • lee is performed economic standardswhich are established by applicable law;
  • analysis of indicators that displays the efficiency of managing their own capital;
  • analysis of indicators, which determine the cost of own and attracted funds;
  • identification and analysis of indicators that characterize the process of distribution of liabilities and assets of a commercial bank, as well as management of its active operations (operations with corporate and government securities);
  • analysis of factors that have a direct impact on the Bank's activities and its financial condition;
  • execution of calculations that are associated with the definition of profitability financial instruments (both at the planning stage and in the process of conducting current activities).

In the process of calculating analytical indicators, quarterly and annual income and expenses are applied, and average indicators are calculated. balance Report.

Financial Analysis of the Bank's profit and loss report

The report on profit and loss to the commercial bank reflects all its income, expenses and that profit, which remained at the disposal of owners from doing business.

Business of any commercial bank is that he attracts cash Under the percentage of the population, enterprises and other banking counterparties, after which the resources attracted as loans and loans under a higher interest rate. Difference between interest rates covers payment wages Employees, rental of premises and pay other expenses.

Definition 2.

Accordingly, the main income of the commercial bank is payments, paying for a percentage of the use of a loan and a loan from individuals and enterprises. And the main costs of the bank are payments for deposit deposits population.

In addition, in banks there are income from the management of concomitant activities: profits from cash Service enterprises, provision paid services individuals. Most commercial banks are participants in the securities market, thereby earning the investment. Bank expenses In addition to paying interest on deposits include: utility payments, advertising of products and services, tax pay and so on.

A report on financial analysis in a commercial bank contains the following sources of income:

  1. Placing funds in credit institutions - receiving interest on loans issued to other counterparties.
  2. Loans granted to customers who are not credit organizations. This includes interest on loans that were issued to individuals and enterprises. Often this indicator is the main yield of the bank. However, there are such banks that have a total profitability of returns from investment in securities and participation in the interbank market.
  3. Provision of services by financial lease. This source of income is formed from obtaining interest on leasing operations. Leasing is a complex multifaceted transaction in which the company does not receive a cash loan, but equipment or transport that it is necessary for doing effectively. With supplier of equipment or equipment is calculated leasing BankAnd the enterprise pays him interest during a certain period, gradually returning leasing debt.
  4. Investing in securities - interest received from purchased bonds of enterprises or other commercial banks.
  5. Commission income are a major profit. This includes income from cash service, and foreign exchange operations, maintenance plastic cards, as well as the provision of bank guarantees.

With regard to expenses, which are also part of the Bank's financial analysis, these include the following:

  1. Interest rate on attracted credit funds. This includes loans fees that are taken in other commercial banks. Since there are always organizations that are engaged in active lending to the population, there are always banks that resort to data to the manipulation. In order for the funds raised simply, the banks actively lend each other for a period of time from one working day.
  2. Interest expenses on the funds raised by the funds of those customers who are not credit organizations. This includes those percentages that they are paid on deposit transactions of individuals and legal entities.
  3. Interest expenses on issued debt obligations. This is a payment of interest on issued bonds of a commercial bank.

Note 2.

Conducting a financial analysis of the bank, all incomes and deduct expenses should be folded. The result is a profit before tax. And only after tax deduction, it turns out a net income for reporting period.

Analysis of the balance of commercial bank

The balance of the commercial bank contains assets and liabilities. Assets can be divided into revolutions and non-current, but they are all together in order of decrease in liquidity - first they are funded, and in the completion of long-term assets.

Assets in any banking structure is what allows you to earn money. Most banks are issued loans. After that, a special place is paid to the acquired securities.

In the financial analysis of the bank, three articles are given to the balance of securities.

Financial assets evaluated by real value Through a loss or profit is a short-term securities portfolio that are intended for sale in the near future (stocks and bonds, options, futures). They are estimated on the basis of market value.

Clean investments in securities and financial assets - These are the securities that are purchased for a long time with the purpose of resale.

Clean investments in securitieswhich are held before the repayment - in this case, investments are reflected in bills and bonds, which were bought in order to receive income from their repayment.

Freedom of choice with modern economic conditions Must be supported by confidence in the reliability of the partner. Sometimes there is not enough internal assessments for making important decisions and an assessment of independent experts is necessary. This role in today's society is played by the rating system.

Rating banks (English Bank Rating) is the main method of assessing the activities of banks based on the analysis and comparison of financial performance and bank balance data. Criterion of comparison can be: voluminous indicators characterizing the range of development of the bank; Qualitative indicators characterizing the degree of reliability of the bank.

The main approaches to the assessment of the activities of banks:

  • * own analysis of other banks of participants in the interbank market;
  • * independent examination of banks with specialized banking agencies;
  • * rating ratings supervisory organs The most objective.

From a wide range of credit ratings, bond ratings first appeared. And so far, many scientists suggest that their bond yield is more related to the rating rather than with publicly available data. Bond ratings do not reflect other risks, in particular, the percentage, associated with investments in bonds, and also do not provide a recommendation to buy or sell specific securities.

In the twentieth century, a new indicator of business reputation occurs - credit rating. His developer was the analyst and publisher John Moody in 1900. The newly invented system made it possible to determine the difference between bonds released by 250 US railway companies. Later, this system was distributed to the Moody Company (Moody "s), as well as competing entrepreneurial groups, municipal bodies, banks, and then on independent states.

Ratings can be called one of the analysis options, which allows to obtain a cumulative assessment of the financial state of commercial banks and compare them in the most accessible form for all categories of citizens. In obtaining such an assessment, several groups of participants in the financial market: banks, bank customers - legal and individuals, banking supervisory authorities.

Linear lists or Rankings

Multidimensional lists and integrated estimates based on local indicators


Lists credit organizationscompiled on the basis of a number of financial indicators

Separation of banks in category in accordance with specified criteria (for example, reliability, stability, balance sheet and other)

Separation of banks into groups with attracting both formal (financial condition) and expert information on the state of affairs in the bank and banking system generally

Information sources

Journal "Expert" Bank of Russia, Information Agency "Mobile", magazines: "Profile", "Company", "Money", "Independent Gazeta", ATSF, etc.

It should also be noted that, as a rule, the emergence rating agencies was caused with rapid development financial markets. IN present time Agencies are actively created in developing countries.

Investment class

Very high ability timely and fully pay their debentures; The highest ranking

high ability timely and fully pay their debt obligations

Moderately high ability timely and fully pay their debt obligations under impressive sensitivity to the effects of unfavorable changes in commercial, financial and economic conditions.

Sufficient ability timely and fully pay their debt obligations, however, there is a higher sensitivity to the effects of unfavorable changes in commercial, financial and economic conditions.

Speculative class

Out of danger in the short term, but better sensitivity to the effects of unfavorable changes in commercial, financial and economic conditions

Higher vulnerability in the presence of high sensitivity to the effects of adverse changes in commercial, financial and economic conditions.

There is a potential possibility of non-fulfillment by the issuer of their debt obligations (to a large extent depends on favorable changes in commercial, financial and economic conditions)

High probability of non-fulfillment by the issuer of their debt obligations

The issuer is initiated by the bankruptcy procedure

Default on debt obligations

  • * "Positive" - \u200b\u200bthe rating may increase;
  • * "Negative" - \u200b\u200bthe rating may decrease;
  • * "Stable" - a change is unlikely;
  • * "Developing" - possible both raising and lowering rating.

Date of primary assignment

Last confirmation date / change date












Promsvyaz Bank





Celind Bank




This list contains both leading places in financial Rating domestic banks and banks with average indicators. Nevertheless, it can be noted that in most of these banks are able to cope with their debt obligations if it were not for the impact of adverse changes in economic conditions. And forecasts reflecting the direction of the future development of the Bank almost everyone stopped at the stable position.

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state