
Types and types of real estate, their economic component. Type objects What is the type of object

Based on this, real estate can be divided into the following categories:

  • production facilities. They represent the premises in which the production of various products is carried out;
  • infrastructure facilities - network engineering and transport communications;
  • non-residential non-manufacturing facilities - warehouse and office space, commercial premises, objects of the socio-cultural sphere;
  • the residential foundation - premises intended for permanent or temporary residence in them.

Another option for the classification of construction objects, depending on their purpose, is their division on:

  • buildings are objects intended for living in them or performing various economic functions. In turn, within this category has its division.

Real estate classification

Therefore, familiarization with the types of real estate existing in the Russian Federation, as well as with the emergence and formation of the legal concept of real estate, it is thought, will not be imperfect. Types of Real Estate: Excursion to the story Legal separation Property for species, i.e. The movable objects and real estate originated during the time of the Roman Empire. Roman law used the classification of objects for movable and real species, applying the criterion for the physical impossibility of moving immovable things, above all, the land and the fact that it is inextricably connected with it.

According to the laws of ancient Rome, movable objects could be fluent in space without damage. Accordingly, the physical criterion of the solid connection of the subject with the Earth and the impossibility of its movement predetermined the real estate classification first in Roman law, and then everywhere at the level of the fundamental state doctrine.

Types of real estate objects

Decision on the subgroups on the signs of group 4 can be applied to all groups (from 1.2.1 to 1.2.5). The most developed sector of the real estate market in Russia is currently the market of apartments. Markets of commercial and especially industrial real estate, as well as the market of land are significantly weaker. For evaluation, the most significant classification of real estate, in which land, buildings and structures are divided into two classes: 1) specialized real estate; 2) non-specialized real estate. Specialized real estate is a property that, by virtue of its special nature, is rarely sold on the open market, except when it is implemented as part of the use of its business.

The special nature of real estate is usually due to its constructive features, specialization, size, location or combination of these factors.

Article 8. Real Estate Cadastre

When evaluating land settlements Their separation should be taken into account in accordance with the targeted appointment and urban planning regulations in the following territorial zones: 1) land of urban or rural development, including residential and public, industrial and municipal-warehouse; 2) common useintended to meet the needs of the population (engaged in areas, streets, roads, embankments, parks, forest parks, squares, water bodies, beaches, etc.); 3) agricultural land; 4) lands of environmental, health, recreational and historical and cultural purposes; 5) transport land, communication, engineering communications; 6) Earth of water bodies and water management; 7) Earth of military facilities and regime zones; 8) Reserve lands - not involved in urban planning activities and other. Source: Real Estate Assessment: tutorial / T. G. Kasanenko, G.A.

Types and types of real estate, their economic component

The first type of property includes objects whose functions are due to their constructive features Very limited - for example, church, school, pumping station or boiler room. Such buildings are extremely rarely exhibited for sale, as they can only be used on the original purpose. The second group includes all other objects that can be used with a variety of targets.

They enjoy constant demand in the open market. Classes of business centers and, finally, there is a third system that has received the name "Western" and intended for the classification of commercial objects. It subdivides real estate into three classes - "A", "B" and "C".
Objects of class "A" are all prestigious business centers, regardless of destination. This category includes both commercial premises and offices and factory workshops, factories, hospitals and warehouses.

Main types of real estate


By functional purpose The property is divided into land plots for development, natural complexes (parks, gardens), residential buildings, buildings intended for commercial purposes (offices, shopping centers, hotels), private residential buildings (cottages, cottages, country houses from land plots), as well as industrial premises (factories, parking, warehouses). By origin, such types of real estate, as land arrays, sites, housing complexes, apartment buildings, apartments and rooms in multi-unit residential buildings, Individual residential buildings, complexes of administrative buildings and shopping buildings. And by readiness to operate, three types of objects differ: ready-made, in need of reconstruction and under construction.

Specialization Classification of a new standard of Russian Society appraisers is easier. It distinguishes two types of real estate - specialized and non-specialized.

Classification of real estate objects

Art. 130 and 132 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation include real estate the following property:

  • land (land);
  • bosom;
  • various buildings and structures, including those, the construction of which is not completed;
  • the company, as a single property complex - a set of all on the balance sheet of buildings and structures, machines and mechanisms, machines, and so on;
  • aircraft;
  • marine and river ships;
  • another property recognized by the real estate relevant legislative act.

Characteristic features of real estate by the main sign that distinguishes real estate From movable things, it is its inseparable connection with the Earth. This property cannot be moved from place to place, without causing him of such harm, which would significantly limit or generally made it impossible to use it for its intended purpose.

1. Concept, signs and classification of real estate

Federal Law, date of assignment of such a number, information about the organization or body, which appropriated such a number in the established legislation Russian Federation order; (p. 4 as amended by Federal Law of 07/03/2016 N 361-FZ) (see text in the previous edition) 5) Cadastral real estate object, from which, as a result of the section, allocated, or otherwise relevant to the legislation of the Russian Federation with real estate (hereinafter referred to as the original property) formed new object real estate (hereinafter - the educated property of real estate); 6) Cadastral rooms of rooms, places located in a building or structure, if the object of real estate is a building or structure; (as amended by Federal Law of 07/03/2016 N 315-FZ) (see

Types of real estate in Russia The term "real estate" appeared in Russia in the 17th century, but so far nowhere has its exact legal definition. So according to Civil Code Of the Russian Federation to real estate (real estate, real estate) include:

  • land,
  • plots of subsoil,
  • separate water bodies,
  • the woods,
  • perennial plantings
  • building,
  • structures
  • objects of unfinished construction,
  • all that is firmly related to the ground, that is, objects that are impossible without disproportionate damage to their purpose.

Also related to the types of real estate in Russia are subject to state registration Air and sea vessels, internal navigation vessels, space objects. In addition, other property can be attributed by law to real estate.

Type and purpose of real estate object

Federal law. This information is maintained under state registration of occurrence, the transition of rights to such a land plot, state registration of transactions with such a land plot. This information is excluded from the Unified State Register of Real Estate Simultaneously with the State Registration of the Termination of Law gratuitous use Such a land plot on the grounds provided for in Article 9 of the Federal Law "On the features of providing citizens land plotsin state or municipal property and located in the territories of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, which are part of the Far Eastern federal District, and about making changes to individual legislative acts Russian Federation". (P.
TO for more information The object of real estate includes information that change on the basis of decisions (acts) of government bodies or local governments, information contained in other state and municipal information resources (With the exception of the information specified in Part 2 of this article), and the information that in accordance with Parts 1 - 3 of Article 38 of this Federal Law is notified. 4. The following basic information about the property is introduced into the real estate cadastre: 1) the type of real estate object (land plot, building, building, room, machine-place, object of work in progress, unified real estate complex, enterprise as a property complex or other type); (as amended by Federal Law of 07/03/2016 N 315-FZ) (see

Object headers contain data common to all objects that can receive different values \u200b\u200bfor each instance of the object. For example, each object has a unique name and a unique security descriptor may be.

But objects also contain some data that remain constant for all objects of a particular type. For example, when opening an object descriptor of a specific type, you can select access rights from the set inherent in this type of objects. The executing system provides for the type of thread objects other than all other access to complete and suspension, and for objects such as file access, write, write, add and delete.

Another example of an attribute inherent in the defined type of objects is synchronization, which will soon be considered.

To save memory, the object manager saves these static attributes inherent in objects of a certain type, once when creating a new type object. To record this data, it uses its own object, the so-called object type. As shown in the figure if the debugging flag is set to track objects (submitted later in the section "Global Windows Flags"), the object object also connects all the objects of the same type (in this case Type process), allowing the object manager to find these objects and count them, if necessary. This feature uses the possibility of a previously considered subtitle with information about the creator.

Process objects and object type "Process".

From the user mode, it is impossible to work with object objects, since the object manager does not provide any services for them. Nevertheless, some of the attributes defined by them are visible using some of their own operating system services and Windows API procedures. Information stored in type initializers is described in the table.

Fields of type initializers.

Type Name (type name)Name of objects this type ("Process", "Event", "Port", etc.)
Pool Type (Pula Type)Indicates whether the objects of this type are highlighted with a unloaded or unbearable memory
Default Quota Charges (default quota)The values \u200b\u200bof the pools of the unloaded and unhappy memory constituting the default process of the process.
Valid Access Mask (Acting Access Mask)Types of access that flow can request when opening an object descriptor of this type (reading, "recording", "Completion", "suspension", etc.)
Generic Access Rights Mapping general rights access)Displaying four general access rights (for reading, writing, executing and all rights) for access rights inherent in specific type
Flags (flags)Indicate that objects should not have names (for example, in the case of process object objects) that the character register is taken into account in their names that they require the safety descriptor that they support the callbacks filtered by objects and should
Is descriptor database (subtitle information about descriptors) and (or) interdependence of the type list (subtitle information about the creator). The USE Default Object flag also defines the behavior of the following in this table of the Default Object field.
Object Type Code (type object code)Used to describe what is the type of object (as opposed to comparison with a known name value). For file objects, the value of this field is set to 1, for synchronization objects - in 2 and for stream objects - in 4. This field is also used by Alpc to store information about the attribute of the handle associated with the message
Invalid Attributes (Invalid Attributes)Specifies the object attribute flags invalid for this type of object
DEFAULT OBJECT (default object)Specifies the internal event of the object manager, which should be used while waiting for this object, if this requires the creator of the type object. It should be noted that objects such as File and Alpc-port,
already contain its built-in object manager; In this case, this field is a displacement in the body of the object. For example, an event inside the File_Object structure is built in the field called Event
Methods (Methods)One or more procedures caused by the Object Manager automatically at certain moments of the life of the object

View headers of objects and object objects.

The data structure of the object type "Process" can be seen in the kernel debugger, after pre-identifying this object with the help of the command! Process:

lKD\u003e! Process 0 0


Process FFFFFA800279CAE0.

Sessionid: None CID: 0004 PEB: 00000000 ParentCID: 0000

Dirbase: 00187000 ObjectTable: FFFFFF8A000001920 HANDLECOUNT: 541.

Run the command! Object with the address of the Process object as an argument:

lKD\u003e! Object FFFFFA800279CAE0

Object: FFFFFA800279CAE0 TYPE: (FFFFFA8002755B60) Process

ObjectHeader: FFFFFA800279CAB0 (New Version)

HandleCount: 3 PointerCount: 172 3172

Note that on the 32-bit version of Windows, the object header begins with 0x18 (24 in decimal format) bytes preceding the object of the object, and on the 64-bit version of Windows it starts from 0x30 (48 in decimal format) bytes preceding the body, that is, From the size of the header of the object. You can view the object header using the following command:

lKD\u003e DT NT! _Object_Header FFFFFA800279CAB0

0x000 PointerCount: 172

0x008 HandleCount: 33

0x008 NEXTTOFREE: 0x000000000x00000000 "00000003

0x010 Lock: _Ex_Push_Lock

0x018 Typeindex: 0x7 ""

0x019 TraceFlags: 0 ""

0x01A infomask: 0 ""

0x01B Flags: 0x2 ""

0x020 ObjectCreateInfo: 0xFFFFF800 "01C53A80 _Object_create_INFORMATION

0x020 quotablockcharged: 0xFFFFF800 "01C53A80

0x028 SecurityDescriptor: 0xFFFFF8A0 "00004B29

0x030 Body: _Quad

Now let's look at the type of object data structure, having received its address from the Obtypeindextable table specified in the entry associated with the Typeindex field of the object header data structure:

lKD\u003e ?? ((NT! _Object_type **) @@ (NT! ObtypeIndExtable)) [((NT! _Object_

Header *) 0xFFFFFA800279CAB0) -\u003e TypeIndex]

struct _object_type * 0xFFFFFA80 "02755B60

0x000 TypeList: _List_Entry [02xFFFFFA80 "02755B60 - 0xFFFFFA80" 02755B60

0x010 Name: _unicode_string "Process"

0x020 DefaultObject: (NULL)

0x028 index: 0x70x7 ""

0x02c TotalNumberFOBjects: 0x380x38

0x030 TotalNumberofhandles: 0x1320x132

0x034 HighWaternumberofObjects: 0x3d

0x038 Highwaternumberofhandles: 0x13c

0x040 TypeInfo: _Object_Type_initializer

0x0b0 TypeLock: _EX_PUSH_LOCK

0x0b8 Key: 0x636F7250

0x0c0 CallBackList: _List_entry [02755C20 - 0xFFFFFA80 "02755C20]

In the disabled information, it is shown that the structure of the type object includes the name of the type object, it monitors the total number of active objects of this type and the peak number of descriptors and objects of this type. The CallbackList field also monitors the feedback filtering of object manager associated with this type object.

The TypeInfo field stores a pointer to the data structure in which the attributes for all objects are stored for all objects of this type of object type, as well as pointers to the object method methods:

lKD\u003e ?? ((NT! _Object_Type *) 0xFFFFFA8002755B60) -\u003e TypeInfo *) 0xFFFFFA8002755B60) -\u003e TypeInfo

0x000 Length: 0x70

0x002 ObjectTypeFlags: 0x4a "j"

0x002 CaseInsensitive: 0y0

0x002 UnnamedObjectSonly: 0y1


0x002 SecurityRequired: 0y1

0x002 MaintainHandleCount: 0y0

0x002 MaintainTypeList: 0y0

0x002 SupportsObjectCallbacks: 0y1

0x004 ObjectTypeCode: 0

0x008 Invalidattributes: 0xb0

0x00c GenericMapping: _Generic_Mapping

0x01c ValidaccessMask: 0x1FFFFF

0x020 RetainAccess: 0x101000

0x024 POOLTYPE: 0 (NonpaDPool)

0x028 DefaultPagedPoolCharge: 0x1000

0x02c DefaultNonPagedPoolCharge: 0x528


0x038 OpenProCedure: 0xFFFFF800 "01D98D58 Long NT! PSPPROCESSPEN + 0

0x048 DELETEPROCEDURE: 0xFFFFF800 "01D83090 Void NT! PSPProcessDelete + 0

0x058 SecurityProCedure: 0xFFFFF800 "01D8BB50 Long NT! SedefaultObjectMethod + 0

0x060 QueryNameProCedure: (NULL)

0x068 OkaytoclOSEPROCEDURE: (NULL)

Synchronization, which is one of the attributes visible to Windows applications relates to the ability of streams to synchronize their execution by waiting for the transition of an object from one state to another. The stream can be synchronized with objects of executable task, process, flow, file, semaphore, mutex and timer. All other objects of the executing system do not support synchronization. The ability of the object to support synchronization is based on three possibilities:

  • The executing system object is a shell for the dispatcher object and contains the dispatcher header.
  • The creator of the type object requires the default object, and the object manager provides such an object.
  • The executing system object has a built-in object manager, such as an event, somewhere inside the body of the object, and the object owner provides a displacement of the object manager when registering an object of the type.

- This is a type of streamlining of real estate information, allowing the layout for one or another signs. Required for cadastral and inventory, normalization of activities for their appropriate use.

Any activity in the real estate market relies on the classification. Based on such a revision of municipal and state ownership.

Not compliance with the planned target functions, serves as a reason for refusing and approving the construction project.

Property Classification for Property Forms

Each object of real estate has the owner and is the property of physical or legal entityor consists on the balance of the regional administration or is due at the expense of the federal budget.

Similar to the types of owners, among which also include balance holders, ownership form:

  1. state;
  2. municipal;
  3. commercial;
  4. individual.

Depending on the one who owns real estate, a civil law chain of interaction is lined up. For example, the owner of the land is a state that passes the station, enshrined at regional territories, local municipalities.

But the full owners are not, since delegated powers passed to them on the basis of constant perpetual use.

At the same time, in their jurisdiction arrays. But - in accordance with state legislation, as well as in granting full reporting. Therefore, municipalities play the role of authorized intermediaries.

In turn, they have the right to lead property management, transferring real estate to enterprises and civilians:

  • in ownership;
  • for rent or hired.

Classification of real estate by scale

The scale is the property of objects that defines their ability to further reorganize by separation or association.

For example, residential and non-residential premises Have the ability to unite in the building. And the building allows only separation to the premises.

That is, the basis and base of classification, in this case, is the accounting unit.

In general, they are allowed to complete as follows:

  • land array;
  • land;
  • private house with a plot, cottage;
  • , country cottage area;
  • complexes of industrial buildings and structures;
  • building for industrial purposes;
  • apartment multi-storey house;
  • low-storey house;
  • separate apartment;
  • section or staircase, floor section;
  • complex of administrative structures;
  • office space;
  • shopping complex;
  • commercial premises.

This list is not full.

The main property of listed objects is the cadastral account number.

Based on this issue, the complex or its share is made to the accounting cadastral records of the Rosreestra, or to be subject to inventory (see).

Classification of real estate ready to use

At this base basis, buildings and premises allowing or not allowing it (see). Based on the data of the basic characteristics, the entire real estate in the market is divided into the following types:

Finished capital buildings that have acquired this status after the completion of construction and commissioning. Receive permission to unhindered use on intended purpose.

Unfinished objects are considered those from the moment of approval and receipt of an extract from town planning documentationResolving construction capital building, Before commissioning.

If the unfinished building joins the stage of "freezing", which requires documentary, it loses its original status.

This provision acts in relation to those objects that are exposed to trading, including due to the bankruptcy of enterprises (see).
  • Buildings or premises requiring reconstruction or.
  • requiring demolition.

In this stage, objects enter only after a commission examination and registration of relevant documentation that states the inadmissibility of use for the purpose (see).

As it should be understood as the term "real estate", which is suitable for this definition. As the legislation of the Russian Federation treats real estate, it economic essence. Signs for which the types of real estate, classification of its species are divided.

Currently, Russia is actively developing the real estate market and an increasing number of our fellow citizens, enterprises and organizations participate in real estate operations.

In the Russian Federation, as in the whole world, real estate is the basis of the personal existence of citizens and serves as a basis for economic activity and the development of enterprises and organizations of all forms of ownership. Therefore, familiarization with the types of real estate existing in the Russian Federation, as well as with the emergence and formation of the legal concept of real estate, it is thought, will not be imperfect.

Types of Real Estate: Excursion to the story

Legal division of property for species, i.e. The movable objects and real estate originated during the time of the Roman Empire. Roman law used the classification of objects for movable and immovable species, applying the criterion for the physical impossibility of moving immovable things, above all, the land and the fact that it is inextricably connected. According to the laws of ancient Rome, movable objects could be fluent in space without damage.

Accordingly, the physical criterion of the solid connection of the subject with the Earth and the impossibility of its movement predetermined the real estate classification first in Roman law, and then everywhere at the level of the fundamental state doctrine. Today, immovable property is a base, without which the existence of a single developed society and the state is impossible.

Types of real estate in Russia

The term "real estate" appeared in Russia in the 17th century, but still nowhere has its exact legal definition. So, according to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation to real estate (real estate, real estate) include:

  • land,
  • plots of subsoil,
  • separate water bodies,
  • the woods,
  • perennial plantings
  • building,
  • structures
  • objects of unfinished construction,
  • all that is firmly related to the ground, that is, objects that are impossible without disproportionate damage to their purpose.

Also, the types of real estate in Russia are subject to state registration of air and maritime courts, internal navigation vessels, space objects. In addition, other property can be attributed by law to real estate.

For example, an enterprise as a whole as the property complex is also recognized as one of the types of real estate. According to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the company is considered not as a subject, but directly as an object civil rights. The company as a whole or part of it may be the object of purchase and sale, collateral, lease and other transactions related to establishing, change and termination of real rights.

Economic Essence of Real Estate

Among the main elements market economy A special place that acts as a means of production is:

  • land,
  • administrative, industrial, warehouse, commercial and other buildings and premises,
  • construction of the subject or object of consumption (land plots, residential buildings, cottages, apartments, garages).

The specimenal economic characteristics of real estate species include the following:

  • rarity (there are no absolutely identical real estate objects),
  • the cost of adjacent lands, buildings,
  • territorial features (change in territorial preferences can increase or reduce the cost of species of real estate, even without physical changes),
  • the target purpose, which, as a rule, cannot be changed without significant costs.

Division of real estate species depending on the nature of use and in its origin

Of the foregoing it is meant that the property is distributed into three main types: land, housing and non-residential premises. Depending on the nature of the use of real estate types are distributed to those used:

  • for housing (houses, cottages, apartments, cottages),
  • for commercial activities (hotels, office buildings, shops, etc.),
  • for production purposes (warehouses, factories, plants, etc.),
  • for agricultural needs (farm, gardens, gardens, etc.),
  • for special purposes (schools, churches, hospitals, nursery, etc.).

Types of real estate vary by their origin:

  • created by nature without the work of human labor,
  • the result of man's labor,
  • created by the labor of man, but associated with the natural basis so much that it cannot function in the separation from it.

So, real estate includes the most valuable and non-governmental facilities of fixed assets. And such types of real estate as land and subsoil have a huge economic and strategic importance for any state.

Real estate in any public device is an object of economic and government interests, and therefore, for this category of property, the obligation of state registration of rights to it is introduced, which allows you to identify the object and the subject of law, because The relationship between the object of real estate and the subject of the rights to it is invisible, and the transfer of real estate through physical movement is impossible.

The definition of the most important types of real estate both in other countries and in Russia does not have serious differences and mainly coincides. The distinctive feature of real estate worldwide belongs to its inextricable communication with the Earth. Out of connection with land plots, the types of real estate lose their usual purpose.

Oddly enough, the law also refers the law and aircraft and space objects - for example, space satellites. This is due to the complex procedure for registering such equipment. But the trees from special nurseries and houses intended for demolition, real estate are not.

But few of us came across the need to buy or rent a satellite. So for most people real estate is land, housing and non-residential premises.

Functions, Origin, Ready

The first classification distinguishes the property on its signs. According to it, real estate varies on functions, origin and readiness for operation.

According to the functional purpose, the property is divided into land plots for development, natural complexes (parks, gardens), residential buildings, buildings intended for commercial purposes (offices, shopping centers, hotels), private residential buildings (cottages, cottages, country houses with land plots ), as well as industrial premises (factories, parking, warehouses).

By the origin, such types of real estate, such as land arrays, plots, housing complexes, apartment buildings, apartments and rooms in apartment buildings, individual residential buildings, complexes of administrative buildings and shopping buildings are allocated.

And by readiness to operate, three types of objects differ: ready-made, in need of reconstruction and under construction.


The classification of the new standard of Russian Society appraisers is easier. It distinguishes two types of real estate - specialized and non-specialized.

The first type of property includes objects whose functions, due to their design features, are very limited - for example, the church, school, pumping station or boiler room. Such buildings are extremely rarely exhibited for sale, as they can only be used on the original purpose.

The second group includes all other objects that can be used with a variety of targets. They enjoy constant demand in the open market.

Business Centers Classes

And finally, there is a third system that has received the name "Western" and intended for the classification of commercial objects. It subdivides real estate into three classes - "A", "B" and "C".

Objects of class "A"

These are all prestigious business centers, regardless of destination. This category includes both commercial premises and offices and factory workshops, factories, hospitals and warehouses. All of them should be distinguished by the quality of finishes and engineering communications, as well as modern layout.

Class "B"

Includes objects intended for investment, that is, renting. They are not so prestigious as objects of class "A", there may be some service items in them - for example, air conditioning or parking.

Class "C"

This is the so-called "redundant property" - land with buildings or free areas that are not needed for doing business. In our country, such objects can be considered the premises, leased by various funds and production complexes.

At first glance, in all these systems it is easy to get confused. But the existence of various classifications of real estate species is rather plus. All of them contribute to the study of the real estate market and facilitate the development of adequate methods for assessing objects.

The social role of real estate is to satisfy all the needs of a person (psychological, physiological, intellectual).

There are three main types of real estate - this is earth, housing and non-residential premises.

The basis of the real estate object is the Earth.

Land -this is a fundamental factor in any commercial activity, which indirectly or directly participates in the production of goods or services

The land is divided into:

1) land plots designed for development or for other use purposes;

2) Natural complexes intended for their operation (deposit, etc.)

Housing -this is a building with all the amenities intended for human accommodation.

Housing is: elite, typical, urban country, etc.

Real estate is subdivided according to a functional basis for residential and non-residential.

In non-residential, industrial, commercial, recreational real estate, institutional, motels hotels and real estate, which is intended for mixed use.

Under industrial real estate, industrial facilities, working factories, warehouses are understood.

Recreational real estateit is intended for recreation - these are facilities in the territories of resorts, stadiums, clubs, swimming pools and other facilities intended for entertainment.

Institutional Real Estate -these are buildings for government or municipal bodies, hospitals, sanatoriums and other special purpose functions.

Mixed Property -this is a combination of listed properties of real estate.

Types of real estate according to the degree of readiness for operation:

1) facilities commissioned;

2) buildings that require overhaul or reconstruction;

3) unfinished construction.

According to the degree of reproducibility in natural form, real estate:

1) the non-reproducible is mineral deposits;

2) Reproducible is structures, buildings.

According to the degree of specialization distinguish:

1) specialized: chemical and oil refineries; Museums and other buildings belonging to culture.

2) Non-specialized is a different real estate on which there is a demand for the open market for investment.

stages of life cycle:

1) formation -this is the construction, i.e. the creation of a new enterprise, purchase or allocation of the land plot;

2) exploitation -includes functioning and development, i.e. expansion, reorganization or reconstruction

3) termination of existence -this is demolition, natural destruction or liquidation.

The life cycle of real estate acquired for commercial purposes, from the point of view of the owner of this property can be repeated with the new owner of the same real estate up to the end of the life of the object. The life cycle is constantly subject to certain patterns, in Harrison - is a period of physical, economic, chronological and remaining time. economic Life.

By the date of the physical life of the object refers to the time when you can live or work in an existing building or building. This indicator may be regulatory, calculated, actual and increased by improving the conditions or by modernization. If the object of real estate is demolished, the term of physical life ends.

By the period of economic life include the period during which the object can be used to give - at the same time, these improvements contribute to the cost of the object. If the improvements made do not contribute a certain contribution to the value of the property in view of what it is outdated, then the term of its economic life is ends.

Under chronological age understands the period that has passed since the entry of the property of the property into operation before the date of its assessment.

The evaluation of the appearance of the object of real estate, its technical condition, economic factors that affect the total cost of the object, is based on an effective age.

Effective age -this is an age corresponding to a certain physical condition of the object and takes into account the possibility of its implementation.

Regulatory service life -this is the service life of buildings or structures, which is defined in regulatory acts.

Under term of the remaining economic lifebuildings understand the period from the date of its assessment until the end of the economic life. This period uses an appraiser expert in order to assess future income. The term of the remaining economic life of the object increases its upgrades or repairs.

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