
Tax inspection Login in your personal account. FTS Personal Cabinet Taxpayer for Individuals

2015-11-30T11: 30: 56 + 00: 00

How to register a personal account of the taxpayer, how to create and gain access to the personal account of the taxpayer. If you open the personal account of the taxpayer, both for physical and for legal entitiesthen the citizen will find there actual information On the amount of accrued taxes, fines and penalties. Using the FTS service, you can fill out documents online.

How to create a personal account of the taxpayer for individuals? Registration in the Personal Account of the Taxpayer. From the provisions of paragraph 1 of Article 11.2 Tax Code RF (hereinafter referred to as the Tax Code of the Russian Federation) it follows that the personal account of the taxpayer is an information resource posted on the website of the FTS of the Russian Federation. It is intended for the sale of tax authorities and tax payers of their legitimate rights and obligations.

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Citizens have the opportunity to receive documents from tax departments through the personal account of the taxpayer. In addition, according to paragraph 2 of Article 11.2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, data transfer is provided for tax institutions through the specified service. First we define its main opportunities.

FTS: Personal Account Taxpayer

Check simpler simple. If you open the personal account of the taxpayer, both for physical and for, the citizen will find there topical information about the amount of accrued taxes, fines and penalties. These information will, in particular, will help you check the completeness and accuracy of data on objects taxable. Operationally received information will allow the tax units on detected inaccuracies or inaccurate data in a timely manner.

In addition to the monitoring of the status of settlements with budgets of various levels, the personal account of the taxpayer allows:

  1. Download programs designed to fill the Declarations of the form "3-NDFL". The service allows you to download the document form, as well as fill in the Declaration in "Online" mode. By putting an electronic signature, a person can immediately use the personal account of the taxpayer, send a completed document to the tax unit.
  2. The service allows you to track the status of cameral checks. tax Declarations Forms "3-NDFL".
  3. Thanks to the personal account of the taxpayer, you can contact the tax institutions without a personal visit. All contacts are sent to the profile division through the feedback form. The answer from the specified institution also comes to in electronic format. Submitted appeals, as well as the answers received from tax units are stored in a special archive. They can be opened at any time using the user interface.
  4. Service FTS allows you to pay tax plates, penalties, as well as form payment documents. Personal Area the taxpayer is interrelated with the corresponding electronic serviceswhich allow the physical face:
    • form receipts at the payment of a number of taxes even before receiving the tax notice;
    • create payment documents on the payment of fines for a violation of the presentation period of the Tax Declaration of the "3-NDFL" form;
    • form receipts to pay debts on various taxes;
    • print created payment documents for subsequent transfer of payments through credit institutions. Now the web services of many banks allow you to pay the above payments by non-cash.

How to register a personal account of the taxpayer? The entrance to your personal account allows you to use all the above-mentioned resource benefits. There are two ways to get access to it.

Method number 1.

Using data that protect your account (login, password). They are indicated in the registration card, which can be obtained in any tax unit. If the face refers to the institution serving his place of residence, then it makes a document confirming the person.

When contacting other tax inspections, in addition to the passport, it is necessary to have a document on the assignment of the INN (certificate of person acceptance for tax accounting).

The empower to the entrance to the personal account of the taxpayer, who has not yet been 14 years old, can only get his legal representative. At the same time, he is obliged to submit its passport to the tax institution, as well as a document confirming the authority, for example, a birth certificate. When losing data that protects the entrance to the personal account of the taxpayer (login, password), you should contact any establishment of the Federal Tax Service of Russia.

If a citizen appeals to a division serving his place of residence, then it represents a document confirming the person. And when contacting other tax institutions, additionally, it is necessary to have a certificate of assigning the INN (confirmation of the fact of acceptance of a person on tax accounting). After that, it will be possible to enter the personal account of the taxpayer.

Method number 2.

You can access the personal account of the taxpayer using a qualified electronic signature. Qualified certificates of key tests of electronic signatures are issued by certifying centers that are accredited by the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation. They can be stored on any media, such as hard drives, USB drives or universal electronic cards. With their help, you can easily enter the personal account of the taxpayer.

However, it should be noted that tax divisions send documents through the personal account of the taxpayer only after receiving a notice from a citizen about the use of the above service.

As you can see registration in the personal account of the taxpayer is quite simple.

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One of the popular services that all Russians can enjoy today is the "Personal Account of the Taxpayer". WORKING WITH THE SERVICE Users provides the official website of the FTS. It is worth noting that taxpayers are not only enterprises and IP, but also individuals, therefore access to the personal account (LC) can get each of them.

The service has great opportunities, thanks to which registered users can, without leaving home or office, receive not only the necessary information, but also to send reporting, make payments, to find out the amount of debt for one or another taxes, much more.

Under the personal account of the taxpayer should be understood information resourcehosted on the tax service website. The rights and obligations of taxpayers and the regulatory authority are established by the provisions of the Tax Code of Russia.

The resource allows all categories of tax payers and NA to implement these rights and obligations. Thanks to the resource, two parties may even conduct correspondence, which means to visit the territorial separation of the NA to communicate with the taxpayer's inspector there is no need.

When connecting the taxpayer, it is necessary to take into account that information that can be obtained through the LC is a tax secrecy. Therefore, the login and password for access can be issued only personally to the taxpayer or its representative, which presents a notarized attorney.

For security reasons, for example, for a month, login and password of Piz. Persons after issuing must be changed. To the Cabinet Piz. Persons, for example, can only be connected by a citizen. If IP goes to the site and connects through the LC PHS. Persons, then it will be available for relevant information.

Calculations with the budget on the tax system on which it works will not be available. IP need to register in the Personal Cabinet of the Payer individual entrepreneur. Service for russian organizations It works in the same way, it is necessary to register in the Personal Account for JUR. Persons.

How to register?

Registration To use the service is carried out on Nalog.ru.

For individuals, 2 main options are provided:

At the place of residence
  • A citizen should contact the territorial separation of the NA and obtain a special registration card. You need to apply with a passport and a certificate of registration (INN).
  • If a citizen has no opportunity to personally visit the tax, he can make a power of attorney to the representative, assuring her at the notary. The map that the citizen will be issued will contain a login and password to enter LC.
Using a digital electronic signature or card The signature can be obtained in any certifying center that has passed the accreditation of the Ministry of Communications.

A qualified certificate where the key to check the electronic signature (EP) can be stored on:

  • smart card;
  • universal map;
  • hard disk;
  • USB carrier.

In any case, before contacting the FTS, you will have to apply for access to the personal account of the taxpayer online. The electronic file will allow you to transfer information on the telecommunications channel in an encrypted form or receive it.

On the FTS website you can get a list of centers providing electronic signature services. Signature Creation Service is paid. Most often, individuals choose a carrier of signature universal mapwhere other information about the owner will be stored. Map itself is provided for free.

You can connect to the service through the website of the State Service. To do this, you must first log in to the site gosuslugi.ru. Authorization is conducted through Unified system Identification after accessing the operator. Then, through the website of the State Service, you can access the taxpayer LC, but in any case, the service will be able to use the login and password or.

The registration procedure of the enterprise is more complicated than Piz. Persons, and access to the service is possible only if there is an electronic signature. In addition, must be performed technical requirementsFollowing the computer and the operating system installed on it.

You will have to additionally install special software for working with electronic signature and utilities to work with its keys. You will also have to install key certificates on your computer to have the ability to check the signature. The company needs to have an electronic signature. It turns out in the same center.

Legal entities qualified certificate of an electronic signature key (KSKPEP) receive a manager or another person, which:

  • has the authority to act on the basis of a power of attorney;
  • it can act without a power of attorney, which the information should be stored in, which are made there at registration.

If the KSKPEP receives a management company, then it contains data on its head and division, which will be managed using an electronic signature. Thus, the enterprise keys are not easy to access the LC, and to be able to send the reporting to the tax and accounting on the telecommunications channel of communication, as the legislator requires.

For registration in the LC, the enterprise needs:

  1. Connect the EP key carrier to the computer.
  2. Go to the site and go to the Registration section.
  3. Get acquainted with the agreement on opening access to the LC, sign it with EP.
  4. Enter the email address of the company and get an activation code on it.
  5. Go to the resulting link and activate registration in the LC.

If it is assumed that the LC will use the head management company And persons who do not have a power of attorney, then in the Administration section at the entrance to the LC after registration, you need to make information about all units or branches.

If the civil service will be in demand permanently for which the power of attorney is executed, then when registering before you go to the mail activation code, you should enter information about this document.

Information from the power of attorney is entered manually or downloaded as an information file. After the link will come to the mail, you need to go through it in the LC and in the Administration section to make information about all separate divisionsthat should have access to the taxpayer LC.


Individuals and legal entities get the opportunity to use the service and perform various actions after receiving access to the LC.

For individuals

A citizen, being a registered taxpayer, can receive documents from the NA, receipt for payment and send the necessary information. But receiving documents is possible Piz. Face after sending notification that he is a user of the taxpayer LC.

With the help of LK Fiz. The person can:

  • Control your calculations on budget payments. So, if for the last taxable period (Calendar Year) From income was not held the accrued amount of NDFL, information about this will be transferred to the tax until March for the month. Going to the LC, the taxpayer will see the amount of inclination on NFFL and a fine accrued for non-payment. In other cases, you can learn debt on land tax, Transport and property that is paid by the physical. Here will also be indicated the amount of accrued penalties for non-payment. If a citizen detects through the LC, the presence of tax unreliable information, it can respond quickly to it.
  • Download the form of the Declaration of 3-NDFL, filling it in online and freezing the electronic signature, send to the NA.
  • Individuals can also track, at what stage is the test of the declaration of 3-NDFL. Cameral check Tax is usually carried out when the physical is required to return an unnecessary paid amount of NDFL. Usually it happens when reporting period It was necessary to make certain deductions from tax baseBut, perhaps, it was not done. After the inspection, the tax will decide on the return of the excessive listed funds.
  • Communicate with employees tax Inspection On various issues without personal visits to the territorial office of the IFSN. For this, the feedback form is used, and the tax author's responses can be found in the taxpayer documents.
  • Form receipts to pay tax debt And make payments. Personal account is associated with the service of paying taxes through which individuals have the ability to form receipts for payment:
    • various taxes before the advance notions will be obtained;
    • NDFL;
    • fines and penalties accrued for the late submission of the declaration;
    • other debts.

The taxpayer's formed documents can be printed, and then make payment through any branches of banks in Russia. In another case, payment can be made online with the help of services provided by banking institutions that have entered into service contract facilities.

For legal entities

Thanks to the LC, the taxpayer is a legal entity, registering in it, can have access to important and relevant information for the work of the enterprise. Previously, an application for access to the personal account of the taxpayer is applied.

So, enterprises using access to LCs can:

  • On time to be informed about the accumulated debt to the budget, about the accrued and paid taxes, overpayments, payments, which relate to the discharge of unfulfilled. Also in the LC you can see the tax solutions:
    • regarding the return of overlaid amounts;
    • about the settlement of debts;
    • on unpaid taxes;
    • on measures that the NA are preparing to take to recover debts to the budget.
  • Receive extracts from the register and EGRN about your enterprise.
  • Send various requests for settlements, debtors for fees and taxes, accrued interest, penalties and other payments.
  • Direct the statements about clarification about the unexplained payments and receipts, where the errors were discovered by their own enterprise. You can form a statement so that the overpayment has been returned or has been credited. If you wish to perform reconciliation on calculations with the budget, you can send an application through the LC.
  • Send various reports required references, Documents, for example, when you need to make changes to the enterprise to the Enjoy, as well as receive tax notifications.
  • Other.

Applying for access to the personal account of the taxpayer

Registration of an application for opening access to the LC is mandatory procedure For all taxpayers, regardless of the fact that the Registration itself is in online. Information on how the application is submitted and other news can be obtained on the FTS website.

The application can be submitted through the site using the submit statement, and get a registration card for access to LCs will have to personally. To do this, it is enough to contact one of the departments of the FTS.

When the taxpayer addresses the territorial office, where he is registered, the physician is enough to have a passport with him. If he adds to any other separation of the FTS, then, besides the passport, you will need the Inn.

Sign up to LCs have the right citizens from 14 years in the presence of a passport and the Inn. Juvenile children can register their legal representative, in this case it will have to submit his passport and the child's birth certificate.

You can apply for access to opening an access online, and get a registration card to a legal representative of a minor on the general basis.

29.11.2017 0

Taxpayers of the Russian Federation proposes comfortable conditions in order to fulfill their duties and rights. For these purposes, the FTS was created by a personal account for individuals and legal entities. The entrance (registration) in the panel of its office is a large spectrum of tools required for all documents and information, as well as to send them to tax authority.

Using the account on the official website of the FNS, you can use the information necessary for interaction with the state authorities. Will need to inform tax service On the need to create a personal account of the tax payer.

FTS Personal Cabinet Taxpayer for Individuals - Login

If the registration procedure was previously executed on the FTS web resource, then the most quick access to the Cabinet will open to private users:

Enter personal Account You can use:

The development of the Internet simplifies life very much and saves time. Many organizations, including government, are developing comfortable services to ensure that visitors can use them remotely. This reduces the number of employees and occupied areas, which ultimately leads to significant savings.

For visitors, this option is also very attractive. They do not need to stand more in the queues and spend their time and nerves. Especially relevant for the tax service of Russia. A few years ago, legends went on queues. Now many things are made on the site, through the "Personal Account" Nalog.ru.

Registration of "Personal Cabinet" Nalog.ru

In order to access the capabilities offered by the Site of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, it is necessary to pre-record the "personal account" NALOG.RU. This makes it possible, without referring to the tax authorities, learn about the presence of debts before the budget, sign up for the reception to the inspector, submit data to tax returns, register Yul and IP, to form documents for payment, applying and much more.

To do this, choose the category of the taxpayer:

  • individuals;
  • individual entrepreneurs;
  • legal entities.

Next to the name of the category there is an item "Log in to Personal Account". You just need to click on the mouse.

"Personal Account" of the taxpayer of a legal entity

If there is access to the "Personal Account" of the taxpayer of a legal entity, the latter has the opportunity to receive topical information on the payment of taxes and fees, the presence of penalties, fines, interest, overpayments, innocent payments. Yul can get online acts joint reconciliation, extracts from EGRN, EGRUL, certificates of various nature. Direct documents for registration of Yul and make changes to the register and other tax services.

The main condition input to the "Personal Account" is the presence of a qualified certificate of the electronic signature check key (KSKPEP) and its connection to the computer from which the input is performed.

"Personal Account" Taxpayer

With the help of a remote service of the FTS, individual entrepreneurs may submit documents for registration of the PI, make changes to the Eagle, to obtain information on the status of tax calculations, the possibility of changing the tax system and other types of interaction with the tax authorities.

To register a "personal account" of the taxpayer of an individual entrepreneur, the IP must have an electronic signature key. It is issued by an accredited certifying center. Can be recorded on different types Carriers - hard disk, uek, smart card or USB key. If IP is registered on the nalog.ru portal as an individual, it can use the existing password.

"Personal Cabinet" taxpayer for individuals

FL through the "Personal Account" of the taxpayer for individuals can receive topical data on tax calculations with the budget. View data on property objects, form and print payment receipts. Serve the declaration of the form of 3-NDFL and monitor the results of their verification. Submit various statements and sign up for the reception to the FNS bodies.

You can access you if the taxpayer has an identification card on the registration card, issued in the local FNS authority. Also, it is possible for owners of universal electronic card (UEK) or licked on the website Gosuslugi.ru.

How to create a "personal account" of the taxpayer on nalog.ru

In order to effectively interact with the tax authorities, physical, legal entities and IP, it is necessary to have access to their data. How to create a "personal account" of the taxpayer on nalog.ru? The easiest way is to make FL and IP. It is enough to have a registration on the gosuslugi.ru or the electronic signature key. Entering the required data, you need to activate account After referring to the link in the letter from the FTS. Legal entities must have the appropriate software settings (they are listed when entering the "Personal Account" in "Checking Access Terms". The entry is performed by the company's head or an authorized person using an electronic signature key.

Operation with the "personal account"

A physical person by following the link from E-mail and activating its account, receives access to the tax service. Making any action, he receives an alert about it to the address specified when registering an email. Also, the FL will receive notifications about the actions of the FTS associated with its appeal or requirement on E-Mail. Working with a "personal account" for IP is similar to work for individuals.

The procedure for working with the "personal account" for legal entities is registered in the relevant documents they can download. "Recommendations" and "Guide" are at the entrance to the "Personal Account", according to the "Access Procedure" link.

Take advantage of the instruction to understand on the site www.lkfl.nalog.ru enter the personal account of the taxpayer for individuals: in the far upper corner it is easy to notice personal data of the taxpayer: the name and name, TIN. For security reasons, you will see even the date of the last visit to the Personal Cabinet.

Special tab " Inspection"Can tell us about the most affordable list of state. Tax services, because they are located in the maximum availability of the tax object, or the second option - at the place of accounting of the Tax Player.

Pretty popular user section " Typical questions"Will be smart answers in the form of an instructive reference, will answer questions that will certainly arise at the first entrance to your personal account.

You did not find the answer to the question of interest?

Let's then turn to the section "Typical Questions", and then even in the real state tax authority through the tab " Feedback"With a question.

The section will allow you to send an appeal, for example, to obtain an extract of NDFL or send a certificate.

Of course, through the menu item " Feedback»You can easily make an appointment to your tax authority at the place of accounting.

« Profile»Also contains information about you, your mobile and home phone, as well as email. In any moment, you can change your password for safety purposes or even subscribe to actual news And important messages from the inspection on changing information about any objects of your taxation, interesting benefits, repayment of CRSB accruals and even receipt of payment on PD.

On the user's profile page, it is easy to notice a link to the user's personal data.

You will notice your name, of course, a document that will make an identity and your address of registration or accommodation. You will be able to change these and other data without any special problems, unless of course there is a lavety need: they were either entered incorrectly or updated with an error. Send an application to the UFMS, fill in a special form.

But the usual, but convenient form to fill your personal data:

In this section, there is a good tool in order to get sap.

Here, without any special problems, you can get a unique opportunity to form a secure key of ESP, as well as to get a certificate of checking ESP to make any manipulations with document flow in your account.

The new service will give the user one of the most necessary functions - the choice of one of the ESP options: that is, we either use the Key of the ESP, which is stored on the PC, with such an opportunity, the LCFL system will provide a reference to the finished certificate. Either the Key of ESP, which is stored in the well-protected system of the FTS of the Russian Federation. It will only be formed to create a request for this certificate itself by clicking on a special button.

You need to fill out the address to receive a certificate, it will need to confirm.

Personal Cabinet functionality

So, now let's study in more detail, what are we getting functions and the possibilities of those that will provide us with a personal account.


Here are stored tax notifications On the payment of tax and different payment documents.

Each such mini notification necessarily contains a whole list of tax objects, the amount of accrual, various deadlines and the name of the tax service.

View notifications and download them in electronic form - simply and easily. Enough to click on "View".

View of the Basic Notice:

"Tax objects"

In this extensive section, it is possible to view the user tax objects in the form of a convenient table with certain parameters:

  • Name (what is this object, what it belongs to);
  • Information (base, date cadastral accounting, characteristics and much more);
  • Information about benefits and ownership;
  • The name of the IFTS, as well as several useful links that allow you to contact the IFTS directly from the house, either without queue to make an appointment.

To understand the main processes, you can even use filters. Objects can be arranged by category: region, type of object, accounting.

And in "Tax Objects" at any time, you can quickly and clearly refine information about objects, send applications and notifications.


This section contains information about the payments made by you differently enrolled in the budget. Available comfortable filters.

As a result of the manipulated manipulations with the section, you can observe the data table with various parameters.

"Overpayment and Debt"

The amounts of your debt and overpayment are displayed in navigation. Do not be lazy to go to the section and pay all debts. Also, data on the status of settlements with the budget are almost always available.

If you use filters on the page, then no doubt facilitate the visual perception of a large number of taxpayer's personal account.

Paying debt is very easy, forming a payment document. Special form will not let you get confused with the names of various existing taxes confusing input fields of numbers, if you want to pay the amount by one payment.
And here is the type of form:

To pay all debts online - will be binding payment card Or take advantage of other types of payment. Then, just - introduce details, the debt will be instantly repaid.

In the same section " Overpayment and debt»You will learn the requirements for paying taxes and fees, a huge number of insurance premiums and fines.

Information about judicial acts is available. You will receive a data table.

Certificate of settlement status with budget

Such a document will not be difficult to get in the personal office of an individual. You need to select the "Overpayment and Debt" tab, then go through the link " Certificate of settlement status with budget».

It remains to choose the tax service, of course check the correctness of filling out important information.

After clicking the "Send" button, you will get to the "result", where you will learn how to expect a certificate on the site Nalog.ru.

Section "Individual income tax and insurance premiums"

It is quite easy to work with such serious documents as a declaration, to track its testing. You can even form a refundance application and much more.

Declaration 3-NDFL Fill and send online

Using your personal account, there is a possibility to fill out and send the desired declaration in online mode. Need to enter the section "The tax on the income of an individual and insurance contributions", And already in the menu that appears, follow the link" Declaration of 3-NDFL form ", click on the link" Fill out Send Declaration Online ". Send a completed forum to the tax authority.

Download special program To fill on the PC of the 3-NDFL and 4-NDFL declarations.

Do not know whether there is a need for the provision of a declaration, then you need to enter the "Individual Revenue Tax" section, and already in the navigation application to go to the "Declaration of 3-NDFL form" and click on the noticeable link "Notification of non-submission. .. ". You will receive a table with notifications about the need to provide a declaration.

Fill out and send an application for confirmation of the right to receive property deductions

Fill out and send directly from a personal office. Such a document can even be an inexperienced user. Enter the section "Physical Income Tax", go through the "Declaration of 3-NDFL form" on the link and click on the link.

You will move to the fill in your application.

Carefully fill out the following fields:

If you click on the Add button, a min form will open, you can apply the following documents:

Click on the "Submit" button. Wait for news on the result of sending an individual in the office.

How to send an application for confirmation of the fact or (non-treatment) of social. deduction

All this can be fill out and send straight from the same personal office. Go to the section "Tax on indispensable individuals and insurance premiums", and already in the menu that appears, go to the "Declaration of 3-NDFL form" page and click on the link.

Carefully fill in the following fields:

Send an application for confirmation of the right to receive social deductions

Such a statement without problems Fill out and send from your office to the tax site. Go to the section "Tax FL Income Tax and Insurance Contributions", go to the page "Declaration of 3-NDFL form" and click on the link.

Now it remains only to closely fill out existing in the form of the field:

Save the changes and then automatically go to the send window. Before sending, the application must be signed using ESP. Click on the "Send" button. You just have to wait for notifications in your account.

Section "Taxpayer Documents"

Here you can contact the tax authority.

Appeal is available both in free form and in the form of a complaint.

On the page " Electronic document management»You can see notifications, various calculations of your accounts, declaration and much more. Do not forget about the presence of filters.

Any required document You can view in email. The form and then download yourself to the PC.

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