
Whether the increase in salary doctors. The latest topical news about the salary of doctors. Chained by one chain

Medical workers perform the Titanic Labor daily: their profession is one of the most important and responsible in life, and therefore such people deserve good salary. It will be right if from September 1, 2018 they will increase salary.

Alas, work medical workers Government agencies are valued less than those who work in private clinics. Russian government It was repeatedly stated that soon medicine would become a prestigious field of activity. Doctors are waiting for wage raising since the beginning of the year.

Medical workers promise raising salary from September 1

In the last days of June, the government, the Kremlin, the regional authorities received the commission from Vladimir Putin to do everything possible so that wages of employees of budget spheres increased. However, it is difficult to count on an increase in days when the economy is weak, the level of inflation is high, and labor is low. About 5,000,000 Russian citizens have a salary at the level of minimum wage.

According to Andrei Vorobyeva, Governor of the Moscow region, from September 1, the wages of doctors plan to increase by 15%. It will also be more to earn the average medical personnel.

At the moment of time, the salary of the medical worker consists of:

  • salary;
  • additional charges (load, complexity, intensity);
  • premiums (service, category);
  • compensation.

Salary will grow, and the rest, more substantial part of the salary, will be premium with compensation with additional payments.

If you take into account the Rosstat data, then the situation with the level of wages is as follows:

  1. At the end of the first half of 2018, the size of the average salary of the medical personnel amounted to 52,900 rubles, which is 4,000 rubles more compared to last year.
  2. Mid-level specialists receive 29,400 rubles (in 2017 - 28,000 rubles), the younger - 19,400 rubles (in 2017 - 17 500 rubles), approve in Rosstat.
  3. Doctors in the North-West FO receive 66,400 rubles, in Nenets AO - 130 100 rubles, in the Far Eastern FD and in Chukotka - 144 100 rubles.
  4. Self low salary Doctors Alanya - 28,400 rubles, Kalmykia - 29,900 rubles.
  5. Moscow doctors earn 90 100 rubles.

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Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation from 24-02-98 48 on the remuneration of health workers of the Russian Federation (2020) is relevant in 2018

4. Increase salary (rates)

4.1. In connection with hazardous health and especially difficult working conditions:

4.1.1. Sizes of salaries (rates) of employees of institutions ( structural units) For the treatment of patients with AIDS, HIV - infected, leprine, mentally ill patients with tuberculosis and other institutions (structural units) with health hazardous and especially difficult working conditions increase by 60, 40, 30, 25 and 15 percent on the list approved by the Ministry Health Russian Federation In coordination with the Central Committee of the Trade Union of Health Workers of the Russian Federation (Appendix 3 to this order).

The specific list of employment posts, salaries (rates) of which increase due to the presence of hazardous health and especially difficult working conditions in their work, stipulated by the said list, is approved by the head of the institution in coordination with the elective trade union authority;

4.1.2. Employees of other institutions (divisions) not provided for by the list attracted for consultation, examination, provision medical care And other work, in the institutions (divisions) specified in clause 4.1.1, payment is made for actually spent time, taking into account the increase in work in special conditions.

4.2. Other raises:

4.2.1. Salaries (rates) of hospitals for veterans of wars and special departments of hospitals (subject to the use of these branches at least 80 percent for the treatment of veterans of wars and persons equated to them on benefits), as well as reducing therapy centers for warriors - internationalists rises: medical and pharmaceutical workers - by 15 percent; Other workers - by 10 percent.

4.2.2. Salaries (rates) of employees of the child houses, as well as medical professionals of orphans and schools and schools for children of orphans and children left without parental care, including medical professionals in the staff of therapeutic - preventive institutions engaged exclusively by servicing children in these institutions Education, increase by 20 percent.

4.2.3. The salaries of medical and pharmaceutical workers of therapeutic - preventive and pharmacy institutions serving workers and employees of Lespromkhozov, Lestranschozov, Himleshozov and alloy enterprises, including forestryplates and lower salaries of forestry industrial plants and forestry-furnaces, increase by 15 percent.

The list of these institutions and posts is established by the Ministry of Health of the Republics as part of the Russian Federation, the main departments, departments, departments, departments, health committees and medical services - sanitary services railways Together with the relevant elected trade union bodies.

4.2.4. The salaries of medical and pharmaceutical workers serving builders of new railways, main pipelines, workers engaged in transportation of oil and gas, as well as the development and operation of marine objects of the continental shelf, increase by 15 percent.

4.2.5. The salaries of gold receivers rises by 15 percent.

4.2.6. In all cases, when in accordance with the specified section of the provisions and current legislation, an increase in salary (rates) of employees is envisaged in percent, the absolute size of each increase is calculated from the salary (rates) without taking into account other increments, allowances and surcharges.

Published 08/24/18 17:12

Increase wages 2018 state employees, latest news: Teachers and doctors in 2018 are expected to increase salary in September.

Last year, the head of the Ministry of Labor, last year, spoke that in 2018, budget organizations will increase the amount of wages. After some time after this statement, the head of the Ministry of Finance stressed that the increase will pass in stages.

Starting from the new school year, all budget organizations will begin to receive more money. It is also reported that the increase in wages intCBEE Boards will affect not only teachers, but also medical workers. In turn, everyone who works in the cultural institution and other municipal organizations15% will be added to the main salary, and young teachers and cool leaders will receive five thousand rubles to the salary ..

Last spring in Russia increased the minimum wage to 9,489 rubles. Also, the authorities gave a promise to increase social payments, among which: pensions, benefits, maternal capital. Teachers will also increase wages that they will be able to feel from September 1. As a result, Mrot will be 11,163 rubles.

Middle earnings all budget organizations Right by 15%, and this exceeds the alleged inflation almost 3.5 times. Depending on the size of the minimum range, the salary of state employees will depend on, and it concerns not only teachers, and more technical and administrative staff.

Teachers of junior classes will receive an increase in wages in the amount of 10%, for high school teachers, the size of the increase will be 24%. In addition, they will pay the awards, in the amount of from 3 to 20%, depending on the size of the minimum wage.

Teachers will also provide an opportunity to pass a medical examination every year. They will also produce trips to different boarding houses and sanatoriums. The trade union will be responsible for this.

The level of wages paid to doctors, worries many Russians. Each worker medical sphere Hoping for payment corresponding to the level of intensity and tensions of his labor, but hope is not always justified. The money received is barely enough to pay for travel to work and home, make communal payments, buy the necessary clothes, food and household chemicals. Not to mention the fact that during the vacation period I would like to put in order health after a tense working year ...

Of course, medical workers deserve worthy salaries, because their main mission is to protect the health of Russian citizens, and the professional path of the physician is far from the simplest. At the same time, the level of salaries of health workers does not comply with the realities russian economy. Those salaries that are accrued by government medical institutions are far from the level of private clinics, not to mention the salaries of foreign doctors.

The authorities promise that soon the profession of a doctor in Russia will become prestigious, and wages are high. Do they restrain their promise this time?

In 2019, the authorities promised to do everything so that this problem cease to be relevant, and Russian medicine returned to the number of financially prestigious professions. However, the alarming calls regarding the financing of the medumphere did not stop. Let's talk about what real changes can count on those who devoted their lives to protecting the health of Russians.

How are the salaries of doctors?

The final amount paid by doctors is summarized from such components:

  • the immediate amount of the salary;
  • additional payments taking into account the complexity of labor and the intensity of loads;
  • expose payment taking into account the length of service and the assigned category;
  • compensation supplements and corrective coefficients that are accepted in each individual region.

When revising the salary to certain categories of workers, only the first component of them increases - salary. It is it that is subject to mandatory indexation. However, the basic salaries from doctors are usually small, and most of their monthly financing are formed at the expense of premium payments, part-time and processing hours. This becomes a serious problem, because the salary indexation in 2019 will affect their size very weakly, and the accrual of additional payments today is fully entrusted not to the state, but on the management of medical institutions.

Analysis of the current situation

Medikov's salary promised to raise up to 200% of the average-regional!

Recall that five years ago, the President of the Russian Federation issued the so-called May decrees. According to the orders set out in this document, in 2018, the level of remuneration of doctors should increase to 200% compared with the average settlement salary payments.

Regional authorities argue that this order is already being implemented - in 2017, in most territorial subjects of the Russian Federation, the remuneration of doctors was equal to 180% of the average settlement salary. Olga Golodets, holding a post of chapter social sphere The Russian Federation assured Russians that funding was allocated in the country's budget to further increase the salary of health workers, and October 2017 was already marked by the indexation of salaries in the amount of 5.5%.

However, the growth of wages is reflected by the statistical departments, the growth of the so-called "optimization" is explained. In many medical institutions, today simply reduce staff, which is why the seal and the combination of entire branches occurs. According to some information, only over the past five years have been dismissed or moved to other places about 90,000 people who previously worked in government medical institutions. Those who still hold on their places are forced to work in a constantly increasing load - work on one and a half bets and regularly take the night clock.

Let's just say more - despite such labor featsThe doctors complain about falling a real level of income. All because the final sums are formed by adding the variable and busting parts. Many heads of medical institutions completed the May decree very simply - raised salaries and reduced pre-payment. Now, in most territorial subjects of the Russian Federation, doctors receive about 30 thousand rubles, and the younger and medium medical staff - about 20 thousand rubles.

So far, when increasing the salary real income Doctors only fall

Health workers representing Jewish autonomy, the Nenets District, Ingushetia and the Arkhangelsk region, declare that they began to receive less than the "raising" wages. Doctors 25 regions reported that about a thousand rubles added to their salaries, and Voronezh and Altai doctors struck the public, stating that their increase was 32-53 rubles! If you look at the situation in the regional section, you can come to such conclusions:

  • the minimum average wages receive physicians of Kalmykia - 27.3 thousand monthly. Ulyanovsky health workers are accrued on average 30 thousand rubles, Samara - 35 thousand rubles, Penza - 33.4 thousand, Ossetian - 28 thousand;
  • a little better situation in those who work on Sakhalin and Chukotka, in Moscow, St. Petersburg and the Khanty-Mansiysk District - regional authorities raised the salaries of local physicians about 6 thousand rubles, and now average income The doctor is calculated 117 thousand monthly;
  • if you take the hotel categories of health workers (for example, to analyze the benefits of therapists), then significant regional disproportions are visible to the unarmed look. In the capital, such a doctor receives about 60 thousand rubles, and it is only worth starting to work in the area, the remuneration of labor immediately falls to 45 thousand.

Alas, these statistical calculations do not really really reflect the current financial situation in Russia. Employees of this department since 2017 together consider the average salary of doctors who work in clinics of all forms of ownership. At the same time, in the urban hospital, salary is significantly lower than in private institutions of medical examinations. Well, if you make a comparison with payments accrued to foreign doctors, then the situation looks completely deplorable - for example, American therapists earn 416 thousand rubles, French - 200 thousand, and German - 225 thousand rubles.

The government comments on the situation with regional disproportions, explaining its high surcharges in the northern regions. Well, the rest of the doctors need to be dealing with local authorities, since federal budget Each year is formed, taking into account the increase in salaries. The maximum that can be done is to smash the rise into two parts: first the salary will increase on the outfield level, and then on the regional, taking into account local coefficients.

Also, we note that the head of the Ministry of Labor Maxim Topilin assured the public: in 2018, the federal budget will direct 80 billion rubles for the financing of remuneration of health workers. He mentioned the "pillow standard" (the amount allocated per year per person attached to the medical institution under the media policy), which is scheduled to increase by 21.7%. As a result, it will cost an execution of about 333.2 billion in the Natsvalyuta.

Given the funding problems of the Fund mandatory Medustration, it is possible that the government will abandon the execution of May decrees

In the last speech of Anton Siluanov, who is headed by the Ministry of Finance, it was said that on average, the wages of state employees will increase by 23%, and the planned growth by industry will reach 4.1%, that is, the salaries will be corrected taking into account inflation. Thus, by the beginning of 2019, all will be fully fulfilled financial obligationswhich are set out in the May Decrees of the President. As a result, the average medical staff is guaranteed payments identical to the middle country, and highly qualified state employees (doctors) shine wages twice as many seconds.

Recall that the salary of workers financed from the Russian budget will be increased in two stages - the first (4.1%) will be held in October 2018, and the second (another 4%) - in October 2019. The minister stated that as a result, the state employees will receive an increase that will be significantly higher than inflationary manifestations.

The metropolitan mayor reported that in 2017-2018, the salaries of health workers rose by 40%. Already in 2018, the average salary will be 140 thousand rubles, which is 2 times higher than the average monthly Moscow salary! However, the health workers themselves such information refute - they say that average payment Their work in the capital is equal to 64.73 thousand rubles. Nevertheless, 500 billion rubles were allocated for a three-year indexation of salaries in the government, of which:

  • 196.6 billion - in 2018;
  • 219.5 billion - in 2019.

It should be noted quite alarming news that appeared in the media not so long ago. We are talking about problems with financing the compulsory medustry fund, which is filled through contributions from the remuneration of employees. According to the plans, the Fund should be replenished by 1.89 trillion rubles in 2018, by 1.93 trillion - in 2019 and 2.1 trillion - in 2020.

However, now in the government believe that this is not enough. Already in early 2019, the Fund will come to the state of deficit. To cover it, it will be necessary to allocate 95.5 billion from budgetary funds in the scary, and another year - to finance by 170.4 billion rubles. The auditors of the Accounts Chamber came to the conclusion that in 2018 the Foundation does not have enough money for paying salaries to health workers, and the amount of shortage will be 43.1 billion rubles.

Previously, doctors reported that it was the reserves of the Fund to ensure that their salaries increase. Now the May decrees are missing, because this Fund Must finance, first of all, the purchase of equipment for the provision of high-tech medical care. As a result, the former head of the Ministry of Finance Alexei Kudrin offered to suspend the fulfillment of May decrees in order to increase wages did not lead to a decrease in the cost of buying medicines, order new equipment and repair work.

Some government members proposed to increase insurance contributionslevied with the most secured Russians. It is possible that this will help to solve the issue with the increase in wages to doctors. Statistical departments by connecting with the calculations of the salaries of state and "private" doctors, as a result, will receive an average figure in a federation in the amount of 47-50 thousand rubles per month.

However, in reality, this can be achieved easier by mass abbreviations and an increase in the number of bets per health worker. Naturally, a doctor who works into two bets will receive twice as much. Another question is how will this increased intensity of labor affect the patients and the quality of their treatment, or on the health of the doctor himself? ..

Rosstat published information in accordance with which the average salary of doctors in 2018 in Russia is 72,000 rubles per month, and the salary of the nurse in 2018 is 36,000 rubles. But the data of other research and polls talk about other results: the real salaries of doctors, taking into account all the premises below one and a half or twice. Where is the truth?

What happened?

Vladimir Putin's May decrees of Vladimir Putin was part of 2012, including the increase in salary to doctors in 2018. According to Rosstat, the president practically performed his promise:

  • in January 2018, the average salary of the Russian physician was 72 thousand rubles;
  • the salary of the middle medical staff in 2018 amounted to 36 thousand rubles in Russia as a whole;
  • salary of the younger medical staff -33.5 thousand rubles.

That is, the promised increase in the salary of doctors in 2018 took place. Of course, it is far from everywhere out of 200% of medium salary In the region of the Russian Federation, but the above figures show a completely decent standard of living of physicians. But the All-Russian People's Front (ONF) conducted his research and received numbers of 1.5-2% less voiced officially. What is the difference associated with?

Salary and salary - different things

Rosstat even at the end of 2017 reported that the order of 597 on raising the salary of health workers is practically nothing else. This is that at the end of 2017, only 16 regions of the Russian Federation, according to Rosstat, were able to pay physicians wages desired sizethat is, 180% in relation to the average for the economy of the region of labor. But in 2018, many subjects of the Russian Federation announced an increase in the salary of medical workers almost twice. And the whole secret is hiding in the word "salary". After all, the earnings of doctors, nurses, paramedics and nurses consists of two parts:

  1. fixed salary;
  2. stimulating payments.

And this very salary, according to officials and Rosstat, can even make an amount equal to the minimum wage (or even less), but actually labor payment is much higher. Just at the expense of these most stimulating payments, which depend on the experience, gravity, employment and other factors. But, most importantly, the medical institution itself is funded, where a doctor or nurse works. If this is a big hospital serving many patients and performing a whole range of procedures - the amount will be one, and if it is a common rural outpatiently - completely different.

In addition, they distribute these most stimulating payments to the heads of therapeutic institutions themselves. Therefore, to control how fairly the distribution is happening, quite difficult. In particular, ONF noted in his message that:

In the Ivanovo region, Feldscher since 39 years experience receives 13 000 r. per month, a general practitioner with 35 years of experience - 18 000 r.

In general, in accordance with the survey conducted by the ONF together with the expert community, in the first quarter of 2018, the earnings turned out to be:

  • 22% - less than 25 thousand rubles;
  • 32% - less than 30 thousand rubles;
  • 19% - from 40 thousand to 55 thousand rubles;
  • in isolated cases - more than 80 thousand rubles.

In addition, as a result of the study, it turned out that often doctors were forced to work, therefore, even after daily duty, doctors go to work, and this is a violation of all norms, including international.

The size of earnings depends on the region

Also, during the study, it turned out that the increase in salaries to doctors in 2018 depends on what region of the Russian Federation they live and work. In particular, in order to meet the requirements of the President of the Russian Federation of 07. 05.2012 N 597, in some subjects to show high incomes of physicians, officials go on tricks, in particular, make up a doctor on Polish, pay a small wage, and in reports Indicate in this position a number 2 times more. At the same time, the physician has to work, of course, at the full rate.

Nurses are equalized in a salary with paramedics, it turns out that the difference in the salaries of the middle and younger medical staff is only 5 rubles. And in some hospitals, head physicians have reached the fact that loans are drawn up to pay their staff in accordance with the required numbers. As a result, the requirement of May Dechens-2012 is really fulfilled only in Moscow. The head of the Moscow Health Department Alexei Khripun leads, in particular, such data:

  • the minimum salary of health workers in March 2018 in the capital amounted to 68 thousand rubles;
  • at doctors middle earnings - 136 thousand rubles;
  • the average medical staff is 73 thousand.

In addition, in Moscow, doctors receive real surcharges for the intensity of work and the level of qualifications.

The meeting was held in the ONF on this situation, following which it was decided to create a working group, which will monitor real level The remuneration of physicians and prevent data distortions.

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