
Last secular news about Russian stars. Latest secular news about Russian stars gossip about Russian stars

May 17, 2017, 15:24

Apartments of Russian pop stars

Country house Philip Kirkorov and his children. The design is made in the style of Italian neoclassic. And what is family comfort without gold? Of course no! The cost of housing for pop king is about $ 12 million. The house is located on the peninsula in Myakininskaya floodplain of the Moscow River.

The area of \u200b\u200bKirkorov's apartment in Moscow is 260 square meters, very modest apartments, but there is everything and everything is very expensive. For example, a sofa made of an eel skin from Roberto Cavalli.

Property in Russia is not the limit, there is a house in Bulgaria and a living space in the United States.

The design is one and only with the use of expensive brands.

On the frames, the singer is sad in a star apartment in Bulgaria.

The most expensive, according to Forbes magazine, the singer of the Russian stage Stas Mikhailov lives on a ruble in the house worth a million euros.

Also Mikhailov - the owner of the apartment in one of the most expensive Moscow housing complexes.

Another expensive house belongs to Maxim Galkin. Palace occupies hectare and is half a billion rubles.

No less and interior decoration. Experts assure that only ceramic tiles for the kitchen is more expensive than the house itself.

Is it worth saying that this is not the only housing of the stellar pair.

The gold voice of the pop - Nikolay Baskov owns an apartment in the Elite residential complex "Barkli Plaza", which is 300 meters from the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. It is reported that the apartment of the singers presented a fan of his creativity billionaire Telman Ismailov.

Valentin Yudashkin was engaged in apartment arrangement.

According to the media, Nikolay Baskov has spent about one million euros. Apartment at 320 square meters. meters cost no more than $ 10 million.

The apartment in Moscow is not the only gift to Nicholas from the former owner of the Cherkizovsky market, he also presented the singer Villa in Antalya.

Mansion with an area of \u200b\u200b400 square meters. Meters made two living rooms decorated with gold and parolh, four bedrooms and bathrooms, as well as two loggias and Turkish Hamam.

Ballerina lives on two houses: in Moscow and in St. Petersburg. With an apartment in St. Petersburg, the Volochkova was not enough: the star did not pay the contractors who made repairs, more than $ 140 thousand.

Huge chandeliers, gilded sconces, candelabra, curtains, many mirrors, dear furniture and plumbing.

Mansion in Moscow cost about $ 3 million.

Joseph Cobson has many residential residences both in Moscow and abroad.

The most expensive home is the family residence, which is estimated at 260 million rubles.

Valery Leontyev is a happy owner of a three-story apartment in one of the old houses of Moscow. Over the design of the apartment worked friend Valery Yakovlevich designer and architect Pavel Friedman.

Valery Leontiev House in Spain has a calmer interior than a leopard apartment in the capital of Russia.

All furniture, lamps and fabrics are made according to sketches of the decorator of the Gabana O'Kef.

Walls of the living room are separated by panels from the mirrors.

The life of celebrities, their actions, words - all this causes genuine interest of the press. However, the stars themselves are happy to positive and give interviews to reporters that make up the secular news of the Russian show business.!

If you read about the life of celebrities, then in a magazine publishing reliable facts. The lighting of the secular chronicle is special art, and our correspondents really own them. The secular news of the business show of Russia appear in a journal with enviable regularity, while the articles are supplied with interesting photos and interviews. Star marriages, awards at film festivals, birthdays, tired of star couples - reading our magazine, you will learn about everything first.

News of the secular life of Russia

To get to the closed party or to be at the prestigious film ceremony can not everyone. But to find out about everything in detail and without excessive gloves can easily be able to every Womanhit magazine. Slebny news are not taken out of the air, we get their first-hand - from the most famous and influential persons of the show business. Often, the stars themselves invite media representatives to visit visitors - in economically communicating over a cup of tea, we will learn "hot" news and interesting details. You can read about them in the heading "visiting stars."

Receiving reports from weddings, festivals, filmmaster, we immediately publish them. This is how it creates secular news about the stars of Russia.

Online magazine for modern women is only useful articles and only the latest secular news of the Russian show business. Living interesting and brightly, our readers do not get tired to rejoice, wonder, dream!

The life of celebrities, their actions, words - all this causes genuine interest of the press. However, the stars themselves are happy to positive and give interviews to reporters that make up the secular news of the Russian show business.!

If you read about the life of celebrities, then in a magazine publishing reliable facts. The lighting of the secular chronicle is special art, and our correspondents really own them. The secular news of the business show of Russia appear in a journal with enviable regularity, while the articles are supplied with interesting photos and interviews. Star marriages, awards at film festivals, birthdays, tired of star couples - reading our magazine, you will learn about everything first.

News of the secular life of Russia

To get to the closed party or to be at the prestigious film ceremony can not everyone. But to find out about everything in detail and without excessive gloves can easily be able to every Womanhit magazine. Slebny news are not taken out of the air, we get their first-hand - from the most famous and influential persons of the show business. Often, the stars themselves invite media representatives to visit visitors - in economically communicating over a cup of tea, we will learn "hot" news and interesting details. You can read about them in the heading "visiting stars."

Receiving reports from weddings, festivals, filmmaster, we immediately publish them. This is how it creates secular news about the stars of Russia.

Online magazine for modern women is only useful articles and only the latest secular news of the Russian show business. Living interesting and brightly, our readers do not get tired to rejoice, wonder, dream!

Rumors, as they say in a famous proverb, the land is full. Star status obliges to be in sight and causes genuine interest of fans. Well, when the reasons for hot news themselves, the idols are not allowed, there are constantly guesses around their persons, and sometimes whole legends. Treasies and divorces, incurable diseases and plastic surgery, extramarital children and secret novels - "Starkit" collected gossip that the cover cover on the whole world, but who did not find confirmation.

Svetlana Bondarchuk hides the lover

Never marked a silver wedding, on March 19, one of the most striking couples of the Russian show business announced parting: "With love and gratitude to each other for those who lived together, still remaining close people, while maintaining mutual respect and love for our relatives , we, Fedor and Svetlana Bondarchuk, we inform: We have decided to divorce. The time we spent together was wonderful, but today our paths have separated - there are no conflicts for this fact, offended or contradictions. We stopped being a pair, but remain friends. "

Following a loud statement like mushrooms after the rain, numerous rumors began to appear. And one of them turned out to be true. The famous director has been associated with a 27-year-old star "thaw" by Paulina Andreva for more than six months. That's just the planned wedding beloved had to postpone.

"The preparation process has been suspended," Olga Loginova Actress said "Strike". - The hype subsides and everything will take place. "

In the meantime, the environment of Bondarchov sympathize Svetlana is not in a hurry, they say, she has long been alone. "Another year 2012, Fedor asked back to return, presented to Kamenyuk, all friends persuaded her not to leave," the secular journalist of the Mountains of God wrote on the blog.

The cavalier of the public of the ex-wife Fedor is not in a hurry to represent, they say, hides an influential person in politics. Gossips, meanwhile, have enough for any straw, tracking her journey along the hastings to the world with girlfriends and attributing her an affair with a long-time friend designer Alexander Terekhov.

Kate Middleton is waiting for a child

Kate Middleton, according to the predictions of the press, must bring up at least a dozen children. It remains a mystery, as she could have been able to have time to give birth to them all, after all, she was married to Prince William only on April 29, 2011. The last time rumors about the pregnancy of Duchess Cambridge appeared in the media after the return of a couple from India on April 16. And Catherine focused as much as ... twin! "The first royal twin for 700 years," the headlines shouted from the shelves.

The Buckingham Palace no longer responds to the sensational news of the British tabloids, once said extremely clearly on this: "If it were true, we would distribute information, and not gossip magazines."

But two times the official representative still fell out the honor of notifying the public about the upcoming add in the monarch of the family. On December 3, 2012, he stated that Kate is waiting for the first child, is located in the Hospital of the King Edward VII in Central London with the symptoms of toxicosis and will stay there a few more days. July 22, 2013 She had a son George Alexander Louis. After a little over a year, September 8, 2014, he also confirmed information about the second pregnancy of Duchess, and on May 2, 2015, Charlotte Elizabeth Diana appeared.

No one says that William and his spouse do not plan more children, but, apparently, the third is not ready yet. In an interview, which this spring was recorded for a documentary film to the 90th anniversary of Elizabeth II, Kate said: "The queen was very glad when the girl was born. Have a small daughter - a special feeling. I think George is very lucky that he has a sister. "

Stesh Malikova spun a new novel

In the boyfriend, the stellar heiress of the gossip was attributed to no less star offspring - Denis Baisarov, Arsany Schulgin and Philip Gazmanov. It would still be a spectacular blonde, a model, a beginner singer - why not attribute to her relationship with enviable fiance. However, the father of steha - the musician Dmitry Malikov admits that they and the wife of a 16-year-old daughter meet with guys are not allowed. Yes, and the girl itself pays more time to study and work, not a personal life.

Previously, Stefania wanted to flow at the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine in Moscow State University, but revised views in favor of journalism in MGIMO. "I do not think that a man must earn in the family, and a woman is sitting at home, knit and cook. My goal is to self-realize and have a stable income, "the" Starkit "girl admitted. - While any contracts control and signs my mother for me, and we can discuss participation in one or another with the whole family. "
On numerous rumors online and comments in "Instagram", where babies have a million already 343 thousand subscribers, it tries not to respond. But to arrange all the points above I, when rumors were raised on the Internet about her novel with Yurkiss, recorded a duette song with a young man. The composition with the speaking name "Do not hurry to marry us" even noted the Golden Gramophone.

Lolita is divorced with a young husband

A booty singer and a master of heating rumors about the imminent divorce with the fifth spouse, athlete Dmitry Ivanov. At the end of March, the actress released a provocative clip, some scenes from which Dima could have completely held. In the plot in the semi-man, the gassders, she makes love with the black handsome. Already the next morning, after the premiere on the Internet, articles appeared with loud headlines "Lolita changed her husband with an African American", and the woman herself had to be met in a talk show of one of the TV channels. Like, an innovative I am - this is a script!

But this is not the first time that fans and the press will love about the problems in the Milyavskaya family. And the welfare of the spouses unequal, and the difference of the age killed love, and the psychics predicted the gap ... However, the couple together and happy.

"When I married a man, which is 12 years younger than me, I definitely understood that the partners are not interested older," Lolita admitted me. - Often ask, don't I think that Dima will throw me? I think. But here it is not yet clear how the card will fall, and who will throw someone. I'm like this - it's hard for me to keep me. And if the husband instructs me on someone else ... well, then he will be a fool! So I want this wedding to be the last. In general, all those who work on the stage, and especially circus artists, taught never to say the word "last". Only "extreme". Therefore, Dima is my extreme love, my extreme husband. I would still return to the time when I was 30. "

Glitch "oza increased breasts

The charming singer has repeatedly suspected of improving appearance with plastic operations - attributed to rhinoplasty, increase in lips and chest. Especially zealous exposurers even created collages, trying to demonstrate the difference in the stars before and after surgery. Natalia Chistyakova-Ionova's self (real name of the artist. - approx. "Starkhita") any rumors denied and even condemned colleagues in the workshop, the lighters for the sake of beauty.

"It is clear when a woman aged wants to look attractive. Well, when young girls plastic make? For example, why is it Yule Wolve? It was charming, and now I added myself 15 years. I don't approve such changes, "Natalia said.

She will gladly share the secrets of facial and body with fans in "Instagram". Regularly posts photos from yoga and dancing, tells about the campaigns to the beautician. Once this post, the star excited not only fans, but also her own husband. "Oh, how good. Microcrokes help restore the skin after the grima! Just do not laugh! " - She left such a signature under a funny picture in a special mask.

"Listen, Dr. Lecturer, enough to scare the country! I still live with you ... And then I, too, in the evenings in the form of Freddie will walk, ", commented on the post of spouse Alexander Cleanikov.

Even if the perfect image of the famous blonde is not quite natural, she is forgiven. In his 29 years, the singer brings up two daughters - a 9-year-old Lida and a 4-year-old faith, and on the red carpet tracks, secular events conquers not only by the dresses from the very famous Couturier, but also a spectacular bust.

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are trying to save marriage

This song is old, like a world, well, or as already more than a 12-year-old relationship of one of the most beautiful couples in the world. For their union in English, a new word has arisen - BRANGELINA. Roman actors began to attribute even during the filming of the film "Mr. and Mrs. Smith" - Jolie actively condemned for leaving the Family of Pitt, married at that moment at Jannifer Aniston. Lovers did not deny and did not confirm the information, despite the regularly appeared paparaction frames of intimate dates.

"At first, Jen did not believe that her husband was really in love with a colleague. She asked everyone around, but they only covered Brad, "they told in Hollywood Tusovka. In January 2005, when the truth was already obvious, Aniston was submitted for divorce, and on January 11, 2006, in one of the interviews, Jolie shared joyful news - she is waiting for a child from Pitt.

Despite the rumors, daily friends in world tabloids, the stars are still together, raising three of their and three adopted children, and they simply do not react to gossip. The reason for the rushing marriage most often called the tough character of the spouses - they say, it controls every step of faithful, and herself entertained on the side. In the winter last year, information appeared in the media that while Brad represented his new film "Playing Lowering" in Los Angeles, Angelina, who remained in Cambodia, tried to comfort himself in the arms of another man. He stated: "I have enough!" And began to prepare documents for the court.
In the spring of the press even called the exact dates of the upcoming public statement, however, the summer is nearing, and instead of news about loud divorce, fans waited for joyful news.

The other day the star family acquired a chic mansion in London - eight bedrooms, swimming pool and tennis court. So, hardly Angie and Brad made such a gorgeous purchase on the eve of parting!

Alesya Kafelnikova suffers from anorexia

In his 17 years, the heiress of the Olympic champion in tennis and once the first racket of the world Evgenia Kafelnikov did not achieve success in sports, but the path had already paved on the podium. Last year, Alesya signed a contract with the Russian brand Bella Potemkina, becoming his face, starred in advertising brand Kira Plastinina, Valentin Yudashkin, AlexanderArutyunov, participated in the show A La Russe. Foreign designers on elegant beauty so far, unfortunately, did not peck. Maybe because unnecessary thinning in the model business in recent years is not only not welcomed, but even condemns.

This spring, numerous mannequin subscribers even suspected her in anorexia, and Ales had to make up and convince fans that she was healthy.

"I weigh 47 kilograms and believe that this is normal for the model, it's the right food and I do not sit on any diet. I just found the golden middleweight and consight so much food as the body requires. In our family, we seriously treat health and every year we are speaking verification from doctors. "

What caused the loss of the weight of the star heiress, remains a mystery. But the gossipors are confident - spiritual experiences after gap with Nikita Novikov. Kafelnikova has already called the son of a famous restaurant "husband", however, as they say in the star party, the loyalty of the young man with his "spouse" did not want to keep.

Ekaterina Klimova broke up with her husband

The actress and her spouse had not yet noted the sort of wedding, and they had already diluted several times. It was even rumored that the 29-year-old Gela Mashi left 38-year-old Catherine when she wore his child under his heart. Meanwhile, the daughter of the couple - the baby Ball for seven months, and I am happy with her parents together.

Slap grain doubt in the ideal relations of the newlyweds of the girlfriend Catherine - Larisa Chukhray. The main argument of the woman was that the gel, they say, no longer brilliantly on Katya eyes. "I don't want to climb into their family, but he heard that Katerina took a time out," Larisa told. "With her husband, unfortunately, it is very difficult for her: he will spend the night at home once, whimslets offended, offended by trifles - in general, behaves like a mischievous Yunets, which is not ready for family life at all. Maybe when the baby appears on the light, a guy in my head will change something? "

However, Meshi hurried to refute the peres.

"To worry about the fact that I rarely appear at home, unauthorized people do not stand: this is true, and the reason is simple. I'm removing a lot, now busy in the series "bouncers" and "guardian," said Meshi.

After the appearance of their daughters, the rumors about the problems of the couple came up. Gela helps his charming wife to raise not only their common child, but also a 14-year-old Lisa from the first marriage of Klimova with Jeweler Ilya Khoroshilov, as well as 10-year-old Matvey and 8-year-old root from a second marriage with actor Igor Petrenko.

Evgeny Plushenko completes the sports career

Frames, on which on February 13, 2014, the famous figure skater approaches the side, says something to the coach Alexei Mishina and declares the judges that he is removed from the tournament in the single skating of the Olympic Games in Sochi, the whole world flew out. At that moment he said to his mentor at that moment, "she asked and clicked," and the next day he stated that he was finishing a sports career.

"Age allows to continue, but 12 operations are too much," Eugene admitted. - I did not want to go like this. Sorry that the fans did not wait for what was sick for me. But I need to stay a healthy person. "

Unfortunately, then our country was not able to speak in single male skating - replaced Plushenko at the competition according to the rules of law we no longer had. The stands of the ice palace of sports "Iceberg" silently kept idols, not seeing his triumph.

However, the two-time Olympic champion did not want to say goodbye to ice. Already in April 2015, he announced his return and was included in the Russian national team. After another year and two more operations, the last of which was conducted on March 14 in Israel, he does not intend to change his plans. And in the plans of the figure - the fifth in his life of the Olympiad, which will be held in 2018 in Korean Pyonchhan. "For those who are so interested in when I finish your career, I can only advise you to follow my life and work. This will happen when I consider it necessary, "says the athlete.

David and Victoria Beckham are bred

Gossip about the fact that spouses in relationships are not smooth in relation to themselves, no news. Star couple, perhaps, itself provides media and fans of new and new evidence of family problems. So, this spring, David and Vicky did not meet face to face for more than a month - while the former captain of England's national football team looked after the four children in Los Angeles, the ex-soloist SPICE GIRLS represented a collection of clothes at the fashion week in Seoul, where she flew from Hong Kong.
The reasons for the nutrition of the couple of Beckham were called different. Allegedly David is tired of pulling losses of the wife's business losses - in February, an athlete had to transfer 5.2 million pounds from his pocket to the accounts of Victoria, to save it from bankruptcy. Like, the location began in 2010, when David, having received a serious injury, turned out to be tied to the house.

"All the time of their marriage, he practically lived on a football field," the familiar couples told, - but after injury on the horizon, the end of the career was scored. He fell into depression, but did not receive support from the spouse. "

It is saying that the character of Posh Spice (translated from the English gorgeous spice. So they called the soloist of the popular maiden five. - Approx. "Starhit") is not sugar, she is fighting and jealous of her husband to his glory. "She worked for wear, as she wondering, he behaved hard with his loved ones," whispering the family surrounded. "Vicky brought himself an assistant, whose duties among other things came to shoot with her shoes."

Rumors the Earth is full, but so far the experts of star morals suspect a couple in the near-divorce, because they began to sell out common real estate, David touchingly congratulates Victoria with the 42th anniversary and recognized in feelings. "You are a beautiful and passionate woman ... I want this day to become amazing for you, and let me pamper you today, because you deserve it. You reached great heights, but something tells me that it is only the beginning ... Happy Birthday, we love you! "

Maksim plunged into new relationships

In the autumn of last year, the singer first told about the treasure of civil husband. About the fact that her beloved, businessman Anton Petrova Roman with a 21-year-old student, Maksim learned being on the seventh month of pregnancy - under his heart she wore the second daughter. "Marina (the real name of the artist. - approx." Starkhita ") was very hard to endure treason," said her friend of Regina. - Scary jealous, did not sleep at night, cried in a pillow, but the pain kept inside - even the form did not give the first time that she was all known. Of course, she loved him. And, I think, still loves. Never said not a single bad word about him. Thoughtful, attentive, with a sense of humor, smart, generous ... Marina dreamed of a full-fledged family. But Anton apparently decided otherwise. He is a good father, helps her with a little Masha - often comes to visit, nursing, wears in his arms, watches how the daughter grows. But imagine what it is like - to share a person on the other! To the last, she hoped that he would come back. "

However, a 34-year-old businessman put all the points above I, playing a wedding with a young bride. In order to survive the blow of fate, the singer needed a year and a half. Only this winter, she admitted that he was not alone again and even stated that she wanted still children.

"I have two girls already, so I want a boy. Apparently, God did not give me boys, because I would just not come out of him and considered all women enemies, "the star revealed.

The fans have already begun to guess who this mysterious stranger, whom McSim calls a "worthy person" and with which is ready to build a family. What was their surprise when, after a couple of months, she herself had refuted his own words. "Uh-uh! I have no "new novel," the artist wrote in "Instagram". It remains to guess, perhaps the girl broke out feelings for someone from the former workers.

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