
An electronic social card of a schoolboy. Social Map of the Student - How to Activate and Check Balance


To start using the Moscow map, it can be activated at the box office of any metro station. If you want to use and ground, contact the mosgortrans kiosk. It can be found on a trolleybus or bus stop. Also addresses of such activation services can be found in.

After you find the terminal you need to activate the map, insert it into the apparatus cardder. Then select that menu item that matches your goal (for example, "activation" depends on the terminal model). Follow the system instructions.

As soon as your card is activated, and tell you about it, you can replenish your personal account and use it for the various functional, goals.

If you live in Moscow, but, for example, in Novosibirsk, the activation of the student card you will have to produce every six months through the Terminals "Quartoplate". You can also find them at stations and stops of various terrestrial transport. To make the activation process, insert the card into the device and select the section: "Card Replenishment" in the menu. At the expense it is necessary to make at least fifty rubles. After completing the activation, you can use the appointment card. Messages about the need for re-activation, as a rule, communicate in advance at the metro stations.

Keep in mind that in some cities, for example, in Chelyabinsk, such cards are already issued by activated and ready-to-use. To obtain accurate information on the acceleration of the student's card in your, contact your local institution, issued to you this tool for payment and identification when visiting the educational institution and the infrastructure units included in it: the reading room, etc.


  • About the social card of the student

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Social card Student is a plastic cardwhich students living in Moscow who learn from full-time learning in metropolitan or non-stationary educational institutionshaving state accreditation. You can arrange a map in several ways, including through MFC. Student card is a convenient addition to a student ticket.

Why do you need a map

The social card of the student (student) is used as a certificate, as a means of obtaining benefits and as a means of payment. The program is supported by several banks. That's what this card gives:

  • benefits when driving on the suburban, terrestrial and underground transport of Moscow;
  • ability to sign up for medical service (in the presence of medical Polisa.) and receive benefits with such maintenance;
  • the ability to receive a scholarship on the map and pay for goods and services;
  • discounts when paying for goods and services;
  • right to entry into the territory of your university;
  • methods for receiving a card.

There are two options, how to issue a student card:

  • personally in the Moscow MFC of the city of Moscow;
  • online through the site mos.ru.

A few years ago, banks began to carry out an experiment - organizing payment for travel on city transport using bank cards.

The map managed a separate account.

Also, Moscow's authorities have repeatedly advanced a proposal to use maps to provide all sorts of social services.

What is this card

The card makes it possible to use some services on preferential terms.

At the same time, it is an ordinary bank card. Its use is also preferential. The fee and its size for some services are provided for by the conditions of the bank that has released a card.

Map itself is actually a way to escape from an excessive bureaucracy of the provision of benefits, without cash flows They do not remain without state control - they will not be able to spend on other needs, having adopted students.

It is a variety produced for socially vulnerable citizens.

To whom it is laid, its value and validity period

The student map is issued by desire to students educational institutions Cities, as well as federal subordination institutions, but which are also located in Moscow.

So map issued to the next list of citizens:

  • pupils of medium-educational schools;
  • students receiving secondary special education.

University students get, it is almost no different from those that students receive.

Card have the right to use Students of both state and non-state institutions, besides this, at the time of studying for her it is entitled to calculate any other student, independently of which region he arrived.

The cost is paid from the city budget, the recipients do not pay anything for it, it can be compared to get bank card For receipt of benefits or pensions.

Duration - 5 years. This time period of the card is standard for social cards manufactured russian banks (products are provided for less long time). The site of the social register of the city is referred to about 5 years.

Earlier was produced by the Bank of Moscow, now the cards are manufactured by VTB.

Functions and opportunities

She provides the following features:

The card holder brings the terminal to the terminal and reads. Paid public transport, Metro. The nonien card obliges the owner to carry with him a certificate confirming the status of a student or a student.

The payment of suburban trains at the time of study (with the exception of the period from June 15 to September 1) there is a benefit for the purchase of tickets.

Storage of funds. The card is allowed to translate funds, in particular a scholarship. Methods and sources of replenishment are not limited. For example, money can be translated from another account or deposit through the terminal or ATM.

On the balance of funds on the account, percent accrual every month, however, the rate is minimal, almost imperceptible.

If parents have accounts to VTB, then they simply replenish the child's account by spending this for several minutes by using the Internet or mobile application.

Adults receive law place a credit However, the loan may not be issued, based on the material position of man and other factors. Conditions credit Program Lending to students change, from time to time, therefore it is desirable to clarify the details on the bank's website or in any compartment.

Paying shopping It is performed in the presence of terminals in retail outlets, pharmacies, other institutions, utility services are paid.

Discount. Enterprises make discounts or represent bonuses to active users. The size of the discount or bonuses is determined by the enterprises themselves.

Analogue of OMS , the owner of the card has the right to receive medical servicesincoming B. state insurance. The policy is driven into the system, so that there is no need to constantly carry a paper policy with you.

Terms of Use

In 2014, a new decree was adopted, regulating issues of issuing social cards. The rules of use issued "VTB". They are spelled in detail the issues of interaction between the user and the bank.

The use of the map is possible using the Internet, contactless and contact service terminals.

Contact reading is performed in the presence of the owner, the data is entered into the reading device, the owner enters the data of the PIN code, only after that the money is read.

The money is removed from the ATMs of the Issuer Bank for free, the Commission in ATMs of partner banks is also not taken. You can control the score using the card, but you can via the Internet banking system.

The rules stipulate the law of the Bank to establish limits for removing funds from the map. It can be used in business purposes. Special accounts are opening for business activities. If regular major amounts that are not provided for by the terms of the contract are regularly held, the Bank has the right to close the card.

A large amount of the concept of relative, at the time of writing the article, the Bank's questions will begin to arise when transferring 10 thousand rubles for several months in a row. every month. These events are tracked by a special program. VTB State Bank, so the mechanism works quite clearly.

A wide range of social card features is provided by the presence of photography and name, patronymic and surname.

What to do if the student card does not work

Difficulty S. normal work Maps are connected or with failures in the bank system, or with a partial filling of documents for receiving a map. The second point is directly negotiated in the rules.

Failures last for a while, if they do not disappear for a long time, it is worth contacting the bank, it is desirable to the office that released the card. If there is no time or the opportunity to visit the bank branch, assist on the phone " hot line»Bank.


Design is made or through the portal of urban services, or through MFC. In the centers is filled application form on the paper. Fill or the student himself, or his legal representative, has not yet been 18 years old. It is allowed to contact any center at your own request. The minor himself has the right to sign a service agreement for receiving a card in a bank, subject to the written consent of his parents or other legal representatives.

Scroll documents:

  • the questionnaire is filled;
  • passport or birth certificate;
  • help from the educational organization.

The banking application is issued for each card, it must be unlocked through the bank. While the owner was not 18 years old, it makes parents or other legal representatives. Consultants are present in the MFC that will provide additional explanations if necessary.

Benefits electronic service In the design, it is clear, but it is possible incorrectly filling up the application, the failures in the system. Each chooses a more acceptable option.

Readiness check and order

The issue of the card is carried out by the Bank, but it takes documents and transfers them to the bank, the State Unitary Enterprise "Social Register", and the documents are accepted by specialized metro cash regulations. Other institutions with which there are relevant agreements. So that MFC is not limited.

The holder gives the card and a letter with a PIN code.

Check card readiness carried out through the social register site.

Several fields appear:

  • the first line of the questionnaire fits;
  • second - the passport number (skipping the first 4 digits - a series);
  • the third field with letters and numbers that fit into the fourth field;
  • pressing the button - create a request.

After a while, the service will provide information on the results of the request processing.

Thus, the student's card greatly facilitates benefits, provides opportunities to enjoy a full range of bank services.

How to get a student's social card, look in the following video:

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