
Social Card Student: What privileges does it give? Social card student from VTB Bank

To issue a student's card enough to have a computer with Internet access and personal account on the site https://pgu.mos.ru/ru/

If your personal account already has, then you need to enter a login and password and enter.

In chapter Family Children need to choose Issue social Map .

In the next window, you will see information about this service, read it and on the right click on the button Get a service.

Then you will need to fill out the application.

Step 1. Preliminary check

NB! Attention! Before applying, check for the future card holder in the online registry.

You need to enter the name and date of the future card holder (student), and also need to choose educational organization By title, or at the address. After selecting click on the button PROCEED.

Step 2. General Information

For the applicants under the age of 14, the application may be filed only on behalf of the legal representative (parent, adopter, guardian, guardian).
From 14 to 18 years, the application may be filed both by the students themselves and its legal representative.
For applicants over 18 years old, filing only on its own behalf.

First choose who you are: the applicant or legal representative.

If a legal representative (parent, guardian, etc.), then fill out information about yourself: FULL NAME, date of birth, phone number, email address.

Next, fill in information about the future card holder (his name, date of birth, the OMS policy number), and you also need to fill out the data certifying personality (up to 14 years old - a birth certificate, over 14 years old - passport), registration site. After filling out these fields, click PROCEED.

Step 3. Place of study

Here you need to choose the place of study by name or at the address and click on the button. PROCEED.

Step 4. Photo and additional information

To begin with, you need to familiarize yourself with the requirements for downloading the photo (the person must be in the FAAS, if in glasses, then the eyes should be clearly visible, etc). Next Press ATTACH FILE and download the photo.

After that you need to choose a bank and come up with codeword (In case of loss or theft of the card).

NB! The student card will be delivered to your educational institution. To obtain it, you need to present a document. And also within 30 days the map needs to be activated in personal Cabinetotherwise it will be blocked.

After entering the code word, click on the button. PROCEED.

Step 5. Data Verification

Be sure to check the correctness of the entered data and if everything is true, click APPLY.

Everything! You have successfully applied for a card! Now it remains only to wait for the card readiness!

Good luck in your work on the portal of services in Moscow!

The social card of the student (SNA) allows the child to be tuned in the educational institution of any level, take advantage of various advantages. Also, the tool allows you to pay for various purchases, make a trip to the city vehicle Without cash with cash.

In this article, consider a few questions related to what privileges give a social card, as well as how to get this tool so that in the future the child can independently use it in everyday life.

The Muscovite Social Card (or for a resident of another city), decorated for a schoolboy, makes it possible to take advantage of a number of benefits and privileges that are identified by the state. All persons visiting educational institutions of secondary and top links can get an electronic tool: school, university, college or technical school. The main condition in this case is the passage of training in full-time.

Skin can be issued in any city of the Russian Federation and will further use in certain situations. Legally in each region is defined, what advantages can give financial instrument. The list of features that receive the owner of the card includes:

  • use of a discount when paying for travel to public transport. To do this, it is necessary to simply show the map when buying a ticket;
  • sKY owners can take advantage of the discount when making purchases in retail outlets for the sale of clothing or food;
  • pharmacies offer discounts on maps when buying medicines;
  • schoolchildren can take advantage of benefits to acquire textbooks in bookstores;
  • replenishment of the card will allow a teenager in the future to pay in the dining room or a teaching buffet.

Documents required to receive

To quickly get an electronic tool, you need to contact the control room or the metro station, as well as the station (for individual regions) and leave the relevant application there. The map will be ready ten days after the appeal. For registration, you will need to submit a package of mandatory documentation:

  • help from school (other educational institution) is that the child is trained;
  • standard questionnaire, which can be obtained in an educational institution;
  • act about the birth of a student or his passport (if any);
  • photo of a child.

During the preparation of documentation, the questionnaire should be carefully filled. The form you want to fill out with exceptionally printed letters and prevent corrections, otherwise the application will be considered invalid.

To make a document, it is recommended to use blue or black ink. The statement must have a signature of manual and the printing of the institution where the child is studying. As for the photographs, the photo should be attached to the photo size of 3 * 4 cm, where the applicant is displayed on a white background.

You can pick up the finished card in ten days with the presentation of a document confirming the identity of a citizen and the tear-off coupon, which was issued when applying for an account.

Additional nuances of use

During the issuance of the card, the student additionally receives a special reminder to use the electronic tool. To access the map and personal account Schoolchildren () in a special envelope is given a PIN code. Personal account is started at the release of type.

When receiving a map, the bank application is in a blocked state. To unlock the balance, you should contact any branch of the bank engaged in the release of such a document. For children under 14 years old, a special statement is submitted by a legal representative (parent or guardian), the presence of a minor citizen is not required.

For adolescents from 14 to 18 years old, the application for unlocking a map may be submitted by parents (other persons who are legitimate representatives of the child) or the card holder itself, having previously received the resolution of parents or other representatives. In this case, their personal appeal will not be required.

Young people from 18 years old can apply for invoking an account independently. To date, the discovery of such accounts is engaged in banks of PJSC VTB (Bank of Moscow) and PJSC "Minbank".

The procedure for making a map through the state service portal

Many students or their parents prefer to use the state service portal for making cards. To submit an online application, you must first enter the SNILS number.

For registration, follow these actions:

  • go to the personal account;
  • open the "Education and Study" panel, and then "Personal Documents";
  • go to the section "Sn";
  • enter all personal data and attach to the photo profile;
  • choose a bank, a map will be served in the cat;
  • install the test word, which makes it possible to block the map in its loss;
  • consideration of the application will be carried out for 30 days, after which the card will be issued to the student in educational institutionWhere the child is learning.


The social card of the student allows the child to use some benefits and advantages. You can use the portal of the State Service, and you can personally visit the Metro Cass or Station. The card can be issued in any city of the Russian Federation.

So far, a qualitatively new project for Russia, acting in a small number of cities. It was most widely and successfully implemented in the capital, so we consider all the features of this card on the example of Moscow, the benefits for the young holder, as well as important momentsRegarding its design.

Project "Social Map of the Student"

In schoolchildren appeared already in 2014. The main tasks of such a tool are two - to be a kind of business card of the child and its convenient payment facility. The map not only allows if necessary to quickly identify the child, but also helps him pay for the passage of the subway, school lunch, additional courses. It eliminates parents from the need to trust him in cash pocket money. Everything cashThey put on the map of the student, are stored on it in the form of points. Parents in real time can control where and how much their child spent.

Also, this nominal plastic socket is an important multifunctional tool - from payment of travel in the subway until discounts at the store specifically for schoolchildren. To get a social card of a schoolchildren can any student (regardless of the place of constant registration), which is trained in full-time in accredited state organizationimplementing the program:

  • primary, basic and secondary general education;
  • secondary vocational education.

Registration of a social card in Moscow is absolutely free.

Application of a schoolboy's social card

We will understand why the student's social card is needed:

  1. Payment of travel in the metro and suburban electric transport.
  2. Use on a par with policy of OMS In medical institutions.
  3. Payment of conversation in MGTS payphones.
  4. Admission to the full spectrum banking services: Enrollment of funds (scholarships or pocket money), cashless payment, payment for utilities services.
  5. Obtaining social benefits and discounts in more than a hundred points selling various goods and providing inprofil services.

Additional functions at school

It will be useful for a social card of a schoolchildren and the subway, and at school. With it is possible the following:

  1. In educational institutions where the "pass and power" system operates, the card is used by the student as a pass to the turnstile. This feature helps track when the child came to school, how much time spent there. This information comes to parents by any selected way: via SMS message, email letter, using smartphone requests.
  2. A social card also helps to learn to parents, whether the child has received a preferential school lunch on a particular day.
  3. Paid school food student can buy with the same card. Putting its balance parents can in the "Electronic Services" section on the portal of the Moscow State Service (MOS.RU). The method of delivering data on the state of the balance of the child and its spending can also be selected in this topic of service.


Before starting to design a schoolboat's social card in Moscow, pay attention to the following:

  1. If such a card has already been released for a child with social security, then the student's social card is no longer necessary for him.
  2. The applicant can be both the student himself and his legal representative - parent, guardian, guardian, adopter.
  3. After the child received a map, it is necessary to activate it in order to do the actual. This operation is held in the Personal Account on the portal Mos.ru. You need to activate the map no later than 30 days after its delivery to school or MFC.

Application for receipt of the compiler's copyright

To obtain this map The student, among other things, providing him and social benefits, you need to fill out a statement application:

  • Students of Moscow Securing Schools from December 1, 2015 can apply only to one way - remotely through the Mos.ru portal.
  • Students who are not citizens of the Russian Federation, as well as schoolchildren from educational institutionsnot subordinate to the Government of Moscow (federal school schools, private institutions, etc.) are expensive to fill similar statement In the office of the MFC center "My Documents".

Required package of documents for receiving a map

For the manufacture of a schoolboard schoolchildren, the following documents are needed:

  • Birth certificate (up to 14 years) or passport (after 14 years).
  • Polis OMS.
  • Photo of the format "on the document".
  • For visitors of citizens - a temporary registration certificate.
  • Help from school (for submitting an application in "My Documents").

Photos Requirements Next:

  • jPEG format;
  • color;
  • in Afas;
  • size 30 x 40 mm;
  • made no later than 6 months to the present.

If the student applies not through the portal, but in the "My Documents" branch, then in this case, the availability of a paper version of the photo is allowed to be free directly in the office.

Social map of schoolboy: sample profile

The resulting form of questionnaire should be filled with capital printing letters, indicating each character in a separate cell and using dark ink. The space is one cell, the punctuation sign is written in a separate cell. In the profile on the school card, specify:

  1. Registration Address (Specifications): Index, Name settlement (Use a reduction, for example. Moscow), Street, House, if there is a hull and apartment number.
  2. The address of the actual accommodation is indicated by the example of paragraph 2. If the address of the registration address matches the address of the residence, then the information in this section is copied from paragraph 2.
  3. Contact phone - after 7, without "+".
  4. Date of Birth.
  5. Paul - "M" or "F."
  6. Series and number (after "№")
  7. Citizenship - Tick "V" on Russian or in the other.
  8. The type of document certifying the identity - the code fit here (21 for the passport).
  9. The series, the number of the document is issued when, the unit code - information is recorded exactly in the passport, the birth certificate, etc.
  10. In the case of a map replacement, in the appropriate section, specify the number of the cause.
  11. In the appropriate window, without going beyond its borders, put your signature. If you have not yet come up with it, let's permissible to draw your last name.
  12. Come up with a code word consisting of at least four characters - figures or letters of the Latin alphabet.

The rest of the information is filled officers. Be sure to save before receiving a card given to you a tear-up card from the questionnaire!

Getting a schoolboy card

Schoolboy's social card is issued in the place indicated when applying an application form, - at school, in the office "My Documents", etc. To obtain it, it is necessary to have a passport or other document certifying personality, as well as a tear-off coupon from the application questionnaire . Social card readiness - 30 days from the date of application or even earlier.

In the envelope with a map of the student also receives a memo-instruction for its use and a PIN for access to individual bank accountwhich opens automatically when issuing a social card in partner banks - "Bank of Moscow" (VTB), Minbank.

You can replenish such a map by one of the convenient ways:

  • through ATMs of the bank-issuer with the possibility of cash intake;
  • through the connected Internet bank on the smartphone, laptop, personal computer;
  • via instant translation - We will need only a plastic card any Russian bank;
  • through the cash register of the bank issuer social cards;
  • by transferring from the branch of any banking institution;
  • with money transfer sent with the help of "Russian Post".

Unlocking a banking application

The full readiness of the social card is open access to the attached banking application. You can unlock it in a bank released this compaction. To do this, contact his office with a finished card and write a corresponding statement. Pay attention to the subtleties associated with the latest document:

  • If a child is less than 14 years old, this application is filled with his parents or legal guardians. The presence of a schoolboy is optional.
  • For the children of the age of 14-18 years, the statement can also file their parents or legal representatives. However, schoolchildren can contact the bank with the application and themselves by providing a written statement from parents or guardians.
  • If the student is over 18 years old, then only he himself can apply for unlocking a bank application.

The main reasons for refusing to design a student card

Refusal in the design of the social card of the schoolchildren can only be motivated. The most common causes are as follows:

  • The applicant information is not present in the register of students.
  • The provided photo does not comply with the necessary requirements.
  • The applicant already has a student's social card.
  • In the case of replacing the map, incorrect details of the previous one were indicated.
  • On behalf of the applicant, a similar questionnaire was already filed, the consideration of which was not completed at the moment of submission to repeated.
  • There is no confirmation of the information specified in the document certifying the Personality of the Schoolboy.
  • Data is not confirmed in MGFOMS.
  • Information about SNILS student is not confirmed in the respective structures.

Schoolcaster's social card is a convenient tool of a modern student who includes many useful features: travel in the subway, skip to school, replacement medical Polisa., Personal electronic wallet, Fast identification tool, School discount card, which gives you the opportunity to get a good discount. In addition, such a map frees parents from extra conversations - they know when their child came to school and when he left her how many pocket money and what he spent. After reading this article, you also learned how to quickly place an application form, where to get a map and how to activate it and the banking application associated with it.

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