
Housing by the military in the year subsidy. Housing subsidy for servicemen. Alternative to Military Mortgage - receiving funds at the end of the service

Subsidies to the purchase of housing Started from March 2014. Subsidation for the purchase of an apartment is often the only possible method For the family to become owners of their own square meters. Not exceptions are the families of military personnel. About what is the procedure for obtaining a subsidy and how to calculate its size, we will talk below.

Subsidies to the purchase of housing

Since 2014 introduced new order assistance to military personnel in the acquisition of own housing. In order to cope with huge queues on housing, the government decided to issue not new apartments, built on the request of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, but a sum of money sufficient to buy real estate. At the same time, the military themselves are invited to decide which apartment they need and even in which city. In addition, it became possible to buy housing in the secondary market. And this allows the servicemen to purchase more square meters for the same money, while the purchased residential complex may be no less high-quality than in the new building.

But how much will they pay? This question does not give rest to many military. The amount of payments, in accordance with the rules for calculating the subsidy, approved by Government Decree No. 76 of 03.02.2014, directly depends on several factors: the number of years of service (calendar) and the number of family members of the military personnel.

The resolution provides a certain formula for calculating, but we have slightly changed the names of multipliers in order to facilitate its perception. The modified formula for calculating the amount due is simple. And it looks like this:

PS \u003d OPP × ns × kV,

PS - laid subsidy;

OPP - total laid area;

Ns - cost standard;

KV - Sailing coefficient.

The total placed area is calculated on the basis of the norms:

Do not know your rights?

  • lonely soldier - 33 square meters,
  • family couple - 42 square meters,
  • three and more family members are 18 square meters per each.

The value of the cost is established by the orders of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of Russia. The coefficient is determined on the basis of the calendar years, during which the soldier guards our homeland:

  • from 10 to 16 years - 1.85;
  • from 16 to 20 - 2.25;
  • from 20 to 21 - 2.375.

Plus, for each year after the 21st, the coefficient is increased by 0.075, while the sum of the additional coefficient may not exceed 2.75).

To make it more clear, let's try to calculate together. As an example, take an officer who served in the armed forces of our state for 16 years. He has a wife and two children. Laid subsidy \u003d 72 (18 sq. M. m for each family member) × 43 374 (standards for the cost of the square meter of housing for the first half of 2019) × 2.25 (driving ratio). In this way, total amount Payments will be 7,026,588 rubles.

Payments, I must say good, and on average their size ranges from 2 to 11 million rubles. Such a sum must be enough for the purchase of an apartment in many regions. A big family will be able to afford to buy housing and in Moscow.

What should be taken into account when calculating subsidies

When calculating the subsidies due to you, it is necessary to take into account that such payments are prescribed only by the military who do not have their own permanent housing in our state and beyond. Therefore, if you still managed to acquire an apartment, the size of the subsidy will significantly decrease. So, the calculation will be made common Square Apartments in accordance with the number of family members, and the number of square meters you have already exist will be deducted from it.

For example, if you have a family of 4 people, then you have the right to 72 square meters. But you already have an apartment, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich is 68 square meters. Consequently, you have the right only for a subsidy equal to 4 square meters.

In addition, if you have a social housing hiring agreement, you can also lose your payable payments in the area of \u200b\u200bemployed housing. In order not to happen, you and members of your family must write in writing about their intention to terminate such a contract and transfer the owner's residential premises.

It should also be considered that if both spouse are soldiers, then the square meters due to them are not summed up. One family is supposed to be one apartment, regardless of how many family members is military service. The difference is probable only that the recipient of the subsidy can be the soldier who has the right to pay a higher payment due to the greater length of service or the right to receive additional 15 meters.

The other fact is very important - the government has provided the right of a serviceman for a deferment in obtaining a subsidy. Thus, a soldier who has the right to receive a subsidy may postpone its receipt for several years, thereby increasing the amount of the amount by increasing the coefficient for the length of service. However, the right is very dubious, especially for families who are not secured by any living space, since their accommodation costs for these several years can significantly exceed the amount of the allowance obtained in the end.

The right to additional 15 square meters

As mentioned above, a number of servicemen have the right to receive additional 15 square meters. In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 03.02.2014 No. 76, this right has:

  • teachers of military universities, as well as scientists, whose activities are related to military affairs having a scientific degree;
  • military personnel awarded the honorary title of Russia;
  • commander of military units;
  • colonels (captains of the 1st rank); Generals (admirals); Marshals.

This list is exhaustive, and no other regalia or official achievements of the amount of accurate payments cannot be increased.

It is important to note that by 2023 it is planned to completely eliminate construction projects for the needs of the Ministry of Defense, leaving only a small share of official housing. Providing military personnel will be held by special programs mortgage lending. For this, special services will begin work, designed to make it easier to make such a transition to such a system and speed up the process of receiving apartments to military personnel. But while it's all in a remote future, and the future of this project is very uncertain.

Until January 1, the next 2016 for military personnel and military pensioners, indexation of wages and pensions are canceled. What other surprises will present the coming year of this population category? We offer to learn latest news Regarding housing issues for the military. It turns out that new conditions are introduced. Next - details.

The Ministry of Defense terminates the issuance of apartments

The head of the Housing Department of the Defense Ministry of the country, Sergei Pirogov, said that, since 2016, the transfer of apartments to the Ministry to the Ministry to the Ministry will be discontinued. Instead of direct transfer of residential ownership, mortgage lending on special conditions will be offered.

"The defense ministry stops issuing apartments since 2016, this advantage for the military is canceled at all," said Pirogov. Together with this it is noted that during three yearsSince 2012, the department is provided with housing over 80 thousand servicemen. "On the first day of the 12th year, 82.4 thousand military officials in need of permanent housing stood. You see that it is almost 100% that turn of the needy was provided housing. 80 thousand are eight full-fledged military divisions, "S. Pirogov summed up.

According to Sergei Pirogov, direct provision of apartments and housing for military personnel in 2016 will not be. The measures taken will make it easier to facilitate the work of the Department of Housing. To the same extent it is more profitable for the most servicemen. Now they have the right to independently choose an apartment for themselves, whereas they could be content with the one that they will be provided by the Ministry of Defense.

According to Pirogov, the Ministry of Defense radically reheated the situation of ensuring the military by permanent housing, it was possible to significantly reduce the turn of people to provide apartments. At the end of 2014, taking into account the needy residential premises The departments have already been about 36 thousand people. According to the leadership of the Department of the Ministry of Defense of the provision of housing, to fully meet the needs of providing their own residence in such regions of Russia, as in St. Petersburg, Ryazan, Krasnodar, Orel, Tula, Novorossiysk, Kaluga, Rostov-on-Don, Vladimir. In some regions, for example, Khabarovsk and Moscow, before the final solution to the problem is still far away.

Mortgage will be covered by the state

2015 will become the last period of fulfillment of obligations on direct provision by residential premises of employees of the military department. From the next year, housing and apartments for military personnel in 2016 will not be issued in kind. Military can count on certain benefits when designing mortgage loans In some banks of Russia.
A large number of Russian banks work with military mortgage. Such a special mortgage is designed specifically for employees in the ranks of the Armed Forces. A prerequisite for obtaining special lending is the participation of the military in the accumulative mortgage system of providing residential premises. Such a program has been working for 10 years. According to the program, the military can acquire their own housing, using a special credit plan, three years later from the beginning of their service. http://slotmachinelas.info/obzor-igr-kazino-sloty/ Now the slot machines are actively modernized, more and more often you can find lines in the amount of up to 25 or with a field 5 to 5, somewhere there are bonus rounds, jack-sweats and symbols Multiplication.

On average, each soldier suitable under the above designated conditions can count on obtaining a mortgage to 3 million 500 thousand rubles.

A feature of special mortgage lending for housing for military personnel in 2016 is that mortgage debt is fully paid by the state.

The obligations of this year will be fulfilled

Before the 16th year, both programs will operate - mortgage decoration and issuing housing military in kind. Earlier, we recall, the military department was promised to fully close the issue of providing housing employees to the 2020, building more than 280.0 thousand apartments and bringing the infrastructure of each military town to standard standards.

In the current year it is planned to spend 9.5 billion rubles for final work on the construction of housing for the military. It is this amount that is needed to close all over the year obligations under construction contracts.

Own accommodation can be obtained or acquired by completely different ways: buy, build, join inheritance rights or as a gift. As for the Russian servicemen, they have had a chance for their property to the property for the target housing program until last year. However, currently this program is almost twisted. Need to admit that she had positive sides. But how is the case with the receipt of housing for military personnel of the Russian Federation? Now housing subsidies are advised as a tool that promotes housing.

Subsidies at housing in 2016

At the beginning of 2016, the situation with military subsidies is:

  • If you stood in a queue on preferential housing until 2005 - then the possibility of obtaining an apartment under the housing subsidy program for military personnel persists;
  • For those who did not have time to do this will be offered the possibility of mortgage lending to special favorable conditions.

Mortgage for the military will allow buying apartments based on the income of every serviceman where they want. The issuance of housing built specifically for servicemen, the special developers will end with the completion of the previously launched previous buildings. New residential facilities will not be launched, but those who have not been handed over to 2016 will eventually be completed and issued by the military entered service until 2005.

Housing subsidy servicemen: what is it

In fact, the housing subsidy of military personnel is a one-time monetary allowance, which is issued by the state as material assistance. Moreover, such a payment has a strict target purpose: the purchase of ready-made housing or the construction of its own hands. Unlike the previously implemented housing construction program for military personnel, this project has an important positive momentsrelated to the freedom to choose a place of residence, the lack of long waiting in the queue for an apartment. Of course, this approach greatly facilitates the solution of household issues of the Military Family, but also also raises the prestige of military professions.

The provision of housing subsidies to military personnel will be implemented in connection with the previous agreements operating during the implementation of the program for the provision of departmental housing. First priority To receive a subsidy will receive the military who have already stood in line because they needed improved housing conditions, or officers who went to the reserve or resign, but so far and not having housing, or preferential categories servicemen. For example, family members of the dead officers with a service life of more than 10 years will also have a predominant right. Finally, the right to receive a housing subsidy to military personnel will be able to implement those who served at least three years in the ranks of the Russian army.

Housing subsidy servicemen: how to implement

To become a member of this new project, it is necessary, first of all, to write a statement on the housing subsidy to the servicemen and provide a package of documents confirming the composition of the family, the need to improve housing conditions certifying the right of ownership of the already existing housing by the servicemen or members of his family. In addition, the package must include discharge from house books for the previous five years, as well as a service contract with any bank.

Housing subsidy 2014 for military personnel - a peculiar alternative to the previous program. A lump sum cash payment or purchase of housing is funded from federal budgetBut paid only through the system of interaction with banking structures, which are partly and dictated by the terms of receipt of payment.

So, for example, a soldier will receive funds for the purchase of housing in the amount of 80% of its value - it is this item that is determined by the terms banking contracts by mortgage. 20% of the cost will be paid by the acquirer. Of course, among items taken to consider, there will be those that concern the location of the future apartment or home, the personal merits of the acquirer, its rank and rank, finding in the lists of applicants for the receipt of departmental housing on the current program.

Housing Subsidium Servicemen: Calculator 2016

Despite, it would seem, perfect freedom in choosing a place and quality of future housing, nevertheless, the soldier who received the right to irrevocative and material assistance It will be limited to a few moments: the size of the subsidy and the size of the purchased residential area.

To understand how much a housing subsidy service is a serviceman, a calculator, designed to simplify computing, will help to make it anyone who wants. Use services online calculator To calculate the housing subsidy for military personnel, you can on the official website of the Ministry of Defense. Upon the introduction of all parameters, the calculator will give the sum of a one-time cash payment to which it is worth counting.

Housing subsidy servicemen: defining parameters

Among the parameters that define the size of the subsidy are the main size and composition of the family. Families, as you know, are different: there may be children with disabilities, maybe it will be the large family etc., that is, those categories of the population, which among other things also have the right to additional area.

Next, you must specify the size of the residential and total area, as well as the regulatory cost of one square meter of such housing (calculated annually). In the calculator of the calculation of the housing subsidy, correction coefficients are laid, directly dependent on the service life: the more period, the greater the amount of compensation.

Another important point, which is included in the calculation of the housing subsidy for servicemen: the presence of housing in its own possession on this moment and living space standards for this region. For example, if a soldier owns 40 square meters of living space, and it is necessary, say, 60, then 20 meters missing for compensation will be included. The size of the subsidy is calculated at the time of issuing a certificate certifying the right to use this type of subsidy.

Housing subsidy servicemen: the procedure for granting

How will the housing subsidy for military personnel be implemented in practice? The procedure for granting subsidies, unfortunately, is still not defined. The Ministry of Defense has not yet announced the procedure for issuing subsidies, but, nevertheless, the preferential categories of servicemen and their families who must first obtain certificates have already determined. For the current 2014, more than 10 thousand soldiers are already in line to receive a one-time payment.

Reliable and strong rear determines not only the degree of defense capability of a state, but also the effectiveness of participation in this case of each of those responsible for the defense capability. Therefore, the family and life of each soldier are decisive moments in creating reliable defense of any state. It is the state that should help the personnel military in solving the most pressing domestic issues, including issues of their own housing.

One of the most priority state issues - This is the provision of housing for servicemen. As long as they exercise their work, it often has to move from one place to another, as a rule, together with the family. For this reason, the military can count on the provision of service living space or to pay the rented apartment by the state.

When the service life under the contract ended, they have the right to receive an additional area of \u200b\u200bresidential premises or a separate real estate to property. According to the current legislation, dismissal without allocating an apartment or at home is not allowed, while instead of the provision of real estate it is possible to pay equivalent monetary sum. Also available participation in the program of military mortgage lending, allowing to become the owner of real estate on favorable terms and without a queue.

In the article posted below will be considered in detail general order military housing, the norms of the area allocated, the necessary conditions For obtaining other features of this procedure.

Regulation of the issue at the legislative level

Ensuring the living space of this category of citizens is regulated:

  1. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as a decree), guaranteeing dismissal on the stock only with the provision of housing.
  2. Housing Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the LCD of the Russian Federation), establishing the criteria for which the soldier is recognized in need of living space;
  3. Federal law "On the status of military personnel" dated 05/27/1998 No. 76-FZ (hereinafter No. 76-ФЗ) governing the procedure for obtaining real estate.
  4. Order of the Ministry of Defense No. 510 (hereinafter referred to as the order), which determines the conditions for the provision of this benefits;
  5. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as a resolution), guaranteeing the allocation of housing by the military, the service life of 10 years and more.

In coordination from Article 15 No. 76-FZ to the apartment or house may apply:

  • officers who graduated from military educational institutions;
  • contract soldiers staying in closed military townships;
  • officers who have concluded contract after early 1998

It is important that in addition to obtaining an apartment or the amount for its acquisition, the state provides for the possibility of participation in. It allows you to get housing without a queue and the minimum 10 years of service. An initial fee And further credit payments provided by the state, which makes accessible and factive way obtaining real estate.

To queue in the queue, the recognition of a serviceman is in dire need of housing. For this, he needs to submit relevant evidence.

The rules for recognizing military personnel in need of residential premises are determined by the Resolution. The basis for such a conclusion is the lifeline accounting rate established by russian legislation For the location of the military service or permanent registration address. For this reason, the first step, which needs to make a contract service, should be applying for a queue for the allocation of housing.

Housing rates for military personnel

Provided by the state housing for military personnel must comply with accounting standards adopted by law - this required condition Implementation of the program to ensure military housing.

Housing rates for military personnel are 18 m² for each residence. If real estate is provided after the death of the military, the area is determined, given all family members together with the deceased officer. Taking into account the characteristics of some apartment houses The allocated real estate may be greater, at the same time an increase in the provision rate is possible not more than 9 m² for a single officer, and no more than 18 m² for members.

What threatens the intentional worsening of housing conditions

Despite the fact that the intentional deterioration in the housing conditions of military personnel is found quite often, there are no clear criteria in the legislation, which it can be determined, therefore, any deals performed by any transactions made by a serviceman or a member of his family to alienate from the property. For example, if an officer or his spouse was co-owners at home, sold, presented it, thereby getting rid of property.

The commission of such actions for 5 years is deprived of a military personality to apply for housing. The countdown begins from the moment of the transaction with real estate. After the deadline expires, it can stand up to the queue.

General Instructions for Housing

In accordance with the instructions on the provision of housing servicemen, the following algorithm:

  1. To get an apartment, you need to write a statement to the Department of Housing Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. The document is drawn up by the established pattern.
  2. After taking the appeal, the applicant will be listed in the Unified State Register as in need of living space. It has all the currently available apartments for servicemen. Access to the database can get any, which allows not only to monitor how the applicant has moved to the queue, but also check the correctness of the data.
  3. The appeal is seen within 30 days from the date of registration, after which the applicant notify about the formulation of it in the queue and give a list of documents to be submitted.

The procedure for providing housing is carried out in order of priority, taking into account the applicant's existing benefits.

Registration of military personnel in need of housing

To queue to receive an apartment, in addition to the application, you need to submit a package of documents to the Department. Statement of accounting in need of living space is carried out on the basis of:

  • personal passport;
  • military ticket;
  • passports and certificates of the birth of all members of the applicant family;
  • marriage certificate;
  • extracts from EGRN, confirming the fact of the absence of one's own housing;
  • bank statement over the past 5 years;
  • documentary confirmation of benefits not related to the status of the Vain (if available).

It should be borne in mind that the availability of a service apartment is not an obstacle to the formulation of permanent housing.

How to get housing military pensioner

Housing for military pensioners is provided if they were dismissed due to:

  • achieve maximum service life;
  • health status;
  • holding full-time events.

In all listed cases, the service life must be at least 10 years.

The distribution of apartments for military pensioners is also engaged in the department, so it is necessary to write a petition to the address to the queue. You need to attach a package of documents. In addition to the list listed above, retirees need to additionally submit a pension certificate. Next, the procedure is carried out in a standard order: the applicant becomes a queue, after a certain amount of time he is provided with a living space or the amount of its acquisition.

Residential housing

The legislation provides for the possibility of re-providing the housing of the military. This is allowed if the applicant is newly recognized as needing improvement of housing conditions. This is possible as a result of a change in the composition of the family: increasing the number of members or the appearance of dependents. For example, if a lone officer received an apartment, he is filmed from the queue. Subsequently, if he marries, and / or his children issued by the state will not meet the accounting standards. Thus, it will again be recognized as in need of housing, and can re-queue on legal grounds, while his real estate will be taken into account when highlighting housing, and the area of \u200b\u200bthe re-provided apartment will be reduced by the number of square meters issued before real estate.

Meanwhile, each soldier whose service life is at least 10 years old, can count on receiving an apartment / home or money amount for its acquisition. However, the formulation of the queue has many nuances that need to be considered.

If you have experience in obtaining housing one of the ways listed in the article, share it in the comments.

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