
What banks provide mortgage refinancing. Is it possible to make the mortgage? Conditions and design process. Pluses of refinancing mortgage loans

Refinancing a mortgage-demanded service in the financial market of Russia in 2018. Thanks to him, borrowers of mortgage loans receive more profitable, flexible conditions for their full repayment. We have collected the most interesting offers of banks in Russia, which will help in solving this issue.

Refinancing Mortgage in Sberbank

The largest bank of the country resumed the possibilities of refinancing housing loans in 2018 issued by other banking institutions of our country. The special program "Refinancing on the security of real estate" allows you to shut up mortgage loans under 10.9% per annum. The program is created to give customers the opportunity:

  • reduce loan load;
  • lower payments on the loan agreement;
  • collect all loans in one bank, which provided the most favorable credit terms;
  • get a part of cash on hand under a lower percentage of lending for any purpose.

Program conditions in Sberbank can be applied to loans to purchase apartments, houses, housing in Town House, isolated rooms. After the mortgage loan is repaid, the burden is removed from the borrower. From this point on, the property is owned by the Bank.

In Sberbank, you can get a loan for refinancing a mortgage loan issued by another bank, both separately and with:

  • consolidation of all loans (auto-, consumer) with credit cards;
  • providing a part of the monetary amount (up to one million rubles) on the personal goals of the lender;
  • consolidation in Sberbank of all available loans, credit cards and issuing in the hands of the amount of money to personal goals.

Sberbank is ready to overdue loans secured by real estate:

  • one mortgage, which was issued for the purchase, construction, overhaul or reconstruction of housing;
  • no more than five loans issued by other banking institutions (consumer, auto, credit and debit cards with a permitted overdraft), as well as loans that Sberbank issued (auto and consumer). But only under the condition that at least one of them is a mortgage.

The basic refinancing rate of the mortgage loan issued by another bank is 10.9% per annum. It increases if other loans are added to the mortgage loan and the issuance of the money amount per hand is added. The base interest rate will be applied for 1% for the refusal of life insurance and the health of the lender on the terms of the bank, etc.

What Gazprombank offers

Refinancing Mortgage in Gazprombank can be decorated for:

  • repayment of a mortgage loan issued by another bank;
  • consolidation in the Gazprombank of mortgage and consumer loans issued by other banks;
  • mortgage dedication with the provision of a portion of the sum of consumer purposes.

Basic interest rate:

Gazprombank applies interest rate surcharges:

  • for customers who do not receive salary to accounts in this bank - by 0.50%;
  • prior to the provision of real estate documents - by 1%.


  • the application is considered within 1-10 business days;
  • there is no commission for issuing a loan agreement;
  • one of the main requirements for the borrower is the presence of a "clean" credit history;
  • the moratorium on early repayment and the minimum amount of early repayment of the loan is not.

Conditions in VTB24

Taking advantage of the Mortgage Refinancing Program in VTB24, it is beneficial:

  • change the monthly payment on the mortgage, credit period, interest rate, the procedure for repaying monthly payments, mortgage loan currency;
  • combine all credit products issued by various banks in VTB24.

Loans can be subjected to mortgage loans for real estate in new buildings and in the secondary market. New lending conditions will be able to obtain both the owners of an exclusively mortgage loan, and by other credit products decorated in other banks.

The refinancing conditions for mortgage loans in VTB24 are individual and depend on the former lending conditions in another bank, the size of the loan, its deadlines, rates, the financial condition of the borrower.

The basic refinancing rate is from 11.25%.

The borrower is obliged to conclude a property insurance contract against accidents, loss of work, as well as his life and health. If only one insurance policy is concluded, the amount of interest rate will be increased by 1%.


  • there are no additional commissions for issuing a loan agreement and early repayment of a loan;
  • application for refinancing mortgages can be submitted on the website either in the bank office;
  • the application must make a certificate from the bank on the state of mortgage debt.
  • documents are considered 4-5 business days individually;
  • the Bank reserves the right to refuse refinancing;
  • for salary customers, the package of documents is minimal.

VTB24 is ready to offer interesting mortgage refinancing programs. However, they will all be unavailable for customers who have initially mortgages were framed in the Bank of Moscow, the summer Bank or TransCreditBank.

Removing mortgage loans in VTB Bank of Moscow

Allows you to reduce the costs of borrowers. Conditions for standard and salary customers vary.

Basic interest rate is 11.95%. If the borrower refuses to enter into an insurance contract (personal and titular), it automatically increases by 1%.

Refinancing is issued by citizens of Russia and other countries, including those who do not coincide with the place of registration with the location of the acquired housing. Refinancing VTB Bank of Moscow draws up:

  • the location of the borrower;
  • place of work of the borrower in the Russian Federation.

Raiffeisenbank offer

Allows you to get the most favorable conditions for the acquisition of real estate in new buildings and the secondary housing market.

Basic interest rate of the mortgage refinancing:

  • issued by another bank - 11.5%;
  • currency decorated Raiffeisenbank - 10.25%.


  • there is no commission for consideration of the application for refinancing and issuing a loan agreement;
  • for consideration of the application will require 2-5 business days.

Sometimes in Raiffeisbank, the borrower will need to attract co-coaches. For the borrower they can act:

  • spouse (spouse) official or civilian;
  • parents;
  • children;
  • brothers or sisters.

Decision conditions for various banks

For clarity, the terms of banks on refinancing mortgages are presented as a table:

Requirements for candidates

So that the Bank agrees to refinance the mortgage, the borrower must comply with a number of requirements:

Sberbank Gazprombank VTB 24 VTB BM Raiffeisen.
Citizenship RF RF RF Anyone Anyone
Age at the time of issuing a loan (years) From 21. From 20. From 22. From 21. From 21.
Age at the time of payment of the loan (years) up to 75. Men - 60, Women - 55 Men - 65, Women - 60 Up to 75. Up to 65.
Work experience (in place):

Β· At the current place;

Permanent registration

In Moscow, MO, in places with branches - In places with branches

\u003e Required documents

To register the mortgage refinancing, the borrower must provide documents:

Documents borrower / coacher Sberbank Gazprombank VTB 24 VTB BM Raiffeisen.
Application application + + + + +
Passport + + + + +
Mark of registration + + - - +
With temporary registration - a confirmation document + + + + +
About the financial condition of the borrower / income certificate + + + + +
On the solvency of family members, co-coaches - - + - +
About labor employment / copy of the employment record, contract + + + + +
According to the property provided + + + + +
About the absence of overdue payments - + + - +
Rights of the borrower on housing + + + + +

VTB Bank of Moscow men under 27 (inclusive) will ask for a document that confirms the passage of service in the army or the fact that the borrower cannot be mobilized.

In addition to the above banking institutions, the refinancing of the mortgage is ready to offer other banks of Russia:

  • Binbank is ready to offer from 300 thousand rubles under 10.75% per annum;
  • FC discovery from 500 to 30000 thousand rubles under 11.2% per annum;
  • Rosselkhozbank up to 1000 thousand rubles under 13.5%;
  • Alfa-Bank from 600 thousand rubles under 10.5-10.75%;
  • Agency of mortgage housing lending (AHML) from 300 to 20,000 thousand rubles under 11.5%.

As it becomes clear, Russian banks are thoroughly prepared to provide the best refinancing conditions for mortgage in 2018. The most favorable refinancing conditions are offered leading banks of Russia. However, only those borrowers who have "net" credit history or are salary customers who have been able to arrange the insurance contract, comply with the requirements of the Bank and can provide all the necessary documents.

The decrease in mortgage rates led to the fact that the Russians began to more often apply for refinancing loans. Banks These requests do not satisfy. In July 2017, the average loan rate amounted to 11%. This is a new record in the history of the Central Bank. Two years ago, the mortgages were issued under 15%. How do citizens achieve favorable lending conditions?


Refinancing is a program with which you can pay off the debt on the old loan by making a new loan. The service is divided into two types:

  1. Internal renewal of the loan in the new conditions by drawing up a suppression.
  2. External renewal is obtaining a loan in another bank. In this case, the client will have to re-pass the procedure for issuing the contract. The process involves the design of a new loan account and its collateral in the presence of documents confirming the right of ownership.

Is the mortgage refinancing profitable?

It makes sense to engage in renewal of the contract if the size of the regular payment is reduced or the rate is reduced. For example, the client received a mortgage in the amount of 200 thousand dollars, which he must repay for 30 years. The contract is serviced at 12% per annum. Monthly payment will be $ 2057. Is the mortgage refinancing profitable if the loan rate decreases to 9%? Yes, it will allow the borrower to save $ 488 every month. In thirty years, savings will be 16 thousand dollars.

Experts advise to refinance the mortgage, if the interest rate decreases at least 2 p. The average market today is 10% on the market. Accordingly, to deal with the issue of refinancing more profitable to customers who have made a mortgage in 2015. Then the average rate was 12%. Those who purchased housing just a year ago, you need to wait for the rates of up to 9%.

Is the mortgage refinancing favorably if annuity payments have been provided? No, according to this calculation scheme, the first payments will be sent to repay interest. If more than half of the term passed from the moment of registration of the contract, then the lost only will bring losses.

Check whether refinancing mortgages can be issued in the VTB Bank, as follows:

  1. It is necessary to take the current schedule for repayment of payments and fold all the remaining payments under the contract.
  2. The initial conditions should be introduced to the credit calculator on the bank's credit calculator: the term remaining under the current contract, the calculated balance of debt.
  3. The calculator will calculate the size of the monthly payment.
  4. This amount should be multiplied by the number of months corresponding to the term of the new loan.
  5. You need to compare the results obtained. If the difference is significant, then refinancing will be profitable.


As a result of the delay, the interest rate will decrease, but the term of the contract will be extended. Is it profitable to do refinancing mortgages? Customer reviews confirm that borrowers with stable high income can significantly save money. If it is not possible to re-refund the contract in the bank, which issued a loan, you can always contact another financial institution.

There are positive moments in reducing rates. According to the Central Bank, on August 1, 2017 mortgage loans were provided by 20% more than in the same period last year. The total lending increased by 4.7 trillion. rubles.


To answer the question "Is the refinancing of the mortgage in Sberbank?" In a concrete case, the cost counts.

  • first of all, it is necessary to study the contract, pay special attention to the item that concerns interest-free early repayment of debt;
  • next, you need to calculate the amount of the commission and adequately assess your capabilities;
  • if it is decided to engage in re-issuance of the contract, then you should contact the lender;
  • to responsible clients, banks go to the meeting and draw up debt restructuring, it does not always provide for a dedication;
  • if you failed to achieve a result in one bank, you should contact another credit institution.


To arrange a mortgage refinancing in the Tinkoff Bank, a number of documents should be prepared:

  • a copy of the passport;
  • certified copy of the employment record (contract, contract);
  • certificate of income (2-NDFL) from the place of work;
  • borrower's life insurance contract;
  • initial agreement and discharge from a bank account with a debt repayment schedule.

After completing the questionnaire, the Bank begins to assess the solvency of the borrower on the basis of its data and the loan agreement. In the case of approval of the application, the borrower should provide documents for the property, certificates with the debt balance and the absence of restructuring, a letter with the account details from which the repayment is carried out.

Drawing up an application

As soon as the client receives the consent of the Bank to reissue the contract, the process itself begins. The borrower will receive means to repay the previous loan. Property will be transferred to the provision of a new banking institution.

The client should immediately prepare for additional costs. If the insurance company is not an accredited partner of the bank, it will have to be replaced. Otherwise, the credit rate will increase. In Sberbank, the refusal to lending to life will be compensated by an increase in the bet on 1 pp., In the "Absolut Bank" and more - 4 p. P.

If the insurance was framed at the conclusion of a contract with the first bank, then in the document it will be necessary to simply change the beneficiary. Also during the period of registration of a new contract (before the repayment of the old), an overestimated rate is charged (1-2 p. P) for life insurance. It lasts this no more than a month.

What is happening on the market?

Sberbank refinancing a mortgage refinancing reduced to a historical level in two hundreds of acquired housing in a new building can be under 7.4-10% per annum, in the secondary market - under 9-10%. The group of banks VTB draws up mortgages under 9.9-10%, and funds for the purchase of new housing issues under 9.6-10%.

On the same conditions, as in Sberbank, you can issue a mortgage refinancing - under 10.2% in the bank "Opening". The Absolute Bank and Uralsib also reduced rates up to 6.5% for a limited number of new apartments.

Refinancing rates of banks of the Russian Federation are presented in the table below.

One of the important conditions for dedication is the lack of overdue, penalties and fines. If any, then it is necessary to pay off debt, and then submit an application.


Is the mortgage refinancing favorably with credit institutions? In most cases, no. Against the background of the decline in market rates, banks seek to preserve interest income, which is of great importance in the conditions of an unstable system. Therefore, they refuse to change lending conditions. Clients do not even give formal reasons for refusal.

By law, the borrower has the right to refinance the credit, if the contract does not contain a direct ban on the commissioning of this operation. However, today banks increasingly include this item in the treaty. This has already attracted the attention of the regulator.

Customers have the only chance to change the decision of the bank. It is necessary to provide a warranty letter or a preliminary contract from another credit institution, under the terms of which the Bank undertakes to close the credit and issue a new mortgage to the borrower under the same conditions, but at a reduced interest rate. In this case, the lender will meet the client, since the early repayment of the contract will greatly reduce its interest income. The deal will be unprofitable.

Is the mortgage refinancing favorably: minuses

It is almost impossible to achieve a revision of the terms of the contract, if part of the debt was paid by the means of maternal capital, real estate is issued into the equity property of parents and minors. Implement such an object is very hard.

The revision of the terms of the contract may affect the requirements of the Bank of Russia. According to the regulator standards, a financial institution must form a reserve for each loan. It entails freezing of funds and may affect the performance of standards.

It is not always profitable to do, because the procedure for re-issuing documents will have to pay money. The first payments on a new loan will be directed to the repayment of reduced interest. Finally, the most important drawback - the borrower will lose tax benefits. In the case of refinancing, no mortgage is issued, but a loan agreement on the security of real estate. Therefore, borrowers are deprived of tax deductions.

When is it profitable to do refinancing mortgages? It is economically justified by such an operation only in one case: if a new lender has a rate at least 2 pp. Below than that of the previous one. Therefore, so many wishes to get refinancing.

When you agree to take a loan for another person in your name, then become a credit donor. This risk is a friend or relative may not make payments or hide. Sooner or later from the bank will call and ask for a duty. We consider various options for the development of events.

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    1. General conditions

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    5. As part of this policy, under the "personal information of the user" are understood:

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    Hello, dear readers of the Journal "Site"! In this article, we will talk about the refinancing of the mortgage: what it is, how to make refinancing a mortgage loan correctly, where to find the best deals to shutting up a mortgage of other banks in 2019.

    After reading the submitted article from beginning to end, you will also learn:

    • Is it profitable to refinance the mortgage at all;
    • What are the peculiarities of the refinancing of military mortgage;
    • How many times can the refinancing of the mortgage loan and much more.

    Also at the end of the article, we are traditionally responsible for the most popular questions.

    The presented publication will be useful to explore not only to those who plan to refinance the mortgage, but also to everyone who wishes to increase their level of financial literacy. You will find a lot of useful information in our article, so we recommend reading right now.

    What is the refinancing of the mortgage, how to refinance the mortgage loan in the same or other bank, what documents for refinancing the mortgage you will most likely be needed - read in this issue

    1. What is the refinancing of the mortgage - an overview of the concept with simple words + an example of mortgage dedication

    Refinancing of mortgage (or mortgage dedication) - This is the design of a new loan on more favorable conditions for the purpose of redeeming the existing mortgage loan.

    However, it should be understood That this situation has nothing to do with the cases when the borrower in the absence of money for the execution of debt issues a new loan. The result most often becomes even more felt in the debt.

    Feature of the mortgage refinancing procedure Is absolute transparency. The main goal is to alleviate mortgage load. At the same time, the lender knows, for what purpose the borrower makes an application for a loan - that is on the full repayment of the acting. The design of a new loan is carried out on the conditions that are better for the borrower than existing ones.

    Example of refinancing Mortgage πŸ“Ž

    Suppose B. 2015 year was issued mortgage at the rate 14 % annual. IN 2019 The year of refinancing in Sberbank. The rate on it was 9 % . As a result, when the overestimated debt debt will be less 5% per year.

    If in the same situation the client makes a loan by a different program, since it does not cope with the credit load, this is no longer refinancing. Financiers, such behavior is considered unreasonable. Often such actions lead to aggravation of the already difficult situation.

    In more detail about what, we told in one of our articles.

    2. Underwater Mortgage Refinancing Stones

    Refinancing of the mortgage at a competent approach is quite profitable not only for customers, but also for lenders. However, it should be borne in mind that this process has certain difficulties and a number of nuances.

    The perventy risk for the borrower during the refinancing of the mortgage is the possibility of a negative decision on submitted applications at any stage of the design.

    Sometimes the refusal arrives after the initial training:

    • prevention of the creditor who issued the primary mortgage, about the intention of refinancing;
    • order a report on the assessment of the object of real estate (which, by the way, is not noone else);
    • preparation of a full package of documents.

    At the same time, the Bank is not obliged to inform the potential borrower, which is the cause of refusal.

    The main complexity of the refinancing of the mortgage is that its design is not available to everyone.

    You can call a number of circumstances in which the application does not make any sense:

    1. Spoiled credit history. Even with the timely making of all payments on the mortgage, a lot of overdues can be allowed, for example, by. As a result, the refinancing application will almost certainly be a failure.
    2. Little residue of the amount and deadline for the current mortgage. Most banks establish the minimum size of the named characteristics.
    3. Presence of overdue According to the current mortgage loan.
    4. Mortgage was decorated recently. Most often in the requirements of the Bank, the minimum term of successful payments for a housing loan is included. In most cases, there is a restriction of at least six months.
    5. According to the mortgage loan, the restructuring procedure was previously carried out.

    The following feature concerns primarily the property deduction for mortgage loans. The fact is that often the banks are often offered to combine several differently loans or to obtain an additional cash amount in cash. As a result, the tax may regard a new loan agreement names And refuse to pay funds to deduct.

    One nuance with tax relationships occurs in case of registration repected refinancing. The fact is that the legislation provides for the receipt of the mortgage deduction, as well as when shifting. However, about repeated refinancing in the Tax Code nothing says. Theoretically, this may lead to a refusal to deduct.

    It is important to carefully study all the nuances of refinancing mortgage. This will help avoid a number of problems in the future.

    3. Is the mortgage dedication really profitable?

    Before deciding on the refinancing of the mortgage, it should be understood as far as profitable.

    To do this, you need to spend several calculations:

    1. Analyze the amount of the percentage remaining to pay for the current mortgage. For this purpose, you can use the payment schedule issued at the conclusion of the contract. This information can be often clarified by using Internet banking. If you independently understand how much percent is still paid, you can not be able to request a certificate in the bank.
    2. Analysis of the amount of interest that will be paid on a new loan. To do this, first of all, the main parameters of the future mortgage will be needed. You need to know the interest rate and time. It turns out that reliable information can be obtained only if there is a preliminary approval of the application for refinancing mortgages.
    3. It remains to calculate savings . In this case, from current interest, it is necessary to subtract not only overpayment in the event of refinancing, but also all costs for its design.

    When the result of the calculations is found, it is necessary to evaluate for yourself whether the costs of efforts that will have to be attached to be deregulated.

    Experts allocate the following cases when the refinancing of the mortgage will certainly prove to be favorable:

    1. The current housing loan is decorated in a currency other than the one in which the salary is paid, that is, the translation of the dollar mortgage in rubles usually brings serious savings;
    2. Refinancing is carried out on preferential terms that the Bank offers corporate and salary customers, as well as certain categories of citizens;
    3. The current mortgage was decorated for a long time, since then the conditions for housing loans have changed in favor of the borrower;
    4. Before the end of the mortgage agreement, there is still quite a lot of time (if payments are almost completed, interest savings may not cover the costs incurred during refinancing);
    5. In order to reduce the loan load, it was decided to combine several loans with mortgage.

    In the process of analyzing the benefits of refinancing procedure, it is important maximum carefully Study offers on the shipment market. Some banks do not work with certain types of real estate. If not to take into account this fact, time to study their conditions can be wasted.

    Detailed Guidelines for Refinancing Mortgage Credit

    4. How to refinance a mortgage under a smaller percentage - 5 main stages of dedication

    Often those who want to refinance the mortgage, simply do not know how to do it better. In fact, it is enough to know the main stages of this procedure so that the dedication is most favorable and comfortable.

    Stage 1. Decision making

    For many borrowers, it is the first step that turns out to be the most difficult. Refinancing procedure is sufficiently long - In most cases, the whole process takes about 1.5 months . That is why some mortgage payers are not easy to decide.

    In the refinancing process, you will have to spend a serious job. But it is only necessary to decide and start, and then it will be much easier. How to evaluate the benefit of refinance, we have already told. When this is done, you can safely go to the second stage.

    Stage 2. Choosing a Bank

    The choice of the bank is no less important than the calculation of savings from the refinancing procedure. This step requires a careful analysis of your own financial situation.

    First of all, the following factors will have to appreciate:

    • which property is decorated with mortgage (most often it flat, a private house or land);
    • whether the ownership is issued (when lending to the security of a contract of equity participation in the borrower there is no certificate);
    • whether maternity capital was attracted to design a mortgage;
    • employment type - on hiring or entrepreneurship;
    • official employment is whether there is an opportunity for documentary confirmation;
    • what method is confirmed by income - a certificate in the form of a creditor or 2-nddfl.

    Most of all the chances of a positive decision in almost any bank with customers who work on hiring and receive official salary confirmed by the certificate 2-NDFL. An additional advantage will have a certificate of ownership.

    If it was used to pay off a mortgage or when it was washed, and children spelled out on the acquired area, it would be practically impossible to find a bank for refinancing. Difficulties with search arise and in cases where the mortgage is framed for a private house.

    Stage 3. Appeal to the Bank

    When the bank is selected, it is necessary apply and package documents for consideration. The list of necessary papers is best to clarify the lender directly. The fact is that each bank independently develops such a list.

    Before applying, it is worth thoroughly analyze your own platform. The size of monthly payments for all valid loans should not exceed half of the wages. If this rule is not met, most likely, will be denied in refinancing. In such a situation, you can try to attract the concerns.

    The term of consideration of applications filed for refinancing is determined by the creditor. In most cases, the Bank's decision is taking 2 to 5 business days. However, during the surroundings of customers, the timelines can significantly increase (in some cases up to two weeks).

    Bank's approval on refinancing application usually includes the basic parameters of the loan - customer data, sum, time and interest rate. In some cases, this document can be supplemented with individual conditions, eg , CLOSE CLOSE.

    Stage 4. Approval of the object of real estate

    When the candidacy of the borrower by the Bank is approved, it is necessary to go through the procedure for approval of the property (often both processes pass simultaneously with the purpose of saving time).

    Since real estate will advise on a loan, the following actions will have to do.

    1. Prepare a package of documents required by the Bank;
    2. To assess the object of real estate and attach the report on it to the documents;
    3. Contact an insurance company in order to obtain approval of the execution of the policy (this information is also sent to the creditor).

    For evaluation and insurance, contact specialized organizations that were accredited by the Bank. Their list can be clarified directly from the lender.

    As soon as the bank receives all documents for the property, their consideration begins. Usually it goes about 2 -5 working days. If the property is approved, a refinancing transaction is issued.

    Stage 5. Confirmation of the redemption of the current mortgage

    Some borrowers mistakenly believe that the refinancing process is completed by signing the contract. In fact, while the bank is not provided with confirmation of the redemption of the current mortgage and is not re-setting the deposit, the rate on a new loan is established at an elevated level.

    To complete the refinancing process of the mortgage and reduce the percentage of a new loan, you will have to take the following steps:

    1. Pay off the current mortgage and get a certificate about it;
    2. Pick up the mortgage in the bank where the loan is paid;
    3. Register a deal in MFC - to pay off the old mortgage, register a new and refinancing agreement;
    4. Provide documents from reparable to the bank.

    Usually the next day after the provision of documents, the Bank conducts a decrease in interest rate.

    Many Mortgage Refinancing Procedure seems quite complicated. However, actually make it quite real. The instruction presented above helps to cope with the task much easier and faster.

    Required list of documents for refinancing Mortgage

    5. What documents are needed to refinance the mortgage - a list of necessary documents πŸ“‹πŸ“’

    Each bank independently develops the internal regulations for making a mortgage refinancing. Based on it, and a list of documents required for the procedure is formed.

    Despite this, you can highlight a list that all banks require.

    Required documents for refinancing Mortgages:

    • statement;
    • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
    • certificates confirming employment and income level;
    • documents on the object of real estate, protruding the subject matter;
    • contracts and other agreements confirming the transaction;
    • documents from the current creditor - a certificate of the remaining debt and the absence of a delay, a loan agreement, details for repayment of the mortgage.

    It is important to trace all the documents correctly decorated. Moreover, some banks set the validity period of various references. In order not to redo the documents, it is necessary to monitor their observance.

    Features of mapping mortgages for servicemen

    6. Military Mortgage Refinancing - Highlights and Nuances

    Despite the fact that payments are fully carried out from the state budget, refinancing is relevant for such housing loans. Firstly At the end of the service, the client itself pays the balance of debt. In such a situation, it is quite natural to make it at the most favorable conditions. Secondly For the state, the decline in payments is also extremely important.

    Meanwhile, today, on average on the market for military mortgage, the rate is at the level 10% annual. At the same time, literally three or four years ago, it was about 12%. In such a situation, the change in lending conditions was an important problem for both the borrower and the state.

    Before the beginning 2018 Refinancing of military mortgage not envisaged. Today it is possible to conduct such a procedure. However, still not everyone understands whether it makes sense to transfer the military mortgage, as well as the nuances of such a procedure.

    6.1. Is the military mortgage participant favorably refinance a mortgage loan?

    To understand how profitable is the refinancing of the mortgage, it is important to know how the rate varied on it. At the time of launching the program in 2005 According to the housing loans under consideration, it was set at the level of ten percent per annum. Subsequently, on the wave of economic crisis, the decline in oil prices and the growth of dollar courses and the euro rate was increased by several points.

    In September 2017 of the year Central Bank The key rate to the level was reduced. 8,25% . The consequence of such a decision, including the reduction of the random mortgage rate in some banks. AHML installed it at the level 9% , Sberbank and Gazprombank – 9,5% , VTB 24 – 9,7% . In the same period, the maximum mortgage size on the program under consideration was increased.

    Thus, those who made the military mortgage at the very beginning of its formation - in 2005 year it makes no sense to try to refinance it. Today's bet is approximately at the same level. If the execution of the mortgage agreement had to go for years of crisis, it is worth trying to re-refline it.

    The refinancing of military mortgage allows to reduce monthly payments, as well as reduce the final overpayment for the entire loan period. Such a procedure acts excellent insurance. It is important to remember that in the case of dismissal from service, the borrower will have to independently pay with the bank.

    6.2. How to refinance military mortgage - where to start

    The final decision to refinance the mortgage takes the Bank. Many still do not understand why it is worth trying such a procedure, because the state payments for the borrower.

    But do not forget that in 2015 and 2016 The indexation of the annual cumulative contribution was not carried out. Moreover, its predictions were also lowered. As a result, there is a danger that some servicemen at the time of the end of the mortgage agreement will remain with debts.

    Despite the fact that certain measures were taken to reduce such risks, they most likely work for those who made the military mortgage. until 2014.. The rest of the borrowers are still risking to leave the service with debts.

    A huge plus in the described situation can be a decrease in mortgage rate. Today its size begins from 8.5% per annum. There is a possibility that in the future it will become even lower.

    Take note! Unlike the usual mortgage, which refinancing has been popular for many years, such a procedure has been impossible for military housing loans. In the standards of Rosvoenipotki, it simply was simply provided. Only at the beginning 2018 The refinancing of the loans under consideration was introduced.

    For dedication in order to reduce interest rates on military mortgage, you can contact how to a bank where it was framed and to another lender. Upon completion of the refinancing design, the borrower will be issued funds that will go on the redemption of the current mortgage. After that, payment will be carried out on new conditions and, possibly, in a new bank.

    Specialists are recommended For refinancing mortgages, first of all apply to the credit institution where it is framed. Often the banks go to meet the borrower and reduce the bet on 1 -2 point. Today, this practice is valid in Sberbank, Gazprombank. and some other credit institutions.

    When contacting "your" bank for refinancing approval, it is usually quite good credit history. If the case applies to military mortgage, even this fact is irrelevant, since payments are carried out by the state.

    In relation to military mortgage today acts recommendation of the Central Bank About registration of contracts at a rate of 8.25% per annum. Specialists advise borrowers who have a bid on the loan higher than the specified more than two points, contact the bank in order to revise it.

    Where to begin?

    The name of the credit institution needs to write the appropriate statement . On the Internet it is not difficult to find a standard form. It is important in the text to specify number and date of registration of a military mortgage agreement. Also worth specifying as a base the fact about reducing the rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

    It will be useful to write that the borrower undertakes to make insurance premiums in a timely manner and provide documents necessary for refinancing. If the Bank refuses to reduce interest rates, you should request written copy of this decision.

    Thus, you should not neglect the opportunity to refinance the military mortgage. Specialists recommend to the servicemen to contact the bank not alone, but together. Such actions can push the lender to decisive steps, since the risk of a large number of reliable customers to other financial organizations will be visible.

    7. The best deals on the refinancing of the mortgage of other banks this year - the review of the top 3 of the most profitable proposals

    To select an optimal refinancing program of mortgage loans, it is important to analyze and compare the proposals of several banks. Only in this case will be able to carry out the procedure according to the most favorable conditions.

    However, not all can be used to independently explore the conditions of a large number of banks and choose the best among them. The rating of banks compiled by professionals in the field of finance can come to the rescue. Below is a review Top 3. Proposals for refinancing mortgage other banks.

    β„–1. Sberbank

    Sberbank offers refinancing mortgages with the possibility of combining it with other loans. At the same time, the total amount of loans should be no less 1 and no more 7 million rubles. The maximum maturity date is 30 years.

    The interest rate under the contract depends on which loans are planned to be late. If the mortgage is refinancing only, it starts from 9.5% per annum. If others are combined with a housing loan, the minimum rate will be 10%.

    Sberbank presents to customers planning to conduct refinancing, the following requirements:

    1. Age for at least 21 years;
    2. At the date of making the latest payment, the borrower should be less than 75 years;
    3. When executing the contract, the period of work in the last place should be more than six months.

    β„–2. Gazprombank

    When refinancing mortgage, Gazprombank issues no more 85 % estimated value of collaborated real estate. At the same time, the size of the loan issued should be in the range from 500 thousand to 45 million rubles.

    The rate is set at the level 9,5 -14,5 % per annum. Its size is determined depending on the design of insurance. The repayment period can reach thirty years.

    Number 3. VTB

    According to the refinancing programs in VTB, a limit in the amount of 30 million rubles is established. Such a restriction is valid in Moscow and Moscow region, in the regions it is somewhat lower. At the same time there is a limitation - the loan amount cannot exceed 80 % estimated real estate valueserving the subject of pledge. If at the same time the borrower wants to arrange refinancing, providing a minimum package of documents, the loan size is limited 50 % estimated value.

    The bid under the debit agreements is set in the range from 9,5 before 11 % per annum. The maximum maturity period can be 20-30 years. For salary customers, its increase is provided.

    For a more convenient comparison of the mortgage refinancing programs in the considered banks, their main conditions are presented in the table below.

    Credit organisation Sum Rate Time
    1) Sberbank 1-7 million rubles From 9.5% per annum when refinancing mortgages from 10% - when combining mortgages with other loans No more than 30 years
    2) Gazprombank From 500 thousand to 45 million rubles (no more than 85% of the estimated value of real estate) 9.5-14.1% per annum rates depends on insurance Up to 30 years
    3) VTB Up to 30 million rubles, but not more than 80% of the estimated value of real estate and 50% if the minimum package of documents is provided 9.7-11% per annum 20-30 years (for salary customers maybe more)

    * For topical information, see the official websites of banks.

    8. The Bank offers restructuring instead of refinancing mortgages - what the difference and what are the consequences of such a procedure

    Before deciding on the choice of refinancing and restructuring, you should carefully examine these two concepts. Borrowers are often confused and agree on one procedure instead of another.

    Far from finance people believe that refinancing and restructuring - In essence, the same thing, because the initial goal they have one. It consists in reducing the mortgage burden and improve the terms of the loan. Actually these concepts differ significantly. To understand the difference, it is worth examining them from the point of view of the final result.

    Refinancing Favorable to banks primarily to attract new borrowers. Such a procedure allows you to drag customers who have previously paid a mortgage to other credit institutions. This can increase the portfolio of long-term loans, as well as profit, even though interest on such loans below.

    Restructuring Credit organizations offer existing borrowers. Such a measure is aimed at preserving relationships with the client. However, first of all, the purpose of restructuring is helpful in payments to problem debtors. Such a procedure is primarily aimed at reducing the mortgage burden in situations where the payer has financial difficulties.

    Restructuring is most often used when the probability of delay is high, or it has already happened.

    There are several prestructuring options:

    1. Reducing the rate on the loan agreement;
    2. An increase in the mortgage period;
    3. Recalculation of the schedule of payments, including changing annuity payments to differentiated;
    4. Credit holidays, when the borrower is provided with a delay or for the entire amount, either on the principal debt (that is, only interest will have to make it possible;
    5. In some cases, the write-off of fines, penalties, fan.

    Not always banks use restructuring only in working with complex borrowers. Often they offer such a procedure to customers who addressed them for refinancing. In order not to lose the borrower and will not lose profit in the form of interest on his mortgage, the bank offers it restructuring .

    What could be the consequences in this case?

    The client reduces the bet, reduce the monthly payment. Most often, the borrower remains completely satisfied with such actions. Problems arise much later if the borrower decides to refinance such a mortgage in another bank. In this case, first of all, the lender is interested, whether the loan was carried out restructuring. After a positive response to this question, it is usually a refinancing refinance.

    A negative decision on the refinancing application is primarily due primarily to the main purpose of restructuring. Since this procedure is carried out to resolve the situation with problem clients, the bank believes that the borrower had previously had difficulty making payments on the mortgage. For the creditor, this means an increased risk of non-payment of issued loans.

    Thus, before giving consent to the restructuring of the mortgage, it is worth thinking well. If difficulties have arisen with making payments, such a procedure will help not lose an apartment (or other real estate), cope with the debt, without spoiling a credit history, and without contact with the collectors. However, if the bank proposed restructuring to prevent refinancing from another lender, it is better to refuse.

    9. What should pay attention to, making a decision on the dedication of the mortgage loan πŸ””

    So that the decision to refinance the mortgage turned out to be correct, and the procedure really brought savings, it is important to pay attention to the following specialist advice:

    1. First of all, learn the proposals of banks where you are a salary or corporate client. For such borrowers, banks usually develop individual more favorable conditions.
    2. Do not begin to design, based only on advertising. Often, real bank offers are very different from those that they use to lure customers.
    3. Pay attention to the goal of lending, which is specified in the refinancing contract. By misuse loan to compensate the tax deduction is not possible.
    4. Learn, secured by which real estate a specific bank refinances a mortgage.
    5. Before deciding whether to dedicate, be sure to benefit. The main debt will have to pay in any case, the savings will develop from the difference in percent. At the same time, do not forget to take into account the costs of conducting the procedure. If they exceed savings, refinancing is disadvantageous.

    In addition to following, the above recommendations should be relying and on your own situation. Some banks offer in refinancing to combine mortgage with other loans, or to give some money amount. If it is relevant for you, it is worth contacting these credit organizations.

    10. Answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

    Refinancing of mortgage - The theme is quite extensive, it has a number of nuances. Therefore, in the process of its study, a large number of questions may arise. So that you do not spend time in search, we answer the most popular of them.

    Question 1. How many times can you refinance the mortgage?

    The number of applications of borrowers in credit institutions about mortgage restructuring law is not limited. But the bank can independently limit this procedure. Also, if there are delay in payments, to refuse approval at all.

    Turning to the Bank for the purpose of refinancing The mortgage obtained here is should be consideredFinancial organizations allow us to revise the conditions only on the primary contract. This forces the borrowers to take a similar solution with maximum responsibility.

    If refinancing is planned to be carried out in another bank, it will be necessary to go through the assessment and approval procedure from the very beginning. This means that you will have to collect a full package of documents, pay for the services of the appraiser and the insurance company.

    In order not to spend the time to be wasted before refinancing, it is worth carefully learning the proposed conditions. Only careful analysis and additional calculations make it possible to understand whether it makes sense to try this procedure or it is worth leaving the existing loan.

    Question 2. What are the requirements of banks to borrowers to refinance the mortgage without confirmation of income?

    Requirements for the borrower when refinancing a mortgage loan without income references

    The ability to refinance the mortgage, without confirming the income, there is only a bank's clients that meet the following conditions:

    • the presence of Russian citizenship;
    • age more than 21 years;
    • good credit history;
    • work period for at least 12 months;
    • the possibility if necessary to attract the concern or guarantor.

    Each bank independently develops requirements for borrowers. Therefore, the above list can be expanded. Most often required: The presence of registration in the design region, providing a package of documents. Among them: certificates of registration and termination of marriage, the birth of children, bank account statements and others.

    Question 3. Is the tax deduction given when refinancing the mortgage?

    All citizens of the Russian Federation, who bought an apartment (or other housing), have the right to receive a tax deduction. When applying for this purpose, the mortgage reimbursement is supposed to on the value of the acquired property, so I. on paid interest.

    In essence, the refinancing of the mortgage is the replacement of one loan to others. Therefore, the borrower performing payments for such a contract has the full right to receive deduction. At the same time, the tax inspection will have to provide both mortgage agreements: the initial and new so that the IFTS can track the change in conditions.

    It is important to take into account that in the refinancing contract there must be an indication of the target use of funds - removing mortgage . If the borrower decided to combine several loans in one, the tax deduction for the paid interest will have to forget. The fact is that it does not apply to compensation.

    Question 4. What mortgage can you refinance?

    The possibility of refinancing the mortgage is only in the event that it corresponds to a number of requirements:

    1. Banks often establish restrictions on the term of the mortgage contract. In most cases, it will not be possible to refinance the housing loan, which is decorated less than six months ago or until the end of which remained less than three months.
    2. Credit organizations can also establish a limit and by the amount of refinancing. According to the initially decorated mortgage, at least 20-50% of the principal debt should be paid.
    3. The presence of current overdue debts on the refinanted mortgage is not allowed.
    4. Monthly payments should be made in a timely manner for a minimum. In fact, banks are evaluated and a longer period of payments. If the delay was previously allowed, the probability of a positive solution is significantly reduced.
    5. Previously, the mortgage did not carry out the restructuring procedure.

    Question 5. What are the requirements for the object of real estate when making refinancing?

    When refinancing mortgages, banks impose a number of requirements for the real estate object, a proposal of a transaction. Each lender independently develops their list.

    However, it is possible to allocate real estate requirements that act in almost all banks:

    • pledge under the refinancing agreement should be the same real estate as on the initial mortgage agreement;
    • ownership must be documented and registered according to current legislation;
    • the borrower can be spelled out on the living space, as well as its relatives;
    • real estate should not have any encumbrances in addition to the pledge on the primary mortgage;
    • as long as the deposit does not switch to a new jar, the living space cannot surrender.

    11. Conclusion + video on the topic

    Thus, no doubt, the refinancing of the mortgage is an important financial procedure. Its main purpose is to reduce the level of overpayment on a housing loan.

    However, one should not agree to refinancing the mortgage without conducting preliminary calculations. It is important to make sure that the final savings will cover all the costs of designing the procedure.

    Some borrowers are lazy to raise refinancing, claiming that they have no time for it. However, savings can begin with several hundred and reach millions. Such sums will probably kill everyone.

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    If you have any questions, comments or additions on this topic, then write them in the comments below. Also, do not forget to share an article in social networks with your friends. To new meetings!

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