
Apartments for housing construction employees of the FSB for a year. Housing subsidy for FSB employees: payments. Features of military mortgages for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

FSB and some others public services they are officially considered military personnel, therefore, in accordance with the law “On the status of a military personnel,” they have the right to receive housing from the state free of charge. Until recently, this issue was resolved on an in-kind basis, that is, housing was being built for FSB servicemen in need of improvement. housing conditions. However, now military mortgages are also available to intelligence officers, including for the Border Guard Service.

Who can expect to receive an IDC

The accumulative mortgage system has been functioning in Russia for almost 9 years, and contract servicemen who entered the service in 2005 or later have the right to participate in it. Now this fully applies to FSB employees, i.e. housing for FSB servicemen is also available through the registration of a targeted housing loan (CHL).

Upon entering the service new employee special services must submit a report on joining the NIS. From this moment a special account will be opened in his name, to which monetary payments of the established amount will be transferred.

After three years, the accumulation can be used as down payment for a mortgage loan, which can be obtained from any bank that has such credit program... The contributions on the loan are not paid by the NIS participant himself, they are transferred by the state in equal installments every month. The loan is issued in such a way that it is fully repaid by the time of leaving the service.

A military mortgage for the FSB is available to all employees who have come to the service since 2005 or later, regardless of whether they own their own housing. This is one of the most significant differences from the traditional security system, when apartments were allocated to FSB servicemen on a first come, first served basis.

The maximum loan amount now reaches 2.4 million rubles, which will be quite enough to buy quite spacious housing in almost any region of Russia, with the exception of the capital region.

Advantages and disadvantages of military mortgages for the FSB

Have new system housing provision has a number of advantages, but there are also very significant disadvantages. The advantages of buying a home with the help of NIS for contract employees in the FSB structure:

However, the disadvantages of the system turned out to be quite serious. The amount of the targeted housing loan on a military mortgage does not allow buying spacious real estate in large cities.

If for a young officer this problem seems unimportant, then later the family may grow, and the living conditions will improve, i.e. using a military mortgage a second time will already be problematic, although possible.

If an FSB officer resigns earlier than the due date of his own free will, then the apartment is in a double pledge: you will have to return the funds paid to the state and settle with the bank yourself.

Which banks are better to contact?

A military mortgage for the FSB structure is now available in many credit organizations, but it is better to choose the largest of them, since there are branches in any year, and it will be easier to get a loan for a new building. The most significant participants in this area today are:

  1. Sberbank of Russia . This organization issues loans at 10.5% per annum, the loan must be finally repaid by the time you reach 45 years of age. The first installment will be at least 10% of the cost of the selected apartment. Sberbank does not charge additional commissions, the application will be considered for a long time up to 10 days.
  2. VTB24 offers a reduced interest rate: 8.7%. The loan amount is limited to 2.35 million rubles, the loan term should not exceed 25 years. The first installment will be 10%, there are no service fees.
  3. Gazprombank has been issuing military mortgage loans for a long time, the rate here is 10 %% for finished housing, for participation in shared construction it increases. The first installment is also 10%; when considering the application, a commission is charged from the borrower.

Any bank is required to property insurance, as the bank must minimize the risk of losses in the event of accidents, fires, explosions and some natural disasters. Additionally, it is recommended to insure the life and work ability of the borrower. The client must conclude an agreement with an insurance company, and he will have to pay the premiums himself.

Employees of some state services, such as the FSB, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, are officially equated with the military, so some of them have the right to purchase living space on a military mortgage. More recently, military mortgages were not available for FSB officers and other services - departmental housing was being built specifically for them. However, now military lending allows you to become happy owners of your own square meters and them.

Who can count on a mortgage

Initially, only contract servicemen and officers could join the NIS program. However, recently, some employees of other departments, such as the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Emergencies, can count on this privilege.

Upon joining the service, an employee of any of these special services must submit a report on his intention to join the NIS system and be able to purchase housing. From the moment the document is signed, an account is opened in the name of the employee, to which the funds due to him will be received. In three years, such savings will be enough to make the first installment on a military mortgage or pay some part of it. Credit contributions are paid not by the NIS system participant, but by the state.

The FSB provides military mortgage in full, that is, any employee of this department can buy housing on credit. Things are a little different in the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. On mortgage for the military, only employees of the SVF (paramilitary formations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations) and the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs can count. All the rest, unfortunately, do not fit the terms of the program.

Features of registration of a military mortgage for FSB employees

Eligibility military mortgage have all the FSB officers who came to the service not earlier than 2005, while it does not matter at all whether they own other real estate.

The advantages of military lending for FSB employees include:

  • The ability to choose the type of apartment, house, city district and even a region.
  • The possibility of buying a home already in the fourth year of service, and not after 20 years, as it was before.
  • The possibility of acquiring an apartment both in the secondary and in the primary real estate market, as well as the FSB officers have the right to buy housing in a house under construction or generally to purchase a private house with a land plot.

Features of military mortgages for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Military mortgage for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has its own characteristics. It boils down to receiving government subsidies for housing. To register it, an employee must meet the following parameters:

  • The length of service in the Internal Troops system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs must exceed 10 years.
  • An employee must necessarily need to improve living conditions, that is, he must be registered in an apartment that is either not suitable for living, or a seriously ill relative lives in it, or it is a communal-type apartment.

The military mortgage of the Ministry of Internal Affairs also applies to those employees who were transferred to the reserve upon reaching retirement age, as well as to family members of a police officer who died during execution.

The peculiarities of the social subsidy program include the fact that the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs must pay the mortgage debt exclusively at the expense of own funds... The state only helps them by allocating money to make the first payment for housing or to pay part of the debt on the already assumed obligations to credit institution.

Features of the military mortgage for the Ministry of Emergencies

A military mortgage for the Ministry of Emergencies involves the opening of accounts for employees of paramilitary rescue units. The rest of the employees of the Ministry have nothing to do with this program.

If the military mortgage of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs implies the payment of a one-time subsidy, then in the case of employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, things are different, because employees of paramilitary formations are equated with military personnel and therefore can take part in the accumulative lending system. However, there are still a few differences:

  • For employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, it takes only one week to complete a contract for the sale and purchase of an apartment or house, while servicemen have to wait a whole month.
  • A prerequisite obtaining a military mortgage for employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is health and life insurance, because these people are at risk every day.

EMERCOM employees who do not fall under the military mortgage program are provided with housing on other grounds.

Anna Frantsuzova

Reading time: 6 minutes


Employees of the FSB (as well as some other services, including the FSO, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Border Service, etc.), according to the law, also have the official status of military personnel. Accordingly, they have the right to participate in the NIS and to receive housing under the state program "military mortgage". What are the conditions for a military mortgage for FSB employees, and how to become a member of the NIS?

List of conditions for obtaining a "military mortgage" for FSB officers

For an FSB employee, participation in the NIS program begins with the submission of a report and then proceeds under the same conditions as for ordinary military personnel:

  • Loan contributions and the 1st installment is paid by Rosvoenipoteka.
  • The loan is issued taking into account its maturity at the time of dismissal from service.
  • under the NIS program available to every FSB officer who entered the service after 2005.
  • Housing ownership at the time of filing the report does not matter.
  • Maximum loan amount- 2.4 million rubles.
  • Region selection restrictions for the purchase of housing and the type of housing are absent.
  • There is no need to wait for dismissal- An FSB employee can become a member of the NIS after 3 years of service.
  • Adding personal savings is allowed and mate / capital for buying a more spacious home.
  • Selected the dwelling must comply and the requirements of the lender-bank, and the requirements of Rosvoenipoteka.
  • After the deal the ownership of the apartment belongs to the FSB officer but before full repayment loans, it remains under a double encumbrance - with the lender and Rosvoenipoteka.
  • Eligible Housing Options for the Program: participation in shared construction, new building or "secondary housing", in a townhouse or out of town (house, cottage).
  • Choice between the EDV and the mortgage.
  • Family composition, place of service / residence- do not matter.
  • Ownership will only belong to an FSB officer, an NIS participant.
  • Loan interest depend on the type of housing, as well as the age of the borrower - 9.75-11.25%.
  • Loan terms- from 3 years old to the moment when the FSB officer turns 45 years old.
  • 1st installment equal to 10th of the cost of housing. It is paid by the state, but the personal funds of the NIS participant can also be used.
  • Insurance, home appraisal, intermediary services and other costs are carried out from the pocket of the borrower.
  • Using personal funds in addition to the state subsidy, an FSB employee, like any NIS participant, has the right to tax deduction from spent personal savings.
  • If housing has already been purchased / received with the help of the state, then participation in the NIS program is impossible. It will also be impossible for those who were dismissed without good reason before re-signing the contract.

How to become a member of the "military mortgage" program for an FSB officer - step by step instructions

The scheme for buying a home for an FSB employee participating in NIS consists of several steps:

  • Submitting a report to participate in this state program.
  • Obtaining a certificate from Rosvoenipoteka to obtain a TsZhZ (abbrev. - target housing loan). The document is valid for 6 months.
  • Region selection purchase of housing and housing itself, in accordance with the requirements of Rosvoenipoteka.
  • Lender selection(the bank must be a partner of AHML).
  • Housing appraisal and due diligence.
  • Conclusion with the bank loan agreement (after housing approval).
  • Conclusion insurance contract from those insurers who are approved by the bank (more often from the partners of the bank).
  • Sending documents to Rosvoenzhilie for the subsequent registration of the TsZhZ.
  • Transfer of funds from the state to an open personal account of an FSB officer to pay the 1st installment.
  • Conclusion of an agreement with the seller ().
  • State registration of housing with a 2nd encumbrance in favor of the state and the creditor.
  • Transfer of funds from the account of the borrower, an employee of the FSB, to the account of the seller of housing.

In accordance with the government decree Russian Federation dated December 31, 2004 No. 909 "On the procedure for payment monetary compensation for the lease (sub-lease) of residential premises to servicemen - citizens of the Russian Federation who are doing military service under a contract, citizens of the Russian Federation who were dismissed from military service, and their family members "I order:

10. The Housing Commission of the Security Authority directs to financial and economic subdivision information on the provision to servicemen, family members of killed (deceased) servicemen receiving monetary compensation, office living quarters, residential premises under social employment contracts or in ownership, or subsidies for the acquisition or construction of residential premises, including subsidies for state housing certificates, or on the loss of grounds giving them the right to receive office premises, within three working days from the date of receipt of the specified information to terminate the payment of monetary compensation.

11. The documents that served as the basis for the payment of monetary compensation to servicemen and members of their families, family members of the killed (deceased) servicemen are stored in the financial and economic division of the security body until the payment of monetary compensation is terminated and the legality of the expenses incurred during audits and inspections of financial and economic activities of the security body.

12. In accordance with the procedure specified in this chapter, monetary compensation is also paid to servicemen who own individual residential houses (apartments), who are members of housing and construction (housing) cooperatives, as well as servicemen, for whom, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, living quarters are preserved. , in which they lived before entering military service, or living quarters are reserved when they are transferred to a new place of military service in another locality, if in this locality they are not provided with office living quarters or living space in a hostel.

III. Organization of payment of monetary compensation to citizens dismissed from military service and members of their families, family members of perished (deceased) citizens dismissed from military service

13. Payment of monetary compensation to citizens dismissed from military service and members of their families, as well as family members of perished (deceased) citizens dismissed from military service, is carried out at the expense and within the limits of the federal budget allocated by the FSB of Russia for the pension provision of citizens, dismissed from military service, in the amount, stipulated by the agreement lease (sublease) of a dwelling, concluded in writing, but no more than the size determined in the manner established by the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation.

14. Payment of monetary compensation to citizens dismissed from military service and members of their families, as well as family members of perished (deceased) citizens dismissed from military service, is carried out monthly by territorial security bodies at the place pension provision these citizens (at the place of residence of citizens dismissed from military service without the right to retire) on the basis of a conclusion on payment approved by the head of the territorial security body (to this Instruction).

The conclusion is drawn up by the financial and economic (pension) division and endorsed by the legal adviser of the territorial security body.

Payment of monetary compensation to citizens dismissed from military service and members of their families, as well as family members of perished (deceased) citizens dismissed from military service, is carried out for the past month, simultaneously with the payment of pension for the current month. Citizens dismissed from military service without the right to retire are paid monetary compensation for the past month.

15. The decision on the payment of monetary compensation to citizens dismissed from military service and registered as needing living quarters in the security agencies, and to their family members, is made on the basis of a citizen's application (to this Instruction), to which the following documents are attached:

a certificate from the housing commission of the security body on the inclusion of a serviceman and his family members in the list of military personnel (citizens) in need of residential premises (to this Instruction);

copies of passports of a citizen discharged from military service and his family members taken into account when calculating monetary compensation, with marks of registration at the place of residence (or attachment of a copy of the certificate of registration at the place of stay) and birth certificates of children under 14 years of age ...

16. The decision on the payment of monetary compensation to family members of the deceased (deceased) citizens dismissed from military service and registered as needing residential premises in the security agencies is made on the basis of an application by one of the adult family members of the deceased (deceased) citizen dismissed from military service, to which the following documents are attached:

a copy of the lease (sublease) agreement for residential premises, concluded in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

a certificate from the housing commission of the security body on the inclusion of a serviceman and his family members in the list of military personnel (citizens) in need of residential premises;

an extract from the order of the head, head of the security body on the exclusion of a serviceman from the lists of personnel of the security body, certified by the head (deputy head) of the personnel unit of the security body;

copies of passports of family members of a deceased (deceased) citizen dismissed from military service, taken into account when calculating monetary compensation, with marks of registration at the place of residence (or attaching a copy of the certificate of registration at the place of stay) and birth certificates of children under 14 years old age;

a copy of the death certificate of a citizen dismissed from military service.

17.At the application of a citizen dismissed from military service, one of the adult family members of a deceased (deceased) citizen dismissed from military service - the recipient of monetary compensation, the monetary compensation is transferred to the recipient's bank account opened in a branch (branch) of the bank on the territory of the Russian Federation, or postal order.

18. When calculating monetary compensation, the family members of a citizen dismissed from military service, included in the list of military personnel (citizens) in need of housing, are taken into account.

When calculating monetary compensation to family members of a deceased (deceased) citizen dismissed from military service, the composition of the family is taken into account on the date of death (death) of a citizen dismissed from military service.

19. When changing the composition of the family taken into account when calculating monetary compensation, receiving monetary compensation by family members doing military service (service) in the bodies that provide for the payment of monetary compensation, as well as when changing the actual costs of renting (sub-renting) a dwelling, payment of monetary compensation in new amounts is carried out from the date of occurrence these changes on the basis of the conclusion on the payment of monetary compensation for the lease (sub-lease) of residential premises, approved by the head of the territorial security agency.

The decision to change the amount of monetary compensation is made on the basis of an application by a citizen dismissed from military service, one of the adult family members of a deceased (deceased) citizen dismissed from military service - the recipient of monetary compensation, to which documents are attached confirming the occurrence of the circumstances specified in this item.

20. Payment of monetary compensation stops from the first day of the month following the month in which a citizen dismissed from military service, family members of a deceased (deceased) citizen dismissed from military service have lost the basis for receiving monetary compensation provided for by the Federal Law of May 27 1998 № 76-FZ "On the status of military personnel."

At the same time, the payment of monetary compensation to family members of perished (deceased) citizens dismissed from military service is carried out no more than within one year from the date of the death (death) of the breadwinner.

21. Security bodies, in which citizens dismissed from military service, and members of their families, family members of perished (deceased) citizens dismissed from military service, receiving monetary compensation, are registered as needing residential premises, notify the territorial security bodies carrying out the payment of monetary compensation, on the provision of residential premises to these citizens under social tenancy agreements or in ownership, or subsidies for the acquisition or construction of residential premises, including subsidies for state housing certificates, or their acquisition of residential premises on other grounds in accordance with the law Of the Russian Federation, or on the loss of grounds giving them the right to receive residential premises under social tenancy agreements or in ownership, or subsidies for the acquisition or construction of residential premises, including subsidies for state housing certificates, within three working days from the date of receipt specified x information by the housing commissions of the security agencies to stop the payment of monetary compensation.

22. The documents that served as the basis for the payment of monetary compensation to citizens dismissed from military service, and members of their families, family members of perished (deceased) citizens dismissed from military service are stored in the financial and economic (pension) division of the territorial security body until payment is terminated and verification of the legality of expenditures incurred in the course of inspections of pensions and social protection of citizens dismissed from military service.

23. The decision on the payment of monetary compensation to citizens dismissed from military service from the security agencies and taken before January 1, 2005 on record as organizations in need of housing by the authorized executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and their families, as well as members families of citizens dismissed from military service from security agencies, who were registered before January 1, 2005, as needing accommodation by organizations authorized by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and those killed (deceased) after dismissal from military service, is accepted on the basis of documents provided by the List uniform forms documents necessary for making a decision on the payment of monetary compensation for the lease (sublease) of residential premises to citizens of the Russian Federation who were dismissed from military service, and their family members, as well as family members of citizens dismissed from military service, registered in need of better housing conditions before January 1, 2005 in authorized bodies executive power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, organizations and those killed (deceased) after dismissal from military service, approved by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of June 16, 2005 No. 235 "On measures to implement in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation the resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2004 . No. 909 "(registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on July 21, 2005, registration No. 6819), as amended by orders of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 528 dated October 17, 2008 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on January 19, 2009, registration No. 13104) and dated May 27, 2016 No. 304 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on October 5, 2016, registration No. 43917).


* Inclusion in the lists of servicemen in need of office living quarters and lists of servicemen (citizens) in need of residential premises is carried out in accordance with the Rules for organizing work in the bodies of the federal security service to provide living quarters, approved by order of the FSB of Russia dated October 24, 2011 No. 590 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on December 27, 2011, registration No. 22763), as amended by order of the FSB of Russia dated May 23, 2013 No. 260 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on August 5, 2013, registration No. 29254).

** Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1998, No. 22, Art. 2331; 2000, No. 1 (Part II), Art. 12; No. 26, art. 2729; No. 33, art. 3348; 2001, no. 31, art. 3173; 2002, No. 1 (Part I), Art. 2; No. 19, art. 1794; No. 21, art. 1919; No. 26, art. 2521; No. 48, art. 4740; 2003, No. 46 (part I), art. 4437; 2004, no. 18, art. 1687; No. 30, art. 3089; No. 35, art. 3607; 2005, No. 17, Art. 1483; 2006, no. 1, art. 1; No. 6, art. 637; No. 19, art. 2062, art. 2067; No. 29, art. 3122; No. 31 (part I), art. 3452; No. 43, art. 4415; No. 50, art. 5281; 2007, No. 1 (part I), Art. 41; No. 2, art. 360; No. 10, art. 1151; No. 13, art. 1463; No. 26, art. 3086, art. 3087; No. 31, art. 4011; No. 45, art. 5431; No. 49, art. 6072; No. 50, art. 6237; 2008, no. 24, art. 2799; No. 29 (part I), art. 3411; No. 30 (Part II), Art. 3616; No. 44, art. 4983; No. 45, art. 5149; No. 49, art. 5723; No. 52 (part I), art. 6235; 2009, no. 7, art. 769; No. 11, art. 1263; No. 30, art. 3739; No. 52 (part I), art. 6415; 2010, no. 30, art. 3990; No. 50, art. 6600; 2011, no. 1, art. 16, art. thirty; No. 17, art. 2315; No. 46, art. 6407; No. 47, art. 6608; No. 51, art. 7448; 2012, no. 25, art. 3270; No. 26, art. 3443; No. 31, art. 4326; No. 53 (part I), art. 7613; 2013, no. 27, art. 3462, art. 3477; No. 43, art. 5447; No. 44, art. 5636, art. 5637; No. 48, art. 6165; No. 52 (part I), art. 6970, 2014, No. 6, Art. 558; No. 23, art. 2930; No. 45, art. 6152; No. 48, art. 6641; 2015, No. 17 (part IV), Art. 2472; No. 29 (part I), art. 4356; No. 51 (part III), art. 7241; 2016, no. 7, art. 908; No. 27 (part I), art. 4160, art. 4192.

Appendix No. 1
to Instructions (,)


Manager (chief) _________________

(military rank, signature,

initials and surname)


on the payment of monetary compensation for the lease (sublease) of a dwelling

premises ______ rubles.

The conclusion was:

economic unit)

(Back side)

(military rank, surname and initials of a soldier)

Chief Financial Officer ___________ _______________________

economic unit (signature) (initials and surname)

Appendix No. 2
to Instructions ()

To the manager (chief)


(name of the security body)


(military rank, surname, name and patronymic

(if any) soldier)


(if any) family members of a soldier, dates of birth of children)

monetary compensation for the lease (sub-lease) of a dwelling,

located at: _______________________________________________

My family and I arrived at our new military service.

(registered at the place of residence or place of stay) _____________

I and my family members are included in the list of military personnel in need

in office living quarters, _____________________

federal executive bodies or federal state

I attach the following documents to the report:



(military position)

______________________________ ___________ __________________________

(military rank) (signature) (initials, surname)

Appendix No. 3
to Instructions (,)

(military rank, surname, name and patronymic (if any),


serviceman position)

(name of the security body)

dated ___ _________ ____ (protocol No. _________) he and his family members ____


(degree of relationship, surname, name and patronymic (if any) of members


family of a soldier, dates of birth of children)

included in the list of military personnel in need of service housing

premises (for family members of the deceased (deceased) military personnel - to the list

military personnel (citizens) in need of living quarters)

from ___ _________ ____

At the disposal of _____________________________________________________

(name of the security body)

living quarters suitable for permanent or temporary

residence of __________________________________________ and his family members,

(military rank, surname and initials


there is none.

__________________________________ ___________ ______________________

№ ______________

Appendix No. 4
to Instructions (,)


Boss ________________________________




(military rank, signature,

initials and surname)


on the payment of monetary compensation for the lease (sublease) of a dwelling

Pay ________________________________________________________

dismissed from military service)

monetary compensation for the lease (sublease) of a dwelling,

located at: _______________________________________________

According to the lease (sublease) agreement of the dwelling

from ____ ____________ ____ in the amount of ________ (________________________

_________________________________________________________________) rubles

from ___ _________ ____ until ___ _________ ____

The calculation of monetary compensation was carried out based on the composition of the family ____

human, normative total area living space ____________ sq. meters

and the marginal cost of hiring (sublease) 1 sq. meters of total living area

premises ______ rubles.

The conclusion was:

_________________________________ ___________ _______________________

(employee position financial- (signature) (initials and surname)

economic (retirement)


Chief Financial Officer ___________ _______________________


(Back side)

Payment of monetary compensation for the lease (sublease) of a dwelling


(surname and initials of a citizen dismissed from military service)

from ___ _________ ____ in connection with _______________________________________


Chief Financial Officer ___________ _______________________

economic (pension) (signature) (initials and surname)


Appendix No. 5
to Instructions ()

To the chief _______________________________



territorial security agency)


(military rank, surname and initials)


1998 No. 76-FZ "On the status of military personnel" I ask you to consider the issue of

paying me _____________________________________________________________

(last name, first name and patronymic (if any) of the citizen,

dismissed from military service)

and my family members _____________________________________________________

(degree of relationship, surname, name and patronymic


(if any) family members of a citizen dismissed from military service,

dates of birth of children)

monetary compensation for the lease (sub-lease) of a dwelling,

located at: _______________________________________________

The lease (sublease) agreement of the dwelling was concluded by _________________

I and my family members are included in the list of military personnel (citizens),

in need of living quarters, _____________________

Dismissed from military service (excluded from the lists of the personnel of the

security) _____________

The actual amount of payment for the living quarters is

Rubles per month.

On the change in the composition of the family taken into account when calculating the monetary

compensation, receiving monetary compensation by family members in other

federal executive bodies or federal state

authorities, as well as changes in the actual costs of renting (sub-renting) residential

I undertake to inform the premises within five days.

I attach the following documents to the application:


___________ __________________________

(signature) (initials, surname)

Appendix No. 6
to Instructions (,)

Given _______________________________________________________________

(last name, first name and patronymic (if any) of the citizen,

dismissed from military service)

that by the decision of the housing commission ___________________________________

(name of the security body)

dated ___ _________ ____ (protocol No. __________) he and his family members ___


(degree of relationship, surname, name and patronymic (if any) of family members


citizen dismissed from military service, date of birth of children)

included in the list of military personnel (citizens) in need of residential

premises, from ___ _________ ____

The certificate is given to resolve the issue of payment of monetary compensation for

lease (sub-lease) of a dwelling.

Chairman of the Housing Commission

__________________________________ ____________ _____________________

(name of the security body) (signature) (surname and initials)

№ __________________

Document overview

A new instruction was approved on the organization of payment in the bodies of the federal security service of monetary compensation for renting (sub-renting) housing.

This is due to the fact that the Government of the Russian Federation has changed general rules payments of monetary compensation for renting (subletting) housing to Russian military contractors, Russians dismissed from military service and members of their families. In particular, it was found that compensation is paid in the amount of actual expenses, but not higher than the amount determined based on the standard for the total area of ​​housing and the marginal cost of rent (sublease) 1 sq. m of such an area.

Some procedures have been revised.

  • 1 Reorganization of the FSB into the MGB
  • 2 What other changes will take place?
  • 3 Complete replacement of the management team
    • 3.1 Video about the reform:
  • 4 Housing subsidy for the FSB
  • 5 Raising salaries for FSB employees

As reported latest news, in 2018 the Federal Security Service is expecting significant changes. According to preliminary information, it is planned to include several additional subdivisions in its structure. In particular, such as:

Changes in the FSB in 2018 are designed to significantly increase the degree of efficiency of management of the power structures of the Russian Federation, completely eradicate such a negative phenomenon as corruption, as well as bring it to a qualitatively new level defense of the country.

Forum for Mutual Legal Assistance of Servicemen


So, for example, the FSO from 2018 will function as a personal presidential security service. That is, under the control of the FSB will get special communications, security, as well as personal transport services for absolutely all the highest officials country.

What other changes will happen? In addition to the above, the MGB of the Russian Federation will be endowed with a number of other important functions that the FSB has not previously performed. So, for example, next year it is planned that this body will carry out not only the function of ensuring criminal cases, but also supervision over them.
That is, the reform of the FSB in 2018 will make such changes that this body will receive the status of the head office. He will handle all the "high-profile" criminal cases, as well as cases of particular importance.
Currently, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Investigative Committee are engaged in this.

Russian presidential elections 2018

Federal Law the size of the social pension of disabled citizens is set at the rate of 5034 rubles. 25 kopecks, therefore, military pensioners from among the persons specified in subparagraphs "a" - "g" and "i" of subparagraph 1 of paragraph 1 of Article 2 of the Federal Law "On Veterans", as well as veterans of military operations from among the persons specified in subparagraphs 1 - 4 of paragraph 1 of Article 3 of the Federal Law "On Veterans" will receive from January 1, 2018 a military pension with an increase of 1,610 rubles. 96 kopecks From January 1, 2018, Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 19, 2016 N 444-FZ, paragraph 5 of Article 23.1 of the Federal Law "On Veterans" is set forth in new edition, according to which “The size of the monthly cash payment is subject to indexation once a year from February 1 of the current year based on the growth index consumer prices for the previous year.
The indexation coefficient is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation. "

Moscow 2018 where FSB gives permanent housing


The department has absorbed most of the divisions of the internal affairs bodies and, without exception, all the internal troops of the country. In addition, the Federal Migration Service and the Federal Drug Control Service were liquidated.

Their tasks came under the control of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Distribution of powers Some suggest that a merger with the FSO and other bodies in 2018 would effectively transform the FSB into the KGB, which existed during the Soviet era until 1991.

Thus, the FSO will take over the tasks of ensuring presidential security. The functional of the body will also include transport services for officials and the management of special communications.

A whole range of tasks will be assigned to the MGB, which has not been previously carried out by any department.

Types of FSB subsidies for the purchase of housing for employees of the department

The specific procedure for obtaining them will need to be clarified in the authorized bodies, that is, in the regional housing commissions. Experts recommend preparing the basis for receiving a Housing Subsidy by FSB employees in 2018, because it will be necessary to send requests to the local offices of the UKS so that they check the relevant documents, indicators, and also include the candidate for this type of subsidy in the list. The right to receive a housing subsidy from the FSB in 2018 will be vested in those persons who have served in it for at least 10 and no more than twenty years in a row, as well as employees of this body dismissed to the reserve, family members of the dead or deceased employees of the Ministry of State Security. subsidies to employees of the FSB (MGB) in 2018 will be accepted housing commission.
It should be noted that the preparations for the reorganization of the FSB next year were carried out successfully. By order of the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, the so-called Rosgvardia was created, which included the internal troops of Russia, as well as the overwhelming majority of the state internal affairs bodies.

In addition, such a body as the Federal Service for the Control over the Trafficking of Narcotic Drugs was liquidated. Their functions from next year will also be carried out by the FSB.

Reorganization of the FSB into the MGB As mentioned above, the MGB (as the FSB will be called from next year) will include such units as the SVR and a number of FSO units. That is, there is a clear analogy with such an organization as the Committee State Security Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

Provision of housing subsidies to servicemen of the FSB in 2018


However, the form of its provision will be radically different from the current one. This is mainly due to the fact that service in the FSB (MGB) is characterized by a high level of danger.

The size of the housing subsidy for employees of this state structure it is planned to increase in connection with the reduction of the level of corruption in the special services. Housing subsidies for employees of such a body as the FSB (MGB) will be provided in a centralized manner.

The limits of this type of payments are currently not subject to disclosure. For this reason, their approval will take place according to the rates of each specific division of this government body... It should also be noted that in addition to the FSB (MGB) employees themselves, members of their families will be able to act as recipients of the housing subsidies they are entitled to in 2018.

FSB reform in 2018: changes

From the speeches of the President of the Russian Federation at the meetings of the board of the FSB: - April 2014: "... we have generally completed the work on providing the personnel of the FSB with permanent housing ..."; - March 2015: "... The issue of permanent housing has been practically resolved ..."; - February 2016: "... in 2015, 98 departmental houses were put into operation ..." and the conversation about permanent housing was no longer going on; - in 2017, such a question was not mentioned. The President is being misled. I am in the queue for housing in military unit 44231 at number 92, there are almost 100 people in line, while in military unit 44231 there are about 300 servicemen in total. I have a question - will I live until the state fulfills its obligations and provides me with housing or a housing subsidy !!!? I ask you to take measures to eliminate injustice and violation of my rights, the rights of other employees of the FSB of the Russian Federation, determined by the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

FSB reform and changes in 2018

The minutes of its meeting are provided to absolutely all candidates within three working days from the date of the decision. Those candidates in respect of whom a decision was made to refuse to issue this type of subsidies, the housing commission, according to the norms of the current legislation, is not obliged to notify. Claim for refusal for a one-time submission of documents to this case it is absolutely pointless to present, because the housing commission considers only those claims that were presented by long-awaited employees Federal Service Security of the Russian Federation. Or those of them who are presented for a reward. Salary increase for FSB employees According to preliminary information, employees of the FSB (MBG) of the Russian Federation in 2018 will also be increased wage... However, this increase will not be significant at all.
Happy New Year 2018 to everyone! We wish you success, prosperity and a peaceful sky in the New Year! What changes are expected in 2018 in the legal status of military personnel and citizens dismissed from military service (military pensioners)? From January 1, 2018, the salaries of military personnel have been increased by 4%. See Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 21, 2017 N 1598 "On increasing monetary allowance servicemen and employees of some federal executive bodies ”. Considering that according to Federal law dated 05.12.2017 N 362-FZ "O federal budget for 2018 and for the planning period of 2019 and 2020 ”, the following increase in monetary allowances is provided for from October 1, 2019 by 4 percent and from October 1, 2020.

Housing for FSB employees in 2018

Everything office space issued for short-term possession at the time of execution job responsibilities... However, for the border service, a housing subsidy for FSB FSB officers can be issued in 2018. Is it possible to privatize departmental housing this moment Since then, the legislation allows for the possibility of transferring to the private ownership of official housing. Advantage available the following persons meeting the following criteria:

  1. Service in military sphere not less than 20 years.
  2. Terminated service due to reaching the age limit.
  3. Suspended from duties due to medical advice and recognition partially or completely unfit for their further implementation.

Calculator of subsidies for military personnel for the purchase of housing in 2017-2018 The online calculator allows you to calculate the approximate amount of state support.

This step was approved back in 2014 and enshrined in the relevant law due to the termination of funding. Updating the Ministry of Defense It is believed that the Ministry of Defense will ultimately only benefit from the reforms and the abolition of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, because it will be transferred to:

  • fire services;
  • rescue units;
  • civil defense troops.

Most likely, the rescue and emergency departments of the liquidated ministry will also come under the patronage of the Ministry of Defense.

But the State Fire Inspection will go to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, to which it already belonged before. Change of leadership Changes planned in the FSB in 2018 will definitely affect the heads of law enforcement agencies.

As the reform is implemented, the authorities intend to remove from work many bosses who have performed poorly during their careers.

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