
Protocol of the Housing Commission Sample. Recognition of illegal decision of the Housing Commission (example). What is the minutes of the Commission meeting

Tips for lawyers:

1. How long is the protocol of the Housing Commission on the recognition of a family in need of housing?

1.1. The decision of the Housing Commission on the recognition of the validity of the life-needing period does not have a validity. It acts as long as not canceled.

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2. I was a serviceman to me the minutes rejected by the Housing Commission My family refusal came to me one recognized because I was spelled out by the test right now, I can restore through the court.

2.1. Hello, without learning a refusal to correctly respond to your question, it is not possible.
At the same time, you have the right to challenge the refusal in the garrison military court within 3 months from the date of familiarization with him.

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3. My family of 5 people are prescribed all in 47 squares of a two-bedroom apartment. I want to get an extract from the minutes of the meeting of the Housing Commission on recognizing us in need of expanding the conditions of housing, the Kamchatka Territory of the Ust-Bolsheretsky district of S. Us-Bolsheverk, Lazareva Ksenia, thanks.

3.1. See the rules of recognition as needing in the improvement of housing conditions in your municipality and registration. If this rules are not provided for such issuance - only through the court, in the case of a dispute, you can get.

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4. Where to apply for us that a person would attract responsibility for fake minutes of general houses in MK and fake signatures of owners who allegedly agree with the transition to another, company. We are tired of collecting meetings and signatures, about that. What we do not go to another company and send documents to the Housing Commission. So we will fly former, eldest around the house, for that. that it was re-elected. Thank you with respect the owners of the MK.

4.1. You can go to the police or to the prosecutor's office, its actions fall under Article 327 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation forge, the manufacture or sale of fake documents, state awards, stamps, seals, blanks. Good luck to you.

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5. He appealed to Joe for advice on housing subsidy. Checked my documents, they say you at all in the database and in the list of needy. I say how so I have a protocol meeting of the Housing Commission, where I recognized as needing in 2008. I wrote a statement to Joe's chief with a request to explain the situation, put a copy of the minutes of the meeting of the Housing Commission. Waiting for an answer. Can they refuse? Maybe through the court? Who to serve? Did not the limitation period?

5.1. In case of a written refusal, you have the right to appeal in court in accordance with the requirements of current legislation.

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5.2. You have the right to apply to the court, if they respond to refusal. You need a document that allows you to go to court, so you need to wait for a written response from Joe.

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6. The Housing Commission sent a notice of drawing up a protocol on an administrative offense. Should the inspector first send a warning to eliminate the violation?

6.1. If your actions have an administrative offense, an authorized officer has the right to draw up a protocol on an administrative offense in order to attract administrative responsibility.

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7. 01/31/2017 The Housing Commission of the OVD sent me the minutes of the meeting of the Commission, which indicates that I was removed from the queue.

7.1. Dear Vladimir
Write a statement to the Commission and ask to specify the reasons how they will appeal to the court.

Good luck to you and your loved ones.

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7.2. 01/31/2017 The Housing Commission of the OVD sent me the minutes of the meeting of the Commission, which indicates that I was removed from the queue.
How long can I file a lawsuit for the protection of your rights?

During the month, challenge the decision in court in accordance with CAS. In order not to do nonsense - contact a lawyer.


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8. Please how to appeal the decision of the Housing Commission on the refusal to register as in need of a social benefit on housing? It is necessary to contact the Zamoskvoretsky District Court of Moscow. We live in Saratov. In the hands, we have an extract from the protocol on the refusal due to the insufficiency of the documents submitted, namely the discharge from the housebook and the copy of the financial personal account. I consider the refusal unlawful. Sincerely, Natalia.

8.1. You can file a complaint and attach a petition about the consideration of the case into your absence, it will be an administrative lawsuit.

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8.2. You can appeal within 3 months from the date of receiving failure. For competent appeal, it is better to turn to a lawyer for drawing up a statement in court.

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9. The documents submitted to the court prove that the protocol is only named OSS. And in fact there is no evidence that the owners voted. None of the register of owners, nor a sheet with signatures on receiving bulletins, etc. In the LCD RF. It is indicated how to conduct (notifications, the contents of the passport bulletin, retinue. About the own., Report of the Counting Commission ...) This is not. It is possible to conclude without sweaters for documents. I believe that the one who submitted the protocol must prove.

9.1. Proves in court always the one who claims. In this case, the testimony of witnesses is required.

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9.2. Proves the side that it is necessary.

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10. In 1992, they received an extract from the Protocol of the Housing Committee on the opening of personal accounts for an apartment in Barack. They are spelled out there. Currently we collect a package of documents on the recognition of an emergency apartment. The interdepartmental commission on housing insists that we signed the contract of social park. We do not want. Square apartment 22 square meters. Family of three. Is it possible not to enter into an agreement?

10.1. The interdepartmental commission on housing insists that we signed the contract of social park. We do not want. The area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment is 22kv. Family of three. Is it possible not to enter into an agreement?
--- If you refuse to enter into a social contract. You do not hold housing at all on the recognition of his emergency! You may not conclude a contract of social machine and do not get anything at all.

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11. I ask you to pay a one-time social payment for the improvement of housing space, recognized as in need according to Protocol No. 18 of the Central Housing Commission of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Omsk Region of September 30, 2013.

Tell me correctly wrote a lawsuit.

11.2. If the claim consists of 4 lines you specified, then incorrectly. In order to say about the claim, you need to see a lawsuit. A number of requirements specified in the Code of Civil Procedure are made to the claim. If the requirements are observed, then the claim is written correctly.
Yours faithfully

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12. I stand in line for improving housing conditions and recently there was a meeting of the Housing Commission for the consideration of my case. Do I have the right to receive an extract from the minutes of the meeting?

12.1. Do I have the right to receive an extract from the minutes of the meeting?

Yes, you have the right to get an extract

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13. Please tell me how to write a protocol of the Housing Commission for the provision of housing if the queue 2 candidates and housing should be provided with 1 person. Thank you!

13.1. Do you work in this housing commission?!

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Consultation on your issue

call with urban and mobile free throughout Russia

14. Worked in Vodokanal. In 1982 he received a service square. According to the minutes of the meeting of the housing and consumer commission during the district executive committee. This means that the sq. Switched to the balance of the enterprise Vodokanal?

14.1. Participate in the privatization of your apartment. And your own own. Good luck.

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14.2. You as a citizen of Russia have the right to participate in the privatization of residential premises. You have worked for 32 years in Vodokanal. You must allow the privatization of the apartment to your property. How much will you live in a service apartment.
Contact your administration in writing, who has an apartment on the balance sheet. Let it give a written refusal and then contact the court with the privatization of the apartment. Will write questions. Good luck.

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15. If there is a meeting of the meeting of the housing commission and the number of the queue, it must necessarily give it or even if the law does not act that do not get it or how and what to find out what a queue receives at this time no one knows where to find out.

15.1. Vyacheslav, good morning! It is impossible to answer your question. Can I formulate it specifically?

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16. Is the privatization of the apartment possible if there is no social contract? Hire, but only an extract from the Protocol of the Housing Commission, confirming the personal account for citizens living in the apartment.

16.1. No, you will first have to conclude a contract of social. hiring.

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17. Please what to do in this situation? I decided to privatize the apartment in Rostov on the Don, which received when dismissal from explosives. Ministry of Internal Affairs 2 years ago by health. When submitting documents, I demanded a petition from the commander of the part for privatization and minutes of the meeting of the Housing Commission. Part of the successor in Grozny is disbanded. I myself live in the Moscow region, there is no possibility to leave for health. Privatization is engaged in a trustee.

17.1. Arrive the actions of the Jptizf in court. To make privatization, you must provide a certain list of documents enshrined by law. The accommodation you were granted in connection with the dismissal as a state of health from the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, therefore, you are entitled to privatize it without a comfit person. In obligatory should be concluded by the Social Agreement.

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18. Is it possible to use FZ №215 from 30.12.04 in terms of chapter 4? Because There is no information about the counting commission in the LCD of the Russian Federation or can other regulatory documents be applied? It is necessary for the trial, because The judge ordered us to prove, the protocol of the counting commission should be when conducting a meeting in the ZhSK in a correspondence form (although Article 117 of the LCD does not establish such a form of meeting, if there are no changes in the Charter of the ECC, and the correspondence form only in HOA-for LCD RF) . Thank you.

18.1. Hskh lives and works in its charter.
If some norms in the Charter are not spelled out, then in accordance with Article 6 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, civil laws regulating similar relations (the analogy of the law) applies to these relations.
In your case, if the meeting in correspondence in correspondence is not provided by the charter, then you are required to hold meetings only in the form that is recorded in the Charter, until your charter adds additions on the form of a meeting.
The analogy of law, in your case, is not allowed. If this is not included in your charter.

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19. In 2011, the house burned down, the measures promised to the apartment, but still did not give, the first one stand on the line. This year, the Housing Commission signed the Protocol for the Allocation of Apartments to me, but measures did not sign, but allocated this apartment to another person. What should I do in this situation.

19.1. Call the decision to the court. From garlic

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20. The situation is as follows: according to the Protocol of the Housing Commission Citizen N. was distributed a service apartment, she received the keys on the basis of the act and signed the obligation to pay utilities and the rent. The contract of hiring for unknown reasons was not decorated. It was legitimately the accrual of utility services and rent, how to evict this citizen from the occupied apartment?

20.1. LCD envisaged that communal services are paid by the person living in the apartment and it does not matter whether a contract was concluded, only to get such a fee need to go to court and prove the fact of residence of this citizen, and only then evict this citizen for the debt.

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21. The Military Prosecutor has been protest to the minutes of the meeting of the Housing Commission, the question of recovery of citizens' lists was raised for consideration, which were removed from the queue 10 years ago. Is the right prosecutor makes protests on the minutes of the meeting of the LCD (not a legal act), as this protest appeal and where. Thank you.

21.1. The prosecutor has the right to bring a protest not only to an illegal legal act, but also any illegal action of an official if they do not comply with the law, contradict the requirements of Art. 23 and 28 FZ "On the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation.
Higher prosecutor is not endowed with the right of protest the final decision on the validity of the position of one or another prosecutor can only bear the court.

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22. Tell me whether the issuance of the viewing order and a copy of the meeting of the meeting of the Housing Commission the basis for settlement in the apartment?
Thank you so much.

22.1. No, the basis for settlement (and the conclusion of a social hire agreement) is only a warrant.

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23. Please how to be in such a situation, my wife and three children in August moved to another region in the countryside. In early October, an inspector for juvenile affairs came, said it is necessary to inspect the house where minors live. I looked around, I said everything is good but you need to buy furniture - that every child has a specialized childhood. The furniture was immediately bought. The next time the inspector entered without a knock into the house, examined the furniture said that good and left. On the third arrival, again without a knock joined the house, demanded to wake a wife after a night shift and got to write protocols at Part 1 of Article 5.35 of the Administrative Code. The base is partially not a white oven (after repair) and poorly sweetered floor. You may not have ride the commission, you are a young family and we still will help you. In the protocols, we indicated that we disagree. Arriving at the commission PDN found out that in addition to not swept on the floor, it is indicated that children are dirty, underwear are dirty, antisanitary, smell of sharpness, etc. Due to the lack of inspector, the meeting was transferred. Yesterday, a commission came from 7 people accounted for an act of surveys of housing conditions, violations were not found. Today it was the second meeting, the defender attracted, he requested the case file and postponed the meeting. It turned out that the inspector after signing by us of the protocols into empty strings added about dirty children, etc., and neither the children neither the lingerie looked. The chairman of the commission behind the door straightly said that "I don't care how your children live, but we will protect our inspector." Please advise how to act further in this situation? I just considering the photo of the Act of Housing Conditions that it is recommended that we are registered as a HOA, how so without our notification, it is possible to record and whether it is possible to appeal.

23.1. Of course you can appeal, you have such a law based on the law. To answer more correctly, you need to explore the procedural documents.

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24. There is such a problem.
... was included in the OMON lists at the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic ... to improve housing conditions from June 08, 1998, on the basis of Protocol No. 15 of the meeting of the Housing and Household Commission of the Militia Detachment for the Ministry of Internal Affairs ...
By the decision of the meeting of the Central Housing Commission of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic ..., Extract from Protocol No. 21 of December 11, 2017, ... was removed from the accounting of citizens who need residential premises, on the basis of paragraph 5 of Part 1 of Article.56 of the LCD RF.
And this problem is not only for me. The other day the court and the judge took place on the same basis, made a refusal.

24.1. 1. Citizens are removed from the accounting as needing residential premises in the case of:
5) granting them in the prescribed manner from the state authority or local government of the land plot for the construction of a residential building, with the exception of citizens who have three or more children;

You did not provide land?

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25. Federal Law "On the status of military personnel" from 27.05.1998 N 76-ФЗ

Article 15. The right to housing

Citizens to citizens provided for the entire service life of service residential premises and recognized in need of residential premises, to achieve the total duration of military service 20 years and more, and when dismissing from military service to achieve the limit age at military service, as of health reaches or in connection with organizational and staff activities with the total duration of military service of 10 years and a federal executive body or the federal state body in which the Federal Law provides for military service, housing subsidy or residential premises are provided in federal property, on the choice of these citizens. in the property for free or under a social hiring agreement with the indicated federal executive authority or the federal state body for the elected permanent residence and in accordance with the norms of providing the area of \u200b\u200bresidential premises provided for in Article 15.1 of this Federal Law. Help decipher the phrase "Housing subsidy or residential premises" and the specific word "or".
Who ultimately decides to give the military? Does he choose or the resident decides in the end? For example, the military asks for the apartment, and he instead give subsidy or vice versa?

Order of the FSB of Russia of 15.10.2014 N 587 "On approval of the procedure for providing a subsidy for the acquisition or construction of a residential premises to citizens to citizens of the Russian Federation, held by military service under the contract in the federal security authorities, and their families"

1. In order to determine the needs of the Federal Security Service of Russia and the Federal Security Service (hereinafter referred to as security agencies) in cash for granting subsidies for the acquisition or construction of residential premises (hereinafter - housing subsidy) and accounting for military personnel - citizens of the Russian Federation specified in the third paragraphs and the twelfth of paragraph 1 of Article 15 of the Federal Law of May 27, 1998 N 76-FZ "On the status of military personnel" (hereinafter - the law), held military service under the contract of security bodies, and jointly living with them of their families recognized as needing residential premises, and provided by residential premises in the form of providing a housing subsidy, to provide them with a housing subsidy, the Housing Commission of the Security Authority (hereinafter - the Housing Commission), a decision is made, which is issued by the minutes of the meeting of the Housing Commission in accordance with Appendix No. 1. This decision in the form of properly certified extracts from the meeting of the meeting of housing Commission is issued or sent by the Housing Commission a serviceman no later than 3 working days from the date of this decision. Again the phrase "The Housing Commission is made decision," that is, if I understand correctly, the military is recognized as needed housing (in accordance with Art. 51 LCD), chooses a selected place (on the map of our Motherland), where he wants to put roots, and Already getting an apartment or money - it decides not he, and the Commission?
Roughly I ask the apartment in the city of N, the Commission says me to take money and is free, decides to pay me subsidies. Is it possible to appeal a solution to a legitimate way and get an apartment? Or is it useless to bother?

25.1. Federal Law "On the status of military personnel" of 27.05.1998 N 76-FZ in Art. 15 refer to the fact that the soldier can choose. Those. He decides. You can appeal the decision in court. It is your right. There is no sense in this indefinitely.

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25.2. Federal Law "On the status of servicemen" from 27.05.1998 N 76-ФЗ

Article 15. The right to housing

Citizens to citizens provided for the entire service life of service residential premises and recognized in need of residential premises, to achieve the total duration of military service 20 years and more, and when dismissing from military service to achieve the limit age at military service, as of health reaches or in connection with organizational and staff activities with the total duration of military service of 10 years and a federal executive body or the federal state body in which the Federal Law provides for military service, housing subsidy or residential premises are provided in federal property, on the choice of these citizens. in the property for free or under a social hiring agreement with the indicated federal executive authority or the federal state body for the elected permanent residence and in accordance with the norms of providing the area of \u200b\u200bresidential premises provided for in Article 15.1 of this Federal Law.

The law states that housing subsidy or residential premises are provided. Or something else. The Housing Commission cannot solve the issue in spite of the will of the serviceman, of course, takes into account his desire. The soldier himself decides, and in the future it is already sharing in solving the commission.
Order of the FSB of Russia of 15.10.2014 N 587 "On approval of the procedure for providing a subsidy for the acquisition or construction of a residential premises to citizens to citizens of the Russian Federation, held by military service under the contract in the federal security authorities, and their families"

The military personnel is adopted, Art. 51 LCD of the Russian Federation, chooses a place where he wants to live, and the housing commission decides, but on the basis of the statement and desire of the most serviceive.
If the Housing Commission decides not to comply with your statement, your will and thus violates your rights and legitimate interests you, of course, can appeal to such a decision.

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25.3. In order to give you an apartment, it should be available. It may not be. If there is an apartment, then you have to offer it. If not, then the subsidy is paid in accordance with the above standard Art. 15 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On the status of servicemen."

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25.4. Well, you carefully read the law - it is also directly told in Article 15 of the Federal Law "On the status of servicemen", which is provided by a subsidy or residential premises. for the choice of a citizen. What to choose, then they must provide, just here the question is different - what can be obtained before, since the queue is different everywhere.

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25.5. Article 15 of the Federal Law on the status of military personnel says:, housing subsidy or residential premises are provided in federal property, on choosing these citizens Property for free or under a social hiring agreement with a federal executive authority or a federal state body in a selected permanent place of residence and in accordance with the provision of residential space
Based on the setled servicemen, a subsidy or residential premises is provided. The words "by choice" belong to residential premises in federal property. That is, the soldier of choice solves accommodation in property for free or under the social contract
And what to provide a serviceman subsidy or housing-solves the Commission If she decided that housing is applied here
The same sense is also laid in the order of the FSB of Russia of 15.10.2014 N 587 "On approval of the procedure for providing a subsidy for the acquisition or construction of residential premises to citizens to citizens of the Russian Federation, undergoing military service under the contract of the Federal Security Service and members of their families"
The Commission decides the issue of granting a subsidy.

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25.6. You have the right to choose to provide the finished apartment built at the expense of the Ministry of Defense or. Payment of money subsidy. You are decided, but if you ask the apartment in the city of N, then you really will be a subsidy, because it is not at all necessary. That the city will be distribution.
Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated September 30, 2010 No. 1280 (Ed. Dated November 30, 2017) "On the provision of residential premises of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation under a social hiring agreement and official residential premises"
Notifications on the distribution of residential premises are sent by the Department of Service. In the case of the consent of military personnel and members of their families with the receipt of distributed residential premises, in a five-day period from the date of receipt of the notice, the corresponding consent is sent to the authorized body and within thirty days are submitted to the Department of Documents specified in paragraph 13 of the Instruction.

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26. Dear colleagues lawyers! Please tell me what to do in this situation? Two protocols in a row on an administrative offense were drawn up on the son 1. For controlling the vehicle (scooter) with non-working low headlights, 2. for managing the vehicle with a non-working rear stop signal. He has the right to management of the vehicle. The day before drawing up the protocol, I bought it (scooter) 50 cu. And we knew that the Middle Light was not working, so I agreed to repair a hundred to eliminate this malfunction, knowing that the driver had the right to move with the non-working parts of the vehicle to eliminate the service station. 2. The protocol says that when you press the right handle of the manual brake, the stop signal does not work! This is the divorce of traffic police full of minors! This model of the scooter and all practically motorcycles do not work the rear stop signal from the front right hand brake! It works only from the foot brake! We, as parents were not notified and was not present in the preparation of protocols. The staff did not introduce themselves, they asked all the documents on the scooter and began to conduct it on the compliance of passport data on the TC, provided by the Son.
At the moment, the PD Commission is going, why it is not clear! The class teacher warned that she would come with checking our housing conditions! It seems that the enemy of the people is some kind! What to do in this situation? I ask for help.

26.1. You do not need to look for free remote consultation, but it is necessary to search for any lawyer with existing protocols and other documents, and invite a lawyer to the PD meeting, after providing a power of attorney.

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27. I appeal to you for help in solving my apartment issue.
Rose into the Crimea, after graduating from school, the Institute of Ground Forces was entered in the Odessa Order of Lenin. After graduation was distributed to the State Border Service of Ukraine. From July 21, 2004 to 02/13/2012, the service was held in the Simferopol Border Council of the State Border Service of Ukraine. From 24.04.2012 to 07/31/2013 held military service in the Donetsk border detachment of the State Border Service of Ukraine, Marupol. 07/31/2013 From where he was dismissed from the actual military service to a reserve for health state (based on the conclusion of a military medical commission). After dismissal from military service, returned home to the Crimea and stood up for military registration and an apartment queue at the Feodosian military registration and enlistment office (Protocol No. 29 dated 12.03.2014). Leader is 13 years old. Military title - Major. After the occurrence of Crimea, the Russian Federation received a pension certificate of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, I receive a disability pension, also received a temporary certificate instead of the military ticket of an officer of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (a military ID should soon be issued).
During the passage period, the residential premises was not provided.
The area has repeatedly appealed to the South region, to the Office of Capital Construction of the FSB of the Russian Federation, everywhere received a refusal to solve my housing issue.
I was very hoping for a solution to the issue of the Government of the Russian Federation, but with the release of the President of the Russian Federation No. 116 of 03.22.2018, "Not at Affairs" remained again. It concerns only military personnel fired with the military units deployed on the territory of the Crimea about what I was informed, while orally from the ministry of housing and communal services of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
1) Do I have the right to provide for use of dwellings as a soldier?
2) Where should I see for the provision of such a right?

I will be very grateful if you direct in the right direction. Major reserve Zolotarev Alexander Gennadevich.

27.1. 1. Unfortunately, you do not have this right, because You do not meet the criteria specified in Art. 15 FZ on the status of servicemen.
2. Only in general, you can get. Contact the administration.

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27.2. 1) So you quit even being in Ukraine. You can only take into account only in general, according to Article 51 of the LCD RF /
2) You need to contact the administration, housing department.

I wish you good luck in solving your question.

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27.3. In accordance with Article 15 of the Federal Law on the status of military personnel, servicemen can be provided with a residential premises, provided that during the passage of military service, they have been recognized as in need of residential premises in accordance with Article 51 of the LCD of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the service should be 20 years old, or 10 years when dismissing on Oshm and health state.
Your situation must be disassembled in more detail and see all Ruzho failures. You have three months to appeal and the strength of Article.218-219 CAS of the Russian Federation.
Good luck and all the best.

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27.4. You do not have such a right to receive housing. There is no need for driving. There are no necessary conditions. Therefore, contact the administration in general order, Art.51.52 LCD RF
Federal Law of 27.05.1998 N 76-FZ (ed. Dated July 01, 2017, with change of 20.07.2018) "On the status of servicemen"
ConsultantPlus: Note.
On the provision of housing Members of the Surveys who died (deceased) in the period of military service, and family members of the citizens who died (dead) after dismissal from military service, see paragraph 3.1 of Art. 24 of this Law.
"" Article 15. The right to housing

""one. The state guarantees military personnel to ensure their residential premises in the form of cash for the purchase or construction of residential premises or providing them with residential premises in the manner and on the conditions established by this Federal Law, other federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, at the expense of federal budget.

"" The servicemen - citizens undergoing military service under the contract and jointly living with them to their families are provided no later than a three-month period from the day of arrival at the new place of military service. Service residential premises on "standards" and in "ORDER", which are provided for by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation. Service residential premises are provided in the settlements in which military units are located, and in the absence of the possibility of providing official residential premises in these settlements in other nearby settlements. At the same time, servicemen - citizens having three or more children, residential premises are provided in an extraordinary manner.

ConsultantPlus: Note.
On the peculiarities of providing residential premises of the persons specified in para. 3 - 12 p. 1 tbsp. 15 (as amended from 28.12.2013), see Art. 3 FZ dated December 28, 2013 N 405-FZ.
"" To military personnel - citizens who concluded a contract for military service before January 1, 1998 (with the exception of cadets of military professional educational organizations and military educational organizations of higher education), and jointly living with them to their families recognized in need of residential premises, the federal authority the executive authority or the federal state body in which the Federal Law provides for military service, subsidies are provided for the acquisition or construction of residential premises (hereinafter - housing subsidy) or "residential premises", which are in federal property, on the choice of these citizens in property for free or under a social hiring agreement with the federal executive authority or the federal state body at the place of military service, and when dismissing from military service to achieve the limit age at military service, as of health or in connection with the organization For the general duration of military service for 10 years and more - in the selected place of residence in accordance with the provision of residential space area provided for in Article 15.1 of this Federal Law.

For the entire military service, service residential premises are provided:
military personnel appointed to military posts after receiving vocational education in a military professional educational organization or military educational organization of higher education and obtaining in connection with this officer military rank (starting since 1998), and together those who live with them members of their families;

Officers who have entered into the first contract for military service after January 1, 1998, and together those who live with them members of their families;

Evaloors and Michmans, sergeants and elders, soldiers and sailors who are citizens who have entered the military service under the contract after January 1, 1998, and together with them members of their families.

Service residential premises are provided for the entire service life in closed military towns with military personnel - citizens passing military service under the contract, and together with them to members of their families.

"" The military townships of military units located in the settlements are closed military units, which have a system of skips, as well as separate separated military townships of military units located outside the settlements. "Lists" of closed military towns are approved by the Government of the Russian Federation on the submission of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (another federal executive body, in which the Federal Law provides for military service).
Military personnel - citizens passing military service under the contract, and jointly living with them their families are provided by official residential premises in accordance with the "norms" established by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

For military personnel provided by official residential premises, for the first five years of military service under the contract (not counting the time of training in military professional educational organizations or military educational institutions of higher education) remains the right to residential premises in them before entering military service. They cannot be discontinued as needing residential areas at the place of residence before calling (adventures) for military service.

"" Military personnel - citizens provided for the entire service life of service residential premises and recognized in need of residential premises to achieve the total duration of military service 20 years and more, and when dismissing from military service upon reaching the maximum age at military service, health condition or in connection with organizational and staff activities with the total duration of military service of 10 years and a federal executive body or a federal state body in which the Federal Law provides for military service, a housing "subsidy" or "residential premises" are provided in the federal property, on the choice of these citizens in the property for free or under social employment with the specified federal executive body or the federal state authority in the elected permanent place of residence and in accordance with the provision of residential space standards, envision Article 15.1 of this Federal Law.

"" Citizens' servicemen are recognized by the federal executive authority or the federal state body in which the Federal Law provides for military service in need of residential premises on the grounds provided for in Article 51 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, in the manner approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

"" The servicemen provided by official residential premises conclude with the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (another federal executive authority or the federal state body in which the military service provides for the military service) of the contract of hiring a residential premises. The specified contract defines the procedure for providing official residential premises, its content and liberation. The conditions and procedure for the conclusion of such a contract are determined by an authorized federal executive body.

The servicemen undergoing military service under the contract is provided by their desire the right to join the housing and construction (housing) cooperatives or to obtain land plots for the construction of individual residential buildings.
Servicemen - citizens passing military service under the contract, during the period of military service, have the right to improve housing conditions, taking into account the rules, order and social guarantees established by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

Servicemen - foreign citizens are posted for the entire military service in the hostels in military units (military towns).

"The" order "of providing a housing subsidy and a residential premises to citizens specified in the paragraphs of the third and twelve of this clause is established by the federal executive body or the federal state body in which the military service is provided by the Federal Law.

"" 2.1. Providing residential premises of citizens dismissed from military service to reach their limit age at military service, health state or in connection with organizational and staff activities, the total duration of military service of which is 10 years and more independently of the date of dismissal from military service and which On January 1, 2005, were adopted by local governments as needed by residential premises, including changing place of residence and adopted in connection with these bodies of local self-government as needing residential premises at a new place of residence after January 1, 2005 And the members of their families living with them are carried out at the expense of the federal budget for the choice of a citizen dismissed from military service, in the form of provision:

"" Residential premises in property for free;
"" "Residential premises under a social employment contract;
"" A lump sum cash payments for the acquisition or construction of a residential premises.
When granting in accordance with this Federal Law, citizens specified in the first paragraph of this clause, residential premises to the property for free or under a social hiring agreement, the size of the total area of \u200b\u200bresidential premises is determined in accordance with paragraphs 1 - 3 of Article 15.1 of this Federal Law.
When providing in accordance with this Federal Law, citizens specified in the first paragraph of this clause, a one-time cash payment for the acquisition or construction of residential premises, the size of this cash payment is determined on the basis of the standard of the total area of \u200b\u200bresidential premises, determined in accordance with paragraph 4 of Article 15.1 of this Federal Law , and the average market value of one square meter of the total area of \u200b\u200bresidential premises, determined by the authorized federal executive body for each subject of the Russian Federation.
(p. 2.1 introduced by Federal Law of 08.12.2010 N 342-FZ)
"" 3. Military personnel - citizens passing the military service under the contract, and members of their families who arrived at the new place of military service of military personnel - citizens, before receiving residential premises on the standards established by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, are registered at the place of residence, including numbers at their request at the addresses of military units. Specified military personnel - citizens and members of their families before receiving residential premises are provided service residential premises suitable for temporary residence, residential premises of a maneuverable foundation or hostel.

"In the absence of these residential premises, military units rented residential premises for military personnel - citizens and jointly living with them of their families or at the request of military personnel - citizens each month pay them monetary compensation for hiring (for) residential premises in the manner and sizes that Defined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Local governments assist military units in the provision of residential premises suitable for temporary residence of military personnel - citizens and members of their families.

Servicemen - foreign citizens are registered at the addresses of military units.
(paragraph introduced by Federal Law of 11.11.2003 N 141-FZ)
4. Citizens serving military service under a contract with individual residential buildings (apartments) or being members of housing and building (housing) cooperatives, as well as military personnel - citizens, for which in accordance with federal "laws" and other regulatory Local acts of the Russian Federation are preserved by residential premises at the place of residence before entering military service or residential premises are booked, when transferring to a new place of military service to another locality is provided together with their families living with them for the period of military service in this area. Service residential premises or hostel. In the absence of these residential premises, the commander of the military unit is valid in accordance with paragraph 3 of this article.

""five. In the event of the release of residential premises, held by military personnel and jointly living with them to their families, with the exception of residential premises in their property, these premises are provided to other servicemen and members of their families.
6. Military personnel - citizens, as well as citizens dismissed from military service, and members of their families have the right to get acquainted with them by residential premises in accordance with federal laws and other regulatory legal acts, with the exception of official residential premises and residential premises in closed Military Towns.

9. Servicemen undergoing military service under a contract sent to military service outside the territory of the Russian Federation, to areas of the Far North, equivalent to them areas and other areas with unfavorable climatic or environmental conditions engaged in the living quarters in the houses of the state or municipal housing Funds are booked, with the exception of official residential premises, at the time of their stay outside the territory of the Russian Federation or in these areas and localities.

11. The servicemen undergoing military service are posted in accordance with the requirements of the Principles of Community Statutes.
For servicemen passing military service, cadets of military professional educational organizations or military educational organizations of higher education, residential premises occupied by them before calling (arrivals) for military service. They can not be discontinued as needing residential premises.

""12. Military personnel - citizens undergoing military service under the contract, and citizens dismissed from military service upon reaching the limit age at military service, health state or in connection with organizational and staff activities, the total duration of military service of which is 10 years and more, and Also military personnel - citizens undergoing military service outside the territory of the Russian Federation, in the regions of the Far North, equivalent to them areas and other areas with unfavorable climatic or environmental conditions, local governments are entitled to provide the right to join the housing and construction (housing ) Cooperatives or allocate land plots for the construction of individual residential buildings.

""13. Citizens dismissed from military service, the total duration of military service of which is 20 years and more, and when dismissing from military service upon reaching the limit age at military service, by the state of health or in connection with organizational and staff events with the total duration of military service 10 years and more, not secured at the time of dismissal with military service housing subsidies or residential premises, cannot be made without their consent from accounting as those who need residential premises to the latter before saving the place of military service and are provided with housing subsidies or residential premises in order provided for in this federal law for military personnel.
(as amended by federal laws from 02.11.2013 N 298-FZ, from 28.12.2013 N 405-FZ)
(see text in the previous "editorial board")
""fourteen. Ensuring the residential premises of civilian citizens who have a total duration of military service of 10 years or more, when dismissing from military service to achieve the limit age at military service, health state or in connection with organizational and staff activities and members of their families when dealing with the place of residence It is carried out by federal executive bodies and federal government agencies, which provide for military service, at the expense of the federal budget for the construction and acquisition of residential premises, including by issuing government housing certificates. The right to provide residential premises in these conditions is provided to the specified citizens once. Documents on the delivery of residential premises to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (other federal executive authority or federal state body in which the Federal Law provides for military service) and deregistration, at the same place of residence, are represented by these citizens and jointly living with them by their families upon receipt Residential premises in the selected place of residence.

"" Citizens dismissed from military service and consistent with those in need of residential premises, and together living with them, their families are paid monthly cash compensation for hiring (for) residential premises at the expense of the federal budget in the manner and sizes that are determined The Government of the Russian Federation.

The procedure for providing residential premises of military personnel - citizens living in closed military towns, when they dismiss them from military service is determined by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

The procedure for providing social guarantees and reimbursement of expenses related to the provision of social guarantees specified in this paragraph is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

""fifteen. Citizen service to military service and in accordance with the Federal Law of August 20, 2004 N 117-FZ "On the accumulative-mortgage system of housing for servicemen" who are members of the accumulative and mortgage system of housing for military personnel, cash funds are allocated for the purchase or Construction of residential premises in the manner and under conditions that are established by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

The specified citizens and members of their families are not covered by paragraph of the twelfth paragraph 1, paragraphs 13, 14, 16 - 19 of this article, as well as paragraphs of the second and third paragraph 1 of Article 23 of this Federal Law.

""sixteen. When providing citizens specified in the paragraphs of the third and twelve of paragraph 1 of this article, the housing subsidy is determined on the basis of the standard of the total area of \u200b\u200bresidential premises, determined in accordance with paragraph 4 of Article 15.1 of this Federal Law, the value of the value of one square meter of the total area of \u200b\u200bresidential premises by The Russian Federation, determined by the authorized federal executive body, and correction coefficients, taking into account the total duration of military service established by the Government of the Russian Federation.
"" The procedure for calculating the housing subsidy is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.
Provided in accordance with this Federal Law, a citizen and a citizen who was fired from military service, housing subsidy can be used by them solely in order to acquire or build residential premises (residential premises) under the conditions under which they will lose grounds for recognizing them in need of residential Premises.
In granting citizens specified in the paragraphs of the third and twelfth of paragraph 1, paragraph 13 and paragraph of paragraph 14 of this article, residential premises to the property in accordance with this Federal Law, these residential premises with their consent can be provided with a total area that exceeds the provision of residential area The premises established by Article 15.1 of this Federal Law, with the payment of the total area of \u200b\u200bresidential premises, exceeding the rate of providing the area of \u200b\u200bresidential premises established by Article 15.1 of this Federal Law, at the expense of its own funds of such citizens.
The procedure for payment of the total area of \u200b\u200bthe residential premises exceeding the rate of providing an area of \u200b\u200bresidential premises established by Article 15.1 of this Federal Law is established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

17. Cash for the acquisition or construction of residential premises or residential premises in accordance with this Federal Law out of turn are provided to military personnel and citizens dismissed from military service, having three or more children, as well as to military personnel and citizens, dismissed from the military Services related to other categories of citizens in accordance with other federal "laws" residential premises are out of turn.
(Section 17 introduced by Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 405-FZ)
18. The right to choose a settlement as a selected place of residence in order to provide a military personnel of a residential premises is provided to him once. Citizens dismissed from military service and consisted as those who need residential premises in the federal executive body or the federal state body in which the Federal Law provides for military service, provided by residential premises in the settlements selected by them as a selected place of residence before dismissal from military service.

""nineteen. Citizens serviced by military service under a contract recognized in need of residential premises, citizens dismissed from military service, registered as needing residential premises in the federal executive authority or federal state body, in which the Federal Law provides for military service, Abandoned from the proposed residential premises, located at the place of military service or in the selected place of residence, which meets the requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as the desire to change the previously elected place of residence, the housing subsidy is provided.

PR O T O K O L № 26

Meetings of the Commission on Housing and Communication and Social Policy Administration of the Song Sens

From 09/24/2013.G. with. Sonsky


Chairman of the Commission - Loginov Yu.G., deputy of the Council of Deputies of the Song Shopping Council,

Commission members:

Suchkov N.V.

Kuznetsova A.S.

Absent: - no

Invited: Sathgoreev D.A.- Head of Sonsky Sencons

It is unanimously decided to start the work of the Commission meeting.

The Chairman of the Commission proposed the agenda:

  1. About providing residential premises under a social hire agreement Pashin Maxim Alexandrovich.
  2. On taking into account as in need of a residential premises under a social hiring agreement, providing residential premises under a social hiring agreement, deregistration in the quality of a duty in a residential premises under a social hiring agreement Odeskin G.A.

Question1. Pashin Maxim Aleksandrovich 06.09.1988G.R was adopted as needed in a residential premises under a social hire agreement. The following documents were provided:

  1. Application for adoption as in need of a residential premises.
  2. Copy of passport Pashin M.A.
  3. Help about the composition of the family.

4. Help GUP RH "UTI" Bogradsky branch about the absence of an apartment or home ownership.

Having considered the submitted documents and guided by paragraph 1 of Article 57 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law of August 22, 2004. No. 122-FZ "On Amendments to Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation in connection with the adoption of federal laws" On Amendments to Amendments to the Federal Law "on the general principles of the organization of legislative (representative) and executive bodies of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation" and Federal Law No. 131-FZ dated 06.11.2003. "On the general principles of organizing local governments in the Russian Federation" (with subsequent changes) Commission Decided:

- Pashina Maxim Alexandrovich 06.091988.r Provide a residential premises

Under the social employment contract at: p. Sonskoye, ul.linina, d.17kv.8

- Pashina M.A. 06.091988g.r to remove from accounting as

in need of a residential premises under a social hiring agreement on

The basis of Article.56 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

- will send a notice to Pashin M.A. on the provision of residential premises

under a social hire agreement.

Question 2.. A statement from Odeskina Galina Ananyevna about the allocation of a larger square to her. Galina Ananyevna rigid to take into account as needing a residential room of a larger area. The following documents were provided:

1. Recommended for taking into account as in need of a residential premises.

2. Passport Passport Odshkin G.A.

3. The name of the family composition.

4. The list of GUP RH "UTI" S. Bograd about the absence of residential premises in the property of Odeskina G.A.

5. Answer about the disability of the city of Odeskina G.A.

Having considered the submitted documents and guided by Art. 57 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law of August 22, 2004. No. 122-FZ "On Amendments to Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation in connection with the adoption of federal laws" On Amendments to Amendments to the Federal Law "on the general principles of the organization of legislative (representative) and executive bodies of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation" and "On General Principles of the organization of local self-government in the Russian Federation »Commission Decided:

Okolkin Galina Ananyevna to take into account as in need of a residential premises under a social hiring agreement;

Odeskina Galina Ananyevna provide a residential premises under a social employment contract at: s. Sonskoye, ul. Linear, D.6, sq.7.

- Galina Ananyevna, Odshkin, take off as needing

residential room under a social hiring agreement on the basis of Art. 56

Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

Chairman of the Housing Commission of Loginov Yu.G.

Secretary of the Housing Commission Kuznetsova A.S.

) Recommended sample I approve the head (boss) ______________________________________________ (Name of the division of the FSB of Russia, the security body) ______________________________________________ (military rank, signature, surname, initials) "___" __________ 20___ Protocol N ___ meetings of the Housing Commission ________________________________________________________________________ (NAME OF THE FSB division of Russia, security body) from "___" __________ 20___ at a meeting of the housing commission: Chairman of the Commission: _____________________________________________ (military rank, surname, initials) Deputy Chairman of the Commission: _________________________________ (military rank, surname, initials) Members Commission: ____________________________________________________ (military rank, name, initials) ____________________________________________________ (military rank, name, initials) ____________________________________________________ (military rank, name, initials) Other persons: ________________________________________________ The secretary of the commission: ________________________________________________ (military rank, name, initials) Agenda: ________________________________________________

Guided by the rules for the provision of military personnel - citizens of the Russian Federation, provided for the entire military service for service residential premises, residential premises to the property for free, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 29, 2011 N 512, the Housing Commission decided:

to allocate the following servicemen (citizens) and their family members:

1. ____________________________________________________________________ (surname, name, patronymic, date and place of birth, citizenship, ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (last name, first name, patronymic, date and place of birth, citizenship , ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (view of residential premises) Address: _________________________________________________________ General area (excluding the total area of \u200b\u200bbalconies, loggias, veranda and terraces) - ____ sq. meters, total area (taking into account the total area of \u200b\u200bbalconies, loggias, veranda and terraces) - ______ square. meters, living area - _____q. meters. 2. ________________________________________ (surname, name, patronymic, date and place of birth, citizenship, ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (surname, name, patronymic, date and place of birth, citizenship , ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (view of residential premises) Address: _________________________________________________________ General area (excluding the total area of \u200b\u200bbalconies, loggias, veranda and terraces) - _____q. meters, with a total area (taking into account the total area of \u200b\u200bbalconies, loggias, veranda and terraces) - _____ sq. meters, living area - _____q. meters. Voted: for _____ people; against _____ people; Abstained ____ people. Signatures: Chairman of the Commission: _____________________________________________ (military rank, signature, surname, initials) Deputy Chairman of the Commission: _________________________________ (military rank, signature, surname, initials) Members of the Commission: ___________________________________________________ (military ranking, signature, surname, initials) _______________________________________________ (Military Title, Signature, surname, initials) ___________________________________________________ (military rank, signature, surname, initials) Secretary of the Commission: ____________________________________________ (military rank, signature, surname, initials)

And improvement, secretary of commission.

Commission members:


1. Statement of citizens to account as needing improvement of housing conditions.

2. On the resettlement of citizens registered at: paragraph. Umba, ul. Oktyabrskaya, House 7 and in homes recognized in the procedure established by law.

3. Allocation of housing under a social hire agreement.

4. Consideration of citizens' appeals.

5. Miscellaneous.

1. Listened: about setting a queue for the improvement of housing conditions by concluding a social hiring agreement.

FULL NAME. Family composition

Place of work



1974 r., Family composition 4 people

Mu oo and vto

p. Umuba, ul. Belomorskaya ,. Apartment owned by Mom applicant.

1953 r., Family composition 1 person.

pensioner, disabled group 2

Include in the lists in need of improvement of housing conditions

family 4 people, including 3 minor children


02/09/1978 R .. Family composition 1 person.

without. Workless, invalid 3 groups

p. Umuba, ul. Soviet, room. 1. Total area of \u200b\u200b16.5 square meters. m. owned (purchase and sale.)


Family composition 3 people.


Include in the lists in need of improvement of housing conditions for expansion

2. Listened: about the settlement of citizens registered at: paragraph. Umba, ul. Oktyabrskaya, House 7 in houses recognized in the procedure established by law by emergency procedure.

Due to the increase in the number of appeals of citizens living in residential premises recognized in the procedure established by law not suitable for accommodation, houses - emergency, determine the priority of providing residential premises of suitable for living.

FULL NAME. Family composition, address

The essence of the statement

Commission decision

1962 R.Pron. Forest. House 6, kV.1, family composition 3 people .. Queue № 000 from 05/27/2010, Appeal from 2008.

provide out of turn of a well-maintained apartment, since the apartment is recognized as not suitable for accommodation.

municipal apartment

Daughter with the family participants of the program "Young Family" 2011.

Requests to provide an apartment, ready to perform cosmetic repairs on its own and at its own expense. Municipal apartment

it consists in the queue number 000 from 25.11.2008.

requests to provide unfavorable apartment suitable for accommodation.

municipal apartment

requests to provide unfavorated one-room apartment, since the house burned down, there is no place to live. Municipal apartment

on the appeal of MUP "ZHEK" ul. Oktyabrskaya,. sq.5.

provide a well-maintained apartment for the period of overhaul

municipal apartment


1966 R., for the composition of the family 4 people turn No. 000 from 03/21/2011.

1987 R., on the composition of the family of 1 person., L. Uch. Eastern Moorosero, queue number 000 from February 14, 2011.

provide out of turn is a well-maintained apartment, since there is no house.

1964, sq.3 House included in the list of emergency housing Queu No. 000 from 03/29/2011.

provide out of turn is a well-maintained apartment, since there is no house. Municipal apartment

the composition of the family is 1 person.

queue № 000 from 03/05/2011

p. Ububa. ul. Mountain, 10 - 6 with a total area of \u200b\u200b32.8. provide outsturn a well-maintained apartment Municipal apartment

the house is subject to overhaul, provide an equivalent landscaped apartment

ul. Oktyabrskaya. sq.2., Apartment Two-room well-maintained, with a total area - 56.0 square meters. m., including residential 33.5 square meters. m.

Ul. Dzerzhinsky, the queue consists of No. 000 dated 01.01.2001.

municipal apartment

House burned

ul. Embankment. 10

requests to provide out of turn one-room apartment. Municipal apartment

1983 r., Family composition 3 people turn number 29 from 23.10.86g. ul. *** -2.

provide out of turn is a well-maintained apartment, since the house is recognized as an emergency. Municipal apartment

and. ul. Belomorsk.

provide out of turn an equivalent landscaped apartment, since the house is recognized as an emergency. Municipal apartment

Ul. Belomorskaya, house 61, sq.2. Queue number 000 since 2007. At the request of Oo and PTO incategories "Sirota"

Municipal apartment

Solution: distribute residential premises in the presence of residential premises, taking into account the total area.

3. Listened: allocation of housing under a social employment contract.

FULL NAME. Family composition



residential room.


Family composition 4 people, including two children


ul. Belomorskaya, room 1


ul. Belomorskaya, room 2

Family composition 2 people, son.

p. Umbuba. ul. Soviet, house 3, sq.4. Rooms 1 and 2

p. Umbuba. ul. Soviet, house 3 sq.4, room 3

suggest a well-maintained two-room apartment

For the composition of the family 2 people (son), uncomfortable apartment located at: paragraph. Umbuba. ul. March 8, house 3 sq.8, from 06.07.2011) No. 36 for unfavorable housing; № 000 21.05.2009. Total queue

p. Ububa

ul. Green, house 23, sq. 1, lives with mom and brother, which abuses alcohol and leads an antisocial lifestyle, all in front of the child. Ready on your own and at your own expense to make a cosmetic apartment renovation

with partial improvement

(Cold water) with a total area of \u200b\u200b40.6 square meters. m.

Allocate under a social hiring contract

family composition 2 people (including Mom Disabled 1 Groups)

p. Ububa, sq.5, the house is recognized as an emergency

p. Umbuba. ul. March 8, a two-bedroom landscaped with a total area of \u200b\u200b40.7kV. m .. including residential 26.3 square meters. m.

Allocate under a social hiring contract

4. Listened: the appeals of citizens.

FULL NAME. Family composition, address

The essence of the statement

Commission decision

provide unfavorable apartment suitable for accommodation, since there is no money to pay on separate accounts for two rooms in a three-bedroom apartment, the father agrees to the subside.

put an appeal to control, as far as possible to provide an unfavorable apartment

Two children: Son 1 year and daughter for 7 years, st. SOVOGO, 9, sq.12.

requests her family a separate landscaped apartment, since he cannot live with a former husband in the same apartment.

solve the question of self-esteem

ul. Belomorsk.

provide out of turn an equivalent landscaped apartment, since the house is recognized as an emergency, living in the apartment 1 floor is not possible.

put control to control, provide an equivalent to the apartment as far as possible.

Ul. Belomorskaya, house 61, sq.2. Queue number 000

requests to provide her out of turn a two-room well-maintained kwtir, since the house is recognized as an emergency, ready for the additional area to pay extra.

put control to control, to provide a well-maintained apartment at the accounting rate

Ul. Construction, house 4. In the lists of the sections number 27 of 01.01.2001.

requests to make a change in the accounting case: include the family of the Son, 1976 r.

provide a package of documents for the Son and consider the issue again.

09/22/1959 R.

p. Ububa, KV.1 room 24.52 square meters. m. In a 3-room well-maintained apartment, neighbors - a former wife with children.

requests to provide a separate unfavorable apartment, since it cannot live with a former wife in the same apartment.

put the control to control, to provide a unknown apartment as far as possible.

5. Listened: Miscellaneous.

4.1. Distribution of apartment number 12 ul. Rybnikov, House 3, requiring a large reducing repair:

1. Suggest citizens consisting in the list of priority to improving housing conditions and wishing to produce a restoration apartment at their own expense.

2. Repair the apartment at the expense of the UMBA GP administration and distribute it in turn.

3. Transfer Muses "TERSKIY CRH" for restoring and resettlement in the contract of hiring specialized housing.

We decided: to offer citizens consisting in the list of priority to improve housing conditions and wishing to produce a regeneration apartment at their own expense and their own.

4.2. The appeal of the head of the Teresky district administration on the allocation of a three-room apartment of specialized housing for the three nurses of MUZ "TERSKY CRH".

Solution: refuse.

Chairman of the Commission

Extract from the protocol of the Commission meeting is a document that may be required in a wide variety.

What is the minutes of the Commission meeting

In enterprises and organizations, the work of all sorts of commissions is not such a rare phenomenon. Usually, several employees of the company are included in the commission, which professionally decide the tasks set before them. Commissions are founding, certification, acceptance, inventory, they are going to conference, seminars, etc. At the same time, the work of any commission is necessarily fixed in the Special Protocol. It is entered into information about who is included in the commission, what goals before the participants were delivered, how they were reached and the decision of the Commission.


Types of protocols

Protocols can be conditionally divided into two types. The first includes brief protocols - they usually apply to register the work of commissions convened in operational order, including unplanned in advance. They are made only by the information that concerns the issues discussed, the opinions of participants and the general solution. But in full protocols, more voluminous information. They fit not only the main data, but also the entire procedure of the meeting, including a detailed discussion, replicas, opinions, the move of voting, the results. At such meetings with a complete protocol, there is always the chairman who also leads the secretary, which in all details fixes what is happening. Sometimes the full protocol can reach multiple pages.

Why make an extract

Often the information contained in the protocols reflects the secret moments of the current activities of the company and is not intended for a wide audience. Execution helps solve this problem.

With its help, interested persons receive the data they need, and the confidentiality of the protocol is preserved. Also, the extract is appropriate with an overly large amount of the protocol. As a rule, speech in the discharge only about some particular decision.

If we talk about the practice that has a broadest distribution, then discharge from the minutes of meetings help the management of companies carry out activities on the organization of work of their enterprises, control the work of industries, regulate the execution of orders, orders (sometimes extracts are even kind of their substitute), etc.

With the help of statements of state supervisory departments, counterparties, banking credit institutions in a timely manner informed about the activities of the company.

What is the difference in extract and a copy

Some employees of organizations mistakenly believe that copy and extract is the same thing. This is not quite so. There is a fundamental difference between them: a copy is an absolutely identical document document that is usually done using copying equipment. Extract is just some of the original and often it is often formed by hand (when only those pieces of text are taken from the document in some particular case).

Who makes an extract

An extract usually makes an employee of an enterprise, in whose conduct is work with protocols, including their preservation (this may be the secretary, a lawyer or the head of the organization itself).

At the same time, the discharge must be certified by the Commissioner on this employee of the company. Also on the discharge should be stamped (if the company uses stamps to sight of papers).

How to get an extract

To get the required statement from the interested person, the appropriate request or statement in writing with the designation of the reasons why he needs this document and an indication of the institution to provide it in which he needed.

If necessary, make an extract, look at its example - with it, you can easily make what you need.

  1. At the beginning of the document, be sure to write the name of the organization, also specify the composition of the commission, note the agenda.
  2. Next, write out the data from the meeting of the meeting, which relate to the interested person and must be a decision of the Commission.
  3. After that, at the end of the document, put the inscription "True" or "Extract Verne", sign and dating the blank.

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