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Currently, educational organizations are actively working on the introduction of an effective contract with the teacher. It is assumed that with the introduction of this contract, the submission of the teacher's work as low-paid and continuous will remain only in the memoirs.

Reasons (regulatory framework)

The introduction of an effective contract is defined:

1. By decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2012 No. 597 "On the activities of the State Social Policy";

2. State program Russian Federation "Education Development" for 2013-2020, approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of 15.05.2013 No. 792-P;

3. The program of phased improving the wage system in state (municipal) institutions for 2012-2018, approved. Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of 26.11. 2012 No. 2190-P (hereinafter - the program);

4. By order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 167n of April 26, 2013. "On approval of recommendations for issuing labor relations with a state (municipal) institution, with the introduction of an effective contract" (hereinafter referred to as recommended);

5. Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia of September 12, 2013 No. NT-883/17 "On the implementation of part 11 of Article 108 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ" On Education in the Russian Federation "" (hereinafter - the letter).

6. Powers of the effectiveness of the activities of the subordinate state, municipal institutions of education, approved by local governments.

The purpose of the introduction of an effective contract

Linking a wage increase with the achievement of specific quality indicators provided by state (municipal) services based on:

  • introduction of a mutually related system of industry performance indicators;
  • establishing relevant performance indicators of stimulating payments, criteria and conditions for their appointment with reflection in exemplary regulations on the payment of employees of institutions, collective agreements, employment contracts;
  • cancellation of ineffective stimulating payments;
  • use in assessing the achievement of specific quality indicators and the number of state (municipal) services provided (fulfillment) of the independent system of assessing the quality of the work of institutions, including the criteria for the effectiveness of their work and the introduction of public ratings of their activities.

This is what he told in the early 2013-2014 school year about the introduction of an effective contract with the teacher of the Russian Minister of Education D. Dvanov in an interview with a smart school. RF "(http: //minobrushuki.prf/PressCenter/3625):

- We essentially formulated and carry out the transition to the system of an effective contract between society on the one hand and teacher, on the other. Please note that this is not a contract between the director and the teacher of a specific school. This is a broader concept: a public contract concluded between society and teacherhood.
- It is fundamentally important that the growth of wages does not occur due to an increase in training load. If this happens, this is not just a profanation of the idea of \u200b\u200ban effective contract, and the direct harm that is applied by the professional self-consistence of the teacher and in general the quality of training, the quality of the work of teachers, - said the Minister.

What is an effective contract

Transition to an effective contract with teachers is predetermined state program RF "Education Development" for 2013-2020, approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of 15.05.2013 No. 792-p.

The definition of an effective contract is given in the program of phased improvement of the wage system in state (municipal) institutions for 2012-2018, approved by the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 26.11. 2012 № 2190-p:

« Under an effective contract it is understood as an employment contract with an employee, which concluded its employment responsibilities, wage conditions, indicators and criteria for evaluating effectiveness to appoint stimulating payments depending on the results of labor and quality of state (municipal) services provided, as well as social support measures.».

Effective contract fully complies with Article 57 Labor Code RF I. not a new legal form of an employment contract.

What is the difference

In an effective contract for each employee should be refined and specified:

1.Tore function;

2. The factors and criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of activities;

3. The size and conditions of stimulating payments defined with the recommended indicators.

At the same time, the conditions for receiving the remuneration should be understood by the employer and the employee and not allow a double interpretation. Directly in the text of the employment contract, employee duties must be reflected in accordance with the current duties established by the job description.

Mandatory conditions included in employment contracts are also the conditions for remuneration (including the size of the tariff rate or salary (job salary) of the employee, surcharge, surcharges and incentive payments). Effective contract also implies the establishment of labor standards.

An effective contract must provide such a level of a pedagogical worker's salary, which is competitive with other sectors of the economy. Effective contract is a worthy payment for quality work.

We note that the changes in the conditions of the employment contract defined by the parties under Article 72 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation are allowed only by agreement of the parties to the employment contract, except for the cases provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, and should not worsen the position of the employee compared with the established collective agreement, agreements.

About stimulating and compensatory payments

In the practice of the work of educational organizations, the most problematic workers' remuneration systems are the specificization of payments of a stimulating and compensatory nature.

Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia No. 167n dated April 26, 2013 in the wage systems, employment contracts and additional agreements to labor contracts with employees of institutions, it is recommended to use the following payment of stimulating and compensatory nature:

but) payments for intensity and high work results:

  • supplement for labor intensity;
  • premium for high results of work;
  • a prize for performing particularly important and responsible works;

b) payments for the quality of the work performed:

  • supplement for the presence of a qualifying category;
  • prize for the exemplary implementation of the state (municipal) task;

in) payments for the experience of continuous work, long service:

  • allowance for long service;
  • surcharge for the experience of continuous operation;

- d) premium payments on the results of work:

  • prize for the results of work for the month;
  • prize for the results of the quarter;
  • award on the results of work for the year;

e) payments to employees engaged in heavy work, work with harmful and (or) dangerous and other special conditions labor;

e) payments for work in conditions deviating from normal (When performing work of various qualifications, combining professions (posts), expanding service areas, increasing the volume of work performed, overtime, work at night and when performing work in other conditions deviating from normal):

  • surcharge for combining professions (posts);
  • surcharge for expanding service areas;
  • surcharge for an increase in the amount of work;
  • surcharge for execution of responsibilities of a temporarily absent employee without liberation from work defined by the employment contract;
  • surcharge for the performance of various qualifications;
  • surcharge for work at night;

g) dumping for work with information constituting the state secret, their classification and decaying, as well as for working with ciphers.

Other payments of compensation and stimulating nature may be provided in accordance with labor law, other regulatory legal acts containing labor law standards, as well as collective agreements and agreements.

In the labor contract or additional agreement to the employment contract, the implementation of payments is recommended to specify in relation to this employee of the institution.

What to do

1. Effective contract with the teacher in the educational organization involves the implementation of a certain organizational and administrative work Her guides, for example:

  • Conducting explanatory work in a pedcleract for the introduction of an effective teacher's contract.
  • Creation in the educational organization of the Commission for Work related to the introduction of an effective contract of the teacher.
  • Analysis of existing employment contracts for employees for their compliance of Art. 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and the order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 04.24.2013 No. 167n "On approval of recommendations for issuing labor relations with an employee of the State (Municipal) institution with the introduction of an effective contract."
  • Development of indicators of labor efficiency of pedratrans.
  • Development and introduction of changes to such local acts of the educational organization as a collective agreement, the rules of the internal labor regulation, the position of remuneration, the Regulation on the payment of a stimulating nature, taking into account the developed indicators.
  • The adoption of local regulatory acts associated with the wage of the employee, taking into account the opinion of the primary trade union organization.
  • Specifying the labor function and the conditions for remuneration of the pedrattle.
  • Preparation and amendments to employment contracts.
  • Notice of pedrattlers about changing certain conditions of employment contract in writing for no less than two months in accordance with Article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Work on the introduction of an effective contract should be carried out in the situation of publicity and discussion in the labor collective.

2. Registration of labor relations in the introduction of an effective contract is carried out:

  • when receiving work the employee and the employer conclude an employment contract in accordance with the TC RF. It uses an exemplary form of an employment contract with an employee of the institution given in Appendix No. 3 to the Program;
  • with employees consisting in labor relations With an employer , Registration is carried out by concluding an additional agreement to the employment contract in the manner prescribed by the TC RF. This requires the warning of an employee about changing the conditions of the employment contract in writing at least 2 months (Article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

In accordance with Article 72 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employment agreement, the agreement on changes to the Terms defined by the Terms of Labor, is in writing in two copies, one of which is awarded an employee under the painting on an instance stored at the employer.

About timing

An additional agreement to the employment contract is recommended to conclude with the development of indicators and criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the work of employees of the institution to determine the size and conditions for the implementation of stimulating payments.

In accordance with the program, the completion of work on the conclusion of employment contracts with employees in connection with the introduction of an effective contract is assumed at the third stage covering 2016-2018.

What gives the introduction of an effective contract

As stated in the program, its implementation will allow:

  • increase the prestigence and attractiveness of professions of workers involved in the provision of state (municipal) services (performance);
  • including in institutions of the wage system of workers, linked to the quality of the provision of state (municipal) services (performance);
  • increase the level of qualifications of employees involved in the provision of state (municipal) services (performance);
  • improve the quality of the provision of state (municipal) services (performance) in the social sphere;
  • create a transparent remote control mechanism of institutions.

In applied to an educational institution, the most important thing in the introduction of an effective contract with the teacher is to ensure high-quality education.

About the employment contract with the head

In accordance with the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 280-ФЗ Article 275 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation was supplemented by the Regulation, according to which the employment contract with the head of the state (municipal) institution is based on the artistic form of an employment contract approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, taking into account the opinion of the Russian Trusteless Commission for the Regulation of Socio-Labor Relations.

Currently, a typical form of such an employment contract approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 12, 2013. No. 329 "On the model form of an employment contract with the heads of the state (municipal) institution").

An employment contract based on a typical form is a person applying for the position of the head of the state (municipal) institution.

With those leaders who are already in labor relations, or an additional agreement consists of an existing employment contract, or by agreement of the parties, a new employment contract is signed on the basis of a typical form approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 12, 2013. No. 329.

Source: Documents mentioned on the sites of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, ConsultantPlus, Garant

Effective contract with teacher: 125 comments

    Hello, I work since 2008 in the preschool institution younger educator, in 2011 transferred to the post of caregiver. For this, I did not make an additional agreement, the motives and arguments are different. They took to the place of a child care worker, during which time they took 2 new employees for a permanent place of work. And 1N from them without a ped. Education (I have a higher pedagogical). I can't swear, how to make justice trust?

    Hello, you can somehow clarify in more detail how it is necessary to correctly conclude an effective contract, this should be a separate category of teachers or all teachers having a learning load? Very please explain popular !!

    Why our frames says so urgently need to do an add-on with elements of an effective contract, although we have no local acts

    Good day! In the program of improving the wage system for 2012-2018, one of its directions is "creating a transparent mechanism for the remuneration of the head." Can you explain in Ca here? Thanks in advance!

    Good day! I work in the children's home teacher since 2010. Since January, we have entered into an effective contract for a period of half a year, as children are small, and it is not yet known whether the children's home will function in six months. They explained that if the orphanage closes, then under the abbreviation we do not fall, they simply do not extend with us, i.e. We remain without work and even without registration in the employment service. Our contract is drawn up so that it is not aimed at stimulating the labor of teachers, the rate and the size of the premium (25% of the salary) are indicated, i.e. This is no different from the contract, only by what can be terminated at any time in unilaterally. Those. I did not please something teacher director - the contract is terminated. The director we have recently appointed, wants to arrange his people, it is in his hand. Is it legitimate? What guarantees still have internships, or is it really such a contractile system feature?

    Supplement to the previous one: the contracting contract concluded for a year, with teachers for six months. The director said if the orphanage does not close, look at whom to extend the contract, and with whom it is not. Despite the fact that most people work here for a long time.

    Good day! I work as a teacher in an orphanage since 2010. Since January, an effective contract has been concluded for six months, because children are little and unknown whether the children's home will function in six months. We immediately explained that if the children's home closes, then the contract simply does not extend, and teachers simply turn out to be without work and payments to reduce. The contracts signed by us in no way affect the stimulation of effective activities, just as in the contract, the rate, RK, award (25% of the salary), and all are registered in them. A significant difference is that the contract can be terminated unilaterally at any time. Those., I did not please something teacher director - the contract is terminated. The director we have recently appointed, interested in the device of "his" people immediately warned that even if the institution does not close, the contract will extend not with everyone. In the price of it, it is swollen and diamonds. By the way, the contract was concluded with the service personnel. As in this case, teachers who have worked in this institution not one year can be protected, some not one decade. Is the introduction of effective contracts effective decision How to get rid of employee without any problems, payments to reduce and gives cards to directories - self-made?

    Hello! Please tell me. You write that in an effective contract for each employee, labor functions must be refined and specified, and at the disposal of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 26, 2012 N 2190-P in determining the effective contract to mention official duties. Are there any differences and what exactly to specify? If job duties are spelled out in the official instructions and we will refer to di in an effective contract as an integral part of the contract, will this be a violation? Or in an effective contract about the job descriptions, nothing is said, but only regards duties (labor functions) are prescribed? Why develop local Akt. On the content and volume of labor functions of each employee, if we exist official instructionswhich are designed in accordance with the "qualifying characteristics of the posts of educators" for each pedagogical position? Thanks in advance for the answer and for a high-quality and laconic article!

    Good afternoon! I work in this school since January 1995. An employment contract with me was an idle rate with a pedagogical burden of over 1 bet. I lost my copy of the contract. From the personal case, he also disappeared. There is a reference to the existence of an employment contract in recording when admitting work in labor book. Is the administration of schools have the right to demand from me the signing of a new employment contract from January 2014 with a load of 1 betting and load "Over 1 bets to prescribe an additional agreement to the contract for each academic year (September 1 to May 31) with the written consent of the employee"? Is it possible to restore the lost employment contract and require add-ons to it? And in the right of the school administration to translate me at the rate?

    Hello! When moving to an effective contract in the school, new employment contracts are concluded with employees at 1 rate. (The old people disappeared somewhere from personal affairs and not at the hands of the milestone there are, people work not one dozen years). If I do not agree with this condition and want the contract to be spelled out by all my pedwrokes for today, can I demand this from the leadership? Are federal documents in my defense?

    Dorb day. Our school has not yet passed to an effective contract, but they say that since April proceed. The director said that each teacher should prescribe all points, conditions, to make a contract, which will be considered individually. Where can I see samples of such contracts? Thanks.

    Hello. Preparing a collective Treaty of deh. In the Labor Countment section, how do you pay attention to an effective contract? To be taken into brackets as an analogy of an employment contract, or are already talking exclusively about an effective contract? Thank you

    We-Crimean. The director says that we will now work at school on a contract basis for a period of 1 or 3 years. In case of disagreeable actions, we will say goodbye. Is she right. And how will these contracts be concluded with us?

    Hello. When switching to an effective contract, we set a working day from 8 to 15.42 at the rate, including 30 minutes for lunch. Bet -720 hours, Ie, 18 hours a week. Is it legitimate that we have to work 36 hours instead of 18?

    i read a lot and listened to an effective contract, but after reading your article immediately stood in our places, I will prepare criteria for contracts to your teachers, thank you, head of Dow, Svetlana.

    Hello! Explain please, according to a new effective contract whether the right to the head of MDOU himself determines with whom from teachers to conclude urgent or indefinite contracts? And yet it is the likelihood here that when concluding such contracts, the head will proceed from personal sympathy with respect to one or another employee, and not to rely on professional quality Pedagogues ...

    In our school, the administration and some teachers made a grouping, while trying to survive and dump their work on other teachers. Tell me if the introduction of this contract cannot lead to the fact that only chosen premiums will be obtained, and it is still possible to use this contract to dismiss the "ineffective employee"?

    Who determines when in this school you need to start entering out ek? Director?
    How does an effective contract contribute to raising the salary? If the salary depends on the cost of an hour, and there are no stimulating in many schools or very meager (100-200 rubles to s / n)?

    Hello! Please tell me how to be in the current situation. I work in kindergarten as an educator, an effective contract has been concluded with us (Ext. Agreement) on which the stimulating payments (award) are charged. Clap was announced by the leadership that the introduction of this contract will increase the salary, will bring to the medium in the region, i.e. 19000rub. But no one received such salaries and premiums. At first there were premiums5-6 thousand. We were this insanely happy, but the joy was short: since January 2014 I personally did not receive more than 2 thousand. And now these stimulating payments stopped. For a period from June to 08.08.14, there are no payments, to ask the leadership does not make sense - the anger and irritation, refer to the lack of funding. But for some reason, in other Dow inside the city, teachers receive stimulating, as well as in other cities inside the region, everyone is paid in a timely manner. Why does it happen and how can I change the current situation ??? Thank you!

    In our educational institution The director announced the transition to eq. However, the timing of his signing with each employee, she chooses personally, with someone immediately with someone after 2 months. At the same time, the opinion of teachers is not taken into account. Those. I want to sign it now, but I refuse to do this.
    Also, under general noise, the director contributes to the part of the TD, namely from the indefinite makes them urgent.
    How legitimate these actions are?

    The article is very good. Relevant questions. But all the material is based on registered acts. This is a significant drawback. Where the legislative framework?

    C 05/05/2014 assigned to the head of the Dow. With me entered into an effective contract. Just a horror that with a salary - 3 months I received a naked salary, now reimbursement for two months in terms of the second quarter, and already the third quarter ends. And as for the fourth, I do not know at all - the end of the year after all. I am not satisfied with the criteria E.K. - Not taken into account that the kindergarten's kindergarten, there is no methodologist and specialists (especially in projects you do not participate) There are no premises (sports hall and musical), and most importantly this is remoteness from the UE. Education and accounting, do not pay for the phone, do not pay. Who to present his demands - the head of the Department of Education told me that nothing depends on him

    Please tell me what is the form of additional evidence to the existing labor contracts, whether the words "effective contract" should be spelled out somewhere in it and with newly accepted employees should not be changed by the Word of the employment contract (in the title) to an effective contract

    I work in the DMS in the post of teacher and accompanist, although 32 years ago, I went to work as a teacher. Please, please, an additional agreement with new wages should be signed on both positions (accompanist and teacher), or just for the post of teacher? Or does the director decides?
    The second question: I received a job as a teacher in the Clarinet class, now I teach two more tools, should have to be specified in the add-on tools that I teach?

    Good day! Please explain the following points: 1) For how long the employee is established in stimulating payments (our director offers for a year, according to labor for the previous year) and 2) who decides which stimulating payments and in what size is the employee? Director? commission? (Our director argues that they are appointed by the order of the director) Thank you.

    I really liked the comment. Could you comment on it.
    This is done in order to save budget money. But civil servants receive their salaries in constant volume, regardless of the quality of their work. I do not see the reason why state employees from social sphere Must be financed differently, "Vsevolod Lukhovitsky summarized.

    Hello, have an effective contract for the teacher, who in your opinion meets all the above requirements? Is it possible to get acquainted with it? Please send a link.

    hello, in college we had a position about ek, there are vague evaluation criteria, which are already tightened and changed times and changed (for example: what teachers you have educational work, no, this is not considered, etc.), no one notified us in writing Although the points are already calculated. Is it correct?

    The center of imprisonment of an effective contract is only one table called - a program for increasing the methodological, professional, psychological and pedagogical skill of the teacher of the SPO. All this program goes all economic calculations and directions for high-quality training of specialists. If you are not familiar with this program, refer to the President of the Russian Academy of Sciences on the Tkachenko E.V.

    HELLO! In our MBDOU, stimulating payments (according to the results of the meeting of the Commission) are appointed for a period of three months. If during these three months, the teacher is dismissed from this organization whether effectiveness should be paid for the remaining period. Payment period October - December inclusive, quit in November.

    Hello! Please explain what activities management educational institution Should take relative to the labor team before you give them notifications about the introduction of an effective contract? Should the EC projects for employees at the time of signing notifications or can it be made later, immediately before signing the EC itself or the duplications?
    Yours faithfully,

    Hello. In our sports school, one of the teacher coaches is the initial professional education (not pedagogical). Starting ped. Works 18 years old. Is it necessary before concluding with this employee of the Supplementary Agreement obligate it to undergo a retraining courses, or provide for the need for training in the official responsibilities defined by the Supplementary Agreement? Whether the provision of the employee is possible in order of exception possible, taking into account the performance and work experience, the right not to be trained in the retraining programs of the ped. personnel? Thank you in advance. With respect, deputy. Director School N.F. Koksharov.

    Good day! Tell me, please, how and in what section of an effective contract to register the teacher fulfillment of the functions of the class teacher?

    Good day! Our MBDOU Ped. Employees are forced every month to fill out "Lists of self-assessment", in which each employee must put points for each type of work, then the Commission will check the correctness of these estimates. Based on this, a premium is paid. But many refuse them to fill, because It is not always possible to appreciate the educational and educational process in points. Management threatens those employees who refuse to fill out, non-payment of premiums. Is it legitimate?

    Good day, recently settled in MKOU Sosh secretary, I am engaged in effective contracts, but I can not understand how to proceed in add. Agreement Combining posts if our teachers combine posts not only as teachers subject, but also as a social teacher, teacher-organizer, etc., it turns out, for each teacher to make 2 add. agreements? How to teacher and how, say, on a social teacher? Please explain how it is done correctly. Thanks in advance!

    Good day. Please tell me. The Education Committee makes it make an effective contract with all kindergarten workers (cook, junior educators, clerk, etc.), but studying legal documents, I understand that an effective contract is only with the pedratrans.

    Good day. Please tell me. How to arrange an extension of an effective contract with an employee if he continues to work in the institution? Thank you

    Tell me, please, how can I combine the optimization of the staff of the staff (I am interested in the faculty of the university), without increasing the burden (after all, curricula suggest that a certain number of courses in a certain amount should be carried out)? Who in this case will conduct them? Regards, Tatiana

    I just want to say a big thanks to the site developers. In my opinion, no other site gives such exhaustive and competent information.

    Thank you so much for your site! Always helps in work.

    I work in the institution by the Deputy Director for the Security Council, and part-time in the same institution in the teacher of additional education, will the effective contract for me as a teacher apply?

    I work as a teacher-logopian in the center-social rehabilitation of children with disabilities of St. Petersburg at a rate of 20 pedagogical watches per week. Two weeks ago I was notified that in connection with the transition to an effective contract, the working week's duration is set to 36 hours (of which 20 pedagogical) is the salary remains the same as it was before, and the remaining 16 hours are not registered anywhere anywhere. (True, in the oral conversation, I was told about various methodological work and help in the work of the Center). With no agreement with the new conditions after 2 months they will be fired by Art. 77. Are the agencies of the institution's organization and how should I be in this situation?

    in our compilation of an effective contract, we want to register the specific amount that the coach receives the coach this year for the result of the child's result, in the next school year, for example, for the category of 1000 rubles, if the coach confirms the category, it is necessary that it is necessary to conclude a new additional agreement?

    i work at the boarding school, we do not have enough educators ... Therefore, we are put in such conditions that we go on vacation if our partner agrees to work in two shifts, sick with a sense of guilt, because We understand that the partner will have to work for you .... Instead of 5 hours working days, we work very often for 7 hours, especially in holidays and holidays ... How should these 2 hours and additional shifts should be paid ... overtime or as a substitute for production need

    What are the indicators and criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the activity of a kindergarten speech therapist? Write please. Thank you.

    After the combination of 2 schools, I had a very small load in the 10th grade this year, the next year there is no load at all, my load is given to another teacher so that it was 1.5 bets. The headpower said that me (Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation) is not beneficial and there is a disposal to get rid of teachers who have a small load and from pensioners. Because I signed an effective contract, then she said that the employment contract for the next academic year will not be signed with me. What is this order before and what article do they want to dismiss me?

    According to a new professandard, without the secondary or higher education, it is impossible to work in kindergarten. But some have a so-called pedclass, they have extensive experience. Whether it is impossible to conclude a contract or an employment contract with them in order not to get under the penalties of Rosobrnadzor

The new document is gaining popularity due to the opinion that labor activity Educational workers will no longer be associated with low-paid or not prestigious. His goal is to establish a salary at such a level so that it corresponds to the quality of the work of teachers and was at a sufficient level in comparison with other areas, and the system itself did not worsened the level of education, as well as did not increase the load on students in general.

Effective contract in education, what is it how to go to it?

An effective contract in education is an agreement, the subject of which is working relations with employees of the educational sphere. In the document, all the official duties of the teacher, indicators and criteria are prescribed to evaluate the performance of work with the further purpose of stimulating additional payments, depending on the quality of municipal services. Also, the measures of social support for workers are described.

Mandatory components:

  • 1. Pedagogical functions;
  • 2. Indicators and criteria evaluating labor efficiency;
  • 3. The size of stimulating payments and the conditions for their accrual based on the indicators prescribed.

All spheres of state support are obliged to move to an effective contract. In essence, it is not completely new legal document - rather modified and supplemented, and the changes affected only the salaries and the conditions for its payment, and the notice of the situation on the eve of the on the eve should be submitted to employees.

First of all, in each state. The establishment of the Tandem with the trade union should be developed necessary criteria for efficiency. It's not enough just notification of the trade union, without his participation, the employer has no right to develop independently.

In practice, a new agreement conclude by signing an additional agreement with educators. Filled sample can be downloaded

Transition to an effective contract in education - transition terms

Scheduled by the transition, the employer is obliged to provide notice to employees at least two months before action, about the planned transition to the updated type of relationship. The purpose of the notice is to bring to the knowledge and give an employee to familiarize themselves with all the conditions, as well as decide on the consent to change.

If the employer reduces the level of guarantees of the teacher with respect to previous conditions or does not comply with all translation procedures (or at least there is no notice) developed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, according to the law, he will not be able to dismiss the employee in disagreement to the transition.

Effective Education Contract - Filling Sample

The introduction of a contract in preschool institutions is introduced into several stages:
1. Informing about the upcoming innovations on the pedsway of the preschool institution.
2. Written notice of teachers.
3. Development of indicators and criteria and their approval of acts drawn up preschool institution.
4. Development of the Regulation, Agreement and Supplementary Agreement:

  • Sample Effective Contract in Preschool Education Free Download
  • Sample filling out additional agreement in preschool education download

5. The previous stimulating payments are canceled if their formations did not take into account performance indicators.
6. Changes to the Regulations on the remuneration of the preschool institution.
7. Conclusion of agreements with teachers.

Regulations on an effective contract in education

There is a list of regulatory government documents that regulate the effect of an effective contract in education. Their list can be downloaded

Effective contract

with the director MOU SOSH No. 12 p. Terek

budennovsk city "__" ____________ 20__

The Department of Education of the Administration Budennovsky, hereinafter referred to as the Employer, and ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Next - Parties), concluded this on the following.

I. General provisions

3.10. encouragement of institution workers;

3.11. attracting employees of the institution to disciplinary and in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

3.12. solving other issues related to the legislation of the Russian Federation, the charter of the institution and this Agreement to the competence of the head;

3.13. timely and fully paid, the size and conditions of which are determined by this Agreement, taking into account the qualifications of the head, the complexity of labor, quantity and quality;

3.14. providing him with an annual paid vacation;

3.15. training;

3.16. Other rights stipulated by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation, this Agreement.

The head must: conscientiously fulfill its work duties assigned to it paragraph 3 of this Agreement;

4.2. Observe in the performance of official duties, the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, the legislation of the subject of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of local governments, the charter of the institution, collective agreement, agreements, local regulations and this Agreement;

Ensure the effective activities of the institution and its structural divisions, the organization of the administrative and economic, financial and other activities of the institution; organize and coordinate the implementation of measures to improve the motivation of workers to high-quality labor, including based on their material incentives, to increase labor prestige in the educational institution, rationalization of management and strengthening discipline of labor; Determine the strategy, goals and objectives of the development of an educational institution, makes decisions on program planning of its work, the participation of the educational institution in various programs and projects, ensures compliance with the requirements for the conditions of the educational process, the results of the activities of the educational institution and the quality of education, continuous improvement of the quality of education in an educational institution;

4.6. ensure the objectivity of assessing the quality of education of students (pupils, children) in an educational institution; ensure planning the activities of the institution, taking into account funds received from all sources not prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

4.7. ensure the target and efficient use of the institution, as well as the property transferred to the institution to operational management in the prescribed manner;

4.8. ensure the timely and qualitative implementation of all contracts and the obligations of the institution;

4.9. Ensure employees of the institution safe working conditions that meet the state regulatory requirements of labor protection, as well as social guarantees in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

4.10. create and comply with the conditions that ensure the activities of representatives of employees, in accordance with labor legislation, collective agreement and agreements;

4.11. provide development in the prescribed manner of the Internal Labor Regulations;

4.12. require observance by employees to the institution of the Internal Labor Regulations;

4.13. ensure payment of the full amount of wages, benefits and other payments to employees of the institution in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, a collective agreement, the rules of the internal labor schedule and employment contracts;

4.14. Do not disclose information that make up the state or other law protected by the law, which became famous for him in connection with the performance of their official duties;

4.15. ensure the fulfillment of the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation for and mobilization preparation;

4.16. ensure compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the implementation of financial and economic operations, including on timely and fully paid all taxes and fees established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as the submission of reporting in the manner and deadlines that are established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

4.17. comply with the obligations related to the admission to state secrets;

4.18. submit to the employer projects of plans for the activities of the institution and reports on the execution of these plans in the manner and deadlines that are established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

4.19. ensure the implementation of all scheduled performance indicators of the institution;

4.20. ensure timely execution of acts and local regulatory acts of the employer;

4.21. Initially inform the employer on the start of conducting the activities of the institution of control and and their results, on cases of attracting employees of the institution to administrative and criminal liability related to their work in the institution, as well as to immediately report on cases of occurrence of a situation in the establishment of a threat to life and health employees;

4.22. In case of termination of the employment contract, the transfer of cases of the newly appointed to the head in the prescribed manner;

4.23. submit the relevant documents to the employer in case of change of personal data;

Inform the employer about its, as well as the absence of a workplace for other valid reasons; Submit to the employer in the prescribed manner information about its income, property and nature, as well as income, property and obligations property Character his spouses (spouse) and minor children; Ensure the achievement of the annual values \u200b\u200bof the average wage ratio indicators established by the establishment some categories employees of the institution with the average wages In the relevant subject of the Russian Federation specified in the Additional Agreement, which is an integral part employment contract (if establishing them); Perform other duties stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Charter of the institution.

III. Employer Rights and Responsibilities

The employer has the right to: demand from the head of conscientious fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement; carry out control over the activities of the head and demand from him a good fulfillment of official duties stipulated by this Agreement and the obligations provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Charter of the Institution; hold certification of the head in order to assess the level of its qualifications and compliance with the position;

1.4. to make a decision on the direction of the head to the service business trips;

1.5. involve a manager for disciplinary and material responsibility in cases stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

1.6. Encourage the head for the effective work of the institution.

The employer is obliged to: comply with the requirements of legislative and other regulatory legal acts, as well as the terms of this Agreement; provide the head of working conditions necessary for its effective work; establish taking into account the effectiveness of the activities of the institution of the work of the head for its incentive; To notify the head about the upcoming changes in the terms of this Agreement, as well as the reasons that caused such changes, in writing no later than 2 months, unless otherwise provided by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation; implement the financial support of the activities of the institution in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation; Perform other obligations provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the legislation of the subject of the Russian Federation and regulatory legal acts.

IV. Working time and recreation time leader

1. The manager is set:

a) the duration of the working week - 40 hours;

b) the number of weekend a week - 2;

c) the duration of daily work - 8 hours;

d) abnormal working day;

e) the annual primary (annual main elongated) paid vacation duration of 42 calendar days.

2. Breaks for recreation and nutrition of the head are established by the rules of the internal labor regulation of the institution.

3. The head is provided:

a) Annual additional paid vacation for abnormal working hours lasting 28 calendar days;

b) Annual additional paid vacation duration of 14 calendar days in accordance with the rules of the internal labor regulation of the education department.

4. Annual paid leave is provided to the manager in accordance with the schedule in the time consulting with the employer.

V. Remuneration of the head and other payments,

carried out in the framework of labor relations

1. The wage of the head consists of and paying compensation and stimulating nature established in accordance with this Labor Treaty.

2. Officer salary of the head is set in the amount of _________ rubles per month.

3. The head in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the decisions of the employer produced the following compensation payments:

Under conditions deviating from normal (when performing work of various qualifications, combining professions (posts), overtime, weekends and non-working holidays and when performing work in other conditions deviating from normal);

Compensation payments for work in conditions deviating from normal are set in the following sizes:

Compensation payments for the combination of professions (posts) are established within the open salary, payroll rates on vacant position on the basis of the order of the Education Department

For 2015-2016 academic year, compensatory payments are established to you:


Terms of implementation

Payment size upon reaching

terms of its implementation

(in rubles or percent)

For work in educational institutions having:

special (correctional) classes; for students (pupils); groups for students (pupils) with deviations in development or classes (groups) for students (pupils) in need of long-term treatment;

speech therapy groups in the presence of 3 more classes (groups).


For work in desert and anhydrous localities to wages The managers are set by the coefficient of 1.1.


4. As a promotion, the manager establishes the following payment of stimulating nature:

At the expense of funds received by the establishment from the income-generating activities, the manager can be established and paid a stimulating payment in the following order:

The conditions for the implementation of a stimulant payment is to achieve values \u200b\u200bof the indicators:

Criteria for evaluation

performance efficiency

director ____________________________________________________

(F. I.O. Fully)

municipal educational institution of additional education of children ______________________________________________________________

(establishment name)

for payment of the stimulating part of the Foundation for the period

with "___" _________________ 201 in "___" _________________ 201



Weight rate indicator

Scored points

1. Compliance with the requirements of the Education Legislation

The presence and functioning of the Council of the Institution

The presence and functioning of the Board of Trustees

Maximum on the criterion

3. Ensuring the quality of the services provided

Compliance with the specific weight of the number of consumers, satisfied with the quality of the municipal service provided, the planned value approved in the municipal task

Providing methodical assistance to the specialists of the district (at least 3 training seminars per year)

Manufacturing educational institution with special training (more than 90%)

Conducting classes with pupils with special needs (disabled children, children with limited features Health)

Innovative activities of the institution:

Development and use of gifted children

Development and use of individual educational routes of pupils

Preparation of prefilitious training of pupils

Experimental work at the district level

Maximum on the criterion

4. Information openness

Compliance of the content of the educational institution the requirements of the legislation in the field of education

Maximum on the criterion

5. Implementation of measures for the prevention of offenses in juvenile

The share of pupils - children in a difficult life situation is more than 5% of their number of pupils of the institution

The presence of a psychological and pedagogical program aimed at studying the psychological climate in the children's team of institutions, individual psychological support of children and families on their requests

Maximum on the criterion

6. Implementation of sociocultural projects

Availability of children's scientific society

Maximum on the criterion

7. Implementation of measures to attract young teachers

The specifications of the number of educators of additional education under the age of 30 years is at least 10% of their total numbers.

Maximum on the criterion

8. Implementation of programs aimed at working with gifted children

The specific weight of the pupils of the institution participating in contests of various levels, in the total number of students of the institution of at least 30%

Victory or prize in the regional, participation in All-Russian events (festivals, creative contests, Competitions, tourist towers, reviews and other educational institutions) conducted on the recommendations of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, MO SK.

Victory and a prize place in All-Russian events (reviews, contests, festivals, settles, competitions held in the field of education) conducted on the recommendations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, MOC.

Availability of paid educational services

Organization and conduct of events for educational institutions of the district:

More than 3 events

Maximum on the criterion

9. Implementation of programs for the preservation and health promotion

The absence or reduction of injuries of pupils during events compared with the previous year

Maximum on the criterion

5. Payments for performing particularly important and responsible works are established and paid to managers in the following order:

Conditions for obtaining a premium for performing particularly important and responsible works.


The amount of payments in percentages to the official salary

For organizing the work of resource and other regional, district centers

sets at the end of the year and paid monthly

For participation in unscheduled regional events

For the participation of the head in the events of the district level (seminars, festivals of pedagogical skills, etc.)

sets on the results of the event and is paid at the same time

For the organization and conduct on the basis of the educational institution of seminars, meetings, conferences, high-level mass events:

District level

Regional level

sets on the results of the event and is paid at the same time

For organizing and conducting without comment on the basis of the institution of PPE (GIA, EGE), PPO

mounted on the results of work and paid at the same time

Preparation of facilities for the academic year without comments on the basis of the conclusion of the Commission

it is established according to the results of the III quarter and is paid at the same time.

from 50 to 100%

For 2015-2016 academic year, you are established in stimulating payments:


Terms of implementation

Payment size upon reaching

terms of its implementation

(in rubles or percent)

For the effectiveness and efficiency of work


a) remark;

b) reprimand;

c) dismissal on the relevant basis;

d) other disciplinary recovers provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. The employer before the expiration of the year from the day the disciplinary recovery has the right to remove it from the head by own initiative or the request of the leader himself.

If during the year from the day of the application of disciplinary recovery, the head will not be subjected to a new disciplinary recovery, it is considered not a disciplinary penalty.

4. The head carries full material responsibility for the direct valid damage caused to the agency, in accordance with Article 277 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

5. The head can be attracted to disciplinary and material liability in the manner established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other federal laws, as well as to civil law, administrative and criminal liability in the manner prescribed by federal laws.

VII. Social insurance and

provided by the head

The head is subject to compulsory social insurance in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on the obligatory social insurance. The manager is provided with the following social support measures provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the sectoral agreement, collective agreement, a real employment contract: _________________________________________________________________

3. The head has the right to additional insurance Under the conditions and in the manner set by ____________________________________________.

VIII. Change and termination of the employment contract

1. Changes are made to this employment contract by agreement of the parties and are issued by an additional agreement that is an integral part of this employment contract.

2. The head has the right to terminate the real employment contract ahead of time, warning the employer about this in writing no later than one month.

3. When terminating this employment contract with a leader in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 278 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, it is paid compensation in the amount of a three-time average monthly earnings.

4. This employment contract may be terminated on other grounds provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other federal laws.

5. When the employer changes in the employer of this employment contract (with the exception of labor function) for reasons related to the change in organizational or technological conditions of labor, the employer is obliged to notify the employee in writing no later than two months.

IX. Final provisions

1. The real employment contract comes into force from the date of its signing by both parties.

2. In a part that is not provided for by this Labor Treaty, the head and employer are guided by direct labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation containing the norms.

3. Disputes and disagreements arising from the real employment contract are resolved by agreement of the parties, and if it is impossible to achieve agreement - in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

4. In accordance with Article 276 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the head has the right to perform part-time work from another employer only with the permission of the employer.

5. This employment contract is drawn up in 2 copies that have the same legal force. One copy is kept by the employer in the personal case of the head, the second - the leader.

6. This Additional Agreement is an integral part of the employment contract No. ____ from _____.

7. Parties:

The head received one copy of this employment contract


(date and signature of the head)

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